When going on vacation to Thailand, most tourists choose one of the two largest resorts: Phuket or Pattaya - which is better, according to tourist reviews.

The most important selection criteria are sea temperature and the presence of waves, the possibility of comfortable accommodation, general climatic conditions, and of course, prices. If you have a limited budget, compare two resorts in all respects and choose the one that best suits you.


The first factor influencing the selection of a resort is the water temperature and cleanliness of the sea. If you are planning a beach holiday, choosing which is better - Pattaya or Phuket, focus on the time of year.

Nai Harn Beach, Phuket / [email protected] flickr.com

Phuket has the purest sea in winter - the temperature of the salt water is 29 degrees, and the transparency is comparable to a diamond. Phuket is generally considered the cleanest resort in all of Thailand - the purity of the sea is evidenced by the presence of coral reefs, fish and marine animals. Swimming and sunbathing on the beach, especially with children, is best from January to April. And summer is a wonderful time for surf lovers. During this season, the waves are especially high, but the holiday can be spoiled by winds and rains.

In Pattaya, due to the large flow of tourists, there is no crystal clear water in the sea - it is cloudy, greenish in color, with a lot of garbage. The beaches are crowded even during the low season. You can swim there from January to May and from November to December - the conditions are favorable for this. From May to October there are strong tides that make swimming difficult.

It is worth noting that there are a couple of islands near Pattaya with a minimum number of tourists. They are washed by the purest water - the bottom is visible even at depth. One of these islands is Koh Larn, where a ferry departs daily.


[email protected]/flickr.com

Climate and weather conditions are the second most important factor influencing the decision - Pattaya or Phuket. After all, swimming even in a clear sea during the rainy season is cold and unpleasant, and sunbathing is completely impossible.

Pattaya and Phuket are similar in climate - the only difference is that in the first resort the weather is never bad - there are three seasons, two of which are favorable, and one is transitional, from June to October. There are heavy tropical downpours, and your vacation can be ruined.

During the rainy season, you can also have a good rest, visit and do plenty of shopping. An obvious advantage of the low season is the minimum number of vacationers around. Another distinctive feature of Pattaya's climate is high humidity. If you can't stand it, choose Phuket.

In Phuket, bad weather begins in June and continues until October, when vacationers do not risk going into the sea and rarely sunbathe. But it's a great season for surfers. The velvet time starts in November, when the weather is hot and dry, and swimming is officially allowed. However, even in the dry season, rain is possible - once or twice a week. Travelers who visited Thailand in winter write excellent reviews about the trip, noting the clarity of the water, the relative dryness of the air and the absence of powerful winds.

If you can't stand the heat, choose Pattaya - the climate there is milder than in Phuket, and the night temperature rarely drops to 20 degrees even in winter. As for nature, Phuket has a pronounced forest belt and secluded beaches, and the air is cleaner and fresher than in Pattaya - any comparison proves this.


Karon Beach / yeowatzup, flickr.com

The beaches of Phuket are more suitable for cultural recreation. You can find a strip of land filled with vacationers and plunge into the atmosphere of general fun, or visit secluded corners of the island and enjoy snorkeling or diving alone, as well as meditate in nature. The quietest are Tri Trang, Svobody, Nai Harn, the most crowded is Patong. All beaches, and there are more than 20 of them, are located a short distance from Phuket hotels, while in Pattaya it takes about an hour to get to the sea.

The beaches of Pattaya are suitable for lovers of active life and bustle - they are filled with restaurants and entertainment centers. But it’s better to swim near the islands of Koh Larn and Koh Samet – the coast and water there are cleaner. The cost of moving is from 50 baht, travel time is 60 minutes.

Nong Ram, Pattaya / Thanate Tan, flickr.com

The best beaches in Pattaya itself: Military - visit 100 baht; Nong Ram. They are also full of tourists, especially during the tourist season.


The third criterion for choosing a resort is comfortable accommodation. Both places, Pattaya or Phuket, offer tourists comfortable hotels or daily apartment rentals.


Accommodation prices are the same - Thailand is characterized by territorial stability. But in different seasons the cost of living is also different. In winter, prices rise.

Estimated cost of accommodation in Pattaya hotels:

  1. Pinthong House (3*) – 700 baht/day.
  2. New Nordic Markus (4*) – 1000 baht/day.

Cost of living in Phuket:

  1. Kata Rocks – 700 baht/night.
  2. Avista Phuket Resort – 400 baht/night.

It is more convenient to compare the cost of accommodation in specific hotels on the websites of agencies selling tours to Thailand and on resources for tourists, such as booking.com.


Renting housing is not widespread and is cheaper in Pattaya - this is due to the greater distance of apartments from the sea than in Phuket. Accommodation in Pattaya is simple, with amenities but no frills. But on the island you can rent a fabulously beautiful villa for as little as $50.


Dennis Yang / flickr.com

Tourists who come to Phuket on the direction of a travel agency stay on the island itself, and not in Phuket Town. For them, the only means of transportation is a taxi; other types of transport are simply not provided.

Pattaya has a well-developed public transport system - you can get from one city area to another for just 10 baht, and if you pay 20, they will take you to a neighboring city, like Sirarchi or Sattahip. If you wish, you can even get to Bangkok by taking an intercity bus and paying only 100 baht for a ticket. Buses run to the capital of Thailand from anywhere in Pattaya.

If you're interested in traveling somewhere other than the beaches, skip Phuket and choose Pattaya.


daniel julià lundgren / flickr.com

Pattaya is considered a resort that is more advanced in terms of attractions. If you are interested in the historical value of Thailand, go there. The excursion package in the city is more diverse - each excursion is designed so that in a day you can visit several places in the city and even go to explore the nearest regions - or the glorious village of Ayutthaya, the former capital of Thailand.

In Pattaya itself, be sure to see:

  • Nong Nooch Garden;
  • local zoo Khao Kaew;
  • Koh Chang National Park;
  • Temple of Truth and other temple complexes.

There are significantly fewer interesting places in Phuket - lovers of the sea, water activities and beaches go there. To see the sights of the island, you will need a moped or a rented car - traveling by taxi is too expensive, starting from 550 baht. Bangkok is a 12-14 hour drive from the island, excluding traffic jams. You can take a plane, but the excursion will be expensive. And on the island itself there are no attractions that reveal the mysteries of oriental culture.

But sea excursions are amazing - you can go to the nearest islands or to the province with the outlandish name of Krabi. While traveling, you will certainly be offered the opportunity of diving and snorkeling - underwater diving with a mask and fins.

