For every gardener, a flower bed or flower garden takes first place. Having a summer cottage, plant flowering plants; they will not only decorate the area, but also bring a lot of aromatic pleasure.

In our article, everyone will find new ideas on how to make a beautiful flower bed.

Flower bed design options

The beauty of a flower bed depends on the types of plants planted, but do not forget about ideas. Choose a site organization design to suit your tastes and wishes.

Multiflowers are flower beds in which flowers of the same type are planted.

Vertical flower beds are created in the form of a column or screen.

The irregular type is a conventionally shaped dug-up area in which frost-resistant, perennial plants are planted.

A multi-level flower bed has tiers, and different types of flowers grow on them.

The border-edge is a lawn, inside of which grow decorative and flowering plants, which are sure to be combined.

Rabatka is an elongated flower bed. In most cases, it decorates one of the walls of the house.

Plants planted in it should not be close to each other; maintain a distance between flowers.

A flower garden in which constant flowering occurs is called a mixborder. It is usually decorated with perennial ornamental shrubs. The buds of plants never cease to please; if some have faded, then new varieties bloom to replace them.

This type of arabesque allows you to plant flowers with inscriptions or patterns.

A rock garden is a flower bed for which stones are used.

Basic rules for gardeners when organizing a flower bed

Thanks to expert advice, you can create a beautiful flowerbed with your own hands.

Choosing a place

The area for the flower garden is selected depending on what types of plants you will plant; some like the sun's rays, while others prefer shade.

Incorrectly planted flowers may die. Try to find suitable locations for each seedling.

Make the markings

Stretch a thick thread or cord to create the boundaries of the flower bed. If you have already dug up the ground and it is soft, draw a marking of any shape you like.

Prepare holes in the ground

It is necessary to make holes up to 30 cm deep. Place stones at the bottom of the hole for drainage.

Experienced experts cover the surface of the pit with film if they are sure that groundwater is close and can damage the plant.

Border the flowerbed

The flower garden is fenced using wooden, stone or specially designed fences. You can distinguish yourself and make borders with glass or plastic bottles.

Even inexperienced gardeners can create beautiful flower beds. The main thing is to understand what kind of flower bed is needed and what should happen as a result. This will make it easier for you to select and place colors.

Select varieties of plants that do not require care.

If the plot of land has not been planted, then it is better to feed it.

An ordinary flowerbed should have high, medium and low growing flowers. Place tall plants of several types in the center, plant low ones in front.

Do not buy a lot of seedlings, especially different varieties. Don't make the flower bed too bright. Don't forget about the flowering periods of plants.

At the edge, plant low-growing species that creep along the surface of the soil.

Create a harmonious juxtaposition of flowers in your flowerbed with the help of flowering sprouts and plants with unusual leaves without inflorescence buds.

If you plant perennials between them, it is better to leave free space. They will sprout every spring in the same place, but with children; after a few seasons the plant grows. You can plant the empty space with annual flowers for the first year.

So we figured out how to beautifully decorate a flowerbed. You already understand that doing this is not difficult and interesting.

Use your imagination and take into account your own desires, with their help you will have an incredibly beautiful flower garden.

Come up with new ideas and bring them to life. Only you can create beauty in your dacha with your own hands.

Photo of a beautiful flower bed

To make the garden plot not only a place for harvesting, many gardeners improve the territory of their dacha with the help of flower beds. They will not only delight the eyes of owners and guests, but will also divide the garden into separate zones, thereby organizing the space of the site, and creating its own and original design.

What it is?

Behind the concept of a flower garden is a territory that has a visible or conceptual fence on which ornamental plants grow. Usually in a flowerbed you can find all sorts of variations of flowering plants, but sometimes flowering shrubs or ornamental tree species also fit harmoniously into the composition. The arrangement of plants in a flower garden is represented by a geometric symmetrical pattern; sometimes you can find asymmetrical compositions.

A good place for setting up a flower meadow, a simple pattern and respect for proportions will make the flower garden a real decoration. Using a decorative area, you can highlight a specific area and place accents.


To properly design a blooming corner, landscape design skills are required, because the decorative element must fit harmoniously into the overall appearance of the site. The flower garden should contain plants that harmonize well with each other. They usually require similar soil compositions, care procedures, and watering frequencies.

All design options for flower beds are conventionally divided into two large groups: classic or regular style flower beds and landscape style flower arrangements. The first group is characterized by the presence of clear shapes and geometry, which are often emphasized by the lawn. The second group does not have strict boundaries and forms, which creates the impression that man was not involved in their creation.

What types are there?

Modern designers more often give preference to varieties of flower beds, the compilation of which does not have strict canons. These include a naturalistic flowerbed. It is characterized by the use of more than a dozen species of perennial plants. All presented species are divided into 2-3 groups, which combine related plants. The third part of the plants forms the basis of the composition, and the rest complement it.

Other types include the following options:

  • Flowerbed in a classic style is most popular not only in the summer cottage, but also in city squares. The classic flowerbed has a geometric shape and is bordered by a border. For such a flower bed, annual flowers with low stems are good, sometimes perennials are found. Plants that hold their shape well will make the pattern on the flower bed more distinct.
  • Mixborder blooms beautifully all season long. This is a complex mixed composition in which some flowering plants are replaced by others. This species is characterized by multi-tiered nature and the use of species with different flowering periods, as well as ornamental shrubs and trees.

