The Labor Code does not define what constitutes an internship and who an intern is. Based on other regulations that provide for the procedure for completing an internship (for example, State requirements for professional retraining, advanced training and internship of civil servants of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2008 N 362), it can be understood that an internship is like receiving a theoretical knowledge for a specific position (profession, specialty), and consolidation of acquired theoretical knowledge in practice (in the workplace).

The word “internship” is mentioned in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation when establishing the grounds for concluding a fixed-term employment contract. Thus, a fixed-term employment contract is concluded to perform work directly related to practice, vocational training or additional professional education in the form of an internship.

In relation to certain categories of workers, the legislation directly uses the term “trainee, internship”:

  • a trainee lawyer is hired under the terms of an employment contract concluded with a lawyer (Article 28 of the Federal Law of May 31, 2002 N 63-FZ “On advocacy and the legal profession in the Russian Federation”);
  • internships for drivers of certain categories are carried out (section 3 of the Regulations on improving professional skills and internships for drivers RD-200-RSFSR-12-0071-86-12);
  • persons applying for the position of a notary must undergo an internship (clause 2 of the Procedure for completing an internship for persons applying for the position of a notary, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2000 N 179 and the Decision of the Board of the Federal Notary Chamber dated May 26, 2000);
  • assistants to arbitration managers undergo internships (clause 1 of the Rules for conducting an internship as an assistant to an arbitration manager, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 9, 2003 N 414);
  • training of medical and pharmaceutical workers takes place, including, in the form of internship (clause 4 of the Procedure and terms for improving professional knowledge and skills by medical workers and pharmaceutical workers..., approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 3, 2012 N 66n).
  • the internship mechanism is also used by employment authorities to gain work experience for unemployed citizens (Law of the Russian Federation “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation” 04/19/1991 N 1032-1).
But they can also be hired as interns in other legal situations:
  1. Hiring under a fixed-term employment contract (as an intern or for another position) to perform work related to professional education in the form of an internship;
  2. Concluding a student employment contract for on-the-job training;
  3. Industrial practice of students upon concluding an agreement between the training organization and a company ready to accept an intern.

Admission to perform work related to vocational education in the form of an internship

Art. 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows the conclusion of a fixed-term employment contract with employees if their work is related to training in the form of an internship. Since in this case the conclusion of an employment contract is provided, it must comply with the requirements for an employment contract in Art. 57 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, labor legislation does not oblige hiring a “trainee” for the position, so an employee can be hired for another position provided for by the company’s staffing table.

But to conclude a fixed-term contract, the employer must ensure that the job for which the employee is hired is directly related to his internship and professional training.

The employment contract specifies not only the position (type of work), but also emphasizes that the work assigned to the employee is aimed at obtaining the necessary practical professional skills and abilities.

In addition, the employment contract with the intern must specify its validity period, which must correspond to the duration of the internship. The possible duration of the internship is not fixed by law (except for certain categories of employees indicated above), therefore the employer and the employee have the right, by agreement, to determine the duration of the internship and, consequently, the term of the employment contract.

It should be borne in mind that an internship can hardly last many years, so an internship period of 3-4 years may raise doubts among the court and inspection authorities if an employee applies to them.

Of course, work within the framework of this employment contract must be paid in amounts not less than the minimum wage.

Conclusion of a student employment contract with a job seeker

Art. 198 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of concluding a student agreement with an employee. Therefore, an organization may offer you not a job, but study with subsequent work in this company.

In this case, the student agreement must contain:

  • names of the parties;
  • an indication of the specific qualification acquired by the student;
  • the employer's obligation to provide the employee with training opportunities;
  • the employee’s obligation to undergo training and work under an employment contract with the employer for a specified period;
  • duration of apprenticeship;
  • amount of payment during the apprenticeship period.

Art. 199 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates that the student agreement must indicate a specific qualification.

The student agreement is concluded for the period necessary to obtain this qualification in writing in 2 copies (Article 200 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Students are paid a stipend during the apprenticeship period; the parties must indicate its amount in the apprenticeship agreement, and it cannot be lower than the minimum wage established by federal law (Article 204 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In accordance with the received qualification document, the employer makes an entry in the employee’s work book about the profession, specialty, and qualification he received (clause 3.1 of the Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 N 69).

Thus, during the training period you do not receive a salary, but receive a stipend and payment for the specific work performed.

Industrial practice for students

At the basis of Art. 227 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, persons participating in the production activities of the employer, in addition to employees performing their duties under an employment contract, include students undergoing practical training.

