Microbes inhabit the human body from the moment he is born. Getting on the skin and mouth of a newborn as it passes through the mother’s birth canal, they settle throughout the body: they live on the skin and nails, mucous membranes of the oral cavity, intestines, respiratory tract and even in internal organs.

If the mother suffered from fungi, then the composition of the flora that her child comes into contact with at birth will be altered and cause problems starting from the first months of life. Human health depends on a delicate balance between microorganisms that are friendly to us and those that can cause harm. When the growth of fungi, which always live inside us, gets out of control, serious illness occurs. But 50% of Americans are unaware that their health problems are caused by fungi. Fungi, like mammals, belong to the group of so-called eukaryotes, i.e. They have a cell structure and mechanisms of reproduction and division similar to ours. They are more resilient and adapt more easily to environmental changes than bacteria.

What is important to know about candida

In people with reduced immunity, hypofunction of the thyroid gland, diabetes, gastritis, vitamin deficiency, after taking steroid drugs, antibiotics or oral contraceptives, the fungus begins to grow and candidiasis, or “thrush”, of varying severity occurs.

A diet rich in starches and sugar also “helps”. By intensively consuming sugar from the blood, fungi can cause symptoms of hypoglycemia and slow down metabolic metabolism, contributing to obesity. Fungal growth is promoted by toxins, primarily chlorine, fluoride and mercury, found in food, water, some medications and cosmetics.

Currently, more than 150 species of Candida are known; in 95% of cases, the disease is caused by Candida albicans. Having become pathogenic, candida damages the intestinal wall, and not only toxic waste products of the fungus, but also individual food components begin to penetrate into the blood. This causes a number of common symptoms, both mental (depression, anxiety, loss of memory and concentration, irritability) and physical (abdominal pain, bowel movements, headaches and joint pain, sinusitis, cystitis, a feeling of "weakness", sensitivity to certain foods, cravings for sweets and alcohol, etc.).

When actively multiplying, the fungus is potentially dangerous for the development of allergic diseases - specific bronchial asthma, dermatitis, urticaria. In approximately 17% of cases, candida is found in gastroduodenal ulcers, in 35% in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, in 50% in fibromyalgia, and in 70% in autism. In severe forms, the fungus can affect the meninges or heart valves.

The varied clinical manifestations of candida are due to its secretion of numerous toxins that cause toxicosis in the body. One of the toxins, for example, has an “estrogen-like” effect, causing “hot flashes”, premenstrual tension and, in some cases, contributing to the development of endometriosis.

The presence of individual symptoms, however, does not yet indicate the presence of candidiasis, and certain laboratory tests (blood tests, urine tests, skin tests) are required to confirm it and assess the severity of the lesion.

There are superficial and internal candidiasis. Superficial more often develops in obese people and in patients with diabetes. An itchy rash or erosion appears on the skin or in its folds (corners of the mouth, inguinal, intergluteal, nail folds, under the mammary glands).

Children can become infected from adults who have candidiasis and are caring for the child, as well as through pacifiers or toys.

Occurring as an internal condition, candidiasis can be sexually transmitted, because candida is a permanent inhabitant of a woman’s genital tract. When its quantity does not exceed the norm, the woman does not experience any unpleasant sensations.

But as soon as the “golden” balance is shifted, itching and burning in the genital tract begins. Thrush is rarely contagious, but its background is an ideal gateway for other infections. Although candida does not settle in a man’s urethra, communication with a sick woman can provoke inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin in a man.

It has been noted that women suffering from candidiasis have concomitant allergies to pollen and mold. They also have antibodies to candida. This is how the allergic theory of “thrush” appeared, which explains cases when, despite all efforts, it cannot be cured or after each treatment it quickly returns.

The intestines serve as a reservoir of fungi and a source of infection. When taking a number of drugs (see above) and an inadequate diet, the beneficial bacteria that live in the human intestines are destroyed and their formation of antifungal enzymes stops. As a result, treatment of any local form of candidiasis (skin, vaginal, etc.) should include normalization of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and an anti-candida diet, without which it is impossible, in most cases, to completely get rid of the fungus. In my practice, I have encountered patients who have repeatedly taken both “1 Day” and “3 Days” antifungal drugs without long-term effect.

Treatment of candidiasis requires diligence and time, since the fungus can take different forms, become encapsulated, develop resistance to drugs, and “resurrect” after treatment. This is why many, including doctors, consider candidiasis an incurable disease. But the point is not in the fungus, but in the approach to treatment. As you know, “the lazy person pays twice,” so incomplete or inadequate treatment, as a rule, leads to the need to repeat it again and again.

