> "Occupational Safety and Health Training" > Publication date: 2017-06-07 12:13:00

ANO DPO "TsPR Profi" provides training in the following areas:

All categories of employees must undergo occupational safety training, in particular: managers; specialists; workers; employers-entrepreneurs. The employer must not allow employees to work who have not undergone training and instructions on labor protection (paragraph 8, part 2, article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The employer is obliged to organize and in a timely manner:

  • provide training on safe work practices;
  • check knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees (paragraph 7, part 2, article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Attention: if an employee has not completed training due to the fault of the organization, he is paid for the missed time as if he was idle (paragraph 3, part 1, part 3, article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

What is the procedure for occupational safety training?

As a rule, the occupational safety training procedure includes:

  • labor safety briefing;
  • training in safe methods and techniques for performing work;
  • training in first aid rules.

In addition, the employer is obliged to organize a test of knowledge of labor protection requirements (Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The legislation provides for different procedures for training in labor protection depending on the categories of employees (blue-collar professions, managers and specialists).

Attention: The procedure for training employees and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements was approved by resolution of January 13, 2003 of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29. At the same time, regional and local authorities may establish additional requirements for training and testing knowledge of labor protection (clause 1.3 The procedure approved by the resolution of January 13, 2003 of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29).

How to train workers in blue-collar occupations in labor safety

Employees of blue-collar professions are trained in safe methods and techniques for performing work within a month after starting work or upon transfer to another job. Training is carried out during the preparation of employees, retraining and training them in other blue-collar professions (clause 2.2.1 of the Procedure approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 of January 13, 2003 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29).
If the work involves harmful or dangerous working conditions, then workers in blue-collar professions undergo training with on-the-job training and then take exams. At the same time, employees who have had breaks in their profession for more than a year undergo training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements within the first month after appointment to these jobs (clause 2.2.2 of the Procedure approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 of January 13, 2003 and Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29).

Employees of blue-collar professions are trained to provide first aid to those injured at work at least once a year. New employees must undergo such training no later than one month after being hired (clause 2.2.4 of the Procedure approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 of January 13, 2003 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29).
The employer determines the form, frequency and duration of training for blue-collar employees independently, taking into account the requirements of regulatory legal acts regulating the safety of specific types of work (clause 2.2.3 of the Procedure approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 of January 13, 2003 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29) . Responsibilities for training employees and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements are, as a rule, performed by the labor protection service (clause 7.14 of the Recommendations, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated February 8, 2000 No. 14).

How to train managers and specialists

Managers or occupational safety specialists are trained to:

  • when hiring a new employee;
  • when transferring an employee to another job;
  • when improving the qualifications of a manager or specialist.

This is stated in part 2 of article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 3 of clause 2.3.6 of the Procedure, approved by resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 of January 13, 2003 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29.
Managers and specialists undergo special training in labor safety within the scope of their job responsibilities within the first month after starting work. Repeated training is carried out as necessary, but at least once every three years (clause 2.3.1 of the Procedure approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 of January 13, 2003 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29).

But there is an exception (clause 1.6 of the Procedure approved by resolution of January 13, 2003 of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29). Training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements may not be completed within a year after starting a job:

  • employees qualified as an engineer (specialist) in the safety of technological processes, production or a labor protection specialist;
  • specialists in labor protection of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state supervision and control;
  • teachers of educational institutions teaching the discipline of labor protection;
  • employees with continuous work experience in the field of labor protection for at least five years.

Before starting independent work, a new employee must be familiarized with:

  • job responsibilities (including labor protection);
  • with internal local documents regulating the procedure for organizing work on labor protection (for example, the Regulations on the labor protection service, the Regulations on the procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements);
  • with the state of working conditions at his workplace (paragraph 2, clause 2.3.1 of the Procedure, approved by resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29 of January 13, 2003).

Managers and specialists are trained in occupational safety and health according to relevant programs. In this case, training can take place:

  • in training organizations (educational institutions of vocational education or training centers if they have accreditation and a license to teach in the field of labor protection, teaching staff in the field of labor protection and material and technical base);
  • in the organization itself (if there is a commission to test knowledge of labor protection requirements) (clause 2.3.2 of the Procedure approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 of January 13, 2003 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29).

Situation: Is it mandatory for the head of the organization to undergo occupational safety training or can another person be authorized to undergo this training?
Yes, definitely.

All employees of the organization, including managers (director of the organization), must undergo training, testing their knowledge of labor protection requirements and receive certificates.
All employees of the organization, including managers, are required to undergo training in labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements in the manner established by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29 “On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations” (Part 1 of Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Managers of the organization undergo special training in labor protection within the scope of their job responsibilities upon entering work during the first month, then as necessary, but at least once every three years (clause 2.3.1 of the Training Procedure).

If the manager did not undergo training or was unable to pass the knowledge test on labor protection, then, according to Article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, he must be suspended from work for the entire period of time until he completes the training and knowledge test. However, no salary should be accrued for this period.

The manager (director) may be removed from work by the state labor inspector during a scheduled or unscheduled inspection. In addition, having discovered the absence of a certificate, the state labor inspector can not only give an order to eliminate violations (i.e., to undergo training), but also bring to administrative responsibility under clause 3 of Art. 5.27.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses organization or director (official).

