They are moisture that falls to the surface of the Earth from the atmosphere. They accumulate in clouds, but not all of them allow moisture to fall to the surface of the planet. To do this, it is necessary that drops or crystals be able to overcome air resistance, gaining enough mass for this. This happens due to the connection of droplets with each other.

Precipitation diversity

Depending on what sediments look like and what state of water they are formed from, they are usually divided into six types. Each of them has its own physical characteristics.

Main types:

  • rain - water drops of 0.5 mm in size;
  • drizzle - water particles up to 0.5 mm;
  • snow - hexagonal ice crystals;
  • snow pellets - round kernels with a diameter of 1 mm or more that can be easily squeezed with your fingers;
  • ice pellets - rounded nuclei covered with an ice crust that bounce when falling to the surface;
  • hail - large round ice particles that can sometimes weigh more than 300 g.

Distribution on Earth

There are several types of precipitation depending on the annual cycle. They have their own characteristics.

  • Equatorial. Even rainfall throughout the year. There are no dry months, the least amount of moisture falls during the equinox and solstices, which occur on 04, 10, 06, 01
  • Monsoon. Uneven precipitation - the maximum amount falls in the summer season, the minimum in the winter season.
  • Mediterranean. The maximum precipitation is recorded in winter, the minimum occurs in summer. Found in the subtropics, on the western coasts and in the middle of the continent. There is a gradual decrease in quantity as one approaches the central part of the continent.
  • Continental. There is more precipitation in the warm season, and with the advent of cold weather it becomes less.
  • Nautical. Uniform distribution of moisture throughout the year. A slight maximum can be observed in the autumn-winter period.

What affects the distribution of precipitation on Earth

In order to understand where the maximum amount of precipitation occurs on Earth, it is necessary to understand what this indicator depends on.

Precipitation throughout the year is distributed unevenly across the Earth. Their number decreases geographically from the equator to the poles. We can say that their number is influenced by geographic latitude.

Their distribution also depends on air temperature, movement of air masses, relief, distance from the coast, and sea currents.

For example, if warm, humid ones encounter mountains on their way, they, climbing their slopes, cool and produce precipitation. Therefore, the maximum amount of them falls on mountain slopes, where the wettest areas of the Earth are located.

Where does the maximum rainfall occur?

The equator area is the leader in the amount of precipitation per year. Average figures are 1000-2000 mm of moisture throughout the year. There are areas on certain mountain slopes where this figure increases to 6000-7000. And on the Cameroon volcano (Mongo ma Ndemi) the maximum amount of precipitation falls within 10,000 mm or more.

This is explained by high air temperature, high humidity, and the predominance of rising air currents.

It has long been noted that at a geographic latitude of 20º south and 20º north from the equator, almost 50% of all Earth precipitation falls. Observations over many decades have proven that the maximum amount of precipitation falls at the equator, especially in mountainous areas.

Distribution of the amount of moisture falling to the total amount by continent

After making sure that the maximum amount of precipitation falls on the equator, you can consider the percentage of precipitation by continent.

Maximum annual precipitation

Mount Wamaleale (Hawaii) is considered the rainiest place on the planet. It rains 335 days here throughout the year. The opposite situation can be observed in the Atacama Desert (Chile), where rain may not fall at all during the year.

As for the highest amount of moisture per year on average, the highest figures are in the Hawaiian Islands and India. At Wyville Mountain (Hawaii), the maximum precipitation falls up to 11900 mm, and at Cherrapunji station (India) - up to 11400 mm. These two regions are the richest in falling moisture.

The driest regions are Africa and For example, in the Khara oasis (Egypt) an average of less than 0.1 mm of moisture falls per year, and in the town of Arica (Chile) - 0.5 mm.

Maximum figures around the world

It is already clear that the most moisture occurs at the equator. As for the maximum indicators, they were recorded at different times and on different continents.

Thus, the maximum amount of moisture fell within a minute in the city of Unionville (USA). It happened on 07/04/1956. Their number per minute was 31.2 mm.

If we continue the topic, the maximum daily rainfall was recorded in the city of Silaos in the Indian Ocean). From April 15, 1952 to April 16, 1952, 1870 mm of water fell.

The maximum for the month belongs to the already famous city of Cherrapunji (India), where 9299 mm of rain fell in July 1861. In the same year, the maximum figure was recorded here, which amounted to 26,461 mm per year.

All data presented is not final. Observations of weather conditions show many new records, including those for moisture. Thus, the record for the heaviest rain was broken 14 years later on the island of Guadeloupe. It differed from the previous indicator by several mm.