  • A flower garden that has an elongated shape is called a rabatka. and is located along other objects in the summer cottage - the wall of a house, path or fence. The ridge is located both asymmetrically on one side of the path and on both sides to outline its contour. Typically, the width of such a flowerbed does not exceed one and a half meters, and its length is divided into separate sections for ease of caring for plants.
  • To arrange a flower arrangement in the form of a group one or more varieties of flora can be used, which are planted so that it looks natural. Large groups are planted further away, and up close you can admire the low, bulbous ever-flowering plants.

Trees on the site are often decorated with this group. There are both small and quite impressive groups.

  • For summer residents whose areas are deprived of sun, organizing a shady flower garden is suitable. It is characterized by planting shade-tolerant plants. The beauty of a shady flower garden is not in the riot of colors, but in the unusualness of the foliage. The background of a shady flower bed is usually decorated with tall flowers with large leaves, medium-height perennials are placed in the middle, and creeping species of shade-loving plants can be planted in front.

The variety of flowers and plants that prefer twilight allows you to tastefully decorate a shady flowering corner.

  • Solitaire is considered a special type of flower bed, which fits perfectly into both the regular design of the garden plot and the natural composition. The first type of landscape is characterized by the presence of a single plant on the lawn or a flower that stands out noticeably for its height. For a natural flowering spot, tapeworm is presented as a single plant or shrub that blends harmoniously into its natural environment.

  • Modular flower garden got its name from the use of modules in its planning. The module can be round, square or rectangular. In the preliminary plan, the entire plot is divided into these modules, the size of which is 1 m². This approach to the design of flower beds and the entire landscape allows you to maintain harmonious proportions when landscaping the site.

  • Arabesque usually represents the most elegant place in the garden, located in the front part. The pattern of such a flower garden is quite complex and is made up of stones and other minerals in conjunction with plants. To make the design easy to read, plants with small stems are used for arabesques. These flower beds look especially fascinating next to the lawn, but require a lot of attention and care.


In the process of creating and erecting a flower garden, fencing the flower bed plays an important role. A lot depends on the correct choice of material: how strong the fence will be, how it will harmonize with the plants in the flowerbed and its shape. Since the primary purpose of the fence is to contain the soil, and the secondary purpose is its decorative function, it is logical that the shapes of the flower bed and the fence will completely match.

There are many options available for fencing materials, you just have to use your imagination:

  • To arrange a flower garden from annuals, you can build a fence made of plant-safe wooden pegs or rods. Classic low wooden fences will highlight the beauty of any type of flower garden.

If necessary, a wooden fence can be easily dismantled or moved to another location. In addition, the ease of working with the material allows you to easily change the shape of the wedges to your liking.

  • Look presentable and reliable flower garden fences made of stone. In addition to natural and artificial stones, you can also use brick or paving slabs. Such fences can be built either without the use of a binder mixture or with the use of a solution. Such a fence will serve the gardener for decades, but the material is not cheap.

  • With help metal fencing structures in the garden plot you can create a wide variety of flower arrangements - from classic to modern. Often, forged or welded, as well as monolithic structures made of iron or cast iron are used to delineate the boundaries of a landscape art object. Such products are made to order, but you will have to pay a lot for an exclusive item.
  • Lightweight and affordable modern plastic They are also often used to build fences. Due to its unique properties, a plastic fence can serve a gardener for more than one season. Plastic fences are usually presented in sections, borders in the form of a flexible tape, which often imitates masonry or imitation wood.

  • Concrete structures with high sides are ideal for high-filled flower beds. They are not afraid of moisture and temperature changes and will last for many years. Connoisseurs of beauty will appreciate finished products in the form of sectional fences or high borders. Practical gardeners can try making a fence themselves.
  • Often land owners are looking for budget options for arranging flower beds and use improvised means. There are no limits to the imagination of gardeners here - plastic bottles are used, flower beds are built from tires and tires, old wooden wheelbarrows or bicycles.


The scale of arrangement of the flower arrangement has no restrictions. But the decorative part should be proportional to the rest of the area - not to overload it and not get lost, and it’s easier to care for compact compositions.

In an area with a lot of paths and no extra space, it would be appropriate to plant a long flower border. A narrow strip of flowers around the perimeter can also enliven a boring country house.

If you plan to plant one flower garden at your dacha, then let it be of medium size and located in the area near the entrance or the central part of the site. For lovers of symmetry and beauty in detail, the idea of ​​arranging mini-compositions of flowers throughout the entire site will be suitable. This trick is suitable for a dacha with a large number of trees, the trunks of which can be decorated with flowers.


Choosing flowers is one of the most difficult stages of organizing a flower bed. Collecting unpretentious and beautiful flowers that match each other without getting lost in the variety of names is not an easy task.

Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the favorites of gardeners in advance:

  • For those who like to experiment, annual flowers are suitable, which will allow you to change the composition every year. You can decorate mixborders or modular flower beds with annual flowers; they also look good in pots. Popular plants in this group include marigolds with rich warm colors, heat-tolerant zinnia, sweet peas and petunias.