Situation: Does the inspector have the right to issue an order to the employer during an inspection if the training organization has not submitted a training program?
Yes, you have the right. The training organization is obliged to provide agreed training programs, otherwise this will indicate a formal approach to occupational safety training.

Training organizations must, on the basis of exemplary curricula and training programs on labor protection, develop and approve working curricula and training programs on labor protection (clause 2.3.4 of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by a resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia , Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29, hereinafter referred to as the Training Procedure).

In addition, training organizations submit information about training programs for employers and workers on labor protection to obtain accreditation (clause 8 of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 1, 2010 No. 205n).

The training organization and the employer are responsible for the quality of occupational safety training and the implementation of approved programs (clause 4.2 of the Training Procedure).
If it is determined that the training was carried out poorly, the employer may be given an order to re-train the staff in another training organization. At the same time, the inspection bodies will send information about the training organization’s violation of the Accreditation Rules to the Russian Ministry of Labor.

Which employees should be sent to training organizations?

Some categories of employees must undergo training in training organizations of federal executive authorities and executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection. These include, in particular:

  • employers (heads of organizations, entrepreneurs);
  • deputy managers in charge of labor safety issues;
  • engineering and technical specialists supervising the work;
  • occupational safety specialists;
  • members of labor protection commissions;
  • organizers and supervisors of students' practical training;
  • authorized representatives for labor protection of trade unions and other representative bodies of employees (clause 2.3.2 of the Procedure approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 of January 13, 2003 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29).

Today, the only training organization in Russia for federal executive authorities is the All-Russian Research Institute of Labor Protection and Economics of the Russian Ministry of Labor.
During the occupational safety training process, lectures, seminars, interviews, individual or group consultations, and business games are conducted. In addition, you can use elements of self-study of the occupational safety and health program, modular and computer programs, as well as distance learning (clause 2.3.5 of the Procedure approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 of January 13, 2003 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29).

How to organize occupational safety training on the employer’s premises

Occupational safety training in the organization is carried out according to programs approved by the employer. These programs are developed on the basis of exemplary curricula and training programs on labor protection (clause 2.3.4 of the Procedure approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 of January 13, 2003 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29). Model training plans for occupational safety and health training were approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor on May 17, 2004.

In addition, develop the following documents:

  • order on organizing training of employees on labor protection;
  • Regulations on the procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements.

How to test employee knowledge

You can test your knowledge of labor protection requirements yourself or in a specialized organization (clauses 3.4, 3.9 of the Procedure approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 of January 13, 2003 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29).

The procedure and frequency of testing knowledge of labor protection requirements depend on the category of the employee and the reason for the test.

Frequency of knowledge testing

The next test of knowledge of labor protection requirements for managers and specialists is carried out at least once every three years, and the test of knowledge of employees of blue-collar professions is carried out at least once a year.
An extraordinary inspection is carried out in certain cases, for example:

  • when legislation changes;
  • with changes in technological processes;
  • in case of transfer or emergence of new responsibilities for an employee;
  • with a break in work for more than one year;
  • when establishing violations by the employer in labor protection;
  • with insufficient knowledge of occupational safety and health requirements;
  • after accidents occurred in the organization.

Such rules are established in paragraphs 3.1–3.3 of the Procedure approved by resolution of January 13, 2003 of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29.

How to test the knowledge of employees directly in the organization

The theoretical knowledge of occupational safety requirements and practical safe work skills of blue-collar workers are tested by their immediate supervisors. Employees must know the requirements of rules and instructions on labor protection, and, if necessary, special requirements for safety and labor protection (clause 3.1 of the Procedure approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 of January 13, 2003 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29).

To test knowledge of labor protection requirements in an organization, create a commission.

For this:

  • issue an order to create a commission;
  • develop a Regulation on the Labor Safety Commission.

Include at least three people on the commission. Members of the commission must undergo training and testing of knowledge on labor protection at the training center. Form the commission from the chairman, deputy chairman(s), secretary and members of the commission.

The commission may include:

  • heads of the organization and structural divisions;
  • labor protection service specialists;
  • chief specialists (for example, technologist, mechanics, energy engineer);
  • representatives of the trade union and other representative bodies of employees (clause 3.4 of the Procedure approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29 of January 13, 2003).

How to record the results of an inspection

Document the results of testing the knowledge of employee labor protection requirements in a protocol (clause 3.6 of the Procedure approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 of January 13, 2003 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29). Its form was approved by resolution of January 13, 2003 of the Russian Ministry of Labor No. 1 and the Russian Ministry of Education No. 29.

Employees who successfully pass the test will be issued a certificate of knowledge testing on labor protection. Its form was approved by Decree of January 13, 2003 of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29. The chairman of the commission must sign the certificate and certify it with the seal of the organization (clause 3.7 of the Procedure approved by Decree of January 13, 2003 of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29).

If an employee does not pass the test, he is obliged to undergo a second knowledge test no later than one month (clause 3.8 of the Procedure approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 of January 13, 2003 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29).

How to test knowledge of labor protection requirements in a training organization

Training organizations check knowledge of labor protection requirements only from those employees whom they trained (clause 3.9 of the Procedure approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 of January 13, 2003 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29).

