How to learn to tell fortunes for yourself using Tarot cards? The answer to this question is sought by many people who want to look into their own and find out what awaits them in the future?

Analyze the situation or get a hint in .

The simplest way, without resorting to , is fortune telling to oneself.

There are many opinions as to whether it is possible to guess for yourself or not? Some say it's possible, and some say it's not.

The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle, you just need to know how to do it correctly and follow safety precautions when reading Tarot for yourself.

This is a whole direction in magical art, and like any magical knowledge corresponds to that what do you believe in.

If you believe that fortune telling will make you feel bad and that higher powers will punish you for this, then this is what will happen.

Well, if you believe that reading the Tarot for yourself will benefit you, then rest assured that it will be so!

The only danger which lies in wait for you when telling fortunes to yourself using Tarot cards - this is to aggravate a possible negative scenario from your own future. Read on and you will find out how this can be avoided.

Tell yourself fortunes using Tarot cards possible and necessary. This is a wonderful way not only to know yourself and your inner world, but also to learn how to use this powerful magical tool in your own life, which is a sign of mastery.

First of all, you need to learn how to do this correctly, observing safety and certain rules.

The basic rule of telling fortunes to oneself, not only by but also in other ways, is emotional detachment.

When you tell fortunes to someone, such fortune telling does not affect your inner, emotional world.

But, if you tell fortunes to yourself or a person close to you, then such fortune telling affects your inner world and evokes certain emotions.

At best, they will only display your current state, and at worst, they may give incorrect information.

Therefore, in order to learn how to tell fortunes on Tarot cards for yourself, you must first learn to renounce your own “I” at the time of the fortune-telling session for yourself.

With some practice, this is quite easy to do; here are some simple tips that I have developed and which I use when telling fortunes to myself, close relatives and friends.

1. Create a calm, quiet and familiar environment around you. Light candles and incense. It is advisable to have obsidian near you in the form of a piece of rock or a pendant (unprocessed rock is more effective).

Not only will this stone help you concentrate your thoughts, but it will also protect you from the possible influence of negative information from your own information field.

If you are simply analyzing the current moment and are not looking into the future, then you can do without obsidian. But if you look into, then the use of this stone Necessarily.

The thing is that if something negative comes up in the future, then this negativity may worsen, that is, it will be much more difficult to fit into the scenario of your life and change the course.

Obsidian can protect you from this. If there is no obsidian, then you must use a protective magic circle to read the Tarot for yourself without negative consequences.

These are simple safety rules that should not be neglected.

2. Focus on the candle flame, calm down and feel inner harmony. Get ready for fortune telling in the usual way.

To be most effective, you need to have your own photo on hand. The point is to distance yourself so much that when looking at your own photo you don’t associate yourself with it.

For you, this should just be a person who needs it at the moment. Take the position of an observer of yourself.

This is the main the secret of telling fortunes to yourself - emotional detachment from one's own "I". You are just a conductor of information that should not be distorted by your own emotional influence.

Look at the photo and establish mental contact with the person’s information field (in this case, your own), mentally say the name and date of birth, formulate a question and begin the reading.

It is important to maintain such a detached state when interpreting cards. Don’t think about the fact that you are guessing for yourself, guess just like any other person on the street.

I often tell fortunes to myself, my wife or close relatives. The key to the effectiveness of my fortune telling is that in such cases I do it exactly the same as other people. At the moment of fortune telling, I do not make any fundamental differences. I communicate and speak exactly the same as when working with other people.

If I conduct fortune-telling remotely, then when formulating the results of fortune-telling in a text file, I respect the address “You” and do not make any of my own conjectures.

My task is to convey as accurately as possible what they say and do it professionally.

3. Note that don't second guess yourself over trifles and repeating the same question several times in a row.

They don't like this. First of all, formulate in advance your question or a series of questions to which you want clear answers.

At first, you should not ask many questions; formulate one clear question indicating the essence of the problem that has arisen.

Later, when you learn to detach yourself as much as possible and maintain this state, you will be able to ask as many questions as you need.

It is worth making large layouts on Tarot cards for yourself only if you have a complex, confusing situation or if you want to find out future events.

If you need simple advice from Tarot cards, then you can draw just one card by asking: "What do the tarot cards want to tell me?" or “What should I pay attention to first in such and such a matter?” or "What are the cards trying to warn me about?".

So, we can draw some conclusions:

1. Stay safe, especially as you look to the future.

2. Move away from your own “I”. Your emotional background should not be affected by the fact of telling fortunes to yourself or by the information received.

