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As a manuscript

Abdulnatipov Muslim Gayirbegovich





Specialty 05.20.01 – Technologies and means of mechanization

Dissertations for the degree of candidate of technical sciences

Volgograd – 2013

The work was carried out at the Dagestan State Agrarian University named after M.M. Dzhambulatov"

Scientific director: Baybulatov Taslim Sultanbekovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Official opponents: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the USSR State Prize, Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation, Volgograd State Agrarian University, Professor of the Department of Mechanics

Pyndak Viktor Ivanovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, LLC Intertekhnika, Volgograd, Head of the Warranty Department Abezin Dmitry Aleksandrovich

Leading organization: State scientific institution "Dagestan Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture" (Makhachkala)

The defense will take place on November 18, 2013 at 12:30 p.m. at a meeting of the dissertation council D 220.008.02 at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Volgograd State Agrarian University" at the address: 400002, Volgograd, Universitetsky Ave., 26, meeting room of the dissertation council.

The dissertation can be found in the library of the Volgograd State Agrarian University.

Scientific secretary of the dissertation council Alexey Ivanovich Ryadnov


Relevance research topics. Weed control is an important reserve for increasing agricultural productivity.

On moderately infested crops and plantings, the yield of agricultural crops is reduced: wheat by 25, potatoes by 35, corn by 45, rice by 75% or more, and if the weeds are widespread, they lead to complete death.

It has been established that it is not rational to use herbicides in one technological operation; it is preferable to combine their application with other technological operations of soil cultivation. In this case, the greatest agrotechnological effect and economic feasibility are achieved, while the infestation of agricultural crops is reduced by 85–90%, productivity is significantly increased and the costs are fully recouped.

The method of applying herbicides used on farms in the Republic of Dagestan is environmentally unsafe and economically unprofitable:

When using herbicides, surface spraying is carried out, and then harrowing is carried out to incorporate them into the soil.

The disadvantages of this technology are: multiple passes of machines across the field; uneven distribution of herbicides across the machine's grip;

wind drift and evaporation of the drug from the soil surface due to poor-quality incorporation into the soil and environmental deterioration.

In this regard, the creation of a combined machine for applying herbicides during pre-sowing tillage, which uses pesticides more rationally, reduces the harmful effects of tractor and agricultural machinery propulsion on the soil, ensures better incorporation of herbicides into the soil and reduces the negative impact of herbicides on the environment, is an urgent task.

The degree of development of the topic. Many scientific works of T.S. Baybulatova, V.N. Vikhracheva, A.V. Voevodin, A.I. Danilova, S.A. Ivzhenko, V.I. Klimenko, A.K. Lysenko are devoted to the issues of rational use of pesticides. Makarova A.V., Molyavko A.A., Papova G.F., Revyakina E.L., Rudakova G.M., Tudelya N.V., Kuznetsova Yu.N., Shmonina V.A., Yunaeva A. .A. and etc.

However, many issues of applying herbicides and their incorporation into the soil, as well as the machines and units used, are not yet sufficiently scientifically and experimentally substantiated. This leads to significant losses of highly volatile herbicides, violation of agrotechnical requirements and the environment, and, ultimately, to the ineffectiveness of the drugs used.

Purpose The research is to increase the efficiency of applying and incorporating herbicides into the soil during pre-sowing tillage by improving the design of the combined machine and optimizing its main parameters.

To achieve this goal, the following main tasks research:

To improve the design and technological scheme of a combined machine for applying herbicides during pre-sowing tillage;

Carry out theoretical studies to determine the optimal design and technological parameters of the blade working body for incorporating herbicides into the soil during its pre-sowing treatment;

Conduct laboratory and field tests of a prototype for the application of herbicides during pre-sowing tillage;

Determine the technical and economic efficiency of using a combined machine.

The scientific novelty of the work consists of:

An improved design and technological scheme of a combined machine for applying herbicides during pre-sowing tillage, which provides for the use of a windproof device that eliminates the evaporation of herbicides as much as possible and ensures their high-quality incorporation into the soil;

Analytical dependencies characterizing the movement of a soil particle by a blade working body, allowing one to determine the flight altitude, longitudinal and transverse movement of the soil particle;

Optimal design and technological parameters of the blade working body, ensuring high-quality crumbling of the soil and the incorporation of herbicides into it.

Theoretical and practical significance work. The parameters and operating modes of the blade working body are substantiated, characterizing the quality of herbicide distribution in the soil during pre-sowing tillage.

The technology and design and technological scheme of the combined machine for applying herbicides during pre-sowing tillage have been improved, the implementation of which ensures sufficient resource saving:

herbicide losses are reduced by up to 40%, labor costs are reduced by 50-55%;

soil compaction during the pre-sowing period is reduced; The environment is preserved and working conditions for tractor drivers are improved.

Methodology and research methods. Theoretical studies were carried out on the basis of well-known laws and methods of optimization, probability theory, and the theory of experiment planning. Experimental studies were carried out using standard and private methods with subsequent processing on a computer with appropriate software.

Provisions for defense:

Improved design and technological scheme of a combined machine for applying herbicides during pre-sowing tillage;

Optimal design and technological parameters and operating modes of the blade working body of a combined machine for applying herbicides during pre-sowing tillage;

Results of laboratory and field tests of a prototype, the effectiveness of its use.

Degree of reliability and testing of results. The reliability of the main provisions, conclusions and recommendations is confirmed by the results of experimental studies in laboratory and field conditions, software calculations on a computer, positive results of production tests of a combined machine developed and introduced into agricultural production for applying herbicides during pre-sowing tillage.

Basic provisions dissertation work was reported at scientific and practical conferences of the Dagestan State Agricultural Academy (Makhachkala, 2010...2012), Michurinsk State Agrarian University (Michurinsk, 2010), at the III round of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture Russia (Saratov, 2011), as well as at a theoretical seminar of engineering faculties of Volgograd State Agrarian University (2013) and published in 10 scientific papers with a total volume of 4.6 pp. (1.8 p.l.

Innovative projects on the research topic were awarded diplomas at the regional exhibition-fair “Dagprodexpo” (Makhachkala, 2009; 2010); diploma and silver medal at the XIV Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies “Archimedes”

(Moscow, 2011); diploma at the competition “U.M.N.I.K” (participant of the youth research competition) (Makhachkala 2013).

In the introduction the relevance of the work and its practical significance are substantiated, the purpose and objectives of the research are determined, the main scientific provisions that are submitted for defense are presented.

In the first chapter“State of the issue, purpose and objectives of the research”, the harmfulness and harm of weeds to cultivated plants was studied; the timing of herbicide application was studied; An analysis of the technologies and machines used for applying herbicides and for pre-sowing tillage was carried out.

The conducted patent search and literature review revealed that the most promising directions in the development of machines for applying herbicides during pre-sowing tillage is the creation of either combined machines that apply herbicides with other technological operations (pre-sowing treatment, sowing, cultivation, etc.) in one technological passage with a relatively small working width, or single- or multi-operational wide-cut machines. For the conditions of the Republic of Dagestan with small fields and uneven terrain, the first direction is more promising.