Situation: what measures to take if new labor protection rules come into force or labor protection requirements change
If new labor protection rules come into force or labor protection requirements have changed, carry out:

  • unscheduled briefing;
  • an extraordinary test of knowledge of labor protection requirements of all workers, including commission members, workers and all specialists engaged in relevant work. Test your knowledge of new regulations only.

This is indicated in paragraphs 2.1.6 and 3.3 of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29, hereinafter referred to as the Procedure for Training.

Review local labor safety regulations (instructions, training programs, induction programs, etc.) and amend them in accordance with new legal requirements.
To conduct an extraordinary test of knowledge of labor protection requirements for workers, create a knowledge testing commission. The commission must consist of at least three people who have undergone training and knowledge testing on labor protection, taking into account the new labor protection requirements. The commission is approved by the employer by order (clause 3.4 of the Training Procedure).

Training organizations can test the knowledge of occupational safety requirements only of those employees who have undergone occupational safety training on their basis (clause 3.9 of the Training Procedure). Thus, members of the commission for testing the knowledge of an organization, when introducing new rules, must undergo training and an extraordinary test of knowledge in a training organization in the scope of knowledge of these rules, and only after that they can conduct an extraordinary test of the knowledge of their employees.

An employee who has not passed the knowledge test of labor protection requirements during training is required to undergo a second knowledge test within no later than one month (clause 3.8 of the Training Procedure).
Employees who have not undergone training and knowledge testing in the prescribed manner are suspended by the employer from work until they pass the knowledge test (Articles 76 and 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

  • send at least three commission members to the training organization;
  • establish a single topic for conducting unscheduled briefings and extraordinary knowledge tests - “Labor safety requirements in connection with the entry into force of labor protection rules”;
  • train employees according to the schedule approved by the head of the organization;
  • test the knowledge of employees in the organization’s commission;
  • draw up all the necessary local documents in accordance with the Training Procedure (certificate, knowledge test protocol and a log of registration of briefings on labor protection in the workplace).

How to Develop a Safety Training Program

Managers and specialists are trained in occupational safety and health according to relevant programs. Training can be carried out:

  • in training organizations;
  • in the organization itself (if it has a special commission to test knowledge of labor protection requirements).

This is stated in paragraph 2.3.2 of the Procedure approved by resolution of January 13, 2003 of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29.
Upon completion of training, workers are tested on their knowledge of labor protection requirements.

Who develops occupational safety training programs?

Occupational safety training programs are developed by the heads of the organization’s structural divisions with the participation of a labor protection specialist (occupational safety service).

An occupational safety specialist provides methodological assistance to the heads of structural divisions of the organization (in accordance with the job responsibilities of an occupational safety specialist, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 17, 2012 No. 559n).

Labor safety training programs in an organization are approved by the employer in agreement with a representative of the trade union organization (if there is one).

Example: The list of questions and tasks for testing knowledge and skills, as well as criteria for assessing the level of knowledge and skills of a person hired for underground work, are approved by the local regulatory act of the employer, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization in accordance with Article 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Government Decree RF dated May 24, 2012 No. 506 “On approval of the Rules for checking the compliance of the knowledge and skills of a person hired for underground work with the relevant qualification requirements”).

The procedure for the work of the commission and its composition are approved by the local regulatory act of the employer, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization in accordance with Article 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Training organizations develop and approve work curricula and training programs on labor protection in agreement with the relevant federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection.

Situation: Is the training center obliged to coordinate training programs on labor protection with the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation?
Yes, it is obligatory, including when making changes to already agreed upon occupational safety training programs.

Training organizations, on the basis of exemplary curricula and training programs on labor protection, develop and approve working curricula and training programs on labor protection in agreement with the relevant federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection (clause 2.3.4 The procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29).

For example, currently the Department of Labor and Employment of the City of Moscow has been renamed the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow. In accordance with clause 4.7 of the Moscow Government Decree dated September 8, 2015 No. 566-PP “On approval of the Regulations on the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow,” the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow is the authorized executive body of the city of Moscow for the implementation state management of labor protection in the territory of the city of Moscow.

As an example, we cite the order of the Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Irkutsk Region No. 27-MPR dated May 29, 2013 “On approval of the administrative regulations for the provision of the public service “Coordination of work curricula and training programs on labor protection for employees of organizations.” It has been established that the basis for the provision public service is an application for approval of work curricula and training programs on labor protection for employees of organizations, including in the form of an electronic document. The application is accompanied by a work curriculum and training program(s) on labor protection for employees of organizations in two original copies. Deputy Minister coordinates work curricula and training programs on labor protection for employees of organizations. Work curricula and training programs on labor protection for employees of an organization are sealed with the seal of the ministry. The maximum approval period is 2 working days. The public service is provided to applicants free of charge.

On the basis of what to develop training programs on labor protection

The Russian Ministry of Labor creates exemplary curricula and training programs on labor protection. Based on them, organizations develop and approve their occupational safety training programs. To do this, sample programs are supplemented with missing thematic sections, theses and educational materials that are relevant for a specific position (profession) or type of work performed. Inappropriate sections are corrected or excluded.

