The Dukan Diet, developed by the famous French nutritionist Pierre Dukan in 1975, has reached perfection over a 30-year history of continuous development.

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It compares favorably with most analogues in that weight loss is not associated with exhaustion of the body, limiting oneself in the amount of food consumed, but is more associated with a reliable consolidation of the result. It is not surprising that such a successful method has become wildly popular.

Dr. Dukan is one of the largest and most influential nutritionists in the world. opposition to obesity diverge in millions of copies. Continuing to continuously improve his formidable weapon against waist fat, Pierre Ducan subsequently created an express version of his diet "Slimming Ladder".

Getting Started with the Diet

The most time-consuming stage begins, where there is only food according to the permitted list. Next, low-calorie vegetables are added, on the third, a little pasta or hard cheese is already acceptable when fixing occurs. Plus, to avoid mental stress and possible breakdowns, once a week you can arrange a holiday for yourself.

Even forbidden alcohol or chocolate desserts will stop driving you crazy every time you go to the store, becoming affordable.

The fourth stage - the most common diet six days a week is also replaced by a kind of holiday, but already a fasting day - eating only protein products allowed on the list. The time spent on each segment will be calculated by a special calculator, starting from the required weight.

Teflon-coated pans are suitable for frying diet foods; you can cook recipes without grease in a microwave, oven, grill, or steam.

The little secret to success is oat bran. Daily intake gives a feeling of satiety with a minimum of calories and normalizes the excretion of toxins accumulated in the body. It is also a great product to cook porridge, homemade bread and delicious diet desserts.

1.5-2 liters per day, mineral non-carbonated or slightly carbonated, will provide normal results for the body, even without any diet. A glass before a meal and a glass after will help digest the food thoroughly.

Daily walks not only to the store and back, lasting 20 minutes and simple exercises, light fitness or will help you feel good and form an attractive figure. Pierre Dukan shares another secret to losing weight quickly - to completely abandon the elevator.

First stage: Attack

Starting to overcome your bad habits is difficult. Plus, the body can painfully react to each process of cleansing from toxins. The Attack phase is a grueling procedure and should never exceed 10 days. It is normal if you feel a slight malaise, tachycardia, drowsiness.

But then, this is the period of the most impressive results. At the maximum mode, at least 60% will go for this phase at once. After the first unpleasant impression, the body is optimized, new resources will turn on and the state will improve. By performing the Attack phase, you lose weight instantly and inevitably.

The daily menu for the Attack stage is universal. Dishes can be interchanged and combined at the discretion. A well-thought-out daily diet and recipes will help make every day pleasant and bright. Healthy food is not yet synonymous with tasteless food.

Attack menu table:

Protein breakdown products with a lack of fluid will disrupt the functioning of the kidneys and lead to serious intoxication. The results can be very disastrous. It is important to drink more than two liters of water a day and eat bran to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of residual substances.

Second stage: Cruise (Alternating)

By the end of this stage of losing weight, the weight will reach the target mark. Now the days are divided into two categories: protein days, which are interspersed with protein-vegetable days. Protein days resemble the Attack stage, they do not differ. Nothing but products acceptable for the past period. On mixed protein-vegetable days, in addition to those already allowed, new dietary ingredients for dishes appear in use:

  • Vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, spinach, cabbage, both regular and cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, radish, pumpkin), lettuce, beans in pods;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Low-fat dressing sauces for dressing.

For the rational use of the Dukan method of losing weight, it is worth considering in advance the alternation of days. The author himself recommends one protein day, then one mixed. But you can pick up other recipes for changing modes, for example, three through three, the main condition is that the total duration matches.

For adequate digestion of the increased number of products, bran is now 2 tablespoons and still drink at least 2 liters of water. The habit of walking in the fresh air for half an hour will finally fix the result.

At first, it will seem that after mixed days, the rate of weight loss will decrease. In fact, everything is in order: a protein diet, vegetables and bran fix the result of the removal of excess water from the tissues. Gradually normalizing your metabolism, water will partially return, but weight loss will continue.

The increased range of available products will allow you to diversify recipes and you can cook with pleasure no longer banal dishes. An example is seen below: the daily diet of the Cruise (Alternation) stage, scheduled separately for protein and mixed days.

Third stage: Consolidation (Consolidation)

The hard days are over. It remains to consolidate on what has been achieved. How long it will take depends on the initially chosen mode, based on the fact that every 1 kg is lost at a rate of 10 days on average, the calculator can calculate the exact numbers. The protein day is firmly registered in the calendar.