Industrial practice is carried out in organizations on the basis of agreements concluded between the educational organization and organizations (clause 11 of the Regulations on the practice of students, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated April 18, 2013 No. 291 (hereinafter referred to as “Regulation “291”), clause 8 of the Regulations approved by the Order Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 25, 2003 N 1154).

Industrial practice can take place without payment if the student is only getting acquainted with production, but is not engaged in professional activities. In this case, there is no need to conclude an employment contract.

If a student directly performs work at the workplace, then a fixed-term employment contract should be concluded with him (Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as an agreement related to practice) with an appropriate payment not lower than the minimum wage (clause 15 of Regulation No. 291). However, the employer’s obligation to conclude employment contracts with students undergoing practical training is not provided for by labor legislation (Definitions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated October 3, 2008 N 89-B08-6).

That is, if you got a job only for internship, then your presence at the enterprise is associated only with familiarization with the work and may not be paid.

Thus, internships are regulated by law only for workers in certain industries. In other cases, the execution of an internship depends on the agreement of the parties.

The internship can be formalized by a fixed-term employment contract or an apprenticeship contract. In addition, a student can undergo an internship as part of a practical training, either with or without an employment contract.

Today, a serious negative trend has emerged in the labor market. Many dishonest companies, when hiring, require an employee to undergo an internship. A potential specialist, having worked conscientiously from two weeks to one month, turns out to be unsuitable for this position, no entry is made in the work book, and he is not paid wages for this time. To avoid getting into such an unpleasant situation, you need to know what an internship is and whether it should be paid.

What is an internship?

This term can be interpreted in different ways. On the one hand, an internship is training, or rather part of this process, an activity to gain practical experience. For example, students must undergo practical training and try out their theoretical knowledge in practice. In addition, they can learn from the inside the production process of their future profession. On the other hand, an internship is an opportunity to show your professional skills in a new workplace. After passing it, the manager will be able to conclude whether the company needs such a specialist or whether it is necessary to look for another. In any case, you should always demonstrate all your professional skills and theoretical knowledge in order to convince both management and yourself of the right choice of specialty.

Why is an internship necessary?

An internship is useful because it provides the student with the opportunity in the future to receive a job offer at the enterprise where he is directly completing the internship.

The most accurate method that allows you to teach how to work safely is to see and show everything in practice. In a work environment, that is, directly at the future workplace. As a rule, the process takes place under the guidance of an experienced employee and mentor. A beginner will never be allowed to work independently. In this case, this applies to trainees or inexperienced employees. Professionals in their field are widely known in narrow circles and do not need to prove their working skills. For them, an internship is an opportunity to understand whether the workplace is suitable for them.

In situations where an internship at the workplace is a mandatory requirement established by law, there is a certain procedure for completing it at the enterprise. It is an internal regulatory document and is approved by the company's management.

Who should do the internship?

As mentioned above, internships can be completed by both students graduating from universities and citizens who have a certain amount of work experience in their specialty. Persons who undergo training in the form of assistantship-internship (this is a form of postgraduate training) are assistant-trainees. In other words, these are those who have higher professional education and wish to continue it full-time for the next two years with in-depth teaching.

According to the law, industrial practice for students is unpaid, but the work of already graduated specialists must be rewarded in a predetermined monetary equivalent.

How to apply correctly?

Like any other type of training on mandatory labor protection, the internship must be properly completed. This is necessary for a number of reasons. First of all, so that the inspectors will not be able to punish the manager for the lack of training of his employees, and secondly, so that the employee himself will not be able to make a claim if he receives injuries or illnesses due to his own negligence.

Below is a list of the necessary documents when applying for an internship:

Regulations on internship;
. program;
. order for internship;
. order for admission to independent work.

The internship program is the most important methodological document, which details the main tasks for potential employees of the company.

First of all, you should fill out the internship application. The entire process of developing this document must be approached very seriously and responsibly. The fact is that it describes in detail all the rights and obligations of both the trainee and the mentor, as well as the timing and procedure for conducting the internship, general responsibility and other features associated with it.