Thus, when using combined machines for applying herbicides during pre-sowing tillage, the number of passes of units across the field is reduced, herbicides are used more rationally, the harmful effects of tractors and agricultural machines on the soil are reduced, the quality of herbicide application and tillage is improved, the environment is preserved and conditions are improved work of tractor drivers.

Based on the foregoing, it follows that it is necessary to carry out theoretical and experimental research to improve the design and optimize the parameters of the working parts of a combined machine that ensures the application of herbicides during pre-sowing tillage, in accordance with the requirements of agricultural technology and ecology.

In the second chapter“Theoretical justification of the main parameters of a combined machine for applying herbicides during pre-sowing tillage”, a design and technological diagram of a combined machine for applying herbicides during pre-sowing tillage is presented, analytical dependencies are determined that describe the movement of a soil particle by a blade working body, which make it possible to determine the flight altitude, longitudinal and lateral movement of soil particles; A theoretical justification was carried out and the optimal design and technological parameters of the knife working body were determined.

To apply herbicides during pre-sowing tillage, a prototype of a combined machine was made - a boom sprayer (Fig. 1), which consists of a container for herbicide solution 1, a distribution rod with distributors 2, a windproof device 3, blade working parts 4, a frame 5, blade 6 batteries, 7 flexible hose. The windproof device has a lightweight frame made of polypropylene pipes with transparent moisture-absorbing material stretched over it.

In this case, a mobile chamber is formed, which minimizes the evaporation of herbicides, ensuring their continuous and uniform distribution over the application area, eliminates losses as much as possible, regardless of wind strength, allows for their economical use, creates more comfortable working conditions for tractor drivers and improves the environmental situation.

Knife working parts, assembled into batteries, perform high-quality loosening of the soil and incorporation of herbicides into it.

This design of the combined machine ensures a more rational and economical use of herbicides, which meets the requirements of agricultural technology for their continuous application during pre-sowing tillage.

We theoretically substantiated the movement of a soil particle by a knife working body, which made it possible to determine the longitudinal and transverse movement of the soil particle.

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In the third chapter“Program and methodological support for experimental research” shows the program and objectives of experimental research, and describes the object of research and the experimental setup.

The experimental research program consisted of performing laboratory and field experiments to address the following questions:

Determination of the optimal parameters of the blade working body for incorporating herbicides into the soil and crumbling it;

Conducting field research to study the effect of using a combined machine for applying herbicides during pre-sowing tillage on its physical and mechanical composition;

Determination of the effect of herbicide use on crop infestation and yield.

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The output indicators when performing laboratory and field studies of knife working parts were: change in the depth of herbicide placement hz and the depth of treatment ho from ATT, in percentage terms Y (%). Using a multifactorial experiment carried out according to Rechtshafner's plan, the values ​​of the factors corresponding to the optimal ones were obtained: x1 – knife radius, mm, x2 – bend angle of the knife to the degree axis, x3 – length of the knife flange, mm.

Laboratory and field research was carried out taking into account the following methods and GOSTs: “Methodology of field experience with the basics of statistical processing of research results” B.A. Dospehova, GOST 20915-75 “Agricultural machinery, methods for determining test conditions”, OST 106.1-2000. “Sprayers and machines for preparing working fluid, OST 70.4.2-80 “Machines and tools for surface tillage. Test program and methodology”, etc.

In the fourth chapter “Results of experimental studies”

The obtained data on optimization of the parameters of the studied knife working body, performed on the basis of laboratory and field tests, are presented, and their analysis is carried out.

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To ensure minimal unevenness in the depth of herbicide placement hz at a given level of unevenness in the depth of treatment hо (2.6%), it is necessary to select the following intervals of optimal factor values: x1= – 0.1…+ 0.1 (194…196 mm), x2 = – 0.1…+ 0.1 (74.5…75.5 degrees), x3= – 0.1…+ 0.1 (84.5…85.5 mm) and x4 = – 0.7… – 0.9 (2.78...2.63 m/s). In this case, the unevenness of the herbicide placement depth hз will be 2.3%, and the unevenness of the treatment depth hо = 2.6%.

Using two-dimensional sections of response surfaces, a compromise problem was solved: intervals of optimal values ​​of the parameters of the knife working body were determined, providing an acceptable value for the unevenness of their distribution (up to 20%).

To confirm the theoretical calculations, we conducted laboratory studies on the uniform distribution of herbicides over the application surface and at the depth of placement.

Research results showed that when planting herbicides (cubes) into the soil with blade working parts, up to 72.6% of the drug is concentrated at the depth of weed seeds. The use of disc working bodies shows that about 61.8% end up on the soil surface or to a depth of more than 80 mm, which is an ineffective use of herbicides (Table 2).

From the data obtained it is clear that when using knife working bodies, better incorporation of herbicides into the soil is ensured compared to disk working bodies, i.e. distribution of herbicides into the area where weed seeds are concentrated.

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The results of the research, the influence of different values ​​of the angle of bend of the knife to the axis and the length of the knife flange of the working parts on the depth of tillage and on the depth of incorporation of herbicides into the soil, are presented in Figure 5.

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The analysis of the data obtained as a result of laboratory experiments showed that with an increase in the bend angle of the knife to the axis and the length of the knife flange, the studied parameters increase. With the length of the knife flange L = 85 mm, an increase in the bend angle of the knife to the axis from = 650 to = 850 led to an increase in the depth of tillage by 47 mm, and the depth of herbicide placement by 50 mm and the required values ​​were provided at the bend angle of the knife flange to the axis = 750.

At a constant value of the bend angle of the knife flange to the axis = 750, the values ​​required by agricultural technology, the depth of cultivation and the depth of incorporation of herbicides into the soil were ensured with a length of the knife flange L = 85 mm.

The agrotechnological assessment of the work of knife and disk working bodies showed that cutting the soil into fractions with knife working bodies is much better, because the blade working elements work like a milling machine, and soil crumbling improves.

Based on the data obtained, the dependences of the change in the percentage of soil fractions k (0...10, 10...25, 25...100 mm) on the speed of movement of the combined machine v (km/h) for various working bodies of pre-sowing tillage ( Fig. 6).

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As can be seen from Figure 6, the content of the fraction with particle sizes of 1...10 mm when cultivating the soil with knife working tools in the range of optimal speeds (6...12 km/h) is 56.8...62.2%, which is 8 ,2... 9.8% exceeds the content of this fraction after tillage of the soil with disk working bodies (Fig. 6, a). The content of soil fractions of 10...25 and 25...50 mm indicates that when cultivating the soil with knife working bodies, smaller soil particles (fraction 10...25 mm) predominate, while tillage with disk working bodies leads to an increase in the content of the 25...50 mm fraction (Fig. 6, b, c).