In this case, when choosing which is better – Phuket or Pattaya, be guided by your own preferences. To be closer to nature, choose a tour to the island, and to get closer to people, go to Pattaya.


A.L.P.H.A / flickr.com

If you are looking for active fun in a crowded environment, choose Pattaya. The city is famous for its abundance of shopping centers, malls and restaurants, and their range can satisfy even a fastidious shopaholic with serious needs. The main thing is to take enough money with you, because spending it in a day in Pattaya will not be difficult.

Famous shopping centers in Pattaya:

  1. Central Festival.
  2. Royal Garden Plaza (Royal Garden Plaza).
  3. King Power (King Power).
  4. Mike Shopping Mall.

Any of the centers sell branded clothing from popular manufacturers, and prices are comparable to the cost of goods in Bangkok.

In Phuket, the number of stores is two to three times smaller, and the range is small. If your travel budget leaves much to be desired, go to the island - there are fewer temptations to buy unnecessary things. Shopping centers are located on Patong Beach or Phuket Town. The main ones:

  1. Jungceylon (Jungceylon).
  2. Outlett Mall (Mall Outlet).
  3. Ocean Plaza.

In terms of activities, they are available at both resorts, but vary slightly depending on where you are. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Pattaya or Phuket, both resorts offer tourists all the possibilities of nightlife.

Walking Street / Roman Lashkin, flickr.com

In Pattaya, the key place to relax is Walking Street. The name literally translates as “street for walking.” The street is lined with entertainment venues:

  • bars;
  • restaurants;
  • nightclubs;
  • souvenir shops;
  • cafe with exotic shows.

Holidays in Phuket are somewhat quieter. The main attractions for tourists during the day:

  • diving;
  • snorkeling;
  • surfing;
  • yachting;
  • windsurfing.

If it is important for you to be in a party, among people, choose Patong Beach in Phuket. It also works at night - bars and discos are open there. There is no nightlife on the remaining beaches.


The Preiser Project / flickr.com

The cost of a trip to the resort consists of the price of the tour and financial expenses incurred during the trip. Calculate where it is more profitable to go and choose a Thai resort that suits your budget.

tour cost

In Russia, trips to Thailand are very cheap - 50-60 thousand rubles for two for 8 days, if you book them out of season or last minute. The cost is approximately the same and depends on the chosen hotel and transport. There are direct flights to both resorts, travel time is about 9 hours. But in Pattaya itself, getting to the hotel from the airport takes an hour longer than in Phuket.


Tourists claim that prices in Pattaya are lower than in Phuket. Everything is expensive on the island - food, drinks, souvenirs, entertainment. The most expensive beach is Patong, where you can buy a mango for 200 baht, a pineapple for 50 baht, or an assortment of sliced ​​fruits for 120 baht.

In Pattaya, for 40-50 baht you can order lunch from a makashnitsa, and in Phuket the cost of the same dishes will be 70-80 baht. Fruit shakes in Phuket cost 80 baht, and in Pattaya - only 25. The situation is similar with restaurants and bars.

The only way to save on food on the island is to buy food in stores and cook it yourself. Prices do not vary in supermarkets. But who wants to “cook” on vacation? It's better to take the time to relax and tan.

Video: Pattaya or Phuket?


To summarize, we can say that each resort has its own pros and cons, and the choice must be made based on your own wishes and capabilities. Pattaya is worth a trip if you want to save money on your vacation or are looking for adventure, and maybe a girlfriend. Those who like to hang out and enjoy the architecture of the city should also go to the resort.

Pros of Pattaya:

  1. Budget prices.
  2. A short distance to Bangkok.
  3. Transport infrastructure.
  4. Nightlife.
  5. No heavy rains.
  6. Opportunity to relax in the summer.
  7. Comfortable conditions for shopping.


  • dirty sea.
  • few beaches.
  • a lot of tourists.

Pros of Phuket:

  1. Clean sea.
  2. More than 20 beaches.
  3. There are secluded corners of nature.
  4. Possibility of diving.
  5. Sea fishing and excursions.
  6. There is a forest belt.
  7. Better environment.


  • high prices;
  • no transport;
  • expensive and limited excursions;
  • little entertainment.

The hotels are the same in both resorts, residents are friendly towards tourists and are ready to help in difficult situations. Resort areas are designed taking into account the needs of vacationers in both Phuket and Pattaya. so there will be no problems with rest. Choose what you like and feel free to go ahead!

Planning a future trip is a pleasant task. But here, too, difficulties arise. For example, for those who travel to Thailand for the first time. They are faced with a choice of where it is better to relax: in Phuket or in Pattaya. Your mood during your vacation and your desire to come to Thailand again will depend on the right choice. Phuket and Pattaya are very different and difficult to compare. But some points have a greater influence on the choice. These will be used to compare these popular holiday destinations in Thailand.

On the island of Phuket, the temperature varies little throughout the year. During the season (from October to March) it stays at around 27-28⁰С. Rainy season is the exception. During the rest of the year, the temperature rises 1-2⁰С higher. It often rains in Phuket during the summer and spring months.

Pattaya wins in climate. At sea you will meet big waves. And rains at any time of the year do not disturb the rest. During the peak season there is no rain at all, and during the rest of the year no more than twice a week. Excess moisture from precipitation immediately flows into the sea through drainpipes.

Where the sea is cleaner and the beaches are better

For some, this is the main criterion. If you compare beaches and the sea, then it is better to choose a holiday in Phuket. There are many beaches and deserted places. It is easy to find a beach with developed infrastructure. If you want to relax in a place similar to Pattaya, go to the popular Patong Beach. For a relaxing holiday, Karon Beach is ideal. The sea in Phuket is clean and transparent. Small fish, crabs and jellyfish swim to the shores. The beaches themselves are also clean. The sand here is clean and almost white.

In this regard, Pattaya is inferior. It is difficult to find a place to swim within Pattaya city limits. The sea there is muddy and dirty. Along the beaches there are motorized water sports that pollute the sea. In addition, the Thais themselves are not very clean and often throw cigarette butts or other garbage into the sea. But this does not mean that you cannot relax in Pattaya. Neighboring beaches or islands are suitable for a beach holiday. They can be reached by regular ferry. One of the popular holiday islands in Pattaya is Koh Larn.


It is generally accepted that Phuket is a young and developing resort. There are new hotels here and their prices are high. In fact, on the island, if you wish, you can choose accommodation to suit any budget and wishes. At the same time living close to the beach.

