Five practices and ten ways from this article will help:

  • Let go of clamps and tensions in the body, cleanse yourself of negativity, launch the processes of internal rejuvenation, fill yourself with feminine energies, as well as the energies of joy, happiness, positivity and unconditional love.
  • Calm down, relax, restore balance in your soul.
  • Become more confident in yourself as a woman.
  • Increase your feminine self-esteem.
  • Form and consolidate in the subconscious an image of a new self.
  • Become more seductive and sexy in the eyes of the opposite sex.
  • Reveal and enhance your sensuality.
  • Harmonize male and female energies in the body.
  • Awaken your inner Goddess, meet and communicate with your Inner Woman;
  • make three of your most cherished wishes so that they come true in the fastest, most comfortable and safe way for you.

Meditation "Awakening the inner Goddess"

Unlocking your potential, and in particular your femininity, is an endless process. You can reveal or develop any quality in yourself. It's only a matter of time and effort. This small and very easy meditation will help you get in touch with your true femininity, “feed” with feminine energies, get to know and unite with your inner Goddess. During the practice, you will be able to communicate with your Inner Woman and, if desired, ask questions about what steps should be taken now in order to develop the missing feminine qualities in yourself as quickly and effectively as possible? What exactly should these qualities be?

Even if you don’t receive answers to these questions now, during the process of meditation, then later they will definitely come either from the outside world - in the form of specific situations, or you will be drawn to do something that never even occurred to you before, and perhaps this there will be someone’s random remark, after which there will be an “insight” that “yes, this is exactly what I need now” or you will see the answer to your question in a dream. There are many options. The subconscious will definitely find a way to communicate all the information necessary at the moment.

In principle, it is not necessary to do this practice every day, but it is advisable to repeat it periodically to achieve the best results.

Exercise "Pearl" to reveal femininity.

An exercise that helps you calm down, relax, restore balance in your soul, raise your self-esteem, reveal femininity and sexuality and, as a result, become more attractive to men. To achieve a sustainable positive effect, it is advisable to do this exercise regularly for a certain period of time from 21 to 40 days, and maybe longer, until the state of your own dignity, uniqueness, value and self-love becomes stable and familiar in everyday life. .

Excerpt from Lana Davis's speech at the conference "Man and Woman 2014"

Meditation "Woman's Awakening"

This practice will help you release clamps and tensions in the body, cleanse yourself of negativity, launch the processes of internal rejuvenation, fill yourself with feminine energies, as well as the energies of joy, happiness, positivity and unconditional love. And, most importantly, this practice will allow you to meet and unite with your Inner Woman and make three of your most cherished wishes, so that they come true in the fastest, most comfortable and safe way for you.

Excerpt from the speech of Victoria Volevach.

Practice "Integration into a woman."

A practice that helps you discover and accept your Inner Woman, your Goddess. This practice, in principle, is very similar to the previous two and aims to accept oneself as a woman, unite with one’s feminine side, lift one’s spirits, and increase self-esteem. After completing this practice, you will become more attractive to men, additional production of female hormones will begin, which will have a positive effect not only on your internal state, but also on your appearance and health in general. You will see almost instantly that this practice is quite strong in its impact and effect if you do it before leaving home. For a good, long-lasting effect, it is better to repeat it periodically.

Excerpt from Victoria Volevach's webinar.

Practice to harmonize the masculine and feminine principles.

A small and effective practice that, if performed regularly, will help balance male and female energies in the body. The masculine and feminine principles have been known for a long time and a lot is said. Our whole world is dual. The symbols of the feminine, Yin principle are the moon, water, earth, and the masculine - fire, air, sun. For normal functioning, the full development of these energies is necessary so that they can interact harmoniously with each other. It is also better to perform this technique daily for a certain time. Preferably from 21 to 40 days, maybe more.

Excerpt from the speech of Elena and Yuri Svetlov at the conference "Man and Woman 2014"

What else? 10 ways to develop femininity.

First. Very often we are afraid to express ourselves as women, because some negative or painful past experience is associated with this. It could be a childhood trauma, painful love in adolescence, a failed first marriage, or something else. Ask yourself and your subconscious about this. What could be scary or painful for you if you begin to express yourself as a woman now? How to work with negative experiences of the past is written in detail in articles Cleansing from emotional dirt. Expanded formula for forgiveness . And How to let go of the negative past.