Field studies showed that the use of the proposed combined machine for applying herbicides during pre-sowing tillage (Fig. 7) contributed to: a decrease in the ridgeness of the soil surface after the blade working bodies amounted to 8.7%; reducing soil density in the 0...200 mm horizon by 8-14%, and hardness by an average of 9.8%; improvement of the structural composition of the soil, the number of lumps measuring 1...25 mm increased by 28.8%, and fractions up to 1 mm decreased by 16.4%, which is a decrease in the dust content of the soil.

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In the fifth chapter, “Technical and economic assessment of the efficiency of using a combined machine for applying herbicides during pre-sowing tillage,” it is noted that when using the proposed combined machine, labor costs are reduced by 52% (from 177.1 to 88.9 man-hours).

per 100 hectares), the cost of applying herbicides is reduced by 652.31 thousand rubles;

grain yield increases by 16.4%; net present value for 3 years of operation is 30,292.13 thousand rubles. on an area of ​​100 hectares; payback period 0.5 years.


1. An analysis of literary sources and a patent search showed that an economically feasible and environmentally friendly way to combat weeds is to apply herbicides during pre-sowing tillage using improved technologies and a combined machine.

2. The equation for the trajectory of movement of a soil particle by a blade working body was theoretically substantiated and obtained, which makes it possible to determine the flight altitude, longitudinal and transverse movement of the soil. These quantities are functions of the angle of inclination of the knife shelf to the axis, the angle of attack of the batteries, the length of the knife shelf l, the translational speed n, and the processing depth ho.

The design and technological parameters of the knife working body have been determined at the forward speed of the combined machine

1 p = 2.56 m/s: rotation speed p = 125.4 min, feed S z = 30 cm, knife diameter D = 390 mm, number of knives Z = 4 pcs.

3. As a result of optimizing the parameters of the knife working body, it was obtained: in order to ensure minimal unevenness of the herbicide application depth hz at a given level of unevenness of the treatment depth hо (2.6%), it is necessary to select the following intervals of optimal factor values: knife radius R = 195 mm, the bend angle of the knife to the axis = 750, the length of the knife shelf L = 85 mm and the speed of movement = 2.63 m/s. In this case, the unevenness of the herbicide placement depth hз will be 2.3%, and the unevenness of the treatment depth hо = 2.6%.

4. As a result of laboratory experiments of the knife working body, it was established that with an increase in the bend angle of the knife to the axis = 70...80 0, the processing depth and the depth of herbicide placement increase, respectively, by 27 and 16 mm, and is in the range of 60-80 mm , which meets the agrotechnical requirements for the application of herbicides. When the angle of bend of the knife to the axis = 750, the drug is distributed in the soil more densely and evenly.

Research has shown that with an increase in the length of the knife flange, there is an increase in both the depth of processing and the depth of herbicide application, and the optimal value of the length of the knife flange is L = 85 mm.

Field studies showed that the use of the proposed combined machine for applying herbicides during pre-sowing tillage contributed to: reducing the ridgedness of the soil surface by 8.7%;

reducing soil density in the 0...200 mm horizon by 8-14%, and hardness by an average of 9.8%; improvement of the structural composition of the soil, the number of lumps measuring 1...25 mm increased by 28.8%, and fractions up to 1 mm decreased by 16.4%, which is a decrease in the dust content of the soil.

5. When using a combined machine for applying herbicides during pre-sowing tillage, with blade working bodies, labor costs are reduced by 50.2% (from 151.9 to 76.3 man-hours), the cost of technological operations performed is reduced by 14 .95 thousand rubles; grain yield increases by 16.4%; net present value for three years of operation and on an area of ​​100 hectares is 1,540 thousand rubles;

2. To apply soil herbicides during pre-sowing tillage, use a combined machine with a windproof device, which minimizes the evaporation of herbicides, ensuring their continuous and uniform distribution over the application area, eliminates losses, regardless of wind strength, allows for their economical use, and creates more comfortable conditions. labor for tractor drivers and the environmental situation improves.

3. To incorporate herbicides during their pre-sowing application, use blade working bodies assembled in batteries, which perform high-quality loosening of the soil and incorporation of herbicides into it.

4. A combined machine is proposed for applying herbicides during pre-sowing tillage with the following parameters and operating modes: average speed n = 2.56 m/s; angle of attack of batteries = 20 0; knife diameter D=390 mm, number of knives Z=4 pcs; bend angle of knife to axis = 750; knife shelf length L = 85 mm.

Prospects for further development of the topic

Improve technologies for the use of soil herbicides in combination with technological operations such as sowing grain crops, planting potatoes, etc.;

To substantiate the dependence of the number of sprayers and the distance between them on the uniformity of distribution of herbicides over the field surface, when using a windproof device;

Conduct research into the influence of various types of blade working bodies or their combinations on the uniformity of herbicide application and the quality of pre-sowing soil treatment, depending on the physical and mechanical properties.

1. Ivzhenko, S.A. Theoretical basis for studying the quality and uniformity of herbicide distribution in soil / S.A. Ivzhenko, T.S. Baybulatov, M.G. Abdulnatipov // Bulletin of Michurinsky State Agrarian University. – 2010. -№1. – P. 52-55.

2. Baybulatov, T.S. Results of studies of a combined unit / T.S. Baybulatov, S.A. Suleymanov, M.G. Abdulnatipov // Problems of development of the regional agro-industrial complex. – Makhachkala, 2011. - No. 2(6). – pp. 51-53.

3. Ivzhenko, S.A. Distribution of herbicides by area and depth of application / S.A. Ivzhenko, T.S. Baybulatov, M.G. Abdulnatipov // Problems of development of the regional agro-industrial complex. – Makhachkala, 2011. - No. 3(11). – pp. 78-83.

b) in other publications:

4. Baybulatov, T.S. Harmfulness of weeds on agricultural crops / T.S. Baybulatov, M.G. Abdulnatipov // Modern problems and prospects for the development of agricultural science, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War: collection. articles int. scientific-practical conf. – Makhachkala, 2010. – P. 195 Abdulnatipov, M.G. Analysis of methods for controlling weeds / M.G. Abdulnatipov, T.S. Baybulatov // “Modern problems, prospects and innovative trends in the development of agricultural science”, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Dzhambulatov M.M.: collection. articles int. scientific-practical conf. – Makhachkala, 2010. – P. 432-434.

6. Abdulnatipov, M.G. Analysis of working bodies for the incorporation of pesticides into the soil with its pre-sowing treatment / M.G. Abdulnatipov, T.S. Baybulatov // “Modern problems, prospects and innovative trends in the development of agricultural science”, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Dzhambulatov M.M.: collection. articles int. scientific-practical conf. – Makhachkala, 2010. – P. 435-437.

7. Ivzhenko, S.A. Justification of the trajectory of a soil particle using a knife working body / S.A. Ivzhenko, T.S. Baybulatov, M.G. Abdulnatipov // Scientific review. – M., 2011. - No. 1. – P. 20-23.

