Seeing a new comb in a dream - to increase mental abilities and drastic changes in appearance for the better. If you dreamed that you were combing the ends first, holding the rest of your hair, and then moving on to the roots, beware of your old enemies. Most likely, they want to harm you again.

If everything was the other way around in your dream, there is no reason for concern. Minor financial expenses and trips to nature are possible.

Why dream of a comb?

The hair on the comb indicates that one of your relatives persistently remembers you. And, apparently, he does not wish you well. Try to understand who exactly is the reason for such dreams, and offer this person a truce, stepping over your own pride, otherwise it will not end in anything good.

Buying a comb in a dream - to unexpected visits and uninvited guests. Beware if the cost of the thing was suspiciously low - you may soon lose your property. To prevent this from happening, go to the porch and distribute at least some money to the poor.

If, on the contrary, in a dream you had to pay a large amount of money for a comb, try not to spend money in the next three days - there is a great chance to get rich unprecedentedly.

Why dream of a broken comb?

A broken comb most often dreams of betrayal of a partner, family quarrels and even divorce. In the first week after you saw a broken comb in a dream, try to undersalt the dishes you cook a little: it is likely that this will help you save your relationship from a complete collapse.

If the teeth of the comb were broken, this portends a severe headache for several days, as well as misunderstanding from friends and frustrated plans.

If the comb in your dream had a broken handle, try not to leave the house for the next day, because most likely you will not be able to protect yourself from injury. Do not follow the usual routes - the danger will lie in wait for you right here. Better to spend ten minutes more on the road, but save your life.

What material was the comb in a dream

A comb made of wood usually dreams of new ideas that have been visiting you for a long time, but you do not want to notice them or simply cannot notice them. Try to provide yourself with the most calm environment and enter a trance state - perhaps brilliant discoveries are already filling the air next to you.

Plastic comb - to gossip and talk about you. Hardly even a third of them will be true. However, you, apparently, are no strangers: a plastic comb in a dream also indicates that you do not suffer from a lack of public attention and are always in the center of various interesting events.

Who did you comb your hair for?

If you dreamed about how you comb your hair not for yourself, but for someone else - most likely, your relationship with this person will get better and better.

But beware if you combed the hair of your close relative - for example, mother or sister. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of quarrels. To do this, you should see your loved one as soon as possible and destroy all existing misunderstandings.

If in a dream you combed the hair of an unfamiliar child, this portends an unplanned pregnancy or, on the contrary, pregnancy as the fruit of long and hard efforts.

But if, while you were combing your child's hair, you had to look into his eyes, this can lead to disastrous consequences and a stillborn child. In order to completely eliminate such a frightening possibility, tell about your strange dream to the person who knows you best - yourself.

After that, try to ensure yourself communication with other people's children, whose parents will not be against it. Treat them as you would treat your own child, and then your efforts will not go unnoticed by fate.

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A comb in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. Some dream books interpret this image as the beginning of a new harmonious relationship, others as quarrels. What this subject means to you personally, you can understand from other details of the dream.

Interpretations of famous dream books

According to Miller, a comb is a dream for an important event. A celebration awaits you, which you should definitely attend. In the dream book of the Apostle Simon the Zealot, this object is interpreted in a dream as losses, troubles in business.

The esoteric Tsvetkov interprets the dream in which you were given a comb as a quick good connection with another person. It can be marriage or true friendship. Remember what the gift was. A large, beautiful hairbrush that was presented to you as a gift symbolizes the viability of your future spouse or new friend. If it was simple, plastic, without frills - the income of your life partner will not be too large.

In an Islamic dream book, such an image means joyful moments, obtaining important knowledge and all kinds of benefits. If you dreamed that you were combing, then this dream book predicts getting rid of existing worries and various problems.

According to the Islamic dream book, combing in a dream is to get rid of adversity

According to Freud's dream book, if a woman dreamed that she was combing her hair, the dream reflects her longing for a missed chance for a happy personal life. If the dreamer combed her hair not for herself, but for another lady, you experience strong envy. Most likely, in reality you envy some woman, her relationship, her happiness. Perhaps you are even thinking about how to take a man away from the object of your envy.

