Quiz "We are against corruption!"

(grades 8-11)

QUESTION 1: When is International Anti-Corruption Day celebrated? And since what year is this day celebrated?
ANSWER: 9th December. Since 2004.

QUESTION 2: What state bodies, classified according to the territorial basis, are empowered to fight corruption?

ANSWER: "Federal public authorities, public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments"

QUESTION 3: Give a short phrase or one word what will be listed now:

1) recognition, provision and protection of fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen;

2) legality;

3) publicity and openness of the activities of state bodies and local governments;

4) the inevitability of responsibility for committing corruption offenses;

5) complex use of political, organizational, information and propaganda, socio-economic, legal, special and other measures;

6) priority application of measures to prevent corruption;

7) cooperation of the state with civil society institutions, international organizations and individuals.

ANSWER: principles of anti-corruption policy

QUESTION 4: Is it a ground for refusing to admit a citizen to the civil service, when a citizen enters the civil service, when he enters the civil service, information about his income, property and property obligations, as well as about the income, property and property obligations of his wife (spouse) and minor children, or representation knowingly false or incomplete information?

ANSWER : Is an.

QUESTION 5: The criminal law of tsarist Russia divided bribery into two types: bribery and ...

ANSWER : Covetousness.

QUESTION 6: To what extent of responsibility (punishment) should a person holding a public position be held for not submitting a declaration to the tax authority, if the deed does not contain signs of a criminally punishable act?

ANSWER : Dismissal

QUESTION 7: In accordance with which legal acts responsible state positions are established

ANSWER : The Constitution of the Russian Federation, Constitutional and other laws of the Russian Federation

QUESTION 7: Which king issued the Code of Laws (1832, 1842, 1857), in which there was a chapter on responsibility for bribery and extortion?

ANSWER : NicholasI

QUESTION 8: M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin said “Under such laws, life in Russia without (them) ... would be impossible." What does the writer mean?

ANSWER : Bribes

QUESTION 9: What actions did Catherine II take towards officials in order to reduce corruption?

ANSWER : Increased salaries that were paid on time

QUESTION 10: Critics of Tsar Nicholas l regarded the fight against corruption initiated by him as an increase in corruption itself. In addition, officials came up with new methods of theft, bypassing the measures taken by Nicholas I, as evidenced by the statement of Senator K. I. Fisher:
“The clerical arrogance was from time immemorial a chronic ulcer of Russia... Under Nicholas, this arrogance began to take the right forms, despite the severity of the emperor... Previously, arrogance acted by violating laws, now it began to draw laws conducive to theft... Demoralization remained underground; clerical rats, in the darkness of the night, gnawed at the state machine ... Finally, impudence of the highest kind sets in, where high dignitaries take the initiative and take the clerical bastard as their accomplice ... Nikolai Pavlovich served Russia conscientiously, but was mistaken in the system and was deceived with disgusting cynicism.
Nicholas I himself was critical of the successes in this area, saying that only he himself does not steal in his environment and ... Who, except Nicholas I, does not steal?


QUESTION 11: The fight against corruption can be successful if the main ones are eradicated ... (what should be identified?)

ANSWER : Causes

QUESTION 12: What was the name of the body created by Peter I to counter lawlessness and to oversee the observance of law and order, including civil servants?

ANSWER : Prosecutor's Office

QUESTION 13: Who was the first Prosecutor General of Russia?

ANSWER : Pavel Ivanovich Yaguzhinsky

QUESTION 14: What penalties can be applied to a civil servant for corruption offenses? (for each correct answer - 1 point)

ANSWER : 1) remark; 2) reprimand; 3) a warning about incomplete official compliance; 4) dismissal due to loss of confidence.

QUESTION 15: What is the name of a bribe in the dictionary of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov?

ANSWER : bribe

Legal game for teenagers "MAN AND THE LAW" on issues of anti-corruption behavior as part of the interdepartmental action "Police and Children".

Purposes of the event: clarification of the essence, causes and consequences of corruption; anti-corruption propaganda; formation of an active citizenship.



Scenario of the legal game for teenagers "MAN AND THE LAW"

on anti-corruption behavior

(as part of the interdepartmental action "Police and Children")


Explain to high school students the essence, causes, scale and consequences of corruption; conduct anti-corruption propaganda;

To form the skills of working in a group, to teach the ability to express and defend their point of view.

Tasks: talk about the main types of legal liability, show in what cases it can occur; to teach to characterize the composition of a corruption offense, to distinguish between specific actions of a person in terms of lawful and unlawful behavior; form a negative attitude towards corruption.

Game progress

Leading. Hello! Today we will play the legal game “Man and Law”, dedicated to such a dangerous social phenomenon as “Corruption”. (Slide 1)

The epigraph to our event could be such sayings (Slide 2):

"With the help of big money, more people are sold than bought" ( Francis Bacon)

“The one who is worth at least something is quite difficult to buy” (E. Sevrus)

"Illegally acquired for the future does not go" (oriental wisdom)

"Where money speaks, conscience is silent"

Unfortunately, The problem of corruption is relevant for our country and every year it becomes more and more alarming.

In Russia, corruption is like a hole.

With it in vain, as with off-road, they are fighting.

And the more persistently they dig under it,

The more she becomes.

The scale of the spread of corruption is not decreasing, but increasing. And we all face this phenomenon in our daily life. Therefore, to have knowledge about this problem is important and necessary for you.

Today we will conduct a kind of investigation into the corruption case. And the police officer _____________________________ will help us.

I propose to private players of the game will be divided into 2 opera groups. Name your groups and choose a leader. D6 tasks have been prepared for you, and our jury will evaluate their performance. Points may be reduced for low discipline in the task force.

Let's first understand what corruption is. In any investigation, it is very important to know what the alleged perpetrator looks like.

So, FIRST OPERATIONAL TASKin our investigation"IDENTIKIT". You are given whatman papers, on which in 30 seconds. you need to take a photo portrait of Corruption and describe it. You can use any images, words, sayings.The highest score is 5 points.

The task is running.

In the meantime, the task forces are creating sketches, we will turn to folk wisdom:proverbs and sayings about corruption

What are the laws to me, if the judges are familiar.

One law for the rich, another for the poor.

Give a penny - you'll be good.

Another judge that the drawbar: where it turns, it went there.

When gold floats, truth sinks.

