The highest recognition of an athlete's skill are the titles: master of sports of Russia - MSR (in board games - checkers and chess - grandmaster of Russia), and master of sports of international class - MSMK. But to achieve this honor, you need to work long and hard. The first step to the top is the lowest sports rank - the third youth level. Next - to become a master of sports of international class - several more stages must be overcome.

Legal basis

The assignment of sports categories is regulated by Federal Law No. 329 “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” of 2007. The latest amendments to the document were made on April 18, 2018 with effect from May 1, 2018. However, this is not the only document that the athletes themselves, their coaches and judges rely on when it comes to assigning categories and titles. Here the main source of information is the Regulations on the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification. The latest version of the document was adopted in June 2017. It spells out in detail all the norms for each sport operating in Russia from those that are included in the All-Russian Register of Sports.

Despite the fact that one document refers to another and that the information contained in them is updated quite often, these Federal Laws, Regulations and Register are extremely clear and simple to those close to the sports world. The assignment of sports categories and titles of federal or international significance is carried out in a certain clear sequence, therefore there is no confusion here, since there are strict Federal Law requirements. If you follow them, have protocols of competitions with results and signatures of judges, then further registration of the athlete’s qualifying status is a matter of time and patience.

On the way to the top

Titles are assigned by the Ministry of Sports of Russia, categories - directly in the regions where the athlete lives, by executive authorities at the request of the coach through the representative office of the federation corresponding to the sport. Article 22 of Federal Law No. 329 gives subjects such a right. For children from nine years of age, the third, second and first youth categories are valid. Third, second, first sports and candidate master of sports (CMS) - for boys and girls who have achieved results corresponding to them at a somewhat later age. Everything is relative. Some athlete, even at 17, does not reach the level of the first sportsman in terms of results. The other one, at 13, is able to fulfill the CCM standards. Therefore, the lower and upper age thresholds in sports do not have clear boundaries. The main thing is to comply with the standards and requirements for assigning sports categories.

The application for qualification must be submitted within four months from the date of compliance with the relevant standards. In addition to the athlete’s personal results, other conditions must be met. For all requirements, you should be guided by the Regulations on the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification. Competitions must have an appropriate status, the number and level of judges at them also matter, as well as the way in which results are recorded in speed sports: with stopwatches or digital meters.

The ranks are assigned for a period of two years. During this period, the qualifications obtained must be confirmed by corresponding results by participating in subsequent competitions. If an athlete meets the standards of a higher category, he has the right to submit a petition for its award without waiting for the expiration of the previous one.

Keeping a treasured little book

All achievements of the athlete from the lowest junior rank are entered in the record book. Therefore, you should not delay in opening it. Nowadays, the acquisition of this unique athlete’s report card falls entirely on his family. It is a rare federation that has a sufficient budget to purchase, in addition to the necessary equipment and uniforms, also textbooks for its students. All entries made in it must have links to orders on the assignment of sports categories and more, the names and categories of judges, the rating of competitions in which significant results were achieved - everything must be reflected in it. Here, the more details, the better. In addition, the record book must be registered with the federation or organization that leads the athlete.

During competitions, it is presented to the panel of judges, and the participant’s personal achievements are entered into it based on the results of the competition. So, record 0 is not only a visual evidence of the assignment of youth sports categories at an early stage of an athlete’s career, but also his “diary with grades” - results, awards, prizes, etc. It is worth carefully ensuring that all records have links to protocols and are certified signatures and seals of either representatives of the federation where the athlete is involved, or the organizers of the competition.

In a single list

Of course, not for all existing sports it is possible to officially assign sports categories or titles of master of sports, grandmaster, master of sports of international class, at the state level, but only for those that are included in the All-Russian Register of Sports (ARVS). This list is constantly updated: something is added, something is excluded. Take, for example, a hobby like eSports. At one time it was listed in the general register of Russian sports. However, over time it was excluded for a number of reasons. The list of unique hobbies vying to be included in the register is quite extensive, but not everyone has a chance of getting into it, even temporarily.

