Where and how should doors open according to fire safety rules?

A correctly installed door is a guarantee of the safety of people living or working in the entire room or in individual rooms in case of an emergency. In addition, for “wrong” doors, the owner of the house faces serious fines or even legal proceedings. Therefore, when installing all types of door structures in an apartment or office, it is important to follow fire safety rules. And for this it is important to know how and where (that is, in which direction) the “correct” doors open.

Often during a fire, people may have a collective panic attack. The life and health of those in the room may depend on every detail of its arrangement. One of the most important details is the correct installation and correct location of the doors. In this regard, there are certain fire safety standards that must be strictly adhered to. Doors must be positioned correctly and open in the right direction in order to become assistants in saving people at a critical moment.

How and where do entrance doors open correctly?

This material is a must-learn for both apartment and residential owners and owners of offices and factories. The primary rules for placing doors are simple: structures should not interfere with each other, and they must open “to the street” in order to avoid obstructing the exit of the population.

In apartments and residential buildings it is considered an evacuation door and therefore always opens “to the exit”. This will speed up the exit of people from the premises in case of fire. Also, you cannot change the direction of opening doors or install additional ones if they may interfere with the emergency exit of residents of neighboring apartments.

Important! For public buildings (most often), the same rule applies: doors in parts important for the evacuation plan open outward.

How to properly install interior doors

Doors in living areas can open both inward and outward. However, in small rooms such as a toilet or bathroom, they must open outwards. This fact will help you quickly leave the room if an emergency occurs. As for other parts of the living quarters, it is correct for doors to open into a larger room. For example, the doors in the opening between the corridor and the hall open into the hall.

It swings open into a larger part of the room so that those entering can see its entire space. When the entrance is located in a corner, the door should open towards the nearest wall. If the entrance door is located in the middle of the wall, the doors should open towards the switch. This is done to quickly and conveniently turn on the light.

If two interior doors are located next to each other, they should not touch each other when opening. And, even more important for safety, adjacent doors should not block one another.

For public buildings in which a large number of people are regularly present, another rule applies: doors leading to a corridor or hall that is often filled with workers or visitors must open inward, that is, towards themselves. This protects people passing through the external premises from impacts and injuries.

Escape doors

According to SNiP rules, wooden and metal evacuation doors must open in the direction of evacuation, that is, to the street.

  • private houses;
  • offices in which less than one and a half dozen people constantly work;
  • storage rooms less than 200 m2 in size;
  • sanitary facilities.

Doors in the boiler room

Boiler rooms can be part of both residential and public premises and buildings, or located nearby. For premises of this type, two basic rules apply:

  1. The boiler room door facing the street opens outwards.
  2. Doors from the boiler room to another room or room open into the boiler room. This is done to protect people and property in case of an explosion.

Thus, most often doors (especially entrance ones) open outward. This rule applies to both residential and office premises. This and other fire safety standards for opening doors are aimed at ensuring the safety of people in the building.

Which way should the door open: video

According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the location of interior doors in an apartment must meet certain requirements. Each of them helps to create the proper atmosphere in the house.

It is not enough to position the door correctly; it needs to be in good condition: without cracks or scratches, not creaking, and opening smoothly and silently.

This is especially important for the door that leads to the bedroom. It fences off this intimate space and protects the owners of the room. If the canvas is thin and weak, it will not become an obstacle to outside intrusion.

Door location

In a house where you do not feel completely protected, it is difficult to relax and have a normal rest. Sliding and glass structures can be called secondary. Their main function is to separate the kitchen from the living room, or to emphasize the location of the recreation area.

If you have an unused door at home, Feng Shui recommends decorating it. It is advisable to do this on each side of the canvas. Decorate the surface:

  • photographs;
  • paintings;
  • tapestry;
  • carpet

In other words, they make sure that no one realizes that there is a door here. If this is not done, “uninvited guests” may come through it, but are you expecting them?

If the openings are located strictly opposite each other, this leads to confrontation of energies. Most likely, the residents of such a house are hostile to each other.

In the case when the entrance to the bedroom is located opposite the toilet, there is not enough energy for normal sleep, so some of it goes away along with the flow of water in the bathroom. It is unlikely that you will be able to get a good night's sleep in such a bedroom; moreover, sounds and unpleasant odors from the toilet room will interfere with deep sleep.