The interpretation of sleep with a comb according to Longo's dream book is associated with quarrels. Your relationships with friends may be upset. If you used this item for other purposes (for example, you sang into a comb, like into a microphone), the dream book predicts a difficult situation for you. You can get out of it with dignity only by using cunning.

The end of a relationship for a woman, the beginning - for a man

Seeing a comb for a woman in a dream is a sign that the old, obsolete relationship will soon end. You won’t have to be alone for a long time, because a new romantic relationship will begin very quickly. For a married woman, such an image in a dream portends a conflict with her husband, perhaps even with assault. Be careful!

For a girl, a dream in which a comb was present means unnecessary expenses. You can waste money or lose a large amount due to someone's fraud and deceit. In the near future, behave with money as carefully as possible!

If a man dreamed of a comb, a new relationship will soon begin in his life. If the dreamer is married, the marital relationship will not interfere with him - most likely, he will succumb to temptation and have a mistress.

For a guy, a dream in which he combed or even just saw a comb portends an imminent disappointment. He will understand that his chosen one is not as beautiful, smart, kind and charming as he thought before.

An old comb dreams of change, a new one - of love

Seeing an old comb in a dream is a drastic change in lifestyle. Perhaps you will move, find new friends, change your point of view on certain things or your worldview completely. Some dream books interpret such an image as a sign of an imminent illness.

A new comb in a dream portends a new relationship. Most likely, the romance will begin, even if the dreamer is married.

If you dreamed of a broken comb, expect tempting opportunities. In your life there will be a great chance to quickly and easily realize your plans. Did you dream that not the whole thing was broken, but only the teeth? Most likely, you are in danger of getting sick. It is better to go to the doctor for a preventive examination.

Often dream books interpret this image as a harbinger of quarrels, unpleasant situations. A lot of combs - to several troubles. They will come into your life from different people.

A beautiful comb, with inlaid or luxurious painting, dreams of a bright event. Something exciting, beautiful, pleasant will happen. You will have fond memories of it for a long time.

A beautiful scallop with inlay in a dream is an auspicious symbol

A black comb symbolizes the enemy in the environment. Some person is going to get you in trouble, arrange something that will bring negative consequences on you. Be on the lookout, treat any offers with caution.

If you saw a comb in a dream, an authoritative person will support you. Accept the help of this influential person, do not refuse such a great chance! With such powerful support, you can easily achieve your goals.

A wooden comb portends the imminent implementation of plans. You will finally be able to finish the old business and reap the fruits of your labors. If this item is given to you, you have a life of abundance and prosperity ahead of you. Wealth does not necessarily have to be earned by one's own labor. You may receive a large inheritance or be supported.

Did you dream of a comb with small and frequent teeth? Be careful in your behavior. Your lifestyle provides many reasons for gossip and gossip.

Actions with a comb in a dream

Combing in a dream is a favorable symbol, especially if you do it with a comb. You will get rid of anxiety and longing, you will not feel the need, there will be complete order and prosperity in your affairs.

If you dreamed that you were combing another person, significant success awaits you. On the contrary, in a dream someone combed you? This is not a good sign. Most likely, your relationship with a loved one will deteriorate, or you will experience unrequited love. Take this dream as a warning.

To receive a comb as a gift - to marriage or the beginning of strong friendships. If you found this item in a dream, circumstances will soon come in your life that will force you to put things, thoughts and the surrounding space in order. It can be anything from the arrival of guests to a change of job.

In a dream, did you buy a comb? Get ready for change. You will consciously begin to change your lifestyle, setting goals and realizing the consequences of each step. How favorable the changes turn out to be in the end depends on the appearance of the purchase. The more attractive the thing was, the better your actions will affect your destiny.

Buying a comb in a dream symbolizes imminent changes in life.

