The ankle experiences stress during movements of varying nature and intensity: walking, running, jumping, going down and up stairs. Rupture of the ankle ligaments occurs not only in athletes: there are many causes of dangerous tissue damage with painful symptoms.

How to prevent ankle sprains and ruptures? How to provide first aid? Recommendations from orthopedists and traumatologists will be useful to people of different ages and professions.

Causes of ligament damage

Ligament damage often occurs against the background of two opposing factors:

  • active sports;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

In the first case, the articular-ligamentous system constantly experiences high loads during long-term, high-intensity training. Unsuccessful jumps and falls provoke problems with ligaments. Injuries of this kind often plague football players, skiers, track and field athletes, and speed skaters.

In the second case, lack of movement reduces elasticity and accelerates the atrophy of muscles and ligaments. Without sufficient load, the connective tissue becomes thinner, becomes loose, and cannot withstand even minimal loads. You can tear ligaments even by twisting your leg.

Another common situation: damage to the ligaments of the ankle joint when walking in high heels. Body weight above normal increases the severity of the lesion. If the foot turns inward, the entire weight is transferred to a small area; with low tissue elasticity, sprain and rupture of the ligaments often occur.

One of the reasons is a strong blow that causes an ankle injury. One of the unpleasant consequences: weak ligaments often tear.

Provoking factors:

  • professional sports;
  • overweight;
  • uncomfortable shoes, high heels;
  • foot deformity: flat feet, clubfoot;
  • ankle injuries;
  • weak elasticity of ligaments due to metabolic disorders or low motor activity;
  • degenerative-dystrophic changes in parts of the musculoskeletal system in elderly people.


An ankle ligament rupture has more obvious symptoms than a sprain. The patient suffers from acute pain in the affected area, it is impossible to stand on the problematic leg, and it is difficult to move without support.

There are other signs:

  • swelling of the affected area;
  • internal hemorrhage;
  • the ankle is hot to the touch;
  • redness of the skin over the problem area.

The severity of symptoms depends on the degree of damage to the ligamentous apparatus:

  • first. Sprain, tissue rupture in a small area. There is slight swelling, the mobility of the limb is preserved, the pain syndrome is quite mild;
  • second. The rupture affects most of the fibers in the ankle area. There is a sharp pain, it is difficult to move, swelling is noted in the upper part of the foot and lower part of the lower leg. A hematoma often appears;
  • third. The ligaments are completely torn, the pain is excruciating, sharp, internal hemorrhage occurs, significant swelling occurs, independent movement is impossible, hospital treatment is required.

First aid rules

An ankle injury often takes a person by surprise. The victim and bystanders to the injury often do not know what to do. Untimely or incorrect assistance increases negative symptoms, the patient experiences severe pain.

First aid: five important rules:

  • limitation of mobility. Secure the ankle with an elastic bandage, a piece of fabric, a scarf, or any means at hand. It is important to bandage the problem area with a figure eight bandage to secure the ankle well. Do not squeeze the tissue too much;
  • cold on the affected area. A carton of milk, cold water, ice in a cloth bag, a package of frozen vegetables will do;
  • The sore leg should be slightly elevated: this will reduce blood flow to the affected area;
  • taking a painkiller. Any analgesics that the victim or others have, even Analgin, will do;
  • going to the emergency room or trauma department hospitals. The sooner a patient sees a doctor, the less chance there is for complications to develop.

Methods and rules for further treatment

After examining the ankle, radiography, and MRI, the traumatologist determines the degree of damage to the ligamentous apparatus. Therapy is carried out in several areas: eliminating negative symptoms, preventing complications, restoring the integrity of the ligamentous apparatus. After healing of the rupture area, the functionality of the ankle is restored and gait is normalized.

In case of active hemorrhage or severe swelling, removal of excess blood from the problem area is required. A traumatologist performs a puncture of the ankle joint. Novocaine solution is used for pain relief. In severe cases, the help of a surgeon is required.

Limited ankle mobility

Correct fixation of the affected area is a prerequisite for a speedy recovery. Lack of mobility in the initial period of treatment, optimal pressure on the ankle is necessary for proper tissue fusion.

The type of pressure bandage depends on the degree of damage:

  • first degree - standard 8-shaped elastic bandage;
  • second degree with ligament tears - plaster splint. Wearing period - up to ten days;
  • third degree – circular plaster cast. Duration of use – from 14 to 21 days.


Therapy goals:

  • relieve pain;
  • reduce swelling;
  • improve blood circulation in the affected area;
  • reduce the degree of inflammation;
  • accelerate the healing of ligaments and soft tissues.