Expanded variety of allowed products. Already have something to go to the store for:

  • Fruits or berries a day, for example, a slice of melon, an orange. Excluding high-carb (cherries, grapes, banana);
  • 100 grams of grain bread;
  • 40 grams of hard cheese with a fat content of up to 40%. It is advisable to avoid blue cheese, goat and processed cheese.

Once a week, a starchy side dish of your choice is suitable: up to 220 grams of whole rice, jacket potatoes (only boiled), pasta, or a maximum of 200 grams of soy, chickpeas, peas, wheat, couscous, polenta. 2 glasses of dry wine and a couple of tablespoons of honey are allowed. Once a week, the meat diet will expand 150 grams of pork meat (even fried).

Protein Thursday: starting from the consolidation phase, once a week (the author recommends every Thursday) eat only the Attack phase diet.

According to the principles of the Dukan Method, the use of a regular weekly protein discharge will help to do away with those grams that are gained over the rest of the days and maintain consistent results throughout life. It is important to follow the rules for taking water, bran and a half-hour walk. Study an example of a weekly menu for the Consolidation phase.

Menu table Consolidation:

Fourth stage: Stabilization

This segment can hardly be called a full-fledged stage. There are no restrictions in the diet, you can eat as you like, even desserts. That target weight has been reached and fixed. Features of this period:

  • Every week - "protein Thursday" (or another day);
  • Bran 3 tablespoons in the morning. It is not necessary to stuff yourself with a raw product, you can bake bread, cute desserts: crackers or cookies;
  • Water and walk. However, this should have become a habit by now;
  • Try not to lean on sugar, flour and potatoes. The more protein in the food and vegetables on the menu, the healthier the food will be;
  • Remember that a person who lives actively and mobilely does not get better in principle.

Express option "Slimming Ladder"

The author of the Dukan diet clearly understood that not everyone is able to follow the instructions of the long stages exactly. A lot of people who want to lose weight will not be able to do this using the proposed method, due to medical reasons. Protein diet Dukan for 7 days to deliver less inconvenience, reducing extra pounds.

Continuously innovating the ways of healthy weight loss, in 2007 he published the book "The Weight Loss Ladder", which became an instant global bestseller. In it, Pierre Ducan offers shortened and less exhausting recipes.

When the weight is above the norm, a person begins to look for a suitable diet for weight loss. The Dukan diet is very popular among men and women because it does not contain strict restrictions. The main principle of the diet is to use only approved products. The stages of the Dukan diet last from two days to six months, during which you should follow a different menu for a separate phase. The allowed products for each period will be discussed in detail.

What is the Dukan Diet

The principle of the Dukan nutrition system is very cheerful: you can eat without restrictions and lose weight. However, not all are allowed, but certain products. The famous French doctor Pierre Dukan, who developed this nutrition system, claims that people have the opportunity to eat in normal quantities without getting fat. To do this, you need to teach the body to use not only carbohydrates and fats as fuel, but also proteins.

The main requirement for Dukan weight stabilization is to adhere to the following rule for the rest of your life: spend one day a week with exclusively protein foods. The rest of the time it is allowed to eat any food after establishing the ideal individual weight. Pierre Dukan believes that the weight of each person should correspond to age, height and many other personal parameters, and not to fashion requirements.

Basic Rules

The principles of the Dukan diet are based on the division of the diet into 4 phases. The first two stages are aimed at ensuring that a person does not gain extra kilos again. Normal weight is reached at the end of the second phase. The third stage is the consolidation of the result. The problem of being overweight is to keep the results. Anyone can easily lose body weight, but after a while it gains it again. When the weight returns, the body becomes less sensitive to any diet. The third phase is used to solve the problem. The fourth stage lasts for the rest of your life.


The first stage of the Dukan diet is the shortest - from 2 to 7 days. The duration depends on the initial weight of the body losing weight. For those who want to lose a little weight, two days is enough, and for very obese people, it is recommended to stay on a protein diet for a week. The second stage lasts longer. Someone manages to achieve the desired weight in 2 weeks, while others need six months. It is necessary to follow the third stage on the basis of: for each kilogram lost - 10 days. For example, if it took 5 kg, then this phase of the Dukan diet will last 50 days.

