Vocational training and additional vocational education for women on maternity leave before the child reaches the age of three

Organization of vocational training and additional vocational education for women during the period of maternity leave until the child reaches the age of three years.
In order to increase competitiveness in the labor market, employment service authorities organize vocational training and additional vocational education (hereinafter referred to as training) for women during the period of maternity leave until the child reaches the age of three years.
The training can be completed by women who are on maternity leave for up to three years, who are in an employment relationship with the employer and are ready to start working.
Training is carried out in organizations carrying out educational activities in accordance with contracts concluded by employment service bodies and is intensive, short-term in nature (from 0.5 to 6 months).
Training is organized according to professions (specialties) in demand in the labor market of the Kostroma region.
Training of women during the period of maternity leave until the child reaches the age of three years is carried out subject to the women’s personal application to the Employment Center at their place of residence with an application for referral to training.

List of documents required for referral to training
. passport or a document replacing it;
. a copy of a document related to the work (work book, employment agreement (contract), etc.);
. a copy of the child's birth certificate;
. a copy of a document confirming that you are on parental leave until the child reaches the age of three (order, directive, etc.);
. a copy of the document on education and (or) qualifications (if available).

Women's training during the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years, for free.
In case of studying in another area, women travel costs (to and from the place of study) and living expenses are reimbursed .

More detailed information on this issue can be obtained from the Employment Center at your place of residence.

ACTION PLAN to promote employment of persons on parental leave for 2018 - 2020

Resolution of the administration of the Kostroma region dated 02.25.2019 No. 56-a “On the plan of measures aimed at promoting the employment of persons on parental leave, implemented in the Kostroma region in 2019-2020.”

Resolution of the administration of the Kostroma region dated May 11, 2012 No. 173-a “On the implementation of measures in the field of promoting employment of the population of the Kostroma region”


Forum for women on maternity leave, held on June 28, 2018

In accordance with the action plan to promote employment of persons on parental leave for 2018-2020, approved by the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation O.Yu. Golodets, on June 28, a Forum for women on maternity leave was held in the Small Hall of the Administration of the Kostroma Region.

The Forum was attended by women on maternity leave, expectant mothers, representatives of public organizations of young women, heads of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Kostroma Region, the Department of Education and Science of the Kostroma Region, the Department of Health of the Kostroma Region, the Investment and Development Agency entrepreneurship of the Kostroma region, Kostroma State University, Kostroma State Agricultural Academy.

The forum provided information on issues relevant to young mothers:

Measures to support young women and young families;

Promotion of employment of women raising minor children;

Opportunities for women on maternity leave to obtain vocational education;

Supporting women's entrepreneurship in the region;

Opportunities and accessibility of modern medicine for young mothers.

Since the event was held via videoconference, participation and discussion of these issues was simultaneously available to participants in each municipality of the region.

The Forum participants raised questions about the possibility of taking exams ahead of schedule, about organizing playrooms for children in medical institutions and enterprises, about measures to support young mothers who find themselves in difficult life situations, and about providing legal advice. The Forum participants also aroused great interest in discussing the possibility of starting their own business.

As a result of the Forum, proposals were put forward to consider the issue of organizing child care groups at enterprises in the region at the next meeting of the Kostroma Regional Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations, as well as to organize a hotline by the Youth Affairs Committee of the Kostroma Region to provide emergency information assistance. In the near future, a memo will also be developed on the main topics relevant to young mothers.

On approval of the Procedure for sending women during the period of maternity leave until they reach the age of three years for vocational training, retraining and advanced training by the employment service of the city of Moscow

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 N 1032-1 “On Employment in the Russian Federation” and in order to reduce the adaptation period to working conditions for women who have a long break from work due to being on maternity leave before they reach the age of three years, strengthening their social security by increasing the growth of professional skills, professional mobility and competitiveness in the labor market decides:

1. Approve the Procedure for sending women during the period of parental leave until they reach the age of three years by the employment service of the city of Moscow for vocational training, retraining and advanced training in accordance with the appendix to this resolution.

2. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Development L.M. Pechatnikov.

Mayor of Moscow

S.S. Sobyanin


to the Government resolution





I. General provisions

1. This Procedure determines the procedure and conditions for sending by the employment service of the city of Moscow women during the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years (hereinafter also referred to as women on parental leave under the age of three years), who are residents of the city of Moscow, for vocational training, retraining and advanced training (hereinafter referred to as vocational training), as well as the procedure for providing financial support to women on vacation sent by the employment service for vocational training in another area, and the amount of the specified financial support.

2. Vocational training for women on maternity leave under the age of three is carried out in order to strengthen their social security, ensure that they combine parental and family responsibilities with professional activities, including:

2.1. Creation of conditions for women during maternity leave until they reach the age of three years that will facilitate their return to work and reduce the period of their adaptation to working conditions.

2.2. Increasing their professional skills, professional mobility and competitiveness in the labor market by updating knowledge, skills and abilities.

2.3. Expanding the use of flexible forms of employment (including home work, part-time work).

3. Financial support for expenses related to vocational training is carried out through budgetary allocations provided (hereinafter referred to as the Department) by the law of the city of Moscow for the corresponding financial year and planning period for these purposes.

4. Vocational training and retraining are carried out in professions (specialties) in demand in the labor market of the city of Moscow, the list of which is determined by the Department and posted on its official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

Advanced training is carried out according to the profession (specialty) of a woman who is on leave to care for a child under three years of age.

5. Vocational training is carried out through full-time and part-time (evening) forms of education.

6. Women on parental leave under the age of three are sent to vocational training once during the period of being on parental leave until the child reaches the age of three.

Women sent for vocational training during parental leave until the child reaches the age of three, who have not completed vocational training due to temporary disability (illness, injury, need to care for a sick family member, including a child, quarantine of a woman with children under the age of three years, quarantine of a child or other family member recognized as legally incompetent in accordance with the established procedure), being on maternity leave or the death of a close relative (parent, spouse, child, brother, sister) and other valid circumstances, the list of which is determined The Department, and those wishing to complete vocational training, are re-sent to vocational training if the period of being on parental leave before the child reaches the age of three years has not expired.

Re-sending women on parental leave under the age of three to vocational training is carried out in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 14, 16, 17 of this Procedure.

7. Vocational training is provided without charging tuition fees.

8. The duration of vocational training is determined by professional educational programs, is short-term in nature and is carried out year-round.

9. This Procedure also applies to women who have children under three years of age and who are not in an employment relationship with the employer (including those fired during maternity leave, fired while on maternity leave until reaching they are three years old) or do not carry out other labor (official) activities (hereinafter referred to as women who have children under the age of three and are not in an employment relationship).

II. Conditions for sending women on leave

caring for a child under three years of age,

for vocational training

10. Women who are on maternity leave under the age of three years and who meet the conditions contained in paragraph 1 of this Procedure are sent to vocational training.

11. Referral to vocational training is carried out according to vocational training programs, taking into account:

11.1. Education available to women on maternity leave under the age of three.

11.2. Available professions (specialties) for women on parental leave to care for a child under three years of age.

11.3. Positions filled by women on parental leave to care for a child under three years of age.

12. Referral for vocational training is carried out by state government institutions, employment centers of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow (hereinafter - GKU TsZN JSC of the city of Moscow) to educational organizations or other organizations providing vocational training (hereinafter - organizations providing vocational training), in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation Federation is fine.

13. If there are no organizations on the territory of the city of Moscow providing vocational training, in which vocational training is possible in the professions (specialties) selected by women who are on leave to care for a child under three years of age, the State Public Institution of the Central Education Center of the AO of the city of Moscow sends women those on parental leave to care for a child under three years of age, for vocational training in organizations providing vocational training and located in another area.

