Sergei Dorenko has long won his place among the elite of journalists. He went through a difficult path from an ordinary employee to the editor-in-chief of the Moscow Speaks program.

Attitudes towards Dorenko from both colleagues and famous personalities are contradictory. He is called both a media killer and a truth teller. And all because he was never afraid to raise sensitive topics and ask questions of concern to ordinary people to famous politicians and other persons.

The decision to connect himself with journalism came to Sergei by chance. Since childhood, he was fond of reading, but was not particularly successful at school. His father was a military man and therefore, so that the child would not follow his parents around the cities, he was left in the care of his grandmother. The grandmother was not particularly interested in her grandson’s successes at school, but the guy tried to study well, to the best of his abilities.

After graduating from school, Sergei wanted to enter the Financial Institute in the capital, but he failed to do so. According to the balls, he entered the Institute of Peoples' Friendship. Dorenko submitted his documents there, with the expectation that he would transfer after his first year.

But the guy unexpectedly liked studying at the Faculty of Philology. He met students from other countries and began to study foreign languages. This helped him in his future career.

Usually they are not as keenly interested in the personal lives of journalists as, for example, artists or singers. But in the personal life of Sergei Dorenko there was such a sharp turn that made everyone talk about his family.

Love lasting 30 years

The guy met his wife Marina Fedorenkova while still studying at the institute. After graduation, Dorenko was assigned to work in Angola as a translator of the Portuguese language. They flew to this unfamiliar country together with Marina, who by that time had already become his legal wife.

After working in Angola for two years, the couple returned to their homeland. Sergei began to gradually build his career as a journalist, and Marina began to establish family life. A year after their return, their daughter Ekaterina was born, and a year later their second daughter, Ksenia. While Marina devoted herself to her family, Sergei’s career was steadily going up.

Marina supported her husband as best she could in all his endeavors, and Sergei did everything for the sake of his family. In 1999, another child was born into their family. This time the long-awaited son. The boy was named Prokhor.

Interesting notes:

Family life went on as usual. For almost 30 years of marriage, the couple of Marina and Sergei was not noticed in scandals or betrayals. Everything was like this until the young journalist Yulia Silyavina intervened in their lives.

Young homewrecker

After the appointment of Sergei Dorenko to the position of editor-in-chief of the Russian News Service, the need arose to recruit a team of professionals from among journalists. During the selection process, Dorenko drew attention to the ambitious and young journalist Yulia Silyavina. It was he who offered her a job on the channel. It was this incident that turned his whole life upside down.

After several months of working together, rumors appeared among colleagues that the relationship between Yulia and Sergei was no longer working. But the lovers did not comment on the rumors that arose, but they did not subside.

It later turned out that the rumors had some basis. Julia announced her pregnancy. Now no one doubted that the father of the child was Dorenko. When there was no point in hiding the love affair, the man confessed everything to his family. Marina did not expect such a turn of events and was not going to let her husband go. But Sergei has already decided everything.

The man packed his things and moved to a rented apartment with Yulia. He left all his acquired property to his wife and children. And these were several apartments in Minsk and Moscow, as well as two houses in the suburbs of the capital. Marina insisted on lifelong maintenance for her and the children. After lengthy trials, the former spouses were able to find a compromise, and the divorce was finalized.

In an interview, Dorenko said that during his family life with Marina, love had already passed and only habit remained.

With his wife Yulia, it was as if he had started a new life. In a civil marriage, Yulia and Sergei had two daughters. The older girl was named Varya, and the younger girl Vera. Only after the birth of his second daughter, Dorenko began divorce proceedings, which lasted quite a long time. After its completion, the spouses who lived in a civil marriage officially formalized their relationship. This happened in 2012.

Gradually, Marina was able to accept the fact that her beloved, with whom she had lived most of her life, had left for a young rival. The former spouses established communication for the sake of their children together, but Sergei’s daughters from his first marriage could not forgive their father for leaving the family.