  • Often, experienced gardeners arrange a flower garden of perennials on their site. These bulbous plants begin to bloom with the first spring sun. The short ones are the first to peek through the snow. snowdrops and scylla, which do not like the sun and are unpretentious to the soil. Early flowers give way to popular ones in the garden crocuses and hyacinths with flowers of cool shades. After them, moisture-loving flowers bloom in the flowerbed daffodils and tulips early flowering plants that need fertilized soil and light.

Along with tulips, graceful and sophisticated irises and royally beautiful peonies bloom. An area decorated with peonies will not only look impressive, but also exude a delicate aroma.

  • In the summer months, perennial flower beds can be decorated with non-flowering plants - feather grass, hostas, sedum or herbs. However, some gardeners want flowers to please the eye all summer, and they plant a flower garden of roses.

Such compositions are called rosaries. To set up a rose garden you need warmth, but in mid-latitudes a combined rose garden is appropriate, in which roses are successfully combined with conifers and other deciduous shrubs with beautiful foliage, sometimes various grasses and wormwood.

  • Continuous flowering specimens are perfect for those who like to enjoy flowers throughout the summer season. These types include rich variety of asters to choose from, whose star-shaped inflorescences fade and are replaced by new ones. This type also includes dahlias, which will be an ideal decoration for any mixborder. A climbing clematis with large and bright flowers that stand out against the background of foliage, will refresh a fence or gazebo in the country.


The choice of the shape of a garden flowerbed directly depends on personal preferences and harmony with other objects on the site. Adherents of the classics tend to choose geometric shapes, while creative individuals tend to choose fantasy ones.

When creating a geometric flower garden, you can choose any shape. It can be rectangular or square, round or oval and even triangular. This group of flower beds is distinguished by ease of execution without the involvement of a designer and versatility. The straight lines of a geometric flower bed are most clearly visible in contrast with the lawn. Before installing a flower bed, you need to mark its boundaries so as not to break the symmetry.

In addition, you need to consider how closely the flowers will be located to each other. A monoflower bed is characterized by the most dense planting of flowers. In the case of several species, it is necessary to place taller flowers in the center, and emphasize the outline with the brightest specimens.

If you plan to create a multi-tiered flowerbed like a pyramid, then you should place the tallest flowers in the center and gradually move from them to the lowest specimens. Flowers of each level in this case must be the same length.

The abstract shape of the flower garden looks no less impressive and allows you to create an exclusive landscape design on the site. Such flower beds usually lack geometric proportions, but also require preliminary markings and plans. For a simple form, you can choose one type of flower, but a flowerbed of complex abstraction must have appropriate content.

Vertical flower beds look quite interesting on the site. The wire used to create the figure allows landscape designers to realize the most daring ideas. To create a floral outline, plants are carefully selected for height and splendor.

Another successful example of a vertical flower garden is a screen or wall of climbing plants or long-stemmed flowers.

Style and design

The choice of style for decorating a decorative corner with flowers depends on the overall design of the garden. Let's look at the most popular flower bed design styles.

Country style is one of the most suitable for decorating a vegetable garden. Flower beds in a rustic style can be placed on the border between planting areas or decorate the entrance with them.

The following items are typical for the rustic country style:

  • Various wooden attributes. These could be stumps of old trees, wooden barrels or rockers, baskets or fences woven from wooden rods.
  • Household and familiar things for rural residents - a cart and its individual parts, clay pots, garden scarecrows.
  • An imitation of a well or cellar, an abandoned gazebo are excellent attributes for creating a kind of legend for a site in country style.
  • As for the choice of flowers and plants, here you need to rely on the tastes of the villagers of the last century. Then in the garden or in the front garden under the window one could find bright sunflowers, romantic daisies, sunny calendula and marigolds, bells, mallow and other flowers.

Do not forget about the trees traditional for villages - apple, cherry, gooseberry, currant.

  • Geometric flower beds, modular flower beds and edgings belong to classic regular style. It is often used to decorate the area near the wall of a house or the front entrance to a site. A so-called flower border can be planted along a fence or path, as well as to give an outline to a flower bed or wide border, or to border a lawn. It is a strip no wider than half a meter; the color scheme of the border should contrast with the flowers in the main flower beds.

Excellent borders are made from low, well-shaped varieties of annuals - daisies and marigolds, pansies or balsams. The beauty of the site will be emphasized and separated by decorative shrubs that turn green all year round.

  • If there is a body of water on the site, this makes it possible to design Art Nouveau garden. Smooth lines, unusual contrasts, solo shrubs and climbing plants will allow you to create a unique design. Art Nouveau is characterized by a combination of landscape with the structure of the house; the garden seems to be its continuation. Evergreen trimmed plants, flowers with an expressive appearance will fit perfectly, and paths and flower beds can be arranged as an ornament.

Any object is suitable as a reservoir, but not too pretentious. A good solution would be a small fountain, pond or pool. You can plant a flower garden around the fountain and arrange a place to relax.

Required accessories

For gardeners who want to start setting up a flower garden on their own, you need to stock up on the following equipment:

  • At the stage of choosing a location and applying markings, you will need pegs with twine to mark the boundaries of the flowerbed, but you can draw a line on the ground.
  • Then, with a shovel, you need to remove a layer of soil of 20-30 cm, fill the bottom of the flowerbed with gravel, stones or fragments of brick and compact it well. Sometimes the bottom is pre-lined with film or roofing felt to protect it from groundwater.
  • The next step is to install the fence. Usually it is either buried a little in the ground or secured with cement mortar.
  • After this, all that remains is to fill the flower garden with black soil, and after a couple of weeks, add more if necessary. Then you can proceed directly to planting flowers.