To develop your own training program, you can use the following documents:

  • An approximate training program on labor protection for employees of organizations, approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia on May 17, 2004;
  • Sample curriculum plans for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia on May 17, 2004;
  • Sample training programs on labor protection for certain categories of insured persons were approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated June 21, 2003 No. 153;
  • Model training program on labor protection (for managers of enterprises and members of knowledge testing commissions), approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia on May 12, 1996.

When drawing up training programs, interindustry rules, standard instructions on labor protection and other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements are used.

The programs include information:

  • about the basics of labor protection,
  • the basics of occupational safety management in an organization,
  • features of ensuring labor protection and safety requirements for production activities,
  • protection of victims from industrial accidents and occupational diseases.

The specific validity period of occupational safety training programs is not established by law. When local acts, labor protection rules and other regulations change, changes must be made to the training programs.

What else to develop

In addition to the program itself, it is necessary to develop a thematic plan for training in occupational safety. As a basis, you can take the Approximate training plans for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia on May 17, 2004. The thematic training plan, as a rule, is a separate table. It indicates a list of topics studied and the number of hours on each topic.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare exam papers to test the knowledge of employees. They are compiled strictly according to the training program. The tickets should not contain topics that were not included in the training.


Responsibility for the quality of occupational safety training and the implementation of approved occupational safety programs lies with the training organization and the employer of the organization. If the organization does not have an approved training program (or a copy of the training program under which employees were trained at the training center), then the employer will not be able to confirm that employees have completed occupational safety training. For admission to work without undergoing training in the established order and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, the inspector may impose the following fines (Part 3 of Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • for officials – from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles;
  • for entrepreneurs – from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles;
  • for legal entities – from 110,000 to 130,000 rubles.

What is the duration of training for workers on labor protection in training organizations?

The procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29 does not establish a specific duration of training in labor protection.

To date, the duration of occupational safety training depending on the category of students has not been determined.

At the moment, it is necessary to be guided by the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated June 21, 2003 No. 153, which approved sample training programs on labor protection for managers and specialists.

This Order determines that the duration of training in training organizations must be at least 40 hours.

Frequency of testing knowledge on labor protection - 2017

The frequency of testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for blue-collar workers is determined by the employer. This right is given to the employer in clause 2.2.3. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29.

The employer, taking into account labor safety rules, in agreement with employee representatives (if any), based on the nature of the profession, type of work, specifics of production and working conditions, establishes the frequency of knowledge testing, duration and form of training for blue-collar workers.

This frequency cannot be less frequent than specified in the current state standards and other regulations, industry and inter-industry rules on labor protection.

By order of Rosstandart dated 06/09/2016 No. 600-st, from 03/01/2017 a new GOST 12.0.004-2015 “System of occupational safety standards. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions” is introduced, which replaces GOST 12.0.004-90. It is stated there in paragraph 6.7: “The list of jobs and professions for which special labor safety training is carried out, as well as the procedure, form, frequency and duration of this training, the procedure for testing knowledge and the composition of examination commissions are established by the decision of the head of the enterprise - the organizer of the training, taking into account the requirements of the regulatory documentation in agreement with employee representatives (if any), based on the nature of the profession, type of work, specifics of production and working conditions.”

Answers prepared by the editors of the website “MCFER Occupational Safety and Health”

Occupational safety training for workers resolves many issues related to daily activities against the backdrop of constant changes in legislation, and helps to establish production processes.

The prerequisites are being created for the complete elimination of injuries at the enterprise, subject to optimal working conditions, and the emergence of motivation for workers to be attentive to safety precautions.

In the past, all enterprises had a staff member responsible for worker safety. A broader concept - the labor protection system today has several components - from safety precautions to industrial sanitation and occupational hygiene.

Various mandatory activities, such as organizational, technical, socio-economic, regulatory and many others, are designed to protect the life and health of people involved in production.

The good cause of preserving the life and working capacity of workers at enterprises requires from managers and specialists directly involved in ensuring the safety of subordinates, serious training and fresh knowledge in various fields - from legal to medical, from engineering to social.

Organization of occupational safety training

Managers and specialists of organizations need special training and testing the quality of knowledge of labor protection requirements every three years. Occupational safety training for managers and specialists at ANO DPO "KETSOT" is carried out using a multimedia program and ends with a final certification.

Persons who successfully complete occupational safety courses and pass the test receive an occupational safety certificate and all regulatory documentation submitted electronically.

Occupational safety training in Moscow, depending on the specifics of the enterprise, has characteristic differences. The selection of optimal occupational safety courses and the scope of what is presented is based on the definition of the company’s area of ​​activity.

Training is provided in the following types of economic activities:

  • Construction, building materials industry and housing and communal services;
  • Catering establishments;
  • Retail trade organizations;
  • Healthcare;
  • Credit organizations;
  • Consumer service enterprises.

Compliance with labor legislation and safety rules at enterprises guarantees confidence in the future for managers and the absence of a threat to the health of workers.

