Born in the village of Mitrofanovskoye, Sosnovsky district, Chelyabinsk region. Civil engineer, trade union and government figure, economic manager.
Graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of ChPI. He worked as an electrician at the construction materials and products plant of the Chelyabmetallurgstroy trust.
In 1977, he was appointed to the position of deputy head of the Promstroy-3 department. In 1984 he was elected chairman of the trade union committee of the Chelyabmetallurgstroy association, and since 1986 - deputy head of the association for personnel and everyday life.
In 1992, he headed JSC Sfera ChMS, which included “unpromising” social and cultural facilities (dormitories, dispensary, swimming pool). Thanks to reasonable management, the social sphere of private health insurance began to develop. Until 2001, he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of Chelyabmetallurgstroy JSC.
In 1998, he was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region. He headed the working group on the implementation of the law of the Chelyabinsk region “On the management of state property.” In 2000, he won the elections again, becoming a deputy of the Metallurgical District. Elected 1st Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region, heading the Committee on Financial and Budgetary Policy. Awarded the medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, 2nd degree, and the medal “For Military Valor”.
In June 2005, after the death of the chairman of the ZSO, Viktor Fedorovich Davydov, the deputies unanimously entrusted Vladimir Viktorovich Myakush with such a high post. At the same time, he was elected secretary of the regional branch of the All-Russian political party “United Russia”.
He won the elections to the ZSO in December 2005, and was again unanimously elected by the deputies of the new convocation as chairman of the Legislative Assembly.

Married, three children, three grandchildren.
Hobbies: fishing, outdoor recreation.


Publications with mentions on

CHELYABINSK, December 24, RIA FederalPress. In the Chelyabinsk region, budget revenue in 2016 will be 109.5 billion rubles. According to a FederalPress correspondent, today...

MOSCOW, January 25, RIA FederalPress. The Days of the Chelyabinsk Region began today in the Federation Council. As FederalPress was told by the press service of the head of the region, the governor...

MOSCOW, January 25, RIA FederalPress. A delegation of Italian businessmen will visit the capital of the Southern Urals. As FederalPress was told in the press service of the head of the region, this was discussed...

MOSCOW, January 26, RIA FederalPress. The experience of the Chelyabinsk region in popularizing technical specialties will be presented at the international level at the Moscow salon...

CHELYABINSK, January 28, RIA FederalPress. The Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region will have 3 more permanent deputies. Instead of 12 of them...

CHELYABINSK, January 29, RIA FederalPress. The Chelyabinsk branch of the A Just Russia party criticized what was adopted yesterday at the meeting of the Legislative Assembly...

MOSCOW, February 8, RIA FederalPress. The General Council of the United Russia party included the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region Vladimir Myakush and the deputy...

MOSCOW, February 11, RIA FederalPress. Members of the Federation Council considered the issue of state support for the socio-economic development of the Chelyabinsk region based on the results of past...

CHELYABINSK, February 25, RIA FederalPress. The meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region was held in full. According to a FederalPress correspondent,...

Celebrates its 70th anniversary on May 20 Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region Vladimir Myakush. He has headed the regional parliament since 2005, a period during which the region experienced both economic growth and difficult times of crisis.

Vladimir Myakush was born in the village of Mitrofanovskoye, Sosnovsky district. No one in the village, obviously, could even think that in the future their fellow countryman would head the regional parliament, and Vladimir Viktorovich himself, when the time came to decide on a profession, chose a construction specialty for himself.

From electrician to speaker

After graduating from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of ChPI, Vladimir Myakush worked at the plant of building materials and products of the Chelyabmetallurgstroy trust. I had to start with the profession of an electrician.

However, already in 1977, the future speaker took the position of deputy head of the Promstroy-3 department, and in 1984 he was elected chairman of the trade union committee of the Chelyabmetallurgstroy association.

Vladimir Myakush’s career began to gain momentum. Since 1986, he has been deputy head of the Chelyabmetallurgstroy association for personnel and everyday life, and in 1992 he headed JSC Sfera ChMS, which included “unpromising” social and cultural facilities - dormitories, a dispensary, a swimming pool. Fate connected the hero of the day with the Legislative Assembly in 1998, when he first became a deputy of the regional parliament. Already in 200, Vladimir Myakush became deputy chairman of the ZSO, and also headed the committee on financial and budgetary policy.

