When going to a party where the main drink is Martini, do not forget to learn how to drink this vermouth correctly. Let's go through all the important points of this process.

There are many drinks, but there is only one “king of nightlife” - the martini! The alcoholic drink received its title among bartenders, due to the fact that it is the main aperitif of club life and social events. But, losing sight of this fact, many still do not know how to drink a martini correctly. They are often dissatisfied with their first acquaintance with this drink. Let's figure out how to fix this situation.

Martini is a specific type of vermouth, with a strength of 16-18%. And like all vermouths, it contains the main ingredient that sets it apart from other drinks - wormwood. But in addition to wormwood, it contains up to 35 notes of various plants, which gives a certain sweet-bitter taste.

Martini has its own varieties, which differ not only in the grape variety, but also in those same additional herbs. Each manufacturer keeps its recipes in the strictest confidence. Only an experienced sommelier is able to distinguish the bouquet of aromas of each specific variety.

There are seven main varieties of martinis; the first 4 types have gained the most popularity in Russia.

  1. Bianko is white, with a characteristic spicy flavor and distinct notes of vanilla.
  2. Rosso is red, has a bright, memorable aroma and a characteristic bitterness. Caramel gives vermouth a beautiful dark amber hue.
  3. Rosato – pink. It includes 2 types of wine at the same time: white and red. Due to this, the drink has an unusual taste and color.
  4. Extra Dry – dry, alcohol strength 18%. The color of the drink is straw, the sugar content is minimal. Main flavor notes are raspberry, lemon and toffee.
  5. D’Oro – dry white, contains characteristic notes of caramel and citrus.
  6. Fiero – red, main notes – blood orange and Mediterranean citruses.
  7. Bitter is an alcohol-based martini with a hint of bitterness and sweetness. Color – ruby.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the glasses. It is possible to fully experience the taste and subtle aroma of the drink only in cone-shaped glasses with long stems. They are sometimes called martishki or watering cans. In the absence of such, they are replaced with whiskey glasses made of thick glass.

Martini is not only an alcoholic drink. This is a lifestyle, a tart taste of satisfaction. Therefore, the glasses in which it is served are the embodiment of sophistication, sophistication and aesthetics. It is pleasant to drink from such a cup in small sips, enjoying the delicious bouquet of the drink. For cocktails, it is recommended to use a straw.

You won't be able to appreciate vermouth if the temperature of the drink is too chilled or vice versa. The ideal temperature ranges from 10°C to 15°C. Typically, ice cubes or frozen berries are added to a martini, as a result of which the desired temperature of the drink is achieved.

As a rule, martini is served before meals, due to the fact that it stimulates the appetite and quenches thirst well. This is an ideal drink for social events and late-night parties. With a glass of vermouth it is pleasant to maintain a measured conversation, enjoy romantic communication or while away a few hours of aesthetic solitude.

Alcohol dilution is the main point by which you can evaluate the taste of vermouth. Most admirers of this drink do not appreciate the taste of martini in its pure form. The majority prefer cocktails with a softened taste or an increase in degree.

But if you are not one of those people or want to try the martini as it is, know that you need to serve the drink with olives, a slice of onion, a slice of lemon or ice. It is advisable to put the olives on a toothpick or a special skewer for cocktails, so your drink will be more pleasing to the eye. And what pleases the eye is obviously pleasant to the taste.

Some vermouth fans like to add slices of fruit or berries to the “pure” drink. This mix harmonizes especially well with Martini Bianko. Vanilla combined with a berry-fruity note creates an amazing aftertaste.

There are plenty of options here. The first and main one is juices, mostly citrus fruits. Classic - freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit. Cherry juice is an excellent accompaniment for red vermouths. A classic cocktail usually consists of 2 parts juice and 1 part martini. A one-to-one mix is ​​also possible: juice, alcohol and ice.

