Porridge is the right start to the day for the whole family. I really like or, but I also really like semolina porridge, although this was not always the case :) Probably no one liked semolina porridge when they were little in kindergarten, because it had lumps, but today we will learn how to cook delicious liquid semolina porridge with milk without lumps, which everyone will definitely like.

How to cook liquid semolina porridge with milk, proportions (for 2 people):

  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 heaped tablespoon of semolina porridge;
  • a little salt;
  • a tablespoon of sugar (without a slide);
  • water;
  • 30g butter.

Recipe for liquid semolina porridge with milk

1. Pour water into a small saucepan so that it covers the entire bottom of the pan.

2. Place on the stove and wait until all the water has boiled away. This is necessary to prevent the milk from burning.

3. Pour a glass of milk into the same pan. When the milk boils, pour in the semolina a little at a time with one hand, and mix thoroughly with the other hand so that no lumps form. Add some salt to the porridge and turn the heat to low.

How long to cook semolina porridge with milk?

4. Cook the porridge for 3 minutes and stir it periodically.

5. Add sugar and mix everything well again. Cook the porridge for another 2 minutes, also over low heat, stirring it.

6. Transfer to plates and add butter.

My child eats this porridge to my surprise and always asks me to cook it on the weekend. Bon appetit!

Today we will talk in detail about how to cook semolina porridge without lumps. After all, many housewives refuse this healthy and very tasty dish only because they do not have the slightest idea how to make it homogeneous and of the correct consistency. To correct this situation, in this article it was decided to present several options. Which one is the best is up to you to decide.

Cooking semolina porridge with milk

Not everyone knows, but such a simple dish has many cooking options. Some make it only with fresh milk, some with regular water, and some even use the two mentioned ingredients at the same time. Let's consider each of the options in more detail.

Cooking semolina porridge with milk is quite easy and simple. For this we may need components such as:

  • milk as fresh as possible, full fat - 1;
  • semolina - 4 dessert spoons;
  • granulated sugar - add to taste (about 1-1.5 dessert spoons);
  • medium-sized table salt - a couple of small pinches;
  • fresh butter - 12-15 g (add to already prepared dish).

Cooking process

To prepare semolina porridge with milk, you should take a bowl with a thick bottom. After all, this is the only way your dish will not stick and burn. Thus, you need to pour the full-fat milk into a bowl or pan, then put it on the fire and gradually bring it to a boil. In this case, you need to ensure that the product begins to bubble well, but does not run away.

After the milk boils, you need to pour it into it. The amount depends entirely on whether you want a thick or thin porridge. To avoid lumps, it is recommended to add cereal slowly and in small portions. In this case, the milk should be stirred with a spoon so that you get a kind of funnel. Only with this addition of semolina will the finished dish be as homogeneous as possible. If desired, you can add sugar and fine table salt (to taste).

It is advisable to cook semolina porridge in milk for about 9-11 minutes. During this time, all the grains will boil well, as a result of which you will get a very tasty and healthy dish without a single lump.

How to properly present it to the table?

Semolina porridge prepared according to the recipe described above is not too liquid, homogeneous and very tasty. It should be served hot for breakfast or afternoon tea. Additionally, it is recommended to flavor the dish with a piece of fresh butter.

Semolina porridge without lumps: step-by-step recipe

How to make a delicious breakfast on the water? To do this, we need to prepare the following products:

  • plain cold water - 2 faceted glasses;
  • semolina - 7 full dessert spoons;
  • brown sugar sand - add to taste (about 1.5 dessert spoons);
  • fine iodized salt - a couple of pinches (add to taste);
  • fresh butter - 15-17 g (add to ready-made dish if desired).

Cooking process

As in the previous recipe, semolina porridge in water will cook faster and will turn out much tastier if you use a small saucepan with a thick bottom to prepare it. Pour plain cold water into the bowl, then add semolina and mix thoroughly. After this, it is recommended to leave the ingredients aside for 6-9 minutes. After this time, place the saucepan over medium heat and wait until the liquid boils completely. In this case, the contents of the dishes must be stirred regularly, since grains that have settled to the bottom can stick and burn.

After the water boils, add salt and sugar to taste to the porridge. It is advisable to cook it over very low heat for about 8-12 minutes. In this case, the dish must be constantly stirred with a spoon.