To treat a ruptured ankle ligament, a complex effect is required:

  • potent (NSAIDs): Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Nimesil, Nise;
  • painkillers: Analgin, Solpadeine, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, if the case is severe - Ketanov (no more than five days);
  • injections of Hydrocortisone and Novocaine into the ankle area for severe pain;
  • ointments and gels-angioprotectors. The drugs activate blood circulation, accelerate the resorption of hematomas, and reduce swelling of the problem area. Effective agents have a positive effect on soft tissues: Lyoton, Troxerutin, Troxevasin, Heparin ointment, Horse chestnut gel, Venoruton;
  • warming ointments are allowed from the third day, the first 2 days - only cold. Effective formulations for topical application: , Capsicam, Viprosal, Apizartron;
  • ointments, gels with anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect: Deep Relief, Diclak-gel, Voltaren-emulgel, Dick Heat, Aescin-gel.

Important! Treatment of swollen, inflamed ankles with ointments is allowed only if the skin is intact. There is a minimum list of local products that are allowed to be applied to damaged areas. One of the drugs is the popular Rescue balm for wound healing (green and white stripes are applied to the tube). But this remedy is less effective for sprains and ruptures of ligaments than angioprotectors, NSAID ointments or warming compounds.


The procedures accelerate the healing of the problem area, reduce swelling, relieve inflammation, and reduce pain. Physiotherapeutic treatment begins on the second day after injury.

Effective procedures:

  • therapeutic baths with medicinal injuries, saline solution, pine extract;
  • UHF heating;
  • applications with ozokerite and paraffin;
  • electrophoresis with Hydrocortisone;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • massotherapy.

Special gymnastics are allowed after removal of the fixing bandage. Dosed exercise prevents muscle atrophy and improves blood circulation.

How long does it take for an injury to heal?

Every person who has suffered an ankle injury dreams of quickly restoring the condition of the problem area. Many patients are irritated by limited mobility, elastic bandages, analgesics, physiotherapy, and the need to exercise in a physical therapy room. But There is no rush to finish treatment– early load on the affected ligaments delays the moment of recovery and provokes complications.

Go to the address and read about what tenosynovitis is and how to treat the disease.

The recovery time depends on the severity of the case:

  • first degree– complete restoration of mobility takes from 10 to 15 days. The ligamentous apparatus completely returns to its normal state, the person can do his usual activities. A prerequisite is to limit the load on the lower limbs;
  • second degree. Therapy takes about three weeks. After rehabilitation, you cannot immediately begin active training; it is important to gradually get into the usual rhythm;
  • third degree. Treatment is longer, taking 30–45 days. After a course of therapy, two months of rehabilitation are required.

In case of severe damage to the ligamentous apparatus, the patient is required to wear a fixing bandage for two months. This measure will prevent re-rupture of the ligaments and reduce the load during the rehabilitation period.

Simple measures can reduce the risk of ankle injury:

  • reasonable loads on the lower limbs;
  • physical activity to maintain the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • wearing comfortable shoes with a heel height of no more than 6–7 cm;
  • regular exercises for the ankle joint;
  • body weight control;
  • minimizing the risk of sports injuries;
  • treatment of diseases that worsen the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

Injury to the ligaments provokes negative symptoms and limits the patient’s mobility. Competent first aid and timely therapy prevent complications after varying degrees of damage to the ankle ligaments.

The following video shows simple exercises for restoring the ankle after a fracture or ligament rupture:

Quite a vulnerable spot. After all, he has a huge load on him. When walking or running, it supports the weight of the entire body.

Possible problems

If the load is too intense or the foot is positioned incorrectly, the ligaments that connect the bones can be damaged. The problem with them is that they can tear or rupture completely. But in the first case, we are talking about a sprain of the ankle joint. But when they are completely ruptured, they talk about dislocation.

The diagnosis is made only on the basis of a study conducted by a surgeon, a visual examination of the area of ​​damage and an analysis of the patient’s complaints. But it will not be possible to determine the severity of the problems using an x-ray examination. The image will only show the immediate dislocation of the joint or bone fracture.

Types of sprains

Depending on the severity of the injuries, there are several possible degrees of injury. The first is considered the mildest form of the disease. It is characterized by microtears that occur in the ligaments of the foot. This is all accompanied by moderate pain. Pulling sensations often only occur when the joint is under load, such as when walking, jumping or running. In this case, the sprain of the ankle joint no longer appears. At rest, the patient's leg does not bother him.

With moderate injuries, partial tearing of the ligaments occurs. In this case, the person feels quite intense pain, severe discomfort when walking, sometimes even to the point of complete immobility. This sprain of the ankle joint also manifests itself externally. Photos of patients with similar problems will help you understand what a leg with moderate injuries looks like. Swelling is visible in the area of ​​the joint and foot, often accompanied by hemorrhage.

