Foundation is the basis of makeup for many beauties. Even if a girl uses minimal makeup, she always applies foundation or keeps foundation in her makeup bag just in case. In the summer heat, using foundation can safely be considered a crime against your skin! Under it, she seems to be suffocating - irritation appears, sweat appears. With this temperature exposure, the foundation spreads, gets stuck in the folds and makes the face dirty. Read about how easy it is to ditch foundation in 10 steps and still remain beautiful and fresh!

1. Home cleansing

Skin that doesn't require foundation is clear skin. Even if you don't suffer from acne, you need to constantly cleanse your face to tighten pores and get rid of flaking. So, make it a rule Use a soft scrub and an electric brush 2-3 times a week, - this will allow you to “polish” the skin a little and make it smoother, which means you can abandon the tone.

2. Mineral powder

We will not discover America if we say that the surest way to forget about “foundation” is with powder. But there are a few “buts”. Firstly, powder often ages and “heavies” makeup. Secondly, not every powder is suitable for girls with dry skin. There is a solution - mineral moisturizing powder. It looks as natural as possible, does not dry out and does not settle into wrinkles. Lightly powder your face with a fluffy brush and start applying makeup - this is quite enough as a “summer” foundation!

3. Always carry matting wipes with you

If your face begins to shine during the day, there is no need to return to point No. 2 and apply powder again. Just always have matting wipes with you - periodically blot your T-zone with them and you will be happy!

4. Make a mask once a week

Another step towards skin that does not require foundation is cleansing masks. Especially good - clay-based or with activated carbon. This will allow you to tighten your pores and make your skin more matte. Yes, yes, such a miracle is possible if you make a mask regularly 2 times a week!

5. Hide problems accurately

If there are rashes on your skin, and dark circles under your eyes don’t give you peace of mind, it is absolutely not necessary to apply the tone to the entire surface of your face. Use concealer to cover only the circles under your eyes and spot problems. Apply the product with a thin brush, and then gently blend with your fingertips to make the edges invisible.

6. Use a toner

Some girls consider tonic a completely useless product, but in vain! By rubbing your face with toner every morning, you help your skin restore its natural PH balance, making it visually fresher and more rested. Well, why do you need a tone after that?

7. Drink vitamin C

Vitamin C helps get rid of pigmentation- regular use of ascorbic acid really works, making your complexion and skin tone more even!

8. Use gel moisturizers

Water-based gel creams are our everything. Before you start applying makeup (no foundation!), be sure to moisturize your skin. The fact is that if it has enough moisture, the sebaceous glands work less actively - this will allow, if not get rid of the oily sheen, then at least delay its appearance.

9. Add bronzer

We use foundation not only to disguise imperfections, but also for a more beautiful and healthy complexion. You need to replace it with bronzer: a couple of strokes of the brush, a little shade on the cheekbones, and you no longer look pale and tired, voila!

10. Primer only

Another way to give up the tone, but at the same time achieve more even skin, is use only primer or makeup base. There are a lot of advantages: the skin is moisturized, its texture is slightly evened out, and some primers have a light tint, but do not “flow” in the heat like foundation. Try it, you'll like it.

The effect of “porcelain skin” - perfectly smooth, white, slightly highlighted with a pink blush - is the dream of every woman. You can see this effect not only in ancient paintings (the women depicted in them achieved the effect of white skin using powder, blush and lead white), but also in modern photographs.

Our material is devoted to how to make your skin porcelain: what you should do for this, how to care for it, how to apply makeup, what products to choose.

Porcelain skin is an attribute of many fashion shows. Using light texture and tonal products, makeup artists achieve smooth, light skin, as if illuminated from within, looking as if there is not an ounce of makeup on it.

Porcelain leather: modern look and new technologies

The newest approach to care and makeup combines gentle methods to achieve results, hydration plus nutrition and protection from solar radiation.

Japanese and Korean manufacturers are at the forefront of the best cosmetics. Menard, Shiseido, Mishka are famous Asian brands that combine traditional recipes and a high-tech approach. BB and CC creams are the know-how of Eastern manufacturers. Such products have many functions, combining toning, care, and protection. Many creams not only contain a powerful SPF filter, but also whitening components, because the skin of Asian women should be aristocratically pale.

You can achieve truly beautiful and aristocratic-looking skin if you build a competent care strategy.

Cleansing should come first. The skin needs to be freed from excess fat produced by the glands, dust microparticles, clogged pores must be cleaned of impurities, and makeup remover must be done. The main cleansers are gels, foams, tonics, lotions, micellar waters. There are products for cleansing long-lasting cosmetics, and there are very gentle ones designed for youthful skin. It will be an additional advantage if the cosmetics contain hyaluronic or retinolic acids, amino acids, peptides and lipids.