For example, a hostel is located 5 minutes from Patong Beach. This is a modern hostel that offers accommodation in shared rooms for women or men, as well as private double rooms with a private bathroom. The hostel has a large swimming pool, bar and restaurant.

A hotel stay will cost more. Here guests stay in private rooms with a terrace. Patong Beach is 2 minutes from the hotel. There are various restaurants and night bars nearby.

On the small beaches of Phuket or Karon, hotels are of a higher class and more expensive.

In Pattaya there are modern hotels or hotels built several years ago. 3 minutes from the beach you can relax in. This is not a new hotel, but all rooms are in excellent condition. In addition, the hotel is located next to the pedestrian street Walking street.

You can also live in a modern apartment next to the pedestrian street. The hotel rooms are decorated in light colors, spacious and with balconies. And the beach is 2 minutes walk.

If you compare hotels in Pattaya and Phuket, there is no winner. Both resorts have options for budget holidays or luxurious 5-star hotels for all-inclusive holidays.


When traveling on your own, you often have to choose a cheaper travel option.

Pattaya is located near Bangkok, on the Gulf of Thailand. This is a large resort town. During the season, many airlines fly to U-Tapao Airport. A taxi takes 1-1.5 hours from here to Pattaya. In addition, airlines hold promotions and discounts on flights from major Russian cities to Bangkok. From Bangkok to Pattaya it is also 2-3 hours by public transport. One of the advantages is the opportunity to walk around the capital.

There are also regular flights to Phuket. But it may take more than 3-4 hours to get to your chosen hotel. Another option is to fly to Bangkok and take local transport to Phuket. This option is interesting for those who want to see Thailand or have not yet chosen a vacation spot. But you should understand that such movements take time away from your vacation.


When choosing which is better: Phuket or Pattaya, many rely on reviews from tourists. And most tourists believe that Pattaya is more conducive to entertainment. Pattaya has the famous Walking street with a variety of bars, restaurants and exotic shows. There is a wide selection of restaurants with local and European cuisine, souvenir shops and other entertainment. Some call this city "the city of debauchery."

Phuket is more modest. Most of the clubs and bars are located on Patong Beach. And if you choose other beaches for relaxation, it will be difficult to find entertainment and exotic shows.

As for sea activities, there are many of them at both resorts.

Where are the best and most interesting excursions?

At this point the island again loses to Pattaya. Phuket has few historical attractions, but more natural ones. These include waterfalls, several museums and a monkey mountain.

Pattaya itself has few attractions. You can visit the Temple of Truth. This is a wooden structure 150 meters high. The temple is impressive not only externally. Inside you will see richly furnished rooms. Another attraction of Pattaya is the floating market. To visit it you will have to rent a boat.

A 2-hour drive from Pattaya is Bangkok. From here, on your own or with a tour group, it is worth visiting the ancient capital of Thailand - Ayutthaya. Another option is to go to Cambodia. Local airlines regularly fly to Siem Reap or Phnom Penh. In Bangkok or Pattaya, you can book separate excursions that will introduce you to the history of the state, culture and traditions.

Public transport

Pattaya is a major tourist city. Public transport here is much better developed than on the island of Phuket. Minibuses run around the city and cost 10 baht.

But in Phuket there is no usual public transport. Minibus taxis run from the airport to the beach. Transport operating hours are also limited. When darkness falls, you will have to take a taxi or use a rented car or bike. A taxi here costs 1.5-2 times more than in Pattaya.


Thailand is considered a generally safe country for travelers. The main thing is not to come into conflict with the local population, behave appropriately and keep an eye on things. But the percentage of crimes and thefts is still higher in Pattaya than in Phuket.

Where is the best place to relax with a child?

When choosing the best place to go with a child, Phuket wins. It is quieter here and there is entertainment for children. As mentioned above, the sea and beaches in Phuket are cleaner. If you go to Pattaya, you will have to constantly go to other beaches for a sea holiday.

Where is it cheaper?

Experienced travelers believe that it is better to choose a holiday in Pattaya. Prices here are 1.5 times lower than in Phuket. This applies to prices for fruits, vegetables, food in restaurants, entertainment and taxis. Phuket is a city on an island. Everything here is spread out over a vast area, so taxi drivers charge more for their services. Pattaya is more compact, everything is at hand here. Taxi prices are lower there.

Pros and cons of Phuket and Pattaya

The advantages of a holiday in Phuket include: clean sea and beach, the opportunity to relax peacefully, diving or fishing; good ecology. The disadvantages of a holiday in Phuket include: a small number of entertainment and attractions, high waves and bad weather in the low season.

Those people who have never visited Thailand are often interested in the question of which of the two resorts to give preference to.

In this article we will help you make a choice, because the quality of your vacation and the positive emotions you receive from your stay in Thailand depend on it.

Where should you go after all: Pattaya or Phuket? It is difficult to give an exact answer to this question, because it is important to take into account personal preferences and the purpose of the trip. Perhaps you want to soak up the clear sea or learn about the sights of Thailand, try exotic dishes or visit local modern parties in Oriental style.

So, let's figure out what the pros and cons of the two main resorts in Thailand - Phuket and Pattaya.

Phuket or Pattaya: where is it better to relax?

So that you can avoid making a mistake with your vacation spot, we will analyze in detail where your vacation will bring positive emotions to you. To do this, we compare both resorts according to different criteria.


If you are interested in a beach holiday, then the island of Phuket takes the lead.

In Pattaya you can visit three huge beaches and several smaller beaches. In Phuket, the number of beaches is much larger, and their size also differs. This allows each tourist to choose that corner of the resort where he can completely relax from all worries.

In Phuket there are noisy beaches where there are constant parties, and there are quiet ones with few people. In Pattaya, there are a huge number of people on all the beaches, so it will be very difficult to be alone.

❗ The beaches of Phuket are better and more diverse than the beaches of Pattaya.

Cost of holiday

Phuket is considered one of the most expensive resorts in Thailand, especially when it comes to accommodation or taxi travel. You can try to find inexpensive housing, but this is more difficult. Most guesthouses that are rented to tourists are not represented on the Internet. An even bigger disadvantage of inexpensive housing is that it is located too far from the sea. And to go to the beach by taxi you will have to pay a tidy sum.

In Pattaya, prices are much lower for everything - housing, taxis, groceries, entertainment, restaurants, etc. Because of this, tours to Pattaya are more popular among tourists. From Pattaya you can go to Bangkok, which is 100 km away, and do cheap shopping. If you want to go shopping, visit restaurants, have fun, then it is better to choose Pattaya.

