Wise quotes about love for the motherland, aphorisms of great people about patriotism that are put into our heads from a very early age.

Better stale bread at home than many dishes at someone else's table.

P. Aretino

Love to the fatherland must come out of love for humanity, as the particular from the general.

V. G. Belinsky

Be in love your homeland means to ardently desire to see in it the realization of the ideal of humanity and, to the best of your ability, to promote this.

V. G. Belinsky

Any a noble person is deeply aware of his blood relationship, his blood ties with the fatherland.

I. G. Belinsky

P. Beranger

Love to the homeland does not recognize half-heartedness; whoever does not do everything for her does nothing; whoever does not give her everything denies her everything.

L. Berne

Homeland... We owe her our strength, inspiration, and joys.

L. Blok

Fatherland- this is the land where the soul is captive.

F. Voltaire

Truly The courage of enlightened peoples lies in their readiness to sacrifice themselves in the name of their homeland.

G. Hegel

Love for the fatherland is compatible with love for the whole world.

K. Helvetius

Alien will not become a homeland.

I. Goethe

At home you have both a past and a future. In a foreign land there is only the present.

L. Girshfeld

“Alone in the field is not a warrior,” said the sentry and went to bed.

There are no “former officers”. You become an officer once and for the rest of your life: first active, then in reserve and only then in retirement. - Mikhail Gladkov

Army discipline is heavy, but it is the weight of a shield, not a yoke. - Antoine de Rivarol

Armies were created to implement the policies of states. – Charles de Gaulle

The army should not be the one we are used to, but the one we need. – Charles de Gaulle

The army is an oak tree that protects the Motherland from storms. It has spread its roots throughout the country and absorbs the people's juices with them; this oak lives for the nation, which, in turn, protects. An army and a nation are like tree and soil, the former covers, the latter nourishes. - Mikhail Bonch-Bruevich

The army and society are not two worlds, not two different beliefs... The army is getting closer and closer to the people, the officer is gradually approaching the type of citizen-warrior. - Mikhail Bonch-Bruevich

The army of the republic must be one with the nation. - Jean Jaurès

An army in which the officer enjoys the confidence of the soldier has on its side an advantage that cannot be acquired either by numbers, or by the perfection of technology, or by anything else. - Mikhail Dragomirov

An army, like a snake, moves on its belly. - Frederick II

Ah, what a misfortune it is when, in moments of mortal danger, generals refuse to fight! - Albert Lebrun

Without a loyal army, nothing will help. – Niccolo Machiavelli

Teach the faithless army that burnt iron should be sharpened. – Alexander Suvorov

Ruthlessness in battle is the virtue of a warrior. But what hurts most acutely is the help provided to a defeated enemy. - Thiru-Valluvar

Take care of the commander in battle, protect him like your own life.

Take care of the officer! For from century to now he has stood faithfully and invariably on guard of Russian statehood. Only death can replace it. – Anton Denikin

A commander without command is an orphan.

God is not on the side of the big battalions, but on the side of the best shooters. - Voltaire

Morale was high, our soldiers and commanders believed in themselves. – Konstantin Rokossovsky "Soldier's Duty"

A combat regiment can be called such only if it is able to withstand even the strongest attack. - Thiru-Valluvar

Combat, when properly trained, is nothing special: it is the same as training with live ammunition, only it requires even more calm, even more order. - Joseph Gurko

The soldiers of my division - from its commander to the rank and file - are civilians who put on their uniforms only three weeks ago. I myself was a civilian for two years after demobilization, but had to leave the Society for the Conservation of Nature in order to protect not nature, but the country. This is a common phenomenon in Israel, where today you are a soldier, and tomorrow it is completely different. - Abraham Ioffe

The art of war requires the most sacrifice.

The big battalions are always right. - Napoleon I

Be submissive to your commander and stubborn to your enemy.