And the smart one takes when the stupid one gives.

The court is crooked if the judge is false.

Better poverty and honesty than profit and shame.

As you can see, the problems of corruption have existed since ancient times and are reflected in folklore.

And now it's time to sum up the first task.

Teams protect their work,identikit are handed over to the jury for the conduct of the results.

Leading. Let's summarize our sketches with one definition:(Slides)

"Corruption" comes from lat. corruptio - damage, decline.

Corruption is aabuse of public power for personal gain.

Its main forms are pbribery, venality, bribery among officials, politicians, high-ranking officials.

Remember the main signs of corruption:

1. A person participating in acts of corruption is an official.

2. A person uses his official position to carry out illegal communications with an individual or groups of individuals.

3. All this damages the interests of people, society and the state.

Leading. We have discussed what corruption is. Every crime has a motive, that is, reasons. What do you think causes corruption?

SECOND TASK. "Motive"Each team names a possible motive for the act of corruption in turn, the last one who names the motive wins. Rating - 2 points.


low wages of civil servants;

ignorance of the laws;

desire for easy money;

frequent turnover of persons in various positions;

unstable economic situation in the country;

corruption as a habit;

low standard of living of the population;


underdevelopment of civil society institutions.

Leading. Slide. More than $1 trillion is spent annually on bribes around the world. The most corrupt countries are Somalia and Myanmar, while the most prosperous are Finland, New Zealand and Denmark.

THIRD TASK. Situation analysis (3 points) You are invited to analyze legal situations and determine whether they can be seen as manifestations of corruption,identify, analyze who (or what) was harmed by corrupt practices:

1. An official creates artificial illegal barriers - refuses to issue a license to an entrepreneur for any type of business.

Answer: yes, since he thereby compels his client to give a bribe. This situation is associated with giving and accepting a bribe - in the old way it is called bribery.

2. A judge is forced under pressure or blackmail to make an illegal decision.

Answer: yes, the judge is connected with a criminal group, gives in to pressure, actually violates the law, using his official position.

FOURTH TASK. Investigative experiment.You will need to act out the situations andidentify the causes of corruption in a particular situation. You can come up with your own situation, or you can use a ready-made template. The highest score is 5 points.

FIFTH TASK. Classification of the crime.


  1. Material values ​​accepted by an official for the performance or non-performance of an action that this person should have committed by virtue of his official position (bribe).

2. A crime against property, expressed in the requirement to transfer someone else's property under the threat of violence or destruction, damage to someone else's property (extortion).

3. Acquisition of the right to someone else's property by deceit or breach of trust (fraud).

4. A form of extortion, a deliberate delay in the consideration of the case in order to receive a bribe (red tape)

5. A form of favoritism, when an official prefers to nominate his relatives when appointed to public office.(nepotism, nepotism)

6. Actions by which an attempt is made to legitimize or hide the origin of money obtained by criminal means. (Laundering of money)

7. The act of offering, promising to give or paying a bribe to a public official or a person equated with a public official for a desired legal act or omission in the exercise of his powers or to an intermediary in order to achieve the same results(Bribe)

8. Theft of another's property entrusted to the guilty (Embezzlement)

As you can see, corruption has many faces, but all of them are against the law and are a criminal act. And if there is a crime, there is a punishment.

While the jury sums up our game, let's turn to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.


Article 290. Taking a bribe

1. Acceptance by an official of a bribe in the form of money, securities, or other propertyfor action (inaction)in favor of the briber - a fine in the amount of 100 thousand to 500 thousand rubles or imprisonment for up to 5 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to 3 years.

2. Taking a bribe by an officialfor illegal activities(inaction) - imprisonment for a term of 3 to 7 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to 3 years.

3. The above acts committed by a person holding a public office of the Russian Federation or a public office of a subject of the Russian Federation - imprisonment for a term of 5 to 10 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to 3 years.

4. The above acts, if committed:

a) a group of persons;

c) with extortion of a bribe;

d) on a large scale (exceeding 150 thousand rubles)

Punishable by imprisonment for a term of 7 to 12 years with a fine of up to 1 million rubles.

Article 291. Giving a bribe

1. Giving a bribe to an official personally or through an intermediary - a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles, or correctional labor for a period of 1 to 2 years, or arrest for a period of 3 to 6 months, or imprisonment for a period of up to 3 years.

2. Giving a bribe to an official for knowingly committingillegal actions (inaction)- a fine in the amount of 100 thousand to 500 thousand rubles or imprisonment for up to 8 years.

Note. A person who has given a bribe shall be released from criminal liability if there has been extortion of a bribe by an official or if the person voluntarily informed the body that has the right to initiate a criminal case about giving a bribe.

Output : Thus, we are convinced that very often in life there are situations when specific actions may not directly affect us and our loved ones, but the consequences of these actions are reflected in all members of society !!! Corruption directly or indirectly affects each of us, poses a threat to society and the state. In order to effectively fight corruption, we must eradicate the causes that give rise to it!


Situation No. 1: The teacher, during the summing up of the year, wanted to leave one student for the second year. The teacher suggested that the student, in order to improve academic performance, ask his parents to give the class a plasma TV. Parents supported this idea, gave the class a TV set and the student was transferred to another class.

Situation No. 2: The emergency room doctor refused to provide first aid to the injured boy without a medical policy. The doctor complained about low wages and the need to purchase new medical equipment. After the parents of the child paid the required amount, medical assistance was provided to the child.

In Russia, corruption is like a hole. With it in vain, as with off-road, they are fighting. And the more persistently they dig under it, The more it becomes.

What are the laws to me, if the judges are familiar. One law for the rich, another for the poor. Give a penny - you'll be good. Another judge that the drawbar: where it turns, it went there. When gold floats, truth sinks. And the smart one takes when the stupid one gives. The court is crooked if the judge is false. Better poverty, yes honesty, than profit, yes shame Proverbs and sayings

"Corruption" from lat. corruptio - damage, decline. Corruption is the abuse of public power for personal gain. Its main forms are bribery, corruption, bribery among officials, politicians, and high-ranking officials.

More than $1 trillion is spent annually on bribes around the world. The most corrupt countries are Somalia and Myanmar, while the most prosperous are Finland, New Zealand and Denmark.