Analysts and colleagues in the regional parliament note that the speaker’s special quality is that he knows how to smooth out conflicts and find compromise solutions. Apparently, this explains the fact that Vladimir Myakush has been elected speaker four times in a row. Since 2005, the chairman of the ZSO has become the secretary of the political council of the Chelyabinsk regional branch of the United Russia party, and in 2008 he headed the commission of the Council of Legislators on interbudgetary relations and tax legislation under the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. The speaker’s merits have been repeatedly noted at the highest level - this is the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd degree, and the anniversary medal For Military Valor. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin". And last year, President Vladimir Putin awarded the chairman of the ZSO with a letter of gratitude for his active social and political activities.

The ability not to rush to conclusions

The secret of Vladimir Myakush’s political longevity, apparently, really is that he has the ability to build constructive relationships in a wide variety of socio-political situations in the region. He worked with Governor Pyotr Sumin, later headed the regional parliament under the completely different style of the next governor, Mikhail Yurevich, and then established interaction with Boris Dubrovsky and his team.

“I will become a deputy and return!” The ZSO conducts excursions for schoolchildren Read more

It’s interesting that the hero of the day once admitted where his desire not to cut down rashly comes from. There was also a case at school when a substitute teacher was sent to the class, and young Vladimir’s classmates forced her to leave the lesson. The class was shamed and forced to apologize. Vladimir Myakush recalled that the new teacher turned out to be an interesting person with whom he truly became friends. “Since then, I haven’t made quick conclusions about a person, I’m not guided by first impressions,” said the speaker.

During his time as chairman, Vladimir Myakush had to endure very difficult, even dangerous situations for any politician. For example, in 2008, pensioners, outraged by the abolition of travel benefits and monetization, blocked traffic along Lenin Avenue and picketed the building of the Legislative Assembly - on the very day when a meeting was being held there. Then we managed to calm people down and find a solution that suited the majority.

Due to the nature of his work, as the speaker of the regional parliament and deputy, Vladimir Myakush often travels around the region, so he knows first-hand about the life of the region. Analysts, by the way, attribute this attention to the outback to the strengths of the chairman.

Now, in connection with the anniversary, experts are wondering whether the speaker will retain his post? However, the majority are confident that one of the political long-livers of the Southern Urals will remain in his post.

Direct speech

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Construction Policy and Housing and Communal Services Ilya Viktorovich Barkhatov

“During the three years of my work in the Legislative Assembly, I was able to see how comfortable it is for deputies to work thanks to Vladimir Viktorovich Myakush. It is important to build processes so that deputies of different factions can work together for the benefit of the Chelyabinsk region. Not everything goes smoothly at our work events, we argue, we defend our positions, but the general mood is constructive. This is not something you see in every area.

Vladimir Viktorovich is deeply immersed in the political process, has enormous knowledge of legislation, and this inspires us, deputies.

Being a leader of such a high level, he finds time for mentoring, knows how to listen to people, and does everything to ensure that the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region is an example of high-quality work to improve the lives of South Urals residents.

I would like to wish the birthday boy good health for many achievements!

Happy Birthday, Vladimir Viktorovich!”

The authorities are again trying to obscure the true meaning of the events. Vladimir Myakush, chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Southern Urals and the main local United Russia member, lost his post as head of the Chelyabinsk Region Hockey Federation. Officially, this event was presented as following the letter of the law: it seems that Myakush remembered that persons holding positions in the state and municipal service do not have the right to take part in the management of non-profit organizations. But his fellow officials remained in their posts in the Hockey Federation. Only Myakusha was “kicked”.

The Chelyabinsk Region Hockey Federation is now headed by a professional hockey player, the first Traktor player, Honored Master of Sports Nikolai Makarov. At first glance, everything looks fine: Myakush left his post, suddenly imbued with respect for the law:

“Vladimir Myakush left his post in accordance with changes in federal legislation, according to which persons holding positions in the state and municipal service cannot take part in the management of non-profit organizations,” reports the information and public relations department of the Traktor hockey club.

Why Myakush didn’t give his post to a professional hockey player earlier is, of course, no information. But what is even more remarkable is that the rest of the officials in the executive committee of the Chelyabinsk Region Hockey Federation did not budge:

  • Vice Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of the Southern Urals Yuri Karlikanov;
  • Regional Minister of Sports Leonid Oder;
  • Chairman of the Chelyabinsk City Duma Stanislav Mosharov;
  • Head of the city sports department Evgeny Ivanov.

That is, Vladimir Myakush, it turns out, complies with the requirements of the law, but his deputy does not. The law is not written for Mosharov, nor for Oder, nor for Ivanov. Interesting schedule!