On average, after each update of the list, there remain about 150 species for which it is possible to assign sports categories. The Ministry of Sports necessarily supervises all their federations or organizations. It is worth noting that almost each type is divided into specific disciplines. For clarity, we can cite a sport such as rowing. Here are just a few of the 17 disciplines of rowing: double scull, quadruple scull, quadruple sculls, light weight quadruple scull and so on. In addition to academic rowing, there is also folk, coastal, and indoor rowing. Or in figure skating: men's and women's single skating, sports dancing, pair figure skating, group synchronized skating. And so on for almost every species listed in the VRVS.

Massive and developing

For all sports from the register, there are certain rules, qualification standards and conditions for assigning sports categories. Women and men have their own. The gradation also goes by age, and in strength disciplines, by the weight of the athletes. Requirements and standards were developed and established based on an analysis of the development of a particular sport and its individual disciplines. The status of competitions and the number of participants in them also matter for the awarding of categories and titles. If we take mass and only developing sports as an example, then we should give several specific examples for clarity.

Thus, one of the conditions, and there are about 15 of them, for fulfilling the requirements of the Regulations on the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification for the assignment of sports categories and titles is participation in all-Russian competitions:

  • for mass sports of national teams or individual athletes from half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • developing sports teams or individual athletes from at least 80% of those regions of the Russian Federation where this type exists.

These requirements apply to both championships and cup competitions, championships in all other official all-Russian competitions. Whatever the athlete’s personal achievements, if the requirement for the required number of participants is not met, his results will not be included in the rank classification for the assignment of sports ranks. Swimming, artistic gymnastics, football in our country are quite developed sports; as a rule, there are no problems with the number of participants, which cannot be said about curling, alpine skiing, sailing, fencing and many others.

By nationality

The classification regulated by the EVSK is valid in Russia for some national sports. It is unlikely that even recognized masters will ever be able to become participants in international competitions, but in the Russian Federation it is possible to obtain official ranks and titles in them. For example, in the northern all-around. This sport is widespread in the reindeer herding regions of the Far North. Applications for the assignment of a sports category are considered directly in the regions themselves; all-Russian competitions are not held for obvious reasons. In some regions of the Russian Federation, lapta, towns, and other national species are developed. Members of the EVSK are awarded honorary sports titles at the federal level.

For those who want to reach the top - to win the Olympic Games - it is worth knowing some nuances about national sports so as not to treat them with disdain when choosing the sport to which they decide to devote their entire lives. Not so long ago, curling, which is now gaining popularity all over the world, was known only in Scotland. It was included in the Olympic program only in 1998. And the first sets of awards were played out in Nagano. But even now few people know about such a sport as hurling. But nevertheless, in Europe, this national team game, popular in Ireland, finds an increasing number of supporters every year. There is even an active hurling league in the West. There are several dozen similar examples of sports that are gaining momentum. Sumo is in Japan, skibob is in Switzerland, kabaddi is in India, etc. However, it is easier to achieve international recognition by choosing the more popular ones.

Ambition or honor?

The most popular sports are included in the programs of the Winter and Summer Olympic Games. For athletes, being selected for the national teams of their countries at the Olympic Games is a minimum program in life. The maximum is to win “gold” in them. As a rule, athletes of a level not lower than an international master of sports go to the Olympics, less often - just a master of sports. A prize-winning place in qualifying competitions or a set world record - and a well-deserved title is practically in your pocket. The procedure for assigning sports categories from third to first is based on results in competitions of all-Russian or regional significance. At this stage of an athlete’s career there are enough of them. Such competitions are:

  • Russian championship;
  • Cup of Russia;
  • Russian Championship;
  • Spartakiads, Universiade, etc.