In military affairs, chance has the greatest power. - Tacitus

The day a soldier takes up arms, he enters into submission to the regulations: they will always be with him. – Charles de Gaulle

In the army, the way the military leader's name sounds plays a certain role. – Joseph Stalin

In the army, regiments will be good from the colonels, and not from the regulations, as they should be. - Petr Rumyantsev

In the army, under any system, there is only one system - the army. – Arkady Davidovich

The battles for Stalingrad reflected the heroic strength of the Soviet people and their soldiers. The more Satanic the enemy, the harder and more courageously our soldiers fought. The surviving soldier sought to protect himself and his sector of the front; he avenged himself and his dead comrades. There were many cases when a slightly wounded soldier was ashamed not only to evacuate beyond the Volga, but even to go to the nearest medical center. - Vasily Chuikov

It is important for any person to remember their homeland; the statements collected here help with this. When reading quotes about your homeland, you can react to them in different ways, the main thing is to understand your feelings on this issue.

Nowhere does it say what to do during the singing of the anthem - stand, lie down or crawl. We must love our homeland.
Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky

You cannot return to the same house from which you left. This is the result of maturity.
Dragon Age 2

We have two words: Motherland and State. We love our homeland. Therefore, the Motherland is “our mother”, and the state is “your mother!!!”

Mikhail Zadornov

It is much easier to fall in love with someone else's homeland than with your own...
Max Fry. Volunteers of Eternity

So you don't love our country?
- I live in it.
Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Grey

We only feel the charm of our native speech when we hear it under foreign skies!

George Bernard Shaw

Great quote about your homeland!

As a child, I fell asleep during history lessons at school: I was bored and not interested. Speaking about the Second World War, the teacher referred to numbers, diagrams and showed cards with arrows. And only today I realized that there were real people behind this: boys, girls younger than me, who fought for their Motherland, died for it, for us today, for our lives. Every year on May 9, my mother took me to the parade. I liked how the orders sparkled. Mom bought me balloons. Everyone was smiling. Mom gave flowers. I just couldn’t understand why they called this holiday with tears in their eyes. Now I understand everything - the Motherland is one, one for all time.

I am far from admiring everything I see around me; As a writer, I am upset... a lot of things disgust me, but I swear to you on my honor - for nothing in the world would I want to change my homeland, or have a different history than the history of our ancestors, as God gave it to us.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland.

Russia is the best Motherland in the world! But the most awkward state.

Mikhail Zadornov

Aphorisms about the homeland were left by different people, each of whom had their own homeland. But they were all united by similar feelings when they said quotes about their homeland.

There is always an irresistible charm in a foreign World, no matter what it is. And one’s own homeland often evokes melancholy disgust, sometimes completely unjustified.
Max Fry. Simple magical things

Did Hitler think that he would fight the Stalinist regime? Fool! A naive fool who repeated the mistake of a much more talented man - Napoleon. He had to fight not with the regime, but with the People. A people who defended not the state, but the Motherland, the Fatherland. And when our people defend the Fatherland, they can only be defeated by destroying them in principle. Without exception. This is probably our greatest secret strength. Russia is such a strange country. You can inflict a series of defeats on her, you can even win a military campaign against her, and maybe even an entire war. But only as long as this war is waged by the state. So far, as Lenin would say, it “does not develop”... just not from imperialist to civil, but from an ordinary war to the Patriotic War.
This is the kind of war that cannot be won against Russia. At no cost.
Vladimir Medinsky. War. Myths of the USSR 1939-1945

Love for the Motherland is the first dignity of a civilized person.
Napoleon I Bonaparte

Love for the homeland begins with family.
Francis Bacon

Have you ever had a desire to leave Russia?
- This is my country, my homeland, my destiny. I don't have another one.
Leonid Parfenov

Of all the threads that connect a person with his homeland, the strongest is his native language.

Ilya Nikolaevich Shevelev

Homeland is where you feel free.
Abu-l-Faraj ibn Harun (Gregory Bar-Ebrey)

Life is for the Motherland, honor is for no one!
Midshipmen, forward!