Proper serving to the table

Semolina porridge with water is most often made for dietary nutrition or for those who are intolerant to dairy products. It should be served hot. If you want to lose weight, then adding butter, jam, honey and other sweets to the finished dish is highly not recommended. Otherwise, all of the listed products can be safely used. After all, with them, semolina porridge will become much tastier, healthier and more nutritious. Even the most picky and capricious child will not refuse such a breakfast.

One cannot ignore the fact that semolina porridge cooked in water is slightly different in taste and color from that prepared only in milk. This dish is grayer and less caloric.

We cook delicious with semi-milk

How to cook semolina porridge without lumps? Many housewives dream about this. After all, it’s not very pleasant to eat a non-uniform dish with large or even small lumps. And this is done quite easily.

So, we need:

  • semolina - 6 dessert spoons;
  • filtered drinking water - ½ cup;
  • full-fat milk of maximum freshness - 1.7 faceted glasses;
  • fine granulated sugar - 2 dessert spoons (to taste and desire);
  • sea ​​salt - a few pinches (to taste);
  • wheat or rye bread, butter, hard cheese, jam, honey, etc. - for serving.

How to cook porridge?

The presented recipe for semolina porridge (you can see the photo in this article) involves the simultaneous use of both milk and drinking water. It should be especially noted that this particular version of the dish is most popular among housewives. The finished porridge is tasty, satisfying and nutritious. To create it, you need to take a small saucepan and pour filtered drinking water into it. After this, you need to add semolina to the liquid and mix everything thoroughly. Leaving the container with its contents at room temperature, you should begin preparing the milk. It must be poured into a bowl, put on high heat and boil. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the product does not escape.

After the milk boils, the bowl with water and semolina should be placed on the gas stove and stirred again. Without bringing it to a full boil, you need to pour the hot fatty dairy product into the ingredients. It is advisable to mix all the components well with a spoon, turn the heat to maximum and wait until it begins to boil. After this, add sugar and sea salt to taste to the porridge. During cooking, it is recommended to stir it periodically, otherwise the grains will stick to the bottom of the dish and burn.

It is advisable to cook semolina porridge in semi-milk for about 13 minutes. After the dish is ready, you need to remove it from the stove, add a small piece of butter (directly into the pan), and then close it tightly and leave it in that position for 5 minutes. During this time, the cooking fat will completely melt and the porridge will reach the desired consistency.

Proper serving of semolina porridge for breakfast

Now you know how to cook semolina porridge without lumps using semi-milk. It should be noted that such a dish turns out to be very tasty, satisfying and nutritious. It is advisable to serve it to family members hot. In addition to the porridge, it is recommended to present a sandwich made from a piece of rye or wheat bread, a thin layer of butter and a slice of hard cheese. If desired, children can be offered fresh honey or jam.

Making breakfast in a slow cooker

How to cook semolina porridge without lumps in a slow cooker? Perhaps this is the easiest and fastest method of all those presented above. Moreover, a dish made in a modern kitchen device always turns out homogeneous and without a single lump. But this is only on the condition that you use the special “Milk porridge” program to prepare it.

So, to make such a delicious breakfast for your family and friends, you need to prepare the following ingredients in advance:

  • semolina - 5 dessert spoons;
  • full-fat milk of maximum freshness - 1 faceted glass;
  • filtered drinking water - 1 glass;
  • medium-sized sea salt - a few pinches (to taste);
  • fine granulated sugar - 2-2.5 dessert spoons (add at will and personal discretion);
  • butter - 35 g.

Cooking process in a slow cooker

To make such a simple, but nutritious and healthy breakfast, you should pour fresh full-fat milk and regular filtered drinking water into the bowl of your kitchen appliance. After this, you need to pour semolina, sugar and medium-sized sea salt into the same container. Next, all the ingredients should be thoroughly mixed, closed and set to the mode. In this case, the multicooker will set the time independently.

After the selected program has completed and the device beeps, add a piece of fresh butter to the porridge and then mix everything thoroughly. In this composition, the dish must be covered again with a lid and kept on heating for about 3-6 minutes.

How to serve porridge for breakfast?