Another status of competitions, participation in which is a step towards the assignment of 1 sports category, is interregional championships of federal districts, championships of constituent entities, zonal competitions. But in the latter, a mandatory condition is the participation of teams from two or more federal districts of the Russian Federation. In addition, zonal competitions must be included in the calendar of qualifying competitions for championships or championships of the Russian Federation.

If you look at all the requirements for the status of competitions listed in the Unified All-Russian Sports Classifier, participation or a prize place in which can give a chance to be awarded a rank or title, it becomes clear that the athlete’s personal sports achievements alone are not enough. A number of other conditions must be met.

From amateur to professional

Assignment of sports categories is possible not only in the professional league, but also in the amateur league. A good example for this is domestic football. The Russian Football Union has a general organization of four leagues in descending order:

  • Russian Football Premier League (RFPL).
  • Football National League (FNL).
  • Professional Football League (PFL).
  • Amateur Football League (LFL).

In ordinary conversations they are called more simply: highest, first, second and third. The assignment of sports ranks to football players does not in any way affect the division in which they compete. Competitions at their internal championships are included in the classification of those included in the category classification.

When a football player moves from a lower to a higher league, or from amateur to professional, if he has the first sports rank, it is easier to quickly receive the title of master of sports, since the rank of the competition will now be more significant. Moreover, teams competing in the professional division - PFL, FNL and RFPL - participate in the Russian Cup. The tournament is held every year. Subject to qualifying for a Premier League team at one stage of the competition, even a PFL team not only takes part in a rating tournament, but also meets several additional requirements to receive the title of Master of Sports. Here both the referees and the opponents have a higher status. If, taking part in matches exclusively between teams of his league, a football player can only rely on regional orders to assign sports categories, then an entry in his record book about a fight with a stronger opponent and in a ranked tournament will be more valuable for his future.

Such a transition from amateur to professional is possible in any sport. Skill and luck play a decisive role here. All categories previously won by an athlete are valued among professionals. They know firsthand the price at which they get it, since they themselves have previously gone through the same trials.

For special merits

In addition to three youth, three sports categories, the titles “Master of Sports” and “Master of Sports of International Class”, for special personal achievements an athlete can be awarded the honorary title “Honored Master of Sports of Russia”. The provision for its assignment is regulated by Article No. 22 329-FZ. This award rewards not only competing athletes, but also coaches, referees and even sports commentators for personal achievements in their sports careers. Although, as a rule, the latter come to television after finishing their performances due to injury or age. To be awarded the title “Honored Master of Sports of Russia”, you must really have significant services to your country. The requirements for the candidate are almost the same as the conditions for assigning sports categories. World, Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympic record holders, regardless of achievements in team or individual performances, champions of many other international competitions who achieve high results throughout their careers, sooner or later are sure to receive this honorary recognition at the state level.

However, unlike dischargers, candidates for Honored Master of Sports need to score a certain number of qualifying points. They are awarded according to the approved scale. For sports included in the program of the Olympic, Deaflympic and Paralympic Games, they are somewhat different from those that are not included in the grid of the listed competitions. In addition, the division is based on team and individual competition. Mandatory competitions include:

  • World Championship.
  • World Cup.
  • Europe championship.
  • European Cup.
  • Russian championship.

The periods of assignment of sports categories and titles to an athlete, the speed or regularity of his career do not play a role here. Qualifying points are calculated only according to the above criteria.

Changes and develops

There are no standards established once and for all for athletes that must be met in order to be able to qualify for the next category. The skills of athletes are constantly growing, new technologies are being invented to increase their achievements, a whole industry is working on them: sports equipment, equipment, special devices, a personal nutrition system is being developed, etc. Therefore, the standards for assigning sports categories often change. Just like the Unified All-Russian Sports Classifier is constantly updated, adding new types. As for the industry, here are some clear examples.