Dorenko hopes that over time Katya and Ksenia will be able to forgive him and understand his actions. But for now the man communicates only with his son Prokhor. It was he who supported his father in an important step for him and made his decision. Sergei Dorenko proved by his example that love comes at any age, the main thing is not to be afraid to meet it and fight for it.

The great man, journalist, philosopher, thinker Sergei Dorenko has passed away. On May 9, while riding a motorcycle, he became ill. Doctors were unable to save him. the site mourns Sergei Dorenko and recalls the facts of his biography, personal life, wives and.


Sergei Dorenko was born in 1959 in the Crimean Kerch in the family of a military pilot and librarian. Due to his father's work, the family had to move frequently. The boy changed several schools, but was always an active student and grasped information on the fly, and read a lot.

From the first grade he was immediately transferred to the third: Seryozha was so capable and talented.

The future journalist graduated from school in Volgograd with a gold medal and planned to become a financier, but did not pass the competition. Then Sergei decided to apply to the University of Peoples' Friendship, to the Faculty of Philology, believing that he would soon transfer to where he had originally planned.

As for the nationality of Dorenko himself, he considered himself Russian with Ukrainian roots. It is known that the Dorenko family included Romanians and Bulgarians. This is where his assertiveness and temperament come from.

Carier start

Before we talk about Sergei Dorenko, the details of his biography, personal life, wives and children, let’s remember how he moved up the career ladder. Already during his student years, Dorenko worked as a translator in business negotiations with Latin America and Africa.

He was fluent in Spanish and Portuguese and after graduating from university he moved to Angola, where he worked at the USSR Embassy. In the mid-80s, Sergei Dorenko served in the army and was an aircraft mechanic.

The mid-80s and 90s were the heyday of Dorenko’s journalistic career. He went from a simple employee of the Soviet State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company to deputy general director of ORT.

Dorenko would probably still be working on television. About 20 years ago, as the host of the “Time” program and the program “Sergei Dorenko’s Author’s Program,” he was incredibly popular, people listened to him.

The road to television was closed to him. Dorenko began to have a bad streak; he even received a suspended conviction, allegedly for hitting a captain from the Russian Navy.

Since 2004, the journalist began collaborating with radio stations: “Echo of Moscow”, “Russian News Service” and others. For the last 5 years, Dorenko worked at the radio station “Moscow Speaks”.

Thousands of Russians are accustomed to greeting a new day with his morning program “Rise.” And Dorenko’s phrase “We will go and live this day” has become a life motto for many.

Personal life

Sergei Dorenko started a family while still a young student. His chosen one was Marina Fedorenkova, with whom they lived for more than 30 years and raised three children. Marina even went with her husband on a business trip to Angola, from where she returned home to give birth to her first child.

After the birth of his second daughter, Dorenko decided to take up journalism and settle in Moscow. The journalist’s two daughters from his first marriage are already adults, and his youngest son graduated from school 2 years ago.

In 2008, Dorenko was working at the Russian News Service radio station when he met a charming young colleague, Yulia Silyavina. An office romance was inevitable, because in the family of Dorenko and his wife Marina, things had not been smooth sailing for a long time.

However, for many years the journalist remained faithful to his wife and was not seen in affairs. However, Silyavina truly captivated the journalist.

A couple of years later, Sergei left the family and began to live with Yulia. Then many condemned Sergei Dorenko, his biography, wife and children began to be discussed in the media. Especially when it became known that his enterprising mistress gave birth to daughters of the same age.

Sergey Dorenko is a famous journalist and blogger, editor-in-chief of the radio station “Moscow Speaks”, “telekiller”, translator from Spanish and Portuguese. The bright biography of the artist attracts the attention of dozens of media outlets.

early years

Sergei was born in Kerch. He was born on October 18, 1959. Sergei's father is a military pilot, and his mother worked as a librarian. Dorenko has Romanian, Ukrainian and Hungarian roots. Because of his father’s work as a child, Sergei had to change schools very often. For some time, the child even stayed with his grandmother, because the parents realized that constant changes of place of residence had a bad effect on his life and academic performance.