Article 290. Receiving a bribe hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to 3 years. 2. Taking a bribe by an official for illegal actions (inaction) - imprisonment for a term of 3 to 7 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to 3 years. 3. The above acts committed by a person holding a public office of the Russian Federation or a public office of a subject of the Russian Federation - imprisonment for a term of 5 to 10 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to 3 years. 4. The above acts, if they are committed: a) by a group of persons; c) with extortion of a bribe; d) on a large scale (exceeding 150 thousand roubles) - shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of 7 to 12 years with a fine of up to 1 million roubles.

Article 291. Giving a bribe 3 years. 2. Giving a bribe to an official for committing obviously illegal actions (inaction) - a fine in the amount of 100 thousand to 500 thousand rubles or imprisonment for up to 8 years. Note. A person who has given a bribe shall be released from criminal liability if there has been extortion of a bribe by an official or if the person voluntarily informed the body that has the right to initiate a criminal case about giving a bribe.

Youth! Take your most cherished dream with you, For people, spiritual anxiety, Hearts of heat and thoughts, beauty, Wisdom of feeling, Fortitude in the storms of life, Courage in everything and to the end, Loyalty to a friend, Devotion to the Fatherland, Name of a citizen and a fighter.

(Speech by Shmakova N.Yu., deputy director of the school for water resources management, at the regional pedagogical conference, August, 2011)

School is a reflection of the life of society with all its problems and achievements. Currently, one of the most urgent problems is the problem of corruption.

Thus, in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the National Anti-Corruption Strategy and the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2010-2011” it is noted that “despite the measures taken by the state and society, corruption still seriously impedes the normal functioning of all public mechanisms, hinders the social transformations and modernization of the national economy, causes serious concern in Russian society and distrust of state institutions, creates a negative image of Russia in the international arena and is legitimately regarded as one of the threats to the security of the Russian Federation. This means that the topic of combating corruption today is one of the central ones in Russian society and the world community as a whole. As part of the Anti-Corruption Strategy, one of the most important components is the school.

The issues of anti-corruption education and education of students at school seem to be quite complex and require the development of new methods and approaches to solve them.

The main problem for young people is the need to develop patterns of behavior in a free democratic society that high school students cannot borrow from their parents, since it will not be a discovery for anyone that in modern Russian society corruption is becoming more and more everyday, generally accepted, the so-called "white corruption."

The complexity of the task poses special requirements for its implementation.

In 2010, at our school, we began to develop a system of anti-corruption education and upbringing. We pay much attention to the development of the legal culture of the individual. Tomorrow our current students will have to take responsible positions in the system of state authorities and local self-government, public life, and business. Therefore, it is important not only to give children certain knowledge in this area, but also to form a negative attitude towards corruption, to help them acquire practical social skills and communication skills that allow them to avoid corrupt practices.

In the presence of a large journalistic and scientific material available to students, the teacher is only one of the sources of information, which means that here it is not the monopoly on information that comes first, but the methods and forms of work with students. At the same time, the teacher is currently one of the few who is able to discuss social problems with the student, analyze them, helping to understand the essence of what is happening, but only if there is mutual trust and understanding. The result of such classes is the accumulation of the student's own experience, the formation of views on social phenomena and processes.

In relation to the implementation of anti-corruption education, the social competence of high school students appears as the competence of growing up.

It is during this period that children come close to the situation of a life-determining choice: not only professional, but also socio-political, moral, etc. The choice involves reflection, understanding the situation.

When developing our programs in this area, we include in the content not only the legal orientation of the problem, but also moral and ethical aspects, and various forms and methods of work are selected based on the cognitive and age characteristics of students. The problem of moral choice, which should become a psychological neoplasm of a graduate of a modern school, is the most difficult in pedagogical practice (to teach a student to consciously make his choice and be responsible for it). This allows us to classify anti-corruption activities at school as innovative.

So, based on the above

Targetanti-corruption activities: the formation of anti-corruption thinking among students.

Main tasks:

● inform students about the phenomenon of corruption;

● foster an intolerant attitude towards corruption;

● develop motivation for anti-corruption behavior;

● to form skills of confident behavior;

● correct the attitude of students to problems


These tasks are implemented through various forms and methods of working with students: traditional (mini-lectures, seminar), gaming, active (imitation and business games, debates, discussions, etc.), which should contribute to the concretization of the studied material and increase the educational potential this course.

Requirements for learning outcomesAs a result of the implementation of this program, students should develop the following key competencies:

● information competence (the ability to work with information, with Internet resources, computer skills, the ability to express one's opinion, the ability to be active in discussing various issues, establishing new communication links and acquiring communication skills and interaction with each other);

● personal competence (self-assessment, the ability to assess one's resources, stress resistance, decision-making, the ability to make a choice);

● civil law competence (knowledge of normative legal acts,

the ability to apply this knowledge in practice, the ability to provide a social role);

● independent cognitive-subject competence (the ability to see problems, ask questions, put forward hypotheses, define concepts, classify observations and experimentation skills, draw conclusions and conclusions, structure material and work with text);

● cultural and leisure competence (the ability to organize one's leisure time, knowledge of games);

● problem solving (the ability to say "No", the ability to make your choice and justify it).

Criteria for the implementation of tasks.

In this regard, we single out five parameters by which it is possible to track the implementation of the tasks of the program "Formation of anti-corruption thinking among schoolchildren":

2. Sustainability of students' interest in the subject

2.1. the safety of the contingent (the number of students at the beginning of the program implementation - at the end (since this program is implemented in the form of an elective));

2.2. the presence of positive motives for attending classes (the knowledge that students receive in the classroom, they can apply in everyday life) is revealed through interviews, conversations, surveys, in the course of reflection.

3. The level of creative activity of children

3.1. position identification (participation of students in games, disputes, conversations)

3.2. revealing the attitude, interests of students in various activities (to the tasks offered by the teacher).

4. Creative achievements of children (systematic journaling, essay writing, collage creation, project implementation).

5. Educational results (the nature of the relationship between the teacher, children, each individual member of the team (friendliness, mutual understanding, work in pairs, collective performance of tasks).

At the beginning of the school year, an anti-corruption work plan is drawn up at the school. It includes activities of both educational and educational nature:

Introduction of elements of anti-corruption education into the work programs of teachers of history, social studies, literature, life safety.