The presence of candida is one of the markers of immunodeficiency and perversion of the immune system. Treatment of candidiasis includes not only correction of intestinal flora and nutrition with the exclusion of sugar, yeast, refined foods, but also therapy directed against the fungus itself. And here I advise you to attack on a broad front: use medications, herbal preparations and herbal preparations, as well as anti-candida injections that relieve allergic manifestations of the disease. The selection of probiotics that are recommended for candidiasis should be taken very carefully, since the widely used lactobacilli do not treat candidiasis and coexist with the fungus.

If you have the problems I mentioned, I think it's time for us to join forces and defeat your hidden enemy.

Factors favorable for the development of candida infection:

  • Broad-spectrum antibiotics (erythromycin, tetracycline, etc.), which kill beneficial bacteria, allowing candida to multiply;
  • A diet rich in sugar and carbohydrates (yeast infections feed on simple sugars);
  • Birth control pills and pregnancy (hormonal changes promote the growth of yeast infections);
  • Use of steroids in creams and tablets;
  • Treatment with immunosuppressants (immune suppressants) for cancer and the use of cytotoxic drugs (Imuran);
  • Infancy and old age, when the immune system is not fully formed or begins to malfunction;
  • Genetic defects of the immune system;
  • Lack of essential nutrients;
  • Exhaustion;
  • Exposure to chemicals leading to changes in the immune system;
  • Permanent catheter and other procedures of this kind;
  • Some diseases such as: diabetes, leukemia, cancer, high fever;
  • Contact with other people in the pool or sauna;
  • Sexual contact;
  • Poor hygiene and overcrowding.

Typical symptoms of candida infection

Men and women

Increased fatigue
Feelings of numbness or tingling
Pain of unknown origin
Nasal congestion
Muscle pain
Various types of rashes
Fungi on the nails
Unusual sensations
Memory loss
Gases in the intestines
Ear infections
Skin problems
Fungus on feet
Constipation or diarrhea

Vaginal discharge
Problems with menstruation
Decreased sexual desire
Pelvic pain
Bouts of crying

Athlete's inguinal (skin irritation in the groin)

Candida is often the cause of allergic reactions in those who are infected.

Diagnosis of candida:

  • Yeast culture from vagina, mouth, saliva.
  • Subcutaneous test with candida extract to confirm the overall response and also to determine the dose of immunotherapy treatment.
  • Blood test for candida.

What can I do to prevent candida overgrowth?

Under your doctor's supervision, a combination of the following measures may be part of your treatment:

Anti-candida diet

To stop feeding candida

Antifungal medications

To help kill candida overgrowth

Has antifungal properties

Lactobacilli and Acedophilus bacteria

To increase the number of beneficial bacteria and help restore the correct balance or normal flora in the intestines

Nutritional supplements

Keeps the body healthy. Use hypoallergenic, yeast-free supplements

Candida immunotherapy

Orally or subcutaneously to neutralize candida symptoms

Reducing the overall load on the body

Avoid or control other influences (food allergens), reduce stress, exercise

Fighting Candida

For people with sensitivities to mold and yeast issues, monitoring the consumption of specific foods is extremely important. There are many different views on the anti-candida diet. The following information contains a list of foods to avoid. Always remember that no two people are alike and take your own food intolerances into account when planning your diet. (Elina: Dr. Krop never tells us not to eat these foods at all if candidiasis has already been treated, we are always talking about reasonable restrictions). published



Avoid refined sugars (dates, cane sugar, beet sugar and fruit sugar)

You can tolerate fresh fruit and honey in moderation (maximum 1 teaspoon per day)

Avoid commercial baked goods containing yeast

Avoid Brewer's Yeast

Avoid dietary supplements containing yeast

You can use sourdough as a leavening agent. Sourdough is a light yeast and bacterial culture

Fermented products:

Avoid wine, soy sauce, alcohol, beer and miso

Avoid various salad dressings, mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup

Marinated and smoked products

Avoid pickled vegetables, cucumbers, smoked fish and meat

Avoid mushrooms, leftover food, overripe cheeses

Avoid foods prone to fermentation, such as grapes and melon

Avoid dried fruits unless you are sure they are mold-free

Food for thought:

Fruit juices ferment very easily.

Use freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. Consume them as quickly as possible.

Wash vegetables before storing them. Store in the refrigerator, but not for long.
It is better to buy small portions of food, but do it more often.

Buy raw nuts and roast them at home in the oven at 350F (180C) for 10-20 minutes.

Cook all root vegetables after washing and peeling.

Carefully inspect products when purchasing for the presence of yeast.

Antibiotics, steroids (both oral and applied to the surface of the skin), chemotherapy, radiation, and immune suppressants such as methotrexate all contribute to yeast overgrowth.

chapters from the book "Healing the Planet" doctor of Environmental Medicine J. Krop

The fungal disease pulmonary candidiasis mainly develops as a complication of pneumonia or tuberculosis.