On-the-job internship

The process of mastering and obtaining new knowledge in a position has its advantages and disadvantages. There are, of course, more positive aspects. New employees get the opportunity to become familiar with the full range of responsibilities, adequately assess the correctness of their choice of profession, meet potential colleagues, and also assess their own capabilities and strengths. There is time to adapt to a new workplace. In addition, the employer himself receives a visual aid and time to evaluate the future employee and specialist. An internship is a time that allows an employee to become familiar with the characteristics of the team, its work schedule, working conditions, as well as other features of the chosen workplace. All this helps you get started with full-time work without additional stress and strain. The disadvantage is that some employers, violating the legislation of the Russian Federation, turn this process into unpaid time of full-time work, after which the person is fired without monetary compensation. An internship at the workplace is not training, but practical training, that is, an activity that must be paid in the manner prescribed by law. The salary amount is always agreed upon in advance.

To pay or not to pay?

So, when faced with the need to undergo an internship, you should clarify all your questions in advance. As mentioned above, industrial internships for students are unpaid. This is explained by the fact that during the internship they gain new knowledge and skills that they will need for further employment. Students themselves are interested in gaining practical skills. As for the other type of internship, that is, at the workplace, here the situation is different. A new employee comes to an open position and sells his skills in order to get a job. He provides his services for a certain period of time, so an internship is an activity useful for a company that is interested in a highly qualified specialist. Here you should agree in advance on the amount of salary that the intern will receive after the end of the internship.

As can be seen from the above, there are several types of production activities based on a specific enterprise. The issue of remuneration must be resolved in accordance with the law. That is why you should first know your rights and responsibilities.

There is another option, for example, when an internship is an advanced training. In this case, the company can, at its own expense, provide its employee with the opportunity to acquire new knowledge. In such a situation, the issue of payment for the internship should be resolved in advance.

A trainee is a person who has been hired for a new job and has undergone a probationary period, after which a decision on official employment will be made. During the internship period, the employee must demonstrate all of his previously acquired skills and knowledge in order to obtain a vacant position. If this is the first job or a student who has just graduated from the university is hired, then he is required to familiarize him with all the issues related to the proposed position.

The main goal of the internship is to obtain the necessary knowledge related to the new job and develop the skills to apply it in practice.

The new employee must be familiarized with the activities of the company and specifically with the work that he will be required to perform if he is accepted into the main staff of the enterprise. These responsibilities are assigned to the mentor, who needs to control the entire internship process.

Most often, a newbie is assigned a mentor, who is appointed by the head of the organization. Often, the boss himself is involved in training a potential employee of his enterprise. The article will discuss all the main points regarding the internship.

Conditions under which a citizen is accepted for an internship

The employer always makes his own decision regarding the establishment of conditions for new employees. These include:

  • the period of training and acquisition of new skills necessary for a certain position;
  • how many hours should an on-the-job internship last in one day (usually it lasts as long as a working day for permanent employees, sometimes less);
  • amount of payment for work performed during the internship.

The employee must familiarize himself with all these conditions before the training process begins. This data is usually indicated in a fixed-term employment contract. It is compiled with the head of the company, or this task can be assigned to a mentor.

Is the work of a new intern paid?

When applying for a new job, this question plagues many workers. For some reason, some employers believe that they have the right to violate Russian legislation, and stipulate in the terms and conditions that a newcomer will have an unpaid internship. It also happens that this fact is either kept silent, or even after the end of the internship the employee does not receive a penny.

In fact, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, namely Article 59, clearly states that the employer must pay for all duties performed by a new trainee employee. After all, an internship is exactly the same work activity that the main team of the enterprise is engaged in. Therefore, the trainee has every right to receive the money he earned on his own.

How does a manager decide whether to accept a probationary period?

After the internship is completed, the mentor must submit a report on the internship to the enterprise’s human resources department or personally to the manager himself. It can be drawn up in a company-defined form or randomly. The most important thing is that it contains all the necessary data indicating whether the employee is coping with the tasks assigned to him, or whether there are still weaknesses that still need to be worked on.

This report must be maintained from the very beginning of the internship. In it, the mentor records data on each day passed at the workplace, indicating what exactly the trainee did for the entire period. The report may be accompanied by various graphs, diagrams, as well as photographs from the workplace, which the mentor needs to take every day, but is not at all necessary.

The main thing in the article:

  1. Internship is required for workers employed in harmful and dangerous conditions
  2. Those who do not undergo initial instruction can be exempted from internship
  3. The duration of the internship depends on the qualifications of the employee
  4. Without successfully completing the internship, the employee will not be able to start work.

Training of workers in labor protection consists of theoretical and practical training, followed by testing of acquired knowledge and skills. To gain practical skills in a specific employee’s workplace, an internship under the guidance of a more experienced employee is needed. We'll tell you how to organize it.

