Yoda was one of the most famous and powerful Jedi Masters in the history of the galaxy. He was 66 centimeters tall and was a male of unknown species. He was known for his legendary wisdom, mastery of the Force, and skills in lightsaber combat. Loyal to the Republic and the Force, Grand Master Yoda trained the Jedi for eight centuries. He served on the Jedi High Council during the final years of the Galactic Republic and led the Jedi Order before, during, and after the devastation of the Clone Wars. Following Order 66, Yoda went into exile and later trained Luke Skywalker in the ways of the Force. Some time later, the old master died, but, thanks to the knowledge of the Priestesses of Power, he retained his identity even after death.

Yoda himself enters into a titanic battle with Palpatine in the Galactic Senate building. The forces of the parties seem equal, because two patriarchs of both sides of the Force entered the battle; one cannot defeat the other. In an attempt to end this duel, Palpatine moves to a higher position and uses the Force to throw heavy Senate stocks at Yoda, who easily dodges and sends one back to Palpatine, forcing him to jump to a lower level. Once again on the same level as Palpatine, Yoda uses his acrobatic abilities and activates his lightsaber. Palpatine calls upon a surge of the Force and fires a bolt of lightning at Yoda, knocking out his lightsaber in the process. Without his weapons, Yoda uses his palms to absorb dark energy, and even sends some of it back at a rather surprised Palpatine.

It would seem that Yoda has gained some advantage in the battle, but the fight ends in a draw, since an explosion of clashing energies was caused, throwing Yoda and Palpatine in different directions. Both masters grabbed the edge of the Senate rostrum, where only Palpatine barely managed to hold on. Yoda, unable to hold on, falls to the floor of the Senate chamber. After being killed by clone troopers and the near destruction of the Jedi Order by the Sith, a weakened Yoda realizes that he cannot defeat Palpatine. Yoda then goes into exile to hide from the Empire and wait for another opportunity to destroy the Sith.

Hardly anyone associates a small green old man leaning on a staff with a great warrior. But this is exactly what Jedi Master Yoda looks like from the space saga “.” Having raised a galaxy of capable students, a knight of the Order turns into a fearless warrior at the first signals of danger. The elderly Jedi's agility and speed are admirable. May the Force be with you, wise Yoda!

History of creation

It is impossible to imagine a Star Wars movie without one of the main characters - Master Yoda. A short Jedi of an unknown race, he is the embodiment of the knowledge and wisdom of a warrior order. It’s all the more surprising that he initially wanted to make Yoda a simple monkey. The director was looking for an animal that could hold a staff in its hands. But over time, the idea no longer seemed so brilliant to the author.

There is a theory that the prototype of Yoda was the founder of the school of jujutsu, Sokaku Takeda. The short man was well versed in martial arts and masterfully wielded a samurai sword.

The second prototype of Yoda is considered to be the great aikido master Shioda Gozo. The short man devoted his childhood to training, and in adulthood moved on to teaching. Shioda Gozo, according to the notes of his contemporaries, had perfect martial arts skills.

George Lucas entrusted the work on the appearance of the mysterious character to British makeup artist Stuart Freeborn. The professional did not spend long working on the sketches. The man combined his own face with characteristic facial wrinkles. A couple of manipulations - and a model of Master Yoda was unfolded in front of the director of the film. This was what Lucas was looking for.

Yoda has a peculiar manner of speaking, which gives the image an eccentricity. This arrangement of words in a sentence is called inversion. This type of speech was prevalent in the Anglo-Saxon dialect used by the people of Great Britain in the 14th century.

The voice of Yoda is American puppeteer and actor Frank Oz. In the original Star Wars trilogy, Yoda was portrayed on screen by a rubber doll. So Frank Oz was responsible, in addition to the voice, for controlling the green creature. Later, with the advent of new technologies, the need for a rubber Jedi disappeared. The doll was replaced with computer animation.


No one knows on what planet Yoda was born. History is also silent about the relatives of the unusual Jedi. It is known for certain that Yoda (and this is the hero’s real name) entered the military Order as an adult.

The man left his home planet in search of work, but Yoda’s ship was attacked. Having lost control of the spaceship, the future master landed on an unknown planet. There, in the wreckage of the ship, Yoda was discovered by Jedi Master N'kata Del Gormo.

The snake-like creature revealed the truth to the hero: Yoda is endowed with the Force and will become a great Jedi, you just need to study patiently. N'kata Del Gormo taught the student the basics of using the Force for several years, after which Yoda went to Coruscant, where he continued his training as a junior Jedi.

The man’s further biography developed rapidly. First official rank of Jedi Knight, first apprentice (whose name has not been preserved), first appointment to the High Council.

Sensitive to the Force and changes around him, at the age of 100 Yoda creates holographic recordings containing all the secrets and techniques of the Jedi. A wise knight gives the archive to a friend, predicting that in the future these records will help the chosen one train a new army of knights. After 200 years, the records will fall into the hands of .

At the same time, Yoda takes under the wing of a new student named Count Dooku. Officially, the master was not the teacher of the future Sith, but he had a special interest in the young man. Yoda trained Dooku to wield a lightsaber, which brought the young Jedi to a new level in the Order.