3. For maximum effectiveness, take a photograph of yourself and focus on it until you no longer identify with it.

4. Formulate the question in advance, or better yet, write it down.

5. Try to draw some conclusions after the fortune telling session. It is advisable to write down the information received.

6. Don't waste your cards on trifles. If you need simple advice, then just one card may be enough.

7. After the session, thank yourself, or better yet, reward yourself with a small gift or allow yourself to buy something that you have been planning for a long time if the results exceeded your expectations. It's up to you to decide. Treat yourself to a cup of good coffee and that will be enough.

To Learn to tell your own fortune using Tarot cards it takes some time. Start with the simplest questions and layouts first, when you learn to get reliable answers to simple questions, you can move on to more complex layouts.

Be patient and be sure to record the results. As a result, you will not only learn effectively tell yourself fortunes using Tarot cards, but also reach a new level of mastery of this wonderful predictive technique.

For a beginner in such a complex matter as fortune telling and making forecasts, any layout is not given the first time. Every experienced magician knows how important it is to put a lot of effort and effort into understanding the signs in the Tarot deck. Ancient, powerful cards cover all possible components of human life and demand well-deserved respect.

Tarot fortune telling is like a new book that needs to be read correctly

How to tell fortunes with Tarot cards if you don’t have any experience yet, but the desire to master the craft doesn’t give you rest? Tarot for beginners is akin to a new book that needs to be read correctly. To begin with, a person will have to get acquainted with a mysterious, magical deck.

Choosing a fortune telling deck of Tarot cards

How to learn to tell fortunes using Tarot cards and is sacred knowledge accessible to everyone? Training, diligent implementation of all the recommendations of an experienced magician and the desire to comprehend something new, unknown, exciting the mind, encourages a person to get acquainted with the cards of the Tarot deck. Making a reading with a special question or a general message is not so difficult, and such a magical ritual is accessible to everyone.

Problems arise when the combination of cards drawn needs to be read. Individual symbols of the deck can have completely contradictory meanings. In order not to confuse himself and others, a person must realize that there is no room for fun. If the desire to comprehend the craft of prediction is serious and balanced, then no problems will arise.

Learning to work with the Tarot deck

Tarot, where to start learning it, and how will it end? Experienced magicians claim that sensitive cards are very capricious in choosing the person with whom they will work. The deck is selected in exactly this order. A person is chosen, rather than he looking for a deck of fortune telling cards.

The established connection will serve as the basis for a future forecast, and therefore it is especially important to find a deck that does not have to be solved like a puzzle. It is not for nothing that they say that during fortune telling, the magician and the cards are a single, inseparable whole.

Features of the deck for beginners

Tarot for the first layouts is an ordinary deck that can be purchased in a magic or occult shop. Over time, a person will get used to it and be able to choose more complex decks. A classic is the traditional Tarot deck, consisting of four suits.

There are many types of Tarot cards. You should choose the one that suits you

There are many types of cards, they may differ in appearance, basic composition and hierarchy of symbols. Every day new decks appear, with a specific purpose and appearance. Rune cards, Lenormand, Ibis Tarot or Rider-Waite deck? The choice is up to the beginner.

Where to start learning Tarot? From getting to know each individual card. The meaning of the symbol, presented in the form of a colorful illustration, will make it possible to understand the role of the sign in the deck.

Simple fortune telling techniques for beginners

How to learn to tell fortunes using Tarot? A beginner suffers from such a question for days on end, because not everyone can learn the deck. The methods of fortune telling using Tarot cards depend on the question with which the questioner invokes the magical attribute.

Commonly accepted special layouts on the Tarot deck:

  • about professional life;
  • on personal relationships;
  • on health status;
  • about future self-development and spiritual growth;
  • on the results of cases.

As much as the world is worth, so many people seek spiritual harmony in all areas of life. Having mastered ready-made layouts on given topics, a person will be able to look into the future. Popular Tarot layouts are in great demand to this day, because outwardly the magic deck has changed little.

Why you need to use special literature

The best Tarot books for beginners help you understand the basics of any fortune telling. It is useful to analyze the cards individually, but only Tarot books for beginners allow you to understand the meaning of ancient magical symbolism. Interpreting the Tarot yourself is not so difficult if you are not afraid to admit your own incompetence.

The classical description of each arcana will not always coincide with a person’s vision, because any truths are interpreted by a person based on his personal experience.