For those who like it stronger, there is an alcoholic classic of combining martinis with stronger drinks. Young people, wanting to find an easy way out, prefer to dilute alcohol with all kinds of carbonated drinks. Greater preference is given to Schweppes and Coca-Cola. Some lovers dilute vermouth with mineral water.

How to drink different martinis

Martini Bianko is a classic in its purest form. Therefore, the additional ingredients here are classic: olives, lemon, ice, fruit, and so on. An excellent addition to alcohol would be tonic or soda. To emphasize the strength of the drink, add vodka and ice. A wonderful combination occurs with the addition of dry gin. One part Martini Bianko and 2 parts gin is a real Martini Sweet.

A popular option is a mix of Martini Rosso and orange or cherry juice in a 2:1 ratio. Thanks to this flavor solution, the cloyingly sweet taste disappears from red vermouth. A great addition is a slice of lemon. For a truly incredible taste, mix your martini with pomegranate juice and ice.

The richness of the taste of Martini Rosso is revealed in the Manhattan cocktail. Half a glass of vermouth, 1/5 whiskey and two ice cubes. A few drops of pomegranate or cherry nectar to add softness, and a couple of cherries to complete the overall look. And now you are already a resident of Manhattan with a glass of traditional expensive alcohol.

Martini Rosato is diluted with juice or water.

Martini Extra Dry is mainly consumed undiluted with ice. If it is too strong for you, add pear juice. In general, a slice of onion goes perfectly with this vermouth. Let the wine brew a little and taste.

The Martini Dry cocktail is another classic of the genre. 10 ml Martini Extra Dry, 50 ml of the same dry gin and an ice cube. This very, very dry martini will not leave any admirer of this type of vermouth indifferent.

Well, how can you do without a mixture of the Martini varieties themselves? Extra Dry and Bianko with the addition of gin is a legendary drink with the mysterious name “Medium”. The secret of its preparation is simple: mix 10 ml of each vermouth and pour 40 ml of gin into them. Garnish it all with a slice of lemon and enjoy the pleasant taste.

Well, the last point of drinking vermouth is the appetizer. There is little variety here. Usually these are crackers, nuts, olives or black olives. Special connoisseurs snack on hard varieties of cheese. But this does not mean at all that you need to adhere to such principles.

In general, in everything related to Martini, you need to start from the classical foundations and move on to personal desires. Perhaps you will add your own special touch of something exotic to this drink.

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Probably every connoisseur of quality alcohol has asked the question: “What do they drink Bianco martini with?” Indeed, everyone knows the name of this drink - many associate it with the sweet life. However, not everyone has an idea of ​​what kind of drink it is, what it is served with and how it is consumed.

Expensive, damn tasty and intoxicating martini has spread in our country relatively recently. But it is worth noting that its appearance as an independent drink dates back to ancient centuries. The forefather of medicine and the famous philosopher - Hippocrates - advised his patients to drink martinis to prevent diseases of the digestive tract, relieve nervous tension and strengthen the immune system.

Martini is a brand of vermouth and can be consumed either as usual or as part of a variety of cocktails.

In contact with

Types of Martinis

Martini Roso

Today there are several types of martinis:

  • "Rosso"

This martini is the very first, the date of the start of its production is one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, that is, more than a century and a half ago!

The distinctive features of this vermouth are its impressive aroma and slightly bitter taste.

Professionals note: It is Rosso that can please you with the ideal combination of wine and herbs. When caramel is added, this martini takes on a dark amber color. In addition to caramel, lemon, ice and orange or other citrus juice are good companions, but you can also drink it in its original form. The strength of this drink is sixteen degrees.

  • "Rosato"

Martini Rosato

Rosato vermouth contains two types of wine - red wine and white. The appearance of this drink was noted in the eighties of the last century, relatively recently. A distinctive feature is the delicate pink color obtained by mixing two types of wine. Strength - 15 degrees.

  • "Doro"

Swiss martini. The date of appearance is 1998, that is, exactly eighteen years ago. Quite a young drink. The basis of Doro was white wine combined with various citrus fruits, coriander, honey and nutmeg. The strength is small - only nine percent.