At the same competitions, teams from different countries often have different equipment, which can improve the performance of athletes: swimming suits made of material that helps overcome water resistance more easily, ski mastic that increases gliding, a bean box shape that promotes smoother cornering , curling stone, auto racing tires... The list goes on.

In addition, the skill of individual athletes, as, for example, in rhythmic and artistic gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming, etc., also dictates its conditions for making amendments to the qualification system: Korbut loop, Plushenko’s quadruple sheepskin coat, and other new complex elements in the listed sports. As soon as they are obeyed by individual participants in international competitions, the standards for assigning sports categories change. Sometimes, to keep up with them, athletes have to work at the limit of their capabilities. That’s why injuries in sports are so high.

Not a business

Despite the multimillion-dollar budgets of the leading Russian sports federations, the acquisition of expensive foreign players for strengthening within Russian teams, it should be understood that real skill still cannot be bought, like a driver’s license, a higher education diploma or a doctorate. Athletes earn all ranks and titles on their own. Therefore, there is much more respect for their grade books and certificates than for anyone else. Not a single entry is made without indicating the protocol of the competition, and they cannot be falsified, since according to the Regulations on the assignment of sports categories, each reference to the competition must be certified by signatures and seals. And you need to collect a lot of such lines in your record book for the next rank.

A submission package or appeal to the federation of your sport or its regional representative office for assignment of a rank should be prepared on time - within four months from the date the athlete fulfills all the rules and conditions. The application is signed directly by the coach or additional education teacher, if we are talking about youth categories. The package of documents should include:

  • a copy of the competition protocol or an extract from it, signed by the chief judge, confirming the participant’s compliance with the relevant standards;
  • a certificate confirming the qualifications of the refereeing team of the specified competitions;
  • a photocopy of the candidate's passport or birth certificate if he is under 14 years of age;
  • two photographs 3 × 4 cm.

To assign the categories of “candidate master of sports”, “master of sports” and “international master of sports”, the requirements for the judge’s signature on a copy of the competition protocol are somewhat higher, and the coach also needs to monitor this carefully. Such nuances, as a rule, are well known to both, therefore everyone treats the preparation of representative documents for the category with a high degree of responsibility.

The status of judges is of particular importance. Thus, for the title of MS, the presence of three judges of the All-Russian category is required. For CMS, two are enough. After reviewing the documents at the Ministry of Sports (and this also has certain deadlines and procedures), an order from the Ministry of Sports should be issued on assigning sports categories to the declared athletes. If an award is denied, the response must state the reasons. Sometimes this only relates to the correct execution of documents, so it is important not to delay making amendments so as not to miss deadlines.

Unified All-Russian sports classification

Unified All-Russian Sports Classification (EVSK)- a normative document defining the procedure for assigning and confirming sports titles and categories in the Russian Federation. Defines the standards, the fulfillment of which is necessary for the assignment of titles and categories for all officially recognized sports. In the USSR there was a Unified All-Union Sports Classification. The first EVSK in Russia was introduced in 1994, it was designed for the period until 1996. For the period 1997-2000. the second EVSK was introduced, and for the period 2001-2005. - third. In 2006, the fourth EVSC was introduced, which will operate until 2009 (for some sports, the EVSC was developed for the period 2007-2010).

General provisions

EVSK is the only regulatory document that defines the procedure for assigning official sports titles and categories and the requirements for athletes applying for these titles. EVSK is formed in accordance with the All-Russian Register of Sports and the list of sports recognized by the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports of Russia.

The EVSC determines both the actual standards that an athlete must fulfill to receive the title, and the conditions under which these standards must be met: the level of competition, the qualifications of judges, the level of opponents. Requirements are established individually for each sport, taking into account both its specifics and the level of development of this sport in the Russian Federation.

The EVSK is developed and adopted for a period of four years. Several editions of the ESK can operate simultaneously if they determine the requirements for different sports.