There is no need to be afraid of such a confrontation; by showing character, the fortuneteller becomes one step closer to his goal - the correct interpretation of the entire deck. The Tarot book will become an indispensable assistant for anyone who masters the technique of fortune telling. What other methods of Tarot fortune telling are available for a beginner?

Tarot card spreads for a novice magician

Ready-made schemes, which experienced magicians resort to, will allow you to make the right balance for relationships or work matters. Simple fortune telling can be done even by a beginner who is just learning the true power of fortune telling cards. Laying out the finished layout will not be difficult. How to guess correctly using ready-made, proven schemes?

Tarot, like any other magical attribute in rituals or rites, loves order and accuracy. Card layouts are not made under the influence of emotions or momentary impulse. The forecast should be the result of an informed decision that a person will not regret. It is necessary to lay out Tarot cards only if the beginner feels well, is in a peaceful state and is ready to expand his own consciousness.

Tarot layouts for first fortune telling with interpretation have been used for centuries:

  • informative diagram “Cross”;
  • schedule for the near, near future;
  • forecast for personal life;
  • fortune telling "Heart";
  • pyramid.

It is not difficult to do a Tarot reading. You just need to keep practicing

A description of simple layouts is accessible to every beginner with an irresistible desire to comprehend the wisdom of the Tarot deck. These types of fortune telling will not take much time, but will give fairly truthful results. Making a layout is not difficult if you tirelessly practice every free minute.

Interpretation of a simple layout

A person who has made a layout for a question of interest cannot wait for an answer. He must find it, receive it, like a mined gem. The interpretation of the symbols and their combination is more important than the correct order of the cards in the layout.

The main element of any prediction is the first card that leaves the deck. It serves as a guide, a prototype of a person who turns to the Tarot deck for advice. The clue that is hidden in the first character should not be ignored. It is the first symbol that answers questions regarding your personal or professional life.

Layouts called “partnerships” are made according to the principle of the descending position of the main and auxiliary cards. The fortune-telling mechanism of such a ready-made scheme is quite simple: the first card remains in the middle of the layout, and the remaining Tarot signs lie (in three) on either side of the main landmark of any suit. The first symbol always indicates the hidden essence of the answer, no matter what area of ​​life the forecast is made for.

Technology for the near future includes a forecast that covers upcoming moments. The near future may bring many surprises. Fortune telling for a week or two is quite simple. To do this, you should lay out the major arcana of the Tarot deck in one row. The main meaning of the layout will be hidden in the first card, while the remaining symbols will serve as additional clues. A similar technique can be done on any day and at any position of the moon.

Layout for beginners “Pyramid”

The layout, which is drawn up in the form of a pyramid, allows you to see the future in your personal and work sphere. For the questioner, whose soul is alarmed by the difficulties that have arisen, this type of layout is especially valuable. An incorrect approach to the “Pyramid” scheme will not reveal the probable future, therefore, before performing the layout, it is necessary to master its technique.

In total, for prediction you will need ten cards folded in four rows. The layout shows the essence of the answer, options for the development of existing situations and tips for solving all the difficulties that have arisen along the way of the questioner. For a beginner, “Pyramid” is a complex but accessible method of prediction.

Fortune telling with cards for beginners is a complex process that brings a lot of stress and disappointment. A person’s expectations about how a deal will unfold and reality often do not coincide. How to understand the Tarot and is it worth understanding it at all?

Everyone who takes up a fortune-telling deck must understand that it will not be possible to guess the future, if the beginner’s main goal is to have fun, then there is no point in starting to study the Tarot.

The decomposed forecast is an opportunity, a weapon, advice and warning, and only then an exciting action. Magic does not tolerate partiality or frivolity, therefore, having started training, a person will have to go to the end.

    Choose a deck of cards. Different tarot card decks use different symbols. One of the most widely used and most widely taught is the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, or one of its clones, the Morgan-Greer Tarot, for example. However, it's important to let the tarot cards speak to you, so browse different decks and look at reviews to see what people like and don't like about them.

    Develop a mission. Determining exactly what you hope to achieve in your relationship with the Tarot can help you on your path to becoming a card reader. When you know your desired end result, you can objectively see where you are now and what steps you need to take to reach your “destination.” Ask yourself about your intentions for the tarot deck or how you plan to use it to serve others. A mission statement may reflect goals such as a desire to develop better intuition, expand creativity, or connect with spiritual forces. These definitions vary and are personal to each person involved.

    Transfer your energy to the deck. The best way to do this is to hold the cards in your hands. Shuffle them again and again. Place them in order (from Jester to World, and then each suit from Ace to Ten, then Page, Knight, Queen and King). Handling cards helps them become an extension of you.