Weakened by these serious infections, the body becomes vulnerable to pathogenic microflora, which normally exists in the internal organs of a person in minimal quantities.

Excessive fungal activity leads to irreversible inflammation in the lungs causing complete loss of organ function.

Classification of pulmonary candidiasis

With pulmonary candidiasis, small focal inflammations form in the organs, promoting tissue breakdown and the formation of connective tissue and scars that impair the functioning of the lungs.

Depending on the location of the area of ​​inflammation caused by the fungus, pulmonologists distinguish the following types of pulmonary candidiasis:

  • mycotic pneumonia of a lobar or focal nature, when foci of inflammation are located in different lobes of the lungs;
  • milliary pulmonary candidiasis;
  • caverous pulmonary candidiasis;
  • postcandidiasis pneumofibrosis;
  • mycoma of the lungs;
  • secondary candidia infection of tuberculous cavities.

IMPORTANT! Such isolated forms of the disease are rare. Patients more often suffer from a generalized form of candidiasis or candidosepsis.

How and why does infection occur?

The causative agent of the disease is opportunistic yeast asporogenic dimorphic fungus of the genus Candida, living in many tissues of the human body.

The fungus loves moisture, warmth, and most importantly, a sweet environment.

Sugar is the main nutrient for Candida fungus, so an increase in blood glucose can trigger the growth of fungal spores in the body.

Predisposing conditions of the body that increase the risk of developing pulmonary candidiasis:

  • conditions with reduced immunity;
  • taking antibiotics or chemotherapy;
  • hormonal changes in the body or taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • tuberculosis, pneumonia, lymphogranulomatosis.


Candidiasis of the respiratory system is a protracted, sluggish process during the initial infection. It periodically subsides or worsens.

But there are also acute forms of lung damage with progressive destructive processes, severe intoxication, and sepsis.

Most often, the acute form of the disease is observed in newborns, especially premature babies, among whom there are frequent cases of death.

Pulmonary candidiasis is insidious, similar symptoms to inflammatory processes of other etiologies:

  1. Mycoma of the lungs proceeds without pronounced symptoms. The patient experiences general malaise and a slight increase in temperature.
  2. Candidal pneumonia similar symptoms to bacterial or viral pneumonia. The form is characterized by cough, chest pain, shortness of breath. As the disease progresses, hemoptysis begins, which resembles tuberculosis.
  3. Milliary form of candidiasis manifests itself as a suffocating cough with the release of mucous-bloody sputum. Bronchial spasms are expressed during exhalation.

In addition to specific symptoms of various forms, pulmonary candidiasis has the following symptoms:

  • shortness of breath and heavy breathing;
  • weakness and fever;
  • night sweats;
  • blood in coughed up sputum;
  • noises, wheezing, whistling in the chest;
  • unproductive, frequently recurring cough;
  • bronchospasms on exhalation;
  • tachycardia.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using the following methods:

Video: Webinar on the topic: “How to treat candidiasis and what not to do?”

A competent analysis of the causes of infection, methods of treatment and prevention of fungal diseases of internal organs.

Drug treatment

Treatment of pulmonary candidiasis is a long, consistent process. The initial shock treatment lasts 2-3 weeks. In some cases, repeated courses are necessary.

Mucolytics, bronchodilators, adaptogenic drugs, and immunocorrectors are used together with antifungal drugs.

If other viruses and bacteria are found in smears and sputum, antiviral and antibacterial agents are added to the course. Antihistamines are prescribed to relieve swelling.

A mandatory stage of treatment is the removal of toxins from the patient’s body., which left fungi as a result of their own vital activity.

There is no universal treatment regimen or specific set of drugs.

The doctor focuses on the types of fungus that have affected the lungs, the general condition of the patient, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

The prognosis for cure is also based on a complex of these factors.

Features of the treatment of the respiratory system - administration of drugs by inhalation for their direct penetration into the area affected by the fungus. Traditionally, doctors prescribe the following drugs to treat the disease:

  • "Miconazole";
  • “Pimafucin”;
  • "Levorin";
  • “Nystatin.”

If there is a large amount of sputum discharge, expectorants are prescribed:

  • "Ambroxol";
  • "Ambrohexal";
  • “MCC”;
  • Fluditek;
  • “Ambrobene”;
  • “Lazolvan.”

If there is a mixed flora of viruses and bacteria in the culture additional antibiotics are prescribed. Traditionally, penicillin drugs, macrolides, and cephalosporins are used:

  • "Azithromycin";
  • “Clarithromycin”;
  • “Hemomycin”;
  • “Ciprofloxacin”;
  • “Zinnat”;
  • “Sumamed.”