❗ Holidays in Pattaya are cheaper than holidays in Phuket.


The most common holiday option in Thailand is considered to be diving, snorkeling and fishing. Phuket and the islands nearby are the best place for this type of holiday. In Pattaya you will not be able to fully engage in diving, and the nearby islands do not have a very rich underwater world, especially when compared with Phuket and the Andaman Sea.

Walking Street in Pattaya is the place where the main entertainment of the entire resort is collected. Most of the recreational facilities for different categories of tourists are located here. First of all, Walking Street is known as the “red light district”, where men can find exotic entertainment.

In Phuket, it is important to choose the right beach if you want a loud and bright holiday. The best option in this case is Patong. The rest of the beaches are relatively calm. On the southern beaches, after the sun sets, life generally comes to a standstill.

❗ For noisy entertainment - to Pattaya, for a measured vacation - to Phuket.


Weather in Pattaya. If we talk about the weather, Pattaya takes the lead here. This resort has the warmest weather in all of Thailand. From late autumn to mid-spring, precipitation occurs very rarely, about 2 times a month, and their duration does not exceed half an hour. The sun constantly shines in Pattaya, which tourists from Russia miss so much during the cold season. The rainy season lasts from the beginning of May until October inclusive. In this case, precipitation occurs several times a week. Sometimes it can rain for a week, and then not rain for a week, if not more. During this period, you can see clouds in the sky more often than the sun. When the rainy season arrives, in the rest of Thailand, conditions are several times worse.

Weather in Phuket. During the “non-rainy” season in Phuket, it can rain several times a week. During the cold season, rain is an almost daily occurrence, and the duration of rain can exceed several hours. Of course, the weather can be slightly different every year and sometimes even during the rainy season there can be a few dry and sunny days in Phuket. Another disadvantage is that during the rainy season in Phuket there are very high waves, and there is also a dangerous current. The ban on swimming in the sea will be signaled by special flags along the entire beach.

❗ If you are traveling during the rainy season, it is better to choose Pattaya.


When it comes to choosing a place for a beach holiday, the state of the sea is one of the most important indicators. After all, first of all, tourists go to enjoy the warm and clean sea, swim, sunbathe, and only after that see the sights or buy souvenirs.

In Pattaya the sea is very dirty, it’s hard to even call it a sea. It's the worst in all of Thailand. On the main beach of the resort there are many motorized water activities, which significantly spoils the state of the sea. Tourists and residents themselves throw various types of garbage into the water. Only 2 beaches in Pattaya can be called relatively clean - Jomtien and Wongamat. There are many small islands near Pattaya where the water is crystal clear. You can get there relatively quickly and cheaply by ferry.

In Phuket, the sea is several times cleaner, especially on those beaches where there are not a huge number of tourists. Even on the largest beach in the resort of Patong, where there are always a lot of people, the sea condition is much better than in Pattaya. On the southern beaches of Phuket you can easily see a wide variety of fish that swim near the shore without fear.

❗ In Phuket the sea is much cleaner than in Pattaya.

Phuket and Pattaya: comparison

Holidays at each of the resorts have their advantages and some disadvantages. It is important to consider them when choosing a resort for your holiday. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each resort in the tables.



A resort like Pattaya is an excellent holiday option for people who prefer a budget holiday option or for those who like to travel alone. Tourists who visit Pattaya during the rainy season will be able to better understand the historical heritage and culture of Thailand. See beautiful architecture and get acquainted with incredible places in this country.

Phuket is a resort for tourists who come exclusively for a beach holiday and who are willing to pay extra for it. This resort is perfect for couples with children and for those people who are not particularly interested in sights and architecture. Phuket is a beautiful resort where you can visit the islands, visit the jungle, and get close to nature.

Phuket or Pattaya: where is better to spend your holiday?

If you want to visit Thailand, get to know Asian culture better, see numerous attractions and visit loud parties, then the best option for you is Pattaya. You can go to this resort without children and fully immerse yourself in the life of Thailand. In addition, this option is perfect if you don’t want or don’t have the opportunity to spend too much money on vacation.

But if you prefer a relaxing holiday alone with nature, clear sea, numerous beaches, then it is better to go to Phuket.

  • Phuket beaches are better and more varied than Pattaya beaches;
  • Holidays in Pattaya are cheaper than holidays in Phuket;
  • For noisy entertainment - to Pattaya, for a relaxed holiday - to Phuket;
  • It is better to relax in Phuket with children;
  • In Phuket the sea is much cleaner than in Pattaya.


“We were on holiday in Pattaya for the second time in a row and, as it turned out, we didn’t know much.
For example, you can absolutely safely buy excursions “across the road”, and not three times more expensive from tour operators. Yes, of course, there is a risk regarding insurance. But transport services, hotels for overnight stays, food - these are all at the highest level. And the program is no different. It just affects the overall cost. After visiting 3 excursions, we managed to save 30%.
I will also tell “future” vacationers about Thai pharmacies, which only serve tourists. Do not be fooled by Thai medicinal preparations, roots, teas, oils. For example, I’ll say that having bought ointment for hemorrhoids at a snake farm, and bath oil at a regular pharmacy, I saw absolutely identical bottles with the same liquids both in smell and color. The only difference is the labels. But that's not all. Having torn off the top label with a snake, it “smiled” at me, exactly the same as the pharmacy one. Only they paid dearly for the “snake” one. ((
And in principle, if you ask the question more seriously, it is unlikely that you will be able to find a tea growing culture in the land of smiles and sunshine. Although the local market is pleasing to the eye - for only 100 baht 3 packs of tea!))
Have a nice holiday everyone, and don’t forget to bargain!!!”

