Greasy blouses line the streets with trellises, they are ahead of the crowd; all this happiness of victory is mainly happiness for them... But behind blouses and shirts along the sidewalks, along alleys, on fences, in the open windows of houses, on roofs, on trees, on poles - here are all the citizens of liberated Ufa, and they are glad to meet the Red Army. Those who were not very happy went away, following Kolchak. Red troops march through in regiments, regiments, and regiments. Slender, proudly gleaming bayonets, they walk calmly, full of consciousness of their invincible strength. You will never forget this marble, majestic calm that froze in their dusty, exhausted faces!

Now, immediately and first of all - to prison: is there even one left? Were they really shot to the last? Heavy prison doors swing open with a grinding sound on rusty hinges... They run along the corridors... to the cells, to the solitary confinement... Here is one, another, a third. Hurry up, comrades, get out of prison quickly. Amazing scenes! Prisoners throw themselves on the necks of their liberators, the weakest and most tortured cannot stand it, burst into hysterical sobs... Here, just like outside the prison walls, there is laughter and tears of joy. And the gloomy prison flavor gives the date some special, deep, symbolic and mysterious power...

Fleeing from the red regiments, the white generals did not have time to shoot the remnants of their captives... But only the remnants... The dark nights of Ufa and the white gendarmes of Kolchak - only they can tell where our comrades are, who were taken in sullen parties irrevocably and unknown where every night. Those who survived later told what a painful torture it was - to live in the haze of filthy bullying, the unscrupulous and stupid mockery of officer scum, and every twilight to wait for their turn on the coming night...

As soon as the prisoners were released, guards were posted everywhere, patrols were placed throughout the city, permanent posts were placed on the outskirts... No robberies, no violence, no outrages or scandals - it was the Red Army that entered, shackled by discipline, imbued with the consciousness of revolutionary duty.

On the same first day, delegations from workers, from employees of various institutions came one after another - some welcomed, others thanked for the silence, for the order that had been established in the city... A delegation from the Jewish Socialist Party came and told the horrors that had happened during the Kolchak era. suffered here the Jewish population. There were no limits to bullying and repression; people were sent to prison without any reason. Some gold-chasing scoundrel considered hitting and beating up a Jew on the street as the best and unpunished pleasure...

If you retreat,” said the party representative, “every last person we will leave with you... Better naked and hungry Moscow than this brilliant and well-fed devilish nightmare.”

On the same day, Jewish youth began to create a volunteer detachment, which joined the ranks of the Red Army.

The political department of the division launched a wide range of work. In the very first hours, leaflets explaining the situation were distributed in huge numbers. Wall newspapers were posted around the city, and in the morning a daily divisional newspaper began to be published regularly. In all parts of the city, flying rallies were continuously organized, one after another. Residents greeted the speakers enthusiastically; many were rocked and carried in their arms right there at rallies - not for excellent oratorical qualities, but simply out of joy, from an excess of feelings. The Bolshoi City Theater was occupied by its own troupe; here all the work was done by the tireless Zoya Pavlovna - she tinkered with the scenery, got costumes from around the city, fussed with the productions, and acted herself. The theater was always packed with Red Army soldiers. A few days later, when the wounded Chapaev arrived in the city and came to the theater, on behalf of all the fighters he greeted Zoya Pavlovna from the stage, brought her a bouquet of flowers, and the entire huge hall greeted his beloved worker with a thunder of shouts and desperate clapping of his hands - this It was her best and hitherto unforgettable reward from the Red soldiers.

The city immediately shook itself up and began to live a new life. This was especially spoken about by those for whom life was dull and difficult under the officers’ “freedoms.”