It is undesirable for the entrance to the kitchen to be located opposite the toilet. These rooms conflict with each other. The kitchen symbolizes the element of fire, and the bathroom symbolizes the element of water. Such a confrontation will cause constant breakdowns of household appliances: the tank will break, the gas stove will stop working, etc.

The exit from the bathroom should not lead to the kitchen

The kitchen door opposite the entrance to the living room is also not considered an ideal option. After all, while relaxing in a chair, you will have to constantly feel the smells that come from the kitchen.

How to properly install interior structures in the situation described above? If possible, it is worth altering them so that the openings are not located opposite each other.

It is wrong if a person, leaving a room, first sees the door on the opposite side of the corridor. If they cannot be moved, it is advisable to install mirrors near each opening. If the dimensions of one canvas are smaller than the other, the mirror is mounted only near the small one.

What arrangement of paintings should be avoided altogether?

Feng Shui experts believe that conflicts are caused by the designs of “arguing” partitions. We are talking about canvases that open overlapping. It is recommended to refuse such options.

If three canvases are arranged so as to form a triangle, constant quarrels will begin in the family. With such an intersection of energy flows, it is difficult for residents to find a common language.

Correct location

To extinguish negative energy, attach an air bell right in the middle of the triangle. He will not allow conflicts to arise in the house. Bright light that falls on all the canvases at once will also help to cope with negative energy.

If the entrance through which one enters the room is located opposite the window, it is difficult to retain the Chi energy in this room. With such a layout, luck eludes the residents of the house; they feel weak and weak.

It is good when the windows are located perpendicular to the canvas. As a result, a blank wall surface remains in front of the door. At the same time, Qi energy accumulates in the room, which has a beneficial effect on the residents.

Such a kitchen layout causes conflict situations in the family and affects finances. Energy rushes through the kitchen without stopping anywhere, and takes away luck and money with it.

To prevent the flow of Qi energy from leaving the kitchen, a transparent crystal is hung above the entrance to it. It dissipates directly directed energy.

Crystal for holding energy

Entrance door style

The front door is designed for protection, so its door leaf must be durable. It is not recommended to use transparent glass inserts.

The front door is made as wide as possible to allow Qi energy into the room. The height of the canvas should be greater than the height of the tallest family member, so that he does not experience inconvenience when entering or leaving the room.

It is considered incorrect if the sash opens into the room. Feng Shui experts say this arrangement has a bad effect on the residents. It is recommended to rearrange the loops and rehang the canvas.

Sometimes the entrance partition is surrounded by windows. As a result, the Qi energy, after entering the building, easily exits through the windows without lingering anywhere. To stop it, it is recommended to place indoor flowers on the windowsill or close the windows with lace curtains.

Good location of the entrance to the living room

Where should the canvas open?

It is considered best to open the sash towards the nearest wall. This helps create a feeling of open space. When opening in the opposite direction, it seems that you are entering a buried space, which causes a feeling of inconvenience.

If the front door is mounted directly opposite the back exit, then the Chi energy passes directly through the corridor and leaves the house.

  • mirror;
  • screen;
  • decorative lattice.

Sometimes it is difficult to install a suitable obstacle. To prevent the passage of Qi energy, the second canvas (black entrance) is covered with a curtain. It is not at all necessary to hang a heavy velvet curtain; it will be replaced by an ordinary tulle curtain with an original pattern.

If the first thing you see when entering a room is the corner of the wall, this situation is unfavorable for both residents and guests of the house. The following will help to extinguish the negative influence:

  • plant;
  • beautiful ornament;
  • decorative screen.

Excellent location of the entrance to the bedroom

Let's talk about the hallway

The apartment must have an entrance hall, spacious or very tiny. If the dimensions are small, it is not recommended to install a lot of furniture in the hallway or clutter it with bulky items. The hallway welcomes bright lighting, cleanliness and comfort. This attracts positive energy into the house. if it stagnates in place due to an overabundance of furniture, residents feel apathy and fatigue.

A staircase in a cramped hallway has a negative effect on Qi energy. In this case, the flows, without stopping on the ground floor, immediately go upstairs.

To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to hang bells in the hallway. These simple details will slow down the flow of energy and make it stop. Since there is no space to install a mirror in a cramped room, you can place an ornamental plant diagonally to the entrance. It will become an interior decoration.