According to patient reviews, the most inhalations are effective“Levorina” and “Nystatin” with sodium salt, administered with a home nebulizer 1-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes.

The solution is prepared before the procedure. 1 bottle of the drug (200 thousand units) is diluted in 5 ml of distilled water.

The course of treatment is 14 days.

These medications allow you to stop the development of the pathological process and do not have strong side effects.

IMPORTANT! In rare cases, headaches, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and diarrhea are possible. If the symptoms are severe and persistent, the drugs must be replaced.

The patient’s immunity is supported with mineral and vitamin complexes, since a deficiency of vitamins in the body prevents successful treatment and creates additional opportunities for the activation of the fungus.

To maintain immunity, the following are prescribed:

  • "Alphabet";
  • “Complivit”;
  • "Vitrum";
  • “Pikovit”;
  • “Multi Tabs”.

Nutrition for pulmonary candidiasis

The patient's menu should consist of vegetable soups, fresh herb salads, and lean meat.

You should completely avoid foods that provoke the nutrition and growth of fungal spores:

  • sweets;
  • baked goods;
  • dairy products.

During treatment, you should avoid walking in polluted places and work involving inhalation of harmful fumes.

After treatment, you need to spend more time in the forest, park, away from the roadway. Time spent at sea and in salt caves has a particularly beneficial effect on the lungs.


You can suppress the growth and activity of fungal spores inside the lungs using folk remedies. Additionally, homemade decoctions and infusions increase immunity, which also promotes recovery.

Largest the effect is achieved with the simultaneous use of folk remedies and medicines. For oral administration, decoctions of the following herbs are prepared:

  • calendula;
  • elder;
  • Adonis;
  • thyme.

The products have an antibacterial effect. Black radish compresses have proven themselves well. They are applied to the chest area similar to mustard plasters.


Candidal pneumonia is complicated by pleurisy.

Characterized by severe shortness of breath, requiring pleural puncture and aspiration of fluid.

This symptom resembles pulmonary pneumonia with cancer of the organ.

Advanced pulmonary candidiasis can develop into fungal sepsis.

The multiplied fungi begin to penetrate other organs, as a result of which generalized candidiasis develops.


The main condition for maintaining lung health is a strong immune system and moderate physical activity on the respiratory system.

The sanitary living conditions of the patient are of no small importance: a long stay in a damp, cool, dusty room creates ideal conditions for the proliferation of Candida fungus.

A large number of pathogens contained in polluted air is a direct risk of developing candidiasis. To minimize the possibility of spores entering the respiratory system, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • clean the filters of air conditioners installed in an apartment or office;
  • support the immune system with proper nutrition and an active lifestyle;
  • ventilate the room, carry out wet cleaning at least 2 times a week;
  • Take antibiotics and other medications only as prescribed by a doctor.

Preventing the development of pulmonary candidiasis is much easier than treating it for a long time. Diagnosing the activation of pathogenic microorganisms in the early stages will help to quickly destroy them and prevent the development of complications.


Pulmonary candidiasis is an infection caused by yeast that grows in the lung tissue.

This happens due to weak immunity.It can occur in various manifestations, for example: candidal pneumonia, which can be focal chronic or lobar form; miliary pulmonary candidiasis; postcandidiasis pneumofibrosis; cavernous types of candidiasis; pulmonary mycoma caused by a fungus.

The isolated type of candidiasis is rare, in contrast to candidasepsis and generalized forms. The disease has no age restrictions; it can affect both newborns and the elderly.

In patients with low levels of neutrophils in the blood, the intestines are the source of common candidiasis. This was proven by an autopsy study. It is difficult for specialists to determine the primary source.

Candidiasis of the genitourinary system is transmitted through the sexual tract.

The main causative agent of pulmonary candidiasis is a fungus of the genus Candid.

Fungus is very common in nature, they are also part of a healthy human body, but if their number exceeds the norm, then they are harmful to health.

They reproduce in a warm and humid environment; glucose is considered the main source of their vital activity. If a person has elevated glucose levels, the fungus begins to multiply and causes candidiasis.

What can contribute to the development of candidiasis?

  1. Lack of insulin in the body.
  2. Endocrine system disorders.
  3. Weakened immunity.
  4. Medicines that reduce immunity and increase blood sugar levels. These are antibiotics, hormones, corticosteroids and others.
  5. Chronic diseases.

