You can’t buy tickets for the Moscow - Sabetta flight: they take you there only according to a list and a passport. There are simply no other options, and therefore neither do random people. The Red Wings carried there and the Yamal back. I checked in for the flight last, which resulted in a nice bonus, but more on that later. It was unusual to see only adults in the boarding line - sober, calm, without jokes or jokes. Everyone knows where and, most importantly, why they are flying. No crazy mothers, no wild animal breeders. A stark contrast to “resort” flights.

The only funny thing was when a lathered up man, who had to go to Simferopol, jumped up to us and almost flew with us to Yamal. We kept the intrigue a little, but still admitted that Sabetta is not a resort, although it is also on the peninsula. He still made it to his plane.

Main square of Sabetta

The captain of the aircraft announced that the airport in Sabetta was overloaded and we had to wait a little. Okay, we're waiting. And we wait and wait... Finally we were towed, the pilot revved up the engines and drove off himself, but at every intersection he stood and let everyone through!

We were fed deliciously during the flight - I didn’t even expect this from actually a rotational transport. And the bonus is that although I was sitting at the back of the plane, I was alone in three seats. I thought I’d take a nap, but it was so beautiful behind the porthole that I couldn’t leave it. Yes, and it was convenient to eat too.

We arrived in Sabetta. Here everything was, on the one hand, simpler than in Domodedovo, but on the other, more complicated. There are no frills like a bus from the plane to the building, but you have to wait a ridiculously long time for your luggage and it is searched for alcohol. They really look at it honestly. If something raises questions, you need to open the trunk and show it, no matter how tightly the things are packed. Refused - prepare a 50 thousand fine.

Nobody refuses. Alcohol in Sabetta, in the villages and throughout the South Tambey license area (UTLU), including the LNG plant, is under a complete, absolute and total ban. Even in church they don’t give communion. The temple, by the way, is blissful. I decided to go there when I arrived and ended up at a feast. We sat, talked, and told different stories. I met people again.

Temple in the middle of Sabetta.

In general, there are many prohibitions, but they are understandable. If you don’t understand something yourself, they will explain it during the briefing. Explained in simple language. For example, you cannot interact with the local fauna. If it’s a polar bear, then it’s clear that it will tear you apart purely out of curiosity, even if it’s not hungry. If it’s an arctic fox, then it’s unknown what’s on his mind, plus rabies is quite possible. I haven’t seen any polar bears here, I won’t lie, but arctic foxes run around garbage dumps like cats in cities, and the bravest ones beg people for tasty treats.

Smoking is allowed only in designated areas - outside in ventilated iron sheds. Security at YUTLU is monitored by security, and law and order is monitored by the Department of Internal Affairs.

For violating the rules - either a sensitive (five-six-figure) fine or deportation. Although there are violations with six marks, but without deportation. For example, drinking. Since the drowning here is brutal, it’s like two fingers to put on some mash. If they find you drunk, you will owe money to yourself and your office, and twice as much, but they won’t send you home. Eat, they say, continue, bring us the money. But deportation means that the deportee will never be able to come here again - neither next time, nor from another office. The only way to come here again is to change your passport. There are people who, for one reason or another, don’t drink, and who are like fish in water in Sabetta. There are people who specifically come here for a shift as if it were for rehabilitation with occupational therapy - because they are unable to stop drinking on their own.

One of the streets of Sabetta. In fact, there are no streets as such - there are only dormitory numbers with passages between them. All communications are laid on the surface: it is permafrost, after all.

More about fines. Turning down the heating in the room so it doesn't get so hot will cost you 30 thousand. Finding yourself at a factory without special clothing means minus five percent of your salary each time. The lack of personal protective equipment (helmet and goggles) varies depending on the zone where you were caught without them. Lack of insurance when working at height means deportation again.

About the weather. You come from Moscow to the Arctic - you think, fucked up! The next day the temperature drops to -3, you think: now it’s fucked up. The next day the wind rises from the Arctic Ocean (and I must say that Yamal is almost flat and nothing interferes with the wind), you think: now it’s definitely fucked up! The next day the sun comes out, the wind doesn’t stop, the temperature drops even more, you think: okay. The next day it’s just as cold, but the wind stops blowing, fog comes from the ocean, and you think: it’s hot!