Everything changed when the name was first heard at the Supreme Council. Qui-Gon Jinn spent a long time convincing the masters that the boy was full of the Force and needed a teacher. It is Yoda who refuses Qui-Gon’s request, explaining that the boy’s future is unclear. But after Qui-Gon's death, the sage allows him to take on the role of teacher. Succumbing to his feelings, Yoda makes an irreparable mistake.

Years later, fate again pits the wise Jedi against Count Dooku. Now the teacher and the student serve different purposes and ideals. Already an elderly Yoda shows incredible dexterity in battle. No matter how well Count Dooku studies, Yoda is much better with a sword.

Tension around the Order is growing. Yoda, sensing fluctuations in the Force, denies the matured Anakin a position on the High Council. The wise old man does not trust the capable Jedi, although he does not realize the danger posed by Skywalker.

The blow for Yoda was the sudden return to the Jedi temple. Arriving on Coruscant, the old teacher finds the bodies of young students and brothers in arms. Each death sends a sharp pang of pain through Yoda's heart. The Great Master blames himself for what happened, because he did not sense Anakin's Dark Side.

Devastated, Yoda orders Obi-Wan to kill his former student, and he himself goes to battle the great evil - Emperor Palpatine. Alas, the pain of loss and disappointment in Skywalker weakened the master. The Jedi Knight survives the fight with the Sith, but is unable to kill his opponent. The only thing left for the wise teacher is to escape to a distant planet to wait for a new student filled with the Force.

22 years later, on the abandoned planet of the Dagobah system, the master is found by Luke Skywalker. The young man longs to become a Jedi and, on the advice of Obi-Wan, asks Yoda to teach him the skill. The knight, tired of life, does not want to take on such responsibility, but the persistent young man does not give up.

Luke Skywalker becomes the new and final student of the great Yoda. The master invests in the guy the skills and abilities that he himself possesses. But Luke, without completing his training, leaves the teacher and goes to save his friends. Returning, Skywalker finds a sad picture - old Yoda is dying.

The great Jedi, who trained 20,000 students, peacefully merges with the Force. Yoda's death, like the Master's life, is special. Unlike his brothers, the man leaves the world in a calm environment, and not during another battle. At 900 years of age, Yoda quietly dissolves into the universe.

  • Yoda's height is 66 cm.
  • Initially, the word "Yoda" was the character's surname, the name sounded like "Minch". By the way, Yoda means “warrior” in Sanskrit.
  • For Star Wars fans, writer Muriel Bozes-Pierce has released the book Jedi Master Yoda Asks Riddles. A collection of mathematical problems presented in the character's language.

  • Even the scale of the epic film did not allow all the secrets of the Galaxy to be revealed to the audience. Therefore, with the permission of Lucas, books have been published that touch on individual events of the saga. You can learn more about the relationship between the wise teacher and Count Dooku in the novel Yoda: Rendezvous with Darkness.
  • In the movie “Star Wars. Episode VIII: The Last Jedi will not only appear, but also Yoda. This news spread around the world before the premiere of the film. The culprits of the spoiler were the film studio's lighting staff, who posted a loud statement on Twitter.


“Taught the Jedi for eight hundred years. I will decide for myself who to take for training.”
“I got sick. Old and weak. When you are 900 years old, you won’t look good, huh?”
“You rely on weapons, but you cannot win a battle with weapons. Your mind is the strongest."
“Death is a natural part of life, rejoice for your loved ones who have been transformed into Power, do not mourn them, and do not grieve for them, because attachment leads to jealousy, and jealousy is the shadow of greed...”

general information
Super name: Yoda
Real name: Yoda
Aliases: Master Yoda Grandmaster Yoda
Publisher: Marvel
Creators: George Lucas, Lawrence Kasdan
Gender: Man
Character type: Foreigner
First Performance: Famous Monsters of the Movie World No. 167
Appears in 253 issues
Birthday: n/a
Death: Star Wars: Return of the Jedi #2 - Emperor's Command
Powers and abilities:

  • Flexibility
  • Cosmic awareness
  • Dangerous feeling
  • Electricity control
  • Sympathy
  • Energy absorption
  • Salvation Artist
  • Force field
  • Devices
  • Healing
  • Hypnosis
  • Throw Illusion
  • Intelligence
  • Leadership
  • Lifting
  • Durability
  • Marksmanship
  • Hypnotize
  • Hot item
  • Preliminary interrogation
  • Probability manipulation
  • Death of feeling
  • Durability
  • Cunning
  • Super speed
  • Swordsmanship
  • Telekinesis
  • Telepathy
  • Unarmed combat
  • Voice-induced manipulation
  • Weapon master

One of the greatest Jedi Masters of the Old Republic. He trained Luke Skywalker in the ways of the Jedi and even faced the Sith as Count Dooku and the Emperor and lived to tell the tale.


Yoda is respected as one of the wisest and most influential Jedi Masters in the history of the galaxy. Yoda is a master of Force and Lightsaber combat. Yoda served as Grand Master of the Jedi High Council for over 700 years.


Yoda is a character from the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas. Yoda's face was partly based off of Einstein's, mainly the wrinkles on his forehead to make him appear wise and intelligent. Frank Oz, the puppeteer for Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi and The Phantom Menace, developed Yoda's voice, his distinctive way of speaking, and even aspects of his personality.

Character Evolution:

From a young age, Yoda trained as the Jedi N'Kata Del Gormo, learning the ways of the Force and maintaining balance in the galaxy. Living for 900 years, Yoda worked his way up the ranks of the Jedi Order, becoming a member of the Jedi High Council and eventually a Jedi Grandmaster.

