The Hoya Bachu forest in Romania is one of the creepiest places on planet Earth. UFOs are often seen here, people disappear, they see ghostly figures, etc. Along with Draucula's castle, this place is one of the most favorite places for paranormal investigators to visit in Transylvania.


Deep in Romania lies the city of Cluj-Napoca, the second most populous city in the country. Surrounded by forests and meadows, it is considered the capital of the historical province of Transylvania.

Locals love to walk in the picturesque surroundings around the city, with the exception of the Hoya-Bachu forest.

From the very first chronicles it is known that the locals are afraid of this forest, believing that this is the gate to another world. Mystical lights are visible at night among the trees, to which there is a lot of evidence from people watching this outside the forest.

Another phenomenon in the forest is the "Time Loop". To many people who entered the forest, it seemed that very little time had passed, but upon leaving the forest they encountered search parties that had been raised in search of them. It seemed to the missing people that they had spent only a few hours in the forest, when in fact they could not be found for several days.

One five-year-old girl ran after a butterfly and did not notice how she ran into the forest. She disappeared without a trace. Five years later, the girl, in the same clothes and completely unchanged, came out of the forest, holding a caught butterfly in her hands. It seemed to her that only a few minutes had passed.

One story claims the opposite phenomenon of "time". One girl went into the forest, spent only a few hours there, but when she left it, she added several years to her age.

In August 1968, one of the most famous events took place in the forest. The 45-year-old military technician ignored the warnings of the locals and went into the woods to spend the weekend with his girlfriend and friends.

In the afternoon, he was collecting firewood in order to kindle a fire at night, but he heard the cries of his friends. He returned to them and saw a low-flying, bright object moving silently through the air just above the trees.

The object then made several quick maneuvers before shooting like an arrow into the sky and out of sight.

This was neither the first nor the last UFO sighting in this forest, and throughout the 1970s, Hoya Bachu became a destination for many UFO researchers. One known photograph of an unidentified object hovering above the trees was taken here.

Various sources claim that the photo was taken by either Emil Barnia or Alexandru Sift. However, most sources say that this photo was taken by Sift.

Nowadays, in connection with all these legends, the forest began to attract a huge number of researchers of the paranormal, and other people who are attracted by everything unknown. Although the locals warn them not to venture into the forest, entire research teams head into it, hoping to stumble upon something interesting or experience the forest's influence for themselves.

Although many have felt unwell in the forest and found themselves burned, in general their experience is slightly different from that of the locals.

Be careful if you happen to get into this forest, do not leave the beaten paths. You can see humanoid shadows in the branches of trees, hear disembodied voices, some rustling and the most terrible thing is girlish laughter. For some reason, local residents did not report such incidents.

Perhaps this is happening because the intentions of the explorers are different from the intentions of the locals, who are eager to leave the forest as soon as possible, and the forest itself and its inhabitants understand this. Perhaps this is due to the researchers themselves, who seek to establish contact with the other world and even use electronic equipment for this.

Paranormal activity intensifies as the area known as "The Circle" approaches. Here, deep inside Hoya-Bachu, there is a place, in the form of a circle, where no trees grow. Locals believe that spirits live here. It is believed that once upon a time there was a peasant settlement on this clearing, but, according to legend, it was destroyed when enemies came here and staged a real massacre.

There is a version that it is the ghosts of the destroyed settlement that now live in Hoya-Bachu, and it is in this “circle” that researchers encounter the most unusual anomalies. Basically, these are attacks by invisible entities.

As a portal for ghosts and spirits, as well as a UFO visitation site, Hoya Bachu is a dream come true for paranormal investigators. Perhaps someone lives in the forest or there is something that causes all these phenomena. Or maybe all these oddities are caused by some one phenomenon that is not yet known to science. Who knows?