Care itself is the most important component of preserving the beauty and youth of the skin, as well as its delicate porcelain shade. Creams, lotions, serums, fluids must contain vitamin complexes, amino acids, plant extracts, micro-oils, glycerin and other nutritional and moisturizing components. Skin whitening substances – acid complexes, parsley and rhubarb extracts, vitamin C.

To protect the skin around the eyes, it is worth choosing a special cream designed for thin and sensitive eyelid skin.

Protection – the face must be protected from sunlight and its harmful effects. The cream should have an SPF filter, and in summer it is better to wear a wide-brimmed hat on your head.

Beautiful skin is the key to proper and competent care. Advice from experts in the field of cosmetology will help women make their skin truly porcelain, fresh, renewed and beautiful.

  1. You should select cosmetics that mask redness, blackheads, dark circles under the eyes and the slightest defects - the surface of the epidermis should be ideal. Primers, correctors, and special sticks that neutralize imperfections are suitable for this purpose.
  2. During the day in hot weather, do not forget to use matting wipes that absorb excess moisture and sebum. Use thermal water to refresh yourself - it does not wash off your makeup, but still gives you comfort.
  3. Cleanse your skin twice a day - in the morning - to remove sweat and toxins released overnight, in the evening - to remove makeup and impurities. Don't forget about day and night creams that moisturize and nourish the skin.
  4. Pimples and comedones will interfere with the effect of porcelain skin, so you should get rid of them. Use a solution of boric soap, which will dry out acne, or any ointment listed in this article. Solcoseryl ointment helps with post-acne.
  5. Perform superficial peeling once every 1-2 weeks, medium peeling once a season, and deep acid peeling 1-2 times a year, which promotes skin regeneration and its rapid renewal.
  6. Do not touch your face with dirty hands - this can cause infection or cause acne. Also, you should not squeeze out pimples yourself - it is better to entrust this to a cosmetologist, and burn rashes on the face with alcohol or drying agents.
  7. In the morning, wipe your face with an ice cube - this procedure closes enlarged pores and refreshes the skin. Low temperature helps regulate sebum production.
  8. Do not forget about the drinking regime - you need to consume at least 1.8-2 liters of water per day. This will keep your skin healthy and beautiful.
  9. Use protective equipment not only in summer, but also in colder seasons. The SPF filter of the moisturizer will protect against the negative effects of sunlight.
  10. If you like to sunbathe, then do it between 9-10 am and 6-7 pm.
  11. To support antioxidant processes in the body, start drinking white and green tea instead of black tea daily. Another alternative to these miracle drinks is herbal teas and infusions. They have a beneficial effect on the skin, unlike black and flavored teas.
  12. Start watching your diet. Eating processed foods, fatty and spicy foods negatively affects your appearance. Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber are the best path to beauty. Fermented milk products will cure acne and make your skin smooth. Honey will saturate the body with vitamins.
  13. Start your morning with a glass of warm water with lemon juice or 1 tsp. honey, and then eat 1 serving of steamed oatmeal with an apple and nuts - this detox will quickly put your skin in order, making it renewed, smooth and radiant.
  14. Get enough sleep. An 8-hour sleep starting at 10-11 pm helps the body recover and slows down the aging process.

Face masks with whitening effect

Folk remedies help make your face beautiful no less effectively than expensive products. Natural ingredients contain many vitamins and minerals, microelements, macroelements, lipids, amino acids, pectins, bioflavonoids, antioxidants necessary to create not just the effect of porcelain skin, but real whitening.