    Understand how the deck works. The Tarot deck consists of 78 cards: 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana. You must remember and be able to identify each card, as well as give two divinatory meanings for each card.

    • Major Arcana. The Tarot archetypes represented in the major arcana are pictures that reflect life, the stages and trials that we all go through. They represent the story of man's journey through life, beginning with the Fool (young, pure energy in the form of a spirit), moving through events and cycles and ending at the World (the end of our life cycle).
    • Minor Arcana. The minor cards describe the people, events, feelings and circumstances we encounter on our personal “Jester's Journey”. They display events that are under human control and show how you do things. The minor arcana are quite similar to a traditional deck of playing cards. They are made up of four suits, and each of these suits is associated with one of the elements: Wands (Fire), Cups (Water), Pentacles (Earth) and Swords (Air). There is also a Queen, King and Knight (or Rider) of each suit, as well as a Page or Princess.
      • Memorizing all 78 cards will take some time. Try working with a partner who can test you, using the deck as a sort of set of flash cards.
  1. Get a good book. A well-written book that helps you understand the basics of Tarot will be extremely helpful in getting started with Tarot card reading. Some guide you through the process, emphasizing memorization, while others encourage participation. Choose a book that suits your learning style.

    • Don't plan to rely too much on the book. It will be useful when starting out on the path, for learning, but you must combine your intuition with the knowledge from the book to fully develop as a tarot card reader.
    • Try this hack for incorporating intuition into your teaching. Look at each card and decide what you think it represents. Don't think about what's right, just trust the feeling. Then look up the meaning in your book. This will take the focus away from pure memorization and fear of being wrong and allow you to create meanings that come from your personal connection to the cards.

    Play with the basics

    1. Select the card of the day. You may choose a card simply as a way to familiarize yourself with the deck or to gain some insight into the day ahead.

      • To familiarize yourself with the deck. Pick a card at random and look at it for a while. Write down your first impressions and intuitive thoughts. Write them down in a specific color in a diary or notepad. In a different color, write down additional information about this card that you found in other sources (books, electronic groups, friends). After a few days, review what you wrote down and add notes in a third color.
      • For everyday reading. Pick a card at random first thing in the morning. Look at her for a while. Pay attention to her colors and your reaction to them. Pay attention to the general atmosphere of the card and the emotions it evokes in you. Look at the figures on the map - what they do, whether they are standing or sitting, who they remind you of, and how you feel about them. Focus on the symbols and what they remind you of. Write your thoughts down in a journal so you can refer back to them as a teaching tool and use them to track your progress.
    2. Learn card combinations. For beginners, it is important to view the Tarot deck not as 78 individual cards, but as a system of patterns and interactions. Learning card combinations can help you master this concept. Draw two cards from the deck and place them side by side, face up. Now look at the images, placements and events in the combination of the two cards. You can work with more cards or even make a whole spread. The point is to study the cards in combination and develop a deeper understanding and greater confidence when it comes time to read the cards.

      Make constellations. Tarot constellations are made up of all cards that have the same prime number (from one to nine). For example, the Tarot constellation for the number four would be a combination of fours of all stripes, the Emperor (which has the number four) and Death (which has the number 13, but which reduces to the number four, 1+3=4).

      • Lay out all the constellation cards in front of you and ask yourself a few questions, such as how you feel about each card, what about the cards attracts, repels, irritates or makes you anxious, how they are similar and different, and what symbols they share. Repeat this exercise with each of the nine prime numbers and record your impressions in your journal.
      • Understanding the energy of each of these cards will facilitate a smoother reading when many cards with the same number appear in a reading. Instead of focusing on the meaning of individual cards, you can focus on the energy they bring when combined.
    3. Play the card solving game. Go through the deck and pull out cards that seem too difficult for you. Work with them for a while to get to the root of your impression. Then go through the deck again and pull out one or more cards that you think provide solutions to the difficult cards.

      • This game actually helps you develop a skill that you can use when reading cards. When a difficult card appears in a reading and you want to help the Seeker solve this problem, you can talk about a card that will counteract the difficult one.

    Do simple reading

    1. Tell a story. A Tarot reading is a narrative, a story you tell the Seeker. It is an attempt to isolate past influences, understand present circumstances, and predict the most likely future. The future you speak of will not be a fixed or unconditional outcome. It is important to remember that there are no final results or immutability.