In Romania, there is the Hoya-Bachu forest, which has gained fame as a mysterious place in Europe. Even 100 years ago it was an ordinary forest in which people gathered mushrooms, berries, sawed trees for firewood. Transport highways of that time passed through it, along which it was possible to drive even at night, but something happened and the forest began to change. The roads are overgrown, and at night only fearless people or psychics can go into this forest.

Unusual Disappearances in the Hoya-Bachu Forest

At the beginning of the last century, the trees in this forest began to bend before our eyes and take on a bizarre shape, the ground was overgrown with moss, and animals and birds disappeared. And this is not because of the exorbitant appetite of people, they left on their own. People began to say that the devil himself chose this forest.

This rumor got stronger after the disappearance of the shepherd. In the early morning, a shepherd nicknamed Bachu drove a flock of sheep to a neighboring town to a fair, and his path passed through the devil's forest. He was warned about the notoriety of the forest, but he did not believe the horror stories. The search for the shepherd began after he did not bring the cattle at the appointed time, and the merchants who had already paid the advance raised a fuss.

More than 1,000 people participated in the search for the shepherd and 200 heads of sheep, but no body of the shepherd or sheep was found. Moreover, they did not even find traces of their presence in the forest. Residents of nearby villages were interviewed, but no one saw anything. At first they thought that he was killed and robbed by robbers, but it is unrealistic to hide such a large number of sheep. Since then, the forest has been called Hoya-Bachu.

Legends of the forest Hoya-Bachu

Girl with a butterfly

From that time on, people still disappeared in the forest, but this could already be explained by the attack of wild animals. And some people after they disappeared again returned. Such an incident happened to a girl who chased a butterfly and ran into the forest.

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The search did not yield results and the heartbroken parents put up with the death of their daughter, but after 5 years she returned. She was wearing the same clothes and in her hand she held a butterfly. After questioning the girl, people were shocked, according to her perception, no more than 10 minutes had passed and she did not understand why everyone was so alarmed.

Or maybe aliens?

The forest is also visited by ufologists in search of alien life. Residents of settlements adjacent to the forest often see unidentified flying objects in the air above the forest. And the photographs taken in the forest are full of various balls or silhouettes that are not visible to the naked eye.

Scientists cannot understand and explain the reason for the strange phenomena occurring in the forest. And the inhabitants for themselves accepted one version, which, in their opinion, explains the strange phenomenon of the forest. They believe that in the bald meadow there is a portal to another world, in which people disappear and strange creatures appear.

The sights of Europe are the center of attraction for tourists and travelers from all over the world. In the heart of Eastern Europe, in Romania, there is one unusual place - the mysterious forest of Hoya Bachu, infamous for numerous UFO visits, screams coming from the thicket and strange burns that appear on people who visit this ominous place.

Mysterious Hoya Bachu forest in Romania

In Romania, a country known for its creepy stories and dark stone castles, there is a forest that holds terrible secrets. Hoya Bachu Forest can be found in the heart of Transylvania, near the ancient city of Cluj-Napoca. Often referred to as Romania's "Bermuda Triangle", the densely wooded area is famous for its paranormal activity, including UFOs, strange sounds and camera-captured spectral entities.

The locals are convinced that the devil himself roams the forest. Those who visit Hoya Bacha experience feelings of anxiety, as well as bouts of nausea or migraines. Often people have unexplained rashes, scratches and burns on the skin. However, the mysterious nature of the forest does not end with its harmful effects on humans. Some deformed trees grow in an interesting way, and in place of some of them, for some unknown reason, charred trunks can be seen. Despite the terrible stories and stories, this kind continues to attract the attention of tourists, especially fans of everything supernatural and mysterious.

Ideal place for a UFO landing

The forest was named after a shepherd who disappeared into the area with a flock of two hundred sheep. Most of the people who live nearby are afraid to go there because of the many scary stories and legends that have been passed down through the years by word of mouth. They believe that those who go far into the sinister forest will never return home. Fairy tales are fairy tales, but how to explain the fact that some electronic devices fail in the forest? Investigators of the paranormal attribute such problems to the supernatural activity of this place.