8. Baybulatov, T.S. Combined unit / T.S. Baybulatov, M.G.

Abdulnatipov // Sat. scientific works on math. III round of All-Russian. competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. – Saratov, 2011. – P. 3-6.

9. Baybulatov, T.S. Analysis of technical means for pre-sowing tillage and incorporation of herbicides into the soil / T.S. Baybulatov, M.G. Abdulnatipov // “Modern problems of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Dagestan State Agrarian University named after M.M. Dzhambulatov and the 35th anniversary of the Faculty of Engineering: collection. scientific works of All-Russian scientific-practical conf. – Makhachkala, 2012. – pp. 6-7.

10. Ivzhenko, S.A. On the issue of effective use of herbicides / S.A. Ivzhenko, T.S. Baybulatov, M.G. Abdulnatipov // “Agricultural science: modern problems and development prospects”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the formation of the Dagestan State Agrarian University named after M.M. Dzhambulatova: Sat. articles int. scientific-practical conf. – Makhachkala 2012. – S. 2015-2018.

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Specialty 05.20.01 – Technologies and means of agricultural mechanization

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Owners of patent RU 2542124:

The invention relates to the field of mechanization of agricultural production, in particular to methods that allow portionwise application of solutions of mineral fertilizers through the leaf surface and herbicides into the interval between plants in a row within the protective zone without their deposition on the leaf surface.

There is a known method of applying liquid mineral fertilizers, including their continuous application over the surface of the leaves of the crop, as well as the surface of the soil.

The disadvantage of this method is the high consumption of the working solution, since the solution of mineral fertilizers gets not only onto the leaf surface of vegetative plants, but also beyond them.

There is a known method of applying pesticides, including belt application of herbicides on the soil surface in the inter-row spaces along the rows of plants on both sides, followed by filling the treated area with soil.

The closest to the proposed method is a method that involves tape application of herbicides into the stem zone on both sides of the plant row.

The disadvantages of this method include the fact that herbicides, partially falling on the leaf surface of plants, especially in the initial phases of its growth and development, cause phytotoxicity and stunt their growth by 7-12 days.

The purpose of this invention is to reduce costs and improve the quality of spraying, as well as to minimize the negative impact of herbicides on row crops.

To achieve this goal, a method is proposed that makes it possible to spray the leaves of row crops with fertilizer solutions and apply herbicides with a tape, wherein the leaves of row crops are sprayed portionwise with a solution of mineral fertilizers, and the application of herbicides is carried out on both sides symmetrically relative to the row of plants within the protective zone with overlap, and to prevent the herbicide solution from getting on the leaves of row crops, they are lifted and brought into the zone of action of the protective shields of the device for applying fertilizers and herbicides.

The device with which it is proposed to implement this method is illustrated by the attached diagrams, where

fig. 1 - device diagram - general top view,

fig. 2 - device diagram - general side view.

The proposed device is mounted on the frame of a row-crop cultivator 6 and consists of a sprayer 1 for foliar fertilizing of row-crop vegetative crops 3. To prevent herbicides from getting on the leaves of crops, two protective shields 4 with stem lifters are mounted on both sides. On both sides there are also two spray devices 2 for applying herbicides. Sensor 5 is located in front.

During operation, when the sensor coincides with the plant, a dosed supply of liquid mineral fertilizers from sprayer 1 occurs on the surface of the leaves of row crops. When the sensor leaves the area of ​​the root crop head, the supply of fertilizers stops. Crop lifters, located on both sides symmetrically relative to the row of crops, lift the leaves of row crops and bring them into the zone of action of the protective shields 4, which prevent the herbicide solution from the sprayers 2 from reaching the leaf blade. Herbicides are continuously supplied to the sprayers, which completely treat the protective zone of the overlapping row.

The use of this method will reduce the cost of treatment and significantly improve the quality of spraying of row crops, as well as minimize the negative impact of herbicides on cultivated plants, thereby increasing their productivity.

Information sources

1. Khalansky V.M. Agricultural machines / V.M. Khalansky, I.V. Gorbachev. - M.: KolosS, 2004. - 624 p.: ill. - (Textbooks and educational aids for students of higher educational institutions).

2. Patent for invention No. 2019073, A01B 79/02. Publ. 09/15/1994. Bull. No. 27.

3. Dvoryankin E.A. Phytotoxicity and rate of decomposition of herbicides in soil and plants / E.A. Dvoryankin // Sugar beets. - 2003. - No. 2. - P.27-28.

A method of applying liquid mineral fertilizers and herbicides to row crops, characterized by spraying the leaves of row crops with fertilizer solutions and applying herbicides with a tape, wherein the leaves of row crops are sprayed portionwise with a solution of mineral fertilizers, and the application of herbicides is carried out on both sides symmetrically with respect to the row of plants within the protective zone with overlap, and to prevent the herbicide solution from getting on the leaves of row crops, they are lifted and brought into the zone of action of the protective shields of the device for applying fertilizers and herbicides.

Similar patents:

The method involves cutting turf strips 1-10 cm wide, followed by trimming, chopping and spreading them as mulch over the surface of untouched turf. In addition, turf-free soil strips are milled using vertical cutters, mineral fertilizers are locally applied to the treated soil strips, a soil bed is formed, and seeds are sown and covered with a soil ridge.

The invention relates to the field of agriculture. The method includes operations to obtain information about the physical properties, chemical composition of the soil and weather conditions in an agricultural field, as well as information about the actual harvest for the previous year on each fragment of the agricultural field, compared with signals from a system for determining spatial coordinates during harvesting, the use of mathematical models of the influence of soil and climatic factors on the final harvest, making calculations on the parameters of basic technologies before sowing plants and carrying out technological impacts in real time in accordance with these calculations for each fragment of the agricultural field.

The method of sowing seeds includes preparing a nutrient mixture, forming briquettes from it, placing seeds in them, forming furrows, introducing briquettes into them, and closing the furrows.

The invention relates to the field of agriculture, in particular to the technology of growing buckwheat. The method includes pre-sowing soil treatment with sowing seeds. Sowing seeds into the soil is carried out periodically once every two years. In the first of which, seed sowing is carried out in the late period and late harvesting is carried out by direct combining. In the second year, thickened shoots of carrion are selected to a density of 2.0-3.0 million plants per 1 hectare. Harvesting is carried out separately as the buckwheat ripens. Sowing seeds in the first year of buckwheat cultivation is carried out in the stubble to a depth of 5-6 cm in a row manner, at a rate of 3.0-3.5 million viable grains per 1 ha, with the simultaneous application of mineral fertilizers at a dose of N30P30K30. Late sowing of seeds in the first year of buckwheat cultivation is carried out in the second half of June. Late harvesting by direct combining in the first year of buckwheat cultivation is carried out by cutting the plants at a height of 20-25 cm from the soil surface. Harvesting by direct combining in the first year of buckwheat cultivation is carried out 5-7 days after the onset of the first autumn frost, which acts as desiccation - drying the leafy mass and standing grain. To increase productivity, flowering buckwheat crops are pollinated by bees at the rate of 2-4 bee colonies per 1 hectare. 6 salary f-ly, 1 ave.