Rank and rank

The system of sports titles and categories is the same for all sports. The following titles and categories of athletes are provided (in descending order):

Sports titles:

  • (MSMK) :: Grandmaster of Russia

Sports categories:

  • 1st sports category
  • 2nd sports category
  • 3rd sports category
  • 4th sports category in chess - score at least 50 percent of points in a group tournament, playing at least 10 games.
  • 5th sports category in chess - cancelled. the conditions for obtaining are similar to the conditions for obtaining the current 4th category.
  • 1st youth category
  • 2nd youth category
  • 3rd youth category

The highest sports title has two names - “Master of Sports of International Class” and “Grandmaster of Russia”. The use of two terms is due to tradition - the title “Grandmaster” is used for board logic games (chess, checkers, Go), and MSMK is used for all other sports.

Youth ranks are assigned only in those sports where age objectively gives an overwhelming advantage over the opponent, regardless of his level of training (where such qualities as physical strength, speed of movement, endurance, and reaction speed are decisive). In those sports where age does not play a determining role (for example, in intellectual games), youth ranks are not assigned.

Requirements and procedure for awarding titles

  • The basis for assigning a rank or title is the achievement of a certain objectively measurable result of sports activity. The following may be recognized as such:
    1. Occupying a certain place when performing in an official competition provided for by the standards.
    2. Achieving the number of victories specified by the standards over opponents of the corresponding rank or category. Victories achieved during the last year are taken into account only in official competitions, the level of which meets the standards.
    3. Fulfillment of quantitative standards in those sports where such are possible (for example, weightlifting) at official competitions of the level corresponding to the standards.
  • Each title (category) provides for a certain minimum age of the athlete from which this title can be awarded.
  • To be awarded the title of MSMK or “Grandmaster of Russia”, an athlete must participate for Russia in international competitions at the appropriate level.
  • For competitions based on the results of which titles and categories are awarded, standards are established for the level, composition of participants, the required number of judges of a certain category, the required number of opponents, the number of games, fights, performances in the main and preliminary (qualifying) part of the competition.
  • For international competitions, based on the results of which the highest ranks are awarded, the required minimum number of participating countries is determined.
  • The highest ranks (MSMK, Grandmaster of Russia) are approved by the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports. Lower ranks and categories are assigned to athletes by regional or local (depending on the rank or rank) executive bodies for physical culture and sports.
  • Sports titles are awarded only to citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • Sports categories must be confirmed at least once every two years.



  • Section dedicated to EVSK on the website of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism: position, current EVSK

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Hello, dear visitors of the site. Do you know how important the title of Candidate Master of Sports in Boxing is for a fighter? How to get it and what standards do you meet?


Makes him realize the level of his professionalism. It's difficult to achieve. And this is only an intermediate stage in my career. The next one is a master of sports.

Before entering the international arena, victories in regular championships are required.

If a fighter has a degree, then he needs to strictly adhere to a certain training schedule, receive awards for them and achieve prize positions in various competitions.

Question about standards

How to become a candidate for master of sports in boxing? The answer is simple - you need to meet certain standards - regulations. The following is a table with the parameters that must be achieved to obtain the degree. Conditions considered only in Russia.

These data are indicative. They may be slightly adjusted over time. However, editing rarely occurs. Therefore, you can build on them.

Standards table

Paragraph Tournament scale Gender and age Required prize positions Minimum number of battles fought
1 World M (15-16) 1-3 3
F (15-16) 1-3 2
2 Europe M (15-16) 1-3 3
F (15-16) 1-2 2
3 Russia M
AND 3-5 2
4 Country Cup (final) M 3-5 2
AND 2-3 2
M (by command) 3-5* *

– victories in at least 50% of battles,

— participation in at least 50% of the battles in a team competition.