Classification of pulmonary candidiasis

Depending on how affected the lung tissue is and how widespread the process of damage is, candidiasis occurs in the form of:

  • focal mycotic pneumonia;
  • lobar mycotic pneumonia;
  • disseminated pulmonary candidiasis;
  • chronic candidal pneumonia;
  • post candidiasis pneumofibrosis;
  • exudative candidal pleurisy;
  • cavernous candidiasis of the lung;
  • lung mycomas;
  • allergic lesions of the lungs and bronchi.

Symptoms of pulmonary candidiasis

With pulmonary candidiasis, the symptoms are protracted and periodically worsen, but there is an acute course with noticeable symptoms (including progressive destruction and severe septic condition).

Candida pneumonia is similar in symptoms to viral pneumonia; the patient begins to have a strong dry cough, difficulty breathing, and sputum is produced (in rare cases with blood). The temperature may remain at 37 - 38 degrees for a long time, and may be accompanied by fever.

Due to the cough, the patient feels chest pain and often suffers from shortness of breath. The general condition of the patient is weak, a constant feeling of fatigue, sweating increases at night and appetite disappears.

Due to fungal pneumonia, pleurisy can develop, which forms an accumulation of colorless or bloody fluid in the body cavity. The miliary form of candidiasis is accompanied by a painful cough with bloody sputum. As you exhale, bronchospastic attacks may begin.

With antibacterial treatment of primary diseases, for example, tuberculosis or bacterial pneumonia, the condition improves, but after a while it worsens again. This occurs because a destructive inflammatory process in the lungs is activated.

Candidal mycoses of the lung occur without significant symptoms. Latent forms of candidiasis may develop in patients who are seriously ill with other diseases or in those who are on mechanical ventilation.

Candidiasis itself can masquerade as various respiratory diseases. Children at an early age may develop an acute or septic form, often leading to death.

Patients often experience a disseminated fungal process that affects the skin, subcutaneous tissue, abdominal cavity, eyes, kidneys, genitals, and it becomes difficult for them to breathe. Fatalities range from 40 to 60%, it all depends on the condition of the patient.

Diagnosis of pulmonary candidiasis

Symptoms of thrush are similar to other diseases of the respiratory system; candidiasis of the upper respiratory tract is difficult to diagnose.

In half of patients at the initial stage, pulmonary candidiasis may be asymptomatic.

During the examination, the therapist will make a diagnosis of pulmonary candidiasis after examining the clinical picture. Also in the presence of certain symptoms: if the patient has an affected trachea, cough and high temperature.

To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to do fluorography and pass some tests. If the patient has candidiasis of the respiratory tract, then dark spots can be seen in the picture. Based on the results of tests of urine, feces and sputum, the presence of fungi of the genus Candida is determined.

Experts can make an accurate diagnosis using computed pulmonary tomography.

If the doctor has any doubts, he additionally prescribes bronchoscopy and an immune examination. After bronchopulmonary candidiasis is confirmed, the patient’s sputum is taken for culture.

This analysis is carried out to identify fungi, determine the fungal reaction and their sensitivity.

Treatment of pulmonary candidiasis

For bronchopulmonary candidiasis, treatment is based on therapy that eliminates the main causes of the disease. Therapy is carried out in the form of inhalation - an antimycotic agent.

Fluconazole is prescribed orally or as an intravenous injection. If the specialist notices low sensitivity to the fungus, then replaces fluconazole with caspofungin or itraconazole.

If the patient has a low level of neutrophils in the blood, pulmonary candidiasis is combined with another visceral form of mycosis, intravenous inhalation with amphotericin B, amphoglucamine, and mycoheptin is necessary.

Inhalation using the sodium salt of levorin, miconazole, and pimafucin is considered effective. The duration of therapy is at least two weeks after all symptoms have resolved. If the patient has a severe form, then it is necessary to treat with increased doses and repeat the course of antifungals.

To prevent the disease from recurring, the background recurrent primary pathology is eliminated. Correct immunodeficiency, endocrinopathy, hypovitaminosis and others.

The doctor prescribes:

  • drugs that increase the body's resistance to harmful pathogens;
  • vitamin and mineral complex;
  • medications that strengthen the immune system;
  • antihistamines;
  • tablets and syrups that allow you to expectorate;
  • detoxification agents;
  • antibiotics.

Additionally, the specialist prescribes topical warming ointments and massage.
With proper treatment of a mild form of the disease, doctors give favorable prognoses. In severe cases of candidiasis and neglected treatment, it can be fatal. Chronic candidiasis can make the patient disabled.

Traditional treatment

There are folk recipes that will help in the treatment of pulmonary candidiasis.