Other divisions drove Kolchak beyond Ufa, and the 25th was stopped here for a break, and it stood in the Ufa region for more than two weeks. Time was not wasted, the units put themselves in order after such a long and grueling campaign. Headquarters and institutions also pulled up and gradually sorted out everything that had accumulated and accumulated during the hot campaign period. The political department worked with unremitting force; at its head now, instead of Ryzhikov, was Suvorov, a St. Petersburg worker, seemingly quiet, shy, but an excellent, tireless worker. He spent so much time in the political department that he could be found here every hour. Apparently, he spent the night there. Krainyukov, Fedor’s assistant, became close friends with Suvorov and also spent all his free time from assignments in the political department: the two of them actually carried out the enormous political work that was done during this two-week stay. Klychkov only helped them with advice and participated in various meetings - his time was spent working with other divisional bodies, which he and Chapaev touched here for the first time after Belebey.

Soon alarming news began to arrive from the Ural Front. There the Cossacks had success after success, but they just could not break into the besieged Uralsk. Information came through newspapers, through army reports and telegrams, through letters, especially a lot through letters... The Red Army soldiers learned that wild Cossack gangs were sweeping through their native villages like a burning whirlwind, destroying farms, killing, torturing those whose sons, husbands and brothers had left to the Red Army. The regiments became alarmed, became agitated, and began to ask to go to the Ural steppes, where they swore with tenfold force to fight against the presumptuous Ural Cossacks.

Chapaev and Fedor often talked about this and saw that the transfer of the division was necessary and useful, unless some exceptional circumstances prevented it. They spoke repeatedly with the Center and explained to Frunze what kind of mood had been created among the fighters and how unfavorable this mood was for any other front except the Ural. And then individual refugees or simply volunteer hunters began to come from those regions, who did not want to serve anywhere other than “their division.” The mood worsened. The Center took the situation into account: soon an order was received to transfer them to the Ural steppes. The enthusiasm of the regiments knew no bounds - they were going on a campaign as if for a solemn joyful walk. Chapaev was also pleased no less than the ordinary soldiers: he was transported to the steppes, to those steppes where he had been fighting for many months, where everything was familiar, understandable and close to him - not like here, among the Tatar villages. As quickly as possible, the training was completed, and the division set off.


Uralsk was surrounded by a Cossack ring for a long time - until the approach of the Chapaev division, its liberator. His heroic defense will go down as a brilliant page in the history of the civil war. Cut off from the whole world, the Urals withstood the Cossack siege with honor, repelled raids many times and with great valor, made forays themselves, and pulled the enemy from all sides. The exhausted garrison, into which the Ural workers poured in as a volunteer wave, never grumbled about either fatigue or hunger - there was no thought of surrendering to the power of the jubilant enemy. The fight was for life and death. Everyone knew that there could not be half here and Cossack captivity actually meant torture, torture, executions... Conspiracies were revealed in the city itself. Local White Guards managed to contact the Cossack units over the heads of the local garrison, received instructions from there, and themselves reported to the Cossack command about what was happening in the city... The shells and cartridges had already run out, food was running out, and perhaps the Red heroes would soon have to fight with bayonets alone, but even this did not frighten us - the mood of the besieged was cheerful and confident, calm and courageous. And when news reached them that the Chapaev Division was coming to the rescue, any remaining doubts disappeared, and the last attacks of the enemy were fought back even more steadfastly and heroically.

I. Separate agreed definitions can be widespread and solitary, postpositive and prepositive. The isolation of definitions depends on: 1) the way of expressing the isolated member of the sentence, 2) the way of expressing the word being defined, 3) the position of the isolated definition and 4) the degree of its prevalence.


1. Common agreed definitions, expressed by participial or adjectival phrases, if they appear after the noun being defined. Good done in secret is rewarded openly. However, if the noun has an incomplete lexical meaning ( face, expression, condition, appearance etc.), then separation does not occur. Andrey returned home to condition depressed and irritated.

2. Common and single definitions, regardless of position, if they refer to a personal pronoun. Taught by experience, I I didn’t rely on Yermolai.

3. Two or more uncommon definitions, if they come after the word being defined that already has an agreed definition in front of it; if there is no prepositive definition, then the isolation of definitions in the postposition is optional, i.e. possible, but not necessary: The March night, cloudy and foggy, surrounded the earth.