The invention relates to the field of agriculture. The method includes harvesting the previous crop, applying phosphorus fertilizers, peeling stubble, and applying organic fertilizers. They carry out plowing with full rotation of the formation, leveling the relief, early spring harrowing, pre-sowing cultivation, sowing, inter-row care, vegetation irrigation and harvesting. At the same time, to enhance the photosynthetic activity of the crop during its growth and shorten the growing season, immediately before sowing the amaranth crop, a nanostructured water-phosphorite suspension, consisting of nanoparticles with sizes less than 100 nm and obtained from natural phosphorites, is added to the soil at the rate of 1.0- 2.0 kg per 1 ha of sown area. The method makes it possible to enhance the nitrogenase activity of amaranth crops during growth and shorten the growing season while maintaining the same level of yield of this crop. 2 tab., 15 pr.

The invention relates to the field of agriculture. The method includes cultivating the soil between rows and caring for plants using tillage implements in conjunction with wheeled tractors. In this case, wheeled tractors move along permanent artificial tracks with a hard surface in the root zone of hop plants. The supports for placing treadmills are made in the form of a metal pipe buried in the soil, to which two brackets are welded and two treadmills with a hard surface are placed on them. The method allows you to increase hop yields and the productivity of machine units. 2 ill.

The invention relates to the field of agriculture, soil science and land reclamation. The method includes watering using a mole drainage system, flooding rice paddies, mowing rice into windrows, threshing the windrows two to three times, leaving rice straw on the surface of the paddock. In the autumn, before fall plowing, the chemical ameliorant phosphogypsum is applied together with 60 t/ha of manure in dry form by spreading it over the surface using spreaders. The dose of ameliorant depends on the degree of soil salinity: if the content of exchangeable sodium is less than 15%, 3-5 t/ha are applied, at 15-20% - 8-10 t/ha, and if more than 20% - then 10-15 t/ha. In the spring, the subsoil layer is mowed and the treated rice seeds are sown in a row. Then the rice paddies are flooded with a layer of water of 10-12 cm. In the case of a very strong degree of soil salinity, the initially created layer is discarded after 2-3 days and the paddies are again flooded with fresh water, during the initial period of development of rice plants - from seed germination to the appearance of 2-3 leaves, during the period of germination and emergence of seedlings (23-27 days), water is discharged and during this period they are fertilized with fertilizers and growth stimulants, and treated with herbicides by air. After the mass emergence of seedlings in the phase of 2-3 leaves, a layer of water of 10-12 cm is again created in the rice field and maintained until the tillering phase, after which it is reduced to a level of 5-10 cm. If an increase in the mineralization of water in the check is noted to 2 g/l, then it is necessary to discharge it and replace it with fresh water. At the beginning of the booting phase, the water layer is increased to 15 cm and maintained until the end of milky ripeness. If the water mineralization increases, it is systematically replaced, then the water supply is stopped and when the grain is completely ripe, the water is completely discharged. The method makes it possible to prevent surface redistribution of irrigation water during irrigation, reduce infiltration recharge of groundwater, prevent secondary salinization of the root layer of soil and reduce salinization of the top layer of soil and increase rice grain yield at the level of 4-5 t/ha. 1 table

The invention relates to the field of agriculture and soil science. The method includes cutting a groove along the site to determine the moisture capacity of the soil 0.5-0.7 m long, 0.25-0.30 m wide to the depth of the calculated soil layer. Then the groove is filled with water, water is supplied to the platform from the groove by infiltration of 7-14 cm, the groove is emptied of water 30 minutes after filling with water. Cover the groove with boards or a metal sheet, and cover the adjacent area within a radius of 1.0 m from the middle of the groove with plastic film, a 20-centimeter layer of straw and a 20-centimeter layer of earth. The soil moisture in the walls of the trench is determined in layers to the studied depth after three, five, seven days in quadruple repetition until constant moisture is established, which will be considered its lowest moisture capacity (MC). Water to moisten the soil is supplied from a groove cut on the side of the experimental site, infiltrating simultaneously through all layers. The method makes it possible to reduce the period for determining NV by 16-18 days, the cost of water for its determination by 2.4 times, and the need for electronic water meters by 6-11 times. 1 salary files, 1 table.

The invention relates to the field of agriculture, in particular to the creation of cultivated pastures. The method includes sowing grass mixtures of legumes. The soil is cultivated to a depth of 20-25 cm, surface leveled and seeds are sown with row spacing of 15 cm according to the pattern of twigs - alfalfa - alfalfa - twigs. In the first year of life in May, in the budding phase - the beginning of flowering, alfalfa is harvested along with the twigs for hay. In the second year, in the spring, the twigs are used for hay, and in the winter, they are used against sheep or cattle. In other years, twigs are grazed on the standing alternately - in summer and winter, while the sowing rates for twigs are 5 kg/ha, for alfalfa - 6 kg/ha of seeds. Two-component mixtures of twigs and alfalfa are sown in winter. To self-seed the twigs, alternate between grazing the twigs in the summer and the next year in the winter once every two years. The method allows you to increase the productivity of grassland crops and improve the nutritional composition of the soil. 1 salary files, 1 table.

The invention relates to the field of agriculture. The method includes basic tillage, sowing, care and harvesting. Moreover, soil cultivation is carried out with a chisel implement with the formation of a ridged bottom of the furrow, and sowing of the crop is carried out above the depressions in the bottom of the furrow - through one depression in the first year of sowing. In the second year, sowing is carried out over the unused depressions in the bottom of the furrow of the first year, while the width of the spacing after tillage is equal to half the distance between the rows. The direction of sowing the crop is oriented perpendicular to the movement of the dominant wind. Sowing the crop above the depressions in the bottom of the furrow alternates with fallow strips, which are loosened to a depth of 0.08-0.12 m at least 2 times during the growing season. After harvesting the crop, the plant residues are treated with a biomineral preparation consisting of nitrogen fertilizers, complex humic concentrate and water, taken in a ratio of 5:0.2:94.8 at the rate of 310-320 kg per hectare. The method allows you to preserve soil fertility, destroy weeds, obtain high-quality products and save seed material. 4 salary f-ly, 4 ill., 1 table.