“My husband and I were in Pattaya for the first time in October-November 2016. Previously, I studied a lot of information about Thailand on the Internet. Particularly controversial was the question: is it possible to swim on the beaches of Pattaya? Therefore, I will try to express my opinion - maybe it will help someone. 3 times we were at the central beach on Beach Road a little south of the Central Festival. We went to Koh Larn 3 times and went on an excursion to Samet Island for 2 days.
Central Pattaya beach: the sand is yellow, quite clean, the owners of sun loungers clean the beach every morning. Basically, there was no garbage floating in the water; there could have been 1-2 plastic bottles or bags within sight. The color of the water is gray-green in cloudy weather and green-gray in sunny weather. The transparency of the water, I would say, is average, i.e. standing up to your neck in water, you see yourself up to your waist. As for the sewage draining into the sea here, there are no visible signs. And sewage is drained into the sea in most coastal cities, for example in Odessa. My conclusion is that you can swim if you have an excursion that day and have half a day free, or on the first/last day, or for some other reason. But I would not recommend using this beach as your only permanent beach.
It's definitely worth a trip to the islands.
Ko Lan. We were 3 times on different beaches: Tawaen, Tong Leng (on foot after Tawaen along a concrete path), Samae. Of these beaches, I liked Samae the best, Tong Leng the worst. The water is the same on all beaches - very clear, turquoise, just lovely. The sand is the best on Tavaen, but the rest are also good - almost white. Differences in infrastructure. The cost of sunbeds on Tawaen is 100 Baht (sometimes you can bargain for 75), on Tong Leng 100 (not bargained), on Samae - exactly the same soft sunbeds - 20 or 30 or more in different places. The food here is excellent - it’s plentiful, tasty and affordable (the Chinese don’t eat everything by 11 o’clock like on the other two beaches). I'll write a review about Fr. later. Samet - there’s no time now,”

“I was in Phuket with my brother in February and I want to share my impressions. We lived in Patong. Before that, I vacationed more than ten years ago in Pattaya. Honestly, I'm disappointed with the holiday. As if this is not the same Thailand, Thais have stopped smiling and sometimes behave aggressively. Everything has become very expensive, especially transport. Moreover, there are no regular bus routes to the beaches of the island. Since the sea in Patong is dirty, we had to take a so-called tuk tuk for two to Karon beach if in rubles for 1000 rubles round trip and that was after bargaining. On the beaches there are no changing rooms, shelters, toilets, sun loungers, in general there is nothing, you can only buy an umbrella and a mattress for money for an average of 200 rubles per person. The climate is very humid and hot. The treacherous sea carries you away unnoticed, even without waves, once you barely rowed to the shore and there are no lifeguards; the beach is very large. Therefore, sailing from the shore is dangerous and it is better to always have the bottom under your feet. Excursions are expensive and tiring because they are mostly sea, and they depart from the other end of the island and you have to travel a long time by bus to get there. I don’t recommend renting a scooter; it’s easy to get into big trouble in the event of even a small accident, which is very easy given the intensity of left-hand traffic and the recklessness of the locals. As I understand it, the local police make a business out of this after an accident, they take away your passport, seemingly for the duration of the investigation, but even if you don’t give it back, they then extort money. And you don’t know the language or the local laws and the plane didn’t arrive for long, and the plane isn’t waiting. In general, they told me who got into this horror. And if as a result you cause any damage to the locals, you won’t fly away at all. We rented it for a couple of days and I fell and badly skinned my leg. I was walking through the city and a policeman immediately came up and asked about the bike? Well I was warned in advance. A special theme is the attitude at the hotel and the Chinese, of whom there are a lot and come in large groups. In general, the Chinese treat Russians with disdain, I would even say condescendingly, let’s say for breakfast in a restaurant they line up for breakfast in a restaurant with scrambled eggs and it’s simply impossible to approach some, they’ll take it right away, others jump in line, you’ll stand, you’ll even have to fight, but it’s like you’ve come to relax. Then we simply tried not to interfere with them. In the hotel, too, not without problems, I’ll start with the fact that in the room there is an inventory of the property down to the teaspoon. And they immediately warn against signature not to bring anyone into the room, otherwise you will be fined, as in Soviet times. Well, that’s okay, but we didn’t know what an indicative story was in our refrigerator-bar, but as it turned out, a can of soda was swollen from the low temperature, we return from the beach in the evening and at the reception they don’t give us the key, they twist this can and say you have to pay, it’s your fault. In general, this behavior of the staff is a disgrace for the hotel in general and the fact that the key was not given back twice. Therefore, for those who are going, immediately upon check-in, tell them to remove everything from the refrigerator. In general, the streets are narrow, not very clean, and it is not customary for drivers to give way to pedestrians even at the few pedestrian crossings. Moreover, there is nothing particularly interesting there, but going there with children is generally unwise; there is nothing for children, neither food nor children’s infrastructure. And another very important question is that of medicine, those insurances that travel agencies issue actually don’t work there, because if something happens, they tell you it’s not an insured event, it’s that you were involved in an extreme sport or something else they’ll come up with, and if you object, they say pay money at a local clinic and get bills come home and go to court. Therefore, you need to take a decent amount of money with you just in case for treatment. And this is not fantasy, but I talked to one woman, she was running along the sea in the morning and a crack injured her leg, and that’s what the insurance company did to her. Moreover, the flight is long and tiring. The climate is humid and hot all the time, like being in a bathhouse is not comfortable. Ask, what's good there... and the good thing is fruits and fresh seafood and their prices are tolerable at the Moscow level. He stated everything sincerely, without even setting a foot there. I really regret wasting money and time. Tell me, you described it very gloomily... I think not, just objectively. It might appeal to reckless young people who are generally fine everywhere as long as their parents aren’t around, but I think, taking into account the above, it’s dangerous to let them go there. Good luck to everyone and the right choice of vacation spot, because vacations are usually once a year, and if you look at the years there are not so many years in a person’s life,”

The two most popular tourist destinations in Thailand are opposite each other in terms of atmosphere, entertainment and therefore audience, like yin and yang. Therefore, choosing one of the two resorts for your holiday will not be difficult; the main thing is to carefully read the review!

Resorts on the map

As you can see, the main resorts in Thailand are located at a good distance from each other. Pattaya is on the northeast coast, and Phuket is in the southwest of the country. They are separated by 993 kilometers. It's about 14 hours by car or a couple of hours by flight.


We wrote more about the holiday seasons in Thailand in. Using the table above you can get an idea of ​​the difference in weather conditions. From experience, it is better to vacation in Pattaya from to. In Phuket from November to .

If you suddenly find yourself in Thailand in the summer, it’s definitely better to go to Pattaya. The weather there is nicer at this time, and there is more entertainment.

Planning a trip? That way!

We have prepared some useful gifts for you. They will help you save money while preparing for your trip.


The largest tourist city 150 km from the capital of Thailand – Bangkok. Unlike other resorts, you can get here in just a couple of hours by bus directly from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport. The developed infrastructure of the city and proximity to the main metropolis of Southeast Asia allows you to make your vacation rich, varied and interesting.