Thus, you don’t need any special supplies or skills to set up a flowerbed yourself.

To plant a flowerbed of perennials at your dacha, you do not need to obtain a higher education or be a certified landscape design specialist.

What to plant - onions or perennial flowers?

Not everything in the garden should be for the belly, you need to leave room for “beauty” - just for the soul. A flowerbed of continuous flowering perennials can easily decorate even the most inconspicuous area, giving it a unique charm. Roses, geraniums, carnations, poppies and asters will grow in the same place season after season without requiring special attention.

A question that every novice gardener must understand is the choice of plants for a perennial flower garden. From practical experience, the first flowerbed should be made small and planted with unpretentious flowers that grow well under the bright sun.

A flowerbed is a bright element of the garden, so there is no point in planting it in the far corner of the site or hiding it under the shade of trees. The optimal solution for creating a perennial flower bed would be a place that is clearly visible from all sides.

Multi-level flower beds (with tall plants in the background and short ones in the foreground) are usually placed near the walls of a house, a fence or hedge. Whereas in the center of the site, a constantly blooming flowerbed of perennials can either form all sorts of combinations of plants, or be decorated with only one species.

Perennial flowerbed for beginners

Flower garden puzzle of the most popular flowers - assemble it yourself!

  • Tall representatives of the flora for the center of the composition:

Roses, astilbe, lilies, asters, claricas, peonies, black cohosh, Hassler's cleome, delphinium, decorative onions, phlox, helenium, Zopnik ruselovsky, lupine multifolia, clematis, hosta, hydrangea, rudbeckia, liatris spicata, poppy, meadow bells, ratibida columnar , echinacea, daylily and many others.

  • Medium-growing perennials for a modest addition:

Tulips, anemone, irises, fragrant rue, navel tincture, aquilegia, beautiful small petal, mountain cornflower, hybrid catnip, magnificent dicentra, oak sage, gravilat, yarrow ptarmika, heuchera, bergenia, lavender angustifolia, primrose, fern, evening primrose quadrangular, etc.

  • Ground cover plants for edging flower beds and filling gaps:

Chistets Byzantina, acena, small periwinkle, creeping tenacious, Renard's geranium, aubrieta, Carpathian bellflower, grass carnation, lobularia, spring umbilical cord, Waldsteinia, lungwort, small periwinkle, speedwell and others.

It is recommended to plant tall soloists individually, but small flowers are best planted in groups, several at a time. At the same time, in a flowerbed viewed from different angles, taller individuals should be planted closer to the center, and shorter ones should be planted along the edges.

Advice. To prevent bald spots from gaping in the flowerbed and weeds from growing, plant the plants as close to each other as possible, but not too crowded.

Want to achieve continuous flowering? Find out about the characteristics of each flower, write down the flowering time on a piece of paper and create your own combination diagram of a beautiful club of perennials, in which some plants will bloom in early spring, others in mid-summer, and others will bloom until late autumn.

Of course, thinking through the ideal design for a luxurious flower garden is a special task. But, fortunately, there are proven designs for flower beds of perennials.

Perennial flower beds - the best planting schemes

Several options for arranging plants in flower beds - schematic symbols with the names of perennials.

Scheme No. 1 “The most simple”

In this simple and attractive long-flowering composition, such unpretentious perennials were used as:

  1. paniculate phlox pink or purple in color. The best time to plant is September or mid-March, grows well in well-drained, sandy soil, blooms from mid-July to autumn;
  2. pink astilbe. Flowering of different varieties lasts, as a rule, from late June to mid-August, the plant is responsive to regular feeding and loosening;
  3. purple-silver daylily. Plants are planted in spring in organic-rich and well-drained, loose loam with an optimal acidity of 6-6.5 pH;
  4. Heuchera with silver-gray and lavender leaves. Prefers light soils without stagnant water, blooms from May to July;
  5. geranium is magnificent. Blooms profusely from mid-summer to late season, forming a lush bush with light purple flowers).

Scheme No. 2 “Example of a flower bed of perennials blooming in the first year”

  1. hollyhock "Pleniflora" with densely double corollas of yellow, salmon-pink and red-purple flowers (“Pleniflora” is not a rose, but a giant mallow that blooms profusely in sunny and moist areas of the garden from mid-summer until the first cold weather);
  2. ten petal sunflower(a very valuable variety, blooming from mid-August to mid-October, grows well and has healing properties);
  3. Icelandic poppy(ideal for an ever-blooming bed of perennials due to continuous flowering from May until autumn);
  4. St. John's wort "Hidcote"(“the odorless” type of St. John’s wort pleases with yellow inflorescences in the flowerbed from June to September);
  5. lobelia cardinalis(a plant with a beautiful leaf plate and blood-red flowers are decorated from July to October);
  6. catnip "Nepeta faassenii"(blooms with lavender-like flowers for a long time, starting in May);
  7. bell "Campanula poscharskyana"(the crystal ringing of these delicate and fragile lilac-blue flowers can be heard from June to September);
  8. Catananche "Blue Cupid"(inflorescences-baskets of a muted heavenly shade can be observed all summer);
  9. perennial gravilate(in the composition of a long-flowering flower bed, the herbaceous plant of the “Feuerbal” variety does not solo, but rather complements the flower garden from May to July);
  10. sedum "Matrona"(a strong bush with beautiful flowers remains decorative until the first snowfall);
  11. Heuchera "Miracle"(a spectacular bush with unusually colored foliage decorated with pink flowers from June to mid-summer).