4. Common and single definitions, standing immediately before the defined noun, if they have additional adverbial meaning (reasons, concessions). Excited by her brother's story, Elena could no longer sleep. Cut off from the rest of the world, the people of the Urals withstood the Cossack siege with honor.

5. Common and single definitions, if they are separated from the noun being defined by other members of the sentence. Inspired by a new idea, the rebel people rose up.

II. Isolation of inconsistent definitions. Inconsistent definitions are definitions expressed by nouns in oblique cases with and without prepositions, comparative adjectives and infinitives. They are separated under the following conditions:

1. If they are expressed as IP in indirect cases, they stand after the word being defined and it is necessary to emphasize the meaning they express. The professor came in, wearing a heavy fur coat, with a stick in one hand and a briefcase in the other.

2. Usually, inconsistent definitions are always separated if they stand in a homogeneous row with an agreed definition: Katya appeared barefoot, with a backpack over his shoulders and shoes in his hand.

3. If the inconsistent definition refers to one's own IP or personal pronoun, regardless of location. Larisa and Pavel, both already wearing coats, stood opposite each other.

4. If the inconsistent definition refers to the names of persons by kinship, profession, position, etc. These were military doctors, almost all of them wearing glasses, with intelligent faces.

5. If a common or single inconsistent definition is expressed by an adjective in the comparative degree and an agreed definition is used before the defined noun. Another table, smaller, was covered with a tablecloth.

Segregation of applications. Separate applications perform the same functions as stand-alone definitions: they contain an additional message or have adverbial meaning. Usually separated:

1. Common applications that appear before or after the word being defined - a common noun: Eagles, companions of the troops, rose above the mountain.

2. Single and common applications after the proper name. This was sung by the beautiful Nonka, daughter of Makar. In preposition, such applications are isolated if they have additional adverbial meaning.

3. Single and common applications, regardless of location, if they relate to personal pronouns: We historians have a good memory for all significant events.

4. A person’s own name can act as a separate application if it serves to explain or clarify a common noun (an explanatory conjunction can be placed in front of such a proper noun namely ). It was Mitya’s friend Nikolai who came.

5. Applications attached to the defined word using 1) conjunction How (with causal meaning); 2) union or (with explanatory meaning), conjunctions that is , namely ; 3) and with the help of words by name, by surname, by nickname, by nickname and so on. The eldest son, named Victor, is just like his father. As a long-time northern resident, Mikhail knew the bear’s habits well.

The application may be separated by a hyphen:

1. If the single agreed clause and the modifiable noun are common nouns: son is an excellent student, warrior-hero, neighbor-writer.

2. If a single application, expressed by a common noun, comes after the proper noun: Don River, Dumas the Father, Grishka the Saddlemaker.

Isolation of circumstances characterized by special specifics, due to which circumstances are divided into two large groups: 1) circumstances expressed by gerunds and participial phrases and 2) circumstances expressed by nouns with prepositions or adverbs.

I. Circumstances expressed by gerunds and participial phrases are separated:

1. If a common circumstance is expressed by an adverbial phrase. The wave, ringing its rings, sings over the pebbles. Participial phrases are not isolated:

a) if they represent a phraseological unit ( without taking a breath, rolling up your sleeves, over your sleeves, with bated breath, reluctantly with your heart, hanging your ears, without closing your eyes and so on.).

b) if the participial phrase is closely related to the predicate verb and the logical stress falls on it. The Artamonovs lived without meeting anyone.

2. Circumstances expressed by a single gerund, preserving verbal features (more often such gerunds appear before the predicate verb, less often after it). He stood up and, hunched over, walked towards the shelf.

3. Two or more homogeneous circumstances, expressed by single gerunds. Frowning and nervous, the soldier began to pack his things. Participles and participial phrases that stand in a homogeneous row with circumstances expressed by other parts of speech are not distinguished: Calmly and without any hurry, Boris walked up to the village.

II. Circumstances expressed by prepositional-case forms of nouns or adverbs are isolated depending on their semantic load, the nature of the connection with the predicate verb, and the degree of prevalence. Usually separated:

1. Circumstances of the assignment, expressed by IP with prepositions despite ,regardless of . Despite the early hour, Sintsov met several military men.