Homeland is where you feel good.
Indian proverbs and sayings

A person cannot live without a homeland, just as a person cannot live without a heart.
Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

We hope that every statement you read about your homeland has had a positive impact on your life.

Sayings about the Motherland

Love for the Motherland begins with family. Francis Bacon

You cannot carry away your homeland on the soles of your boots. Georges-Jacques Danton

Where else can one find love for the Motherland and loyalty to the common will, if not among the people themselves? Maximilian Robespierre

Each of us feels the wound inflicted on the Motherland in the depths of our hearts. Victor-Marie Hugo

In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my Motherland - you alone are my support and support, oh great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language!.. it is impossible to believe that such a language was not given to a great people! Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

First of all, you owe your Motherland, as well as your friends, the truth. Petr Yakovlevich Chaadaev

To betray the Motherland requires extreme baseness of soul. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

Love for the Motherland is the first dignity of a civilized person. Napoleon I (Bonaparte)

They love their homeland not because it is great, but because it is their own. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (younger)

The easier and more freely a people lives in the world, the more they love their Motherland. Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

A strange thing - patriotism, true love for the Motherland! You can love your Motherland, love it for eighty years and not even know it; but for this you need to stay at home. Love for the German fatherland begins only at the German border. Heinrich Heine

I don’t have a longing for my homeland, but a longing for a foreign land. Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev

The more you feel connected to your Motherland, the more realistically and willingly you imagine it as a living organism. Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Everyone has two homelands: one by birth, the other by citizenship. I will never refuse the name of my homeland to the first, even if the second is more extensive, and the first will only be part of it. Marcus Tullius Cicero

The despot's subjects have no homeland. The thought of it is crowded out by self-interest, ambition, and servility. Jean de La Bruyère

Love for the fatherland must come from love for humanity, like the particular from the general. To love your homeland means to ardently desire to see in it the realization of the ideal of humanity and, to the best of your ability, to promote this. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

Let the homeland reveal itself as the common mother of citizens; let the benefits they enjoy in their homeland make it dear to them; let the government leave them a sufficient share in the public administration to make them feel that they are at home; and let the laws be in their eyes only a guarantee for general freedom. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

We are all exiles in our homeland. Petr Andreevich Vyazemsky

Only empty people do not experience the beautiful and sublime feeling of the Motherland. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

War is barbaric when a peaceful neighbor is attacked, but it is a sacred duty when defending the Motherland. Guy de Maupassant

The historical significance of every Russian great man is measured by his services to his Motherland, his human dignity by the strength of his patriotism. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

I prefer to scourge my Motherland, I prefer to upset it, I prefer to humiliate it, just so as not to deceive it. Petr Yakovlevich Chaadaev

About the Motherland and patriotism. O native language, Ukrainian song.

They love their homeland not because it is great, but because it is their own.

The good news about our land is dear to us: the fatherland and the smoke are sweet for us.
G. Derzhavin

Anyone who does not love his country cannot love anything.
D. Byron

He who does not belong to his fatherland does not belong to humanity.
V. Belinsky

Conscious love for one's people is not combined with hatred of others.
D. Likhachev

Many people tend to confuse two concepts: “fatherland” and “your excellency.”
M. Saltykov-Shchedrin

For us, dear parents, dear children, loved ones, relatives; but all ideas about love for something are combined in one word “fatherland”.

If you forget your native land, your roots will wither.
P. Tychina

Patriotism is not love for an idea, but love for the fatherland.
V. Rasputin

Anyone who abandons his people in trouble becomes their enemy.
Ch. Aitmatov

Where there is no freedom, there is no fatherland.
P. Holbach

For the sake of the homeland one must sacrifice even fame.
Latin proverb

Those who serve their homeland well do not need noble ancestors.
French proverb

As a child, you discover a continent that will later be called Motherland.
L. Kostenko

Your home has its own truth, And strength, and will.
T. Shevchenko

The Fatherland is the alpha and the omega!
D. Pavlychko

The Fatherland is not someone and somewhere, I am also the Motherland.
I. Svetlichny

The ringing of sabers, songs, marches, the will of a falcon, quiet stars, clear waters - my Ukraine.
V. Sosyura

And the smoke of the fatherland is sweet.