Entrance to the bathroom

When placing the stairs near the door, it is recommended to mount a decorative partition. She will become an obstacle that the Qi energy will encounter. A mirror installed near the door will visually increase its dimensions, attracting additional energy flows.

The hallway is an auxiliary room; the main events in the house do not take place here. Therefore, the design of this room is neutral.

A corner hallway with good lighting requires softening. To do this, reduce the brightness of the lamps and hang curtains in soft colors. To correct a dark hallway, you can use rich, bright colors. It is recommended to decorate the walls with photographs and paintings, inserting them into a rectangular baguette.

To attract positive Qi energy, it is important to choose the right shade of the door, taking into account its location:

  • south – red, green;
  • southwest – brown;
  • west – white, silver;
  • east, southeast – black, blue, green

By following these simple rules, you will be sure that the incoming Qi energy will not leave the house.

Entrance and location of the mirror in the hallway

Feng Shui teachings advise keeping several gold coins with holes in the middle, tied with a red cord, under the rug. This will attract happiness and prosperity to the house.

Many are skeptical about what is described above. But the Chinese believe that compliance with all the laws of Feng Shui guarantees well-being in the family and success in business. Everyone decides for himself whether to fulfill these requirements or live according to his own views.

If we talk about entrance doors, their location plays a significant role. The video explains how to best position them.

In construction, there are certain standards that dictate how doors in an apartment should open correctly. If you follow them, the interior door should open towards the corridor. Strict implementation of these recommendations applies to public spaces and offices. If this is a private house or cottage, then only the owner has the right to decide how the interior doors in his home should open.

Usually, the decision is made based on the characteristics of the interior design, the location and purpose of the rooms, as well as the financial capabilities of the owner. However, no one will create beauty at the expense of convenience, safety and functionality.

For example, to create a unified style in the interior, you can install doors so that all structures open only into the corridor or exclusively into the rooms. But this is not always convenient and is not always consistent with the size of the room.

Types of doors by opening

Before deciding in which direction the doors dividing the interior space will open, you need to decide what type of products will be installed. There are different types of interior doors for opening:

  • swing;
  • sliding;
  • tilt and turn;
  • folding;
  • swinging.

In residential premises, sliding, folding and swing doors are most often used. It is the latter type that concerns the issue of proper door opening, since this design is considered optimal for the home space.

The advantage of swing models is that, thanks to their tight fit to the door frame, reliable protection against noise is created, heat loss is minimal, they are easy and simple to operate, and the type of opening can be varied in any direction.

Basic rules for opening interior doors

Existing norms and standards say that it is correct to open doors towards more space. This means that the doors should open into the room. However, if we are talking about rooms such as a kitchen, bathroom, toilet, then since they usually occupy a small area, interior doors should open outward.

The fire safety rules state that one of the basic rules regarding which direction interior doors should open is the possibility of quick and unimpeded evacuation in the event of a fire. This point is extremely important for apartment owners to take into account, since methods of opening interior doors do not require approval from fire authorities, but each owner should be personally interested in the safety of his family members.

How to correctly install doors that perform the function of dividing space so that it is convenient and beautiful - which way to open them, when it is necessary to install a limiter, what systems to use for opening - all this is important.

For a single-leaf structure or a two-leaf door that opens in both directions, you can use compact and elegant modern opening systems, which will be optimal where classical opening methods are not suitable, as they create certain inconveniences.

An important condition is to plan the location of the doors and choose a system for opening them at the very beginning of the repair, so that later you do not have to make changes and violate the integrity of certain structures. To choose the best option for where interior doors should open, you should proceed from the following factors:

  • in small apartments, where literally every centimeter is important, the interior door should open outward; you can also use types of doors such as sliding doors, sliding or folding doors;
  • when space is limited, one should not forget about such important elements when installing interior doors, such as limiters that protect against accidental damage to the products themselves, glass, walls and other objects located within the opening radius;
  • It is not recommended to position interior doors so that they open towards the corridor - this will impede free passage and create a lot of inconvenience if it is necessary to bring in large furniture;
  • When installing doors in the living room, you can use designs of two leaves and choose a fastening mechanism that will allow the doors to open in both directions. This design will save some space, since halves of doors take up much less space than a solid leaf; such doors look beautiful in the interior;
  • those doors that go out into the corridor (bathroom, toilet, kitchen) should not touch and interfere with each other’s opening. If, nevertheless, the situation develops this way, then it is advisable to replace swing structures with other types in which it will be possible to safely use the doors;
  • in which direction it is better to open the doors - to the left or to the right - depends on how convenient it is for the owners, as well as taking into account the location of the switches, so that you do not need to reach behind the door to turn on or off the light.