  • "Fiero"

Martini Fiero

The same age as Doro - the same eighteen years ago. It is famous for its bright aroma, in which the sharp citrus is most noticeable, and upon closer examination all the other notes. And one and a half times stronger than Doro - 15 degrees.

  • "Extra Dry"

Raspberry, lemon and toffee are what real vermouth needs. Produced for over a century, Extra Dry Vermouth boasts a high alcohol content – ​​and low sugar content. Great for cocktails.

  • "Bitter"

The same vermouth, which consists not of wine, but of alcohol in its pure form. The bitter red drink nevertheless has as much as 25 percent alcohol in its composition, and the real composition has never become known to the general public.

  • "Bianco"

Quite old and strong vermouth among its brothers. Appeared about a century ago, spicy, softer than Rosso, with a vanilla flavor. Strength – 16 degrees, stereotypically considered a woman’s drink.


Currently, martinis contain 30-40 different herbs, such as chamomile, St. John's wort and mint, and, of course, wormwood.

Both stems and leaves, as well as seeds, roots and flowers of these and other plants are used in the preparation of vermouth.

The alcoholic component is most often wine, red, white, or some other, but there are cases when alcohol is used, an example of such vermouth is Bitter.

How to submit correctly

There are several nuances:

  • Temperature.

It is necessary to cool the martini to approximately 13 degrees Celsius, or provide it with ice.

  • Posudny.

Martini Bianco is drunk from cocktail glasses. These are cone-shaped glasses with a long stem. You should not pour vermouth into shots, it is uncivilized.

  • Temporal.

How to drink a martini? You need to do this in small sips and without haste, only then will you be able to feel the full taste of the drink.

What to drink with? What to snack on?

Martini "Bianco" is served with pickles or fruit. Crackers, cheese, peanuts, oranges, kiwis, pineapples and even watermelons are great additions to the drink. Less exotic options are apples and strawberries.

To enjoy the divine taste, you need to drink Martini from the right glasses - glasses shaped like a cone with a long stem. Take your time, savor every sip.

Like all drinks, Martini also needs a snack. You can serve it with salted nuts or crackers. You can serve olives, black olives, lemon slices and cheese.

How to store

In the place where the bottle of vermouth will be stored, it is necessary to ensure a temperature within five degrees Celsius and darkness. In such conditions, a martini can last for several years. Simply put, even the most ordinary household refrigerator will do.

Cocktail recipes

  1. Bianco orange
  2. This cocktail requires very little. Bianco vermouth itself, orange juice and ice. Everything is very simple. One - fill a cocktail glass with ice, two - add juice and vermouth in a ratio of three to one, three - stir. That's it, the cocktail is ready, you can serve it.

  3. Bianco Lemon
  4. Ingredients: Martini Bianco, Martini Bitter Lemon, grapefruit and ice.

    Fill a glass with ice, pour vermouth and tonic into it, stir.

  5. Bianco Sunrise

Cranberry juice, Martini Bianco, orange, juice and ice.

Fill a glass with ice, pour juice, martini and fruit drink into the glass, stir.

How and with what to drink Martini “Bianco”, watch expert advice in the following video:

The incredible popularity of Martini no longer surprises anyone, but in Russia there are still not many people who understand the culture of drinking vermouth. Next, I will tell you how to drink a martini correctly in order to enjoy its taste as much as possible. There are several nuances that every connoisseur of this alcohol should know.

1. Mood. Without a positive inner mood for the holiday, a martini will not bring pleasure, such is its specificity. You need the company of good friends or a loved one. Vermouths are ideal for romantic dates and youth parties.

2. Glasses. Martinis are drunk from special glasses shaped like a cone with a long stem. If you don’t have them on hand, you can take regular rectangular low glasses. The main thing is not to pour vermouth into shot glasses and glasses intended for strong alcohol, this is considered bad manners.