Dukan system

According to the observation of Pierre Dukan, the consumption of protein products gives stunning results to people who lose weight. In order not to increase the weight, two rules should be followed: take a twenty-minute walk every day and consume 3 tablespoons of oat bran every day. These are not such strict rules of the nutrition system to have a beautiful figure and feel great. Consider all the stages of the Dukan diet in detail.

Stage 1 Attack

The main purpose of the first stage of the Dukan diet is to start fat burning processes in the human body. In addition to permitted food, you can drink coffee, tea, herbal preparations in reasonable quantities. From salad dressings, it is allowed to use vegetable oil (olive, sunflower), soy sauce, balsamic vinegar. It is acceptable to use spices, tomato paste and sweetener. If you like cottage cheese and meat dishes, seafood, fish and eggs, then the Attack phase will be the most delicious period of the diet.

Approved Products

What can you eat, what are the pros and cons of the Attack phase? Long-term protein intake can adversely affect kidney health. But 2-7 days of such a diet will help unload the body, set it up for weight loss. So, the allowed products of the Attack phase are:

  1. Meat. Low-fat varieties are welcome: rabbit, turkey, chicken, horse meat, beef. It is sometimes allowed to use offal: kidneys, liver, tongue.
  2. Egg white. Chicken is allowed, but quail is better. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of yolk during the diet to a minimum.
  3. Fish, seafood. Everything is allowed. It is better to cook for a couple, stew or boil. Canned meat and fish are not allowed, fried foods are also not allowed.
  4. Dairy and dairy products. All products are allowed, but fat-free - up to 0.5%. You can not eat dairy products with added sugar and artificial additives.
  5. Nuts. You can take 1 handful daily, but only instead of vegetable oil.
  6. Flax seeds. Preferably 3 teaspoons a day.


Approximate description of meals for the day during the first phase:

  • breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, grilled chicken breast (200 g), coffee without milk and sugar;
  • lunch: crab sticks or oat bran cake;
  • lunch: Mongolian spicy beef, fat-free yogurt;
  • afternoon snack: cinnamon pancakes;
  • dinner: shrimps with garlic, chicken pieces, green tea.

Stage 2 Alternation

If there was no meeting with the doctor before starting the first stage of the diet, it is useful to take blood tests for cholesterol and sugar at this stage. If there are good indications, you can proceed to the second phase of the Dukan diet, which is also called the Cruise. It is designed to achieve immediate weight loss. At the Alternation stage, there are no restrictions on the amount and frequency of food intake. The main point of the second phase of the Dukan diet is the change of protein and protein-vegetable days. We must not forget about the drinking regime (about 2 liters of water per day).

Approved Products

Oat bran remains an essential part of the diet. Protein products are the same as those allowed in the first phase. Vegetables are added to them:

  • all types of cabbage;
  • eggplant;
  • zucchini;
  • leeks and onions;
  • cucumbers;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • spinach;
  • celery;
  • radish, turnip;
  • Bell pepper;
  • asparagus;
  • tomatoes;
  • leafy salads;
  • beans (green, string);
  • pumpkin;
  • chicory.


At this stage, it is allowed to prepare desserts that can be used as a snack. Any fruits are prohibited, as they contain natural sugar. Sample menu for the second phase for the day:

  • breakfast: vegetables baked in foil, liver pate, cocoa;
  • lunch: cottage cheese blancmange;
  • lunch: seafood soup, boiled lean veal (200 g) with ketchup, asparagus beans;
  • afternoon snack: oatmeal cookies;
  • dinner: boiled mussels or oysters with dill, ginger lemonade.

Stage 3 Consolidation

The main goal of the phase is to get out of the diet in the most gentle way. The 3rd stage of the Dukan diet adapts the losing weight to the new diet as comfortably as possible. In humans, metabolic processes stabilize, the work of the digestive tract normalizes, the parameters of the figure return to normal. If the previous stages of the Dukan diet were monotonous, then the third phase has a more varied menu. Fixing is already much easier to withstand, the main thing is to eat food within reasonable limits.

Approved Products

What can be introduced into the diet in the Consolidation phase:

  1. Fruit. It is allowed to use one piece for each snack. If we are talking about strawberries or raspberries, then a small portion, if about watermelon or melon - one slice. Dried fruits are strictly prohibited.
  2. Whole wheat bread. It is preferable to use products with bran or rye flour. No more than 2 slices daily are allowed.
  3. Hard cheeses. The fat content of the product should not exceed 50%. You can eat 40 g / day.
  4. Meat, game, poultry. Each type is allowed to use no more than 1 time per week.
  5. Products containing starch. Durum pasta, peas, lentils, rice, potatoes and cereals can be introduced little by little during the Consolidation phase.