For the purposes of this Procedure, another locality means a territory located outside the territory of the city of Moscow within the Russian Federation.

III. The procedure for sending women on vacation

caring for a child under three years of age,

for vocational training

14. Referral to vocational training for women who are on maternity leave under the age of three is carried out on the basis of their applications for referral to vocational training, submitted to the State Budgetary Institution of the Central Educational Institution of the AO of the city of Moscow at the place of residence in the form of a paper document.

The application form for referral to vocational training (hereinafter referred to as the application) is approved by the Department and posted on its official website on the Internet.

15. The following must be submitted with the application:

15.1. Passport or other identification document with a note indicating permanent registration in the city of Moscow.

15.2. A copy of a document related to work and confirming that you are on parental leave until the child reaches three years of age - for women who are on parental leave for a child under three years of age and who are in an employment relationship with the employer, an extract from the work record book , military ID or other document about the last place of work (service), certified in the prescribed manner - for women who have children under the age of three and are not in an employment relationship.

In the absence of such documents, women who have children under three years of age and are not in an employment relationship, indicate in the application the fact of the absence of labor (official) and other activities.

15.3. Child's birth certificate.

15.4. Education document.

16. After accepting an application from a woman who is on parental leave to care for a child under three years of age with all the necessary documents, the State Budgetary Institution TsZN AO of the city of Moscow selects a suitable option for vocational training in accordance with the agreements concluded between the State Institution TsZN AO of the city of Moscow and the organizations providing vocational training, government contracts.

A referral for vocational training to a woman on maternity leave under the age of three is issued on the day the application is accepted with all the necessary documents.

17. If it is not possible to choose a suitable option for vocational training in accordance with the concluded government contracts, the State Budgetary Institution Central Education Center of the AO of the city of Moscow, within 30 working days from the date of acceptance of the application, forms an order for the provision of educational services for vocational training. Based on the results of placing an order, a woman who is on maternity leave to care for a child under three years of age is notified within one day about the possibility of receiving a referral for vocational training.

18. When a woman on maternity leave to care for a child under three years of age chooses a profession (specialty) to undergo vocational training that does not correspond to the level of her existing education, the State Public Institution Central Educational Institution of the AO of Moscow offers her to undergo vocational guidance in order to choose a profession (specialty) corresponding to the level of education she has.

19. If a woman on parental leave to care for a child under three years of age does not have the required level of education to undergo vocational training in her chosen profession (specialty) and she disagrees with the choice of profession (specialty) corresponding to the level of the woman’s existing , who is on maternity leave to care for a child under three years of age, the State Educational Institution of the Central Educational Institution of the AO of the city of Moscow decides to refuse to send her to vocational training.

The decision to refuse a referral for vocational training is made by the State Educational Institution of the Central Educational Institution of the AO of the city of Moscow if, when submitting an application, the conditions provided for in paragraphs 1, 6, 15 of this Procedure are not met.

20. Women sent for vocational training who are on maternity leave to care for a child under three years of age begin vocational training within the period established by the order of the organization providing vocational training on enrollment in vocational training.

21. Upon completion of vocational training, organizations providing vocational training submit to the State Public Institution TsZN AO of the city of Moscow copies of orders for enrollment in training and completion of training for women on maternity leave under the age of three years, aimed at vocational training.

IV. Providing financial support to women,

on maternity leave aged

up to three years aimed at vocational training

to another area

22. Women on parental leave to care for a child under three years of age, sent for vocational training in organizations providing vocational training and located in another location, are provided with financial support in the form of compensation for expenses incurred in the amount of:

22.1. Actual expenses, confirmed by documents, for travel to the place of vocational training and back, but not higher than the cost of travel:

22.1.1. By public railway transport - on commuter passenger trains, with the exception of trains and luxury cars.

22.1.2. By public railway transport - on long-distance passenger trains in a reserved seat carriage.

22.1.3. By public road transport - in suburban and intercity buses, with the exception of luxury buses and taxis.

22.2. 100 rubles for each day of travel to and from the place of vocational training, as well as being in another area while undergoing vocational training.