Second. The next obstacle may be ineffective or false attitudes about women and femininity. For example, in my family, my dad was very dismissive of my mother. He always emphasized that he wanted a boy and the word “woman”, in our house, was most often used in a derogatory context. Phrases like: “What can you expect from a woman?” or "What can you ask of her? She is a woman and a woman in Africa." etc. in this spirit. Think about what it could be like for you. Ask yourself: “What ineffective patterns and attitudes, false beliefs about women and femininity are currently preventing you from expressing yourself in your life, in the world, in society as a woman?” Perhaps you will see situations in which you have made ineffective conclusions about yourself as a woman. Write down the negative beliefs you might have made in these or similar situations. After this, make up statements that are directly opposite in meaning and repeat them, like affirmations, at any time convenient for you until you feel that they have become a part of you, but not less than 40 days in a row. Or record them on your phone and listen to them while you’re driving or at night. If you don’t want to do this, are lazy or simply forget, then there is internal resistance and to overcome it, set a reminder on your phone every half hour. And every time you hear it, repeat positive statements. Examples of other affirmations aimed at developing femininity can be read in the article Affirmations for the development of femininity.

Third. Next comes the fun part). A woman blossoms when she begins to love herself and take care of herself and her body. Manicure, pedicure, massage, masks for hair, face and body. But it’s better to do this not from the position of “this is how it should be,” but out of self-love. When you make a hair mask, praise or mentally say something nice to your hair. When you get a massage, relax, throw away all unnecessary thoughts and completely immerse yourself in the sensations of your body. Get maximum physical pleasure from your body. After all, taking care of yourself and taking care of yourself and your body is very interesting and pleasant. Develop your sensuality through physical sensations. Even when you eat, or one might say even more so when you eat, try to fully concentrate on the taste of the food and the sensations that you experience. As already written in the article Eating disorder. Abdominal brain . Our tongue is a special organ. It is he who participates in two most important acts - eating food and making love. Irritation of the tongue gives a person sexual pleasure. That's why it doesn't matter what foods you put in your mouth. The tastier and more aromatic the food, the more it irritates the nerve receptors of the tongue and the more pleasure it gives. Therefore, train yourself not to be distracted by secondary activities while eating, such as watching TV, reading or sitting at the computer. Focus on the sensations and the eating process will become even more enjoyable. In addition, this will help you lose a couple of extra kilos, because saturation will begin to occur faster, if, of course, this is important for you.

Fourth. Yoga and dance classes. Yoga, with a properly selected program, very well normalizes hormonal levels and balances energy in the body. Dancing, especially Arabic, Latin, classical and the same strip dance, well develops flexibility, plasticity, grace, promotes the production of endorphins, improves mood, and gives self-confidence. In addition, regular exercise is an elementary way to take care of your health, which is also important.

Fifth. Creative activities. Here creativity can be understood as anything - cooking, drawing, composing music, caring for house plants, sewing, knitting, and so on. It should be something that brings joy from the process itself, regardless of the result. The result as such? there may not be one at all. You can, for example, tie something together, then look at the result, realize that you did something wrong and undo it, then start over again. It doesn't matter. The important thing is that you enjoy the process itself.

Sixth. Cloth. Skirts, dresses, high-heeled shoes - it's all feminine and very sexy. There is also such a thing as “feminine” colors in clothes. You can read about what these colors are, as well as which skirt to choose to look seductive, but not vulgar, in the article Which skirt should I choose? Rules for first dates.

Seventh. Lexicon. How and what we say is very important. Many women have the habit of talking about themselves in the masculine gender. There are also women who use obscenities in their speech. This shouldn't happen. Nobody says that you need to express yourself only in ideal literary language. No, you can insert “jargon” into your speech. With them, she is perceived as more emotional and intense, but it is better to talk about yourself in the feminine gender “went, came.” This “-la” at the end is so loud, playful and it is immediately clear that a WOMAN is speaking. You can learn about how the words we pronounce influence our lives from the video “The Magic of Words. About the influence of speech on the events of our lives.” Also in this video there is a very useful and effective practice, if you repeat it at least periodically, “Step into a new you.” With the help of this practice, you can feel at the body level what it is like to be that self who has already achieved your goals and lives an “ideal” life, from your point of view. In this exercise, you can communicate with your “future” self and find out what steps you need to take now to achieve this. And you can, at the same time, ask what is stopping you (see points 1 and 2).