      Master the layouts. The spread simply refers to the layout of the cards. A Tarot spread is the configuration or structure of the cards. This structure provides the basis for a Tarot reading. In addition, each position of the Tarot cards in the layout has a specific meaning. When reading, you will use the placement or position of the cards in a particular topic. For example, many spreads include positions of the past, present and future. They may also include positions from internal feelings, specific problems, external factors, and so on. There are hundreds of spreads, and more experienced readers can create their own. Experiment with different layouts and try to choose ones that encourage your imagination and intuition. Finding out what works best for you is very important. Many readers are accustomed to relying on specific layouts that suit them best.

      Start with a three card spread. The three-card spread is ideal for finding answers to simple questions, for refocusing on simplicity, and for beginners who are just starting to read. Designate the positions in advance, lay out your spread, and use what you've learned about the meanings and combinations of the cards to tell the story.

      • Possible positions designed to understand the situation: past/present/future, current situation/obstacle/advice, where you are now/what you are striving for/how to achieve it and what will help you/what will hinder you/what is your hidden potential.
      • Possible positions for understanding relationships: you/the other person/relationship, opportunities/challenges/outcomes, what keeps you together/what divides you/what needs your attention/what you want from the relationship/where the relationship is going.
      • Possible positions for understanding yourself: mind/body/spirit, material state/emotional state/spiritual state, you/your current path/your potential, stop/start/continue.

    Make a more complex layout

    1. Separate the cards. To begin this 21-card spread, separate the major arcana from the minor arcana.

      Create a schedule. Shuffle each set of cards, cut them and lay them out in rows of three columns of seven cards, setting one aside. This way you will use most of the major arcana, but you will still have some minor arcana cards. Set them aside.

      Write down your impressions. Make a list of the cards you have laid out. Choose the word that best describes each and write it next to it.

      Look at the pictures on the cards. What are they telling you? Define a storytelling pattern as if you were looking at a picture book and trying to understand the story. The story pattern can go across the entire layout, down, diagonally, or from the first to the last card. The card to the side represents the most important element of the situation.

      Ask questions. Ask yourself what situations in your life or the life of the person to whom you are making the alignment, the cards hint at.

      Consider alternatives. Look for patterns of narratives that offer alternatives when the first option is heard, things that could make the situation better or worse.

      Reconsider your words. Think about the words you used to label each card. How do they relate to the stories you have identified?

    2. Put it all together. Combine your ideas from the steps above into one reading. You may be surprised at how much more accurate a reading can be than using a deck interpretation book.

      • Remember that if at any moment it seems to you that the card means something different to you than what is written in the book, proceed from your meaning. Trusting your intuition is the true path to reading tarot cards, and it is something you will begin to do naturally as you become more experienced. Just let the cards speak to you.

    Protect your deck

    Clear your deck. There will be times when you will need to cleanse your deck to rid it of negative energy. There are many ways to do this, but one simple way involves calling one of the four elements. When using this method, start by fanning out the deck, but if thorough cleaning is necessary, the cards can be cleaned one at a time.

    • Earth. Bury the protected deck in sand, salt or soil for 24 hours. Alternatively, fan the deck out onto a tablecloth and sprinkle it with salt and/or sand for a minute or two, or any combination of basil, lavender, rosemary, sage or thyme.
    • Water. Spray the cards lightly with water, herbal tea or herbal infusion and wipe immediately, or place the deck under moonlight in a sheltered place for half the night.
    • Fire. Being careful not to get burned, quickly pass the deck through the candle flame. You can also place the deck in sunlight in a sheltered area for half a day.
    • Air. Pass the deck five to seven times over the burning incense. Or try taking a deep breath instead and blowing deeply and slowly onto the deck three times.
  • Use card shuffling time to clear your mind. Choose card backs that speak to you so you can use them as a meditative point of focus.
  • Use crystals to add energy and atmosphere.
  • Turn all cards head up to avoid being turned over. They can add more insight, but are not a necessity and can make the learning process more difficult for beginners.
  • View the major arcana as depicting the deeper, spiritual aspects of life situations, and the minor arcana as a reflection of everyday problems.
  • Use the stack of “extra” minor arcana cards to elaborate on particularly complex card interpretations. Select one or more cards from the stack and place them on top of the challenge card. Read them as part of a story.
  • Light incense and candles to create a relaxed reading environment. A glass of wine and pleasant music can also enhance it.
  • Once you feel ready to deal with the reversed cards, there are several ways to approach them. Some readers read reversed cards as the opposite of the correct position meanings, but this can reduce your reading ability to the point where it has little value. It may give more food for thought to wonder whether a reversed card speaks more frankly in some way. For example, does the Ten of Cups reversed mean that the energy of joy is blocked, delayed, visible but not real, real but not seen, hidden, promised, or otherwise not fully represented? The context will usually clarify what is taking place.
  • Sometimes the meaning of a tarot card reading may seem unclear or ambiguous. To sharpen your reading, practice “reverse reading”: first think about the meaning (for example, “quick fix”), then think about what card might represent it (for example, the Eight of Wands). When you ask a question about a tarot card reading, imagine some the answers you might get, and which cards will show them - *before* you start drawing cards.