However, this resort also has its own highlight. Sex tourism made it popular. The most famous street in the city is Walking street - the concentration of Thai debauchery. There is so much to see here, from harmless go-go bars and colorful transgender performances to amazing intimate shows. Therefore, the circle of vacationers here is appropriate. Single older men or groups of reckless young people prefer to come here in search of adventure.

Well, the muddy shore and the proximity of the beaches to the city did not affect the transparency of the water and the cleanliness of the beaches for the better. Therefore, if you want a paradise holiday “on Bounty Island”, it is better to immediately move on to the next section. Well, if active recreation and exciting parties are your thing, start choosing the ideal beach.


Pattaya Beach

The central city beach is no different from its counterparts in other countries - there are an abundance of vacationers, garbage and not the cleanest sea. There is also a highway running along the entire beach, where cars and motorcyclists rush around the clock, raising dust into the air.

During the day, residents of neighboring hotels and guesthouses like to sunbathe here after an active night out on Walking Street at the southern end of the beach. But here along the entire coastline there are dozens of cafes, restaurants and street food stands (makashnits) for every taste and budget. Here along Pattaya Beach Road are located the best shops, shopping centers and various entertainment venues in the city. Therefore, if you are not coming for a beach holiday, there is no better place than Pattaya Beach!


In the north, the main city beach, Pattaya Beach, turns into Jomtien. Therefore, there is no particular difference in infrastructure, entertainment and cleanliness of the sea coast between these two busiest beaches. The only thing is that Walking Street is located at a distance from Jomtien, so the atmosphere here is calmer, nightclubs are increasingly being replaced by massage parlors, and prices in cafes are pleasantly pleasing.

Extreme entertainment is developed in Jomtien. The main center of attraction for thrill-seekers is the Pattaya Tower. It is from its roof, after viewing the city panorama, that I suggest going down the cable car in a bandage, cradle or closed cabin directly to Jomtien Beach.


Clean, calm, compact beach in the very south of the coast. True, there is one thing! Representatives of sexual minorities took undivided ownership of Dongtan Beach. Therefore, from all its parts you can see the rainbow flag fluttering in the Thai winds, and among the vacationers, men of all ages predominate.

But all busy traffic routes run away from the beach, as do most cafes, shops and shops. Therefore, a truly relaxing holiday in a specific environment in Dongtan is guaranteed!

Wong Amat

At the very north of the coast is Wongamat Beach. This is the most pleasant and well-maintained local beach with almost white sand (on other beaches the sand is yellow). The sea here is calm and not as cloudy as on the central beaches. In addition, the cleanliness of the place is carefully monitored by the staff of upscale hotels and condominiums, which cover almost the entire beach line.

Therefore, if you are planning to stay in a hotel on the shore and prefer a beach holiday, you won’t find a better place here! In other cases, access to the beach area for outside tourists is limited.

Where to stay

There are a great variety of housing offers, and the prices are pleasantly pleasing! So you can rent a room in a guesthouse here for 300-400 THB per day. True, you will have to live either far from the coast, or with windows overlooking the busiest transport routes of the city - Sukhumvit Road, Pattaya Beach Road or the already mentioned Walking Street.

For those who prefer a comfortable stay, there is somewhere to roam. Along the coast there is a huge number of upscale 3-5 star hotels with prices for a double room starting from 700 THB per day. The hotels include both well-known global chains - Four Seasons, Holiday Inn and Hilton, as well as local luxury resorts and small hotels.

A double room in a hotel on the territory of the most famous building in Pattaya - Pattaya Tower Resort - will cost 1,500 THB.


This is one of the cheapest Thai resorts. In Phuket, the second most popular destination among tourists, a vacation will cost, on average, 1.5-2 times more.

Prices for food in local eateries start from only 30-40 THB, and a full lunch with seafood in a good restaurant on the coast will cost no more than 500 THB. By the way, lunch at McDonald's costs only 2 times less. Western fast food is not a cheap pleasure here!

For alcohol, Thais prefer local beer Chang or other southeastern brands Singha, Tiger and Leo. They sell it on every corner, and a small tin can costs 50 THB.

It is better to buy fruits not in stores and supermarkets, but in markets where they will be fresher and cheaper, and there will be more choice. The most expensive fruits in Thailand are our native apples and plums (from 100 THB per kilogram), but tropical exotics are several times cheaper! Mango - 60-80 THB/kg, dragonfruit - 40-60 THB/kg, bananas - 30-35 THB/kg, and watermelon or pineapple can be found for only 20-25 THB/kg.


The largest Thai island (which is why the Thais add Koh to the name) and, concurrently, one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world offers a textbook vacation in the tropics: a clear and transparent azure sea, white sand, tall palm trees, an abundance of cheap seafood and exotic fruits.

Unlike its brother, the central city on the island - Phuket Town - is located away from the beaches. Therefore, all the main city infrastructure is within easy reach, and nothing pollutes the surrounding beaches.

Koh Phuket is perfect for those who prefer a classic beach holiday and exploring tropical nature to typical city entertainment (museums, shopping and nightclubs). Although there will be plenty of parties and shopping here!



The most crowded and tourist beach of the resort, due to its population, is much inferior in cleanliness of the coast and transparency of the sea to its neighbors. The atmosphere here is lively and party-like, so it reminds tourists of Pattaya. This is because Patong has many nightclubs, strip bars and other entertainment venues directly related to the sex tourism industry.

There is a highway running along the entire beach line of Patong, on the opposite side of which restaurants and cafes are tightly lined up. The beach is abundantly stocked with sun loungers from the mentioned establishments, which are offered to use not only by cafe visitors, but also by anyone for 100 THB.


The second most popular local beach, unlike Patong, where active party youth prefer to stay, is more suitable for a family holiday. Despite the fact that Karon is no worse populated than Patong, the atmosphere here is calmer; there are not so many intimate establishments, bars and nightclubs with girls of easy virtue.

However, the popularity of the resort among a wide range of tourists and the abundance of hotels did not have the best effect on the cleanliness of the beach. The coast and sea here, as in Patong, are not bad, but still not from the dream of the paradise “Bounty Island”. But the asphalt road separating the beach from residential buildings has preserved it almost in its original form and has not allowed it to be occupied by restaurants and cafes.

Bang Tao

Bang Tao is the most expensive beach with first-class service and luxury hotels spread along an 8-kilometer coastline. As expected, the coast here is carefully monitored by the staff of neighboring hotels, so the cleanliness of Bang Tao is exceptional.