Cost of occupational safety training and terms of occupational safety courses

No.DIRECTIONDevelopment periodForm of studyPrice
1. Occupational safety when working at height using rope access. Group 1 - workers allowed to work as part of a team or under the direct supervision of an employee appointed by order of the employer20 hoursIn person4,000 rub.
2. Occupational safety when working at height using rope access. Group 2 - foremen, foremen, internship supervisors, as well as workers appointed by work permit to perform work at height as responsible performers of work at height40 hoursIn person4,500 rub.
3. Occupational safety when working at height using rope access. Group 3 - workers appointed by the employer as responsible for the safe organization and performance of work at height, as well as for conducting briefings; teachers and members of certification commissions created by order of the head of the organization providing training in safe methods and techniques for performing work at height; workers performing maintenance and periodic inspection of personal protective equipment; workers issuing permits; responsible managers of work at heights performed under work permit; occupational safety specialists; officials whose powers include approving a work plan at height40 hoursIn person5,000 rub.
4. 40 hoursIn person3,000 rub.
5. Occupational safety for managers and specialists40 hoursRemotely2,700 rub.
2,000 rub.
6. Labor protection in construction40 hoursIn person3,000 rub.
7. Labor protection in construction40 hoursRemotely2,700 rub.
2,000 rub.
8. 10 hoursIn person2,000 rub.
9. Labor protection for blue-collar workers (slinger, plumber, electric and gas welder, etc.)10 hoursRemotely1,700 rub.
800 rub.
10. Occupational safety at height Appendix No. 2 (workers)20 hoursRemotely2,700 rub.
2,000 rub.
11. Occupational safety at height Appendix No. 2 (engineering and technical personnel)40 hoursRemotely2,700 rub.
2,000 rub.
12. Occupational safety at height Appendix No. 4 (1st group)20 hoursRemotely2,700 rub.
2,000 rub.
13. Occupational safety at height Appendix No. 4 (2nd group)40 hoursRemotely2,700 rub.
2,000 rub.
14. Occupational safety at height Appendix No. 4 (3rd group)40 hoursRemotely3,700 rub.
3,000 rub.
15. Professional retraining in labor protection256 hours 25,000 rub.

Advantages of occupational safety training at ANO DPO "KETSOT"

  • Training from experienced and reliable specialists: ANO DPO KETSOT has existed since 1998.
  • Teachers and experts of ANO DPO "KETSOT" are qualified specialists in the field of labor protection who constantly improve their knowledge in training organizations controlled by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
  • Founder of ANO DPO "KETSOT" - City Committee of the Trade Union of Construction and Construction Materials Industry Workers
  • Current specialists from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation are involved in conducting training
  • Educational programs are constantly modernized in accordance with the requirements of legislation in the field of labor protection
  • Training opportunities are provided with minimal disruption from production
  • If necessary, we create an individual lesson schedule
  • We organize training at the customer’s premises
  • Our classroom is located in the center of Moscow
  • Flexible pricing policy

Categories of course participants

  • responsible persons, such as directors of enterprises, their deputies, including on labor safety issues, all employers, including individual entrepreneurs;
  • persons involved in organizing and conducting practical training;
  • occupational safety specialists;
  • members of commissions for compliance with labor protection rules and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements;
  • authorized representatives of trade unions and other bodies representing the interests of employees.

How to get occupational safety training?

  1. Fill out the application on the website, be sure to include company details and contact information for feedback.
  2. We will issue you an invoice for payment and a draft agreement for the provision of services.
  3. After payment, you need to contact one of our specialists by phone and confirm the date and time of the classes.
  4. Upon completion of the training, you will be asked to take a test, based on the results of which (if successful) you will be issued a labor protection certificate of the established form.

Form of study

The form of training is full-time (with a break from work), it is possible for the teacher to travel to the client’s territory. In addition, there is the possibility of partially correspondence training - the Customer is provided with materials for self-study, after which the student takes a test.

Educational literature

Educational literature is issued to the customer in electronic form after completion of the training.

Photos of occupational safety training at ANO DPO "KETSOT"

Labor safety training schedule

Responsibility for non-compliance with labor protection requirements

In accordance with Federal Law No. 90-FZ dated June 30, 2006 and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: "Responsibilities for ensuring safe conditions and labor protection rest with the employer.", Besides “The employer is obliged to provide: ... training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, conducting labor safety briefings, on-the-job training and testing knowledge of labor safety requirements.”
Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 1 / Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 29 dated January 13, 2003 clearly regulates the timing of training and testing knowledge of labor protection: “Managers and specialists of organizations undergo special training in labor protection within the scope of their job responsibilities upon entering work during the first month, then as necessary, but at least once every three years.”

Failure to comply with these requirements implies very specific liability.
In case of a single violation:

  • Officials - from 1000 to 5000 rubles
  • For individual entrepreneurs - from 1000 to 5000 rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days;
  • For legal entities - from 30,000 to 50,000 or suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

In case of repeated violation:

  • Suspension of activities for a period of 1 to 3 years.