Scheme No. 3 “Pink and purple beautiful flower bed”

  1. changeable highlander with bluish-green thin leaves, this large perennial bush blooms in a “white cloud” at the end of June and remains in bloom until the end of summer;
  2. Monarda hybrid creates a romantic mood at the dacha when, during flowering, its pink flowers begin to exude a divine aroma;
  3. Astrantia "Claret", its small, numerous flowers-umbrellas of a rich red-wine color, blooming in mid-summer, look luxurious against the background of dark purple leaves;
  4. Bergenia(Saxifrage thickolitis) pleases the eye from May to July with paniculate-thyroid inflorescences on long stalks.;
  5. Phlox "Dragon" with its smoky silver-violet petals, it looks especially attractive in the composition of a sunny flower bed;
  6. Heuchera "Obsidian" hybrid with dark purple-violet, almost black leaves blooms in June;
  7. geranium "Compactum" grows very lushly, adding blood-red tones to the flower garden;
  8. Sedum telephium or hare cabbage, variety "Matrona" blooms in mid-summer with pale pink inflorescences;
  9. bell "Loddon Anna" with soft purple wide-pyramidal inflorescences fill the garden with a delicate aroma from July to September.

Material prepared for the website

Creating a flowerbed of perennials: soil preparation and planting

Having decided on the ingredients for the flower bed, it’s time to start preparing the soil for the flower garden. This is the most uncreative and labor-intensive task in creating a perennial flower bed. But, at the same time, it is also the most necessary thing, because properly prepared soil is the foundation of a future flower bed.

You need to prepare the soil after you have drawn a sketch of the future flower garden. You need to choose plants not only according to their flowering time, but also according to their similar requirements for light, moisture and soil - this will greatly facilitate caring for the flowerbed. (For example, in shade and semi-shaded areas in dry areas with fertile and loose soil, the following grow well: heucheras and hillocks, lilies of the valley and mantles, primroses and phlox, irises and geraniums, periwinkles and anemones).

How to make a beautiful flowerbed of perennials?

Start by removing the old sod with a shovel. Remove all weeds with their roots and revive the soil by diluting clayey soil with sand, and light soil with clayey soil or bentonite. Then add compost (this will make the soil more fertile) and loosen the soil as deeply as possible with a fork, mixing clay, sand and compost. Add the necessary fertilizers and start planting seedlings.

Please note that in a flowerbed of any design, approximately the following is planted per 1 sq.m.

  • 10 pieces of ground cover plants;
  • 7 pieces of undersized ones;
  • 5 pieces medium-sized;
  • and 1-3 tall plants.

Now you know how to arrange a flowerbed of perennials.

Flowerbeds of classical forms are becoming less and less common in landscape design. In landscape gardens these days, island flower beds with plant species that are asymmetrical in height and planting, arranged on lawns and lawns, are more appropriate. Multi-level vertical plantings are no less popular. Raised flower beds planted in flower beds of original shapes, mini-beds in old stumps and cascades of rectangular stands bordered by broken bricks also look interesting.

Tip: If possible, the shape of the flowerbed should be combined with the shape of the nearest building, for example, a gazebo or porch.

Round flowerbed of perennials

If we talk about the simplest method of flower decoration of an area, then this is, of course, a round flower bed of perennials, which is very easy to make with your own hands. It is very important to choose the right size. Since on a large area a small flower garden will look ridiculous, and a too-voluminous flower bed within a limited space will be poorly visible.

Important! When decorating a garden with a flower bed of perennials (for a harmonious combination of all elements), be sure to take into account the surrounding situation.

The place for the flower bed should be cleared of weeds, debris and stones. Break up large lumps of earth, dig up the ground and level it with a rake.

To accurately draw a circle, you need to take a peg, drive it into the center of the future flowerbed and tie a rope to it, at the other end of which there will be a peg. They need to draw the correct circle of the required size.

DIY diagram of a round flower bed of perennials and annuals

with large white flowers, compactly collected in inflorescences;

, often used to decorate borders;

with characteristically narrow, linearly elongated leaves, which, intertwined, form a continuous bright green carpet;

4. (Viola) pansies, specifically the variety “V. t. Maxima" - a tricolor violet that blooms all summer;

- an unpretentious plant that blooms in spring with yellow fragrant flowers;

When creating a flower arrangement in your garden or dacha, you should take into account many landscape tricks and think through the design of a flower bed or flower garden down to the smallest detail. If the mixborder is adjacent to a house or hedge, then you need to focus on selecting plants for a one-way view. If it is possible to approach the flower garden from all sides, then you should select crops for the all-round view flower bed, taking into account the principles of opposition and similarity.

A 360-degree composition is a group of plants viewed from different angles. Typically in gardens there are groups of herbaceous perennials located on the lawn. But more original solutions are also possible. For example, a composition built in a paving opening or a group of aquatic plants in a garden pond is very interesting. Even a small flower garden in a terracotta container, if it is skillfully composed, can be considered a composition with an all-round view.