If the first and second stages of the Dukan diet were more or less strict, then the third is the place for kitchen creativity. Six days a week (except Thursday) you can eat protein and vegetable dishes and those that are allowed to be added. Thursday should be devoted only to protein products - this is a very necessary measure for stabilizing weight. Description of the approximate menu of the third stage:

  • breakfast: a slice of hard cheese, a slice of whole grain bread, low-fat yogurt, coffee;
  • lunch: cottage cheese or casserole;
  • lunch: pasta with squid, buckwheat soup with a piece of ham, freshly squeezed juice;
  • afternoon snack: apple;
  • dinner: baked potatoes with vegetables, a glass of milk.

Stage 4 Stabilization

All stages of Dukan are aimed at weight loss. The Stabilization phase no longer imposes restrictions, but it involves the observance of some rules that Pierre Ducan advises to adhere to throughout your life:

  • never overeat;
  • maintain the habit of regular walking or other physical activity;
  • do not forget to monitor the rate of fluid (per day - up to 2 liters of water);
  • have a protein day once a week.

In addition, there are products that are prohibited, among them sugar and fructose. It is advisable to avoid moldy cheeses and goat milk products. It is not advisable to eat fruits in large quantities - it is better to limit it to one dose per day. Meat should be eaten only low-fat varieties and in limited quantities. The menu should be dominated by foods rich in proteins and fiber, not fats. An occasional glass of red wine is allowed. It is advisable to exclude other alcohol from the diet altogether, because it provokes appetite.

Approved Products

At the Stabilization stage, you can gradually return to your usual diet, but adhere to the new food rules. The use of products should always be monitored so that the weight does not return. Sweets and carbonated drinks should be avoided. It is better to look at the numerous recipes of vegetarian cuisine. It is advisable to cook vegetable salads without vegetable oil, seasoning with soy sauce or lemon juice.


When the phased weight loss has come to an end, it is already much easier to cook the right food, since the table of allowed foods has been expanded to the maximum. The main goal of the Stabilization stage is to strengthen the new nutrition system, which will not allow a person to deviate further from the path to the intended goal. Sample menu of the last phase for the day:

  • breakfast: one boiled egg, a piece of ham with whole grain bread, coffee with cream;
  • lunch: crab sticks or chicken casserole;
  • lunch: sea fish soup, baked eggplant;
  • afternoon snack: a piece of melon or watermelon;
  • dinner: seafood julienne, broccoli casserole with cheese, tea.


Benefits of the Dukan Diet:

  • Protein foods can be eaten at any time, in any quantities (lean meat and ham, eggs, any fish and seafood, low-fat dairy products)
  • You see the result already in the first days of the diet
  • You lose weight quickly
  • You lose weight at the expense of fat while maintaining muscle mass
  • Improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair
  • Diet allows you not only to lose weight, but also to keep the result.

Diet stages

The diet consists of 4 stages: "Attack", "Alternation", "Consolidation" and "Stabilization".

The duration of the first three stages depends on the weight you want to lose.The last stage is “Stabilization”, this is a way of life in which, following a few simple recommendations, you can maintain the achieved result.

The weight that
must be reset
1. Attack 2. Alternation 3. Fixing
5 kg 2 days 15 days 50 days
10 kg 3 days 50 days 100 days
15 kg 4 days 85 days 150 days
20 kg 5 days 120 days 200 days
25 kg 7 days 155 days 250 days
30 kg 7 days 160 days 300 days
35 kg 9 days 190 days 400 days
40 kg 10 days 330 days 500 days

* The specific results of the diet are not universal and depend on the individual characteristics of the body.

At the first stage, you can eat only protein foods. With each next step, your diet will expand. In the second stage, you will be able to eat vegetables. At the third one, one fruit and a slice of hard cheese are added per day, in addition, at this stage you can periodically arrange a “holiday of the stomach” and eat starchy foods. In the fourth stage, you return to a normal diet.

One of the important rules of the diet is to completely eliminate any oil, fat and mayonnaise. Cook without oil in a non-stick pan, boil food, bake it in the oven, use the microwave, steamer and grill. Fill salads not with mayonnaise or vegetable oil, but with lemon juice.