2. Circumstances of reason with prepositions thanks to, according to, in view of, as a result of, for the reason of, by chance, for lack of, by virtue of ; circumstances conditions with prepositions subject to availability, absence ; circumstances of assignment with pretext contrary to usually stand out if: 1) they are common 2) they are at the beginning or middle of a sentence (before the predicate). Due to unprecedented rainfall, the Ussuri River overflowed its banks. But: Trains arrive according to schedule.

3. Sometimes (rather rarely) circumstances expressed by adverbs can be isolated for special emphasis: He blushed more and more, painfully.

Isolated revolutions with the meaning of inclusion, exclusion and substitution. Constructions with derived prepositions except, instead of, over, besides, excluding, including express various additional semantic meanings: exclusion, inclusion, substitution, limitation, generalization, etc. Their isolation is caused by relative independence and the desire to highlight them in a sentence.

Isolated phrases with the indicated prepositions in linguistic literature do not have an unambiguous qualification. In some manuals and school textbooks such constructions are classified as separate additions, but this is purely external, conditional an attribution based on the possibility of putting questions of indirect cases to nouns (albeit with the same derived prepositions): except who? what? except for whom? what? etc. Such phrases cannot be considered as an addition, since they do not indicate an object to which the action is directly or indirectly directed.

Usually separated:

1. Revolutions with the meaning of exception with prepositions except, except, except . All the guys, with the exception of Boris, were doing well. Besides the paintings, there were many interesting things around.

2. Turns with the meaning of inclusion with prepositions besides, over, along with, including , if they stand before the predicate and acquire relative semantic independence. And you, against your will, look away.

3. Revolutions with the meaning of substitution with a preposition instead of may or may not stand out. Usually the phrase with a preposition is not isolated instead of, meaning ‘ for, in return’. Instead of Ukrainian borscht we were served ordinary cabbage soup.

Punctuation workshop 4 PUNCTION MARKS IN SENTENCES WITH SEPARATE MEMBERS. SEPARATION OF DEFINITIONS OF PUNCTION MARKS IN SENTENCES WITH SEPARATE MEMBERS. SEPARATION OF DEFINITIONS Prepared by Lyubov Romanovna Efremova, teacher of Russian language and literature, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School 12”, Noyabrsk, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Definitions expressed by adjectives, participles, pronouns, ordinal numbers and consistent with the words being defined in gender, number and case are called. Agreed definitions are definitions expressed by nouns or pronouns in indirect cases with or without prepositions, syntactically integral phrases, adjectives in the form of a simple comparative degree, adverbs, and an indefinite form of a verb. Inconsistent definitions

Isolation of definitions Rules and schemes Examples I. Isolation of agreed definitions. 1. Common definitions, as well as two or more single definitions after a noun, are distinguished; On the window, silver with frost, chrysanthemums bloomed overnight. (I.A. Bunin) Thousands of paths and roads radiate into the distance across the earth, mysterious and strict. (M.A. Voloshin)

2. Any definition related to a personal pronoun (regardless of location); I was taken off the horse, wet to the last thread, almost unconscious. (S.T. Aksakov) Seized with horror, I was looking for some point of support, an initial thought... (V.V. Nabokov) 3. Any definition with the meaning of reason, concession or time, if it comes before the word being defined; Why? in spite of what? When? Drawn by an irresistible force, Garaska was pressed against the fence from the middle of the street along which he used to walk. (L.N. Andreev) 4. Any definition, if it is separated from the word being defined by other words. On the table, screwed down, a lamp was burning. (V.P. Astafiev)

II. Separation of inconsistent definitions 1) if the definition refers to a personal pronoun (regardless of location); She, in a long chintz sundress, was unusually sweet. In a long chintz sundress, she was unusually sweet. 2) if the definition is expressed in the form of a comparative adjective; One of the boys, older than the others, took a step forward.