Before and during the Clone Wars, Yoda was one of the more powerful Jedi in the entire order. He served as teacher and master to the majority, giving wisdom and guidance to Jedi Knights and Masters alike, while also teaching the basics to young padawan students in training. During the Clone Wars, Yoda still served as a teacher, but was divided between being the general conductor of the war throughout the galaxy.

After the Clone Wars and after Order 66, Yoda went into hiding in the Dagobah System. The planet's abundance of life masked its presence from the Empire until the arrival of young Luke Skywalker. After Obi-Wan Kenobi's death, it was left to Yoda to teach Luke more about the power. After nearly becoming a Jedi Knight, Luke was hunted away from Dagobah and fell into a trap that injured him long enough to put his training on hold. He would return to an aged and dying Yoda, who accepted that his training to become a Jedi was almost complete. Yoda died and became one with the force, giving him the ability to pass on his knowledge into the force itself.

Main story arcs:


Not much is known about this legendary Jedi Grandmaster, it can be assumed that the details are not clear to Yoda either, nine hundred years is a long way to remember, but some details have been made clear. In Yoda's youth, he was unaware that he was Force-Sensitive, nor was the unidentified human counterpart aware that he was attuned to the Force as well. The two left their home planet, which was never identified and still remains a mystery; if Yoda remembers the name or what the planet was like is unknown. Yoda and his friend went to the main worlds to find work. En route, their old ship was caught among an asteroid and their ship was damaged beyond their ability to repair, which seemed most catastrophic at the time.

They would spend days floating around in space, their supplies and oxygen running out faster than the two wanted them to. In an attempt to save their lives, they reset their power systems to get them far enough into the unrecognized star system they are suffering in crash landed on a swamp planet, which can only be assumed to be Dagobah, but this was never clarified. with signal two for the rescue ship still going strong, all they could do was wait to be taken, hoping they wouldn't starve in the process. During their stay on the swamp planet, two Force beings were found by Jedi Master N'Kata Del Gormo, who sensed that they were one with the force and showed them that power. Unable to bear at their age, which was clearly not age, most of the Jedi began training, Master Gormo taught both Yoda and his human friend the way of the force. Shortly after their training, the two Jedi were taken by a Republic Galactic starship. It is likely that the "rescue" was actually planned by Jedi Master N'Kata Del Gormo.

One of his great feats in his youth was his training of a young Jedi. Most notoriously, he trained Count Dooku into a superb swordsman, which are skills that could only be copied by Yoda and Mace Windu. He also trained Cin Drallig, who was quickly made master of the council, and was promoted to battlemaster of the council during the Clone Wars.

Later life

Master Yoda was the Jedi Grandmaster and was respected as the most powerful of the Jedi. One of the only beings known to have a higher amount of chlorine midi is Anakin Skywalker. Master Yoda led the decision to refuse Qui-Gonn's request to teach Anakin, believing correctly, as we later learn, that the boy was too attached to his mother.

Master Yoda served the Old Republic for many decades, perhaps even a century. In this he would fight against his former padawan Count Dooku. This was one of the most impressive battles Yoda fought and showed the vast power he maintained in a small body. He became a general in the clone army, He would later fight Darth Sidious in the Senate before fleeing, and he nurtured and expanded the Jedi Order and taught countless younglings. Master Yoda was one of the survivors of Order 66, while he was residing on Kashyyk where he was helping Wookie cause, luckily he sensed 2 clones that arrived to kill him, quickly dispatched them and left with the help of Chewbacca.

Escape from Order 66

Master Yoda narrowly escaped Order 66, with only a backup plan, and the Woolies' help was he able to escape from Kashyyyk, using an escape pod to

the nearst system, from which he then went to coursant. Master Yoda probably predicted that the clones would turn on the Jedi, so he had an escape pod backup plan. Without the help of Chewbecca and Tarfful, who escorted and protected Yoda.

After this, he arrived on the spaceship of Senator Bail Organa, a Jedi supporter and soon to be Leia's adoptive father, and Obi Wan, who at the time was the only other Jedi believed to have survived the Purge. Here they realized that the Jedi Temple's distress beacon was going away and that it was likely luring the Jedi to their deaths. So the 2 masters infused the base and turned off the signal, but it was here where they first realized how far Anakin had descended into the dark side, after his massacre of the younglings.


Master Yoda died on the Dagobah system at the age of approximately 900 years. He died in the presence of Luke Skywalker after Luke asked him to help complete his training.

Powers and abilities:

Yoda was considered by many to be the greatest Jedi Master of the era, and was one of the most skilled Force users in the history of the entire galaxy. Yoda was so strong in the Force that he demonstrated the ability to easily disarm powerful opponents like the Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress with a simple gesture. In addition to this, Master Yoda was capable of easily controlling people and entering the minds of others and deciphering their thoughts with great accuracy. Despite his small stature, Yoda was capable of extreme telekinetic feats, such as lifting huge objects with the Force, such as Luke Skywalker's X-wing or the giant pillar that was dropped on Ankain and Obi-Wan Dooku and even disarming the Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress with a simple wave of his hand.

Yoda was a master of all seven lightsaber forms and could use the Force to enhance his physical attributes greatly, allowing him to carry the cannon box on his back for miles.