During the diet, as well as after its completion, it is important to consume oat bran every day (you can order them on our website). They will replace you with one full meal, give you a feeling of satiety, help lower cholesterol levels, and help avoid constipation. From bran, you can bake homemade bread, cook desserts, cook porridge, take them with low-fat kefir.

Other rules to follow at any stage of the diet:

  • Drink 2 liters of pure water per day
  • Walk for 30 min. in a day
  • Refuse the elevator

It is better to refrain from some foods at any stage of the diet:

  • Sugar
  • Fried potatoes
  • Fruits high in sugar: bananas, cherries, sweet cherries, grapes, figs

First stage: "Attack"

This stage allows you to quickly see the first results of the diet.

At the "Attack" stage, you should use 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of oat bran per day.

Your food at this stage is protein foods that are low in fat and carbohydrates. Such foods can be eaten at any time, in any quantity, both during an attack and at any other stage of the diet:

  • Veal lean
  • White poultry meat: chicken, turkey, quail, guinea fowl (without skin)
  • Lean ham, up to 4%
  • Beef and chicken liver, kidneys
  • Veal and beef tongue (front)
  • Rabbit meat
  • Any fish
  • Seafood: shrimp, squid, mussels, etc.
  • crayfish
  • Caviar without oil
  • Fat-free kefir, 0.5%
  • Fat-free cottage cheese, 0%
  • Cottage cheese liquid, fat-free, 0%
  • Skimmed milk, 0%
  • Soy cheese "Tofu"

The following protein foods can be consumed in limited amounts:

  • Chicken eggs, no more than 2 yolks per day, unlimited protein
  • Crab sticks, no more than 8 pcs. in a day

Also, at any stage of the diet, you can eat foods that, while not being protein, contain a minimum of fats and carbohydrates, or do not contain them at all:

  • Tea black, green, herbal
  • Instant and brewed coffee
  • Coca-Cola Light and Pepsi-Cola Light
  • Sugar substitutes (except fructose, glucose and sorbitol)
  • Low fat cocoa, up to 14%, 1 tsp per day
  • Corn starch, no more than 1 tbsp. per day
  • Milk powder, skimmed, 1.5%, no more than 3 tbsp. per day
  • Wheat bran, no more than 1 tbsp. l. per day
  • Food flavors
  • dough baking powder
  • Gelatin
  • Bouillon cubes low fat
  • Onions (no more than 1.5 onions per day)
  • Lemon as a condiment (do not drink as lemonade and do not eat as a fruit)
  • Parsley
  • Caraway
  • Vinegar
  • Mustard, in moderation
  • Salt, in moderation
  • Vanilla
  • Cinnamon
  • Chewing gum without sugar
  • and other products with a minimum content of fats and carbohydrates.

From the specified set of products, you can cook many dishes that will make your diet absolutely comfortable.

Second stage: "Alternation"

It is at the end of the “Alternation” stage that you will reach the desired weight. At this stage, you alternate protein days with protein-vegetable days. One day is purely protein, the next - proteins with vegetables.

At the "Alternation" stage, you should use 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oat bran per day.

The number of vegetables is not limited, as well as protein products.

Forbidden: potatoes, all types of cereals and pasta, peas, corn, beans (not green beans), olives / black olives, avocados, beans, lentils.

Third stage: "Fixing"

The “Consolidate” stage is designed to consolidate the achieved weight. The duration of this stage is determined by the formula: 10 days for each kilogram of weight lost. For example, if you lost 12 kg of weight, then the duration of this stage for you will be 120 days.
The consumption of oat bran increases to 2.5 tbsp. spoons a day.
At this stage, you can add to your diet:

  • One fruit a day
  • One piece of cheese per day, weighing 40 g, (but avoid blue cheese, soft cheese and goat cheese), try not to eat cheeses above 40% fat
  • Several times a week you can eat unlimited amounts of lamb, roast pork and bacon

One fruit per day refers to a medium-sized apple or pear, a 200-gram cup of berries, one slice of melon or watermelon, etc. At this stage, you can eat any fruit except for those that contain too much sugar: bananas, cherries, cherries, grapes, figs.
In the Consolidation phase, two very pleasant innovations appear - this is a portion of starchy foods and a "holiday of the stomach." Divide the number of days of the third stage in half. During the first part, you will be entitled to one serving of starchy foods per week and one "stomach holiday", in the second part - two servings of starchy foods and two "stomach holidays".
Examples of starchy foods:

  • Potatoes, 1-2 pcs, baked in the oven with the skin on, or in foil
  • Rice, no more than 125 g
  • Pasta
  • Buckwheat

A “stomach feast” is one meal during which you can eat whatever you want. The amount of food is limited to one serving of the first, one serving of the second and one serving of dessert. By the amount of food - focus on the average portion sizes in cafes and restaurants.
One day should be purely protein, it is best if you decide in advance for yourself what kind of day it will be. Pierre Dukan recommends making Thursday a protein day.