Sunrise on Sabetta.

The wind, if there is any wind, turns the cigarette out of the mouth (because of this, the habit of holding a cigarette with your teeth quickly develops), blows through the zippers on the clothes, and if something is not fastened, there is a possibility of losing it. The habit of buttoning up appears instantly. The wind can actually blow a helmet off your head or a yellow vest off your body. At first it is surprising that all the stairs, even if they are two or three steps long, are equipped with railings, but when the wind rises, you realize that this is a necessary thing.

In Sabetta there is, as I already said, a police station and a first-aid post. The fire station is located at the plant, where firefighters travel. Given the strictness of the Sabetta rules, a fire in the village is unlikely, but at a liquefied natural gas plant it is quite natural to play it safe. In two weeks I saw the police only once, but ambulances are on the way. The main function of medicine here is to treat cuts and abrasions and keep a rabies vaccine ready. If someone is seriously ill, give a certificate on the basis of which the person is sent home ahead of schedule so that he does not spread the infection and does not parasitize. No simulation is required: at the first aid station, when applying, they ask directly: “Do you want to go home?” - and, if you want, good riddance.

In general, it’s quite possible to get bored there if you treat these shifts and business trips as exile and hard labor, and not as an adventure. People who are weaker go crazy - it’s easier for doctors to send home a sad person than to secure and isolate someone who has already “traveled.”

Ordinary landscape. Wires and drilling rigs - there is nothing else for the eye to catch on.

At YUTLU, everything is done so that people who come there can work and not be fooled by everyday issues: what and how to eat, how to sleep, where to wash clothes and how to maintain hygiene. Literally all questions are closed. I wrote about heating. In the dorms on each floor there are rooms with washing machines and dryers. On the ground floor there is a separate warm drying room for work clothes. Room cleaning - every other day. Change of bed linen and towels - once a week.

Each person is entitled to a pass - a plastic card on which money for food is credited daily. Three times a day they feed for slaughter, but even I with my appetite, without denying myself anything, could not eat the entire amount.

About leisure. There is a sports complex with iron and a playground. You need to sign up for hardware two days in advance. I didn’t work out - I just dieted and ate. On the court you can play any court games: volleyball, mini-football, badminton and tennis, there are ping-pong tables. Communication with civilization throughout the area is only via satellite. And it’s a bit poor for the user: the voice on the phone in Sabetta works well, at the factory - with big interruptions (a mobile phone is not really needed there: everyone has walkie-talkies), the Internet - only Edge. I saw 3G once, but it quickly fell off. Local network - only in offices, for mail, Internet access is very limited. There is Wi-Fi in some places, but it is strictly password protected. People come with gadgets, watch movies and TV series and exchange flash drives with each other.

There are two attractions in Sabetta: the torch of the LNG plant, which is visible from everywhere, and the temple. I was also impressed by the old dormitory buildings where shift workers and border guards used to live - houses made of boards. Now there is no one in them, but they stand, and this is very expressive. This house is quite suitable as a room for a museum of these places. Although the village is young and small, the history here is already rich.

One of the old hostels.

It’s funny to see how stern and gloomy guys during the day lurk in crevices and secluded corners in the evenings and coo on the phone with family and friends. Also a powerful contrast: life is everywhere. And in a rustic way (in the good sense of the word), couples walking along the streets create a good feeling.

New dormitory building. There are many of these in Sabetta - they all live there.

In general, there are no random people there. The people are different: from all over Russia, plus French, Indians, Turks, Serbs. The Germans compose concrete - with German care. And everyone is really equal.

More about the torch. A torch is a meditative thing. It can really be seen from everywhere, and if it is hidden behind buildings, then the whole sky is illuminated with such a flickering red-yellow light. It looks fantastically beautiful: on a small tower there is a column of fire from 20 to 50 meters in height, plus sometimes, when something difficult is burning there, blackening smoke also flies.