Implementation of the educational program of the program for the formation of an anti-corruption worldview among students at school (grades 1-11);

Conducting class hours;

Design of stands on this topic;

Informing the parent community about the activities of the school;

Needless to say, it was hard to get started. Here the books of Kachkina Tatyana Borisovna turned out to be of great help, which became the starting point in our work. In addition, Tatyana Borisovna is always ready to provide personal practical assistance in solving problems that arise in the course of work. Having created a package of documents, we proceeded to the practical implementation of this project.

It was not clear how children would perceive the introduction of this course. But when we began to conduct classes with students in grades 9-10, we saw that they are interested, make contact, actively participate in discussions, express their point of view, even if it differs from the generally accepted one. During the first lessons it turned out that children really do not see anything beyond natural and criminal in corruption. This confirms the conclusions drawn above. This means that we are actually facing a very difficult problem - the formation of a certain worldview, the unacceptability of solving problems through corruption. Therefore, we approach the organization of classes with all seriousness. This is not a lesson, although it teaches a lot, which means our task is to make it interesting, but not entertaining, the main thing is to teach children to analyze life situations, making the right choice not only from the point of view of law, but, most importantly, morality and ethics . That is, we again come to the definitions of "good" - "bad", "good" - "evil".

Work in such classes is structured as follows: an information block (teacher's story or students' messages), a discussion of the problem, and then the development of practical skills through role-playing games, various trainings, etc. Children like these forms of work more, because here, relying on the knowledge gained, they learn to overcome the problems that life may present them with in the future.

In December 2010, on the basis of our school, a district seminar "Formation of an anti-corruption worldview and a standard of behavior for schoolchildren through the organization of the educational process" was held, during which a lesson and an extracurricular event in this direction were given.

Of course, at first the children were shy, but when it came to training, the situation changed dramatically. Here they already found themselves in the environment familiar to them, and even the presence of more than 20 completely unfamiliar teachers did not prevent them from participating in them. Moreover, there were some curious cases: the children played out situations based on the life experience of their parents, that is, after playing the given situations, there was something to discuss. Here the teacher should make every effort to unobtrusively convince the child, explain to him his mistake, try to convince him of the opposite.

Here are some of the trainings that we use in our lessons.

For example, to give the opportunity to try on the roles of people, even if their life position does not coincide with the personal position of the students.

A task: focus on your emotional experiences during the performance of a particular role.

1. A student who usually diligently performed his duties did not have time to prepare for the exam due to a number of reasons. He decides to give a bribe to the teacher in case of failure. The teacher is opposed to bribes. Not only did he not take it, he also read a whole lecture about how bad and humiliating it was for him.

2. A patient at a doctor's appointment tries to pay a bribe to get sick leave. The doctor is opposed to bribes. Not only did he not take it, he also read a whole lecture about how bad and humiliating it was for him.

3. The boss forces the subordinate to become a “snitch”, otherwise he will simply be fired.

Issues for discussion:

How did you feel about trying to bribe? Did you have another choice?

What choice did the person who received the bribe have?

Reading or hearing about something else does not mean experiencing it, and change and understanding often come only with actual experience. It is easy, for example, to understand humiliation intellectually and to talk about the feelings experienced by disadvantaged or oppressed people. It is quite another thing to experience discrimination and helplessness for yourself. If they feel in their own skin all the unenviability of such a situation, then perhaps in the future they will think before breaking the law. The general idea of ​​helplessness does not coincide with reality at all.

Role play puts the student in a situation that includes certain constraints, motivations, and pressures that exist in the real world; it can be used in many teaching situations. Where experience is needed, role-playing is perfect.

Role play benefits:

Helps the student express hidden feelings.

Helps the student discuss personal issues and problems.

Helps the student to feel the feelings of others and understand their motivation.

Gives you the opportunity to practice different types of behavior.

Highlights common social problems and the dynamics of group interaction, formal and informal.

Allows you to vividly and directly present academic descriptive material (history, English, economics, geography).

Provides learning opportunities for deaf students and emphasizes the importance of non-verbal, emotional responses.

It is motivating and effective because it involves action.

Provides quick feedback to both student and mentor.

Centered on the student and addresses his needs and concerns; the group can control its content and pace.

Bridging the gap between learning and real life situations.

Changes settings.

Learn to control feelings and emotions.

Role playing disadvantages

There are three main points of concern. The first thing that usually comes to people's minds is the impact that the practice of role-playing can have on the general atmosphere and routines that characterize the classroom. It is about the debate over whether teaching should be "serious", and also touches upon the issue of social and power relations between the mentor and students.

The mentor loses control over the content and the learning process.

Simplifications can be misleading.

The game takes a lot of time.

Other resources are used - human, spatial, material.

The game depends on the personal characteristics of the mentor and the student.

Collisions can turn on the mechanisms of rejection and protection.

The game may look too addictive or frivolous.

Can prevail in the educational process, relegating theory and facts to the background.

It may depend on the initial level of knowledge of students.

Role-playing is ideal in situations where students need to learn new roles, become more aware of their own, and gain a deeper understanding of other people's positions. This technique is very good to use in social skills training, not only because it increases the flexibility, sensitivity of people in this regard, but also because the script can include direct information on how to act in certain situations and how to deal with the bureaucracy. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important in teaching life skills.

Lessons - role-playing games can be divided as their complexity increases into 3 groups:

ü Imitation, aimed at imitation of a certain professional action;

ü Situational, related to the solution of any narrow specific problem - a game situation;

ü Conditional, dedicated to resolving, for example, educational conflicts, etc.

Forms of role-playing: imagination travel; role-based discussions, press conferences, lessons - courts, etc.

Stages of development and implementation of role-playing games:

  • Preparatory;
  • Game
  • Final

Analysis of results.

Preparation stage. The preparation of a business game begins with the development of a scenario - a conditional display of the situation and the object. The content of the scenario includes: the learning goal of the lesson, a description of the problem under study, the justification of the task, the plan of the business game, a general description of the game procedure, the content of the situation and the characteristics of the actors. Next comes the introduction to the game, the orientation of participants and experts. The mode of work is determined, the main goal of the lesson is formulated, the statement of the problem and the choice of the situation are substantiated. Packages of materials, instructions, rules, installations are issued. Additional information is being collected. If necessary, students turn to the facilitator for advice. Preliminary contacts between game participants are allowed. The unspoken rules prohibit abandoning the role received by lot, leaving the game, being passive in the game, violating the rules and ethics of behavior.