  1. Carrot juice will help strengthen the body, increase immunity and get rid of fungus.
  2. The diet should include garlic (the more the better), tea, licorice root or fructose. This set of products actively fights respiratory tract candidiasis and also has preventive functions that prevent the development of infectious and inflammatory processes.
  3. St. John's wort. It is easy to prepare an infusion of St. John's wort; for this you will need St. John's wort and boiling water. After you pour in the St. John's wort, it should sit for several hours.
  4. Regularly gargle with a decoction of chamomile, sage and other medicinal herbs.
  5. Lubricate the larynx with sea buckthorn and St. John's wort oil, as well as linseed oil.
  6. Several times a day, instead of regular tea, make medicinal tea. Pour a mixture of nettle, chamomile, oak bark and calendula with warm water and boil for five minutes. If you can’t drink it, you can simply gargle or inhale.

All folk recipes are used as additional and auxiliary methods of therapy. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

Hokkaido University professor Toshiyuki Nakagaki published the results of his experiment in the journal Nature in 2008.

“The professor “trained” the mycelium of a yellow mold to look for sugar in the labyrinth, which these mushrooms love very much. Since, unlike mice, mushrooms usually do not have enough legs to move, the mycelium thread had to grow to get to the sugar. He smelled it instantly and purposefully moved towards the sugar. In a few hours, the mycelium easily coped with the labyrinth and by evening they were already gobbling up the sweetness with might and main. The professor scratched his head and repeated the experiment. Taking a piece of mycelium that participated in the experiment, he placed it at the entrance to exactly the same labyrinth with sugar in the same place. And then the incredible happened. The mycelium split into two threads, one of which took the shortest route to sugar, without getting confused in the dead-end sections of the labyrinth, and arrived at the place an hour later. But there the second thread was already waiting for her, which completely ignored the rules of the game, climbed onto the ceiling of the glass labyrinth and crawled in a straight line over all the partitions straight to the goal, blissfully hanging from the ceiling onto the sugar. Not a single mouse or rat has demonstrated such amazing results! Even a person is not always able to remember a labyrinth of such complexity the first time.”

It's not us who need sweets, it's MUSHROOMS who need sweets!!! The most famous mushroom is candida.

Risk group for the development of candidiasis: old people, children, people with diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, obesity..), those who are treated with antibiotics, cytostatics, who take hormonal drugs, including contraceptives, people with cancer, undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy, those suffering from allergies, patients with cholecystitis (bile duct stones can be “reservoirs” for candida), those suffering from dysbacteriosis, peptic ulcers, polyposis, enterocolitis, Crohn’s disease...

Newborns can also be infected when passing through the birth canal. Almost every organ can be affected either by the fungus itself or by toxins produced as a result of its life... Signs of candidiasis are loose, foamy stools, vomiting, nausea, bloating, inflammation, burning and itching in the genitourinary organs, allergies, urticaria, asthma, atopic dermatitis, headaches, fatigue, nasal congestion, tingling and numbness, muscle pain, pain of unknown nature, ear infections, foot fungus, memory loss, pelvic pain, discharge in women, depression, infertility, PMS, prostatitis, impotence... A favorable condition for the development of candidiasis is the presence of sugar and carbohydrates in the diet, as well as yeast products (bread and many types of cheese emit substances that contribute to the development of candidiasis...)

Treatment with pharmaceuticals has many side effects (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.), but the worst thing is that against the background of such treatment, the composition of the blood changes, neuralgic disorders, allergic reactions occur...

Watch the video recording of Olga Butakova’s seminar “Fungi and Mycoses”:

A selection of methods for getting rid of fungi is given below. And now a little about sugar...

SUGAR IS THE LAST UNCONTROLLED DRUG. Why sugar is not really good for the brain, but only brings pleasure, why Saudi Arabia and Kuwait suffer the most from diabetes, and why sweet manufacturers do not indicate the percentage of sugar content on the packaging.

How sugar affects the brain and why it is so difficult to give it up:

SUGAR IS HARMFUL! It is now known for certain that sugar causes the body to become addicted to it, no worse than to a drug! And by sugar we mean not only the white one that we put in tea, but all products - from chocolate to seemingly products like ketchup - there is sugar everywhere!

Now let’s get back to fungi and how to cleanse the body of them.


First, DO NOT GIVE MUSHROOMS FOOD! Candida is the most pathogenic mold for us. Mold needs amino acids, that is, PROTEINS. She also needs carbohydrates. Fungi will definitely CONQUER YOU...if you FEED them.

WHAT CANDIDAS LOVE - pasta, meat, yeast bread, kvass, beer, condensed milk, potatoes, sweets, cakes, soda, white rice, cereal, breakfast cereals, milk, cheeses, sugar, confectionery, all sweet desserts, liqueurs, vodka, rich pastries.