Curriculum for occupational safety courses

1.1 Human labor activity1
1.2 Basic principles of occupational safety1
1.3 Basic principles of labor protection0,5
1.4 Basic provisions of labor law1
1.5 Legal basis for labor protection1
1.6 State regulation in the field of labor protection0,5
1.7 State regulatory requirements for labor protection1
1.8 Duties and responsibilities of employees to comply with labor protection requirements and labor regulations1
1.9 Duties and responsibilities of officials to comply with the requirements of labor and labor protection legislation1
2.1 Responsibilities of the employer to ensure safe conditions and labor protection1
2.2 Organization of a labor protection management system0,5
2.3 Social partnership between employer and employees in the field of labor protection. Organization of public control0,5
2.4 Certification of workplaces according to working conditions2
2.5 Development of labor protection instructions1
2.6 Organization of training on labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations1
2.7 Providing compensation for working conditions; providing workers with personal protective equipment1
2.8 Basics of preventing occupational morbidity1
2.9 Documentation and reporting on labor protection1
2.10 Certification of labor protection work in organizations1
3.1 Basics of preventing industrial injuries1
3.2 Technical support for the safety of buildings and structures, equipment and tools, technological processes1
3.3 Collective protective equipment: ventilation, lighting, noise and vibration protection1
3.4 Hazardous production facilities and ensuring industrial safety0,5
3.5 Organization of safe performance of work with increased danger1
3.6 Ensuring electrical safety0,5
3.7 Ensuring fire safety0,5
3.8 Ensuring the safety of workers in emergency situations0,5
4.1 General legal principles of compensation for damage caused0,5
4.2 Compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases0,5
4.3 The procedure for investigating and recording industrial accidents2
4.4 The procedure for investigating and recording occupational diseases0,5
4.5 Providing first aid to victims at work0,5
Total: 40

The main document in matters of labor protection is, of course, the Labor Code. It directly outlines the responsibilities of both the employer to “ensure safety and working conditions that comply with state regulatory requirements for labor protection” (), and the employee to “comply with all labor protection requirements” (Article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The principles of labor protection, the procedure for organizing the necessary activities, including training, are set out in detail in a separate section X (Articles 209-231).

In addition to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws, orders and regulations, and by-laws have been developed. They establish specific requirements and standards that should be used when organizing specialized events and developing local documentation. Pay special attention to the following documents:

  • The procedure for training and testing employees’ knowledge regarding occupational safety and labor protection ( );
  • Recommendations for organizing the work of the labor protection service in an organization (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 14 of 02/08/2000);
  • Model regulations on the labor protection committee (commission) (dated June 24, 2014).

Who organizes the training

Who is undergoing training

According to , all employees of the organization must undergo occupational safety training:

  • managers, including employers - individual entrepreneurs;
  • specialists;
  • workers.

Those who have not completed training cannot be allowed to perform their job duties.

Instruction or training?

Depending on the work profile and position held, employees can master different programs. The most common type of training is instruction. All employees, without exception, undergo it.

There are several types of instruction.

1. Introductory – for all recruits, as well as seconded employees of third-party organizations, that is, everyone associated with production activities. The introductory briefing is carried out by a labor protection specialist or an employee who has been assigned these responsibilities by order of the manager.

2. Primary at the workplace - this is instruction for all new employees, permanent and temporary, for those transferred from a neighboring unit and seconded from other organizations, as well as for those who have had a significant break in their work activity. Initial instruction is carried out by the employee’s immediate supervisor: foreman, foreman, teacher, etc.

3. Repeated - is carried out for all employees at least once every six months according to the same programs as for initial training in the workplace.

4. Unscheduled - this type of training is associated with fundamental changes that affect the employee’s performance of work functions. This could be a change in legislation, a change in equipment or technological processes. Unscheduled briefings are also carried out in cases of gross violation of labor protection requirements by an employee.

5. Targeted - the need for targeted instruction arises when it comes to eliminating the consequences of accidents (natural disasters), one-time work and those types of activities that require a permit, permit and other special documents.

For representatives of blue-collar professions, the employer is obliged to provide additional training in safe methods and techniques for performing work. This applies to new employees and those transferring to another job. Training should be completed within a month after hiring/transfer. P The procedure and frequency of such training, as well as the format for testing knowledge of blue-collar workers, are established by the employer based on regulations that regulate the safety of certain types of work ().

Separate training should be organized for the head of the organization, his deputies, deputy chief engineer for labor protection, as well as for specialists of labor protection services or workers on whom the employer assigns responsibilities for organizing work on labor protection. The deadline is the same - no later than one month from the date of employment or appointment to the position.

Important! Occupational safety training for managers and specialists of the organization is included in all advanced training courses in their specialty, which are conducted at institutes and faculties of advanced training.

Check of knowledge

Each briefing must end with an oral survey on the employee’s acquired knowledge and skills in safe work practices. Representatives of blue-collar professions have their knowledge tested by their immediate supervisor. Specialists and managers have a special commission of employees who have received appropriate permission from a higher organization or a specialized educational institution.

Certification of managers and specialists is carried out at least once every three years, and workers - at least once a year.

The commission for testing knowledge includes at least three people: the head of the organization and/or structural unit, the chief specialist (technologist, mechanic, power engineer, etc.) and, necessarily, a specialist from the labor protection service (Standard regulation on the commission for testing knowledge in the field safety and occupational safety). Members of the commission can only be those who have undergone training and testing of knowledge on labor protection in the prescribed manner.

The results of testing the knowledge of labor protection requirements of the organization's employees are documented in a protocol in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to and testing the knowledge of employees in terms of occupational safety and labor protection.

Important! An employee who fails to successfully pass the knowledge test after training must try again within no later than one month.

Conducted briefings and training, as well as the results of certifications and surveys must be recorded in logs and, if necessary, in a work permit. Magazines must be bound and numbered. The forms and procedures for their maintenance are approved by the “System of Occupational Safety Standards. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions".