The irony of the situation is clearly seen by Chelyabinsk residents who comment online on the “perturbations” in the Hockey Federation:

- Yes, really... Karlikanov, Myakush and Mosharov are still athletes. Masters of sitting in cozy armchairs. No matter who you are, as long as you don’t work!

— And Evgeniy Ivanov? I’m generally silent about him!

In fact, of course, the point is not in the law, which the speaker of the Legislative Assembly suddenly discovered for himself (unlike his colleagues, who don’t care about this law). It seems that Myakusha was politely asked to leave... but whatever - he was simply kicked out of the Hockey Federation. It is possible that he, who loves to drive with the wind, played his role (which, by the way, clearly shows Myakusha’s “respect for the law”).

Is it time for Vladimir Myakush to prepare for retirement?

In general, one gets the impression that the speaker of the Legislative Assembly has been plagued by failures lately. On the political sidelines they openly talk about his conflict with the governor of the Chelyabinsk region, Boris Dubrovsky. However, this conflict is two-sided: six months are left before the presidential elections, and with whom Dubrovsky will conduct them in the event of an escalation of the conflict is unclear. Myakush is still the main United Russia member of the region.

It is possible that his ill-wishers may take advantage of the clouds gathering over Vladimir Myakush. It seems that they are already taking advantage, judging by his removal from the post of head of the Hockey Federation. There is a version that Myakusha is being “drained”.

Perhaps all these “bells” indicate that Vladimir Myakush’s retirement is not far off. However, there is hardly any need to worry about his fate: he will not have to live on a 10,000-ruble pension, like most pensioners. Firstly, Myakush is entitled to a parliamentary pension for his services to the people. Secondly, over the years of his tireless work for the benefit of the Chelyabinsk region, the speaker of the Legislative Assembly (who did not leave his post under three governors!), helped his family acquire a good set of commercial real estate, including a gas station.

So, it probably won’t be lost in retirement...

Vladimir Viktorovich Myakush(May 20, 1948, Mitrofanovskoye, Chelyabinsk region, USSR) - Soviet and Russian statesman. Secretary of the regional branch of the United Russia party. Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region since June 23, 2005.


Graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of ChPI. He worked as an electrician at the construction materials and products plant of the Chelyabmetallurgstroy trust. In 1977, he was appointed to the position of deputy head of the Promstroy-3 department, and in 1984 he was elected chairman of the trade union committee of the Chelyabmetallurgstroy association. Since 1986 - deputy head of the association for personnel and welfare. In 1992, he headed JSC Sfera of Chelyabmetallurgstroy, which included social and cultural facilities: dormitories, a dispensary and a swimming pool. Until 2001, he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of Chelyabmetallurgstroy JSC.

In 1998, he was first elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region. From 2000 to 2005 - First Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, headed the Committee on Financial and Budgetary Policy. On June 25, 2005, after the death of Viktor Davydov, at a plenary session of parliament, Vladimir Myakush was elected chairman of the Legislative Assembly. He was subsequently elected three more times, most recently after the 2015 elections. Currently he also heads the Committee on Budget and Taxes.

Heads the Chelyabinsk Region Hockey Federation.

Awarded the medal of the Order “For Services to the Fatherland”, II degree, the anniversary medal “In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin". For his significant contribution to the development of the legislative framework, he was awarded the Orders of Honor (2008) and Friendship (2013). Honorary citizen of the Chelyabinsk region (2010).

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region

"Connections / Partners"


Order in tank forces

Press conferences dedicated to the fate of Sychev are held in Chelyabinsk every day. Human rights activists of all stripes, radicals and officials are rushing to express sympathy, and at the same time announce the beginning of their own, independent investigation. For example, the Chairman of the Chelyabinsk Regional Duma Vladimir Myakush directly stated: the Duma will definitely look into the incident. It will find out whether the case with Sychev is isolated or whether there is a trend. If there is a trend, Myakush promises to pass some kind of bill to stop the outrages.