5 Russia YuM (19-22) 5 2
YUM (17-18) 3-5 2
YUZh (17-18) 2-3 2
Boys (15-16) 1-3 2
Girls (15-16) 1-2 2
6 Other domestic tournaments from the EKP category Juniors, juniors (17-18) 2-3 2
Boys (15-16) 1-2 3
Girls (15-16) 1 2
7 AND 1-3 2
8 Federal District of the Russian Federation, Moscow, St. Petersburg YuM(19-22) 1-3 2
YUM (17-18) 1-3 2
YUM (17-18) 1-2 2
Boys (15-16) 1 3
9 Region of the Russian Federation (exceptions: Moscow and St. Petersburg) YuM (19-22) 1-2 3
YUM, YUZH (17-18) 1 3
10 Subject of the Russian Federation (excl: Moscow and St. Petersburg) YuM (19-22) 1-2 3
YUM, YUZH (17-18) 1 3
11 Other official championships of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation M 1 3
AND 1 3
YuM (19-22) 1 3
YUM, YUZH (17-18) 1 3

Abbreviations in the table:

M – male gender. F – female. YM – male junior. YUZH – female.

There is one more condition in paragraphs 6-11: there must be two CCMs in the program (weight class).

Sometimes CMS is called a discharge, but this is incorrect. Candidate Master of Sports is a title, not a rank. Discharges are a similar, but slightly different topic.

Conditions for obtaining the title of candidate master of sports in boxing

  1. Reaching the required age to participate in combat, and in the same calendar year.
  2. At all-Russian EKP tournaments, participants must have matches in age, weight class, regulatory component and other parameters established by the organizers.

Under these conditions, candidates for master of sports in boxing can receive the coveted title. The chances of receiving it disappear if the age limits are violated: a fighter will not receive the degree he needs if his age data does not match the parameters from the designated table.

To successfully pass the standards, you need to prepare for them with a sparring partner.

An example of obtaining CMS in this video:

Questions with the certificate of a candidate for master of sports

Obtaining this ID can be done legally or illegally. The legal method involves long, hard training, repeated performances in competitions and achieving prizes in them. This is a very difficult but legal path. And every boxer who treats himself with respect will follow this path. He will show perseverance, hard work, and give his best in training and competitions.

Illegal receipt of the specified document is associated with its acquisition. Its purchase can be made through sources on the Internet or other “dark” places. Essentially this is a piece of plastic that gives the athlete nothing but a false title. And if someone, having received a fake certificate, flaunts it everywhere, then this is a very dishonest athlete.

A fake certificate has different price tags. They are not impressive. In our country, a document can be purchased for only 1000 rubles. And this is the maximum parameter.

Even if a person bought such a certificate, what is his further path? After all, the document needs to be presented to someone. And boxing experts are far from fools. Even if the fake was not recognized during the initial inspection, it can be recognized over time.

Such products are produced in underground printing houses. When preparing false documents, local specialists often make grammatical and spelling errors. They immediately catch your eye when examining a fake product.

If they are not there, and in addition there is a signature of a person with certain official powers, how can one find out the authenticity. The signature may be real. It's not that difficult to add. It is simply scanned from another existing document. Many more organizations post copies of documentation on their websites. You can freely download them or take a photo and then take a signature from there. Therefore, when examining the ID, you should not pay attention to it. As a last resort, you can contact the organization that issues such certificates and find out if this athlete is on the list of holders of this document.


What does the title of Candidate Master of Sports give to a boxer? The answer is moving to a new level. In our country, it is necessary to comply with certain conditions and comply with current regulations. You need to work hard in training and not violate your sports regime. You will receive good recommendations from the trainer. Next there may be competitions at the city, regional, and all-Russian levels. Win there or be among the winners. The number of fights held also matters. Of course, you must be of the right age to compete. And if you participate in international championships and take prizes there, your chances increase many times over. Although under such conditions it is possible to obtain more respectable titles.

Do not follow dark paths, otherwise you may never become a candidate for master of sports in boxing and ruin your career in the early stages.