3. If the definition is expressed in an indefinite form of a verb (sometimes with dependent words) and can be preceded by a dash; Her heart was filled with one desire - to do good to others. 4. If the inconsistent definition is on the same level as the agreed one. A young guy, in a torn sheepskin coat, blond and high cheekbones, was waiting for the zemstvo doctor. (A.P. Chekhov)

Explain the conditions for segregation/non-separation of definitions 1. People, sweaty, ragged, bent under the weight of goods, are running fussily in clouds of dust. 2. His mustache, thick and long, quivered every now and then, like a cat’s, and his hands, clasped behind his back, rubbed each other. 3. He was barefoot, his trousers were old and worn, and his shirt was dirty, cotton, with a torn collar. 4. Dull from fatigue, noise and heat, people get along with the machines they created shining in the sun.

5. Raised in poverty and hunger, they quickly adapted to this cruel life and learned to overcome its difficulties. 6. Around noon, a lady in a black dress, tall and slender, appeared. 7. Broad-shouldered, short-legged, in heavy boots, in a thick caftan the color of road dust, he stood in the middle of the steppe, as if carved out of stone. 8. Today she, in a new blue hood, was especially young and impressively beautiful.

9. In summer, warmed by the sun, forest glades are strewn with strawberries. 10. And under your feet the grainy March snow crunches deliciously, like ripe apples, smelling of moist freshness. 11. From afar comes the roar of thunder gaining strength. 12. The willow trees were blooming, the catkins hanging from their flexible shoots smelled honey-sweet, and the bees were buzzing overhead. 13. The weather, which had been gloomy since the morning, began to gradually clear up.

14. The water in the river seemed black, even blacker, and its calm surface reflected flashing lights in the sky. 15. And across the turquoise sky, infinitely high and transparently tender, in places covered, as if by snow-white lace, with small cirrus clouds, the golden ball of the sun quickly rose, burning and dazzling, filling the water surface of the pond with a joyful shine. 16. It was a bright square room, much higher than ours.

Place commas where necessary in sentences with separate definitions 1. A person who does not remember the past deprives himself of the future. Cut off from the rest of the world, the people of the Urals withstood the Cossack siege with honor. The wisdom and beauty of literature are revealed only to an enlightened and knowledgeable person. Kolya took a bath and, fresh with wet hair, climbed up the cliff. The pure sounds of music, similar to the voices of silver trumpets, delighted him. check yourself

1. A person who does not remember the past deprives himself of the future. Cut off from the rest of the world, the people of the Urals withstood the Cossack siege with honor. The wisdom and beauty of literature are revealed only to an enlightened and knowledgeable person. Kolya took a bath and, fresh, with wet hair, climbed up the cliff. The pure sounds of music, like the voices of silver trumpets, delighted him.

Place commas where necessary in sentences with separate definitions 2. A gloomy young man, thin and slender, attracted my attention. On the shore there were no traces of the drama that played out between the two people. To the left was a hill covered with small bushes. He was small and had terrible strength in his hands. The garden was in late bloom, beautiful and well-groomed. check yourself

2. A gloomy young man, thin and slender, attracted my attention. On the shore there were no traces of the drama that played out between the two people. To the left was a hill covered with small bushes. Small, he had terrible power in his hands. The garden was in late bloom, beautiful and well-groomed.

Place commas where necessary in sentences with separate definitions 3. And he is rebellious and asks for storms, as if there is peace in storms. A man was running along a wide street that ended at the gates of the park. A mind directed towards denial alone turns pale and dries up. The novel created by the young author caused lively debate. Snow that does not melt even in the hottest summer covers the high peaks. Test yourself

3. And he, rebellious, asks for storms, as if there is peace in storms. A man was running along a wide street that ended at the gates of the park. A mind directed toward negation alone turns pale and dries up. The novel created by the young author caused lively debate. Snow that does not melt even in the hottest summer covers the high peaks

1. Which answer option correctly identifies and explains all the commas? The sky (1) strewn with winter stars (2) sank onto the tops of (3) sleeping fir trees. 1.1,2,3 - two participle phrases are highlighted 2.2, 3 - two participial phrases are highlighted 3.1,2 - participial phrase is highlighted 4.1,2 - participial phrase is highlighted

The impenetrable Siberian taiga (1) spread out (2) by the ocean (3) seemed endless, the participial phrase stands out 2.2, 3 - a single gerund is highlighted 3.1,3 - the participial phrase is highlighted 4.1, 3 - the participial phrase is highlighted 2. Which answer option is correctly indicated and explained all commas?