“There is no question of size. Look at me. Judge me by my size, right? Hm? Hm. And well you shouldn't. Because my ally is the Force and an influential ally, it is.”


Born: -896 BBY

Deceased: -4 ABY

Varieties: -unknown

Gender: male

Height: -0.66 meters (2’2")

Hair color:-Brown (later grey)

Eye color: green

Famous masters:-

N'Kata Del Gormo

Notable students:

  1. Dooku
  2. Cin Drallig
  3. Ikrit
  4. Rahm Kota
  5. Ki-Adi-Mundi
  6. Oppo Rancisis
  7. Luke Skywalker

Other media

Video games

Soul Calibur

Yoda appeared as a playable character in Soul of Calibur IV for Xbox 360.

The cutting edge of star wars

Yoda in the soul Calibur IV
Yoda in the soul Calibur IV
Yoda appeared in Star Wars Frontier I & II as a playable hero.

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith video game

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith as a playable character.

Lego Star Wars

Yoda appeared in the Lego Star Wars Trilogy and the Lego Star Wars Saga.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Kazdhan Paratus created a waste puppet of Yoda as part of his waste Jedi High Council.

Galen Marek's clone briefly encountered Yoda on Dagobah after Rahm, Kota dropped the planet's name into the conversation.


Star Wars: Darth Plagueis

Darth Plagueis: One of the most brilliant Sith Lords who ever lived. Having power is all he desires. Losing him is the only thing he is afraid of. As an apprentice, he embraces the ruthless ways of the Sith. And when the time comes, he destroys his Master - but vows never to suffer the same fate. For like no other student of the dark side, Darth Plagueis learns to command the ultimate power... of life and death.

Darth Sidious: Plagueis' chosen student. Under the guidance of his Master, he secretly studies the ways of the Sith, publicly rising to power in the galactic government, first as a Senator, then as Chancellor, and ultimately as Emperor.

Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious, Master and Mate, set their sights on the galaxy for domination—and the Jedi Order for destruction. But can they challenge the merciless tradition of the Sith? Or will there be a desire for one to rule the highest, and a dream for the other to live forever, to sow the seeds of their destruction?”

Written by: James Luceno
Star Wars: Shroud of Deception

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Soiled in greed and corruption, tangled in bureaucracy, the Galactic Republic collapses. In outlying systems, where the Trade Federation maintains a chokehold on shipping routes, tensions are spiraling out of control—while back in the comfort of the Shining Ones, the center of civilized space and the seat of the Republic's government, few senators seem inclined to investigate the problem. And those who suspect High Chancellor Valorum of helping with the scheme are left baffled—especially when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi foil an assassination attempt on the Chancellor.

With the crisis escalating, Valorum is calling for an emergency trade summit. As Humans and aliens gather, conspiracies are sealed with large unbridled amounts of money running around, and no one is completely above suspicion. But the biggest threat of all remains unknown to all but three members of the Trade Federation, who have entered into a dark alliance with a dark overlord. While the trio will have quite a lot of money and less trouble, Darth Sidious has greater, much more terrifying plans.

This is a time that tests the mettle of all those who seek to hold the Republic together - none other than the Jedi Knights, who have long been the galaxy's best hope for preserving peace and justice. Yet despite their most valiant efforts, the meeting will explode into fiery chaos beyond everyone's worst fears...

Written by: James Luceno
Star Wars: Darth's Sledgehammer: Shadow Hunter

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Darth Maul, a merciless disciple of evil and one of the legendary Sith, a twisted order given over to the dark side of the Force... Darth Maul, champion of the lowly Sith Lord, Darth Sidious... Darth Maul, a legend leapt to life from the nightmares of history, about to be unleashed... In a brand new a tale of intrigue and a mysterious set just before the events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.

After years of waiting in the shadows, Darth Sidious takes the first step in his master plan to bring the Republic to its knees. He meets in secret with his Neimoidian contacts in the Trade Federation to plan a blockade of the planet Naboo. But one member of the delegation is missing, and Sidious doesn't need his Force-trained instincts to suspect betrayal. He orders his apprentice, Darth Maul, to hunt down the traitor.

On Brilliant, the capital of the Republic, the Neimoidian moves quickly to sell what he knows to the highest bidder. For Poor Pavana, the information broker, the agreement is too good to refuse. He captures him, unaware that he has now earned a place on Darth Maul's hit list, right behind the Neimoidian defector himself.

Meanwhile, a young Jedi Padoan named Darsha Assant stands on the verge of ascending to the Jedi Knighthood. The only mission will be her test. But a bigger test awaits her. As she navigates the labyrinthine paths and sewers of Corascant's own dark side, she will cross paths with the Unfortunate, who is fleeing from a Sith stalker, carrying with him important information that must reach the Jedi Council at any cost.

The future of the republic depends on Darsha and Lorn. But how can an untested Jedi and common man, unfamiliar with the powerful ways of the Force, hope to defeat one of the deadliest assassins in the galaxy?

Written by: Michael Reeves
Star Wars: Shatterpoint

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Mace Windu is a living legend: Jedi Master, senior member of the Jedi Council, skilled diplomat, destructive fighter. Some say he is the deadliest man alive. But he is a peacemaker - and for the first time in a thousand years, the galaxy is at war.