Deep in the forest there is an almost perfect circular clearing devoid of plants and trees, it is likely that this place serves as a landing strip for alien spaceships. Numerous photographs taken of these locations show strange disc-shaped lights hovering above the treetops. Of course, rumors of time travel and doors to other dimensions are certainly exaggerated, however, it is clear that there is something in this forest that makes you shudder at the slightest creak, especially in the evening.

Holidays in Europe can become unforgettable for those who have planned their trip to Romania, the land of vampires and ghosts, where the spirit of mysticism hovers everywhere. In the vicinity of the city of Cluj-Napoca, there is the most mystical and strange forest, legends and myths about which have been passed down from generation to generation for a long time. The proof that this is not another terrible fable about Dracula is that signs of magnetic anomalies, electromagnetic and unusual infrasonic vibrations were indeed recorded in the forest.

Romania is simply a treasure trove of mysticism and various devilry. In addition to the gloomy castle of Vlad the Impaler, known to everyone as Count Dracula, there are still places where it is undesirable for the especially impressionable to go. But if you are tired of conventional routes, you love nature and are looking for adventure on your own head, then this collection is for you.

Hoya-Bachu Forest

Called the "Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania", the forest near the city of Cluj-Napoca is one of the most active regions in the world in terms of paranormal activity. Once a shepherd disappeared here along with his flock, and no one was able to find him or even a part of the sheep. Since then, the forest has been infamous. Locals say that those entering Hoya Bachu suddenly experience a strange feeling of nausea and at the same time constantly feel that someone is chasing them. And it's not just impressions. Unexplained phenomena were captured by cameras: UFOs hovering in the air, shadows, strange silhouettes.

witch lake

Continuing the mystical tour, you can look into another Bold Cretjesca forest, 30 kilometers from Bucharest. There is a mysterious lake there. Its depth is 1.5 meters and remains unchanged in hot weather and during the rainy season. There are no frogs or birds here. Animals always bypass this place and even in a drought they do not drink enchanted water. Locals say that for a long time witches and sorcerers have come to the lake to perform secret rituals. It is believed that the lake is a source of some mental energy for those who can feel it. Seems like a good place for meditation.

Forest of Radovan

And in this forest, located in Dolj County, ghosts live. More precisely, the ghost of a young woman dressed in a wedding dress. They say that this is the ghost of a girl who came from Moldova to earn money for her family, but hanged herself in the forest of Radovan, thinking that she was pregnant. Others believe that the ghost of a girl appears in the forest, whose fiancé died right before the wedding. The news of his death made her jump into the well in her wedding dress. But even after death, she did not stop looking for her beloved. That is why the bride appears only in front of the cars of unmarried guys. Legends are legends, but on the road that runs along the forest, you really have to be very careful.

Longgang Hill

On the Longgang Hill between the villages of Sarka and Longgan of the Yassy County, it is also impossible to enjoy the local beauties in silence - and mysterious phantoms wander here. They say that soldiers who died during the First World War were buried in a mass grave in this place. Buried without a religious rite, their souls did not find peace. So the restless walk on the earth.

Trovant Museum-Reserve

In the south of Romania, there are no ghosts among the sand quarries of the Valcea region, but “living” stones, called “trovants”, grow there. Their size ranges from a few grams to several tons, and the largest specimens reach a height of 10 meters. The most interesting thing is that such huge boulders many years ago were just small pebbles. According to geologists, the reason for the growth of stones lies in the increased mineralization of sandstone rocks. Rain water activates a chemical reaction inside the trovants, and the pressure inside the stone causes it to grow. The whole process resembles budding, and scientists are seriously thinking about the question: are the stones still unknown to mankind an inorganic life form?