The location of interior doors in an apartment should be thought out and planned in advance, which will allow all functional features to be taken into account and determine which direction is best to open the doors so that it is beautiful, convenient and safe.

Wherever the structures that divide the space in the apartment open, one should not forget about such an element as the interior door opening limiter.

These small accessories are represented by original and aesthetic products that do not stand out from the general interior style and are reliable protection against damage to doors, glass, walls, furniture, etc. They can insure both one solid leaf and both leaves, if a door model from two halves.

You should carefully choose not only the side of the door opening, but also the system, since the ease, convenience and safety of using the interior door depends on this. Comfortable door handles are also important, especially if there are children and elderly people in the house. Depending on the type of installation (right or left), for most people it is more convenient and more common to open doors with the right hand when entering a room.

It is undesirable for doors to open towards the corridor, but if we are talking about a room such as a pantry or dressing room, then it is better to abandon swinging structures altogether (opening inwards they will take up an already small area, and will create inconvenience in the corridor) - you can install a door -accordion or compartment doors.

If the layout of the apartment is designed in such a way that many doors are concentrated in one place, then it is advisable to replace some of them with beautiful arches. For example, this could be the kitchen, dining room or living room.

The question of which direction entrance doors should open is solved differently in different traditions.

Since ancient times in Russian villages they only opened inside the hut. Heavy snowfalls and blizzards often occur in winter. The entrance may be blocked by a huge snowdrift. If the door opens outwards, then it is simply impossible to leave the house. If you go inside, you can simply open it and blaze a path in the right direction. In many villages this rule is still observed, born out of experience and common sense.

Feng Shui and proper door installation

The philosophy of Feng Shui is completely in agreement with Russian traditions. According to this teaching, the positive energy of luck, qi, enters the home through the entrance doors. The correct opening of the front door is towards the inside of the building. This way it will not block the path to the flow of qi. Swinging the door outward changes their direction, driving away good luck and prosperity.

For the free flow of qi energy, it is also important that secret vertical “arrows” are not directed at the entrance: spiers of neighboring buildings, lamp posts, gutters, sharp corners. They worsen the feng shui of the home. To accumulate good energy, you can hang a lantern in front of the entrance of the house (it is important that the place is well lit). Feng Shui experts advise people living on the upper floors to hang a small round mirror above the front door. It will reflect the flow of bad energy.

Where should the front door open according to Vastu Shastra?

Hindu philosophy Vastu Shastra advises installing the main door in the house so that it opens inward and only clockwise. This will attract good luck and health. The best directions for entry equipment are east and north. From the east, the powerful energy of the rising Sun penetrates into the house. She brings health, fulfillment of desires, fame and clarity of mind. Streams of energy from the north bring fertility and luck in all matters.

The southern and western directions are extremely undesirable. South according to Vastu is the zone of influence of Yama. In Hinduism this is the name of the god of death. Energy coming from the south brings disease, destruction and death. West and southwest are under the strong influence of Rahu. This is a shadow planet with negative energy. It hinders all good endeavors and brings illness and poverty.

Like feng shui, Vastu focuses on ensuring that there are no large obstacles (trees, lamp posts, etc.) in front of the main entrance. They slow down good energy flows.

Convenience and fire safety rules

According to fire safety standards, the front door must open onto the landing. In the event of a fire, it will not block the entrance or become an obstacle to the movement of panicked people. If there are several doors on a small landing at once, they are all installed so as not to interfere with each other (i.e., opening inward).

If all neighboring doors swing outward, they will interfere with each other and not all residents will be able to quickly evacuate from the burning house. For arranging a private mansion, the rules are not so strict. In it, the front door can open in any direction.

When planning to install doors, you need to know that they differ in the way they open. The selection of fittings, fire safety, and, of course, ease of use will depend on the correct choice of product. The most common types are left-handed and right-handed, which are determined by the side of the door hinges and are determined by opening the doors towards themselves. There are other simple methods for choosing the right product, which will be discussed below.