The magic of words. About the influence of speech on the events of our lives.

Excerpt from Arina Polyakh's speech at the conference "Revealing Secrets 2.0"

Eighth. Household chores, childcare, making your home comfortable. As banal as it may be, all this also develops femininity and feminine energies in us. Fill your apartment with pleasant feminine scents. Such as jasmine, rose or ylang-ylang (by the way, the latter is a powerful aphrodisiac, so be careful with it). You can also read about the influence of odors in the article Aphrodisiac oils and a test for female sexual energy.

Ninth. Nutrition. Nutrition should be healthy, balanced and of high quality. The natural smell of our clean body largely depends on this. In addition, products are also divided into Yin and Yang. You can learn more about this from the video. Chinese dietetics. Secrets of slimness and longevity. It is advisable to remove meat from your diet. If you can’t live without meat at all, then leave only poultry and fish in your diet. Meat pollutes the body. By the way, a strong craving for meat products indicates the presence of hidden, suppressed aggression in the subconscious. And this is already a reason to think about it.

Tenth. And another very joyful point for any woman is shopping and communicating with other women. Shopping is very fun and interesting. Try on beautiful things, spin around in them in front of the mirror and admire how beautiful you are. Even if you don’t have money right now, go for a walk and just try on everything you like. Admire yourself, enjoy your reflection in the mirror, make a show and a holiday out of it for yourself. In addition, this way you can better understand what things suit you and what don’t, and find your style if you haven’t already. After that, sit with a friend in a cafe, chat about all sorts of pleasant little things, drink aromatic coffee with something tasty (yes, yes, yes, in this case a healthy lifestyle can wait a little)).

Be windy, light, emotional, cheerful, positive, gentle, affectionate, caring, naive, passionate, be capricious and illogical at times, be a WOMAN, because it’s so cool! As they say in the audio mood “affectionate Amazon” by Alexander Sviyash.

  • I am happy that I was born a woman!
  • I came into this world to celebrate my femininity!

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Useful materials:

Eating disorder. Abdominal brain.

Which skirt should I choose? Rules for first dates.

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What is femininity, how to develop it in yourself? Why do some women attract men and others not? Femininity is the ability to create an atmosphere of love around yourself. This is the ability to inspire a man and motivate him to action. This is respect for yourself and the people around you. How to develop feminine qualities in yourself?

There are two ways. The first is external transformation. But this is just the beginning. It must necessarily entail a deeper awareness of femininity. The second way is to start with internal change, which will lead to external transformation.

What is femininity?

The concept of femininity is so streamlined and elusive that it is difficult to articulate. This is something attractive that makes you stand out from the crowd and makes you turn around. Femininity is the sum of all feminine qualities. It is reflected in eyes and gestures, smile and speech, gait and clothing.

Is femininity given at birth? Or can it be developed over the course of a lifetime? What adds femininity? Grace, softness, charm attract the attention of men. It’s a pleasure to communicate with such a special person. Next to her, the best qualities of the stronger sex awaken - the ability to protect, protect from harm, and help. Such women radiate warmth, light and special energy in which you can bask as in the rays of the sun.

Inner manifestations of femininity

You can grow gorgeous hair, wear airy dresses, but be tough and categorical. You can meet a girl in jeans and combat boots - and endlessly enjoy her natural femininity. How to develop these qualities in yourself? A woman's true femininity comes from her inner sense of self.

Firstly, this sincerity. The ability to easily and simply give compliments and emphasize the merits of other people. Femininity is the absence of envy and hostility. This is the ability to present the most unpleasant truth gently and politely. Sincerity is also necessary towards yourself. Honesty in one's thoughts and actions is not available to every woman. But sincerity does not mean lack of tact. It is not always worth telling the truth; not everyone needs it. Sincerity is a living, emotional expression of feelings and thoughts. This is a combination of childish spontaneity, spontaneity and adult tact.