3. Which answer option correctly identifies and explains all the commas? In the garden (1) breathing the blooming lilacs (2) incessantly (3) the nightingale sang, the participle phrase stands out 2.2, 3 - the adverbial phrase stands out 3.1,2 - the participial phrase stands out 4.1,3 - the participial phrase stands out

The first artificial material (1) invented by man in the Stone Age (2) was refractory clay; the adverbial phrase stands out; the participle phrase stands out; the participial phrase stands out; 3.1, 2 - the participial phrase stands out;

5. Which answer option correctly identifies and explains all the commas? The headwind (1) fluttering the flag of the ship (3) illuminated by a searchlight (2) does not disturb the river surface. 1.1,3 - the participial phrase is highlighted; the participial phrase is highlighted 3.1, 2 - the participial phrase is highlighted 4.1, 3 - the participial phrase is highlighted

6. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence? The portrait of V. Lopukhina (1) combining (2) beautiful appearance and at the same time spiritual emptiness (3) becomes a mystery (4) hiding (5) the artist’s true intention. 1)1,3,4 3)1,2,3 2)2,4,5 4)1,2,3,4,5

The era (1) that began (2) after the discoveries of Galileo Galilei (3) and ended with the work of Isaac Newton (4) marked a new stage in the development of science and technology. 1)1 3)2,4 2)1,4 4)1,3 7. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

8. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence? Fishing boats (1) pulled ashore (2) formed a long row of dark keels (3) on the white sand, reminiscent of (4) the ridges of huge fish. 1)1,2,3 3)2,3,4 2)1,3 4)1,2,4

9. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence? Behind the house (1) visible (2) through pine paws and willow bushes, birch and rowan foliage (3) flowed a river (4) bordered by a dense forest. 1)1,4 3)3 2)1,3,4 4)1,2,3,4

10. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence? The pond (2) formed on the river (1) diagonally crossed the Abramtsevo estate (3) and was the natural boundary of the courtyard with outbuildings and the park (4) located to the southeast of the estate house. 1)1,2,4 3)2,3,4 2)2,4 4)1,3

11. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence? Vronsky was able to notice the restrained liveliness (1) playing in her face (2) and (3) fluttering between her sparkling eyes and a barely noticeable smile (4) curving her rosy lips. 1)1,4 3)1,2,3 2)2,3,4 4)4

12. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence? Pushkin (1) brought up on the “History of the Russian State” N.M. Karamzin (2) said his own word (4) about Russian history (3), which in many ways surpassed Karamzin’s. 1)1,2,4 3)1,3,4 2)1,2 4)3,4

13. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence? The technique of deep painting (1) allowing one to draw freely (2) without any physical effort (3) turned out to be especially close to Shishkin (4), who maintained a free and lively manner of drawing. 1)1,4 3)2,4 2)2,3 4)1,3,4

14. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence? Words (1) formed from geographical names (2) quite often pose questions (4) related to normative word usage to the speaker and writer (3). 1)2,3 3)2,4 2)1,2,4 4)1,3,4

Literature 1. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Komissarova L.Yu., Kurtseva Z.I., Chindilova O.V. Russian language. Grade 11. Textbook for general education and specialized humanitarian levels. – M.: Balass, Russian language. Federal Bank of Examination Materials / Authors-comp. I.P. Tsybulko, V.I. Kapinos, L.I. Puchkova, A.Yu. Baserova and others - M.: Eksmo, Kozlovskaya I.V., Sergeeva E.V. Test tasks in the Russian language for high school students. – St. Petersburg: “Paritet”, 2000.