Who should do the internship?

The employer is obliged to conduct on-the-job training for employees entering work with harmful or dangerous working conditions (Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 7.2.5 GOST 12.0.004–90, clause 2.2.2 of the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29). For other employees not associated with hazardous conditions, the employer himself determines the need for internship.

Please note: Internship is carried out only after occupational safety training

An internship is required if:

the work is subject to increased labor safety requirements;

work is carried out at facilities that are subject to industrial safety requirements.

Example. The company entered into an agreement to install utility systems to the building. To do this, it is necessary to dig trenches 2 m deep. Such work is classified as high-risk work (Appendix 1 to POT RO 14000-005-98). Therefore, the employer can allow only those employees who have completed an internship in this type of activity to perform it.

If an enterprise has approved a list of professions exempt from on-the-job training, then they are also exempt from internships.

An employee with at least three years of experience in his specialty who moves from one structural unit to another can be exempted from internship. At the same time, the nature of its work and the type of equipment should not change.

Who conducts the internship

The internship is carried out by an experienced employee who is appointed by order or instruction of the employer. In some cases, there is a limit on the number of interns per internship supervisor. For example, when working at height there should be no more than two. A requirement for the qualifications and work experience of the internship supervisor may also be introduced.

Example. During the internship, the driver is assigned to a mentor for the entire duration of the training. Mentors are selected from among the most experienced and disciplined workers with at least five years of experience working on buses, taxis and trucks - at least three years. Mentors should not have any violations of traffic rules or accidents in the last three years. In addition, they must undergo pre-training at a training center and have a certificate for the right to train bus drivers.

Who usually does the internship?

Among working specialties, internships are carried out by:



Boiler room operators;

Drivers engaged in passenger transportation;

High-altitude installers, etc.

Maintenance, operational, operational and repair personnel and operational managers also undergo training. The rest of the employees need an internship if they cannot immediately be allowed to work independently due to the characteristics of a particular enterprise or technological process.

What documents to prepare before the internship

Important: The regulations on the internship will help to draw up RD-200-RSFSR-12-0071-86-12 “Guiding document. Regulations on improving professional skills and training of drivers"

The minimum required list of documents for completing an internship looks like this:

  • internship regulations;
  • internship program;
  • internship order;
  • order for permission to work independently.

The Internship Regulations describe in detail the rights and responsibilities of the employee and the internship supervisor, the terms, procedure and features of the internship.

The internship program determines:

  • procedure and duration of internship in a specific profession;
  • typical actions that an employee must learn;
  • the amount of theoretical knowledge that he must obtain;
  • procedure for conducting control checks during the internship, etc.

Templates and samples

An example of an order for the appointment of persons responsible for conducting an internship:

The beginning and end of the internship are formalized by order or instruction of the employer. The order to begin the internship indicates the basis for the internship and its duration, lists the employees who must undergo the internship and their mentors - the internship supervisors.

What is included in the internship program

During the internship, the employee must:

  • master the rules of regulatory and technical documents on labor protection, learn to apply them in the workplace;
  • study diagrams, operating instructions and labor protection instructions, knowledge of which is mandatory for working in a given position (profession);
  • practice clear orientation in your workplace;
  • acquire the necessary practical skills in performing production operations;
  • study the techniques and conditions for trouble-free, safe and economical operation of the equipment being serviced.

The internship lasts from 2 to 14 shifts. The duration in each case depends on the level of professional training of the employee and the nature of the work performed. Sometimes specific internship requirements are specified in industry occupational safety and health regulations.

Example. For a bus driver who has not worked as a driver before and has just received a bus driving license, the internship will be 224 hours:

61 hours - pre-trip internship;

163 hours - route internship.

An experienced driver who is transferred from one brand of bus to another will do without pre-route training. He only needs a route internship - 32 hours.

If an accident occurs due to the driver’s fault, he will be sent to an eight-hour internship followed by passing test exams.

How are the internship results assessed?

The internship ends with an exam. If an employee is unable to pass the knowledge test, he is given additional time to prepare and pass the exam for a period of no more than 30 days. In this case, the employee is not allowed to work. The decision is formalized by order. An entry “failed” is entered into the knowledge test protocol, but a certificate is not issued.

Only after a successful knowledge test, documented in a protocol and a certificate, can an employee be allowed to work independently. The completion of the internship is recorded in the workplace briefing log.

What happens if you don't get an internship?

