There are rivers in our country that do not flow all the time in one place. Such a river will rush to the right, flow to the right, then after a while, as if it is tired of flowing here, it will suddenly crawl to the left and flood its left bank. And if the bank is high, the water will wash it away. The steep bank will collapse into the river, and if there was a house on the cliff, then the house will fly into the water.

Here along such a river a tugboat was walking and pulling two barges. The steamer stopped at the pier to leave one barge there, and then the boss came to him from the shore and said:

- Captain, you will go further. Be careful not to run aground: the river has gone far to the right and now flows along a completely different bottom. And now it goes more and more to the right and floods and washes away the shore.

“Oh,” said the captain, “my house is on the right bank, almost at the water’s edge.” His wife and son remained there. What if they didn’t have time to escape?!

The captain ordered the car to be put into full speed. He hurried quickly to his home and was very angry that the heavy barge was delaying its progress.

The steamer had sailed a little, when suddenly it was signaled to go to shore. The captain anchored the barge and sent the steamer towards the shore.

He saw that on the shore thousands of people with shovels and wheelbarrows were rushing to carry earth and build a wall to prevent the river from flooding the bank. They carry wooden logs on camels to drive them into the bank and strengthen the wall. And a machine with a tall iron arm walks along the wall and shovels earth onto it with a bucket.

People ran to the captain and asked:

What's in the barge?

Stone,” said the captain.

Everyone shouted:

Oh, how good! Let's come here! And look, now the river will break through the wall and wash away all our work. The river will rush into the fields and wash away all the crops. There will be hunger. Hurry, hurry, give me the stone!

Here the captain forgot about his wife and son. He launched the steamer as fast as he could and brought the barge right to the shore.

People began to carry stone and strengthened the wall. The river stopped and did not go any further. Then the captain asked:

Do you know how it is at my home?

The boss sent a telegram, and soon the answer came. All the people there were also worked there and saved the house where the captain’s wife and son lived.

“Here,” said the chief, “here you helped our people, and there your comrades saved yours.”


There are rivers in our country that do not flow all the time in one place.

Such a river will rush to the right, flow to the right, then after a while, as if it is tired of flowing here, it will suddenly crawl to the left and flood its left bank. And if the bank is high, the water will wash it away. The steep bank will collapse into the river, and if there was a house on the cliff, then the house will fly into the water.

Here along such a river a tugboat was walking and pulling two barges. The steamer stopped at the pier to leave one barge there, and then the boss came to him from the shore and said:

“Oh,” said the captain, “my house is on the right bank, almost at the water’s edge.”

His wife and son remained there. What if they didn’t have time to escape?!

The captain ordered the car to be put into full speed. He hurried quickly to his home and was very angry that the heavy barge was delaying its progress.

The steamer had sailed a little, when suddenly it was signaled to go to shore.

The captain anchored the barge and sent the steamer towards the shore.

He saw that on the shore thousands of people with shovels and wheelbarrows were rushing -

they carry earth, build a wall to prevent the river from flooding the bank. They carry wooden logs on camels to drive them into the bank and strengthen the wall. And a machine with a tall iron arm walks along the wall and shovels onto it with a bucket

People ran to the captain and asked:

What's in the barge?

Stone,” said the captain.

Everyone shouted:

Oh, how good! Let's come here! And look, now the river will break through the wall and wash away all our work. The river will rush into the fields and wash away all the crops.

There will be hunger. Hurry, hurry, give me the stone!

Here the captain forgot about his wife and son. He launched the steamer as fast as he could and brought the barge right to the shore.

People began to carry stone and strengthened the wall. The river stopped and did not go any further. Then the captain asked:

Do you know how it is at my home?

The boss sent a telegram, and soon the answer came. All the people there were also worked there and saved the house where the captain’s wife and son lived.

“Here,” said the chief, “here you helped our people, and there your comrades saved yours.”

There are rivers in our country that do not flow all the time in one place. Such a river will rush to the right, flow to the right, then after a while, as if it is tired of flowing here, it will suddenly crawl to the left and flood its left bank. And if the bank is high, the water will wash it away. The steep bank will collapse into the river, and if there was a house on the cliff, then the house will fly into the water.

Here along such a river a tugboat was walking and pulling two barges. The steamer stopped at the pier to leave one barge there, and then the boss came to him from the shore and said:

“Oh,” said the captain, “my house is on the right bank, almost at the water’s edge.” His wife and son remained there. What if they didn’t have time to escape?!

The captain ordered the car to be put into full speed. He hurried quickly to his home and was very angry that the heavy barge was delaying its progress.

The steamer had sailed a little, when suddenly it was signaled to go to shore. The captain anchored the barge and sent the steamer towards the shore.

He saw that on the shore thousands of people with shovels and wheelbarrows were rushing to carry earth and build a wall to prevent the river from flooding the bank. They carry wooden logs on camels to drive them into the bank and strengthen the wall. And a machine with a tall iron arm walks along the wall and shovels earth onto it with a bucket.

People ran to the captain and asked:

What's in the barge?

Stone,” said the captain.

Everyone shouted:

Oh, how good! Let's come here! And look, now the river will break through the wall and wash away all our work. The river will rush into the fields and wash away all the crops. There will be hunger. Hurry, hurry, give me the stone!

Here the captain forgot about his wife and son. He launched the steamer as fast as he could and brought the barge right to the shore.

People began to carry stone and strengthened the wall. The river stopped and did not go any further. Then the captain asked:

Do you know how it is at my home?

The boss sent a telegram, and soon the answer came. All the people there were also worked there and saved the house where the captain’s wife and son lived.

“Here,” said the chief, “here you helped our people, and there your comrades saved yours.”

There are rivers in our country that do not flow all the time in one place. Such a river will rush to the right, flow more to the right, then after a while, as if it is tired of flowing here, it will suddenly crawl to the left and flood its left bank. And if the bank is high, the water will wash it away. The steep bank will collapse into the river, and if there was a house on the cliff, then the house will fly into the water.

A tugboat was walking along this river, pulling two barges. The steamer stopped at the pier to leave one barge there, and then the boss came to him from the shore and said:

“Oh,” said the captain, “my house is on the right bank, almost at the water’s edge.” His wife and son remained there. What if they didn’t have time to escape?!

The captain ordered the car to be put into full speed. He hurried quickly to his home and was very angry that the heavy barge was delaying its progress.

The steamer had sailed a little, when suddenly it was signaled to go to shore. The captain put the barge on

Anchor, and the steamer headed towards the shore.

He saw that on the shore thousands of people with shovels and wheelbarrows were rushing to carry earth and build a wall to prevent the river from flooding the bank. They carry wooden logs on camels to drive them into the bank and strengthen the wall. And a machine with a tall iron arm walks along the wall and shovels earth onto it with a bucket.

People ran to the captain and asked:

-What's in the barge?

“A stone,” said the captain.

Everyone shouted:

- Oh, how good! Let's come here! Otherwise, look, now the river will break through the wall and wash away all our work. The river will rush into the fields and wash away all the crops. There will be hunger. Hurry, hurry, give me the stone!

Here the captain forgot about his wife and son. He launched the steamer as fast as he could and brought the barge right to the shore.

People began to carry stone and strengthened the wall. The river stopped and did not go any further. Then the captain asked:

- Do you know how it is at home?

The boss sent a telegram, and soon the answer came. All the people there were also worked there and saved the house where the captain’s wife and son lived.

“Here,” said the chief, “here you helped our people, and there your comrades saved yours.”


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