Several times I had to be close to him. Well, it's close. The first 220 meters from it are a sterile zone where entry is prohibited, and you don’t want to go there yourself. But you won’t want to because already half a kilometer away from him you can barely hear your neighbor because of the roar and you’re really feeling hot. You can warm your hands from the torch, just like from a fire. You get out of the car and think that spring has come, it’s warm: there’s mud all around, there’s no snow at all, and you think that you can walk without a hat in just a helmet. But here’s the thing: as soon as you walk into the shadow of some structure, you realize that you should have put on a hat, because in the shade it’s winter, that is, the snow crunches, and your ears are the cold curls up into a tube. But it’s a bummer: you can’t take off your helmet. The village of Sabetta is located a few kilometers from the plant, our building was on the last line - so, there is always the feeling that an airliner is flying over the house, only the source of the noise does not fly away anywhere.

About local traffic rules. I took my license with me and thought that I could saddle up some six-wheeled TREKOL and drive it across the tundra, or drive a pickup truck along icy roads. Fuck it all: fines for traffic violations are about 10 times higher than on the mainland, the speed limit is 50 km/h, and all cars are equipped with GLONASS, there’s no hiding. Even if you think that no one will notice your violation, the track is constantly written and checked randomly every few days. Order on the roads is monitored by several services at once, including the traffic police, and discipline is maintained by mutual responsibility. In the tundra, in the bushes, everything is the other way around. There is only one rule: loaded vehicles have priority. Dot. There are no more rules, drive as you please. It looks wild at first, but then you get used to it.

In short, with an optimistic attitude, time on a business trip on Sabetta is perceived as an extreme, but damn interesting vacation.

The material was published on the East Travel Telegram channel with the consent of the author. It publishes stories about the travels of ordinary people to the most beautiful places in Russia and the world: Japan, Jerusalem, Chukotka, Kamchatka, Baikal, Primorye and others.

During a working trip to the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Vladimir Putin got acquainted with the construction progress of the second and third stages of the Yamal LNG liquefied natural gas plant in the village of Sabetta, located on the coast of the Kara Sea.

The head of state launched the loading of the first gas tanker at the Yamal LNG plant. At the command of Vladimir Putin, fuel began to flow into the tanks (capacity 172,000 m³) of the Christophe de Margerie vessel.

The vessel is capable of following the Northern Sea Route all year round without the help of icebreakers to the west of Yamal, to European ports, and within six months (fromJuly to December) – to the east, to the ports of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Previously, the period of summer navigation in the waters of the eastern sector of the Northern Sea Route was limited to four months and only with icebreaker support.

"Christophe de Margerie" crossed the Northern Sea Route in record time >>

The first cargo of the Yamal LNG project was purchased by the British branch of the Malaysian energy giant Petronas. Now the icebreaking LNG tanker Christophe de Margerie is heading from the port of Sabetta to the Danish port of Skagen, where it will approximately arrive on December 17.

There, liquefied gas will be pumped onto a regular LNG tanker, not an ice class one. This carrier will deliver the first cargo of the Yamal LNG project to the Dragon LNG regasification terminal in Milford, owned by Petronas LNG UK.

This sale was carried out on a spot basis, and all subsequent ones will be the same until April next year. And in April, deliveries will begin in accordance with long-term contracts, LNG World News reports. And as the Chinese corporation CNPC noted, about 4 million tons of liquefied gas produced by the Yamal LNG project will be sent to China.

In addition, Yamal LNG and the Belgian Fluxys signed a 20-year contract for transshipment of up to 8 million tons of LNG per year in the port of Zeebrugge. These volumes will then be sent to markets in the Asia-Pacific region.

In a conversation with employees of the Yamal LNG liquefied natural gas plant, Vladimir Putin said: “ Now we can safely say that Russia will grow in the Arctic in this and the next 100 years. Here are the main largest reserves of mineral raw materials. Here is the future, I am sure, very good and efficient transport artery – the Northern Sea Route. Therefore, this step that you have taken is very important for the country as a whole, not only for energy and not only for LNG projects, but in general. New jobs, infrastructure development, comprehensive development. This is very important, I repeat, for Russia».

It is frosty on Sabetta, taking into account the wind the temperature is below -30°C, all participants in the ceremonial events knew that they were going to the Yamal Arctic. The distinguished guests, in addition to the ministers of the Russian Government, include government delegations from France and China (NOVATEK’s partners in the Yamal LNG project are representatives of the French Total, Chinese CNPC and the Silk Road Fund), Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Kobylkin, ministers and deputies Russia.