Implementation stage- game process. Group work on the task, intergroup discussion (group presentations, protection of results) is carried out here. With the beginning of the game, no one has the right to interfere and change its course. Only the facilitator can correct the actions of the participants if they move away from the main goal of the game.

At the final stage solutions to problems are developed, reports from the expert group are heard, and the most successful solutions are selected.

The stage of analysis, generalization and discussion of the results of the game. Speech by experts, exchange of views, protection by students of their decisions and conclusions. In conclusion, the teacher states the results achieved, notes the mistakes, and formulates the final result of the lesson. Draws attention to establishing a connection between the game and the content of the subject.

In a role-playing game, convention, seriousness and elements of improvisation must take place, otherwise it will turn into a boring dramatization.

Here are some examples of trainings:

Rejection game. Mastering the skills of reasoned refusal in a situation of choice.

The work is carried out in subgroups, each of which is offered one of the situations:

● a classmate asks you to leave some things at your place;

● a classmate asks to take some thing to a stranger;

● a classmate asks to get a large amount of money for him;

Assignment to subgroups: within seven minutes, come up with as many arguments as possible for refusing in this situation. After that, each subgroup "loses" their situation in front of the rest of the participants. One plays the role of "persuading",

the other - "refusing".

Exercise "5 steps of failure."

Introduce students to the 5 steps to opt out:

● Immediately firmly say "no";

● Agree with all the arguments, but say "no" at the end.

“I agree with you, but…”;

● If the pressure continues, you can go on the offensive;

Puppet game.

The task of students is to determine what a person can feel when someone controls him, when he is not free. Students must form groups. Each trio is given a task: two participants must play the role of a puppeteer - fully control all the movements of the puppet puppet, one of the participants plays the role of a puppet. Each participant must play the role of a puppet. For each trio, two chairs are placed at a distance of 1.5-3 meters. The goal of the "puppeteers" is to transfer the "doll" from one chair to another. At the same time, the person who plays the “doll” should not resist what the “puppeteers” do to him. It is very important that each participant visits the place of the “doll”. After the game is over, a discussion takes place, the players are invited to answer the questions:

● How did you feel when you were in the role of "doll"? After the exercise, discuss:

● Give examples.

If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher gives examples.

Thus, using gaming technologies in history lessons in combination with other forms and methods of teaching, the teacher gives students the opportunity to gain experience in dialogue, discussion, join creative activities, develop communication skills, demonstrate the ability to model and predict situations, defend their position, that is, it contributes to the formation of those personality traits that are necessary for every citizen of a democratic state. All of the above features of the game as a form of training session or an element of a combined lesson make the game a reliable assistant to a teacher who wants to achieve high-quality teaching of history to children.

So, summing up the above, it can be noted that classes on anti-corruption upbringing and education should differ from lesson activities in the forms and methods of conducting. It is necessary to ensure that they are not boring and monotonous. And then goals and objectives. Delivered in this direction will become achievable, although it is impossible to guarantee 100% of their implementation.

Intellectual game: Youth is against corruption.

Open district event during Anti-Corruption Week. Participants: Teams of city schools.

Equipment: Presentation (slide show) "Youth against corruption"

Target: explain the essence, causes, scale and consequences of corruption; conduct anti-corruption propaganda; to form the skills of working in a group, to teach the ability to express and defend their point of view.

Tasks: Find out the main types of legal liability, show in what cases it can occur; to teach to characterize the composition of a corruption offense, to distinguish between specific actions of a person in terms of lawful and unlawful behavior; form a negative attitude towards corruption.

Game progress.

1.1. Good afternoon dear children, teachers. We are glad to welcome you to our intellectual game : Youth is against corruption” The purpose of our game is to draw attention to the topical, topical problem - corruption. Today we must find out together the essence, scale and consequences of corruption. Teams from 8 schools are taking part in the game. Our game will be judged by a competent jury. Allow me to introduce the members of the jury………..

For each correct answer, teams will receive points in the form of sweets. The team that collects the most candies, which you can eat with pleasure after the game, will win.


(showing a recording of the video block of the President of Russia -).

2. “... We must do something. Stop waiting. Corruption has become a systemic problem, and we must counter this systemic problem with a systemic response. Planting alone will not solve the problem, but it is necessary to plant.” D.A. you expressed your personal opinion on this issue. We begin!

1. Group work block. Work on the concept of "corruption".
Teacher: The term "corruption" is revealed by various sources and different approaches. What is "corruption"? You will have to answer this question by doing the following work.
Exercise 1.Explains the meaning and meaning of the word "corruption" using the explanation from dictionaries and manuals.
2. Explains the meaning and meaning of the word "corruption" from the point of view of a legal approach.
(Answer 1. The word "corruption" is so widely used by the Russian media that even the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" refers it to the "bookish" vocabulary. In the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" corruption is defined as "bribery with bribes, corruption of officials, political figures", in the three-volume "Great Explanatory Dictionary of Foreign Words", along with approximately the same explanation of the term, another meaning is given: "The decomposition of the economic and political systems in the state, expressed in the venality of officials and public figures."
In other words, if in the first case we are talking about the criminal actions of only individuals, then in the second - about a social phenomenon that is destructive to society as a whole. The population forms a certain "image" that arises in the minds of today's Russians when they hear the words "corruption".
CORRUPTION - (from lat. corruptio - bribery) - a socially dangerous phenomenon in the sphere of politics or public administration, expressed in the deliberate use of government officials of their official status to illegally obtain property and non-property benefits and advantages in any form, as well as bribery of these persons.
2. Corruption - the merging of state structures with the structures of the underworld in the economic sphere, as well as venality and bribery of political public figures, government officials.) Teacher: We have defined the concept of "corruption".

1. 2. Group work block.
Task 3.
Poster protection (2-3 minutes) Each team received a homework assignment – ​​to draw an anti-corruption poster. You must explain the meaning of your poster, defend it.
With what image do you associate the word "corruption"?

2.1. Block for group work and competition of captains.

Task for teams -Drawing up a syncwine on the topic "Corruption" - 15 minutes.

cinquain (derived from the French word "cing" - five). This is a poem with five lines.
Rules for writing syncwine:

1. (the first line is the theme of the poem, expressed in ONE word, usually a noun);

2. (the second line is a description of the topic in TWO words, usually with adjectives);

3. (the third line is a description of the action within the framework of this topic in THREE words, usually verbs);

4. (the fourth line is a phrase of FOUR words expressing the author's attitude to this topic);

5. (fifth line - ONE word - a synonym for the first, repeating the essence of the topic on an emotional-figurative or philosophical-generalized level).