Secondly, this self-esteem. Respect and love for yourself, your body, your needs. Awareness of oneself as an individual, and not an addition to a man. At the same time, flexibility of character, the ability to adapt to life circumstances. It is worthy to behave in the most unsightly situations, without provoking them. Self-esteem is directly related to self-confidence, with a calm attitude towards external evaluative opinions. This is the inner integrity of character.

Third, emotional inconsistency. This is by no means an instability of behavior when a woman is thrown from one emotion to another, from screams to hysteria, from tears to laughter. Excessive manifestations of temperament are always unpleasant and have a depressing effect on others. A slight degree of inconsistency attracts men. This is an amazing property of women, with their illogicality and emotionality, to attract sympathy to their side. Disarm with soft unpredictability, bewitch with gentle energy. Masculinity and femininity differ in that the first always acts within the given framework of social rules, and the second - contrary to them, captivating with natural spontaneity.

Masculine and feminine qualities

In psychology there are concepts of masculine and feminine qualities. The division of male and female roles is especially clearly visible in the Domostroevsky way of life. However, it is difficult to meet a man who has only masculine qualities, or a woman with only a set of feminine traits. Usually these essences are intertwined in a person's character to a greater or lesser extent.

Masculinity is result-oriented, competitive and ambitious. Femininity - consensus building, emotional connections and caring. For self-realization in society, both qualities are necessary. There are psychological tests that can help you determine your dominant traits.

Masculine qualities

  • Confidence.
  • Steadfastness.
  • Aggressiveness.
  • Fearlessness.
  • Feeling of freedom.
  • The desire to dominate.
  • Adventurism.
  • Determination.
  • The ability to focus on one thing.

These are general characteristics. They are not expressed in appearance (a courageous voice or emphasized authority), but are embedded in character and behavior. The ability to learn something new, to search for prey or knowledge - this is the main male purpose. Feminine is preservation, strengthening. Therefore, it is so important to develop in girls the ability to calmly, with the desire to take care of the house, to create comfort and coziness.

Feminine qualities

  • Softness.
  • Compliance.
  • Sacrifice.
  • Willingness to help.
  • Submission.
  • Compassion.
  • Intuitiveness of behavior.
  • Accuracy.
  • Passivity.
  • Ability to do several things at once.

Female femininity implies a combination of masculine and feminine qualities. At the same time, it has a large share of lightness and flexibility. Possesses inner creativity and inspiration. This is the ability to be soft, but also not to give yourself offense. Do not take a masculine position, do not enter into conflict with the stronger sex. Realize your creative potential based on their positions as women.

What adds femininity?

The feeling of happiness and harmony in herself allows a woman to be calm and peaceful. This is a combination that attracts others. A woman who loves herself, knows how to give and receive love, creates an aura of comfort around herself. Such a lady knows how to compromise, adapt to her man and circumstances. Feels light and relaxed, allowing himself to be for the stronger sex. She respects and loves men.

Femininity is the ability to come to the rescue and the ability to accept it from others. This is trust and ease of communication. and unobtrusive sexuality. This is inner well-being and a state of comfort.

Such a woman has a sense of humor, radiating positivity and good mood around her. She is polite and has self-respect. Takes care of himself, his body.

Development of femininity

Education and society can suppress femininity. The desire to make a career, raise and raise children, many worries and problems make a woman strong, inflexible, capable of going ahead towards her goal. These are masculine qualities, and by accepting them, a woman enters into an internal conflict with the stronger sex. She becomes not a companion and ally, but an adversary who must be overcome. Therefore, when entering the male path, a woman opposes herself to a man.

It is necessary to develop femininity, because the representative of the fair half of humanity needs affection and support, care and love. Realization of oneself as a woman is possible subject to certain rules. If your character has more masculine qualities, then you can change them by starting with femininity.

The penchant for roles makes the weaker sex multifaceted and changeable. By working to transform her appearance, a woman is able to change her image. Therefore, it is quite possible in the development of femininity to start with external changes, which are gradually reduced to internal changes.


Symbol of femininity - long hair and dresses. You don't have to grow your braids or have elaborate hairstyles. But you should get rid of crew cuts and the like. If there is no inner femininity, such hairstyles will make you look like a man. Soft curls, frivolous curls or straight ones will add charm. You don't have to do your hair every day. But clean and healthy hair is a must.