Receiving one or another rank is a serious step from amateur to professional sports. And the conferment of the title is already well-deserved recognition of the achievements of the eminent athlete. But many are confused about the categories and titles existing in Russian sports and their order. We will try to clarify with this article.

Sports titles and categories

Athletes are assigned ranks at the beginning of their careers, and upon reaching all the latter, ranks. The ascent to the podium begins with youth sports categories:

  • 3rd youth;
  • 2nd youth;
  • 1st youth;
  • 4th category (applicable only in chess - you need to play at least 10 games and score at least 50% of the points in a group game);
  • 3rd category;
  • 2nd category;
  • 1st category.

Let us note that youth ranks are awarded only in those types of sports where age is a decisive factor in competitions, where strength, endurance, reaction speed, and speed of the participant are important. Where it is not an important advantage or disadvantage (for example, in intellectual sports), the youth rank is not assigned.

Those who have the 1st sports category can already be awarded titles. We list them in ascending order:

  • master of Sport;
  • international master of sports/grandmaster;
  • deserved

A long-standing custom prescribes calling international-level masters of sports in intellectual games (checkers, chess, etc.) grandmasters.

About EVSK

In the Russian Federation, confirmation and assignment of sports categories and titles is determined by a document called the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification (UESC). It indicates the standards in each sport that must be fulfilled in order to receive a certain category and title. The first such document was approved in 1994; accepted by Evsk for four years. Today the 2015-2018 option is valid for the summer, 2014-2017 for the summer.

The document is based on the All-Russian Register of Sports and the list of sports games recognized by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. The document dictates both the standards that must be met to obtain a particular sports category or title, and the conditions under which all this must occur: the level of the opponent, the importance of the competition, the qualifications of the judges.

Why do you need a sports category?

The assignment of ranks in sports has several clearly defined goals:

  • Mass popularization of sports.
  • An incentive to improve the level of sports training and skill.
  • Moral encouragement of athletes.
  • Unification of assessments of achievements and mastery.
  • Approval of a uniform procedure for assigning sports categories and titles for all.
  • Development and continuous improvement of the field of physical culture and sports.

Assignment procedure

Let's touch on the general important points of assigning ranks and ranks:

  • Athletes must be divided into juniors, young people, and adults.
  • A young athlete who took part in a scheduled competition and fulfilled the necessary standards for a certain category receives the latter. This will be evidenced by a badge and a special qualification book.
  • The athlete’s record book must be registered with the organization where he received this document. In the future, at all competitions in which the athlete will participate, he will enter into this qualification book all the information about his results in competitions, assigned and confirmed categories, and prizes won. Each entry is made based on a specific protocol, certified by the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the sports organization that organized the competition.
  • The assignment of a sports title is the prerogative of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. To confirm this, the athlete receives a certificate and an honorary

Requirements for the assignment of ranks and titles

Now let’s look at the requirements that an athlete must fulfill, and what he must meet in order to receive a certain rank:

  • The basis for assigning a category is only a certain measurable result of sports activity: taking a specific place in official games or competitions, achieving a certain number of victories over opponents of a specific level over the last year, fulfilling a number of quantitative standards in sports where they are possible.
  • Each category or title implies that the athlete has reached a certain age.
  • If within the framework of a competition, athletes are assigned categories and titles, then it must meet a whole set of strict rules: the composition and level of participants, a certain number of judges and athletes, the number of performances, fights and games in the qualifying and main stages.
  • At international competitions, the smallest number of participating countries is additionally determined. To receive the title of international master of sports or grandmaster, you must participate in competitions of this level.
  • Higher ranks are awarded only to citizens of the Russian Federation and only by the Federal Agency for Physical Education and Sports.
  • The categories are authorized to be assigned by regional executive bodies in the field of physical education and sports.
  • An athlete must confirm his sports category at least once every two years.

All categories and titles of sports in the Russian Federation are regulated by the EVSK. After receiving one or another category in the given order and within the framework of current requirements, the athlete must also periodically confirm it.