Fourth stage: "Stabilization"

The diet is over, you have already fixed the weight you need, it's time to move on to a normal diet. At this point, your eating habits have changed, you have learned a lot about which foods are not dangerous for your weight, and you also understand the consumption of which foods should be controlled.
Now you can eat whatever you want, while remembering what the diet has taught you - do not get carried away with excessively sweet and starchy foods, keep enough meat and vegetables in your diet.

To keep the result, continue to follow a few simple rules:

  • Eat 3 tbsp. l. oat bran every day
  • Celebrate Protein Thursday
  • drink water
  • walk
  • Skip the elevator

And remember: sport and movement are your best allies in the fight against excess weight. The more activity, the less restrictions on what you eat and when you eat.

Hello dear blog readers! Tell me who does not know the name "Dukan"? I don't think there are. The doctor is a nutritionist, the author of a weight loss technique and just an interesting person. His name has become a household name in matters of weight loss and for good reason. Pierre Dukan knows what he's talking about. He has been advising his patients for many years. But he gained real fame after the publication of the book “ I can't lose weight". On Ozone over 100 reviews by this book!

The Dukan diet, stages and menus - these questions excite those who want to lose weight. That's what we'll talk about today, touching on the most burning of them.

The main idea of ​​the Dukan diet is a structured approach, divided into 4 stages. The first two should reduce the weight, and the second two should fix it. Each stage has its own name and its own list of products allowed for consumption.

An important point: before starting a diet, you need to decide on goals for weight loss. It depends on the number of days you need to achieve results.

First stage "Attack"

Attack - short and efficient. Duration - 2-10 days. Everyone has their own individual indicators, so the number of days may vary. Depends on how many kg you need to lose (see the plate above)

Now let's move on to the list of products:

  • Lean meat: chicken, rabbit, horse meat, veal. You can beef liver, lungs, kidneys, the very tip of the tongue. The use of ham is allowed, but the fat content is not more than 4%.
  • Fish and seafood.
  • Eggs with a slight caveat - no more than two yolks. And if there are problems with cholesterol, then the number of egg yolks is a maximum of 4 per week. Proteins can be eaten in unlimited quantities.
  • Dairy fat-free products: natural yoghurt without sweeteners, cottage cheese. You can use powdered milk with 0% fat content (it can be no more than 3 tablespoons per day).

In this phase, you can only eat protein foods, the list of which includes 72 items. You can find more detailed information on the pages of my blog, in the article "".

Every day we follow 3 rules:

  1. 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran (can be replaced with oatmeal or);
  2. Drink at least 1.5 liters per day;
  3. 20-minute daily walks in the fresh air.

Attack menu example

  • For breakfast Treat yourself to an egg white and milk omelette. Remember that dairy products must be fat-free. Add a piece of fish and green tea to the omelette.
  • At lunch- baked chicken, you can beef. Bake better with herbs.
  • afternoon snack- a slice of cheese with seafood.
  • For dinner Steamed fish.

The second stage "Alternation"

alternation or cruise This is where the biggest weight loss happens. Plus, 28 vegetables are added to the list of allowed products from the first phase. The list includes tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage. I will describe in more detail about the cruise in the hotel article "".

The number of days still depends on the desired weight (see table above).

The highlight of the stage is the alternation of days with protein intake with days where protein plus vegetables are eaten.

The simplest scheme of the second stage: one day eat only protein foods, the next - protein plus vegetables

There are several options for alternating days: 1/1, 2/2 and 5/5. You can choose the scheme yourself. But those who are overweight should stick to the first option - 1/1. On such a nutrition system, the body will be much easier.

Forbidden foods: avocado; legumes (adjustment - all legumes), all grains, pasta, corn and potatoes.

Well, it becomes much easier when vegetables are added to the list from the “attack”.