If you dreamed that you were choosing a comb, remember how you did it. Did you take the first one that came to hand? You do not have a clear understanding in which direction you want to change your life and where you end up. You just understand that something needs to change. Now you should realize what exactly, and how you will go to this. If the choice was long and careful, you have a clear plan that is important to follow. The key criterion was the cost - most likely, you should change jobs.

To break a comb in a dream - to spoil the relationship in reality. Be more attentive to loved ones, otherwise a minor quarrel can develop into a serious conflict. If this item broke when you were combing, in reality you are in danger of illness. Take care of your health, be smart about your food choices, and dress for the weather.

In a dream, someone gave you a comb - get ready for a new romantic relationship. Has anyone else used your comb? An important acquaintance awaits you, a meeting due to which your whole life can change.

Have you seen the hair on the comb and removed it? This is an unkind symbol. You can commit an act, because of which you will bring big troubles on yourself and your loved ones. Act and speak as carefully as possible.

Combing a curly baby - to a novel

Did you dream that you were combing a child with beautiful curls? In reality, you will find a romantic passion and light pleasant chores associated with it. Perhaps you will choose a surprise for a person you like or choose clothes for a date. Combing your own baby in a dream is a positive sign. The child will grow up educated, well-mannered, you will be proud of him.

If in a dream you were combing, and then, looking at the comb, you saw hair on the teeth, be prepared for the difficulties associated with money. There was a lot of hair, whole bunches? Such a dream signals a deterioration in health. You urgently need to visit a doctor and undergo a complete medical examination. Dreaming lice on a comb also warn about diseases.

The most favorable dream where a comb was present is the one in which you comb your hair with a beautiful and expensive comb. Such a dream promises good luck, getting rid of current problem situations. If you dreamed of something that symbolizes future troubles, remember: you yourself create your own destiny. Acting prudently and prudently, you can avoid the predicted adversity.

A comb is one of the indispensable tools of female and male beauty. Combing hair is a daily process that makes a person look neat, tidy and attractive. Beautifully styled hair is a symbol of female beauty. What can this accessory dream of? The nuances are important here. For a more accurate interpretation, you need a dream book. The comb is a generalizing symbol of the feminine essence, soul, intuition.

General interpretations

As mentioned earlier, the essence of the interpretation will depend on a number of details and nuances present in the dream. It is in them that either the positive or negative subtext of the vision will be hidden. The following nuances are important and significant:

  • Who dreamed of this object - a man or a woman.
  • In a dream, you buy a comb or receive it as a gift.
  • What is the comb made of.
  • The accessory is intact or broken.
  • Actions performed with a comb.

If a family man had such a dream, then this promises the appearance of an immoral connection in his life. The mistress will appear suddenly and quickly carry the dreamer into the vicious networks of relationships "on the side". For a woman, a comb in a dream is an omen of the end of an old relationship. But this should not be sad, because new ones are coming to replace them, full of feelings and unforgettable moments. It is believed that this accessory in a dream is a harbinger of abuse, discord and quarrels in the family circle. Combing with several combs - expect a lot of big troubles that will be brought into your life by several personalities.

Unnecessary waste, unprofitable decisions, serious financial losses - this is what a young woman dreams of a hairbrush for. It is worth paying attention to all sources of income and directions of expenses to avoid unpleasant moments associated with an unplanned drain of finances. For a young man, this item predicts disappointment in his partner. Another crest can mean the imminent end of the relationship, and they will end in an ugly quarrel with mutual accusations.

Some interpretations claim that seeing a hairbrush in a dream is an empty showdown. Unnecessary dispute will occur due to the clash of different points of view. It is better not to go on the rampage, because no own opinion is more valuable than a relationship with a loved one. Combing your hair and seeing fallen hair on an attribute of beauty - expect troubles related to financial issues. Hair remains on the crest in impressive bunches - a sign of rapidly deteriorating health. The disease is already close, it is necessary to limit oneself in excesses.

For a young woman to see how an unfamiliar attractive man gives you a comb is an omen of improving personal well-being. It is very important for a positive interpretation that this man be clean, handsome and well-groomed. But if it is ugly, dirty, unpleasant, serious problems associated with work and colleagues cannot be avoided.