  1. Apple mask. The fruits of winter varieties, for example, Northern Sinap, are grated on a fine grater into a liquid pulp. Add a little lemon juice to the resulting mixture, place it in several layers of gauze and cover your face with it. If necessary, you will need to add fresh composition under the gauze so that the mixture is not dry. After an hour, the mask can be washed off the face.
  2. Milk mask. Farm milk with a fat content of up to 10%, cooled in the refrigerator, is applied to a cotton pad and wiped over the face. When it dries, apply another layer, and so on 10 times. The mask is left on the face for 30 minutes, then washed off.
  3. Creamy mask with essential oils. The farmer's cream is cooled, then mixed with a pinch of sugar, and 1-2 drops of your favorite essential oil are added - any except cinnamon. Moisten several layers of gauze with cream and place it on the face. The action time of the composition is 30 minutes, after which the face is washed and wiped with tonic.
  4. Cucumber mask with parsley. Grate the cucumber, pour the excess juice into a glass - it will come in handy later. Parsley is crushed in a blender at high speeds, cucumber pulp is added to it. Rub the resulting mixture onto your face in a thick layer and leave for 30 minutes. Then wash off the vegetable mixture, wipe your face with cucumber juice, and leave for another 30 minutes.
  5. Parsley and yogurt mask. Parsley is ground in a blender, mixed with fatty yogurt and applied to the face. The duration of the mask is 20 minutes.
  6. Japanese rice mask. Rice powder obtained in a coffee grinder or mill from ordinary rice is poured with kefir, milk or carbonated mineral water to form a mass with the consistency of sour cream. For thickness, you can add a little starch, and for moisturizing, glycerin (can be bought at the pharmacy). The finished mask is used once a week, applied to the face for 30-40 minutes, then washed off with water and tonic.
  7. Mask for problem skin with boric acid and bodyaga. Mix the substances in a 1:1 ratio, add 1 drop of essential oil suitable for your skin type, and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Apply the composition to the entire face, except for the eyelids and nasolabial triangle. If there is a tingling sensation, it's okay. The mask is washed off after 20 minutes.
  8. Whitening mask for the nose area. Grind 20 g of raw potatoes to obtain a liquid paste, add a little lemon juice to it and apply to the skin of the nose. Use the mixture every day until the desired result is achieved.
  9. "Morning oatmeal" After waking up and cleansing the face, apply a mixture of steamed oatmeal mixed with yogurt, 1/2 tsp. iodized sea salt and 1 tsp. parsley juice. The mask is kept on the face for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off. It is done once a week, the optimal time is on weekends.
  10. Citrus face mask. Mix the pulp of orange, grapefruit and lemon, apply to the face until completely dry, then rinse with water.
  11. "Youth elixir". Sprouted soybean or wheat sprouts are crushed in a blender or coffee grinder, applied to the face, and washed off with warm water after 30 minutes. Thanks to the antioxidants contained in the “children” of plants, the quality and appearance of the skin can be significantly improved.
  12. Banana and milk mask. Half the fruit and 2 tbsp. l. The drink is ground in a blender, applied to the face and left for an hour. Then rinse with water and wipe the skin with tonic.
  13. Whitening product for heavily tanned skin. Mix egg white, a little shaving foam and 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide, apply to the face and leave for 20 minutes. This product is especially suitable for oily and combination skin.

There are a couple more old recipes:

  1. Mask with Japanese camellia oil. Mix rice powder with rice starch, add 1-2 drops of essential oil (for your skin type) and 1 tsp. Japanese camellia oil, mix with a wooden stick, apply to the face before going to bed, then rinse with water.
  2. Mix dry buckwheat, crushed until smooth, with water in one bowl and apply to the face. After 30 minutes, wash off.

Make-up for those with fair skin

  • The face is cleansed with toner or micellar water, wiped with an ice cube to shrink pores and moisturize the epidermis. A tinting fluid primer is applied on top to correct imperfections in the dermis.
  • The face is covered with a thin layer of light-colored foundation that matches the texture: those with oily skin will prefer thicker products with absorbents, while dry skin likes light fluid creams with a moisturizing effect.
  • The T-zone should be treated with compact powder of a suitable shade. Use only this during the day, not foundation.
  • An alternative to powder and cream is a cushion, which combines two products at once and is more economical and suitable for any skin type.
  • Using a wide round brush, begin light draping - sculpting the face with blush. Choose softer and lighter shades. For those with a warm color type, peach tones are suitable, for those with a cold color type, pink tones are suitable.
  • Highlight your eyes and eyebrows. Don't make your eyebrows too thick and wide or too thin - they should look harmonious on your face and match your hair color.
  • During the day, use nude, terracotta, orange lipstick tones, in the evening - plum, dark cherry, red, scarlet. Those who love experimentation can try combining porcelain skin tone with extremely dark and even black lipsticks.

Making your skin porcelain, fresh, white and radiant is not so difficult if you follow the set of rules and actions described in this article. The correct daily routine, nutrition, cosmetics and care will make your skin truly beautiful, like that of aristocrats.

What to change in home care, what salon procedures to choose to make your facial skin look fresh and radiant without foundation? Let's start with the fact that beautiful skin is, first of all, healthy skin. Enough sleep, fresh air and proper nutrition work wonders! But, of course, you can’t do without cosmetic tricks either. We talked about them with Svetlana Donetskaya, candidate of medical sciences, cosmetologist, chief physician and founder of the Lege Artis aesthetic medicine clinic.