The last school from which Seryozha eventually graduated before entering the university had a physics and mathematics direction. The future journalist was not yet thinking about philology or working on radio or television. He was interested in the financial direction.

Sergei failed the entrance exams to a financial institute. As a result, he entered the Peoples' Friendship University. Patrice Lumumba. At the educational institution, Dorenko received several specifications at once. After graduating from university, he could work as a teacher of Russian and as a translator from Spanish and Portuguese.

Already as a student, he began to earn extra money by translating, because he was a capable student and quickly mastered languages. After graduation, he worked in Angola for 2 years, holding the position of economic adviser and translator.

I had to interrupt my career at the very beginning in order to undergo military service from 1984 to 1985. The term was greatly reduced, Dorenko was released after just six months, since the activist had a history of malaria twice. It significantly damaged my health, and increased stress at the training site could have disastrous consequences. After returning from the army, Dorenko's fame begins to grow sharply: he goes on television and radio.

Career and achievements

His television career began in 1985. At the same time, Dorenko begins to broadcast radio broadcasts. Until 1991, he served as editor of the foreign relations department of Central Television. Then he reviewed political events on the VGTRK channel and was the host of the Vesti program. Also worked for RTR, ORT, NTV.

In 1998 he rose to the rank of deputy general director of ORT, and also served as chief producer. From 1999 to 2000, “The Author’s Program of Sergei Dorenko” was published. However, in 2001, after a number of statements addressed to V. Putin as a result of the tragedy at Kursk and other mistakes, he was removed from his posts at ORT, and then left the channel. From 2004 to 2008 he performed on Echo of Moscow, from which he left due to the position offered to him at the RSN station. At the same time I was involved in the “Rise!” program.

In 2014, the activist founded his own radio station, Moscow Speaks. Until his death, he served as editor-in-chief.

    Do you like Sergey Dorenko?

Personal life

The biography of Sergei Dorenko also includes a family, wife and children. His first wife, Marina Fedorenkova, married him even before graduating from university, in 1980. In 1984, shortly before Sergei was sent to the army, he and Marina had their first daughter, Ekaterina. A year later, Ksenia was born. The last child in this marriage, son Prokhor, was born much later, in 1999.

The couple’s family life seemed quite prosperous, but in 2009 the journalist left the family. He began an affair with journalist Yulia Selyavina. The couple met at the RSN radio station, where they hosted a morning show together. Yulia was born in the Omsk region, in the village. Sedelnikovo.

An official divorce from his first wife was filed only in 2013. Soon after this, Dorenko entered into a second marriage with Yulia. Even before marriage, two daughters were born: Varya - in 2010, Vera - in 2011.

It is known that the journalist loved to travel with loved ones. Family, wife and children meant a lot in the biography of Sergei Dorenko.

Circumstances of death

The famous journalist died on May 9, 2019. The activist was heading on his motorcycle towards Taganskaya Square. While driving, Sergei felt discomfort in the heart area, lost control of the vehicle, and then lost consciousness. The motorcycle drove into the oncoming lane.

However, the cause of death was not an accident. The journalist died in the Moscow intensive care unit without regaining consciousness due to heart failure.

Sergei was a very versatile person. He was interested not only in journalism, but also in various hobbies. His biography contains many facts worthy of attention:

  1. He was interested in Chinese religious movements. Sergei was especially attracted to Taoism.
  2. In 2001, he was given a suspended sentence of 4 years. The reason for the litigation is a hit-and-run on Russian Navy officer Valery Nikitin. According to Dorenko, Nikitin and his companions kicked the vehicle, as a result of which the journalist ran over Nikitin. The investigation began under the article of hooliganism with a weapon, and at first they even tried to start office work under the article “attempted murder.” Dorenko was saved by Igor Sechin, whose connections helped replace the real sentence with a suspended sentence.
  3. From 2003 to 2012 he was a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. During his departure in 2012, he said that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is completely useless for Russia.
  4. He was included in the Ukrainian sanctions list because he spoke out against the Maidan and for the separation of the territory of the state.
  5. I have hardly watched television in recent years; I thought that this area was already dying. He maintained his own blog on Youtube.