Where does the most rainfall occur? and got the best answer

Answer from I"ll be better[guru]
In the very center of the island of Kauai in the group of Hawaiian Islands is located, the top of which is one of the rainiest places on the planet. It almost always rains there, and 11.97 meters of precipitation falls per year. This means that if moisture did not flow down, then within a year the mountain would be covered with a layer of water as high as a four-story building. At the very top, almost nothing grows - of all the plants, only algae are adapted to live in such wetness, everything else simply rots there. But around the top there is a riot of greenery.

Waialeale's closest rival in terms of heavenly sluggishness is near the Himalayas, in India. But if on Waialeala it rains all year round, then on Cherrapunji all this burst of precipitation falls in some impossible downpour in three summer months. The rest of the time there... is drought. In addition, no one lives on Waialeala, and Cherrapunji is the rainiest of the populated places.

Warm and moist monsoon flows near Cherrapunji make a sharp rise between the Khasi and Arakan mountains, so the amount of rainfall here increases sharply.

The population of Cherrapunji still remembers 1994, when a record amount of rainfall - 24,555 mm - fell on the tiled roofs of their houses. Needless to say, there was nothing like this in the whole world.
However, do not think that heavy clouds hang over this city all year round. When nature softens a little and the bright sun rises over the surrounding area, a beam of amazingly beautiful rainbow hangs over Cherrapunjee and the surrounding valley.
The rainfall in Cherrapunjee can be rivaled by Quibdo (Columbia): for 7 years, from 1931 to 1937, the average annual rainfall here was 9,564 mm, and in 1936, 19,639 mm of rainfall was recorded. High precipitation is also typical for Debunge (Cameroon), where for 34 years, from 1896 to 1930, an average of 9,498 mm fell, and the maximum amount of precipitation (14,545 mm) was observed in 1919. In Buenaventura and Angote (Colombia) the annual precipitation rate is close to 7,000 mm; in a number of points on the Hawaiian Islands it is within 6,000...9,000 mm.
In Europe, Bergen (Norway) is considered a rather rainy place. However, the Norwegian town of Samnanger receives even more rainfall: over the past 50 years, annual rainfall here has often exceeded 5,000 mm.
In our country, the greatest amount of precipitation falls in Gruzin, in the Chakva region (Adjara) and in Svaneti. In Chakwa, the average annual precipitation is 2,420 mm (extreme values ​​1,800...3,600 mm).

Answer from Dudu1953[guru]
In the village of Gadyukino.

Answer from Shvidkoy Yuri[guru]
Cherrapunji (India) - the wettest place on Earth
In terms of annual precipitation, the wettest place in the world is Tutunendo in Colombia - 11,770 mm per year, which is almost 12 meters. On the 5th floor of the Khrushchev five-story building it will be knee-deep.

Answer from Valens[guru]
Probably the rainiest place in the world is Mount Waialeale in Hawaii, on the island of Kauai. The average annual precipitation here is 1197 cm.
Cherrapunjee in India has perhaps the second highest rainfall with an annual average ranging from 1079 to 1143 cm. On one occasion, 381 cm of rain fell in Cherrapunjee in 5 days. And in 1861 the amount of precipitation reached 2300 cm!
To make it more clear, let's compare the amount of precipitation in some cities around the world. London receives 61 cm of rain per year, Edinburgh about 68 cm and Cardiff about 76 cm. New York receives about 101 cm of rain. Ottawa in Canada gets 86cm, Madrid about 43cm and Paris 55cm. So you see how Cherrapunji contrasts.
Some large regions of the Earth experience heavy rainfall all year round. For example, almost every point along the equator receives 152 cm or more of precipitation every year. The equator is the junction point of two large air currents. Everywhere along the equator, air moving down from the north meets air moving up from the south.

Answer from Vadim Bulatov[guru]
Many factors determine how much rain or snow will fall on the earth's surface. These are temperature, altitude, location of mountain ranges, etc.
Probably the rainiest place in the world is Mount Waialeale in Hawaii, on the island of Kauai. The average annual rainfall here is 1197 cm. Cherrapunjee in India has perhaps the second highest rainfall with an average annual rainfall ranging from 1079 to 1143 cm. Once 381 cm of rain fell in Cherrapunjee in 5 days. And in 1861 the amount of precipitation reached 2300 cm!
To make it more clear, let's compare the amount of rainfall in some cities around the world, London receives 61 cm of rain per year, Edinburgh receives about 68 cm, and Cardiff receives about 76 cm. New York receives about 101 cm of rain. Ottawa in Canada gets 86 cm, Madrid about 43 cm and Paris 55 cm. So you see how Cherrapunji contrasts.
The driest place in the world is probably Arica in Chile. Here the precipitation level is 0.05 cm per year.
Some large regions of the Earth experience heavy rainfall all year round. For example, almost every point along the equator receives 152 cm or more of precipitation every year. The equator is the junction point of two large air currents. Everywhere along the equator, air moving down from the north meets air moving up from the south.