Saudi Arabia's Oil Minister Khalid al-Faliha also attended the ceremony. Previously, al-Falih admitted that he wants to visit Yamal, but for this he needs the appropriate equipment. " I hope that I will go to the launch of the LNG plant in Russia, I need warm clothes“, he told reporters a week ago. It was not for nothing that the minister was worried about warm clothes. On Friday, the air temperature in Sabetta was -26°C. This summer, al-Falih already tried to visit the LNG plant in Sabetta (Yamal), but was unable to get there due to bad weather.

« Buy our gas, save oil", the president told Saudi Arabia's Oil Minister Khalid al-Falih. The Saudi minister congratulated him on the launch of the Yamal LNG project, and responded to Putin’s proposal with the words, “that’s why I’m here.” After this, the president and the minister exchanged several phrases in a whisper that the surrounding journalists could no longer hear.

According to Putin, cooperation between Russia and Saudi Arabia in the field of energy will transform the countries from competitors into partners, which will have a positive impact on the work of both states, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. " If we continue to work in the same way, then we will turn from competitors into partners, and everyone will only benefit from working together", Putin said at the ceremony of loading the first batch of liquefied natural gas at the Yamal LNG plant during a conversation with Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Khalid al-Falih.

The minister, for his part, noted that such cooperation will change the global energy market. According to him, Russia and Saudi Arabia are working in the oil field, but oil and gas are closely interconnected. " We hope that the Russian Federation and Saudi Arabia will work together together. Our companies from our countries will work together", said the minister.

Gas carriers for Yamal LNG “Boris Vilkitsky” and “Fedor Litke” were delivered to the customer >>

Let us recall that on December 5, 2017, the Yamal LNG plant (Sabetta village, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) began production of liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the first production line with a design capacity of 5.5 million tons of LNG per year. The project is being implemented on the Yamal Peninsula beyond the Arctic Circle on the basis of the South Tambeyskoye field.

Capital costs of the project amounted to $27 billion, of which about $13 billion was invested by shareholders. Yamal LNG also attracted $19 billion in external financing from the National Welfare Fund, the Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance, Sberbank, Gazprombank, China Development Bank, Export-Import Bank of China, Italian Bank Intesa, Italian and French Export-Import Agencies, Japan Bank for International Cooperation, Austrian Raiffeisen Bank, German Euler Hermes and Swedish EKN.

The operator of the project is OJSC Yamal LNG, a joint venture of OJSC NOVATEK (50.1%), the TOTAL concern (20%) and the China National Petroleum Corporation (20%) and the Silk Road Fund (9.9%).

The start of construction of the international Arctic production complex with the seaport of Sabetta was marked by the laying of a commemorative capsule in July 2012. The symbolic foundation stone for the strategic facility was laid by Russian Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov, Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Kobylkin and Chairman of the Board of NOVATEK OJSC Leonid Mikhelson. The intention to create a high-tech liquefied natural gas production center in Yamal was supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Government of the Russian Federation. The international project was implemented within the stated time frame, demonstrating responsible cooperation with partners from different countries. " The level that we have achieved in working together will continue to contribute to joint effective activities for the benefit of the companies that take part in this, for the benefit of our countries. They will maintain a stable level in the international energy market and create favorable conditions for the development of the global economy“, noted Vladimir Putin, commenting on the level of interaction between all participants.

The second arc7 class tanker “Shturman Malygin” was launched >>

Almost 700 domestic enterprises from 60 regions of Russia and a large professional team of specialists took part in the implementation of the project.

Even at the construction stage of the plant, the Sabetta seaport began operating as usual. In 2016 alone, the Yamal harbor received and serviced about 1,200 vessels of various classes and about 3 million tons of cargo; the Northern Sea Route received a new impetus for development.

The construction of the port of Sabetta is, in terms of its scale, the largest infrastructure project in the world implemented in the Arctic latitudes. It represents the creation of an approach canal in the northern part of the Gulf of Ob, about 50 kilometers long, 300 meters wide, 15 meters deep, directly in the water area of ​​the port of Sabetta, its area is about 130 hectares.