Quotes from interviews

The activist’s bold quotes became the subject of discussion in many media.

  1. “Politics is selling the future.”
  2. “When you see a believer, avert your eyes and simply cross to the other side of the street.”
  3. “The material shamelessness of the Russian elites has reached such a degree that they do not feel the country beneath them.”

Today he stated that he was beaten on April 15 and called on law enforcement agencies to thoroughly investigate the incident. According to the journalist, he was slowly riding a motorcycle when a man unknown to him attacked him, shouting “I’ll kill” and using obscene language. As a result of the fight, Dorenko says, he lost consciousness, and when he woke up, a patrol car was standing nearby.

The other side in this incident is captain 1st rank Valery Nikitin. His version of Sunday's events has not changed. He says that Dorenko pointed a motorcycle at him when a remark was made to the TV presenter. Nikitin gave this testimony to investigators at the hospital. Dorenko also found himself in a hospital bed today.

Valery Nikitin will stay in the Burdenko hospital for several more weeks. Doctors say his injuries are not dangerous, but require long-term treatment. Meanwhile, the investigation into the accident, the culprit of which is called TV journalist Sergei Dorenko, has been going on for three days. But investigators still have no clarity."

CORR. BEHIND THE SCENES: Today, the story of a car accident in which a journalist and captain of the first rank got into received a new, unexpected continuation - three days after the incident, Sergei Dorenko himself went to the hospital. He still says he didn't hit anyone, either accidentally or intentionally. Moreover, the people who accuse him of causing harm to health themselves attacked him and severely beat him. Every day, participants and eyewitnesses of the incident give increasingly contradictory testimony.

SERGEY DORENKO, TV journalist: “I was attacked. The man kicked the front wheel of the motorcycle, knocked me down. Then they tore off my helmet, and then I lost consciousness.”

VALERY NIKITIN, captain 1st rank of the Russian Navy: “I began to make comments to him, in general it’s forbidden to travel here, what are you doing, scoundrel, he almost hit my dog. He drove off, turned around, hit the gas and came straight at me drive".

The words of Captain Nikitin, who does not remember much due to loss of consciousness, are confirmed by eyewitnesses - two police school cadets who walked in the park with him that evening. They have already been questioned twice by the prosecutor's office and today agreed to meet with journalists. According to them, immediately after the accident, the motorcyclist, who was still wearing a helmet, tried to flee the scene. To detain him, one of the young people had to use force.

ARTEM KOLTE, witness: “I grab him by the arm, trying to perform a technique of bending his arm behind his back, but he was big, larger than me, and even in this motorcycle armor - it didn’t work. But I still put him down with a sambo technique on his face in the asphalt. Then he said he wasn’t going anywhere, and I let him go.”

Meanwhile, even on Sunday, immediately after the incident in Krylatskoye, Sergei Dorenko himself did not tell anything about the attack to either the police or journalists. When asked by our television company what happened, he replied that he considered everything a political provocation.

DORENKO on the phone: “I would not like to go into the details of what happened, but everything that happened to me, and all the messages today, and the coordinated work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was arranged in order to arrange a political provocation, to give it a touch of criminality, something ugly ".

Today at the hospital, Sergei Dorenko’s doctors recorded multiple injuries - a torn lip, bruises and scratches on the head, a concussion and a displaced spinal disc. Almost all injuries are on the left side. At the same time, the traffic police report indicates that the journalist fell from the motorcycle on his right side. Now Dorenko himself and his lawyer say that all these injuries could only have been sustained as a result of the beating.

In any case, the investigation will have to sort out all these contradictions. Yesterday evening, a criminal case was opened against Sergei Dorenko under Article 112 Part 1 - “deliberate infliction of harm to health of moderate severity.” However, the investigation is just beginning and the final picture of the incident has not yet been established.