There are very rainy places on Earth, and below are unique precipitation records ever recorded by meteorologists. So,

Highest rainfall for different time periods

Highest amount of precipitation per minute

The greatest amount of precipitation that fell in one minute is 31.2 millimeters. This record was recorded by American meteorologists on July 4, 1956 in the vicinity of the city of Unionville.

Maximum amount of precipitation per day

A real global flood occurred on Reunion Island, located in the Indian Ocean. During the day from March 15 to March 16, 1952, 1870 millimeters of precipitation fell there.

Highest rainfall in a month

The record for monthly precipitation is 9299 millimeters. It was observed in the Indian city of Cherrapunji in July 1861.

Most rainfall in a year

Cherrapunji is also the champion for receiving the highest annual rainfall. 26,461 millimeters - this amount fell in this Indian city from August 1860 to July 1861!

Highest and lowest average annual precipitation

The rainiest place on Earth, with the highest average annual precipitation recorded, is Tutunendo in Colombia. The average annual precipitation there is 11,770 millimeters.
The antipode of Tutunendo is the Chilean Atacama Desert. The surrounding area of ​​the city of Kalama, located in this desert, has not been irrigated by rain for more than four hundred years.

Many factors determine how much rain or snow will fall on the earth's surface. These are temperature, altitude, location of mountain ranges, etc.

Probably one of the rainiest places in the world is Mount Waialeale in Hawaii, on the island of Kauai. The average annual precipitation is 1,197 cm.

The town of Cherrapunji, which is located in the foothills of the Himalayas, perhaps ranks first in terms of rainfall - 1,200 cm. Once, 381 cm of rain fell here in 5 days. And in 1861 the amount of precipitation reached 2,300 cm!

The driest place in the world is in the Atacama Desert in Chile. Here the drought has lasted for over four centuries. The driest place in the United States is Greenland Ranch in Death Valley. There, the average annual precipitation is less than 3.75 cm.

In some regions of the Earth, heavy rainfall occurs all year round. For example, almost every point along the equator receives 152 cm or more of precipitation every year (from the children's encyclopedia; 143 ff.).

Problem for the text

1. Determine the style and type of speech.

2. Make an outline for the text.

Indicative plan

1. Factors that influence the amount of precipitation.

2. The rainiest places.

3. The driest place.

4. Precipitation at the equator.

Write down and explain the spelling of words. Waialeale, Kauai, Cherrapunji, foothills, Atacama, the most arid, Greenland, equator.

4. Question about the text.

What factors influence the amount of precipitation?

Name the place in the world where the most rain falls in a year?

What is the driest city in the world?

Where it is located?

Tell us about the amount of precipitation at the equator.

5. According to the drawn up plan, present the text.

Throughout the history of mankind, a lot of evidence, stories and legends about major floods have accumulated. The reason for this is simple: there have always been floods. Primitive people deliberately settled in valleys located in the path of floods - because the lands here were fertile. What is a flood? This is a condition when water overflows its banks and spreads everywhere.

What causes floods? - accumulation of large amounts of water in the river as a result of heavy rains. Water may come from other sources or reservoirs from where it flows into the river. A river usually flows over a wide area, or "basin", and a strong flow of water from anywhere in that basin causes the water level of the river to rise and flood the banks. Some floods are very beneficial. The Nile, for example, every year since time immemorial, along with its overflowing water, brings fertile silt from the highlands.

On the other hand, the Yellow River in China periodically causes death and destruction. For example, in 1935, due to the flood of this river, 4 million people were left homeless! Can floods be prevented? This is probably impossible, because heavy rains fall regardless of human will. But great efforts are being made to curb the floods, and someday this will probably be done.

There are three ways to curb floods. One of them is to build dams and embankments to protect agricultural land in areas where water reaches. The second method is to install emergency channels, or weirs, to drain excess water. The third method is to maintain large reservoirs to store water and gradually release it into large streams.