Flowing dresses or formal skirts will emphasize the femininity of the figure and add mystery. Heels - even low ones - will introduce fragile instability into your gait and visually lengthen your legs.

You should not put too much makeup on your face or drench yourself in perfume. A slight understatement of the smell will make men come closer. It is better not to overuse cosmetics, but to prefer a healthy complexion and the radiance of a snow-white smile.


Beauty and femininity lie in grace and grace of movements and gestures. It is possible, without having flexibility, to have a smooth gait. You should not allow yourself sudden, masculine movements. Do not wave your arms when walking and do not pace your steps. A light, dancing gait attracts attention.

The soft, smooth movements of the hands are mesmerizing. Unhurried gestures, calm turns of the head, combined with a smile, will attract hearts faster than harshness and impetuosity. And well-groomed hands and feet (with an unobtrusive manicure and pedicure) will add attractiveness.


The ability to speak and listen beautifully makes a woman a pleasant conversationalist. Smooth, unhurried speech is as important as the timbre of your voice. You should not allow yourself loud notes, shrill sounds. Loud, clear speech is more reminiscent of a commander. What adds charm to femininity? Slightly muffled voice. Velvety timbre, expressive intonations. Calm facial expressions, a slight smile during communication, and tact will emphasize the feminine principle.

You should pay attention to the culture of speech, avoid rude and harsh formulations. When communicating, look at the interlocutor, listen carefully, and be sincerely interested in the topic of conversation. Express your disagreement kindly and avoid categorical assessments.

  1. Learn to surround yourself with an atmosphere of peace, happiness, harmony with the world.
  2. Allow yourself to be weak and helpless, take your time, don’t fuss.
  3. Don’t overload yourself with work, remember about women’s self-realization in the family.
  4. Be able to act with dignity, self-respect, and not spend your life waiting.
  5. Take care of your health and attractiveness.
  6. Radiate caring, kindness, gentleness, sensuality, love.
  7. Feel your specialness, uniqueness.
  8. Do not compete with a man, do not blame and do not look for the guilty.

Let's say you make up your mind. You want to change. Want to delve deeper into a woman's journey. Become more feminine. And where to start? What medications and what is the dosage schedule?

I love ordered guidelines for action (the long “male” past takes its toll :)). In fact, it’s really important to see a step-by-step plan, to understand where to strive, what and how. Understand what's stopping you and what's ahead.

If we are talking about steps towards the goal, then:
1. The first step is to give up pants. Because it changes a lot. Your attitude towards yourself, your image, the flow of energy, the attitude of other people. It often seems like nonsense, but it works. And it’s been working for me for almost 3 years (can you imagine? Almost 3 years without pants!). And the girls who were afraid at first, and then threw everything away and switched to dresses. And how many letters come from men who are delighted with such changes! Even those whose wives were perfect in every other way but wore jeans go crazy with happiness when their wife switches to dresses and skirts. So this is the first step. Minimize wearing trousers. At least wear beautiful floor-length sundresses at home...

2. Moving further along the course “Look like a woman.” And here it’s worth thinking about the little details of a woman’s image - accessories, jewelry, scarves (and how beautiful a lady looks with a scarf on her head instead of a hat in winter!). Recently, my husband became interested in Instagram - this is a network where people post their photos. So recently we saw a photo of Tina Kandelaki, a famous woman who came to Grozny. And they invited her on one condition. She should have worn a headscarf. You should have seen the number of “likes” under these photos, how many nice words they said to her! And how stylish and mysterious she looked in a scarf! Not only has it not lost its beauty, but it has also acquired a special charm. Therefore, think about what is not enough in your life - facial care, proper makeup, accessories, shoes?

3. When we already look like a woman, it’s time to start acting like a woman. Skirts will partly help us slow down, Because we won’t be able to run like that anymore. But it’s also important to consciously add fluidity to our lives. Slow down. Reduce speed. Start eating, walking, living more slowly. Stop rushing and being late. It’s difficult, especially in big cities. But probably. If you understand that it is impossible to do everything. And what is important is to do the most important thing first. Everything unnecessary will fall away on its own. There is a time for everything - in nature and in life. If we run very fast, it will not bring us closer to the goal faster. Sometimes women grab knowledge about femininity wholesale - they listen to ten lectures a day, but nothing changes. Because speed does not solve problems. You need smoothness, immersion. Like a woman. How fast do you speak? Do you often rush? Do you eat while running? Do you drink coffee on the way to work? Do you run after buses? Just stop doing it. You will see - the world will not fall apart. And by the way, if food in the house is prepared on the run, then relationships develop the same way - quickly and of poor quality.