Semolina porridge should only be served hot. In addition to such a nutritious and healthy dish, you can serve some sweets (berries, fruits, honey, jam, etc.), a sandwich with butter, tea or freshly brewed cocoa.

  1. Liquid semolina porridge is more tasty than thick semolina. Although there is no arguing about tastes. If you want to make a more viscous dish, then you need to add more cereal to the main liquid (for 1 glass - about 4-5 dessert spoons of semolina).
  2. Semolina porridge will turn out without lumps if you pour the cereal into cold milk or water. If the liquid is hot, then a circulation should be formed in it and only then the bulk product should be added.
  3. To make a breakfast of semolina porridge more satisfying and nutritious, you can add fresh fruits, berries, as well as honey or jam.
  4. Semolina porridge should be cooked not for 2-3 minutes, but for at least 5-8 minutes. After all, only with prolonged heat treatment will the grains be completely boiled, and the dish will turn out more tasty and homogeneous.

Good day, friends! If you are wondering what to cook for breakfast, try making semolina porridge. When prepared correctly, this is not only a very tasty and satisfying dish, but also valuable for the body.

This porridge has a cleansing effect on the digestive system. And to make the dish as tender as in childhood and without lumps, I will tell you what the proportions of milk and semolina should be for semolina porridge.

So, let's find out how much milk and cereal you need to add so that your child eats the prepared dish with pleasure.

The standard proportion is 6 tablespoons of semolina for 1 liter of milk.

Homemade milk can be diluted with water - in a ratio of 3 to 1. There is no need to dilute the store-bought product. 1 spoon holds 30 grams of cereal. In this case, the total amount for porridge is 180 g.

Let's find out what the harm and benefit of cereals are. The porridge does not contain a large amount of fiber or vitamins, but does contain easily digestible protein and carbohydrates.

It can provide the body with useful energy for the whole day. The dish is recommended for people with stomach problems and a weakened digestive system.
In addition, porridge is a source of calcium. It is recommended for strengthening teeth and bones, as well as for chronic fatigue.

It is worth considering that porridge has a high calorie content. In this case, you can make porridge without milk.

Here are some useful tips for preparing semolina:

  1. Do not increase the heat, as this will cause the formation of extra lumps and the dish will burn.
  2. Sugar, salt and berries are added a couple of minutes before the cooking process is completed.
  3. Before boiling milk, rinse the pan with cold water.
  4. When using a multicooker, the porridge will be more uniform, fluffy and soft.
  5. For children, you can make a thicker porridge, which you cut into pieces and pour with jam, condensed milk and cream.

Traditional recipe

Let's try to make a simple recipe. By the way, if you want a quick and easy cooking method, then take a look. The dish will be especially tasty if you use milk. At the same time, the concentration of useful components increases.

To create the dish you will need:

  • 0.6 liters of milk;
  • cereal approximately 110 g;
  • 30 g sugar;
  • 50 ml water;
  • 30 grams of butter.

You can prepare the porridge in 20 minutes. This will give you an ideal and liquid consistency. 1 serving of dish contains 142 kcal.
You need to prepare it like this:

  1. First heat the water over low heat and then add the milk.
  2. Bring the liquid to a boil.
  3. Then stir the milk with one hand and add the cereal and sugar with the other.
  4. Stir the contents of the pan for five minutes.
  5. Cover the porridge with a lid and leave to finish. Oil is added to each individual serving.

Porridge in a slow cooker

Let's try to make delicious porridge for children in a slow cooker. In this case, not only cereals are used, but also a variety of berries.
You will need the following products:

  • 0.8 liters of milk;
  • 120 g semolina;
  • 100 grams each of raspberries, currants and blueberries;
  • 40 grams of sugar;
  • 30 grams of butter.

The porridge will be cooked in 30 minutes, and 100 grams of the product contains approximately 120 kcal. The advantage of cooking in a slow cooker is that the porridge does not burn and lumps do not form in it.

Cooking process:

  1. Grease the bowl with butter, then add flour, milk and sugar.
  2. On the multicooker, set the “porridge” or “multi-cook” mode.
  3. Cooking time is 10 minutes.
  4. It is not recommended to cover the device with a lid. And the porridge needs to be stirred.
  5. Rinse the berries and add them to the cereal a minute before the end of cooking.
  6. After this, turn on the “heating” mode and in 15 minutes bring the composition to complete cooking.