THE MAIN PHYSICAL CAUSE OF INCUREABLE DISEASES! Products that kill. Narrated by Vitaly Ostrovsky - writer, speaker, member of the international movement for natural hygiene, hereditary herbalist, successor of the teachings of Galen, Hippocrates, Avicenna, has enormous experience in curing the most intractable diseases, although he switched to writing and lecturing in various societies, member of the International Royal Academies at the UN.


Now analyze your diet, your state of health in the light of the information that you have just learned... And based on the analysis, when sitting down at the table, ask the question - who will you feed now - YOURSELF or CANDID?..

How to help yourself cope with candidiasis, as well as other viruses and fungi in natural ways, are given the links below BUT... IMPORTANT...STOP FEEDING THEM, START FEEDING YOURSELF...


ATTENTION! Choose those recipes that suit you personally. Consider the chronic diseases that you have today. Remember that each component in folk recipes can have its own effect on the gastrointestinal tract, blood pressure, etc.

HOW TO GET RID OF 16 KINDS OF FUNGUS! Propolis, celandine, garlic.

CREATE BLOOD THAT WILL EAT UP ANY DISEASE! Activation of Immunity! Blood purification!

Cancer, microcosm, immunity. How to restore strength to the immune system, cancer prevention:


GASTRITIS! CONSTIPATION! COLITIS! BLOATING! GASES! FUNGUS! Duodenitis, Insomnia, Weakness, Nervousness.

SUPER RECIPE! BEE MEDICINE AGAINST 1000 DISEASES! Herpes, Fungi, Viruses, Flu, Sclerosis!



In general, we recommend watching all of Vitaly Ostrovsky’s videos on his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEnZxcVvM0mD6TDDwg_sbFg

Vitaly Ostrovsky's website, where his articles are posted:

CANDIDA DOES NOT LIKE baking soda or hydrogen peroxide.

A.T. talks about the benefits of taking baking soda. Ogulov:

A.T. talks about how hydrogen peroxide treats tuberculosis, cancer, etc. Ogulov:

I.P. Neumyvakin about yeast and cancer:

HOW to drink soda and hydrogen peroxide. Before you start using any healing method, you need to first find out everything about this method, clarify all ambiguities... Many people have a question - how to drink soda and hydrogen peroxide? What does the question of how to drink them TOGETHER have to do with it...? This video answers this question.



For more information about soda and its use in curing various diseases, read the article “BAKING SODA IS A UNIVERSAL REMEDY FOR HEALTH AND FOR MANY DISEASES, EVEN CANCER”:

Liver cleansing. Cleansing the body of viruses, fungi, cocci, etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRMDKzPeC0o

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide of candidiasis, dysbacteriosis, female and male diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, fibroids, polyps, cysts, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, etc.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSUBgj2ezC0

HOW to get rid of candida fungi using a natural method (“Trojan horse” according to the recommendations of Dr. Simoncini): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJzoDioetBQ

Cleansing the body and treating various diseases using a simple pharmaceutical product - hydrogen peroxide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSdQCpekqjY

How to strengthen the immune system - today and always “Natural medicine”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TICcq9QqFnQ


Candida feeds on starches and carbohydrates, especially simple carbohydrates found in sugar and fruit. Therefore, these foods must be excluded from the diet to get rid of candida.

To get started, check out these materials:





"Live Kitchen" Recipes for delicious dishes prepared without heat treatment: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnNVpgRiwLxSNrP1aTNs7k5XDMMLkV4Nn

6 SIMPLE, HEALTHY AND VERY TASTY RAW FOOD RECIPES that we love very much and often cook for ourselves!

BOOK BY SERGEY GLADKOV “SMART RAW DIET”. We recommend the book to everyone (including non-raw foodists!) who wants to become independent from modern civilization and, of course, beginners and experienced raw foodists!

How to cook “live” porridge from green buckwheat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSL_hSeQiV0

“Live” mayonnaise in 30 seconds - without milk, eggs and butter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrffPY1I63A

“Another option for “live” mayonnaise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avLyhgDRPIY

“Live” corn is a golden treasure of health: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B145HM0zQmQ

“Live” food as medicine - dandelion on your table:

Pulmonary candidiasis is a secondary disease that affects the lungs and bronchi. In most cases, this disease develops as a concomitant disease with tuberculosis or pulmonary inflammation. Pulmonary candidiasis is caused by yeast-like fungi of the Candida breed, which are present in small quantities in the digestive organs, as well as in human sputum. This disease is quite dangerous because it can cause irreversible pathological changes in the respiratory system. Therefore, with candidiasis, it is extremely important to provide the patient with the necessary systematic therapy.