The right glass

3. Temperature. Martini is best served chilled to 10-15°C; it is at this temperature that its taste is revealed and a light aroma appears. Instead of chilling the entire bottle, you can add a few ice cubes to a glass filled with vermouth. Both options are acceptable.

4. Temp. It is correct to drink Martini in small sips without haste, savoring the drink. Some of its connoisseurs (especially women) use a straw, but it is more suitable for cocktails; in its pure form it is better to do without a straw.

5. Snack. Due to its low strength, this is an optional attribute, but if desired, Martini can be enjoyed with olives, lemon slices, fresh fruit, berries and even onions. The choice of a specific dish depends on the type of martini.

Olives go well with white vermouths

For example, Bianco goes well with olives strung on a toothpick or a slice of lemon. You can put a few ice cubes or pieces of fruit (kiwi, pineapple, cherry, strawberry) in a glass. Bianco is also diluted with soda or tonic in a one to one ratio.

Red Martini Rosso is mixed with orange or cherry juice. After adding juice, its bittersweet taste becomes softer and fresher. Proportions: take one part of juice for two parts of Martini Rosso.

For those who like non-standard solutions, I suggest adding one slice of onion to a glass of Martini Bianco and letting it sit for a few minutes. Not everyone likes this combination, but those who liked it no longer imagine how you can drink a martini without onions.

In different countries of the world, when asked what drink lovely ladies prefer, women unanimously answer - martini! Representatives of the fair sex enjoy this drink in restaurants, drink it at home and inexorably order it for men.

A little history
The history of the drink goes back decades, but no one can say for sure who was the author of such an exquisite delicacy. It is believed that the famous physician Hippocrates was the first to discover that aged wine from Crete, which was so popular among the nobility, could be mixed with flowers and herbs. It was he who discovered the beneficial qualities of this combination and began to use it for medical purposes. At one time, the Greeks, taking care of their health, also made medicinal wine drinks. True, they did not pay any attention to taste or aroma. Having studied these facts, scientists have put forward several versions of how the dish appeared in America and Europe.

One of the legends says that Martini was invented in the USA, namely in the town of Martinez, where the name itself comes from. In the 1850s, the drink was extremely popular among gold miners and travelers, who made it famous throughout the country. The second version tells us that the author was a certain D. Thomas, a bartender and lover of experimentation. In the 19th century, it was he who proposed his own version of the drink, which caused a storm of emotions among gourmets. Also, there is an option that Alessandro Martini became the “father” of the drink. An entrepreneur and connoisseur of quality alcohol sent the first batch of delicacies outside of Europe. Almost at lightning speed, people warmly welcomed the new product, and Martini turned into a bestseller in the USA, Asia, Africa and even Australia.

The real peak of the popularity of the drink came in the 20th century, due to the ban on alcohol. Martini immediately became famous for the fact that it could be produced quickly and in large quantities. Finally, the drink's appearance in James Bond films made it popular on both sides of the Atlantic. Today, the dish attracts with its light taste and pleasant aroma, and women are increasingly ordering it in restaurants.

With time Martini-based cocktails lost a clear recipe, and amateurs began to experiment with ingredients, adding a variety of juices, cream, chocolate, and fruits. Martini has also been replaced by gin, tequila and vodka. New compositions instantly became popular and received their own names - martini with lemon, olive, cherry, fresh fruit, chocolate martini, milk martini, Green Apple and many others.

How to drink a martini correctly
After the appearance of such extravagant combinations, real debates began about how to properly drink this exquisite drink. Everyone invented their own methods, but as a result, many ended up with the wrong taste, and Martini lost its popularity. Culinary experts have even begun to give advice on how to drink alcohol correctly. Of course, it was not like a peculiar tasting of wine or cognac, but at the same time, it was different from simply drinking alcohol. According to experts, in order to fully enjoy the unique taste of martini and feel all the notes, it is recommended to drink it chilled. Therefore, crushed ice has become an essential component of the cocktail. Some advised sipping the drink slowly, tasting every sip, others suggested adding a little juice to the recipe so that the dish would get a new aroma and taste.