The group of inventions relates to agriculture. The method includes introducing material into a field by a machine having a plurality of devices for dispensing the material. The material dispensing devices are positioned to form rows as the machine moves across the field. The machine has a control system for selectively stopping the dispensing of material by one or more dispensing devices while the remaining dispensing devices continue dispensing material. The machine has a means of translational movement and a means of automated determination of location and direction. The method includes determining the perimeter of the field, determining the areas of passage of the headlands, determining the remaining central area of ​​the field inside the passages of the headlands, and selecting a starting place to begin applying material. The method also includes determining a route plan for material application, starting with round trips in the central area and turning the machine in the areas, and determining a route plan for subsequent material application in the headland areas. Each headland created around the field is equal to the full width of the machine. The area of ​​the first perimeter headland is adjacent to the outer boundary of the field. All additional headland passage areas are created within the perimeter headland passage area. According to the second option, the method also involves the use of seeds as material. This technology will minimize or eliminate compaction of seeded areas by eliminating the need for the machine to pass twice over seeded areas. 3 n. and 10 salary f-ly, 5 ill.

The invention relates to the field of agriculture and can be used mainly in conditions of rain-fed agriculture on sod-podzolic sandy loam soils with close groundwater. The method includes tillage with simultaneous formation of soil ridges. After summer deep tillage, before sowing grass, the soil is leveled and compacted in one pass using smooth water-filled rollers. Sowing is carried out with a mixture of grass that naturally grows on sod-podzolic sandy loam soils, in strip strips. Overseeding of a high-stem row crop of corn is carried out with the simultaneous formation of ridges between the tapes and inter-row cultivation is not carried out. The tall-stalked row crop corn, which has not reached its full maturity, is left until winter. Harvesting is carried out in the second year in the spring before the grass growing season with chopping and removal of the stem with leaves from the field for dry food with subsequent feed additive. In addition, grasses are sowed between strips of tapes into mechanically destroyed ridges and grasses are fed, which are harvested during the full growing season. The distance between the stripes is 20-25 m, and the row spacing of corn is 70 cm. The technical result from the use of the claimed invention is to create an optimal snow cover that protects plants from freezing, and the accumulation of moisture in the spring for the development of plants. 1 salary f-ly.

The invention relates to the field of agriculture. The method includes basic tillage across the slope and sowing. In the spring, upon the onset of physical ripeness of the soil, seeds are scattered over its surface, rolled them with smooth rollers and a continuous spraying of the soil surface is carried out in an amount of 200-250 liters per hectare with a composition with the following ratio of components, wt.%: chalk - 5-6, ammonium nitrate - 3 -4, organic glue - 2-3, water - the rest. The invention is aimed at reducing water erosion of the soil by reducing treatments that decompact the soil, and increasing moisture availability and productivity. 2 tables

The invention relates to the field of mechanization of agricultural production. The method is characterized by spraying the leaves of row crops with fertilizer solutions and applying herbicides with a tape. Spraying of leaves of row crops is carried out in portions with a solution of mineral fertilizers, and the application of herbicides is carried out on both sides symmetrically relative to the row of plants within the protective zone with overlap. To prevent the herbicide solution from getting on the leaves of row crops, they are lifted and brought into the zone of action of the protective shields of the device for applying fertilizers and herbicides. The method will improve the quality of spraying and also minimize the negative impact of herbicides on row crops. 2 ill.

agricultural plow mineral fertilizer

Agrotechnical requirements

Crops are treated with pesticides in a short agrotechnical time frame in accordance with zonal recommendations and as directed by the plant chemical protection service. The working fluid must be homogeneous in composition, the deviation of its concentration from the calculated value should not exceed ±5%. The deviation of the actual dose from the specified dose is allowed no more than ±3%.

When spraying, machines must evenly distribute pesticides over the field area at a given rate. Uneven distribution of working fluids across the working width is allowed up to 30%, and along the length of the headland up to 25%. The permissible deviation of the actual dose from the specified one during dusting is ±15%, when spraying + 15% and -20%. You can spray crops at a wind speed of no more than 5 m/s. It is not recommended to treat crops before expected precipitation or during rain. If it rains within 24 hours after spraying, spraying is repeated. Plants should not be sprayed during their flowering period.

Technology system

This operation uses a reloading system. At the first stage, the working fluid is prepared using the APZh-12 ​​unit. Next, the working fluid is transported using ZZhV - 1.8. The third stage is the application of herbicides with pre-sowing cultivation. It is carried out by a combined unit POM-630 + USMK - 5.4, coupled with the MTZ tractor.

Preparation of the POM-630-2 machine

The mounted boom sprayer is equipped with a tank with a capacity of 630 liters, a boom with a working width of 16 m and a piston pump. The sprayer is designed for treating field crops with pesticides at doses of 75...200 l/ha. Operating speed 6…12 km/h, productivity 10…20 ha/h.

Preparing the machine for work

1 ) Calculation of minute flow rate of working fluid.

q = QBV / 600 = 300*16*7 / 600 = 56 (l/min)

The POM-630-2 has a piston pump with a capacity of 120 l/min.

2) Calculation of the minute flow of working fluid through 1 sprayer.

Step (S)=0.5 m

n=B/S+1=16/0.5+1=33 - number of nozzles

q1=q total/n= 56/33=1.7 (l/min)

Sprayer brand - RShch-110-1.6

Pressure (P) - 5 atm

Spray color: red

Hole diameter: 1.6mm

Average drop diameter, microns: 300-350

Factual check

After setting up the sprayer, the actual liquid flow through several nozzles is selectively measured, its arithmetic mean is calculated and compared with the calculated one. If the actual average flow rate through the sprayer is 5% more or less than the calculated one, then use a pressure reducing valve to reduce or increase the operating pressure.

1) Calculation of the control path for a given hitch:

N = 48 l - control sample (N=B*Q*l /10000);

B = 5.4 m - working width;

Q = 250 l/ha - specified application rate;

L =10000*48/250*5.4=356 m

2) the number of passes of the unit on the field with a given headland length and a full tank:

headland length = 850 m

N = 630 l - (machine tank volume)

L =10000*630/250*5.4=4667 m

count passes = 4667/850=6

The dose of liquid added is checked again before processing. In this case, the tank is filled with a measured amount of pesticide, and after it is emptied, the treated area is measured. The actual dose is obtained by dividing the amount of liquid consumed by the area treated.

Liquid distribution boom height

A reference guide for managers and specialists of farms, farmers, researchers, university students IIVaccreditation levels


The publication contains herbicides only officially approved for use in Ukraine. Their list is updated annually and published in the magazine “Zakhist Roslin”. As new information becomes available, the manual is systematically replenished and updated. We will gratefully accept comments, suggestions and advice on how to improve it.

This manual is compiled according to the list published in 2003.

When solving a specific issue, carefully read all sections of the manual.

Compare your choice with sections 2, 3 and 4.

This manual does not exhaust the variety of issues that arise when using herbicides. If necessary, consult the literature, specialists in this field or representatives of trading organizations. Carefully study the information provided on the herbicide packaging and accompanying documents.

Remember! Ill-informed use of herbicides means wasted money, low agrotechnical effect, and damage to the crops grown and the environment.