If the damage is so severe that the ligaments are practically torn, then we are talking about the third degree. The person cannot even stand on the injured leg. Such a severe sprain of the ankle ligaments is accompanied by inflammation of the soft tissues, swelling, and hemorrhage. The skin at the site of the rupture turns bright red.


It is important to know in what situations you need to rush to the doctor, because you cannot ignore a sprained ankle. Treatment should be prescribed immediately.

So, the main symptom is pain in the ankle area. But do not forget that there are several forms of stretching, and each of them manifests itself differently. Even if you feel slight discomfort, it is advisable to see a doctor. After all, you may have a first-degree sprain. It does not require hospital treatment, but without adequate therapy the situation may worsen.

And if the pain is accompanied by hemorrhage and swelling, then consultation with a doctor is required. After all, these are the main signs of an ankle sprain.

Causes of problems

It is noteworthy that many people throughout their lives never encounter these problems, while others damage ligaments with enviable regularity. Of course, there are people with an increased susceptibility to this type of injury. They need to be more careful. After all, ankle sprains, the symptoms of which in most cases are pronounced, are usually the result of injuries. The main reasons include:


Impacts, sharp pressure;

Sharp physiologically abnormal turns of the foot, this often happens when moving on uneven surfaces;

Rolling of the legs due to uncomfortable or ill-fitting shoes.

There is an increased risk of injury and ankle sprains in certain sports. These include hockey, football, parkour, gymnastics, parachuting and others.

Risk factors

In addition to the main reasons that can cause an ankle sprain, there are also circumstances predisposing for this. These include frequent sprains. Because of them, the system that holds the joint in place becomes loose. A number of minor injuries, especially those that are left unattended, can result in a serious ankle injury.

Risk factors also include congenital pathologies: excessive ligament weakness, high arches of the foot, and various diseases.

Diagnosing problems

It is strictly forbidden to ignore any discomfort in the ankle area if you do not want to suffer serious injuries and be left with a defect in the musculoskeletal system. It is important to know that it is almost impossible to independently diagnose the severity of problems without special medical education. Therefore, it is necessary not only to go for an examination to a surgeon or traumatologist, but also not to refuse an X-ray or MRI if a specialist prescribes them. If the doctor sends you for additional tests, then the situation is quite serious.

Necessary treatment

It's important to know how problems can manifest and what to do if you suspect you have an ankle sprain. Treatment primarily involves the use of dry cold. Doctors recommend applying ice wrapped in soft tissue to the sore spot for 15 minutes every hour during the first 24 hours after the injury.

It is also necessary to immobilize the ankle if possible. To do this, apply an 8-shaped bandage to the damaged area, but it should not be too tight. Make sure that blood vessels are not pinched.

In any situation, it is important to provide rest to the injured leg. It is advisable to place it above body level. A couple of days after the injury, you can begin to use warm compresses in the area where the ankle sprain occurred. A photo of your own leg, taken on the first day after the injury and some time later, will help you determine how quickly the hemorrhage goes away and the swelling subsides. By the way, it is warm compresses that improve blood circulation and help speed up recovery.

Treatment of first degree injuries

As a rule, for minor injuries, a bandage on the leg and rest for 2-3 days are sufficient. During this time, the joint tissue is restored, and the person can return to normal life. But even in these cases, the doctor may recommend using an anesthetic ointment. An ankle sprain is accompanied by unpleasant sensations even in cases where the damage is not too severe. Voltaren or Diclofenac ointment may be recommended, which can be used until all discomfort disappears. To improve venous outflow, gels “Heparin”, “Troxevasin”, “Lioton” are prescribed.

For first-degree sprains, cold is applied on the first day, and starting from the second day, heat compresses can be used. Already on the 3rd or 4th day, the fixing bandage can be removed, and the patient should begin rehabilitation, which consists of performing a series of gymnastic exercises. Simultaneously with the beginning of physical activity, you can also use warming ointments, for example, Capsicam or Apizartron.

Treatment of second degree injuries

If you have an ankle sprain that bothers you even at rest and interferes with normal walking, your doctor will prescribe more radical methods of therapy. Ice must be applied for three and sometimes four days. In this case, the joint is immobilized for a period of two weeks. For pain relief, ointments are practically not used; doctors prescribe tablet medications. To relieve discomfort, the drug "Ketanov" may be recommended.

They begin to use heat no earlier than after 3-4 days. Active movements with loads are prohibited for the entire duration of treatment. You can usually work out the joint and ligaments only after two weeks have passed from the date of injury. Not only exercise therapy, but also prescribed physical therapy often helps to recover.