In 2015, dredging work was carried out in the port water area, approach and sea channels, the total volume of reclaimed soil exceeded 16 million m³. To protect the port waters, construction was underway on a south-eastern ice protection structure more than 2 km long, on which a loading rack for LNG and stable gas condensate was being constructed.

The port of Sabetta will be able to ship up to 17 million tons for transporting goods along the Northern Sea Route. The plant's capacity assumes LNG production of up to 16.5 million tons, which will be achieved in the first quarter of 2019 after the launch of the second line of the plant. At the same time, a decision was also made to build a fourth line with a capacity of 1 million tons based on Russian technology for the production of LNG.

To date, the company has completed construction of half of the power plant capacity for the project, which could reach 376 MW. 15 countries and 650 Russian enterprises participate in the Yamal LNG project. At the same time, the volume of orders in Russia has already exceeded 648 billion rubles. The site employs approximately 32,000 people.

And today, December 8, the unique Arc7 class gas tanker Christophe de Margerie, loaded with liquefied natural gas, is preparing for its first voyage to supply fuel to consumers.

Let us recall that Russian and foreign classification societies and leading design and engineering institutes, shipyards and ship-owning companies took part in the development of the Arctic tanker. The tanker has a dual-action system - the bow is adapted for navigation in open water and in thin ice conditions, and the stern is optimized for independent navigation in difficult ice conditions. It is planned that 15 such ships will be built.

The world's second largest nuclear icebreaker left the slipway of the Baltic Shipyard >>

The Arctic tanker fleet, specially manufactured for the Yamal project, will also run on LNG fuel. It is planned that 15 tankers similar to the Christophe de Margerie will be manufactured. Today, another gas tanker, named after the legendary Arctic explorer Boris Vilkitsky, is awaiting loading in Sabetta.

It is noteworthy that even at the beginning of the project, long-term contracts were concluded for the sale of 95% of LNG.

LNG is the fuel of the future, and Yamal is a unique place in the Arctic for its extraction, production and transportation to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and Europe along the Northern Sea Route, especially taking into account the prospects for the development of LNG centers on the Yamal Peninsula and Gydan (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug). " Yamal is rich in its reserves and unique in its location. LNG production could exceed 70 million tons. A production and logistics hub with a promising global market share of more than 15 percent for LNG is already being formed in the region.“, says the regional governor.

Thanks to Yamal LNG, a production and logistics hub is already being formed in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug with a promising share of more than 15% in the world market, Kobylkin noted. The next steps in this direction have already been determined - these will be new LNG plants. There are resources for this on both the Yamal Peninsula and the Gydan Peninsula, the head of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug said.

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Longline fishing vessel Nuclear-powered lighter carrier "Sevmorput" Launching of the nuclear-powered icebreaker "Arktika" Nuclear reactors for icebreakers

Competitive advantages

    traditional reserves of high concentration located on land

  • well-studied geology and proven development technologies
  • very low development and production costs
  • High efficiency of the liquefaction process due to low average annual temperature
  • access to markets in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region
  • government support, including tax benefits

Project infrastructure

The field development project involves drilling 208 wells at 19 well pads. Gas produced at the field will be supplied to the international market in the form of LNG, for which a gas liquefaction plant will be built, consisting of four technological lines. The first line of the plant with a capacity of 5.5 million tons of LNG per year was put into operation in December 2017. The infrastructure for loading LNG for export consists of a loading rack with two berths in the port of Sabetta, equipped with ice protection structures. Reinforced ice class Arc7 tankers are used to transport LNG.

Project implementation status

The final investment decision on the project was made in December 2013.

LNG production at the first production line of the plant began on December 5, 2017. Yamal LNG shipped the first batch of liquefied natural gas with a volume of 170 thousand cubic meters on December 8, 2017. In August 2018, Yamal LNG shipped the first batch of LNG after the launch of the plant’s second production line. In November 2018, Yamal LNG produced the first LNG on the third production line.