Now, following historical events culminating in the Battle of Geonosis, Master Mace Windu must undertake a risky return home to his homeworld - to defuse a potentially catastrophic crisis for the Republic... and confront a horrific secret with dire personal consequences.

The jungle planet Haruun Kal, homeworld Mace barely remembers, has become a battleground in the increasing hostilities between the Republic and the renegade Separatist movement. The Jedi Council sent Depa Billaba—a former Padawan of Mace and fellow Council member—to Haruun Kal to train the local tribesmen as a guerrilla resistance force to fight against the Separatists who control the planet and its strategic star system with their Droid armies. But now the Separatists have retreated and Depa has not returned. The only clue to her disappearance is a mysterious recording left behind at the scene of brutal carnage: a recording that hints of madness and murder and darkness in the jungle... a recording in Depa's own voice.

Mace Windu trained her. Only he can find her. Only he can study what changed her. Only he can stop her.

Jedi were never meant to be soldiers. But now they have no choice. Mace must travel alone into the most treacherous jungle in the galaxy—and into his own legacy. He will leave behind the republic he serves, the civilization he believes in, everything except his passion for peace and his devotion to his former Padawan. And he will study the terrible price that must be paid when the guardians of peace are forced to wage war....

Written by: Matthew Stover
Star Wars: Jedi Court

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“For twenty-four standard hours we will sit firmly atop the line of communication that connects the worlds of the Republic…. Our control will be by pushing the dagger directly into the Shiny. This is the movement that will win the war for us."

With these ominous words, Pors Tonith, Count Dooku's ruthless minion, declares the fate of the Republic sealed. Commanding a Separatist invasion causes more than one million strong, cunning "financier turned warrior" besieges the planet Praesitlyn, home of a strategic intergalactic communications center that is key to the Republic's survival in the Clone Wars. Left uncontested, this decisive strike could truly pave the way for the overthrow of more Republic worlds... and a final victory for the Separatists. Retribution must be swift and undeniable.

But attracting the enemy throughout the galaxy has already stretched Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's armies to the limit. There is no choice but to navigate the growing waves of invading Droid battles on Praesitlyn with only a small contingent of clone troopers. They will be commanded by Jedi Master Nejaa Holcyon - handpicked by the Critical Mission Council. And next to him, skilled young starfighter pilot Anakin Skywalker, promising young Jedi Padoen, eager to be freed from the bonds of apprenticeship - and to be given the title of Jedi Knight.

Side by side with a rogue Republic officer and his battle-hardened crew, a hulking Rodian mercenary with a greedy taste for combat and a duo of can-do soldiers, the Jedi generals take to the skies and punishing desert landscape of the busy Praesitlyn - to gain back a living position in the Republic. Already outnumbered and outgunned, when faced with an enemy ultimatum that could result in the slaughter of innocents, they may also be out of options. If Anakin Skywalker cannot strike a crucial balance between the wisdom born of the Force... and the instincts of a born warrior.

Written by David Sherman and Dan Cragg
Star Wars: Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

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As the Clone Wars rage, Jedi Master Yoda must once again face one of his greatest foes - Count Dooku...

The savage Clone Wars have brought the Republic to the brink of collapse. In the midst of the battle, one Jedi Knight escapes the massacre to deliver a message to Yoda on the Shiny. It seems that Dooku wants peace and demands a rendezvous. The chances are slim that the treacherous Count is sincere, but with a million lives at stake, Yoda has no choice.

The meeting will take place on Vjun, a planet steeped in evil. The problem couldn't be more difficult. Can Yoda bring his one day budding apprentice back from the dark side, or will Count Dooku unleash his sinister powers against his former mentor? Either way, Yoda is sure of one thing: This battle will be one of the most brutal he will ever face.

Written by: Sean Stewart
Star Wars: Labyrinth of Evil

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Embark on the breathtaking adventure that pairs Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker on a deadly quest for the evil lord who has torn the galaxy apart….

The war that erupted in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones approaches its boiling point as the fearless Separatist forces continue their assault on the faltering Republic—and the diabolical triumvirate of Count Dooku, the Common Sorrow, and their Master, Darth Sidious, fine-tune their strategy of conquest. In Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, the fates of key players on both sides of the conflict will be sealed. But first, the turning point events that pave the way for the time of reckoning unfold in a labyrinth of evil...

Conquering Trade Viceroy of the Federation and Separatist Council member Nute Gunray is a mission that brings Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, with a team of clones in tow, Cato Neimoidia. But the traitorous Sith ally proves as slippery as ever, evading his Jedi pursuers even as they narrowly escape a deadly disaster. However, their daring efforts lead to an unexpected prize: a unique holotransceiver that has intelligence capable of advancing the Republic brings to their ultimate career, the ever-elusive Darth Sidious.

Quickly picking up the chase, Anakin and Obi-Wan follow clues from the Droid Charros IV manufacturing plants to the vast worlds of the Outer Rim... every step bringing them closer to pinpointing the location of the Sith Lord—whom they suspect was controlling every aspect of the Separatist Rebellion. Yet somehow, in the escalating chess game of an entire galaxy of strikes, counterstrikes, ambushes, sabotage and retaliation, Sidious remains constantly, each moving forward.

Then the trail takes a shocking turn. For Sidious and his minions set in motion a ruthlessly orchestrated campaign to divide and crush the Jedi's forces—and bring the Republic to its knees.