The dish can be served warm and garnished with raisins and candied fruits or add seasonings. What spice to add depends on personal preference. It could be vanilla, cinnamon or cardamom.

Porridge with pumpkin

Now let’s figure out how to cook semolina porridge with pumpkin for a baby.

Here's what you'll need for a glass of milk:

  • 100 g pumpkin;
  • a tablespoon of semolina;
  • salt and sugar.

Prepare like this:

  1. Place the pumpkin cut into pieces in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it so that the water covers it.
  2. Simmer the pumpkin for 15 minutes, then remove and puree.
  3. Pour milk, salt and sugar.
  4. Place on the fire and stir until it boils.
  5. Then add semolina and cook for 7 minutes.

Semolina with carrots

To prepare you will need the following ingredients:

  • a tablespoon of cereal;
  • carrot;
  • a glass of milk;
  • a teaspoon of butter;
  • salt and sugar.

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Wash, peel and grate the carrots, and then simmer them over low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. Then add half the butter, salt, sugar and a little water.
  3. Pour milk, bring to a boil and add cereal.
  4. Cook for 7 minutes until tender, then add butter.

Semolina casserole

Now let’s find out whether semolina porridge can be used to prepare other dishes. For example, for casseroles.

Here are the products you will need:

  • a glass of semolina;
  • 3 glasses of milk and 2 water;
  • 3 spoons of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons butter;
  • raisins, zest and dried fruits;
  • jam and condensed milk.

Look at the main stages of preparation:

  1. First make semolina porridge.
  2. Beat the eggs with a whisk and add them to the porridge.
  3. Add orange zest and raisins.
  4. Place in the oven for 40 minutes.
  5. Cut the finished baked goods into portions.

You can serve currant sauce, jam or condensed milk with the casserole. Try a variety of recipes and enjoy your meal!

See you again, dear friends!

Delicious semolina porridge, the proportions of milk and semolina in which are a prerequisite for obtaining a decent taste, is liked by many. And no matter how much they repeat that semolina itself, in comparison with other cereals, contains an order of magnitude less useful substances, for a sufficiently large number of adults and children this porridge is the most pleasant. This porridge comes in.

Calculating the norm is not difficult, for this you need to remember a simple proportion: per liter of liquid, 6 tablespoons of cereal are required. Table spoons are used, not dessert spoons! If you measure cereal in grams, it will be about 100 g, i.e. half a “cut” glass. It should be borne in mind that a liter of liquid will yield 4 servings of porridge, designed for an adult.

Because this amount can feed the whole family. When it is necessary to prepare a smaller volume of semolina porridge, it is enough to divide the proportions of milk and semolina into 2 servings by taking 500 ml of liquid and 3 tbsp. spoons or 50 g of cereal.

If you want to get a thinner porridge, or it is intended to feed a child from a bottle, then the proportions are reduced and two teaspoons of semolina are taken per 200 ml of milk. This kind of porridge is called “five percent.” As the child grows and switches to thicker foods, the amount of cereal is increased to 10%. It is not difficult to calculate that for two hundred grams of milk it will be 20 g of semolina, i.e. still the same tablespoon at the top or one incomplete tablespoon and one teaspoon.

Important! Only semolina porridge will be tasty if the proportions of milk and semolina are met, but it has been boiled for the proper amount of time. If you don’t cook it enough, the cereal will crunch on your teeth, and if you overcook it, it will stick together into lumps. What to do.

How to cook porridge on the stove

The milk must be heated in an aluminum or stainless steel pan. If you take enamel dishes, the cereal will burn in it. When the liquid begins to boil, pour semolina into it in a thin stream.

It is convenient to do this through a sieve or pour semolina out of a funnel folded from a sheet of paper. Otherwise, the semolina will collect in unpleasant lumps, the size of which depends on the volume of cereal that ends up in the pan. And in the future it will be impossible to get rid of lumps, no matter how carefully you stir the porridge or try to grind it. Salt and sugar are taken to taste.