Everyone has their own side.
G. Skovoroda

Love Ukraine in dreams and in reality, your cherry-colored Ukraine, its ever-living and new beauty, and its nightingale-like language.
V. Sosyura

You can choose your friends and wife, you can choose not only your homeland.
V. Simonenko

My people, how good it is that I have you in the world.
M. Vingranovsky

There is no Ukraine, There is no second Dnieper.
T. Shevchenko

Love your Ukraine. Love her... In times of cruelty. At the last difficult moment, pray to the Lord for her.
T. Shevchenko

Those who go overseas change the sky, not the soul.

To you, my Ukraine, and my first breath, and my last breath to you.
V. Ellan

Ukraine's glory and freedom have not yet died...
P. Chubinsky

A piece of land, you are called Ukraine. You were there before us. You will be after us.
L. Kostenko

And you, my Ukraine, Unhappy widow.
T. Shevchenko

For everyone you are dead and funny, For everyone you are poor and unhappy, My Ukraine is beautiful, The side of songs and freedom.
Alexander Oles

Hello, New Year, In last year's scroll. What are you carrying to Ukraine in a patched bag?
T. Shevchenko

The living soul of the people, alive, unsatisfied!
O. Dovzhenko

The earth, scarred with grief, strewn with black misfortune!
M. Rylsky

My people! My people will always be there! No one will cross out my people!
V. Simonenko

I am a people whose power of Truth has never been defeated by anyone.
P. Tychina

I know you, descendants of the Cossacks, I believe you and lower my brow. I look at you and exercise faith, And I hit you with a broken wing.
Alexander Oles

<...>You can still do without any other science; you cannot do without knowledge of your native language.
I. Sreznevsky

Our speech rings and sings, Delights, pleases and intoxicates.
Alexander Oles

The speech lay in the land of the wiki And in the end it came out into the world.
O movo, night lullaby! Please accept my joyful greetings.
Alexander Oles

I feel and realize how beautiful and easy this speech is.
I. Repin

You are amazed at the preciousness of our language: every sound in it is a gift, everything is large, grainy, like pearls themselves.
M. Gogol

And magnified by miracle
Both our mind and our language...
T. Shevchenko

A language dies when the next generation loses its understanding of the meaning of words.
V. Goloborodko

Language is the depth of thousands of years.
M. Shumilo

To attack the language of a people is to attack their heart.
G. Laube

Nations do not die from heart attacks. First, their tongue is taken away.
L. Kostenko

There is no magic stronger than the magic of words.
A. France

Slaves are a nation that has no Word. Therefore, he will not be able to defend himself.
O. Pakhlevskaya

The word is the deed.
L. Tolstoy

In the beginning there was the Word.
Old Testament

Ukrainians are an ancient people, and their language is richer and more comprehensive than Persian, Chinese, Mongolian and all sorts of others.
E. Celebi

Long live the great Russian language, but long live the sweetly melodious, incomparable Ukrainian language.
V. Soloukhin

I love you very much<...>the folk Ukrainian language, sonorous, colorful and so soft.
L. Tolstoy

And the song is the soul. Of all needs, need. Only a song in the heart expands the limits of the sky. The sun's radiance remains on her wings. The deeper the song, the brighter the soul.
I. Drach

Folk song is the spiritual face of the nation.
A. Mitskevich

A song is when the soul confesses.
G. Tyutyunnik

Ukrainian song is the bottomless soul of the Ukrainian people, this is their glory.
O. Dovzhenko

Ukrainian song is a brilliant poetic biography of the Ukrainian people.
O. Dovzhenko

Our Motherland asks for the help of eloquence, because so many of its glorious exploits are remembered in deep silence.
Feofan Prokopovich