Buying a new hair accessory - a new love affair will soon appear. Even a long romance is possible. And even if the dreamer is married, this does not hurt at all. All statuses are submissive to love.

Comb made of wood - what you are going for is just around the corner. Soon the goal will be reached and satisfaction will come. Buying a new toilet item is a serious change in life. Whether they will be good or bad will depend on the appearance of the comb. If it is broken or old, there will be conflicts, betrayals, perhaps loneliness. A beautiful, bright comb studded with precious stones - to new, profitable acquaintances, joyful moments, fulfillment of desires.

Hair on the teeth is an extremely negative sign, and removing them from a comb is a doubly bad omen. At the initiative of the dreamer, an accident will occur that will abruptly unfold him and not only life. People who are close and dear to a person will suffer both morally and physically. For people who in reality are engaged in important goals aimed at improving living conditions, seeing a hairbrush in a dream is a sign of imminent losses. And here a significant role will be played by people from the business environment. Be attentive to the actions of competitors This will help minimize losses.

An accessory made of precious metals and decorated with stones or has a bizarre shape - you will soon receive a valuable gift or news of material profit. A hairbrush with a broken handle, no teeth or dirt - a dream warns of fears and hesitation. There are no reasons and grounds for them and soon they will pass.

Doubts will be replaced by joyful moments and happy meetings. There is an opinion that a comb without teeth or a dirty one dreams of people who have stained their conscience with unclean deeds.

Squabbles in the house and countless scandals prophesy a dream in which the dreamer happened to break the comb. And it won't happen without your fault. To avoid family collapse, listen to your loved ones, don't be so selfish. A frequent comb symbolizes human behavior, giving others food for gossip and gossip. If the accessory is broken during combing or styling, then this is a sign to pay attention to your health. Most likely, some kind of disease is approaching you. Breaking a new comb - to parting with a loved one. But this should not be sad, this is a natural course of fate. It can also mean the loss of a true friend.

Important for the correct interpretation is who to comb in a dream. Based on this:

  • Combing yourself - to change the usual rhythm of life.
  • An outsider - to changes in the lives of loved ones.
  • If another person combs your hair - to rapid change.
  • Combing a child is an easy, tireless chore.

An accessory of black or dark colors makes it clear that an enemy has wound up in your environment. Some unpleasant person wants to lure you into a trap and set you up. You need to be on the lookout and accept offers from others with caution.

Explanations and interpretations

The dream book reveals the meaning of this or that dream best of all. A comb is a very ambiguous symbol. In all ages, he was the personification of the feminine essence and beauty. For modern understanding, it is necessary to refer to the opinion of well-known dream books.

Modern interpreter

A hairbrush that appeared in a dream to a young woman is a sign of an upcoming quarrel with a loved one. If a girl sees how several combs are stuck in her hair, big troubles should be expected soon. Looking at your head from the side and combing a shock of hair for a long time - to big losses of money. Such a dream for a man means impending disappointment. And it will be associated with the woman he loves. It's most likely a betrayal on her part.

Buying a new hair brush in the store is a good change in life. Buying a comb with wooden teeth - to the completion of old cases that have long stood motionless. For a man, such a dream means the imminent appearance in his life of a woman whom he will love with all his soul and heart. Hide the accessory in a secluded place - soon an influential person will enter your life, whose support you can fully count on.

Esoteric dream book

This almanac is no less interesting for its predictions. According to the esoteric dream book, for a girl, an accessory in a dream is a warning. She should be careful and take care of her reputation, as in reality she can make many mistakes that can turn her life upside down. In order not to expose yourself later to the torments of despair, it is better to take deliberate actions.

A good sign when a girl sees herself in a dream doing beautiful styling with a comb. In any undertaking there will be success and prosperity. Styling a high hairstyle with a bone comb is a great female happiness. Doing your hair with a comb of white hair is a pleasant journey and good companions on the road.