Place punctuation marks where necessary in sentences with homogeneous members

It was sad in this small garden, already touched by autumn. He was a jack of all trades: a mechanic, a carpenter, a carpenter and even a mechanic. A cold, metallic light flashed on thousands of wet leaves. He soon turned into a typical county official. For the criminal, it is not so much the moment of retribution that is painful as the anticipation of it. I will either cry, or laugh, or faint. All these flowers, sparkles, sounds and smells excited and invigorated. He stood there, neither alive nor dead. He grumbled, but did not dare to disobey. An irresistible, albeit quiet force carried me away. Sleepy and lazy are siblings. The Russian people are smart and understanding, diligent and passionate about everything good. And today the poet’s rhyme, caress and slogan, and shield and whip. They were ready to work day and night. They didn't say a word and looked at each other gloomily. Tatyana believed in the legends of the common people, dreams, and card fortune-telling. A small clayey pond glistened in the sun. Even the old, gray leaf-covered branches whispered of days gone by. Suddenly two large shaggy dogs rushed at me. He saw not only vegetable gardens, but also beautiful gardens. Let him serve in the army, pull the strap, and smell gunpowder. In some places the small river, which dries up in summer, has overflowed widely. The wind brings coldness, clarity and a certain emptiness to the whole body. Their faces expressed, if not fear, then concern. An old black silk scarf wrapped around his neck. The room was covered with old striped wallpaper. A tall, extremely excited young man burst into the room. Behind the rain, neither the sea nor the sky was visible. He loved the steppes and wide rivers and dense forests of his homeland. Both young and old stood up to defend their homeland.

Place commas where necessary in sentences with separate definitions

A person who does not remember the past deprives himself of the future. Cut off from the rest of the world, the people of the Urals withstood the Cossack siege with honor. The wisdom and beauty of literature are revealed only to a person who is enlightened and knowledgeable. Kolya took a bath and, fresh, with wet hair, climbed up the cliff. The pure sounds of music, like the voices of silver trumpets, delighted him. A gloomy young man, thin and slender, attracted my attention. There were no traces of the drama that played out between the two people on the shore. To the left was a hill covered with small bushes. Small, he had terrible strength in his hands. The garden was in late bloom, beautiful and well-groomed. And he, rebellious, asks for storms, as if there is peace in storms. A man was running along a wide street that ended at the gates of the park. A mind directed toward negation alone turns pale and dries up. Created by a young author, the novel caused lively controversy. Snow that does not melt even in the hottest summer covers the high peaks. The sun, which had just been overhead, fell close to sunset. It was nice to look at her, calm and strong. He spoke of Caucasian life, full of wild beauty. Yellow leaves rustle underfoot, covering the path in a layer. The sun-drenched cliff wall burned with a yellowish flame. The anthill consists of many rooms arranged in regular tiers. She stood silent, motionless as a statue. Light clouds, pink from the sunset, froze in the sky. The other bank, high and mountainous, was deserted. He lived a long and difficult life. The night came, moonlit, clear. Poplars covered with dew filled the air with a delicate aroma. We, tired, returned only at eight o'clock. Stunned by the blow of the fist, the man fell. The moon rose, crimson and gloomy.

Place commas where necessary in sentences with separate applications.