Interesting Facts
There are many interesting facts associated with Martini. For example, these days the famous American Algonquin Hotel sells a cocktail for $10,000. The drink contains not only a martini, but also a real diamond without a rim, which adorns the bottom of each glass. Trying the new product is not at all easy - the order must be made 72 hours in advance. And to avoid troubles, gourmets must appear at the hotel before the reception itself, choose their stone and negotiate with the waiters so that they do not confuse the clients. At one time, King Umberto I of Italy gave exclusive permission to depict the state coat of arms on the drink label. And after the notorious Prohibition, Martini became the first thing President Roosevelt himself asked for.

Martini (vermouth) is an alcoholic drink that an impressive army of fans prefers to drink. Since vermouth is, first of all, an aperitif, it is drunk at evening events that do not involve a large-scale feast. It would be quite appropriate for a romantic meeting, a cocktail party with friends, or a buffet. Martini cocktails are popular in nightclubs, so this alcohol has rightfully gained fame as the “king of nightlife.”

Vermouths have gained the most popularity in our country:

  • Bianko (bianco) is a white vermouth with a spicy taste and delicate notes of vanilla.
  • Rosso (rosso) is a red vermouth with an amber hue obtained from caramel. It has a bright aroma and a slight bitterness.
  • Rosato (rosato) is a pink vermouth consisting of white and red wine.
  • Extra Dry (extra dry) – dry vermouth with a strength of 18%.

There are several options for serving this light, aromatic drink. Let’s take a closer look at how martinis are served correctly and what they eat as a snack.

Serving Martini neat

Martini in its pure form, served:

  • With olives, which can be placed on the bottom of a glass or strung on a decorative skewer.
  • With an onion.
  • A slice of lemon.
  • Pieces of ice.
  • Fruits and berries (cherry, strawberry, pineapple, orange, kiwi).

Serve martini diluted

The berries can be frozen and serve as an addition to the drink instead of ice. Pairs perfectly with Bianco berries. Vanilla notes combined with berries give a pleasant aftertaste. In combination with citrus fruits, Rosso harmonizes perfectly. Lemon is a classic snack for Extra Dry dry vermouth.

Drinking vermouth diluted with additional ingredients is a more popular way to drink it. There are many options here that can fill the drink with the desired accents.

The simplest option is dilution with water or fruit juices, usually citrus fruits. It is better if the juice is freshly squeezed. Juice is added in a 2:1 ratio or you can replace one part of the juice with ice. For fans of strong drinks, there are options for diluting a martini with vodka, tequila, whiskey or gin. It can also be mixed with carbonated drinks (tonic, cream soda, lemonade, cola, Schweppes).

The most popular way to consume Martini is to prepare alcoholic cocktails based on it.

Appetizer for Martini

An important question that may arise for a person who is poorly versed in the intricacies of serving alcoholic beverages: “What do you eat with a martini?” Due to its low strength, an appetizer is not necessary with a martini. However, it is not forbidden to serve salted crackers and nuts, as well as mild hard cheeses (preferably several types). Also, an olive or an olive from a glass is a great appetizer for a martini. You can serve fruit with vermouth; citrus fruits or peaches, as well as any berries, are better suited.

Martini glasses

It is possible to fully appreciate the merits of vermouth and enjoy its taste only if the right glasses are selected for it in the shape of a cone, rising on a long thin stem. The use of glasses and glasses intended for other alcoholic drinks indicates a lack of drinking culture and is considered bad form. The only alternative would be low, wide glasses (for whiskey).

Tasting process

Vermouth should be drunk chilled. The optimal temperature at which the bouquet of wine is maximized is 10-15 C°. You should enjoy the drink slowly, drinking it in small sips. If vermouth is included in the cocktail, it is better to use a straw for drinking.

Good quality wine, juices and fruits, as well as the right martini appetizer will create a wonderful festive mood and surprise guests with unusual alcoholic combinations.

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