We also follow the 3 daily rules:

  1. The volume of bran eaten up to 2 tablespoons;
  2. We drink 1.5 - 2 liters per day;
  3. 30-minute daily outdoor walks.

Cruise menu example

  • Morning- We start with bran pancakes and a cup of coffee.
  • Lunch- vegetable stew with lean meat.
  • For an afternoon snack- low-fat cottage cheese casserole.
  • Dinner ear.

Be sure to use a kitchen scale to control portion sizes.

The third stage "Fixing"

Anchoring- at this stage, the body gets used to the new system. The menu becomes more diverse, and the duration of this period is determined based on the lost kilograms. For example, if during the “attack” and “alternation” stages you lost 5 extra pounds, then you will need 50 days to consolidate the effect. Approximately 1 kg of weight lost 10 days of the third stage.

What about the allowed list? It continues to grow and delight with new products. Now you can also:

  • cheese (fat content not more than 40%) - 40 gr;
  • a couple of slices of bread (rye or whole grain) - no more than a couple of slices;
  • you can afford fruits, and even a melon with watermelon (but except for bananas and grapes)
  • pork, lamb and bacon are added to meat products.
  • pasta from durum wheat;
  • whole grain rice or (to a lesser extent) white;
  • boiled or baked unpeeled potatoes - 1-2 pcs.;

But, the most pleasant thing at the stage of consolidation is the opportunity to arrange a real celebration of the stomach. This includes the first course, second course and even dessert. The main thing is not to eat all this for dinner. Best for lunch.

One day a week is dedicated to consuming Pure Proteins exclusively. For example, "protein Thursday". Used as a key element in maintaining proper weight

And don't forget to follow:

  1. we eat 2.5 tablespoons of oat bran;
  2. drink water 1.5 - 2 liters per day;
  3. 25 minute daily walks.

An example of the Pins menu

  • Breakfast- oatmeal, cheese, coffee.
  • Dinner- chicken broth with meatballs, bread.
  • For an afternoon snack egg, kefir with bran.
  • Dinner baked fish.

The fourth stage "Stabilization"

Stabilization - the last stage of the diet. From the name it becomes clear that our task is to finally stabilize the weight and get used to the new rules. They will help maintain the results and not gain extra pounds.

What to follow:

  • 3 art. l. bran every day.
  • drink at least 2 liters of pure water.
  • daily walks with a minimum duration of 20 minutes.
  • control the amount of food you eat. Better protein and vegetables. And you should not overeat starchy fruits, cheese and bread.
  • 1 unloading protein day per week.

Restrictions are only for fatty, sweet and starchy foods. Eat no more than 40 grams of cheese. in a day. Products containing starch, 1-2 times a day. Food portions are small.

For the last step, Pierre Ducane states that it can be followed for quite a long time. And you can continue to eat like this for the rest of your life. During the passage of the three stages, there is a gradual change in eating habits. And the stabilization stage will strengthen the new nutrition system and will not let you go astray to the intended goal - maintaining weight at the desired level for life.

Sample menu "Stabilization"

In order not to break loose, you should choose an assistant. For example, a book. Only not simple, but from Monsieur Dukan himself. He created a unique guidebook " 60 days with Dr. Dukan". This is not just a book, but a step-by-step plan for 60 days with recipes, tips, tricks. This is the best option to permanently lose 10 kg!

More information can be found on my blog pages. Read the article "". Here is a complete list of all products, which will greatly facilitate your life when shopping in the store. When the Dukan protein diet appears in life, it is better to think over the menu for all stages in advance. This will help you not to break loose and clearly follow the instructions.

I also want to advise you not to be lazy and not come up with excuses. They say there is no time, no time to cook, it is necessary to select products. Yes, it is more difficult than the usual pasta with sausages for many. Only as a result you can get a stable weight. Those who have experienced the delights of mass overload will understand.

I say goodbye and the very last piece of advice for today - share the article with your friends on social networks. Bye Bye! 🙂

The diet, which was invented and improved by a French nutritionist Pierre Dukan, is one of the most popular in the world. And this is absolutely deserved, because it has been developed for more than thirty years. It all started with the fact that in 1975, Pierre Ducan had a patient with a severe form of obesity, whom he wanted to help not only lose weight, but also consolidate the result of losing weight for life. Thus, his diet was developed and changed over the years, and in early 2000 the whole world saw his book called "I Can't Lose Weight", which contains all the achievements over the years. You can learn more about the Dukan diet in this article.