Cleanse your skin regularly

In this case, we are not just talking about daily washing with foam or gel, but about a deeper effect on the skin using products containing acids. This can be the same cosmetics for washing, and peelings, which, depending on the skin type, should be done 2-4 times a month. Look for lactic, mandelic acid or caprolactone in the composition. By neglecting proper cleansing, you risk the appearance of comedones on your skin (and more than one foundation will not cover them up) and the formation of a network of fine wrinkles. Over time it will become more and more noticeable. You don't want your skin to look like wrinkled tissue paper, do you?

Maintain a balance of water and oil in the skin

Your home care arsenal should include moisturizing creams that saturate the skin with moisture, and nourishing creams with polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are the main building material for the protective mantle of the skin. It is what prevents the evaporation of water from its surface and also protects the skin from adverse external influences.

Erase blood vessels and pigment from your face

Yes, you can get rid of everything that you are so carefully trying to cover up once and for all. The photorejuvenation procedure will help you. Despite its name, it is quite appropriate in youth. Thanks to exposure to light of a certain spectrum, it is possible to get rid of excess pigment, visible blood vessels and fine wrinkles. Photorejuvenation also improves the structure of the skin, tightens pores and makes acne marks less noticeable. Not a procedure, but a fairy tale! You will notice its effect after your first visit to a cosmetologist. For a more pronounced result, you will need a course of procedures - from 3 to 5, depending on the condition of the skin.

Try the stars' favorite procedure - plasma therapy

If things are really bad, pay attention to a very effective injection procedure - plasma therapy. Your own plasma will be used for it (you will have to sacrifice a small amount of blood from a vein). To saturate the skin with water as much as possible, hyaluronic acid preparations are often added to the plasma. With the help of such a cocktail, your face will quickly regain freshness and radiance. It is no coincidence that plasma therapy is the favorite procedure of many famous beauties. For a pronounced effect, a course of 3-5 procedures is required with an interval of 3-4 weeks.

In fact, you can create flawless skin without using foundation. The main thing is to know a few secrets that always work without failure.

Interesting: foundation does not harm the skin - this is a huge myth. On the contrary, it protects it from external influences, and also often contains caring components. True, some girls are uncomfortable with him.

Base makeup

In order for concealer and powder to fit perfectly on the skin and create a velvety coating, they need to have something to “catch onto”. The ideal product to achieve this goal would be a makeup base.

Choose a radiant base if you have dry skin and a pore-tightening one if you suffer from excessive oily skin.

Correction of certain zones

To disguise under-eye circles, a pimple or uneven skin tone, use concealer. Apply it to problem areas and gently blend with your finger, sponge or brush.

Please note that for correcting circles under the eyes, a concealer slightly lighter than your natural skin color is best suited. And the shortcomings in the form of redness and pimples are best masked with a concealer that will completely blend with it.

Don't be afraid of blush

Apply blush to the apples of your cheeks. At the same time, don’t be afraid to create a color accent. Of course, you shouldn’t look like a matryoshka doll, but a healthy glow will help create perfect skin without using foundation.

It is best to choose blush in the same color scheme as your lipstick or gloss. If in doubt, choose natural products - they are always suitable for everyone.

In fact, you can create flawless skin without using foundation. The main thing is to know a few secrets that always work without failure.

Interesting: foundation does not harm the skin - this is a huge myth. On the contrary, it protects it from external influences, and also often contains caring components. True, some girls are uncomfortable with him.

Base makeup

In order for concealer and powder to fit perfectly on the skin and create a velvety coating, they need to have something to “catch onto”. The ideal product to achieve this goal would be a makeup base.

Choose a radiant base if you have dry skin and a pore-tightening one if you suffer from excessive oily skin.

Correction of certain zones

To disguise under-eye circles, a pimple or uneven skin tone, use concealer. Apply it to problem areas and gently blend with your finger, sponge or brush.

Please note that for correcting circles under the eyes, a concealer slightly lighter than your natural skin color is best suited. And the shortcomings in the form of redness and pimples are best masked with a concealer that will completely blend with it.

Don't be afraid of blush

Apply blush to the apples of your cheeks. At the same time, don’t be afraid to create a color accent. Of course, you shouldn’t look like a matryoshka doll, but a healthy glow will help create perfect skin without using foundation.

It's best to choose blush in the same color scheme as your lipstick or gloss. If in doubt, choose natural products - they are always suitable for everyone.