Each flower arrangement in the garden has its own characteristics. So, when planning to set up a flower bed or group on the lawn, think about how in the future it will be convenient for you to mow the grass around the perimeter of the group. In flower beds located in paving openings, low, “padded” plants should overlap the boundaries of the cut window. Garden compositions of perennials grown around the perimeter of the pond should not greatly crush the water surface. The best effect is produced by harmonious compositions proportionate to the area of ​​the reservoir, reflected in the water. But despite all the subtleties, the method of constructing a circular composition remains the same. After all, the laws of visual perception are constant and do not depend in any way on the “genre” of the composition.

When landscaping a flower garden with your own hands, keep in mind that by opening the center and shifting all the plantings to the periphery of the site, you visually enlarge the garden. But such gardens are not always interesting. The composition of the all-round view significantly increases the content of the garden, although it makes it visually smaller.

On this page you will learn how to make a flower garden in your garden not only beautiful, but also original.

How to make a beautiful flower garden in the garden: planning

When planning a flower bed with an all-round view in the garden, you should take into account the style and location. The background of the circular composition changes depending on the point of view. This could be an apple orchard, your home, or a neighbor's house.

Stylizing a garden composition so that it fits into any environment is extremely difficult. At the same time, it is also impossible not to take into account what is located around: the composition will be divorced from reality, integrity will be lost.

So, a rock garden laid out in the middle of the lawn, and even against the backdrop of English mixed borders, looks at least strange.

What is the cause of visual discomfort? The rock garden is a clear stylization, an attempt to imitate a piece of alpine nature. But a stylized composition cannot exist on its own, without context.

The environment in which a flower garden with an all-round view is built in the garden affects not only its style, but also the choice of location.

For example, you don’t like your neighbor’s house. So why create a composition against its background? Trying to cover up an unsightly view? Unfortunately, it's unlikely to work. Most likely, you will not block the neighbor's house, but, on the contrary, will draw attention to it, since you will constantly look at it, admiring your composition.

Most often, the problem is solved by slightly shifting the composition. Please note: to distract from an unpleasant sight, a person simply turns away.

These photos show flower beds and flower beds in the garden landscape design, created according to the principle of opposition and similarity:

Surprisingly, some unknown force forces many people to place all-round viewing compositions directly in the geometric center of the lawn, pond, or site. Know that this is only justified when the garden has a regular layout. But in most cases, we do not strive to contrast our garden with nature, but, on the contrary, we try to model certain natural communities.

When composing a garden composition of flowers, centering looks unnatural, since something like this cannot be found in nature. Try moving the group relative to the center and you will see how the picture comes to life.

Do-it-yourself landscape design: dimensions of a flower bed or flower garden

When a place has been found for a flower arrangement in the garden, created with your own hands, you need to decide on its size. The height and width cannot be too large, otherwise the composition cannot be appreciated as a whole. On the other hand, a composition that is too small on a spacious lawn looks comical. As you can see, both options are dangerous.

  • Width. Unlike a mixborder, the all-round view composition is built in such a way that it is perceived holistically. Since we see the composition from different points - from the porch, from the gazebo, and from the path - we need to make some calculations. From each view point of the flower bed in the garden of a private house, using a square, build 30-degree angles towards the intended location of the group. The intersection of the corners forms an area that will become the approximate width of the composition. Of course, you can deviate a little from the sizes. But just a little, not significantly.
  • Height. It is necessary that the tall elements not only fall into the vertical angle of view, but also have a little “air” at the edges - a strip of lawn in front of the composition, a piece of sky above. This is only possible if the decorative group is removed from the view point at a distance equal to at least 2-2.5 times its height. Theoretically, to calculate the height of the tallest element in the composition, you need to measure the distance from the viewpoint to the intended location and divide it by 2 or 2.5. But in this case, everything is more complicated, since there are several viewpoints.

Look how beautiful the landscape flower beds are in these photos:

Your task is to build a composition that will look good from all sides. Therefore, we proceed as follows. First, select the farthest view point. Knowing the width of the composition, we calculate the height of the main element (core). To make the flower garden in the garden beautiful, we select subordinate elements to the core. We do this based on the laws of proportionation and color, as well as taking into account the nature of seasonal changes in plants. A little later we will talk about these laws in more detail.

Then we move to another point. If the distance to the composition is the same, there is no problem. But when it is significantly smaller, we do not see the entire group, but only its part (either lower or upper). For example, if the main element of a composition of garden plants is, then from the first point the cone is visible, and from the second - only the green background of the needles.

It is against this background that we will build a new group. That is, we will again select the main and subordinate elements, taking into account all the conditions.

The main thing is not to spoil what was done before, that is, not to build a new garden composition with your own hands, but to harmoniously complement an existing one. Next, we go through the remaining viewpoints and proceed in the same way.

The structure of a garden flower arrangement of perennial plants

The design and structure of the flower bed in the garden depends on the chosen style. The all-round decorative group can be designed in a landscape or regular style. Landscape compositions are more common in gardens.

When designing flower beds and flower beds in the garden, keep in mind that a regular composition has a concentric structure. The main element is placed in the center. Shrubs and/or perennials are planted at different distances from it, maintaining symmetry.