Description and stages of the diet of Pierre Dukan

The diet includes four stages, which each have their own name: "Attack", "Alternation", "Consolidation", "Stabilization". The first three stages are the “basis” of the diet, and the number of days spent on the diet will need to be calculated independently, starting from how much you want to lose weight (the final result will depend only on the individual characteristics of the body). The last stage is an example of how you will need to eat if you want to no longer gain weight.

Each stage of the diet is interesting in its own way. At the first stage, you will take exclusively protein foods. The second stage alternates between vegetables and protein foods. Throughout the third stage, hard cheese, fruits, and starchy foods will be added to your menu. Well, the fourth stage is already the right and healthy food for many years.

Diet Rules

It is also worth studying the basic rules of the diet, which are strictly forbidden to violate. Failure to comply with these points greatly affects the final result.

  • Forget about the existence of elevators, and do a daily walk for at least 30 minutes;
  • Drink at least 2 liters of clean and still water throughout the day;
  • Completely abandon alcoholic and carbonated drinks, sweets, semi-finished products and vegetable fats, mayonnaise and similar sauces;
  • Exclude fruits with a high sugar content from the diet: grapes, bananas, dates, cherries, figs;
  • Salads and other similar dishes can only be seasoned with lemon juice.

These rules must be remembered throughout the diet, and try to treat them as responsibly as possible.

First stage "Attack"

The first stage of the diet can be considered the most difficult. You will need to mentally set yourself up for success, and your body will need to adjust to a new diet. The “Attack” phase is motivating and gives confidence, as you will lose weight significantly thanks to protein foods.

At the first stage, you will need to cook dishes only from protein products. Vegetable protein should be excluded, as it contains a lot of carbohydrates. A prerequisite for this stage is that you will need to consume 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran every day.

Below is a list of protein foods that you can use to create your own menu for the first phase of "Attack". You can eat whenever you want and as much as you want.

  1. Eggs. No more than 2 pieces per day. Egg white can be cooked as much as you want and in unlimited quantities.
  2. All lean meats. Veal, beef, chicken meat, beef liver, lean ham, rabbit meat, beef tongue. Everything except pork and lamb.
  3. Seafood. All lean fish, caviar, crayfish, squid, mussels.
  4. Low fat dairy products. Cottage cheese, milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yoghurts without flavorings and additives.

From the listed products, make yourself a menu of dishes that you will cook, and divide them into several meals.

The second stage "Alternation"

At the second stage, as well as at the first, the body loses weight, but not so intense. The duration of the second phase must be calculated based on your individual weight, and use the table above.

At the “Alternation” stage, you will need to alternate protein days with protein-vegetable days, at a rate of 5 to 5 or 1 to 1. For example, one day is protein, the next is vegetables with proteins. Or five days of protein, the next five with the addition of vegetables.

The menu of the second stage is the same as the first, only vegetables should be added. You can use the following vegetables: asparagus beans, mushrooms, peppers, zucchini (more about the squash diet), eggplant, spinach, asparagus, tomatoes, cabbage, radishes, celery and others. Vegetables that contain a lot of starch are prohibited: potatoes, corn, legumes and others.

Vegetables are best eaten raw in salads, or boiled, stewed and steamed. It is also mandatory to take two tablespoons of oat bran throughout the entire stage.

The third stage "Fixing"

The penultimate stage of the Dukan diet is called “Fixation”, and it is designed to maintain the result that you have already achieved. The duration of the third stage is calculated according to the principle that each kilogram of weight lost during the first two stages is equal to ten days of the third stage. For example, you managed to get rid of 5 kilograms of weight, then the duration of the Consolidation phase will be 50 days.

At this stage, to your menu, you need to add:

  1. Fruit. It is allowed to eat one medium-sized fruit in one day. In addition to bananas (if you are not on), grapes, dried fruits, cherries, sweet cherries.
  2. Hard cheese. One piece of hard cheese per day, weighing no more than 40 grams. It is hard, not blue cheese, or melted.
  3. starch products. Once a week, you can eat foods containing starch. Durum pasta, rice, lentils, baked potatoes with skins, legumes.
  4. Once a week - "Festival of the stomach." This means that once a week, you are allowed to eat anything, only one meal (first, second and dessert).

Also throughout the third stage, once a week you will need to arrange a protein day (the book has a recommendation that it is best to do it on Thursday). Do not forget to take oat bran, 2.5 tablespoons daily.