Eastern dream book

If in a dream a girl tries to comb her tangled hair with a brush, but it is difficult to do so, it is a sign that she needs to put her thoughts in order. Because of this, a lot of unfinished business has accumulated. Doubts and suspicions are not excluded. But you need to get rid of them. For a man, a dream in which he carefully combs his curls promises future explanations with his half.

A brush clogged with dirt and hair is a harbinger of sudden troubles, troubles and anxieties. Break the comb - to the joys and pleasant chores. For a girl, a comb with frequent teeth in a dream is a sign of more prudent behavior. If she wants to keep her reputation squeaky clean, she needs to be humbler. Buying a new accessory is a new ardent admirer.

Attention, only TODAY!

The dream book can best tell about the meaning of this or that vision. The comb is a very interesting symbol. Previously, he personified femininity. The wooden comb, as they now believe, is a symbol of the work being completed. And in male visions, it is a symbol of the feminine. This list is endless. But it is better to turn to the most authoritative books of interpretation and find out what the hair accessory that appeared in a dream promises. It's really interesting.

Modern dream book

A comb that appeared in a vision to a girl is a harbinger of a quarrel with a loved one. If she saw how several different combs were stuck in her hair, then trouble should be expected. Looking from the side at yourself, combing your hair for a long time and carefully - to losses and unnecessary waste of a lot of money.

If a man saw such a dream, it means that he will be disappointed. And it will be connected, rather, with the beloved. So the dream book assures.

The comb that a person bought in a store promises good changes. If she had wooden cloves - to the completion of an old, long-standing business.

They say that when a man sees a comb in a dream and takes it, it means that a woman will appear in his life, whom he will love very much. If he put the comb in some safe place so that no one would find it, in the near future he will enlist the support of an influential person.

Eastern dream book

If a girl had to but it turned out badly, as they were tangled with each other, and the scallop could hardly be taken out of them, then she should put her thoughts in order. Because of them, she is unable to complete some business in real life. Maybe she is haunted by disputes and doubts.

When a man sees himself carefully styling his hair with a comb, it means that serious explanations await him with his beloved.

This is not all that the dream book tells. A comb completely clogged with hair promises troubles and worries that will suddenly fall on the dreamer. But a broken comb usually promises joy and pleasant chores.

If a girl dreamed that the comb had too many teeth, she should behave more modestly in real life. Most likely, the dreamer's behavior causes many reasons for gossip and rumors. But if she bought a brand new comb, you should wait for the appearance of a new fan in life. The main thing is that it does not break while the girl is doing her hair or styling. Since such a vision promises illness.

Esoteric dream book

This book has a lot to say too. If a girl saw that she had to comb her hair in a dream, she should be careful, because in real life she can commit some kind of rash act, for which she will be ashamed later. To avoid bitter repentance, it is better to carefully consider your actions.

But, when she sees herself doing a beautiful hairstyle with a comb, that's good. Such a dream portends success in all areas. Fortunately, a vision is usually dreamed in which a girl combs a large braid of lush curls with a comb.

If the hair suddenly turned white during combing - do not worry. Because this vision promises pleasant and comfortable travel. If the curls turned out to be black, this is also a good dream. The comb with which a person puts them in order portends honor and wealth.

Aesop's Book of Interpretations

This dream book contains many interesting explanations. The comb that a person has lost and is trying to find indicates that he will soon lose something expensive. Maybe it will be parting with your soulmate.

A pocket comb is a harbinger of happiness according to this dream book. And, if a person has lost it, great grief and misfortune awaits him.

To see torn hairs on the teeth is a big waste. It is worth being as economical as possible and avoiding anything that will lead to waste.

If a person accidentally breaks a comb, this is not good. Something unexpected will happen. And the event will not be pleasant.

The plot is explained in two ways, in which a person had to see a comb in a dream and watch someone else use it. This means that one interesting person will appear in the dreamer's life. And she will change his life. But which way is another question.

Other interpretations

There are other meanings that such a dream can have. A comb with which a person tries to style the hair of someone else sitting next to him usually portends the appearance of an enemy. Or, most likely, someone will come into his life who will openly dislike him.