For example:


inevitable invincible

Absorbs destroys tempts

Eternal companion of any business


2.2 .Competition of captains 2 While the teams make up the cinquain, the Capians answer the tests. (Presentation) .

2.4. group work block.
The task.
The ancients noticed, find the cause of this or that phenomenon and you will achieve the result. Knowledge of the objective prerequisites and causes of corruption is necessary, at least in order to determine in what directions the fight against it should be waged. To treat a disease, one must know its roots. Moreover, under the reasons, scientists understand the factors of corruption.
Optimal Causes of Corruption ?( 1. A significant amount of government spending.
2. Limited resources at the disposal of the state. 3. Peculiarities of the mass consciousness, in which the law did not receive the value of a higher power, but was considered as a kind of recommendation, the observance of which is not mandatory. 4. Underdevelopment of civil society institutions and, consequently, lack of control of power .
Difficulties in overcoming the old legacy. Economic decline, Imperfection of legislation, Inefficient activity of the authorities, Weakness of civil society, Subjective type of political culture
(textbook ))
Corruption depends on the standard of living in the country, on national culture and government policy. For example, in China, Japan and Singapore, where the cult of a wise and honest official is strong, corruption is lower than in South Asian countries (Pakistan). And the causes of corruption in one or another country of the world can be explained by the formula:
CORRUPTION = MONOPOLY + ARBITRACY - RESPONSIBILITY Corruption is a multifaceted phenomenon, acquiring new forms for survival. By its unique ability to adapt to changing conditions and mutate, corruption resembles a virus. Therefore, many methods are used to combat it. For example, such as the accountability of the government to citizens, the introduction of uniform financial standards, compliance with the Law on Freedom of Information, the issuance of loans to third world countries to reduce poverty in them, the simplification of tax laws and others. But the most important method of fighting corruption is the reform of legislation in the public sector.
1.5. group work block. Changelings.
Well, the task will be to contrast each word spoken by the presenter with an antonym, that is, turn it over, then you will get various catchphrases and famous sayings. For example, the presenter says: "top", the team writes: "bottom", right - left, black - white, etc. You should remember the specifics of the originals of the proposed phrases.
The leg scratches the leg - HAND WASHES THE HAND
Own one dollar, and do not have one enemy - DO NOT HAVE 100 RUBLES, BUT HAVE HUNDRED FRIENDS The worker has the right to stand free - THE THIEF MUST BE IN JAIL
They tie it up with a suitcase or with freedom - THEY DO NOT FORGET FROM BAGS AND FROM PRISON
You won’t please you with a gift - BRIBES ARE SMOOTH FROM ME
Alien mafia does not appreciate you - NATIVE POLICE PROTECTS ME
Give or forget - TAKE AND REMEMBER.

1.6. group work block.
The objectives of the anti-corruption policy in the Republic of Tatarstan are:
1) elimination of the causes that give rise to corruption and counteracting the conditions conducive to its manifestation;
2) increased risk of corruption and losses from them;
3) increasing the benefits of acting within the law and in the public interest
4) involvement of civil society in the implementation of anti-corruption policy;
5) formation of intolerance towards corrupt practices.
The subjects of anti-corruption policy in the Republic of Tatarstan are :
1) state bodies, which are entrusted with separate powers to implement anti-corruption policy;
2) a special state body for the implementation of anti-corruption policy;
3) local governments;
4) public organizations involved in the implementation of anti-corruption policy;
5) mass media.
Types of corruption offenses:
1) disciplinary corruption offenses - offenses that have signs of corruption and are not crimes or administrative offenses for which disciplinary liability has been established;
2) administrative corruption offenses - offenses with signs of corruption and not being crimes, for which administrative liability is established;
3) corruption crimes - culpably committed socially dangerous acts, provided for by the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, containing signs of corruption, provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 1 of this Law;
4) crimes related to corruption crimes - any socially dangerous acts provided for by the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, committed in complicity with persons who may be found guilty of committing corruption crimes.

Conclusion (while scoring in progress)

So, we have defined the concept of "corruption", the causes and factors of this phenomenon, outlined the best ways to combat this dangerous phenomenon. But in Russian law there is neither a definition of the concept of "corruption" nor the concept itself, the more interesting it will be to understand the history of the emergence of corruption and the fight against it.

XIII- the first mention of bribery (corruption).
Bribery is mentioned in Russian chronicles of the 13th century. According to the surviving records of the chroniclers, bribes appeared in Ancient Russia, and they immediately began to resolutely fight them. So, Metropolitan Kirill condemned bribery along with drunkenness and witchcraft, for which he insisted on punishing accordingly, that is, the death penalty (according to the records in Russkaya Pravda - “If the wife is a greenery, a sorceress, a prisoner, she should be executed”).
XV century - its legislative restriction. The reign of Ivan III.
The very first "anti-corruption legislation" in Russia was adopted in the reign of Ivan III
XVI century - the death penalty was introduced for bribes. The reign of Ivan IV.
And his grandson Ivan IV the Terrible issued a decree, according to which presumptuous officials were to be immediately executed.

XVII century - according to the Council Code of 1649. (Alexey Mikhailovich). Punishment for a crime that falls under the concept of corruption. In the 17th century corruption of officials became one of the reasons for the Moscow uprising of 1648, and Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich had to promise in a special appeal to the rebels that he himself would ensure that the newly appointed judges carried out reprisals "without promises." The Council Code of 1649, published after that, provided for numerous punishments for crimes that fall under the concept of corruption: forgery in the correspondence of a court case, concealment of duties when registering cases, oppression of the population
18th century- Physical punishment; the rise of corruption. In the legal terminology of the 18th century, bribes were called "promises" (breaking the law for some fee). For them, the perpetrators were subjected to corporal punishment. For example, in 1654, Prince Alexei Kropotkin and clerk Ivan Semenov were whipped for extortion, taking money and a barrel of wine from merchants for a promise not to send them to Moscow, where they were to be resettled by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Under Peter I, bribe-takers were beaten with batogs, branded, exiled. However, their thirst for profit was ineradicable. According to contemporaries, Peter even threatened to issue a decree according to which anyone who steals money from the state, which can be used to buy a rope, will be hanged.
Since 1826 under Nicholas I, corruption became a mechanism of state administration.
Since 1918. - according to the decree on bribery, a prison sentence of 5 years with confiscation of property was supposed.
Since 1922. - according to the Criminal Code for bribery execution.
Since 1957– Officially, the fight was suspended, because corruption was considered a rare occurrence.