4. And then what’s important is proper communication. Find yourself like-minded girls. This can be done on our forum, for example. Communication with women is an exchange of feminine energy. This is always important and valuable. And don’t talk about what a bastard your husband is. And about eternity, knowledge, love. About how to become better. Sometimes cry. Sometimes to cheer someone up. What female friendship can give you cannot be replaced by anything.

5. Find yourself half an hour a day. Every day, spend half an hour doing what you like, what makes you happy. Baths, masks, self-care, books, drawings, dancing, songs, handicrafts - there are many such activities. As many as 85! And it is important to do this every day, increasing your resources.

These are the first five steps towards female happiness. The first five. Only the first ones - but very important ones.

What can hinder us on this path?

1. Incorrect communication. If all your friends are angry feminists, it will be difficult for you. If you share, you'll get hit on the head. If you don’t share it, where else should I take it? The worst thing for a woman who grows the flower of femininity within herself is to invite pests into the garden. The worst pests are unfortunate women. Not out of malice. They’re just unhappy, which means they can only share this—anger, bile, and so on. We give the world only what we have. This does not mean that everyone should be abandoned and replaced. Just communicate with them on neutral topics. And for close communication, look for like-minded people!

2. Generic scenarios. How much I talk about this - that until we see our ancestral ties, it is difficult to change. And when we see that the women in the family became strong after the grandmother lost her husband in the war, we can already forgive, let go and begin Our Life.

3. Excessive desire for achievement. When we try to do everything ourselves. When we chase money, career and connections. This is practically incompatible with feminine qualities. Alas and ah. A woman in this life can get everything through her husband. If she is feminine, she will learn to love and serve. Like a woman. No manipulation.

4. Misinterpretation. For example - “A man is an unfinished woman” - I often hear this from those who have begun to develop femininity. Since we make them, then without us they are nothing without a stick! We are queens and men are servants! The most incorrect of all possible interpretations. This kills relationships, which means femininity is not real. A real woman deepens and strengthens relationships. Because he sees that we are different. No better, no worse. She does not manipulate, but learns to love herself.

5. Irresponsibility. Would you say that responsibility is a masculine quality? Yes, when we talk about being responsible for others. But each of us is responsible for ourselves. For your actions, thoughts, reactions, relationships. And often we slip into “I don’t want to decide anything. I’m a girl and I want a dress!” This is all nice and somewhat true. But remembering that true femininity is maturity and wisdom is important. We are responsible for what we do to ourselves and our loved ones. For doing your duty. For what we give to other people, how we treat them.

Here are the five obstacles. The main ones. Not all. This is what we most often run into. And we break...

To prevent this from happening, forewarned is forearmed. You now have a small map of your first steps. What will you do with it? You decide.

Olga Valyaeva

All human history and prehistory began with the worship of the feminine principle. Surprisingly, the history of mankind began with matriarchy and the primacy of the feminine principle in the origins of human evolution gave rise to a grandiose cult of worship of the Great Goddess among almost all peoples of the Earth. The original archetype of birth, the beginning of life, the creation of Nature subconsciously led to the worship of Mother Earth, who gives everything for people’s lives.

Earth. Nature. Woman. Often these concepts are associated with each other, and this is not accidental. We don’t even remember where the expressions Mother Nature, Mother Earth, Motherland came to us. But every thinking person will be able to compare these concepts with fertility, a woman’s ability to procreate. Maternity is perhaps the main purpose of a woman on Earth.

The image of a holy woman has been very firmly woven into Russian culture since ancient times.

In Russia and in Rus', one of the most revered and beloved images was the image of the Mother of God - intercessor, guardian, patroness of motherhood and childhood.

The ancient Slavic-Aryan Vedas talk a lot about female deities: Lada-Mother, Makosh, Goddess JIVA, Mother of God Rozhana.