The flower garden elements in such a garden composition have strict geometric contours. Plants with picturesque crown shapes are used extremely rarely.

But the composition may not produce the desired effect if it is in the wrong environment. Imagine a lawn surrounded by picturesque groups of shrubs and flower beds of perennials. Agree, a regular group located in the center of such a lawn looks comical.

Among the smooth lines of mixborders, a landscape-type composition looks much better. Such a group is not located in the geometric center of the lawn. In addition, its main element is also not centered.

The best flower beds in landscape design, created by yourself, are shown in the photo:

Landscape design tricks: principles of creating a flower garden in the garden (with photos)

Regardless of what composition - regular or landscape - you decide to create, the principles do not change. There are only two of them. They are called differently: either the principles of contrast and nuance, or the methods of opposition and similarity. Taking these landscape tricks into account, when creating a flower bed in the garden, in both cases a comparative analysis of the elements used in the composition is carried out.

Working on the principle of contrast (opposition), we choose plants that are sharply different from each other. Plants selected according to the principle of nuance (similarity) also have differences, but these differences are stepwise and insignificant.

By the characteristics being compared, we mean the size of plants, their color, shape and texture of the crown surface. By contrasting the characteristics (vertical - horizontal, dark - light, pyramidal - spherical), we get contrast. Stepwise change (rich green - light green - salad; small ball on a high stem - medium ball on a medium stem - large ball on the ground) gives nuanced combinations.

It is worth noting that not all characteristics can be compared in both cases. For example, contrast in shape is often used, but contrast in size is a utopian matter. And vice versa, it is quite difficult to imagine a nuance in form, but a nuance in size - please.

How to design a flower garden in the garden, selecting plants based on the principle of contrast? This is quite easy to do. But keep in mind, this is a very strong move. Using it, it is easy to go too far, that is, to create an unnecessarily tense composition. Why is there no tension in nature? Because we don't see contrasts. This doesn't mean they don't exist. In addition, natural contrasts are extremely expressive. Imagine the water surface of a pond and the vertical lines of weeping willow branches, coastal reeds and rounded leaves of water lilies.

The same goes for sharp color contrasts. Sometimes they cause a storm of emotions. In the short term this is not bad. For example, in a bouquet for a loved one, color intensity is appropriate.

As can be seen in the photo, in a garden composition or flower garden a sharp color contrast is possible only if certain conditions are met:

For example, a short contemplation of contrasting flowers blooming at the same time is pleasant. But not everyone can tolerate the combination of blue-black Ottawa with lemon-yellow Thunberg barberry ‘Aigea’, which “pleasers” from spring to autumn.

If the site already has a similar beautiful garden composition and you don’t want to part with it, you can weaken the contrast with the help of silver, white-variegated or abundantly blooming white flowers. There are now a lot of similar plants, both herbaceous and woody.

The method of contrast or nuance is also applicable to the relationship of a composition with its surroundings. For example, a group of vertical conifers against the background of a squat “Finnish” house made of timber (contrast in shape). Or a circular nuanced composition of blue-violet plants against the background of a yellow fence (contrast in color).

Nuanced relationships can be built in a similar way. But many are afraid that in this case the composition will merge with the surroundings, that is, it will not be perceived independently. This is what forces gardeners to move the group away from place-bound objects and place it almost in the center of the open space. This line of thinking is wrong.

There is a rule for constructing a composition that says: if parts that are similar in color, texture, shape and size are placed at a close distance, they will merge into the whole. It turns out that in order for the group to blend with the environment, you need to build a composition from the same plants that are in the environment. But, as you understand, this rarely happens.

These photos show flower arrangements in the garden, created taking into account all the principles:

Building a beautiful garden composition of flowers with your own hands (with photo)

When creating flower beds and flower beds in landscape design with your own hands, after choosing a method of working with plants, they begin to build a composition. Regardless of what composition you have in mind, landscape or regular, nuanced or contrasting, the hierarchy of elements must be clearly observed in it: the main one - subordinates of the first order - subordinates of the second order and so on. Moreover, the lower the level, the more elements it contains.

Pay attention to the photo - in a flower garden in a garden there is always one main element, with more subordinates:

The number of components of the lowest level is not even counted. The reverse relationship is impossible for the simple reason that this does not happen in nature.

First, based on the height, location and stylistic image, when decorating a flower bed in the garden, the dominant of the group is chosen. It is very important to choose a plant of the correct shape.

Have you ever seen a plant in nature with a clear vertical contour subordinate to a spreading one? On the contrary - please, otherwise - no. In addition, some plants have a “tired look” (stephanandra, kerria). They are also difficult to imagine as dominant.

These photos show how to design a flower garden in the garden, taking into account all the principles of composition:

Landscape design of a summer cottage: proportions of a flower garden (with photo)

We will assume that you have figured out the number of elements. How to determine the size of a flower bed in a garden created with your own hands? It is clear that the height of the subordinate elements is less than the height of the main one. In this case, the difference in heights cannot be either too large or too small. If the subordinate element differs slightly in height, it will compete with the main one, and if it is larger in volume, it may even dominate, shifting the emphasis in an undesirable direction.