Some forests on Earth are truly creepy places. Strangely curved trees, flickering shadows, unknown sounds emanating from the void, chilling the soul with a piercing echo of the howl of animals instill in a person the fear of the unknown and mystical. For the most part, as a rule, there is no real danger in all this, and this eerie feeling is only present in our minds, but what is happening in one sinister forest of Transylvania actually exists, and can drive even the most convinced skeptic crazy. . The legendary habitat of vampires, ghouls and werewolves - Transylvania (region of Romania), is also known for its cursed forest; dark, ominous, full of various inexplicable phenomena and strange incidents.

The forest of Hoia-Baciu is located to the west of the city of Cluj-Napoca in Transylvania, in a far from remote and frequently visited area. This area is very popular among explorers because of its huge number of strange phenomena. Although the area of ​​the forest is only 3 square kilometers, it nevertheless has a long history of unexplained phenomena, and boasts a full range of oddities, including the appearance of ghosts, UFOs, magnetic anomalies, ghosts, spectral faces, disembodied voices, mysterious disappearances, unexplained physical impact on visitors. It is hard to imagine such a place on Earth where so many oddities would be concentrated in such a small area. For all his inexplicable phenomena, Hoya-Bachi has earned the nickname "Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania."

Most of the locals avoid hiking in this forest. As it turned out, the name of the forest itself comes from an inexplicable phenomenon. Legend has it that Baciu (Romanian for "shepherd of sheep"), once led a herd of sheep through the forest, but never left it. Despite all efforts to find the shepherd, no trace of him was found, just like the traces of 200 sheep. As if they all just disappeared from the face of the Earth. The area quickly gained notoriety in local folklore as a place from which no one returns. The inhabitants of this area also believe that the ghosts of brutally murdered peasants roam the forest, and those who enter here with their own cruel thoughts will be punished by the forest in justice. This sinister reputation as a cursed place has long kept people in fear, for a long time it was considered dangerous to even talk about Hoya Bachi.

It is not difficult to understand why such legends and folklore have taken over this place. The atmosphere of Hoya Bachi is very gloomy and formidable, with its ancient, gnarled trees, in the bark of which you can see screaming faces, strange signs, and burns on the trunks. Electronic equipment in the forest refuses to work, and the compass needle spins in all directions. Eyewitnesses often talk about the immaterial thick air that permeates the space around with fear. The most common manifestations in the forest that visitors encounter include unexplained, strong and severe anxiety, excessive thirst, feeling someone is watching, fear, sudden, powerful panic attacks for no apparent reason, and a strong desire to flee, even with the absence of any danger.

Some visitors have reported severe migraines, and feelings of disorientation, nausea, dizziness, a sense of wasted time, and unexplained sharp pains in various parts of the body. Among the mysterious incidents in the forest, eyewitnesses testified to a loss of consciousness, later they found themselves in a completely different place and could not understand how much time had passed. Others described powerful memories of their past that literally came crashing down on them when they entered the forest, but then disappeared as soon as the person left this cursed place. In other cases, people have reportedly gone on astral journeys, they have described how their consciousness would fly, they would see themselves from above, they would see the forest, and then they would come back to the body again. Many people, just a few minutes after they entered the forest, experienced such strange physical sensations as tingling in the body, tickling, or electric current. Occasionally, Hoya Bachi guests complained of unexplained physical injuries such as nosebleeds, bruises, scratches, scars, and even burns appearing on the body on their own.

However, an all-pervasive cloud of anxiety, feelings of being watched, mysterious physical sensations and injuries inflicted by invisible forces do not seem to be the worst thing that can happen in Hoya Bachi. Travelers report that they often hear disembodied voices or laughter. Perhaps the most terrible phenomenon in the forest is considered to be suddenly flashing faces of people in front of frightened visitors. These faces can also be seen in the photographs taken in this forest. Mutilated, distorted faces also materialize from the trees themselves, here you can find thickets of branches that seem to grow into faces. Separate reports tell of a thick black fog that seeps through trees and bushes. Among other things, unknown otherworldly voices can be heard from radios and telephones in these places.

Forests can be really spooky places, but there seems to be something going on in Hoya Bachi that goes beyond "just" spooky.