  • Just because you believe strongly in free will doesn't mean you can't take advantage of the descriptive power of the Tarot. Instead of a fortune telling, think of a tarot card reading as a roadmap to help you choose where to go rather than guiding you in a certain direction.
  • Remember to be a little skeptical about this.
  • Some decks can be cut by paper. Be careful!

Do you want to know your immediate future, prospects for developing relationships with your significant other, etc.? In this article we will tell you how to learn how to read Tarot cards on your own for beginners without the need to contact a specialist.

Is it possible to learn how to read Tarot on your own?

Anyone can learn the art of fortune telling. Specialists of the Russian Tarot School will tell you in detail how to learn how to read Tarot cards on your own - all you need to do is sign up for courses. During the learning process and after reading this material, beginning tarot readers will be able to develop their intuition, become wiser, and hone their analytical abilities and spatial thinking.

Think about why you need fortune telling?

Fortune telling with Tarot cards is necessary for every person. You will be able to expand the boundaries of your subconscious, read the signs that the deck sends, understand the true purpose of earthly existence, predict your own future, etc.

What questions can Tarot answer?

  • State of the current situation/case
  • Development trends/prospects
  • How to act rationally
  • Identifying the cause of a problem situation

Choosing your first deck

To gain experience in this type of fortune telling, it is better to use classic decks. The most popular option is the Rider-Waite cards. Universality of application, accessible images, simple interpretation of meanings are only part of the advantages of this interpretation of the Tarot. A large selection of specialized literature will help you easily understand the meanings of each Arcana.

Don't like the classics? Then choose another deck according to the criteria described below.

Cards must have clear symbols. Abstract images will cause bewilderment and confusion for a novice tarot reader. In the beginning, practice on a simple deck - this will help you move on to interpreting the complex meanings of other versions of the Tarot

  • Images must be on each card. Some deck options only partially use pictures - don't buy them
  • The first deck should be well-known - this will help you find hints and useful advice from specialists at the Russian Tarot School or on the Internet
  • Listen to the energy of the cards - if you like the deck, buy it. Fear, apprehension, negative emotions are sure signs that the Tarot is “not yours”

Learning Theory

Where to start learning fortune telling from scratch using Tarot cards for beginners

  • Human desire. Get rid of prejudices and stereotypes that cards will unmistakably show you the future even without your direct participation
  • Fortune telling with cards is similar to the interpretation of dreams. Know how to correctly capture the necessary images, listen to your own feelings and emotions. The cards will tell you the optimal solution - the main thing is to decipher it correctly
  • Each meaning can be selected individually for a person - one of the basics of Tarot fortune telling. Don’t be lazy to take notes after each hand you make
  • The fortune telling deck must be completely new, so it is forbidden to take it as a gift from someone
  • Regular communication with cards will help you quickly establish contact with them. Record your results in a special notebook. With constant practice, you will be able to get to know the deck much better.
  • “Haste is good for catching fleas.” Tarot reading is painstaking, hard work comparable to spiritual development. The main thing is to achieve mutual understanding
  • Study specialized literature (for example, “Evening tea by candlelight and Tarot cards” by Sergei Savchenko), try new techniques for layouts on Tarot cards for beginners. This will help remove edges and develop sensitivity in the spiritual sphere.

Practice: first steps

If you are wondering how to learn fortune telling with Tarot cards at home, then constant practice with layouts will help you. Start with the simplest ones - this will help you correctly interpret the resulting value.

Why shouldn’t you use detailed interpretations of symbols from other authors in the fortune telling process?

  • The ready-made formulation leaves no room for interpretation. Use your intuition, partially relying on the standard meanings of the dropped signs
  • The interpretation of the lasso depends on its position in the layout, position (straight, inverted). It is impossible to memorize all existing options even over decades - learn to listen to your own subconscious

During the fortune-telling process, tune in, discard extraneous thoughts, and retire to the room. Take the deck in your hands and carefully examine each sign, writing down the associations associated with it on a piece of paper or in a notepad. Systematize the information received by making a small table with brief information on each lasso.