As shown in the photo, in the landscape design of a summer cottage, flower beds will be perceived more harmoniously if the ratio of the heights of all elements of the composition approximately corresponds to the proportion of the golden ratio:

  • Golden ratio proportion: segment AB is divided by point C in the proportion of the golden ratio if its length (AB) is related to its larger part (AC), as the larger part (AC) is related to its smaller part (CB). The exact digital expression of the proportion is 0.618: 0.382. But, you will agree, it is inconvenient to use the digital expression of proportion. In addition, when working with plants, mathematical precision is not needed. It is better to use a series of Fibonacci numbers, where each subsequent number is obtained by adding the two previous ones (1,2, 3, 5, 8,13, etc.). Starting with 3/5, each fraction in the series (5/8, 8/13, etc.) is a proportion of the golden ratio.

There is another way of proportioning. It is based on the unequal triangle rule. It is especially convenient to use this rule if the composition consists of three main elements. In plan they form an unequal triangle, the long side of which is in front of the observer, and the short side to the left of him.

The height of the elements is regulated: the middle one is the highest, the left one occupies an intermediate position, the right one is the lowest. If there is a need to move the middle-height element to the right, then the length of the sides is changed so that the short one is on the right.

As for the distances between plants, you should focus on the size of the crowns. The crowns of trees and shrubs should not close tightly, unless we are talking about bouquet planting. However, too much distance is bad. To decide on planting, it is necessary, keeping in mind the dimensions of the plants in adulthood, to plot them on the diagram.

How to decorate a flower garden in a dacha garden with your own hands: flower arrangements and their photos

An all-round view composition is not always created from different types of plants. It may well be homogeneous in composition.

In a sense, a group of trees in a bouquet planting can be considered a circular composition. The landing rules are as follows. Several trees of the same species are planted in a large hole or at a close distance (up to 50-60 cm). The type is chosen depending on the size of the group. The size, in turn, is regulated by the area of ​​the site. It could be birch trees, nuts.

Trees will develop differently. Straight trunks of pine trees will shoot up, birch trees will bend in an arched manner, and the nuts will completely spread their trunks away from each other. In this case, the total crown will cover a fairly large area, and the plants will look like one multi-stemmed tree with a lush crown.

When choosing plants for a flower garden created with your own hands in the landscape design of a dacha, first of all, evaluate the environmental conditions of the site. The option when they try to change the conditions due to the requirements of the plants will not work here. In addition, the garden areas intended for planting must be sufficient for the development of both the above-ground part of such a group and its root system.

These photos show the design of flower beds in the garden, consisting of different plants:

Of course, there cannot be such diversity as in the compositions of a one-sided view. There cannot be diversity: all the types that we use must be combined in physiognomic type and style. Although the opportunity to diversify the assortment certainly remains.

Speaking about the assortment, we cannot ignore the issue of perception of certain plants from different distances. There are plants that look impressive from afar, others are only good up close.

Since the view point can be removed from the composition or, on the contrary, approach it almost closely, it is logical to arrange the plants so that their decorative qualities “work” to the maximum.

For example, some varieties, thanks to their bright bark, are very impressive in winter, and in summer they become a neutral background for other species and varieties. An ideal composition can be considered to be one that is consistently decorative and at the same time has changing accents. Most often, accents are colored (flowering dates, seasonal colors).

In a 360-degree composition, as in any other, the growth dynamics and longevity of plants are important. When creating this or that group, we focus on the size of plants in adulthood. And it is right. But it will take some time before the plants reach the designed size. And time plays a decisive role in the fate of a composition. Judge for yourself.

Different plants do not reach the peak of decorativeness at the same time, since they grow at different speeds. Because of this, the picture you painted in your imagination may not work out.

After all, by the time slow-growing plants mature, their fast-growing partners will have already left, having completed their life cycle. Therefore, plants with similar growth rates or different ages are selected for one composition.

What to do while your accent plants are growing? How to compensate for the lack of volume? Best color. This is explained by the peculiarities of visual perception. Bright colors distract the observer's attention from the lack of volume, and light colors make objects visually larger.

You can use fast-growing annuals (amaranth, castor beans), perennials and shrubs. And summer vines (nasturtium, sweet pea, morning glory) are good for entwining the supports. There is no need to make a stationary support. Let it be, for example, made of willow twig. By the time the trees grow, the support will rot, the annuals will change many times, some perennials or fast-growing shrubs will fall out, and you will abandon others yourself.

In winter, the picture can be enlivened with a feeder on a support. If you don’t forget to add cereal, such life will be in full swing around you that you will forget about the problem of lack of volume.

When selecting compensatory plants, it is important to take into account the biology of species that are already growing in a permanent place. Compensatory plantings should not harm the main ones.

So, if you cover the slowly growing Amur velvet with large annuals or perennials, this will even help it: shading will stimulate growth and contribute to the formation of a straight trunk. But a pine seedling cannot be planted in this way.

Look how original the flower beds in the garden of a private house look in these photos:

Do-it-yourself landscaping at the dacha: surrounding a flower bed in the garden

Finally, let us once again turn to the problem of visual unification of the decorative group with the surroundings. But merging is easy to avoid if you place the group at a distance of at least two of its diameters from the edge of the environment. If the plant composition of the group differs significantly from other plantings, the composition can be placed almost adjacent to a small dividing strip of lawn or paving. Agree, a decorative apple tree will not blend into a background of shrubs, even if they are separated by a narrow strip of lawn.