Methods for determining the door opening side

The rules for opening entrance door blocks are clearly stated in GOST 31173–2003, in fire safety and sanitary standards. But today, many manufacturers of door structures do not comply with the prescribed requirements and their products do not meet established standards. In this regard, when installing products in a particular room, it is important to be able to independently calculate the direction of opening of the panels. By the way, in Russia and Europe there are different approaches to determining left-hand and right-hand doors. What do you need to know about opening interior doors? In this case, there are no strict standards as such. The main criteria are the following:

  • enough free space for full opening;
  • they should not interfere with other structures;
  • be convenient to use.

Doors are most often installed in the bedroom, directed inward, and in the bathroom and toilet - outward. The opening sides primarily depend on three parameters that you should pay attention to:

  • where the web is directed when pushing;
  • where are the hinges located?
  • which hand is more convenient to open the selected door.

Let's take a closer look at each of the options for determining the side.

Determining the right and left doors

In the direction of pushing

If the doors are not sliding, then they either open inward or outward. If you open it with your right hand in the direction away from you, then it is a left-hand door. If you push the blade with your left hand, then this is a right-handed product.

By loop location

You can find out which door to choose in the following way. Stand facing the aisle so that the canvas moves towards you. Look where the hinges are located:

  • if they are on the right, the door is right;
  • mounting on the left - left.

If, on the contrary, you open the door from yourself, then the rule applies:

  • the hinges are on the right, then the door will be on the left;
  • The hinges are on the left, which means the door is on the right.

By location of the door handle

Let's consider another proven method of determining the desired side by the door handle. Everything is quite simple here:

  • with a left-handed door, the hinges hang on the left and the handle on the right, while you use your left hand;
  • when the product opens away from you, the handle will also be located on the right; if you open the door with your left hand, then this is the right door.

European approach

If the question arises of installing doors according to European standards, determining how to open doors is fundamentally different from the Russian approach. In this case, the opening side is recognized by the movement of the door itself. To install the side of the door you need to do the following:

  1. Stand next to the doorway so that the wide section of the frame faces you.
  2. Push the door away from you.
  3. Watch the hand opening the door and the direction in which it is moving.
  4. The left one is opened counterclockwise with the left hand, and the right one, on the contrary, is opened clockwise with the right hand.

How to identify a door by the door leaf

So, if there is a door leaf in front of you, how can you tell which door it is? It's simple. It is necessary to follow the recommended algorithm:

  1. Approach the door leaf.
  2. Face him.
  3. If you see the ends of the hinges on the left side, then the door is left, respectively, on the right - the door is right.
  4. If the hinges are not visible, then the door opens from itself, the door handle on the right is the right door, on the left is the left door.

It is also necessary to take into account the opening sides if the swing door is decorated with glass or a mirror.

In the first case, manufacturers, as a rule, make double-sided glass: matte on one side and glossy on the other. To understand the type of opening of a glass door, pull the panel towards you, you will see a matte surface. If there is a need to replace the glass so that the glossy side is facing you, then when ordering a right-hand door, take the right frame and the left panel. And vice versa, when ordering a left-hand door, choose the left frame and the right leaf.

In the second case, to identify the side of a mirror door, you can use the same method as for a glass door. Pull the door towards you; the mirror surface will be located on the other side of the door. If you are going to change the panel so that there is a mirror in front of your eyes, then when ordering a right-hand door, purchase a left panel for the right frame. For the left, do the opposite.

When choosing the sides of sliding structures, follow the same recommendations.

At first glance, these rules may seem complicated, but only when you read, when you apply them in life, everything will immediately become extremely clear and understandable.

Video: opening an interior door, how to determine it correctly

How does the opening side affect door fittings?

Before purchasing a door block, you need to decide in which direction the door will swing open in order to select the correct fastening and locking mechanisms.

Installation of hinges and locks is carried out according to the following principle: for the right side of the door - right, and for the left side of the door - left.

There are also universal loops, which will be discussed below. They can be installed on any side of the canvas.