If a person sees himself from the outside and notices how someone he knows is combing his hair, this means that this person does not respect him. In general, it is better to move away from him. If this is not possible, then it is better to simply minimize contact.

By the way, when a man sees himself combing another guy's hair, this is a good sign. Albeit a little strange. But such a dream promises a quick solution to all sorts of problems. And, most likely, the improvement of material well-being.

Waking up in the morning, not everyone can remember the picture of sleep. But those who remember her are in a hurry to find out the meaning of the plot. For example, why dream of a comb. The interpretation of our dream book will help to deal with this.

All dreams in which personal care items play a major role are considered symbolic. Also, the vision in which the comb was dreamed is identified with personal experiences. As a rule, this object in a dream is a need in real life for a person to put his thoughts and feelings in order. Perhaps the dreamer is deprived of peace in reality due to constant thoughts about a particular phenomenon. For those who are interested in what the comb is dreaming of, a rational approach and reassessment of values ​​will help to find peace.

At the same time, each dream book, in which the comb in most cases symbolizes a person’s attitude to the environment, can interpret the plot in his own way. So, the Modern Dream Book interprets the plot with a comb as a harbinger of an event in which a person will have to defend his point of view.

Also, such a dream can be taken as a warning about a quarrel on the basis of a difference of opinion. Seeing such a plot, try to carefully consider the upcoming events if you do not want to lose close friends due to a quarrel.

In a dream, you can see not just a hairbrush, but manipulations performed with it. In this case, the interpretation depends directly on the actions taken:

  • The hero combs his curls with a comb in a dream - in reality he will have a slight flirtation.
  • Combing with a comb with broken teeth - in the real world, having doubts about making an important decision.
  • Unintentionally breaking a hair care product in a dream - you may soon encounter a surprise.

It is taken into account when deciphering according to the modern dream book, what the comb dreamed of, and the gender of the dreamer. If an unmarried young girl sees such a plot, it means that soon she will probably make an unjustified investment. Therefore, after such nightly dreams, she should avoid rash spending.

For a married lady, a dream with a mandatory attribute for styling promises a quarrel with her husband. Knowing what a similar plot is preparing, try to be patient and not quarrel over trifles. For a guy, sleeping with a comb in it can mean disappointment.

In some dream books, the subject of personal hygiene is considered as a symbol of health. By the state in which the comb or comb appeared in the plot, one can judge the dreamer's well-being. If you dream of a new and beautiful brush, there will be no health problems in the near future.

If a broken item appears, then you should undergo an examination or take the necessary preventive measures to prevent the onset of the disease. The same meaning carries a dream in which a loved one used a broken product. In this case, he should be warned about a possible disease.

Of particular importance is the dream of acquiring a personal hygiene item. In general, any new thing in the world of night dreams represents change and change. In the case of a comb, life will prepare a surprise for you in a particular area.

A similar interpretation is given to stories in which a person buys a new hair care item. They reflect the inner needs of a person to get rid of unnecessary items. It is believed that by combing his hair with a new “comb” in the plot of night vision, in real life he will be able to put his life in order by cleansing. Sometimes such dreams signal a new acquaintance.

A positive interpretation of dreams with a mandatory attribute for hair styling enhances the length of the curls. The longer the strands of hair, the more favorable the upcoming changes will be..If you had to comb thick and long hair in a dream, it means that soon a person will experience success and luck.

If other people appear

When composing an interpretation of dreams with a comb, it is necessary to take into account other characters. They are able to give the main meaning a different meaning:

  • If in a dream, with the help of a comb, the dreamer styles her hair, then in real life she will meet her betrothed.
  • When a person in the plot of night dreams sees himself combing the hair of a friend, this may mean excessive attention in his direction.
  • If a man sees a dream in which he combs another person, it means that soon in reality all his problems will be resolved by themselves.

Dreams with personal hygiene items have a multi-valued interpretation. If you managed to see combs and hair combs in your dream, be sure to remember all the details. The overall picture of upcoming events will depend on this.