1. Sports titles, sports categories.

The following sports titles are established in the Russian Federation:

1) Master of Sports of Russia, International class;

2) master of sports of Russia;

3) grandmaster of Russia;

2. In the Russian Federation, the following sports categories are established:

1) candidate for master of sports;

2) first sports category;

3) second sports category;

4) third sports category;

5) first youth category;

6) second youth category;

7) third youth category.

2. Qualification categories of sports judges

Sports refereean individual authorized by the organizers of a sports competition to ensure compliance with the rules of the sport and the regulations (regulations) of the sports competition, who has undergone special training and received the appropriate qualification category.

In the Russian Federation, the following qualification categories for sports judges are established:

1) sports judge of the All-Russian category;

2) sports judge of the first category;

3) sports judge of the second category;

4) sports judge of the third category;

5) young sports judge.

3. Unified All-Russian Sports Classification (EVSK)

1. The Unified All-Russian Sports Classification establishes norms and requirements, the fulfillment of which is necessary for the assignment of appropriate sports titles and sports categories in sports. The Regulations on the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification determine the content of these norms, requirements and conditions, and also establish the procedure for assigning sports titles and sports categories in various sports.

2. The procedure for assigning qualification categories of sports judges and the content of qualification requirements for candidates for the assignment of these categories, as well as the rights and responsibilities of sports judges are established by the Regulations on sports referees.

3. Honorary sports titles are established for persons who have outstanding achievements and special services to the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports.

4. Rights and responsibilities of athletes

Athletean individual engaged in a chosen sport or sports and participating in sporting competitions.

Athletes have the rights to:

1) choice of sports;

2) participation in sports competitions in selected sports in the manner established by the rules of these sports and regulations on sports competitions;

3) obtaining sports categories and sports titles upon fulfilling the norms and requirements of the EVSK;

4) conclusion of employment contracts in the manner established by labor legislation;

5) assistance to all-Russian sports federations in selected sports in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of athletes in international sports organizations;

6) exercise of other rights in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Athletes are obliged:

1) comply with safety requirements while participating in physical education and sports events, educational and training events and while at sports facilities;

2) not to use doping agents and methods, and comply with mandatory doping control in the prescribed manner;

3) comply with ethical standards in the field of sports;

4) comply with the provisions (regulations) on physical education events and sports competitions in which they take part, and the requirements of the organizers of such events and competitions;

5) comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements, medical requirements, regularly undergo medical examinations in order to ensure the safety of sports for health.

5. Sports passport

1. A sports passport is a uniform document certifying membership in a physical education, sports or other organization and the sports qualifications of an athlete.

2. The sports passport shall indicate:

1) last name, first name, patronymic of the athlete;

3) date of birth;

4) belonging to a physical education and sports organization;

5) selected sports and sports disciplines;

6) information on the assignment of sports categories and titles;

7) information on confirmation of compliance with the norms and requirements necessary for the assignment of sports categories;

8) a note indicating that the athlete has undergone medical examinations;

9) results achieved in sports competitions;

10) information about sports disqualification;

11) information about state awards and other forms of encouragement;

12) last name, first name, patronymic of the coach;

13) other information related to the specifics of the selected sports.

3. The athlete’s membership in a physical culture and sports organization is determined on the basis of an employment contract concluded between the athlete and the physical culture and sports organization.

4. If an athlete is enrolled in an educational institution of secondary vocational education or higher vocational education and the agreement specified in Part 3 of this article has not been concluded with him, the athlete’s membership in a physical education and sports organization is determined on the basis of an order for enrollment in the educational institution.

5. The procedure for maintaining, the procedure for issuing, the procedure for replacing sports passports, the procedure for functioning of the unified system for recording sports passports are established by the Regulations on the sports passport. The regulations on the sports passport and the sample sports passport are approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.