22.3. Actual expenses, confirmed by documents, but not more than 550 rubles per day to pay for the rental of residential premises for the period of vocational training, and in the absence of documents confirming the expenses incurred - 12 rubles per day.

23. Financial support provided for in paragraph 22 of this Procedure is provided by the State Educational Institution TsZN AO of the city of Moscow on the basis of an application for financial support for the period of vocational training in another location (hereinafter referred to as the application for financial support).

An application for financial support is submitted by a woman who is on maternity leave to care for a child under three years of age to the State Budgetary Institution of the Center of Zhn AO of the city of Moscow at her place of residence in writing in person.

The application form for financial support is approved by the Department and posted on its official website on the Internet.

24. The application for financial support is accompanied by:

24.1. Documents confirming completion of vocational training indicating the period of training specified either in clause 24.1.1 or in clause 24.1.2 of this Procedure:

24.1.1. Diplomas (certificates, certificates, certificates of the established form on completion of vocational training).

24.1.2. Extracts from orders of an organization providing vocational training and located in another locality on enrollment in vocational training and completion of vocational training, and in case of early termination of vocational training (expulsion) - extracts from orders on expulsion indicating the actual duration of training and reasons for termination of training (deductions).

24.2. Documents confirming the costs of travel to the place of vocational training and back.

24.3. Documents confirming the costs of renting residential premises at the place of vocational training.

25. Financial support is provided no later than 10 working days from the date of submission of the application by crediting funds to accounts opened with credit institutions of women on parental leave under the age of three, or, at their request, transferring funds through organization of federal postal services.

26. The basis for refusal to provide financial support is failure to provide documents confirming completion of vocational training specified in paragraphs 24.1.1 or 24.1.2 of this Procedure.

If a decision is made to refuse to provide financial support, the State Budgetary Institution of the Central Public Health Center of the AO of the city of Moscow notifies the woman who is on parental leave to care for a child under three years of age, indicating the reasons for such refusal within one working day from the date of the decision.

In pursuance of Presidential Decree No. 606 of May 7, 2012, an Action Plan has been implemented since 2012 aimed at creating conditions for women to combine the responsibilities of raising children with employment. The main activity is vocational training and additional vocational education for women during the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years. Employment centers provide this service for women.

Despite the entry into force in 2013 of the provisions of the Federal Law of July 2, 2013 No. 162-FZ “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Employment in the Russian Federation” in terms of preventing discrimination in the labor market, women experience difficulties in finding work, face gender discrimination in employment. In order to strengthen the position of women in the labor market, a vocational training program for women has been organized during the period of maternity leave until the child reaches the age of three years. To receive a referral for training, you do not need to register with the Employment Center as an unemployed citizen. It is enough for a woman to contact the territorial employment center at her place of residence and provide a number of documents: a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a child’s birth certificate, a copy of the order from the place of work “On the provision of parental leave upon reaching the age of three years,” educational documents.

A woman fills out an application for state vocational training services. The employment center specialist finds out what type of training the woman needs (vocational training, retraining or advanced training). Makes a decision on providing a service or refusing it, introduces the list of educational institutions and their educational programs. Just as when sending unemployed citizens to training, an agreement is concluded with the woman on sending her to vocational training. The costs of vocational training include the following costs: payment for educational services to the educational institution, travel costs to the place of study and back if studying in another area, medical examination, payment for accommodation. The scholarship is not paid during the study period. The duration of training takes from 1 to 3 months, depending on the type of vocational training, profession, or specialty chosen by the woman.