Written by: James Luceno
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

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As Darth Vader's ruthless apprentice, Starkiller was mercilessly trained in the ways of the dark side, ordered to exterminate the last of the purified Jedi Order, and groomed for the Sith's ultimate pressure: killing the Emperor. He served without doubt, killed without remorse, and lost his heart without warning the handsome Imperial fighter pilot Juno Eclipse, never suspecting that he was merely a tool in his masters' schemes—until it was too late to escape their deadly betrayal.

Juno mourned Starkiller as if he were dead... but now he is back, cleansed of all memories and programmed to kill. And as fate brings Juno and Starkiller closer to reuniting with Darth Vader, determined not to lose his killer a second time when they both have to make a Stand. The prize is freedom. The penalty for failure will be eternal enslavement to the dark side of the Force...

Written by: Sean Williams

He takes part in all episodes of the saga, with the exception of Episode IV: A New Hope. Like many Star Wars names, the name "Yoda" is taken from an ancient language - most likely from Sanskrit, where it translates to " yodha" means "warrior", from Hebrew " yodea"translates to 'I know'.

Hero's Speech

Master Yoda's speech is rich in various inversions, which are found in almost every sentence. On Galactic Prime, Yoda speaks by inverting word order. His preferred order is "object-subject-predicate", OSV. However, sometimes a character speaks using the less exotic subject-predicate-object order. A typical example of Yoda saying: "Your apprentice Skywalker will be."

In honor of this feature of speech, the programming technique “Yoda’s Conditions” was named, which consists in changing the order in which the value of a variable is written and the variable itself.


early years

Yoda, who stands 66 cm tall, is one of the oldest members of the Jedi Council and most likely the wisest and most powerful Jedi of his time; such a high position, of course, was based on Yoda’s very advanced age. Perhaps Yoda's Master was N'Kata Del Gormo. Yoda trained such outstanding Jedi as Count Dooku, Qui-Gon Jinn, Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi (only for a while, until he was accepted as a student by Qui-Gon Jinn), Ki-Adi-Mundi and Luke Skywalker . In addition, he taught training to almost every young Jedi in the galaxy at the Jedi Temple before they were assigned to a master (from 800 BA to 19 BA). It should be clarified that a padawan was assigned to a mentor, and even earlier the padawan was a youngling (they don’t have a mentor yet). They can be found in the second episode, when Obi-Wan asks Master Yoda about the planet Kamino, then one of the younglings helps figure out why it is not on the map, and in the third, where they are killed by Anakin Skywalker, who has turned into Darth Vader. From the novelization of "Attack of the Clones" it follows that all the Jedi called Yoda their teacher, even those who were not directly his Padawans in the past.

George Lucas deliberately kept Yoda's race a secret (Yoda, Yaddle, and Vandar Tokare were sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Wills, despite Lucas not classifying them as that species). In fact, very little was reported about Yoda's life before the events of Episode I: The Phantom Menace. From sources in the expanded universe (setting), information came that he received the rank of Jedi Knight at the age of 50, and was awarded the rank of Master by his centenary. Following his teachings, Yoda was tasked with going into self-imposed exile to gain higher levels of understanding of the Force. He was one of the Jedi Masters who established a traveling academy aboard the interstellar starship Chu'unthor during the period 200 BP. b.; then in the on-board computer data there was a record that he went in search of one of the missing passengers of the ship when it crashed on Dathomir.

"Episode I: The Phantom Menace"

At 32 d.b. I. Qui-gon Jinn brings a young slave boy named Anakin Skywalker to the Jedi Council, claiming that the boy is the Chosen One, capable of bringing balance to the Force, and asked to be taken into the Padawan once Obi-Wan passes all the necessary tests to receive the title of knight. -Jedi (as you know, a Jedi can only have one padawan during the training period). Yoda, as the most experienced teacher on the council and the most respected and honored Jedi Master, plays a key role in the initial solution to this problem and refuses the request. Yoda believes that the years of slavery did not pass unnoticed for the young boy and his too close attachment to his mother will interfere with successful studies and training. The future of this boy, according to the master, is uncertain.

Following Qui-Gon's death at the hands of Darth Maul, the council nevertheless reverses its previous decision, although for what reasons is unknown. Presumably, such changes are explained by Kenobi’s intransigence - the newly initiated knight certainly wanted to take young Skywalker into training, even contrary to the opinion of the Council, and the members of the latter had no choice but to agree to this risky step, otherwise such disobedience could lead, firstly, to a decrease in authority Jedi Council, and secondly, to Skywalker Padawan’s formal non-involvement in the Jedi. However, Obi-Wan was warned that the consequences of training the boy could be fatal both for the future of the Republic and the entire Galaxy, and for Kenobi himself.

“Episode II. Attack of the Clones »

At 22 d.b. I. Yoda serves as the Republic's top general at the Battle of Geonosis, when the Republic's clone stormtrooper army was first tested in combat. He leads a team tasked with rescuing Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padmé Amidala Naberrie from execution by the Separatist Confederacy of Independent Systems. In the midst of the battle, Yoda engages in a lightsaber battle with the Separatist leader and Sith Lord Count Dooku, who was once his apprentice. This confrontation ends when Count Dooku, deciding to flee, puts the wounded Obi-Wan and Anakin in danger. Sluggish and old in appearance, Yoda demonstrates unprecedented skill with a lightsaber (IV form of lightsaber wielding, the hallmarks of which is the use of the Force to perform incredible acrobatic maneuvers).