While pouring the cereal, semolina porridge, the proportions of milk and semolina in which depend on the desired number of servings, should be stirred continuously. This allows the cereal to mix evenly with the liquid. During the cooking process, the porridge is also stirred for 5 minutes, and then it must be removed from the heat, wrapped in a warm blanket and allowed to brew for another 10 minutes before serving. Porridge prepared in this way will be more tasty.

Advice! To prevent the semolina from burning, you need to pour a little water on the bottom of the pan or cook the porridge not with pure milk, but with a mixture of it and water. If the milk is not full-fat, its ratio to water is one to one.

How to cook semolina porridge in a slow cooker

Usually, each specific model of kitchen assistant comes with instructions that make it easier to find a recipe for semolina porridge, the proportions of milk and semolina in the multicooker for which were initially indicated. Cereals per liter of milk also take 6 tbsp. spoons But here there are two ways of preparation:

  • pouring semolina into already boiling milk, which can be obtained by setting the “steaming” mode for 10 minutes and then cooking;
  • a combination of cold milk, sugar, salt and semolina in the multicooker bowl immediately, after which cooking in the “porridge” mode. The cereal must be thoroughly stirred before cooking.

The latter method is more convenient, since it does not require the presence of the hostess in the kitchen; all products can be added in advance and a timer can be set. However, sometimes you can see in reviews that it does not get rid of lumps in porridge, so it is difficult to call it ideal. Secrets.

Delicious semolina porridge without creepy lumps is the pride of every housewife. To cook this popular porridge with milk correctly, you will need the following tips and a recipe proven by many generations.

6 secrets of perfect semolina porridge with milk

If you are just on the path to gaining experience in the culinary arts, it is better to start preparing semolina porridge by studying the features of the technological process. Sometimes, these details are often missed, so the porridge turns out not entirely tasty.

  • Secret No. 1: To make the dish tender and aromatic, with a subtle creamy aftertaste, its recipe must include milk. If you are trying to limit this product, it is quite possible to dilute it with water. Even a milk to water ratio of 1:3 will improve the taste of the porridge several times.
  • Secret No. 2: Although semolina porridge seems like a simple dish that does not require strict dosage, this is not entirely true. To ensure that its consistency is not too liquid and moderately thick, a certain ratio of products will have to be adhered to. The ideal combination is 6 tbsp. l. cereals per 1 liter of liquid.
  • Secret No. 3: You need to be able to pour semolina into milk in time. The cereal is always dipped only into boiled milk; this must be done very slowly and be sure to stir the porridge at the same time. This will prevent the appearance of tasteless lumps. You can do this another way: moisten the porridge with a small amount of cool water, then pour boiled milk into it and cook until tender.
  • Secret No. 4: Improve the taste of semolina porridge. Salt and sweetener should be added only when the milk is boiling. And butter, dried fruits, berries and other additives are added to the porridge after it is ready.
  • Secret #5: Boil milk correctly. It tends to burn while cooking porridge. To prevent this from happening, rinse it with very cold water before pouring it into the pan. After this, the porridge will not burn.
  • Secret #6: Don't cook porridge for too long. It will be ready in 5-7 minutes. After this, you can add oil and beat the semolina porridge with a whisk. Believe me, you will find its delicate taste excellent.

Step-by-step recipe for semolina porridge with milk

Now you can start preparing semolina porridge. What you will need for this:

  • Milk - 500 ml.
  • Semolina - 3 tbsp. l. with top.
  • Granulated sugar - 2.5 tsp.
  • Salt - a small pinch.
  • Butter - 1.5-2 tbsp. l.
  • Berries, jam, cocoa or other filling - to taste.

So, how to prepare delicious semolina porridge:

  • Rinse the container with ice water, pour in milk, and bring to a boil. At this stage, if desired, you can dilute it with water.
  • Add salt and also sweeten the milk.
  • Start adding semolina in a thin stream, remembering to stir the porridge.
  • Cook the dish for 5-6 minutes over medium heat. During this time, the semolina will swell well.
  • Now all you have to do is add the butter, beat the porridge and pour into plates.

Semolina porridge with milk can be served with your favorite jam, flavored jam or melted chocolate. In the summer season, you can add fresh or ground berries with sugar to the porridge, and in winter - dried fruits. Bon appetit!