What causes the disease

Since bronchopulmonary candidiasis is a fungal disease in nature, the factors of its development largely depend on the characteristics of fungi of the Candida family, which, moreover, are the cause of thrush. Thus, this breed of fungus loves warmth, high humidity and prefers feeding on glucose. Therefore, conditions of high humidity or glucose concentration in the human body can become catalysts for the presented disease. In addition, doctors identify the following causes of the occurrence and development of pulmonary candidiasis:

  • general weakening of the body;
  • decreased immunity;
  • long-term antibiotic therapy;
  • radiation therapy;
  • diabetes mellitus and other diseases of the immune system;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • chemotherapy;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • presence of chronic infectious diseases;
  • oncological tumors;
  • long-term uncontrolled use of medications that increase blood sugar levels or inhibit the functioning of the body’s immune system (antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives, corticosteroids and others);
  • lymphogranumelotosis;
  • various diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • tuberculosis.

In general, it can be argued that candidiasis (thrush, moliniasis) occurs against a background of general weakness and low resistance of the body, which can be caused by the influence of various factors.

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Signs of pulmonary candidiasis

In many ways, the symptoms of pulmonary or bronchial candidiasis are similar to the symptoms of pneumonia or pneumonia. A characteristic difference is already observed during direct treatment, because in the case of pulmonary candidiasis, taking antibiotics not only does not help, but also significantly worsens the patient’s condition. Signs of respiratory tract candidiasis include the following:

  • weakness;
  • dyspnea;
  • prolonged lack of appetite;
  • increased body temperature;
  • sore throat;
  • pain in the chest area;
  • increased sweating;
  • dry cough;
  • blood in the sputum;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • tachycardia;
  • characterized by the presence of bronchospastic syndrome;
  • wheezing whistles in the chest.

In acute forms of the disease, small foci of inflammation occur in the larynx, followed by suppuration. Quite rarely, candidiasis causes damage to the upper respiratory tract.

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Diagnosis of pulmonary candidiasis

Since the symptoms of the disease are similar to other lesions of the respiratory system, the bronchopulmonary type of candidiasis is quite difficult to diagnose. In addition, in fifty percent of cases in the initial stages of development, it can occur without characteristic manifestations at all.

During a therapeutic examination, a preliminary diagnosis of candidiasis in the lungs is made based on a doctor’s examination of the clinical picture, with the complex presence of symptoms such as high body temperature, a certain kind of cough, and tracheal lesions. In such cases, to establish an accurate diagnosis, the patient is prescribed x-rays and tests. In the case of candidiasis, dark spots and dark areas are observed on x-rays. Tests can determine the presence of Candida fungi in the patient’s urine, feces and sputum.

Today, the most accurate modern diagnostic method for determining respiratory tract candidiasis is computed pulmonary tomography. In complex, controversial cases, in order to avoid medical errors and incorrect diagnosis, procedures such as a special immune blood test and bronchoscopy are recommended. After confirmation of bronchial candidiasis, sputum is taken from the patient for culture. This procedure is necessary to identify fungi, determine fungal reactions and sensitivity to specific drugs.

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How to treat the disease

Treatment of pulmonary and bronchial candidiasis is a whole systematic complex. To ensure a positive result, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that provoked the development of the disease. In addition, restorative therapy is indicated, which helps stimulate the immune system and increase the overall resistance of the body. In many ways, the course of treatment depends on the type of candidiasis, the degree of development of the disease and the area of ​​fungal infection. In most cases, the following measures are used to combat pulmonary and bronchial candidiasis:

  1. Taking medications that prevent the growth and reproduction of fungi. These include Levorin, Caspofungi, Nystatin. Amphotericin B. Inhalations using these medications have a particularly beneficial effect.
  2. To eliminate bacterial infections, the use of certain types of antibiotics is indicated. However, given the fact that antibiotics can often provoke the growth of fungi of the Candida family, this process should take place exclusively under the supervision of the attending physician.
  3. Intravenous administration of Flucanazole is recommended, which has an inhibitory effect on this type of fungal enzymes.
  4. As a general tonic, the patient is prescribed a course of vitamins, immunomodulators and special mineral complexes.
  5. In addition, for successful treatment, the patient needs to eat properly. The patient's diet should include a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, and dairy products.
  6. During the treatment process, it is very important to eliminate all infectious diseases and inflammatory processes associated with candidiasis in the body of a person susceptible to this disease.
  7. Sanitary and spa treatment aimed at strengthening the bronchial and pulmonary systems.
  8. For general strengthening of the body, patients diagnosed with pulmonary candidiasis are recommended to spend a long time in the fresh air, sunbathing, hardening procedures, and moderate physical activity.
  9. In complex cases of bronchial candidiasis associated with severe disorders of the immune system, a procedure for administering granulocyte concentrate endoscopically is performed.