The requirement to provide employees with safe working conditions applies to all employers without exception. This area of ​​enterprise activity has many components and is quite strictly regulated. But at the same time, labor legislation provides different options for organizing work on labor protection. The head of the enterprise should choose the appropriate option, read the regulatory documentation and carefully pay attention to the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and legislative acts. And modern automation systems will help facilitate the preparation of necessary documents.

In this article we will look at occupational safety training at enterprises: what categories of workers are required to undergo occupational safety training within the organization, how the occupational safety training for managers and specialists differs from the training of workers who supervise the training.

Training workers on labor protection in an organization is one of the most important aspects of labor protection. During occupational safety training at enterprises, workers receive the necessary knowledge and safe work skills that will help them maintain health and ability to work.

Basic parameters of occupational safety training within the organization

Intra-enterprise occupational safety training is characterized by:

1. Regulatory documentation establishes clear deadlines for all types, as well as working professions. These deadlines are strictly adhered to.

2. Narrow focus. During training, workers receive knowledge only in their specialties, professions, and types of work. They are not given any information “for general development.”

3. Variability. The legislation has a democratic approach to the format of safety training. It can be conducted in the classic lecture/practice format, in the form of a seminar, consultation, using automated methods (computer programs, simulators), and even remotely. The main thing is that the level of knowledge of employees is sufficient to perform the work safely.

4. Equal demands . Everyone who works in the organization, including top management and even directors, is required to undergo occupational safety training. Of course, training programs vary depending on the profession and job responsibilities. For some, this will be enough, but for others, they will have to obtain more than one certificate for the right to perform particularly dangerous work.

OSH training for managers and specialists

You can conduct it in your organization or in specially created training centers.

In organizations, special commissions are created for these purposes, which at the end of the training test the acquired knowledge.

The first such training is completed by an occupational safety specialist or manager no later than 1 month after employment. The procedure is then repeated every 3 years.

The following are required to undergo occupational safety training:

managers, directors of organizations, their deputies, persons who perform their duties. This category of trainees also includes individual entrepreneurs;

heads of structural divisions, services , departments of organizations and their deputies;

persons who organize work and directly supervise their implementation: foremen, foremen;

Engineers who control the quality of work , incl. with OT specialists;

union members ;

representatives of labor collectives for occupational safety .

In some cases, the above listed persons are required to undergo occupational safety training earlier than after 3 years if:

➤ it was their fault that an accident occurred in the organization;

➤ new regulations have come into force that relate to their work;

➤ during the inspection, the inspector identified violations that arose due to the incorrect actions of these employees;

➤ changes occurred in the technological process in the areas entrusted to them: new equipment was launched, other types of work appeared, raw materials changed, new structural units were added, workers of other professions came to work, etc.;

➤ they move to another position;

➤ they did not perform official duties for more than 12 months in a row (maternity leave, transfer to another job, etc.).

Training is carried out according to special programs. Training programs developed within the enterprise are approved by the employer. The programs developed by training centers are approved by federal or regional executive authorities that oversee the occupational safety sector. If the legislation and production processes have not changed in 3 years, the engineer will have to take exactly the same course that he took before.

Occupational safety and health training within the organization for workers

Everyone who works in the organization is required to undergo regular occupational safety training. For representatives of working professions, it is divided into two types: training by type of work (professions) and instruction.

Occupational safety training during work performance is carried out in the organization no later than 1 month from the date of employment of the employee. The same period is given to retrain OT rules for persons who:

➤ moved to another job;

➤ have not performed work that requires increased safety requirements for 1 year or longer.

Such training of employees on labor protection is also carried out during retraining, obtaining a new working specialty. Before being allowed to perform work independently, workers undergo duplication or internship.

Within the first month of employment, new employees must learn first aid. In the future, workers are required to undergo this occupational safety training annually. It is carried out by the organization or in a training center.

The instructions are carried out as follows:

➤ as soon as the worker has crossed the threshold of the organization - introductory;

➤ as soon as he first got to his workplace or is about to start a new type of work - primary;

➤ periodically during work (maximum break - 6 months) - repeated. It is carried out in the same volumes as the primary one;

➤ if changes have occurred in the production process, new instructions, legal regulations have been put into effect, an accident has occurred (in the organization itself or at a related enterprise), the administration has new information on occupational safety that needs to be brought to the attention of workers - unscheduled;

➤ before carrying out one-time work, mass events, as well as in the case of issuing a work permit - targeted.

The instruction program includes instructions on the profession or types of work that the employee performs. The program of unscheduled and targeted instructions depends on the reason for their implementation.

The fundamental difference between instruction and occupational safety training within a particular profession or type of work lies in its local action. The mark on the training “works” only at the enterprise where it was carried out. It does not apply to other enterprises. For example, if on Monday an electrician of a repair organization screws in light bulbs for the first time in his life at one enterprise, on Tuesday at another, and on Wednesday at a third, then he will have to undergo 3 introductory briefings and 3 initial ones. At the same time, his professional training and electrical safety certificate, and other occupational safety training that he completed in his organization (for example, on working at height), are valid at all three enterprises.

Who controls the training of employees on labor protection

The timeliness, quality and completeness of training of workers on labor protection in the organization are controlled by occupational safety specialists. They have the right to check the availability and quality of labor protection training for all employees without exception. For violations discovered by them, fines are imposed on those responsible.