How to choose a door according to security requirements

The front door is a necessary attribute of people's safety. But its design should not only protect against thieves, ill-wishers and banal cold, but also at any moment, enable people to urgently leave the premises. The fire safety regulations provide clarification about the sides of doors:

  • A door product that is opened with the right hand is considered right-handed, and a door product that is opened with the left hand is considered left-handed (this condition applies if the door is directed “toward itself”).
  • It is necessary that doorways provide unhindered movement of the leaves.
  • An open door should not make it difficult to enter adjacent rooms, as well as access to the flight of stairs and the elevator.
  • When reconstructing a doorway, a positive decision from the relevant authorities is required.

Important! Entrance doors, in case of evacuation, should not become an obstacle to the emergency exit of people to the street.

According to fire department statistics, most deaths from fire occur due to the inability to get out of the apartment. Failure to follow the installation rules, as well as the wrong choice of sides, can lead to blocking of doors and death. The correct and thoughtful choice of products is, first of all, concern for the safety of loved ones, as well as the residents of the house.

Most countries use universal hinges for door structures, which are very convenient, since door leaves can be swapped if necessary. In Russia, as a rule, left and right are installed.

Left hinges are used to install a left-handed door

What needs to be done to determine the correct loops?

Stand in front of the door. It should swing open towards itself using the right hand. This suggests that you need to purchase right-hand hinges. If you open it with your left hand, then buy mechanisms for the left side.

Right hinges are used to install a right-handed door

Particular attention should be paid to the manufacturer of such accessories. If the product is made in Italy, Spain or Israel, please note that in these countries the opposite rules apply, that is, you open the right door with your left hand and you need to select the appropriate hinges. If you are using the right hand, you will need parts for the left door.

Some people choose universal hinges. In this case, you should know that they are not always convenient. Since such mechanisms complicate the process of removing doors, they try to use them infrequently.

To purchase the correct hinges, seek help from a sales consultant who will help you decide on the choice of left and right products.

Universal hinges fit on any side of the door

A high-quality lock is a guarantee of the security of your home. Today's lock market allows you to choose the ideal option that will not only harmonize with the door, but also meet your requirements and expectations. When choosing a lock for your front door, consider the quality of the mechanism itself. Knowledge about the variety of these products, which differ in the type of mechanism and installation, will help determine the further choice of product.

Locks are classified by type of mechanism and type of installation.

According to the type of mechanism, locks are divided into the following types:

  1. Levers have a set of plates (levers) that ensure the secrecy of the lock. For a home, it is preferable to install a lock with 6–8 plates. The disadvantage of such products is their large size, which requires appropriate thickness of the blades, and a rather massive key.
  2. Cylinder ones consist of cylinders and spring-loaded pins that work on the principle of aligning small elements of a certain combination that allow the door to be opened. The advantage of this mechanism is the ability to change the cylinder without removing the entire lock. Despite their apparent simplicity, they have high-quality content and are worthy competition for lever products.
  3. Disk ones operate using rotating disks. The advantage of such a lock is that it is difficult to open it with master keys. In addition, moisture and dust do not get there.
  4. Electronic and combination locks. This option is not often installed in apartments, since opening requires a digital code using an electronic key. Such locks are usually used in enterprises.

Depending on the type of installation, locking mechanisms are:

  1. Mortise. They are installed on the entrance doors of apartments, even despite the difficulty of inserting into the door leaf.
  2. Invoices. The product is mounted on the surface of the door without damaging it. In this case, the installation procedure is much easier, but the locks protrude and spoil the appearance of the structure (the locks are installed as an addition to the mortise).
  3. Mounted. Rarely used for apartments. This mechanism is more used for installation on garages, sheds, cellars, that is, where closing tightness is not a priority.

The installation of some locks has certain features that must be taken into account when choosing (some locks, for example, can be reversed for any type of door, and some are suitable only for a specific direction).

Important! When replacing a door leaf or lock, please note that not every mechanism allows you to change the direction of movement of the latch tongue.

To increase the reliability of door structures, it is advisable to use a combination of different types.

Video: lever locks: structure and principle of operation

To summarize, it can be noted that in addition to existing norms and rules, there are alternative ways to determine the right door. Each consumer decides for himself which option to use. The main thing is that the choice of product does not contradict fire safety rules, since in emergency situations this factor will play an important role. Also, when choosing a door, you need to carefully select fittings (hinges, locks, handles) taking into account the selected side.