Lada-Mother is the first one to be born by the Heavenly Family. Heavenly Mother, Mother of God. Mother of the Gods of the Great Race, the law of Universal Love and Mercy, the goddess of beauty, love and marriage, which is why the wedding agreement was previously called “ladins”. It brings home comfort, friendliness, mutual understanding, love, continuation of the Family, many children, mutual assistance, family life, mutual respect and mutual veneration into people's lives.

In the Slavic lands Lada was revered more than anywhere else. Information has been preserved that in pre-Christian times, in the lower part of Kyiv, on Podol, there was a majestic Lada temple.

Later, with the adoption of Christianity, the image of the Mother Goddess was embodied in the Virgin Mary. In Christian Orthodoxy, love for Christ is inseparable from love for the Mother of God, who is the Intercessor of all Christians before the throne of God. The Mother of God is also a symbol of the sanctification and glorification of human nature, because she was the first among people to receive the Holy Spirit, which entered her during the Annunciation. The Mother of Christ even now sanctifies the world with her Love and Purity, protects it from troubles and adversity with her cover. Nowhere is the Mother of God revered as much as in the Orthodox Church. Many holidays are dedicated to Her, and not a single service is complete without a prayerful appeal to Her. The Mother of God is often a believer, and many miracles and signs are associated with her.

The Mother of God is the prototype of a perfect person, in whom all the best that is in Creation is embodied. She is both heaven and earth, and a ladder connecting heaven and earth. She is a symbol of true Divine Love, and we can touch this love through prayerful insight and visiting holy places associated with it.

“Earth” and “nature” - when we say these words, we practically equate them; for us they are indivisible. Nature is born of the Earth. The earth was born of the universe. But all this happened long before Man appeared on Earth. Nature has endowed a woman to perform the function of the universe: to be a creative principle that gives life. The moment of the birth of life in the mother’s body is amazing: practically out of nothing, from one microscopically small cell, an embryo appears, which grows and lives its intrauterine life. And it has already been proven that in the first weeks after conception, the embryo develops as a female individual, and only then, in accordance with the genetic code, acquires a male or female gender. This also contains the uniqueness of life, the mystery of its origin: a Man appears from “nothing.” Even before the moment of birth, an invisible thread forms between the mother and the child. The connection between mother and child can be imagined as thin invisible threads woven from love.

It is maternal love that makes a woman so unimaginably strong and wise. This love is transformed into love for people. They are also someone's children. Through maternal love comes the understanding of the feeling of love for the Children of God. And it’s not for nothing that Love is a feminine concept. Love becomes the understanding, essence and meaning of life. The threads of love that intertwine people with each other, uniting us with the Earth, make us one living organism in which we cannot hurt each other.

The creative role of a woman is manifested not only in the possibility of childbearing. It can be seen in everyday life, in little things that no one notices and are considered ordinary. The warmth and comfort of the home is the work of a Woman. This is also an element of bringing order to life. This only happens at the local level, at the level of family life.

In the modern world, a large role is assigned to women: women become leaders, take on enormous responsibility, however, a woman has been and remains the embodiment of love and order on Earth.

“It is not for nothing that the present century is called the century of the Mother of the World,” wrote Nicholas Roerich. “In this majestic concept lies the recognition of woman... as a being invested with special trust to carry out the urgent tasks of the world.” “Who, if not a woman, should now rise up and unite in the name of Culture and the Beautiful? Women, you will weave and unfurl the Banner of Peace... You will light a beautiful, creative and encouraging fire at every hearth. You will tell children the first word about beauty... You will say the sacred word Culture. A great and wonderful work has been commanded for you women!”

Poems by N.D. Spirina to painting by Nicholas Roerich “Song of Solveig”

Solveig, Solveig - The sunny path,
The Great Women's Path,
You are in the universal midnight
Be the calling star.
Shine a ray of light on the lost
In crooked, remote paths;
Peer Gynt, as for a better world,
He will come to you in the dark.
Aren't you his angel?
Was she a keeper?
Aren't you the Holy Gospel?
Did you drive away the evil trolls?!
Weren't you the one who believed in him?
And by faith she saved;
With secret hope
Raised by love?!
Opened the treasured door
To the above-ground regions,
From the hopeless darkness
In the radiance of Being!