“Card of the Day” - simple fortune telling for beginners

“Card of the Day” is one of the simplest Tarot card layouts for beginners. Fortune telling will help you better learn all the secrets of the chosen deck and remember the basic meanings of each sign. Constant practice will help you feel the cards, feel their energy, etc.

It is better to do the layout in the morning - it predicts the events of the next day. The Arcana that fall out will tell you what you should protect yourself from and what you shouldn’t miss. But don’t get carried away - you should guess once every few days.

Another option for using “Card of the Day” fortune telling is to answer a question that requires an unambiguous “yes” or “no” answer. It is not necessary to immediately look for a detailed description of the dropped value; it is enough to look in what position the sign fell - upright/inverted (positive/negative answer, respectively).

How to correctly lay out Tarot cards for beginners?

Correctly laying out the deck will help a novice tarot reader get truthful answers to questions of interest. Follow these guidelines:

  • Concentrate, ask the cards a question of interest - it can relate to any area of ​​life. You can use generalized formulations from the “what awaits me if” series. Replay the question in your head while shuffling the cards.
  • Draw cards. There may be several of them - it all depends on the layout used. There are two ways: you can fan out all the cards on the table, randomly taking out the required number of symbols from it, or choose directly from the shuffled pile. When you take out the cards, try not to think about this process

To interpret the obtained values, you should turn the cards face down, assessing the layout as a whole. If the fortuneteller has several cards of the same suit, they symbolize an area of ​​life that is valuable to a person.

Note. The presence of the Major Arcana indicates fateful events occurring in a person’s life

When laying out the arcana, intuitively determine what they want to tell you. If you are using a complex layout and the meaning is unclear, use the standard interpretation of the dropped symbol. Do not forget to write down the results - this will be useful for subsequent fortune telling.

The video “How to correctly lay out Tarot cards during fortune telling” will help you avoid mistakes during the layout process.

Based on the above information, there are several “golden rules” that will help beginners better understand Tarot cards.

Fortune telling should be done in good health, in high spirits

  • Use only “charged” cards. To do this, carry them with you for a couple of days, “talk” with them (go away, light a white wax candle, hold the deck in your hands while listening to pleasant music, preferably without extraneous thoughts)
  • Sew a special linen bag or case for the deck. You can use other natural materials in neutral shades
  • Intuition, imagination, analytical thinking are your main assistants in learning the secrets of the Tarot.
  • Learn to interpret the obtained values ​​yourself, occasionally looking at the “cheat sheet”. Take courses - they will help develop the missing qualities necessary for the correct interpretation of the result of fortune telling
  • Write everything down in a special notebook
  • Don't pester your deck about every little thing. Any fortune telling should be carried out no more than once every two days.

Let this information help you better understand the secrets of the Tarot. Stay tuned for updates and don't forget to leave comments. See you soon!

Tarot cards always truthfully answer the fortuneteller’s questions, but you need to prepare for the process of layout and interpretation itself.

We have divided the advice on the rules of fortune telling into thematic sections, each of which is equally important for the fortuneteller.

How to prepare a deck for fortune telling

If you want to find out everything the cards can tell you as quickly as possible, be patient. The tarot deck is a magical attribute and should not be used in a hurry.

First of all you need. Beginners are often lost in choice and buy 5-10 decks at once, hoping that this will make the predictions more detailed and interesting. You shouldn't do this.

If this is your first deck, opt for the classic Tarot. Firstly, you can find much more information on them, and secondly, most Tarot variations are based on the classics. When you get comfortable with the classic deck, then buy additional ones.

Clearing the Deck

After the deck is purchased, the cards need to be cleaned and a preparatory ceremony is carried out. To do this, prepare a white candle, clean water, ordinary salt and an incense stick with the aroma that soothes you.

  1. Sit in a quiet environment, turn off your phone, turn off the lights. Place the prepared items on the table according to the cardinal directions. North should correspond to salt, south to candle, east to incense stick, west to water.
  2. Light the candle and wand, take out new cards from the deck. Sprinkle some salt on them and cast a spell that will cleanse the cards of negative energy using the power of the earth and charm them to the truth. The text of the spell can be taken from any textbook for tarot readers.
  3. After this, place the cards in the smoke from the incense stick and cast a similar spell, only this time calling on the forces of air instead of earth.
  4. Now it's time to call on the powers of fire for help. To do this, the cards are placed over a candle flame and a spell is cast.
  5. Sprinkle your deck with water using a spell to summon the power of water.
  6. Then hold the deck between your palms and imagine how a white energy flow passes through you, starting from the top of your head and ending with your hands, after which it flows into the cards.