1. Herbicides used on major agricultural crops……………………………………………………………….. 8
1.1. 8
1.2. 10
1.3. 11
1.4. 13
1.5. 14
1.6. 14
1.7. 16
1.8. 17
1.9. 17
1.10. Drainage channels and verges 17
2. Caution - restrictions……………………………………………………….. 18
3. Selective herbicides and sensitivity of weeds to them……………………………………………………………… 23
Monocot annual weeds……………………………………………………………… 23
Monocot perennial weeds……………………………………………. 23
Dicotyledonous spring weeds………………………………………………………. 24
Dicotyledonous overwintering, winter and biennial weeds…………………. 25
Dicotyledonous perennial weeds……………………………………………………………… 26
Weeds resistant to 2,4-D and 2M-4X……………………………………………………….. 27
4. Continuous action herbicides…………………………………………….. 29
5. Application of herbicides on cropsAgricultural crops……………………………………………………………….. 30
5.1. Cereals………………………………………………………………………………….. 30
5.2. Pulses…………………………………………………………………………………. 32
5.3. Row crops………………………………………………………………………………….. 33
5.4. Technical no-crop ……………………………………………………………… 35
5.5. Perennial herbs…………………………………………………………………………………. 36
5.6. Potatoes, vegetables, watermelons……………………………………………………………. 37
5.7. Perennial plantings……………………………………………………………… 38
5.8. Fallows and non-agricultural lands………………… 39
6. Doses and timing of herbicide application…………………………………….. 40
6.1. Cereals…………………………………………………………………………………. 40
Winter wheat ………………………………………………………………………… 40
Winter barley………………………………………………………………………………………….. 43
Winter rye…………………………………………………………………………………. 44
Triticale………………………………………………………………………………….. 45
Spring barley……………………………………………………………………………………………… 45
Oats…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 51
Spring grains with clover undersowing………………………………………………………. 54
Spring grains with alfalfa underseeding………………………………………………………….. 54
Millet …………………………………………………………………………………… 55
Buckwheat………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 55
Rice …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 55
6.2. Pulses…………………………………………………………………………………. 56
Peas …………………………………………………………………………………………. 56
Soybean…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 58
6.3. Row crops………………………………………………………………………………….. 60
Corn ……………………………………………………………………………………. 60
Sorghum……………………………………………………………………………………. 65
Sunflower………………………………………………………………………. 65
Sugar beet …………………………………………………………………………. 70
Fodder beet………………………………………………………………………………………… 76
Tobacco……………………………………………………………………………………. 78
6.4. Technical no-crop……………………………………………………………… 79
Rapeseed…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 79
Fiber flax……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 81
6.5. Perennial herbs…………………………………………………………………………………. 83
Alfalfa………………………………………………………………………………….. 83
Sainfoin…………………………………………………………………………………. 84
Clover ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 84
6.6. Potatoes, vegetables, watermelons……………………………………………………………. 86
Potato ………………………………………………………………………………….. 86
Table beets…………………………………………………………………………………………. 90
Carrot …………………………………………………………………………………….. 91
Onion ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 93
Garlic ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 95
Cabbage ……………………………………………………………………………………… 95
Tomatoes…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 98
Cucumbers…………………………………………………………………………………. 99
Eggplants…………………………………………………………………………………. 100
Pepper ………………………………………………………………………………………… 101
Vegetable peas………………………………………………………………………………………….. 101
Watermelons…………………………………………………………………………………. 101
6.7. Perennial plantings……………………………………………………………… 102
Fruit and vineyards……………………………………………………….. 102
Apple tree, berry fields, vineyards…………………………………………… 104
Apple tree ………………………………………………………………………………………. 104
Pome gardens……………………………………………………………………….. 104
Gardens………………………………………………………………………………….. 105
6.8. Couples……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 105
6.9. Land for non-agricultural use……………………………. 107
6.10. Drainage channels and shoulders……………………………………………………….. 108
7. Calculation of doses of herbicides according to the preparation………………………………………………………… 109
During continuous cultivation of the field………………………………………………………. 109
For belt application……………………………………………………………….. 109
8. Calculation of the working fluid consumption rate…………………………… 110
General approach………………………………………………………………………………… 110
During continuous processing………………………………………………………………………………… 111
For belt application……………………………………………………………… 112
9. Chemical composition and manufacturers of herbicides..... 114
10. Trading organizations……………………………………………………….. 122
11. Prices for herbicides……………………………………………………………………………………… 123
12. Literature…………………………………………………………………………………. 127

7. Calculation of doses of herbicides according to the preparation

7.1. When continuously cultivating the field:

Where Dp is the dose of the drug, kg/ha; Dd. V. - dose of active substance, kg/ha; A - content of active substance in the preparation, %.

When using liquid herbicides and measuring them by volume, the dose of the drug is set taking into account its density (P) according to the formula:

Dp =

7.2. For belt application:

Where Dpl is the dose of the drug for band application, kg/ha; Dp is the dose of the drug for continuous application, kg/ha; Shl is the width of the treated belt, cm; Shm is the width of row spacing, cm.

8. Calculation of the working fluid consumption rate

8.1. General approach

The consumption rate of the working fluid (Q, l/ha), which must contain the established dose of the drug, is calculated using the formula

Q = ,

where g is the fluid flow through one sprayer, l/min; n is the number of sprayers on the sprayer boom, pcs; B is the working width of the unit, m;

V is the speed of the unit, km/h.

Example: POU sprayer, working width 15 m, nozzle pitch 50 cm, conventional nozzles with an outlet diameter of 1.5 mm, unit speed 8.9 km/h (MTZ-80, IV gear, Table 1), working fluid consumption rate 200 l/ha.

The liquid consumption of one sprayer is equal to:

If there are 30 nozzles on the boom (15: 0.5), the liquid flow rate of 1 nozzle is 1.48 l/min. Using Table 2, we set the pressure required for the sprayer to pass the calculated rate of liquid - 0.53 MPa [(1.48 0.5) : 1.4].

The actual fluid consumption is verified empirically.

1.Tractor speed (at rated engine speed and optimal driving conditions), km/h

Broadcast Tractor
T-40M MTZ-50/52 MTZ-80 YuMZ-6A
I 6,13 1,65 2,50 7,6
II 7,31 2,80 4,26 9,0
III 8,61 5,60 7,24 11,1
IV 10,06 6,85 8,90 19,0
V 18,60 8,15 10,54 24,5
VI 9,55 12,33
VII 11,70 15,15
VIII 13,85 17,95

2.Flow rate of working fluid through 1 sprayer

Spray type Outlet diameter, mm Flow rate of working fluid through 1 sprayer (l/min) at operating pressure, MPa Sprayer
0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0
Centrifugal (UN) 1,5 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,6 1,9 2,3 POU
2,0 1,0 1,2 1,3 1,4 2,2 2,5 3,0 OH-400-1
3,0 1,3 1,6 1,9 2,2 3,0 3,6 3,8 OVS-A
Deflector 1,6 2,1 2,6 3,0 3,2 OH-400
Regular field 1,5 0,6 0,8 1,2 1,4 1,8 2,3 3,0 POU
Slotted(red) 0,79 0,98 1,17 1,31 1,81 1,03 2,47 OPSH-15
Slotted (blue) 1,22 1,42 1,63 1,82 2,67 3,42 3,80 OPSH-15
Vortex 1,2 0,49 0,57 0,65 0,73 1,1 1,49 1,88 OPSH-15

8.2. During continuous processing

The calculated rate of consumption of the working fluid is specified in each specific case in such a way that the amount of working fluid that fills the sprayer tank is consumed for a multiple number of laps of the unit.