Radishchev, an enemy of slavery, escaped censorship. There is a nightingale, the lover of spring, singing all night. We artillerymen were busy around the guns. More than once I have heard rumors about Yashka the Turk as the best singer. He is not a superstitious person; Maksimych was ready to attribute any supernatural powers to Mother Volga. Onegin, my good friend, was born on the banks of the Neva. She was beautiful and attracted everyone's attention. We, the servants, were not people to them. He had a son, a high school student named Victor. They are very different, these lines, they oppose each other. And then he, this little boy, said a strange thing. Zhukhrai, the sailor, did not speak to them. It was difficult for me, a man in a tramp costume, to get him to talk. A kind and sympathetic person, Fedor quickly won the hearts of his family. The maid Dunyasha came running from the young ladies' rooms. An agronomist, he knew his business perfectly. His wife Anna Petrovna finally entered the room. Ivan Dmitrievich, an average person, loved to read newspapers. His companion, a young man, reclines and plays the harmonica. St. Basil's Cathedral was erected during the reign of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Gosha, a seventeen-year-old boy, sat alone and was bored. Both older girls, Katya and Sonya, began to keep a watchful eye on the boys. The doctor, a cheerful and flexible fellow, was visiting once. Poor thing, she lay motionless, and blood flowed from the wound in streams. Elk, this forest giant, is capable of covering long distances. Thoughtfulness, her friend from the cradle days, adorned the flow of rural leisure with dreams. The stars, the living flowers of the sky, burned above us. Butler, a horse hunter, immediately appreciated the good strength of the first horse. The guests surrounded our neighbor, Sergei Ivanovich, and showered him with questions. He was supported by Igoshkin, a young boy who had recently separated from his father.

Place commas where necessary in sentences with separate circumstances

Having inhaled the aroma of straw and chaff on the threshing floor, you cheerfully go home for dinner. You look at the familiar panorama of the Moscow region, as if through cleanly washed glass. The publisher stood at the table, leaning on it with one hand and rubbing his forehead with the other. Everyone listened to the singer with bated breath. Long folds ran from the bow of the steamer and, wrinkled and widened, they were finally smoothed out. Without putting on his cap, he went out onto the porch. With her arms wrapped around her knees and her chin resting on them, she looked at the river. He spoke in a whisper and without looking at anyone. The doors creaked and closed. After some time, Vyesovshchikov came. Afraid of falling while descending, we decided to walk further along the stream. The prince told me that he, too, would work, and that, having earned money, we would go. He stood next to her and looked with his mouth open. The guests sat for a while longer, but, fearing to be indiscreet, they soon went home. He stood for a while, listening into the darkness, and hurried to the shore. A sleigh flew along the road, kicking up snow dust and bouncing. Grumbling and looking around, Kashtanka entered the room. He spoke, and they listened to him with bated breath. Flushing, she turned away and left the room. The first tank stopped before reaching the forest. Although this man worked carelessly, no one reproached him for it. Despite the difficult weather conditions, rescuers were already on site by evening. The Cossacks looked at him restrainedly, parting. She came in smiling and sat down at the table. Here, near the carts, wet horses stood and people walked, covered with bags from the rain. He stood leaning against the wall and looking around aimlessly, smiling. Despite the bad weather, we set off. The paramedic, having seated Pashka, went out and returned, holding clothes in her hands. Pashka slowly began to pull off his sheepskin coat. So she lived without love, only hoping for it.

Place commas where necessary to highlight introductory words and sentences

I saw Natasha, it seems, on the third day of my hospital life. And, by the way, the dining room was already closed. He, however, was a delicate, gentle and intelligent man. He can be, if desired, very witty. Nikita's whole life was not a constant holiday, but, on the contrary, was a never-ending service. Most likely I will go to university. He didn't even try to help. This place seemed to him the most beautiful in the forest. In short, we jumped to conclusions. However, to my surprise, events began to develop differently. Fortunately, even the worst misfortunes come to an end. We stood, I remember, for three days in sad inaction. Sea fishing cannot, in my opinion, compare with river fishing. The sea, for hundreds of miles around, seemed deserted. This piece seems so modern to me. He was an exceptionally strong-willed person. In general, I’m ready to do anything for you. However, it's time to say a few words about my companion. Of course, Evgeny was not the only one who could see Tanya’s confusion. The shore, as I already said, was swampy. The topic is not new, however, it is interesting. This book, as far as I can tell, will be a success. Someone, apparently, was passing along the street at that time. But maybe you want to know the ending of Bela's story. And indeed, he soon left. As the sailors put it, the wind was getting stronger. Thus, an image of the forest as a living being emerges. The misfortune did not change him, but on the contrary, he became even more energetic. He doesn't want to be treated at all. He gave three balls every year and finally squandered it.