The central part of the beach is occupied by a complex of 7 luxurious Laguna resorts. Guests of the complex will find not only swimming pools, beauty salons and restaurants, but also their own access to the sea and even a specially equipped golf course!

Especially for wealthy tourists in Bang Tao there are expensive brand boutiques, massage and spa salons with high-quality service, as well as many restaurants with world cuisines and bars with a claim to good taste, as opposed to the cheap establishments of Patong.


A small bay with a calm sea, a gentle slope and fine white sand north of Patong has been chosen by European pensioners. Therefore, the atmosphere here is quiet and conducive to a leisurely beach holiday.

The southern part of the beach is busier than the sedate north with its upscale hotels. In the south of Kamala there are many shops, small shops, inexpensive cafes and restaurants. Local fishermen live here, going out to sea every morning to catch their catch, and in the evening pulling their traditional long boats ashore.

Where to stay

Thanks to a large number of beaches for a wide variety of audiences, accommodation can also be found to suit every taste and budget. On the island you can rent not only a standard hotel room, but also apartments in a modern condominium right on the coast (at a price comparable to a 3-4 star hotel) or even an entire mansion with a swimming pool.

The most budget guest houses and hotels are located, of course, on Patong and Karon - the most densely populated beaches. Here, a decent but simple room in a guest house can be rented for 700 THB per day. However, you will have to live either far from the beach or with windows facing noisy and busy streets.

The smaller and more deserted the beach, the more local hotels will ask for accommodation. Double rooms in inexpensive 2-star hotels, on average, start from 1000 THB per night, and in the fashionable Laguna resorts in Bang Tao they reach 3500 THB.


As already mentioned, a holiday here is seriously more expensive than in Pattaya. For example, the average cost of dinner in a good restaurant here will reach 900 THB. And for main dishes in local cafes you will have to pay from 50-60 THB. However, prices at McDonald's throughout the country remain stable - 200 THB for a combo lunch. And compared to restaurants in Phuket, prices for Western fast food no longer seem as steep here as in Pattaya. Alcohol prices are almost the same throughout the country - 50 THB per piece. Only cafes on the first line of beaches can jack up the cost of cans of beer.

But what undoubtedly pleases is the low prices for seafood. In local supermarkets you can buy sea fish or fresh squid for 50-60 THB/kg, and a kilogram of king prawns will cost 200-230 THB. In cafes and restaurants you can order Tom Yum or rice with seafood, where the vast majority of the plate space will be occupied by palm-sized shrimp, for 120-150 THB.

Prices for fruits at the resorts do not vary much. In addition to the legendary Thai mango (60-80 THB/kg), exotic dragonfruit (40-60 THB/kg), inexpensive bananas (30-35 THB/kg) and watermelons (20-25 THB/kg), Phuket markets and In fruit stalls you can find papaya 2 times cheaper than in Pattaya (25-30 THB/kg). And tropical mangosteens and lychees will cost 60-65 THB/kg.

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There are two destinations on the Thailand tourist map that are constantly considered by tourists, winterers or expats in terms of where to go. Sometimes it is difficult to decide which is better, Pattaya or Phuket. The advantage of holidaying in Thai resorts is the visa-free regime for Russians; when crossing the border, you only need to fill out a migration card.

Thailand is an exotic country that attracts tourists from different parts of the world with its warm climate and the possibility of beach holidays all year round. For many vacationers, the sea and the beach are at the top of the list of resort attractions and privileges.

Beaches of Phuket

Phuket is calmer than Pattaya, with turquoise water and clean beaches. For those who are traveling to Thailand for the first time, a trip to Phuket will help you get a lot of positive emotions.

For those who like a secluded holiday, the beaches of Naithon and Bang Tau are suitable. This is an ideal place for a honeymoon or romantic getaway. However, apart from contemplating nature and hotel services, there is very little entertainment. Kata Beach, 12 km from Patong, has its own developed infrastructure. It is clean and has hotels to suit different budgets. It is better not to choose the south-eastern part of the coast of the island – Chalong Bay for relaxation. There are pronounced ebbs and flows here, there are many boats on the shore, and there are few places for swimming. The advantage of living on Chalong will be the opportunity to go on trips to small islands from here.

In Phuket, many hotels are located near the sea. There are beaches to suit every taste, and most of them are on the west coast of the island. The western coast of Phuket faces the Andaman Sea, which is part of the Indian Ocean. At any time of the year, there are high waves on the island, when swimming is not very comfortable. Red flags and signs stating that swimming is prohibited warn of dangerous currents on Phuket beaches. Kamala Beach is the safest, and many families with children choose it for the winter.

Pattaya beaches

There is no sea in Pattaya; you need to look for it in Phuket. Pattaya is a city, there is a large pier, an abundance of boats, and imported sand of an ugly gray color. Water, even when clean and transparent, is never azure in color. Some areas of the city have clean beaches - these are Pratamnak, Jomtien and Wongamat. But it is not advisable to swim there with children. It is better to go to the military beach, which is about an hour's drive from the city. There is a beautiful sea, clean sand, palm trees, and everything you need for a great holiday.

In the center of Pattaya, you won’t be able to simply leave the hotel and sit on a couch in the shade of a palm tree. Swimming is not allowed in the central area of ​​the city; beach lovers go to the island of Koh Larn. The beaches here are clean, the water in the sea is very clear. You can also take a local tuk-tuk to a cleaner beach in the southern or northern part of the city.

Weather at the resorts

Thailand is a country of eternal summer. But even here there are two seasons - dry and wet or rainy season. From November to March the weather is clear - this time is considered the most favorable for traveling to the country, the air temperature is about +30 °C, and the water warms up to +28 °C. The weather in Phuket and Pattaya has its own characteristics that need to be taken into account if your trip to Thailand falls during the low season.

Phuket Climate

The high season on the island begins in mid-November and lasts until May. This is the dry season, when there is almost no rain, the sea is calm and comfortable for swimming with clear water and clean beaches.

From May to October is the rainy season in Phuket. Not all tourists like high humidity combined with hot weather. Swimming at sea is sometimes dangerous due to rip currents and large waves.

Low season is a favorite time for surfers, when you can catch high waves on the beaches of Phuket. Other tourists prefer to swim in hotel pools and sunbathe on sun loungers overlooking the sea.

Pattaya Climate

Pattaya also has dry and wet seasons, but due to the geographical location of the resort, they are not so pronounced. You can relax at the resort all year round, swimming in the pools and exploring local attractions. On the beaches of Pattaya in summer there are no high waves and powerful ebb and flow. Tsunamis and natural disasters are not typical for this region.