If you do not complete the internship, you will face a fine (Part 3 of Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

for an official and an individual entrepreneur - from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles;

organizations - from 110,000 to 130,000 rubles.

It is important to follow the procedure and timing of the internship and complete all documents correctly. Otherwise, the State Tax Inspectorate may consider that the internship was not carried out (conducted with violations) and fine the employer.

Example. One of the Moscow companies was visited by GIT inspectors. They identified several violations of labor protection, including the lack of internship for workers. They issued an order to remove these employees from work. After conducting a second inspection, inspectors found that the violations had not been eliminated. Therefore, the employer was fined under Part 1 of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (at that time, Part 3 of Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation did not come into force). The employer tried to appeal the decision in court. But he failed (decision of the Moscow City Court of February 18, 2015 in case No. 7-1299).

When investigating industrial accidents, the victim's completion of an internship, along with occupational safety training, will be one of the fundamental factors for establishing the employer's guilt.

As you know, an internship means a period during which a person performs a certain part of the work, but does not have official employment. At this time, he can actually just practice; those who work at a particular enterprise on a permanent basis can teach him a lot.

In law, this period of time is called “internship”. But a huge number of questions related to this concept arise, with more and more new ones every day, right down to the very definition of the process. Therefore, it would be useful to clearly define the main points associated with it.

Concept according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

It is interesting that in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there is not a single chapter or even just a definition of internship. The same applies to many countries in the post-Soviet space. But in Article 59 there is a mention of this process. It talks about imprisonment and there is a small mention of internship. Several rather important conclusions follow from this:

  • It must be paid.
  • It is a necessary element of the labor process.
  • Even when concluding a fixed-term employment contract, internship must take place, this is what the above-mentioned 59th article is about.

By the way, as for the second conclusion, this is beneficial for both parties - the employer and the employee. The first one can look at his potential subordinate and only then decide whether to hire him for a permanent job. And the second one can simply understand what it is like to work at a given enterprise, what is required of him, and learn to perform certain operations within the framework of the process. In fact, for him this is simply an opportunity to prove himself, as well as learn the necessary skills. All this is included in the concept of “internship”.

You can learn about the nuances of passing it abroad from the following video:

How is it regulated?

Internships are mainly regulated in the aforementioned 59th and 212th articles of the Labor Code. According to the second of them, it relates to the field of labor protection. This also means that the trainee is a full-time employee, but only does less work and receives a lower salary. It also states that this process should be mandatory for all new employees. That is everyone who comes to work must undergo an internship one way or another, after which the boss will decide whether to hire him permanently.

As for labor protection, a special GOST 12.0.004-90 was drawn up for this purpose. In paragraph 7.2.4. it states that every worker, including a graduate of a vocational school or any production plant, must undergo initial training at the workplace. It also states that the number of first shifts during which this person is required to undergo an internship is from two to fourteen. At this time, he must be under the supervision of persons who will be appointed by relevant order. The duration of the internship in this case depends on the nature of the work and the qualifications of the intern.

Each university has at its disposal a special letter from the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education No. 18-34-44in/18-10. It just talks about how the internship of specialists should be carried out.

In particular, it states that this is one of the types of auxiliary professional education of specialists, and its goal is the formation and consolidation of professional knowledge and skills that a person receives during theoretical training.

However, there are no clear instructions on how it should be carried out. There are only certain excerpts from various articles of the Labor Code and other types of legislation. But you can draw quite a lot of conclusions from them and form a unified idea about this concept.

Process Highlights

In general, an internship consists of the following stages:

  1. If a person passes it from an educational institution, then it all begins with the fact that he is looking for a job. Although, if he has already graduated from an educational institution, then he also conducts similar searches. It’s just that in the first case the student can make up application for internship right within the walls of his educational institution, and in the second he must come to the enterprise, negotiate with its director and write an application. The director usually assigns a certain person to the intern who will manage the entire process - give tasks, control the employee and correct his actions if necessary.
  2. The application is written to the director, where the future intern indicates the position for which he is applying and the duration of the internship. Of course, the document itself begins with the words: “I, [last name, first name, patronymic], ask to accept me for an internship...”, that is, with a petition. Based on this, the next stage occurs - preparation of contract. Of course, in Russia all these formalities are observed very rarely, but in an ideal case there should be an agreement. This document indicates, in principle, almost the same thing as in the application - position, terms, details of the employer and employee, duties and responsibilities of the parties, calculation procedure, as well as standard provisions on labor protection and the like.
  3. The same applies to order. It is written by the director himself, who indicates that he is accepting such and such an employee for an internship and indicates the position with the deadlines.
  4. Then everything becomes much more interesting. The fact is that the standard sample internship plan does not exist, at each enterprise it will be individual and different from plans in other organizations. The plan also indicates deadlines, but for each specific stage. Again, depending on the specifics of the company itself, these stages can be very different.
  5. In an organization, everything always starts with safety training. Next comes an introduction to the enterprise itself, the future workplace, as well as the features of the process, including work colleagues. All this is done by the person whom the director appoints as the internship supervisor. At first, he literally leads the trainee by the hand, shows him everything and tells him everything.
  6. By the way, in the same document where the plan is written, the characteristic. It is written by the aforementioned internship supervisor. Here he indicates how qualified his subordinate turned out to be, what tasks he performed, and with what success he did it. In general, he can indicate there whatever he wants. All this will be read by the future manager at the place of work and the supervisor of the internship at the university, if there is one.
  7. But even before the characterization it passes on its own internship process. During this time, the employee performs the tasks assigned to him by the manager or watches how others do it. This process can also vary depending on the specifics of the company.
  8. As a result of this entire process, the intern writes review. Here he also indicates what tasks he performed (and dividing them into those that he managed to cope with and those that he did not complete). The review includes information about who supervised it and how long the entire process took. Without fail, he indicates what goals he has achieved and what he has learned. He can also indicate his proposals for work or simply wishes, and in general everything that he considers necessary. The director will also read this document.

Documents to be processed

All of the above-mentioned papers are exactly the documents that need to be completed during the internship. Let's list this list again:

  • Trainee application.
  • Agreement between employee and employer.
  • Order from the head of the enterprise.
  • Plan.
  • Review.
  • Characteristic.
  • Certificate of completion.

In some cases, a pay slip is also added, which is issued by the accounting department of the company where the internship is taking place. As for the last document, the certificate, it should include the following information:

  • First name, last name, patronymic of the intern and his supervisor.
  • Deadlines for completion.
  • Information about the enterprise where the entire process took place, and about the educational institution, if the person is undergoing an internship after university.
  • Information about the document that serves as the basis for the internship (order).

At the end of the certificate, the manager and the trainee put their signatures, and the representative of the enterprise puts a stamp. If the internship is carried out by a university, then a representative of the educational institution also puts his stamp. By the way, in this case the plan, review and characteristics are included in one document called practice diary. Usually this is a small notebook that contains all the necessary information.

How many days does it last and how is it paid?

It should be said right away that according to the above-mentioned articles from the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, any internship must be paid. An exception is apprenticeship practice, that is, when a student comes to the enterprise who is still studying at a university and is sent to work according to his curriculum. In this case, a so-called student agreement is concluded, and not a full-fledged agreement with the trainee. In principle, the information in it is the same, it only indicates that the intern is a student.

If a person comes to get a full-time job, the amount of payment for the internship is negotiated individually; there are no instructions or even mentions about this in the law.

In any case, its size will be less than the required minimum wage at this enterprise. In this regard, it should also be remembered that the intern does not work full time, but only a part of it, so it is logical that he is not entitled to full payment. If he does work full time and performs his functions on an equal basis with others, he still should not be given a full salary.

As for the timing of the process, the same article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation talks about 2-14 shifts - this is if the person did not come from an educational institution. In another case, the deadlines can be very different depending on the university itself. In different universities, the practice time may vary - from a week to a month. It is rare that students are sent to enterprises for more than a month. And there is no particular point in this - in a month you can learn basic operations and master the process that the company is engaged in.

Who is freed from it?

In this matter, the most relevant provision is 7.2.4. from GOST 12.0.004-90, which stipulates that An employee who has worked in this industry for at least 3 years may be exempt from internship. And then, provided that he simply moves from one workshop to another, and the nature of his work and the type of equipment do not change. This can be done by representatives of the management of a workshop, site, cooperative, and so on only with the agreement of the labor protection department and the trade union committee.

It follows from this that even if a person has worked at another company for many years and comes to get a job, he must undergo an internship. In this case, he can complete it for the minimum period in this case, which is two shifts. The same is confirmed in paragraph 7.2.5. It says that workers are allowed to work independently only after completing an internship and testing their knowledge and skills. In addition, in order to be allowed into the workplace, he needs to read the instructions and be given a log of the initial occupational safety briefing so that he can sign there.