Drincha V.M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof., INAGRO LLC, Borisenko I.B. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Volgograd State Agrarian University

Increasing requirements for food safety, economic efficiency of agriculture. production, reducing the impact on operating personnel and the environment determine the search, justification and creation of new technologies and technical means of using pesticides.

Belt application of herbicides is not a new technological method for agricultural specialists. production. However, new elements of spraying technology that have appeared recently, as well as modern approaches to the mechanization of crop production in general and to spraying operations in particular, make it possible to increase the efficiency of belt application of pesticides.

In this article we will consider the main provisions that determine the effective use of belt spraying, taking into account domestic and foreign experience.

The essence of the belt or strip method is that this or that drug is applied not to the entire field area, but only to that part of it that cannot be properly processed with implements, that is, into the protective zones of rows of corn, sunflower, soybeans and other crops 20-20 wide. 35 cm.

Band application of herbicides reduces the risk of accumulation of residual amounts of drugs during their intensive use, and in some cases makes it possible to process some crops in crop rotation without fear of the negative aftereffect of herbicides on subsequent crops sensitive to them.
It is advisable to combine belt application of herbicides simultaneously with sowing or cultivation. In this case, sprayers, interlocked with the working parts of the seeder or cultivator, strictly apply the drug to the object being treated (strips or plants).

The main technological requirements for local application of herbicides during cultivation or sowing are:

High-quality soil preparation (fine-lumpy structure);
- destruction of weed seedlings in the protective zone of plants and at the depth of germination of weed seeds;
- minimizing contact of seeds with soil herbicides;
-optimization of the supply of working solutions to the moist soil layer while maintaining the existing capillary structure.

Let's consider a typical example of belt application of herbicides into the soil. To apply soil herbicides that require incorporation into the soil, you can use conventional cultivators, for example, the KRN type, the working width of which corresponds to the working width of the seeder. Cultivators are equipped with pointed tines for continuous tillage and equipped with markers. The length of the markers is set to the same as on the seeder when sowing, so that with each pass of the cultivators, the butt spacing is the same as the main ones. The cultivators are equipped with equipment for band spraying, including a pump (driven by a PTO, hydraulic motor or tractor on-board power supply with 12 V or 24 V), a regulator, a control system and a boom with sprayers.

In addition, the cultivator (Fig. 1) is equipped with a marker (marker), which leaves a mark for guiding the seeding unit in such a way that the seeder coulters go exactly in the middle of the soil strips treated with herbicide. The installation location of the track former on the cultivator frame is selected depending on the method adopted on the farm for driving the seeding unit along the right wheel of the tractor (as shown in the figure) or in the middle of the tractor (along the radiator plug); Driving is also possible using a special sight mounted on the tractor. Taking into account the development of precision farming, instead of a track former, it is effective to use GPS equipment with a parallel driving system or autopilots with driving accuracy of up to 2.5 cm.

Rice. 1. Scheme of the technological process of pre-sowing soil cultivation with belt application of herbicides into the row area: 1-sprayer container; 2 - pressure regulator; 3-gear pump on the PTO; 4- hoses from the pump; 5 – cultivator frame beam; 6 – marker; 7- track indicator; 8 - rod; 9 – sprayers.

A bar with sprayers is attached in front of the cultivator's feet at a height of 25 cm from the soil, which ensures a pesticide strip width of 30-35 cm.

To apply post-emergence (insurance) herbicides during inter-row cultivation, the sprayer is aggregated with a row-crop cultivator. In this case, the sprayers are installed on the cultivator frame in such a way that the strip of the protective zone of the row is treated with the herbicide.

Recently, in order to save money, along with the belt application of herbicides, liquid complex fertilizers are applied using the belt method directly when sowing row crops, such as corn (photo 1).

Photo 1. Seeding unit equipped with systems for simultaneous belt application of pesticides.

The above unit includes two sets of spraying equipment, each of which has its own independent supply of working fluid and a control system from the 12 V on-board power supply of the tractor.

Calculation of the consumption of working solution for belt spraying. For strip processing, the processed area should be considered the area of ​​the processed strips, not the total area (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Schemes of tape (strip) spraying: a- application of herbicides embedded in the soil; b – processing of protective zones; c - directional processing of plants in rows.

In this case, the consumption rate Rl (in the processed strips) is taken equal to the value of the consumption rate for continuous spraying, which is also expressed in [l/ha], and the minute consumption ql [l/min] for each processed strip is determined from the ratio:

ql=Rl∙b∙v600 (1)
where b is the width of the processed strips [m], v the speed of the unit, [km/h];
The total volume of working fluid required for the entire field Qп [l/field] can be calculated using the following formula:

Qп=Fп∙b∙Rлr (2)
where Fп – field area, ha; r – row spacing, [m].

Calculation using formula (2) shows that with a spray belt width of 25 cm, the consumption of the product and water in comparison with continuous application is reduced by 2.8 times at row spacing of 70 cm, and by 3.6 times at row spacing of 90 cm. In most cases, this allows for significant economic benefits.

Using the above formulas, it is easy to pre-set the sprayers for flow rates at a given rate.

When choosing types of sprayers for belt application of herbicides, preference should be given to special slot sprayers with a flat spray pattern, the cross-section of which is close to a rectangle, as well as sprayers with a hollow spray cone.

Often in practice, without attaching due importance to installing nozzles at a given flow rate, they limit themselves only to calculations and do not clarify the flow rate directly on the machine. A number of literature sources also do not indicate the need for final adjustment of the machine in the field. However, it is absolutely necessary to carry it out for the following reasons: the outlet openings of the nozzles do not always correspond to the nominal size, especially for previously used nozzles, due to their wear when working with suspensions; pressure gauges lose the accuracy of the initial calibration readings; the actual speed of movement of the unit, as a rule, does not correspond to the design speed, since it depends on the type and degree of tire wear, the amount of wheel slip, field topography, mechanical condition and soil moisture.

It is necessary to constantly remember that the effect of herbicides on weed seedlings and seedlings largely depends on the quality of soil preparation and prevailing weather conditions. On well-divided (finely lumpy) soil, the herbicide covers it with a continuous, even layer. If it is poorly cut, a significant part of the preparations settles on clods or poorly crushed stubble and root residues, where they quickly dry out and are unproductively lost.

The options for belt application of herbicides described in this article do not exhaust all possible combinations. In each specific situation, you should choose the optimal set of spraying equipment.

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