When choosing a place for a vacation where there will be a lot of entertainment and attractions, you need to take into account the geographical features of the resorts. Pattaya is a densely populated city located on the mainland, close to Bangkok and other cultural centers. Phuket is an island that is 25 times larger than Pattaya and is located far from noisy civilization. Once upon a time, the main attraction of Phuket was its clean beaches and sea, but every year new entertainment for adults and children appears here.

Things to do in Pattaya

If the purpose of your vacation is noisy parties and all kinds of entertainment, it is better to go to the central area of ​​Pattaya. Those who choose a hotel near Walking Street are guaranteed sleepless nights, entertainment and discos.

Pattaya also has many cultural attractions and interesting excursions. From here you can go to the Temple of the Emerald Buddha in Bangkok or to Angkor Wat in Cambodia. See the magnificent Nong Nooch Garden and Khao Kaew Zoo. Visit the Temple of Truth and Wat Yan temple complex. For lovers of active recreation, the ultra-modern Ramayana water park is open in Pattaya.

You can see many attractions at once in Mini Siam Park. Here, in one place, miniature copies of the world's architectural masterpieces are collected: the Statue of Liberty, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Roman Colosseum and St. Basil's Cathedral.

Things to do in Phuket

In terms of boat trips, Phuket is the leader. Excursions by sea are varied. In Phuket itself, you can go on a tour of the national park, visit the Orchid Farm, the Butterfly Garden and local waterfalls. To get acquainted with the culture of Thailand, it is worth seeing the Big Buddha Temple and Wat Chalong Temple, wandering through the streets of the Old Town of Phuket Town.

Phuket also has nightlife. An analogue of Walking Street will be Patong Bay. Bangla Road, located in this area, comes alive when the sun sets. It turns into a festival of neon lights, loud music and cheap beer. Swimming in Patong is not very comfortable; it is better to book a hotel on the neighboring Karon Beach, which is nearby.

Massage is considered by many tourists as one of the basic values ​​of a holiday in Thailand. In Phuket, the services of a good massage therapist will cost twice as much as in Pattaya, approximately 400 baht.

Entertainment for children

Pattaya offers a wide variety of children's rooms, playgrounds and excursions that may be of interest to little ones. In the vicinity of the city there are many farms with petting zoos and playgrounds that can be visited for free or for little money.

There is no such variety in Phuket, but entertainment can be found here too. The main advantage of a holiday on the island for a child will be a clean beach and sea. There are also children's discos at hotels, a Bird Park, a Crocodile farm, a water park, a dolphinarium, a zoo, an aquarium, etc.

Medical service

There are many traffic accidents at resorts. When going on vacation, it is important to take care of insurance. There are a lot of mosquitoes in Thailand, they carry diseases such as Dengue fever. There are good hospitals in Pattaya and Phuket; if you have health insurance, treatment will be free, and the quality of medical care is high.


Those who are not going to rent a car or bike, but want to use only public transport, will find it more comfortable in Pattaya. Here, travel around the city costs 10-20 baht.

In Phuket, public transport is poorly developed. Local buses operate only on one route, from Phuket Town, and do not travel between beaches. A taxi ride will be very expensive - from 200 to 1000 baht, depending on the direction and distance.

Cost of holiday

The trip budget includes the price of the tour and financial costs during the holiday at the resort. Knowing the upcoming expenses, it is easy to choose the direction that suits you best.

Tours to Thailand

Last minute tours to Thailand should be looked for in the low season. The cost of a week's vacation for two on a last-minute package can be only 60 thousand rubles, including flights and hotel accommodation. If you travel on your own, only plane tickets, excluding rental housing, will cost more. Last minute tours to Pattaya and Phuket cost approximately the same.

If you book a package tour in advance, you can also find interesting options at both resorts. The cost of trips to Pattaya may be more expensive, but it all depends on the chosen hotel category, service system and additional services provided by the tour operator.

Accommodation and meals

Hotel prices in Pattaya and Phuket are approximately the same. The cheapest accommodation option on the island is guesthouses. You shouldn’t expect any special comfort, but a night’s stay will cost only $8. It is possible to find a room in an inexpensive hotel for $20, and a comfortable stay will cost from $70 per day.

There are many cheap guesthouses in Pattaya. The further they are located from the sea, the lower the price. You can find good budget options for a family vacation. The cost of living in expensive hotels starts from $75 per night. Economy hotels suitable for accommodation are located in the Jomtien area. The Ambassador Hotel is popular, where you can rent a room at an affordable price.

The cost of food in Phuket is on average 20% higher than in Pattaya. This applies to street food, small cafes and more established establishments. But if you wish, you can eat inexpensively and tasty everywhere. In Phuket, it is worth highlighting the Vine Connection chain, which offers Italian and international cuisine at an affordable price.

Both Pattaya and Phuket have good food courts at shopping centers. This applies to Tesco Lotus, Festival, and Big Sea, where you can have an inexpensive and tasty lunch with local dishes. Fresh fruits are available in a wide variety in Phuket and Pattaya at approximately the same prices.

Where can you save money?

To save money while vacationing at any resort in Thailand, you need to bargain with sellers in the markets; they can reduce the original price by up to 70% if the tourist persists. It is better to shop in non-tourist places.

You can save on food by choosing Thai cuisine; they are much cheaper than European cuisine in cafes and restaurants. Inexpensive fruits and vegetables in Thailand are sold regardless of the season.

If you buy a local SIM card, calls will be much cheaper than from a Russian mobile operator in roaming. For a stay in Thailand longer than 3 weeks, it is better to rent a house or a small villa and rent a motorbike to move freely around the resorts.

Bottom line

You can relax in Pattaya and Phuket, but you can’t swim everywhere. For those who are looking for entertainment and put the sea in second place, Pattaya is more suitable. For a relaxing family holiday, Phuket with clean beaches and the sea is preferable.

Pattaya is the most popular resort in Thailand. There is good public transport here, there are many large shopping centers, expensive restaurants and small cafes. In addition to beach holidays and swimming in the pool, Pattaya offers a lot of entertainment - excursions to temples, museums, and natural parks. The city has a huge water park, amusement parks, zoos, and various shows for adults and children.

Phuket is a calmer and safer resort; the tourist infrastructure here is well developed, which makes your vacation comfortable and affordable. On the island you can find many interesting places for excursions with children, take great photos for the family album and enjoy the beauty of the local beaches. Phuket is a real tropical paradise where many Europeans move to live after retiring.