Sit in peace and quiet for another ten minutes. After this ritual, the Tarot deck is considered charged.

How to Store Tarot Cards

To store cards, you can use a beautiful box and a bag sewn with your own hands.

Some stones, such as moonstone, obsidian, or amethyst, enhance the magical properties of the cards, so if you have the opportunity, place one or more of these stones with the cards. But before doing this, the stones also need to be cleaned by putting them in salt for a day, and then rinsing them with running water.

Tarot cards tend to be fueled by lunar energy, so every full moon you can put them on the windowsill for the whole night.

Tarot divination rules

Tarot cards are not entertainment, but a very powerful energetic object, therefore the process of fortune telling on them must be approached consciously and prepared. These simple tips from experienced tarot readers will tell you how to read tarot correctly.

Feeling good

Never do a reading if you are feeling unwell, emotionally exhausted, anxious, confused, or feeling resentful or angry. Any physical discomfort, even mild toothache, is also contraindicated for fortune telling.

Excessive joy and feelings of euphoria will not help you either. The fortuneteller must be in a neutral, calm and balanced state.

Lack of emotions in a tarot reader

Never empathize with the person for whom you are making a reading during the fortune telling process, as these emotions will interfere with an objective interpretation. If the person you are reading fortunes for is your best friend or relative, express your sympathy before or after the reading, but never during it.

Regularity of fortune telling

Do not guess many times in a row on the same question. In order to receive truthful answers, it is better to do a repeat alignment for the same situation no earlier than after 29 days.

Internal concentration

Setting up for fortune telling is an individual thing. Perhaps at first you will use some special rituals that will help you communicate with the cards, and later you will abandon them, having learned quick internal concentration.

Preserving the energy of a tarot reader

Tarot fortune telling always takes away the power of the fortuneteller, so it is better to ask the person for whom you are conducting the session to independently pull cards from the deck and turn them over.

If you tell fortunes to loved ones, you don’t have to do this.

Cleansing ritual

After completing the fortune telling ritual, perform a cleansing ritual - wash your hands with regular running water, as it tends to wash away negativity.

If desired, you can take a bath or shower.

Closing a communication channel

During a reading, you always open a channel of communication with the person being read, so don't forget to close it when you're done. The easiest way to break the connection is to charge the person some kind of fee. It doesn't have to be money. Some kind of gift or service is possible.

If for some reason it is not possible to break the connection in this way, mentally imagine how you cut off the energy cord that stretches from you to the person, saying the words “I take for myself all that is good and bright, I give (the person’s name) it.”

Rules for interpreting layouts

You already have tarot cards, you also figured out how to guess correctly, and now we get to the most interesting question that worries all beginners: how to read tarot cards?

A unified system of Tarot interpretation

Determine for yourself the single system of interpretation that you will use. The fact is that many beginners try to use different interpretations for different types of fortune telling, and this is a big mistake.

From the very beginning you must agree with your cards how to understand them. Different authors have different interpretations of the same cards, often directly opposite to each other. This does not mean that some of them are right and some are wrong. It’s just that initially you yourself must assign each card the interpretation option of the author that you like best. And subsequently do not change this system, otherwise great confusion may arise.

Astrological connections

Also decide on the astrological connections of your cards. These connections also differ among different authors, but they all work. Astrological connections help to better understand the alignment and understand the situation.

Rules for a personal deck

Your personal Tarot deck may also obey the rules you invented, but you must not only come up with them, but remember them and not change them again.

Diary of layouts

At first, a diary will help you understand better. Get yourself a notebook in which you will write down all the layouts you have made.

Enter there the date and time of the session, the lunar day and the sign of the Moon, as well as all the questions that you asked the cards and all the answers received.

Fortune telling on the Major Arcana

In order not to get confused in the interpretation, at first choose layouts that are not full of decks. It’s better to start with those options where only the Major Arcana are used.

Interpretation of only your own layouts

Never undertake the interpretation of other people's layouts and do not ask anyone (even an experienced tarot reader) to interpret your own. Each deck is unique, it is initially configured to work only with its owner, so trying to come to someone else’s monastery with your own charter will not lead to a good result.

That's all! Now that you have become familiar with the main rules and learned how to read Tarot cards, you can safely begin to practice.