The political elite are also being robbed

Of all the stolen jeeps, the police found only the car of the mayor of Tyumen. His Land Cruiser was discovered in the suburbs of Yekaterinburg. According to unofficial data, the mayor's SUV was not so much found as it was allegedly bought from thieves at the price of a new foreign car. And in the Chelyabinsk region, Vice Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Vladimir Myakush was left without a Lexus. Before this, the mayor of Chelyabinsk Vyacheslav Tarasov was unlucky - his BMW was stolen.
link: 16435.htm

Prime Minister's affairs

People who know Vadim Brovtsev closely say that his reference book is “The Sicilian” by Mario Puzo (the general public knows its film adaptation “The Godfather”), that he was friends with a native of Chelyabinsk, Evgeniy Khoprov, who was killed in March in the Emirates (the three-time convicted owner of the Phoenix airline , according to media reports, carried out instructions from the famous arms dealer Viktor Bout, detained by the FBI in Thailand), as well as with another famous person from the Metallurgical District of Chelyabinsk - the speaker of the ZSO Vladimir Myakush. It is possible that the former Chelyabinsk vice-governor Roman Panov, who is now overseeing the restoration of South Ossetia in the Ministry of Regional Development, had a hand in the appointment of Brovtsev. Panov, by the way, previously worked as deputy chairman of the Magnitogorsk City Assembly. In the same city, Andrei Nazarov, the prosecutor of Ozersk during the events described, and now the prosecutor of Dagestan, served as an assistant prosecutor.
link: 28317.htm

Vladimir Myakush: we work for the benefit of the region’s residents

What motivates politicians and top officials in the region when making key decisions and how do specific actions affect our lives? The project of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “South Ural” - “Logic of Power” will help you understand this. Every Saturday at 10:40 on the Rossiya TV channel. The guest of today's program is the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region Vladimir Myakush.

Vladimir Myakush voiced appeals from South Ural deputies at the federal level

A meeting of the Council of Legislators under the Federation Council of the Russian Federation took place in the Kremlin. The Chelyabinsk region was represented by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the region, Vladimir Myakush. He submitted to the presidium several appeals prepared by the deputies of the ZSO, after which their discussion began in committees of the State Duma.
link: politics/detail.php?ID=34884

The Chairman of the ZSO answered questions from journalists

On December 21, the results of the year were summed up in the Legislative Assembly of the region. At the press conference, media representatives were able to ask the most pressing questions to Chairman Vladimir Myakush.

Myakush supported the Ural-Press-Inform campaign and is ready to eliminate “salary” injustice

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region Vladimir Myakush supported the action “Help the Deputy! Show me your salary” and promised to sort out all the unfair charges.
link: 12/21

Chelyabinsk region: change the format of “zero” reading

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Vladimir Myakush proposed changing the format of the work of the expert advisory council of the State Duma. At a meeting with the leadership of the United Russia faction and the leadership of the expert advisory council of the State Duma, Vladimir Myakush voiced the idea of ​​the need for a direct discussion of initiatives submitted to the Russian parliament from representative bodies of the regions.
“Until now, our communication was organized only through the exchange of letters. Discussion of legislative initiatives in direct dialogue will allow us to present our position in a more reasoned manner,” noted Vladimir Myakush. Now, once a quarter, the heads of expert councils of legislative assemblies will meet with colleagues in the State Duma and discuss the plan for legislative work and regional initiatives.
link: 7893

The influence of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region has weakened

The group of representatives of the regional elite with strong influence also includes the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the region Vladimir Myakush (minus one position), State Duma deputy and businessman Oleg Kolesnikov (plus 11 positions), as well as entrepreneur Alexander Aristov (plus one position).
link: php?news_id=474623

Following education, deputies of the Legislative Assembly will take control of the modernization of healthcare

The chairman of the regional parliament, Vladimir Myakush, intends to make such a proposal to them. “I am going to propose to the deputies to take control of the modernization of healthcare, as was done with the project to modernize education,” the speaker said at the final press conference. “I think the deputies will support me.”

South Ural deputies promise to help gardeners who received a serious “blow” this year

“We are ready to help gardeners, but first we need to figure out the situation together,” Chairman of the regional parliament Vladimir Myakush told the Ural-Press-Inform agency.

A mass viewing of the President's message was organized for South Urals residents
- In modern society there is no caring attitude towards people, attention, sensitivity, care. Therefore, today the priority is human relations. There are many different trends in the country that are aimed at dividing and breaking ties between nationalities. And the integrity of the Russian Federation is very important,” noted Vladimir Myakush, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region.

United Russia selects old personnel

Vladimir Myakush, who has held this post since 2005, was re-elected as the leader of the Chelyabinsk regional branch of United Russia. According to Kommersant's information, he could compete with the head of the regional executive committee, Alexander Motovilov, who ultimately decided to remain in his previous positions. Experts point out that the formal request from Moscow for an update was not perceived by United Russia as a guide to action - already in five regions of the Ural Federal District, branch leaders were able to retain their posts.