Quotes About Corruption
Game results.

Conclusion According to some sociological polls, a quarter of our citizens do not at all think that corruption is an abnormal phenomenon. Welcome corruption. That is, in society as a whole, there is practically no intolerance towards corruption as an institution.

It is worth considering, because it is in such a society that you get an education, build a career, raise children, that is, just live. Maybe there is still a way out of this problem, and as always it is simple - start with yourself!

Business game "City without corruption".

Equipment: handout containing articles of the Federal Law "On Combating Corruption" (in electronic form), a target, red and green circles, multi-colored paper houses, video excerpts from the film "You to me, I to you" (director Alexander Sery)

  1. Stage. Organizing time .

Good afternoon dear teachers. I suggest you play a business (intellectual) game today. You have figures of different colors on the tables, I suggest you choose the color you like and we are divided into two teams.

Team rules: team name

Choose a captain;

Everyone takes part in the discussion;

Each member of the team must express their opinion and speak to everyone;

Be able to listen to everyone;

respect the opinions of others.

Stage 2. Motivation.

Reception - "Problem situation".

The event begins with watching video excerpts from the film "You to me, I to you."

Answer: What theme do you think our game is dedicated to?

It was no coincidence that this passage was chosen for discussion with the participants, since the case under consideration is related to the phenomenon of corruption.

During the discussion, discussing the passage, each participant expresses his opinion and the participants formulate the topic of the lesson.

Responsible hangs the inscription : City without corruption

Stage 3. Goal definition.

Responsible invites participants to read a quote from Thomas Hobbes

"Corruption" is the root from which
emerges at all times and under all
temptations contempt for all laws.
Thomas Hobbes

and on the basis of the considered excerpt from the film and the quote, discuss in groups and formulate the purpose of the lesson .


What is the importance of this topic? What is the importance of this topic for you personally? What result should you get at the end of the work?


1. Form an idea of ​​what corruption is, get acquainted with the causes of corruption. How youth can help fight corruption. Formation of one's own opinion and position in relation to this issue.

2.Develop the ability to express your opinion and argue it.

3. To instill a sense of responsibility towards their state. The main task is to form a clear civic position based on the opposition to corruption.

Stage 4. Assimilation of new knowledge and ways of action.

Game (call stage).

Opening remarks: According to the UN, December 9 is the International Anti-Corruption Day. Corruption can and should be counteracted by the state, business, mass media, international and foreign organizations. But it is important to understand that the fight against corruption is the business of the whole society, each of us.

We will consider individual possible cases of corruption and discuss measures to neutralize or minimize manifestations of corruption. Today the work is organized in groups in the form of the game "City without corruption".

Teacher: To create a city without corruption, we must understand the meaning of the concept of "corruption".

We offer you a game

  1. "Snowball" Reception "Brainstorm"

Blind "snowball" about the concept of "corruption".

Each team is given sheets of paper to write words.

Task for each team: What associations do you have with the word “corruption”

(bribery, bribery, deceit, fraud, etc.)

Students write words on separate sheets of paper.

Then they read out the words, make a big lump out of them and symbolically throw them away.


According to Russian law, corruption is abuse of official position, giving and receiving a bribe, commercial bribery, or other illegal use of one's official position contrary to the legitimate interests of society and the state in order to obtain benefits in the form of money, valuables, other property or services of a property nature.

Game "Find the Definition"

Bribe- material values ​​accepted by an official (objects, money, services, other property benefit) for an action or inaction in the interests of the bribe giver, which this person could not or should not have done due to his official position.

Fraud- theft of someone else's property or the acquisition of the right to someone else's property by deceit or breach of trust.

Country house bribes- this is the process of transferring material values ​​to the personal disposal of a special official who is interested in his specific actions or inaction.

Receipt bribes- a crime against the interests of the state (municipal) service, consists in the receipt by an official personally or through an intermediary of a bribe in the form of money, securities, other property or property benefits for actions ...

Blackmail- the threat of compromising or slanderous revelations with the aim of extorting someone else's property or all sorts of concessions.

Extortion- the demand for the transfer of someone else'sproperty or the right to property or the commission of other actions of a property nature under the threat of violence or the destruction or damage of another's property, as well as under the threat of dissemination of information disgracing the victim or his relatives, or other information that can cause significant harm to the rights or legitimate interests of the victim or his loved ones.

Abuse official position- this is any deliberate use by an official of his rights and opportunities associated with the position, contrary to the interests of the service.

Commercial bribe- an economic crime is directed against the interests of service in a commercial or other organization and consists in the illegal transfer to a person performing managerial functions in it (as well as in the illegal receipt by such a person) of money, securities, other property, as well as the illegal provision of services of a property nature to him for actions (inaction) in the interests of the giver in connection with the official position occupied by this person.

What does folk wisdom say... Reception "Domino"

Teams are offered four unfinished proverbs and sayings. Their endings are written on other sheets. Students need to choose the correct ending for these phrases. Explain the meaning of proverbs and sayings?

If you don't grease, you won't go - extortion, bribery.

Hand washes hand - group planned activity in bribery.

Raking the heat with the wrong hands is an unconscious complicity in fraud and scams.

The eye sees, but the tooth is not honey - the ineffectiveness of the fight against corruption

Responsible: History reference.

Corruption is a complex social phenomenon that originated in ancient times in the countries of Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, India, Judea (i.e., in the centers of ancient Eastern civilizations) and exists today in all countries, regardless of the level of its development, differing only in their scale.

The historical roots of corruption probably go back to the practice of giving gifts to win favor. An expensive gift distinguished a person from other petitioners and contributed to his request being fulfilled. Therefore, in primitive societies, paying a priest or leader was the norm. In an ancient Indian treatise on the art of government, it is emphasized that the most important task facing the king is the fight against embezzlement. It lists 40 ways to steal state property and concludes that it is easier to guess the path of birds in the sky than the tricks of cunning officials.