Clone Wars

The Battle of Geonosis, despite the victory of the Republic forces, opened a bloody war that would last about three years. Like all Jedi, Yoda became a general during the Clone Wars, personally participating in some battles (notably the Battle of Axion, where he personally led troops of clone troopers on a kibuk steed).

During the Battle of Muunilist, Yoda, along with Padmé Amidala, came to the aid of Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee, who were trapped in the Crystal Caverns. Yoda learned that the attack on the caves with lightsaber crystals was staged by the former Jedi Count Dooku.

Yoda later says that he is in contact with the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn. Although little attention is paid to this in the film, the book shows that Yoda actually becomes the student of the Jedi Master who died in The Phantom Menace and found the path to immortality. He subsequently passed this knowledge on to Obi-Wan.

He also plays a key role in resolving the issue of the Skywalker children after Padmé dies in childbirth, advising that Luke and Leia be hidden from Darth Vader and the Emperor where the Sith would not sense their presence. In addition to the elderly Jedi Master, Bail Organa, Owen Lars and Obi-Wan knew about the whereabouts of the children (at the same time, it is unlikely that the Lars family knew about Leia's existence). Initially, Obi-Wan wanted to take the children with him to, like Yoda, teach them the Jedi skills, but Yoda realizes that in addition to the ability to handle the Force, they need to be taught something else if they are going to destroy the Empire. Moreover, it was necessary to keep the names of the twins secret in order to be able to protect them in case the Sith suddenly discovered the remaining Jedi Knights before Luke and Leia grew up. As we learn from subsequent episodes, this strategy more than paid off.

Yoda then travels to the desolate and swampy planet of Dagobah, where he patiently awaits the emergence of a New Hope.

An interesting fact is that in the novel by Matthew Stover, the battle between Yoda and Sidious was slightly changed. Yoda knocks Palpatine down with a kick rather than a push. Lightning Sidious, the Jedi with a slight wave of his hand, takes them to the guards, killing them. There was no explosion of force, as Palpatine jumped to another platform, and Yoda jumped after him, but was a millisecond too late and was struck by force lightning, causing him to fall to the floor of the Senate. However, Lucas said that in the final version of the script the battle was a draw, and Stover simply did not wait for the final version. Since the script is the main canon, the version of the battle from the film is considered the main and main one. Lucas also claimed that the original version of the duel was a victory for Yoda, not a draw, but the script was changed.

"Episode IV: A New Hope"

Yoda is not in the film, but his name is mentioned in the script.

"Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back"

22 years after Yoda's exile, in 3 p.i. b., Luke Skywalker travels to the Dagobah system in order to find Yoda and undergo Jedi training, as he was told by the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, who died in a battle with Darth Vader in A New Hope. A little stubborn, Yoda finally agrees to teach him the ways of the Force. Before completing his training, Luke, however, is faced with the choice of leaving Dagobah and going to save his friends from Darth Vader and the Empire, or staying and finishing his training. After making a promise to Yoda to return and complete his preparations, he sets off.

"Episode VI: Return of the Jedi"

Returning to Dagobah at 4 p.m. b., Luke finds Yoda sick and greatly weakened by old age. Yoda tells Luke that he has completed his training, but will not become a Jedi until he "meets his father," Darth Vader. Yoda then dies at the age of 900 and is finally fully fused with the Force. Yoda's death is unique within the Star Wars universe, as it is an example of a Jedi dying peacefully due to his age. After all, every death of a person wielding the Force, which occurred before and after him, was violent.

In the end, Luke heeded all of Yoda's teachings, which saved him from anger and falling to the dark side: he controlled his emotions even when he was one step away from killing Darth Vader and becoming the Emperor's new apprentice. When the Emperor attempts to kill Luke with lightning bolts, Vader returns to the light side and becomes Anakin Skywalker again, killing his master to save his son. Anakin dies from damage to his suit in the collapse of the Empire surrounding him (according to another version, he died due to the fact that his life was supported by the dark power of the Emperor and after the death of the latter he could no longer exist normally). Later that night, Anakin's spirit, surrounded by Obi-Wan and their eternal mentor Yoda, looks at Luke with pride and gratitude.

Without using the Force for a long time, old Yoda was forced to lean on a stick when walking. In the expanded universe, it can be found that one of his luggage is a memento from a Wookiee, and his cane is made from a certain plant called gimera, which contains nutrients, so that Yoda can chew the cane during his long journey.

"Episode VII: The Force Awakens"

Yoda's voice was heard in Rey's visions as she picked up Anakin Skywalker's sword. This happened 30 years after Yoda's death.

"Episode VIII: The Last Jedi"

Yoda appears as a force ghost on the planet Ahch-To.

Master Yoda prototype

According to one version, Yoda was based on two Japanese martial artists. Research into this assumption points to Sokaku Takeda and Gozo Shioda. Takeda was a member of a famous family of samurai who dedicated their lives to military struggle. Their skill, called Daito-ryu, is considered to be the basis of Aikido. Master swordsman Takeda, identified simply as number "4'11", earned himself the nickname Aizo no Kotengu, which translated means “undersized dwarf.” Likewise, Gozo, the founder of Yoshinkan Aikido, was under the same number - “4’11”. Like Yoda, they were extremely small in stature, but nevertheless this did not prevent them from mastering the power of martial arts to perfection. Their art was based on the teachings of Aiki, or simply Ki (Strength). Moreover, like Yoda, they were natural teachers who dedicated their lives to following the path of the art of war.