The same amount of work can be done by inspectors of the State Technical Inspectorate, as well as specialized institutions (Gosgortekhnadzor, Gosenergonadzor, etc.). At the same time, they will monitor the quality of training of the OT service employees themselves. For failure to conduct occupational safety training in the prescribed manner, they impose administrative fines on the officials responsible for this. If a person commits such an offense repeatedly, he may lose the right to hold his position for 1-3 years. The fine in this case increases significantly.

How is OT training conducted for individual entrepreneurs?

If an individual entrepreneur uses the labor of hired workers or specialists, he conducts occupational safety training and instructions in the same way as is done in large organizations. He is obliged to undergo training in labor safety, and organizes training for his employees in accordance with their positions, professions, and work performed. The only significant difference is that individual entrepreneurs with a small staff have to resort to the services of training centers more often. The main reason is that there are not enough trained engineers to create a commission and develop training programs; it is not economically feasible to conduct such training on our own.

Individual entrepreneurs who do not use hired labor are also required to undergo occupational safety training. Despite the fact that their “work life” is simpler than that of their subordinate colleagues burdened with health concerns, they need to take care of their own safety and the health of the people who interact with them (neighbors, clients, random passers-by). Therefore, they need to be trained in the rules of safe use of equipment, fire safety, first aid, and obtain at least Group I in electrical safety. It would not be amiss to draw up instructions for the safe performance of work and operation of equipment and periodically review their provisions. Such self-education will help maintain health or even life while performing current work or in an emergency situation, so it will never be superfluous.

Watch 2 videos. You will learn what types of occupational safety training exist.

1. Video by Anatoly Terentyeva - an OT specialist who can simply tell you about complex things

Video text:

Dear friends, today I want to answer the most frequently asked question: “What types of occupational safety training do we have today?” We will also look at the question of who undergoes this type of training and in what time frame.

First of all, you need to be guided Labor Code of the Russian Federation Art. 225. Listen to what is written in Article 225. There is the first phrase: “Employees of organizations, including heads of organizations, including individual entrepreneurs must undergo “. You and I need to know what types of occupational safety training we have today?

There are three types of basic occupational safety training and several additional ones.

Main types of occupational safety training

1. Training of managers and specialists.

In practice it looks like this.

Let’s imagine that initially we had an organization consisting of 10 people, and the director himself passed in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In our case, he himself can, as a single person, perform all those functions that the state obliges to ensure the safety of our workers.

Let’s imagine that after some time more people began working in the organization, say 110 people. In this case, the manager himself is physically unable to perform all these functions that are provided for in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In this case, the head of the organization assigns (delegates) powers and responsibility for labor protection to other employees of the organization (engineering and technical workers and specialists). Such an employee can work independently, or may have other employees subordinate to him, and can also organize work, develop documents on occupational safety, and conduct briefings.

Where does this training take place?

This training is carried out through a specialized 40-hour program. Based on the results of the training, a protocol is drawn up and issued. The certificate is issued for a period of 3 years.

There are rules according to which managers and labor protection specialists must undergo an extraordinary knowledge test under certain circumstances.

Here are the cases in which an extraordinary test of knowledge of labor protection requirements is carried out:

— when state labor protection requirements change;
— based on the results of accident investigations;
— at the request of supervisory officials;
— if the employee’s job responsibilities change and these responsibilities require additional knowledge on labor protection
- if there is a break in work for more than 1 year.

In practice it looks like this.

There is such a situation. We do not have any employee, he is on maternity leave. This employee enters the enterprise. We want to assign responsibilities to him, but he must pass an extraordinary knowledge test, because... the break in work was more than 1 year.

2. Training in safe methods and techniques for performing work.

Who is taking this training?

Absolutely all employees who have not been trained by managers and specialists undergo this procedure. This is a technologist, designer, welder, salesman, industrial premises cleaner and anyone else. Absolutely all employees must undergo this training. It is also called occupational safety training.

Where is this training conducted (Training in safe methods and techniques for performing work)?

This training is carried out internally. Those. We conduct this training ourselves.

— we define the program;
— we determine the circle of persons who have the right to conduct this training (who have certain knowledge, experience, qualifications;
— based on the results of this training, we draw up a protocol for testing knowledge on occupational safety.

3. Providing first aid to victims.

Who takes this type of training? Absolutely all employees. There will be a separate story on how this type of training should be conducted, in which I will tell you everything in detail.

TRAINING DATES for all three main types of occupational safety training: Within a month after starting work

All three types of training are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Additional types of occupational safety training.

In addition to the basic ones, there are other types of training. Let's say that all our employees, even office workers, now work with electrical installations - this is a computer. And when working with these installations, workers must undergo another type of training - instruction in the first electrical safety group.

Some workers work at hazardous production facilities. Everything is serious there. There are additional types of training there.

In a few minutes, we sorted out what types of training we have, found out who is undergoing this training and in what timeframe they undergo training. That's all I wanted to say. I wish everyone safe work!

CONCLUSIONS: In practice, there are 3 mandatory types of training, which we have discussed + additional types of training, which depend on the specifics of your enterprise.

Also, one should not forget about the mandatory training of a specialist - if he does not have a specialized education (according to, editor’s note)