A game Changelings.
Well, the task will be to counter each word spoken by the presenterantonym , i.e. turn it over, then you get differentcatchphrases and famous sayings. For example, the presenter says: "top", the team writes: "bottom", right - left, black - white, etc. You should remember the specifics of the originals of the proposed phrases.
The leg scratches the leg - HAND WASHES THE HAND
Own one dollar, and do not have one enemy - DO NOT HAVE 100 RUBLES, BUT HAVE HUNDRED FRIENDS The worker has the right to stand free - THE THIEF MUST BE IN JAIL
They tie it up with a suitcase or with freedom - THEY DO NOT FORGET FROM BAGS AND FROM PRISON
You won’t please you with a gift - BRIBES ARE SMOOTH FROM ME
Alien mafia does not appreciate you - NATIVE POLICE PROTECTS ME
Give or forget - TAKE AND REMEMBER.

Physical education minute

Reception "Relay".

The students in a chain get up and sit down in a single rhythm so that as soon as the previous one sits down, the next one gets up. Then they raise their hands. Make rotational movements with your hands.

  1. Cluster.

Reception "Cluster".

Teacher: Many people compare corruption with a disease. Each sore has its own causes that need to be treated. What are the causes of corruption (Slide 6)

Task: For 3 minutes, students write on the colored circles that they received at the beginning of the lesson the reasons for corruption and place them on the board in the form of a bunch of grapes around the phrase "REASONS FOR CORRUPTION". Whose team writes more reasons, that team earns more points.

Causes of corruption (cluster):

Approximate scheme-cluster

(Slide 7)

Low wages for civil servants

Ignorance of the laws

Desire for easy money

Frequent turnover of persons in various positions

Instability in the country

Corruption as a habit

Low standard of living of the population

Weak development of state institutions


6. Situations.

Reception "Duel"

Each team is offered the Federal Law “On Combating Corruption” (electronic application) in electronic form.

Task: Consider the situations and indicate, referring to the articles of the Federal Law "On Combating Corruption", in which of them cases of corruption are presented, and in which they are not.

Duelists are appointed in each team, the rest of the students act as seconds. Opponents from each team converge in turn in an intellectual duel. One student expresses his point of view, and his opponent pronounces a counterargument. This takes into account the ability to argue, correctness, reasoning.


1. In gratitude for the fact that the doctor cured her seriously ill child, Galina gave the doctor a bouquet of flowers from her garden.

2. Accountant Petrova A. used fake invoices that contain incorrect information.

3. A candidate for deputies agreed with the company on financing its elections to state authorities, in return he promised to help this company get good orders.

4. A public official uses an official car and fuel for personal purposes.

5. Ivan was forced to thank the official who deliberately took time to resolve his issue.

6. A government official comes to work late, returns early from work, and attends to personal business during working hours.

Responsible: Let's look at the types of corruption

household corruption is generated interaction privates citizens And officials. IN her are included various present from citizens And services official face And members his families ( this categories also applies nepotism - nepotism).

Business corruption arises at interaction authorities And business. For example, in case economic spore, sides may pursuit enlist support judges from purpose pronouncement solutions in my benefit.

Corruption supreme authorities applies to political leadership And supreme courts in democratic systems. She concerns standing at authorities groups, dishonest behavior which includes in implementation politicians in their interests And in damage interests voters.

Spreading corruption among officials leads to to that, what in her turn out interested And subordinates, And chiefs. Grade potential benefits And risks, related from corruption, in simplified form described next model: Boss - subordinate


In violation of the rules of the road while intoxicated, the driver paid the traffic police officer, who, instead of filling out the protocol, took the money and released the offender.

The government official in charge of distributing free medicines to patients sent some of the medicines to private pharmacies for sale at high prices.

To the relatives of the sick citizen N., the chief physician unequivocally says that he needs an emergency operation, but in the general queue, the operation will have to "wait for a very long time."

I live in Dagestan in a small town. We all know each other, many are distant or close relatives, so teachers help to pass the exam. But I entered a prestigious University and when I finish, they will pick up a good job.

I put my mother in the hospital for an operation without waiting in line by paying a bribe. Her health is more important to me.

I violated the speed limit and could lose my driver's license, so I myself suggested that the inspector negotiate.

Responsible: Corruption - an obstacle to economic growth and development, jeopardizes any transformation.

Corruption can be exposed to any person with any power: officials, judges, administrators, deputies, examiners, doctors, etc. All of them are driven by one incentive - to make economic profit. But at the same time, they run the risk of exposure and punishment.

How is it necessary to fight fraud, bribery, extortion, bribes in modern society?

Stage 5. Conclusion.

Summing up and rewarding teams.

Responsible : Express your opinion "What can I do?"

The phrase "City without corruption" is written on the blackboard.

Against the background of a piece of music - Mozart. Concerto for violin and orchestra No. 7 D-dur, students write statements on pieces of paper (in the form of houses), read them and attach them to the board, creating a city (reception "Active concert" - the information that needs to be learned is read aloud, accompanied by expressive music).

Sample statements:

  • do not give or take bribes;
  • strive to achieve the desired results on the basis of personal integrity;
  • to publicize cases of corruption.

We can also:

  • change the existing system and create laws that would protect active citizens who oppose corruption;
  • write about known cases of corruption in the local newspaper;
  • take part in numerous anti-corruption campaigns and actions carried out all over the world;
  • to study this phenomenon;
  • Familiarize yourself with anti-corruption measures and methods of combating corruption.

Responsible: First of all, you need to start with yourself and demand the elimination of corruption manifestations from others. The effectiveness of the struggle depends on the interaction of all branches of government, their responsibility for the process of improving society. It is necessary to respond quickly to all types of manifestations of corruption offenses, to give fair punishments. Then, in the eyes of others, authority, faith and respect for the structures of power will increase, society will realize the need to fight corruption.

Reflection. Reception "Intellectual shooting range".

Students in the appropriate target field attach a colored magnet.

Actively participated (a) It was interesting

Conclusion: According to some sociological polls, a quarter of our citizens do not at all think that corruption is an abnormal phenomenon. Welcome corruption. That is, in society as a whole, there is practically no intolerance towards corruption as an institution.

It is worth considering, because it is in such a society that our children get an education, build a career, raise children, that is, just live. Maybe there is still a way out of this problem, and as always it is simple - start with yourself!