One of the main problems for women on maternity leave is a long break from work, which often leads to loss of qualifications. It’s good if the expectant mother went on maternity leave from the workplace, where she is expected, where after returning to work she can gradually restore her professional knowledge. There are other situations when there is nowhere to go, and enterprises are in no hurry to hire a young woman who has a child at home and who is not able to compete with those who are constantly expanding their professional level. There are often cases when women, for various reasons, do not want to return to their previous workplace and, in order to find a more suitable job, they need to improve their qualifications. Some women, during their maternity leave, decide to change their field of activity and need to acquire a new profession.

Thanks to participation in the event, women gain new knowledge necessary to transfer to jobs with more suitable conditions for them. In addition, they start work after a long absence from the workplace prepared, which increases the possibility of their social adaptation in the team and the successful combination of their professional activities with raising children.

Vocational training and additional vocational education for women during the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of three is a unique opportunity both for the women themselves to acquire the necessary professional knowledge free of charge, and for their employers to obtain a ready-made employee with the necessary training without spending their own funds.

Today there is a social program for free advanced training and professional retraining for young mothers on maternity leave.

Training of women during the period of parental leave is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government dated January 17, 2013 No. 1-PP "On approval of the Procedure for sending women to the employment service of the population of the city of Moscow during the period of parental leave until they reach the age of three years for vocational training, retraining and advanced training."

Conditions for participation in the program

Participation in a social program developed by the employment service is possible if:

  • you live or have permanent registration in the city of Moscow;
  • you are on parental leave for up to three years;
  • you are officially employed;
  • you are undergoing training for the first time during one period of parental leave;
  • on the date of completion of your studies, your maternity leave period does not expire;
  • During the period of parental leave, you do not work part-time or work from home.

What do you need to participate?

1. Contact the employment center at your place of residence.

2. Write an application for participation in the program according to the sample provided at the employment center.

3. Submit all necessary documents.

4. Choose a type of activity.

5. Get a referral for training.

6. Select a schedule and terms of training.

7. Conclude an agreement on vocational training between the employment center, the institution and you.

Required documents

1. Application (a sample can be obtained from the employment center).

2. Passport or other identification document with a note indicating permanent registration in the city of Moscow.

3. Birth certificate of the child (children).

4. A copy of a document confirming that the woman is on maternity leave.

5. Document on education.


Using this social program you have the right to:

  • improve your skills;
  • learn a new profession in an accelerated manner;
  • improve your previously acquired knowledge in your current specialty.

Choice of activity

Women are referred for vocational training based on their applications submitted to the employment center at their place of residence.

The Employment Center chooses a profession or specialty for you, taking into account your wishes and initial data: availability of education, direction of education, professional qualifications, end date of parental leave.

If difficulties arise in choosing a direction for vocational training, the employment center can provide a woman with a vocational guidance service that corresponds to the level of her work experience and education.

Possible forms of training

Full-time and part-time (evening) forms of education are provided.

Training can also be group or individual.

Duration of training

The duration of training is established by professional educational programs and should not exceed 6 months.

Where can I get training?

Within the framework of existing government contracts, training for young mothers is carried out in the following institutions and educational institutions:

  • Center for Vocational Qualifications and Employment Promotion  ;
  • State budgetary institution of the city of Moscow  ;
  •  ;
  • Autonomous non-profit organization of higher professional education  ;
  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education  .


Training of women during the period of maternity leave carried out as part of a government assignment is carried out in various areas, including:

  • Automation of accounting;
  • English for business communication;
  • Accounting and auditing;
  • Driver of category "B" vehicles;
  • Web page design;
  • Interior Design;
  • Human resources department inspector;
  • Information technology with the study of the 1C program;
  • Personnel management;
  • Computer layout and design;
  • Landscape design;
  • Logistics;
  • Marketing, sales management and advertising;
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS);
  • HR Manager;
  • Sales management;
  • Taxation;
  • Computer operator with knowledge of the 1C program;
  • General hairdresser 3 categories;
  • Translator;
  • Nursing;
  • Financial management.