On April 7, 2005, the company OAO YAMAL LNG was registered in the village of Yar-Sale. The company was created with the aim of participating in the large-scale Yamal LNG project. The objectives of the project are the development of the South Tambey gas condensate field. The project includes a liquefied gas production plant, a seaport and an airport near Sabetta, as well as the construction of a tanker fleet. The project is planned to be implemented in three stages. The first stage was planned to be completed by 2017, but at the end of 2014 the company announced a later date for the completion of the facility. The exact date was not specified. You can track the stages of construction of the unique complex on the company’s official website. At the beginning of 2015, active construction work was underway near the village of Sabetta, and an airfield was launched. Almost all vacancies at the enterprise require a rotational work schedule. Information about the shift of a driver, electrician, security guard, laborer, for women or a builder can be found on the official website of the organization. You can also read employee reviews on the company portal.

YAMAL LNG shift work

It is planned to invest more than a trillion rubles for the implementation of the Yamal LNG project over the entire construction period. This is mainly money from private investors. The state took over part of the financing for the construction of a seaport and airport near the village of Sabetta. The controlling stake in OAO Yamal LNG is owned by Novatek - 60%. Another 20% is shared by Total and the Chinese CNPC. Upon completion of the project, this complex will become the largest for the production and transshipment of liquefied natural gas in Russia. Today more than 3,000 people are working on its implementation. There is a constant need for fresh labor resources, in-demand vacancies are constantly open: electrician, driver, handyman, security guard.

YAMAL LNG official website vacancies Sabetta shift

According to employee reviews published on the company’s official website, salaries at the company are high. Many vacancies are rotational, including for women. The driver's shift is the most paid. Place of work: Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.

You can find out about career opportunities in the organization in the “Personnel” section of the official website of OJSC “YAMAL LNG”. Residents of Sabetta and Yar-Sale have the opportunity to learn about vacancies directly from the company’s HR department. HR department address: Yar-Sale village, st. Khudi Seroko, 25-a.


An LNG plant with a capacity of 16.5 million tons per year is being built directly at the South Tambeyskoye field on the shore of the Ob Bay. The construction uses a modular installation principle, which significantly reduces construction costs in Arctic conditions and optimizes the project implementation schedule. The production complex will include three gas liquefaction lines with a capacity of 5.5 million tons per year each. The first phase is planned to be launched in 2017.

The field development project involves drilling 208 directional production wells with a horizontal end (with a horizontal section length of at least 500 m) from 19 well pads. Arktika drilling rigs were developed and manufactured especially for the project. The units are designed to operate in the difficult natural and climatic conditions of Yamal; they are completely protected from winds, which provides qualitatively different working conditions for personnel and continuity of drilling, regardless of weather conditions.

LNG plant On September 21, 2015, the first module for the construction of the Yamal LNG liquefaction plant arrived at the port of Sabetta. A day later, two more arrived at the site. Their delivery by sea, unloading and installation is an engineering miracle. In total, almost 500 modules with a total weight of 560 thousand tons will be required for the construction of the plant and auxiliary production. The modular design of the plant makes it possible to reduce the cost and shorten its construction period.

The module of the main pipe rack, weighing 1455 tons and with dimensions of 33x24x34 m, was delivered to Sabetta by a specialized vessel. It left the Chinese shipyard PJOE (Penglai) on July 30 and was heading to Sabetta via the Suez Canal. The transition took 55 days. Within one day, the ship was unloaded and the module was transported to the LNG plant site.

A vessel with two Siemens modules weighing 2194 tons with dimensions 89x35.2x15 m and 715 tons with dimensions 37x16x12 m left the Indonesian port of Batam on August 19 and arrived in Sabetta on September 23 through the Bering Strait. This was the first transportation of modules for Yamal LNG along the eastern route of the Northern Sea Route, which took about 35 days.

The first module of the plant was delivered to the site in September 2015, at which time the delivery of other equipment with long lead times began. In total, by the end of 2015, 7 plant modules, a cryogenic heat exchanger (a key element of natural gas liquefaction technology) and a complete set of compressor equipment of the first and second stages of the plant, boil-off gas compressors, a backup heater of the plant, 46 sets of metal structures for pipe racks, 6 sets of pipe assemblies, turbines for power plants and other equipment. The unloading of large equipment at the port of Sabetta and its transportation to the installation site were successfully completed.