Master Yoda is often compared to the founder of aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, who mastered the technique of non-contact combat. Perhaps he served as a prototype for the Master, and the Jedi Order itself is a fantastic film embodiment of the Aikido school, since many principles of the Jedi code are similar to the canons of Aikido.

There is also an opinion that Yoda’s prototype was Shimazu Kenji-sensei, the patriarch of the Yagyu Shingan Ryu school (school of the Shogun’s bodyguards).

Yoda Animation

Yoda's appearance was originally created by British stylist Stuart Freeborn, who depicted Yoda's face as a mixture of his own and Albert Einstein's, as a photograph of the latter inspired his final image. Yoda was voiced by Frank Oz. In the original Star Wars trilogy, Yoda was a simple doll (also controlled green by Frank Oz). In the Russian dubbing of Star Wars, Yoda was voiced by actor Boris Smolkin.

In The Phantom Menace, Yoda's appearance was altered to make him look more youthful. His likeness was computer-generated for two deleted scenes, but he was again used as a puppet.

Using computer animation in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, Yoda appeared in previously impossible characters, such as in a fight scene that was very labor-intensive to simulate. In Revenge of the Sith, his face appears in several large sequences that require very careful computer digitization.

On September 15, 2011, a blu-ray re-release of the entire Star Wars saga was released. In the first film, Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, the Yoda doll was replaced with a computer model.

In 2015, a Yoda figure appeared at Madame Tussauds.

Criticism and reviews


In 2003, Yoda, along with Christopher Lee, received an MTV Movie Award for Best Battle Scene in Episode II of Attack of the Clones. Yoda personally "appeared" at the ceremony to receive the award and gave a speech thanking George Lucas and many others.


Comedy singer "Weird Al" Yankovic parodied the song "Lola" in the remake of "Yoda", included on the album "I Have the Right to Be Stupid" (1985). This includes Downing's parodies of Ricky Martin's song "Livin" La Vida Yoda." Less successfully, "The Great Luke Ski" parodied the song "Y.M.C.A." by Village People and called the remake "Y.O.D.A", including it on the albums Fanboys 'n Da Hood (1996) and Carpe Dementia (1999).

In the Mel Brooks film Spaceballs, the character Yogurt, played by Mel Brooks himself, is a clear parody of Yoda, but there are also opinions that he is similar to Obi-Wan Kenobi. Yogurt trains Lone Star in the ways of Schwartz (a parody of the Force, "Schwartz" being short for "Schwarzenegger", and also "Schwartz" being a common surname among Ashkenazi Jews).

In Goblin’s comedic translation of “The Hidden Threat” - “Storm in a Glass”, the character is renamed Cheburan Vissarionovich.

In the episode “Love Conquers All... Almost / Love conquers... almost everything” (1.13) of the animated series “Flattened Space,” the crew of Jupiter-42 meets a creature that is a parody of Yoda: it is small in stature, green in color, and the word order used is - OVS.

In the cartoon Kung Fu Panda, Master Oogway dies in the same way as Yoda.

Eminem parodies Yoda in the song Rhyme Or Reason.

The first episodes from the fourth season of the cartoon The Legend of Korra can also be considered a parody. Avatar Korra also arrived in the swamp in search of a teacher, by then already elderly, Toph Beifong.


  1. No one is like Darth Vader
  2. Star Wars comic will tell Yoda's backstory
  3. 8 incredible things you didn know about Yoda
  4. Yoda (undefined) . Retrieved February 18, 2012.

One of the main characters of Star Wars is the wise and most powerful Jedi of his time - Master Yoda. Yoda (in English Yoda, probably from the Sanskrit joddha, “warrior”) was remembered not only for his power and wisdom, but also for his funny manner of speech, as well as his short stature of 66 centimeters.

Pictured: actor Warwick Davis, who played Yoda in Episode I: The Phantom Menace. The actor himself is taller than his hero and is 107 centimeters.

The Star Wars character Yoda was created by makeup artists Nick Dudman and Stuart Freeborn from the UK. At first, the Yoda doll was controlled and voiced by Frank Oz, and in episodes I and II, some scenes featured live actors Warwick Davis and Tom Kane as Yoda.

And in this photo, the dwarf actor Verne Troyer, who on March 13 posted a picture on Twitter with the caption: “Freaking Yoda"s taller than me" (“Even Yoda is taller than me”).

Verne Troyer, whose height is 81 cm, is a little disingenuous - yes, the Yoda doll is taller than him, but we already know that Yoda, according to the legend of the film, is 66 cm tall.

By the way, Verne Troyer is best known for his role as Mini-Me from the Austin Powers films.

Roles of dwarf actors in films: Verne Troyer and Warwick Davis

There are, of course, many more famous dwarf actors. Suffice it to recall, for example, 45-year-old Peter Dinklage, who plays the role of Tyrion Lannister in the popular series “Game of Thrones.” But we will only remember the two actors mentioned.

Verne Troyer worked as an understudy and stuntman for a long time, such as in the 1994 film “Baby Walking” (9-month-old baby) or in episodic roles in “Men in Black” (1997) and “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” (1998) ), where the actor played the son of an alien and a waiter.