March-September 2016 In the foreground are the office buildings of the Yamal LNG project, on the left is the power plant, on the right is the future LNG plant; view towards the port and the Gulf of Ob

Port The operation of cargo berths in the port of Sabetta began, which made it possible to open winter navigation in October 2013 and ensure year-round delivery of construction cargo. In 2015, dredging work was carried out in the port water area, approach and sea channels, the total volume of reclaimed soil amounted to more than 16 million cubic meters. m. The year-round port of Sabetta received more than 3 million tons of cargo (50% more than in 2014), delivered by 190 sea vessels and 317 river barges. To protect the port waters, construction was underway on a south-eastern ice protection structure more than 2 km long, on which a loading rack for LNG and stable gas condensate was being constructed.

October 2014 - March-September 2016 In the foreground is the future LNG loading rack, on the left is the future LNG plant, on the right is the seaport

Sabetta village- 35 years! During this time, it was a base for Soviet geologists, then fell into disrepair, and now, together with the Yamal LNG project, it has been transformed: every month it acquires the features of a comfortable settlement, which this year will become the largest Arctic liquefaction center in Russia and the world gas

April 2015

July-June 2016-2017

Airport Sabetta International Airport has been receiving regular flights since February 2015. It is located in the Arctic, in the village of Sabetta, where construction of a gas liquefaction plant and a port for shipping finished products is underway. In 2015, more than 1,500 flights were made, more than 127,000 rotation passengers were transported. The first international flight took place in March 2016. For 1.5 years, the airport received and sent 4111 tons of luggage and 3125 tons

November 2014

September-May 2015-2016

The last “winter” photo from Sabetta this season, taken on 04/09/2017. At the end of spring, the sun melts snow and ice around the clock, and the snow-white tundra is no longer the same. In the foreground on the left is the airport, on the right is the village, in the background, slightly to the right, is the factory and port. On the right is the edge of the Ob Bay, in the distance is the tip of the Yamal Peninsula and the Kara Sea.

Drilling Drilling is being carried out with four drilling rigs. As of the end of January 2017, a total of 77 wells have been drilled (58 wells are required to launch the first stage).

September-September 2015-2016 Drilling rig "Arktika"

Northern Sea Route More than 600 Russian enterprises are involved in the implementation of the Yamal LNG project. Cargo from central Russia, Siberia and the Urals must arrive at the construction site exactly at the calculated time.

April 2015 Berthing complex "Economy" Arkhangelsk sea trade port

Norilsk Nickel transport loading terminals based on the ports of Arkhangelsk and Murmansk are developing dynamically

2016 Port "Economia" Arkhangelsk

In the foreground, the Murmansk Sea Trade Port, existing in 2012 for transshipment of containers and equipment, structures and materials, pipes and other types of cargo, on the left is a warehouse complex building filled with containers, on the right is a berth for loading, in the distance is an empty pier


The main flow of cargo in 2015 now goes through the new terminal, on the vacated section of the cargo area the area of ​​the coal terminal is expanding, and at the same time the volumes of coal transshipment in the Arctic are growing, right in the distance there are two red booms of cranes, and one red crane on the left, these are two parts of the new terminal, more about it below

Closer existing terminal

Nuclear icebreaker transport under loading in 2016, on the left, two new Aist portal cranes are being assembled for installation on coal loading berths

January 2016 New berth complex

The creation of a new berth complex and an increase in the working depth at the new berths by almost 2 times, from 6 to 11.2 meters, made it possible to begin accepting deep-draft vessels of all existing standard sizes, and to process two to three vessels simultaneously through the terminal, depending on their size and load capacity

March 2017

Only our port in Russia is certified “without restrictions” - depth, vessel displacement, seasonality; All prospects for the Murmansk transport hub are determined by the need for the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and the development of large-scale shelf projects

April 2017

New portal cranes Vityaz developed by SMM JSC were installed on the site of the updated berths

Both types of cranes Vityaz and Aist are domestic developments of the St. Petersburg company ZAO SMM

In addition to the ability to process a wide range of different types of cargo through the sea and rail transport components of the new terminal, the expansion and renewal of capacities provides an almost doubling of the volume of nickel ore transportation in the North


Two parts of the new terminal, left and right, railway and sea, areas of white daylight

Mezhregiontruboprovodstroy MRTS plant and berth complex in Arkhrangelsk; There are also plans to build a shipyard on the left bank

A plant for the production of construction pipes that are used in the construction of cargo berths and export terminals, in addition, artificial ice protection structures and artificial islands

Polar Trans terminal in Arkhrangelsk

Logistics service of VST TC based on transport branches of Norilsk Nickel in the ports of Arkhangelsk, Murmansk and Dudinka

September 2015 Port of Arkhangelsk

April 2017 Port of Murmansk

June 2017 Port of Dudinka

September-February 2016-2017 Port of Dudinka

September 2015 Port "Bakaritsa" Arkhangelsk, former Arktiksnab

October 2015 Port "Zharovikha" Arkhangelsk

Shipyard "Krasnaya Kuznitsa" where ships undergo repairs and restoration of technical readiness before setting off on a voyage

August 2016

Berths of the Bunker Company, which is engaged in the supply of fuel to ships, both Russian and foreign, in the port of Arkhangelsk and in the Russian Federation, as well as the wholesale sale of fuels and lubricants. In the background is the village of a former office that was engaged in “northern delivery” in Soviet times. Every year, the fuel company actively participates in organizing the northern delivery of petroleum products to ports and port points of the White and Barents Seas, providing transshipment and transportation services.

March-February 2013-2017 Port "Economia" Arkhangelsk

The agreement on the construction of the Arkhangelsk deep-water port was concluded in October 2016 in Beijing by the management of the Arctic Transport and Industrial Hub Arkhangelsk JSC.

February-January 2015-2016

The project for the construction of a new deep-water port of Arkhangelsk is closely connected with the project for the construction of the Belkomur railway (White Sea - Komi - Ural) connecting Arkhangelsk - Syktyvkar - Perm (Solikamsk). This will speed up the logistics of cargo in the Urals and Siberia by reducing the railway delivery distance to 800 kilometers.

February 2017

The seaports of Arkhangelsk and Murmansk have become logistics centers where cargo is delivered by road and rail, and then by sea they travel to the port of Sabetta. For example, in 2015, 117 loaded ships departed from Arkhangelsk to the coast of the Kara Sea.

January 2016

“Road to Sabetta” 1300 nautical miles - the length of the route from Arkhangelsk to Sabetta. Every five days, a ship with cargo intended for the construction of a plant as part of the Yamal LNG project departs from Arkhangelsk.

The Murmansk transport branch of Norilsk Nickel (MTF) summed up the results of production activities in 2016. The company's dry cargo fleet last year transported 1.262 million tons of cargo (in 2015 - 1.174 million tons) along the Northern Sea Route.

There were 69 flights from Dudinka (63 in 2015), including 11 direct flights to European ports. 67 flights were carried out to Dudinka and 0.437 million tons were transported.

According to the Association of Commercial Sea Ports of the Russian Federation, cargo turnover of the ports of the Arctic Basin, based on the results of January-May 2016, amounted to 17.53 million tons, which exceeds the figure for the same period last 2015 by 23.4%.

Russia plans to transport up to 40 million tons of cargo along the Northern Sea Route by 2022.

March 2016 Icebreakers "Moscow" and TOR

May 2016 Delivery of plant module and installation on site

June 2016 A modular part of the plant, an engineer can move this 8000 mT steel module on 11 Mammoet trolleys

Modules are very large structures. The heaviest of them weigh 7.5-8 thousand tons. For comparison: a three-axle KamAZ dump truck weighs 13.5 tons, an empty metro car - 35 tons, a train without passengers of eight cars - 280 tons, i.e. one module can weigh as much as 27 trains. The dimensions of the modules are no less impressive. Their height is 30 m. This is more than a typical nine-story panel building.

July 2016 A caravan of ships, including foreign ones, goes to Sabetta, 24 hour daylight

Meanwhile, parts of the plant were brought

And they began to unload, there is also traffic here and this is not on holidays

Self-propelled carts are mammoths, they transport modules weighing several thousand tons, in the background, just a module that weighs 6000 tons is standing on the ship

August 2016

Installing the module

Another module has arrived

New additional cargo berth, just recently put into operation

Unloading the vessel at the quay wall of the main berth

Here it is the long-awaited ship, for which the berths were built

Modules on the very ship that we have been waiting for for a very long time

The module is unloading! Testing our built facility. Everyone has one thought - will the pier survive or not?!

Transportation to the installation site

Supply of plant technological modules