Therapy for third degree injuries

If your doctor suspects that you have an ankle sprain (torn), then most likely you will need not just a doctor's examination, but additional tests, such as an X-ray or MRI. If it is confirmed that you have a partial or complete ligament tear, you will be given a cast rather than elastic bandages. In some cases, surgery may be necessary. With its help, the fibers of the ligaments are restored.

The injured leg is immobilized for a period of 4-6 weeks, depending on the severity of the ruptures. Treatment is often carried out in a hospital setting. Recovery takes quite a long time. The period can last for 3-6 months.

If you have severe symptoms of an ankle sprain, and you suspect that they may even rupture, then it is important to begin treatment in a timely manner. In a hospital setting, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed. This could be Ibuprofen, Ketorolac, Nimesulide. In some cases, injection administration of medications such as Novocaine, Lidocaine, and Hydrocortisone is recommended.

If excess blood accumulates in the ankle area, a puncture may be performed. In this case, the liquid is sucked out with a syringe, and a solution of the drug “Novocaine” is injected into the site of injury.

An important role is played by physiotherapeutic procedures. This is especially true for patients who have a ruptured or severely sprained ankle ligament. Photos of patients' legs before and after such events differ significantly. This indicates that the prescribed therapy promotes faster recovery.

Physiotherapy and exercise therapy

To speed up recovery, doctors often prescribe additional therapy in a hospital setting. The most popular treatment methods include paraffin baths, current, and UHF.

For example, if you have a right ankle sprain, potassium iodide raster electrophoresis may be prescribed to this area. In certain cases, anesthetic drugs are used. They can also make warming applications with ozokerite.

But the treatment needs to be consolidated. This is exactly what special gymnastics is designed for. It allows you to develop joint mobility, strengthen ligaments, and gradually reduce pain. Exercise therapy is also necessary to restore muscles after a long period of immobilization, improve their performance, and activate blood circulation processes.

The ankle joint provides the ability for a person to move correctly and confidently. You can use it to go down stairs. Make rotational movements without lifting your feet from the floor.

The ankle joint allows the foot to work, which provides stability to the human body. This is a kind of support, but very reliable. To allow the foot to rise or fall, the ankle. To be able to carry out lateral movements of the talus and calcaneus, which are connected to each other.

The structure of the ankle joint

Let's look at the structure of the ankle. It is a knot that is connected by bones. There are four main bones in the ankle joint. It also contains fibers called ligaments. They should hold the bones, but not hinder their movement. It is the ligaments that allow you to make movements of different amplitudes. The ligaments must be elastic.

There are definitely blood vessels in the joint. They are needed for normal blood circulation. They are not considered components of the ankle joint, but without them it will not fulfill its purpose.

Structure of the ankle joint and ligaments

It is possible to compare the anatomy of the ankle joint with a bag, which has 2 layers. It is where the bones are connected. The main purpose of the bag is to create a tightness and reproduce special synovial fluid. It will fill all the cavities.

Bones in a joint

The ankle joint is located at the junction of two bones:

  • tibia;
  • fibular

They form a cavity where the joint itself is located. Therefore, at the moment of movement, a large load falls on the bones. Due to the fact that the entire weight of the body falls on the ankle joint.

The bone cavity will be divided into several parts:

  • Outer ankle.
  • Inner surface.
  • Distal surface of the tibia.

Ankle bones

On the first ankle are fixed:

  • connective tissue formation;
  • connective shell;

In this case, all the bone components of the joint and foot will be connected by tendons, muscles, and joints. They give flexibility to the ankle. The shock-absorbing function when moving is also increased.


In order for the ankle to be mobile, it contains 8 muscle bundles, with their help flexion, extension and rotation occur.

Therefore, when moving, a person maintains balance and his legs do not twist. You can make rotational movements, and the muscles will guarantee complete safety.

If there is a violation of muscle contraction or their flexibility becomes insufficient, a person will not be able to move correctly over uneven places. will twist and possibly cause injury. For the same reason, there may be an injury to the ankle joint.

The muscles are located in the joint located in the foot:

  • Bendable. These include the toe flexors, plantar, triceps, and posterior tibialis.
  • Extensor. These will be the toe extensor muscles and the tibialis anterior muscle.
  • Muscles that guarantee rotation. This is the peroneus longus and brevis muscle. These muscles are called pronators.
  • extensors of the thumb, peroneus anterior muscle. They are called instep supports.

The structure of the muscles of the ankle joint

Correct operation of all components will ensure smooth functioning of the ankle joint.

Ligaments and tendons are needed to support bones. They prevent them from moving and control the movement of the joint.

The ankle ligaments have three groups:

  • Ligament between the shin bones, it is called the interosseous ligament.
  • To prevent the collapse of the joint, it contains the deltoid ligament or medial. There are also the talofibular and calcaneofibular joints, which are attached to the lateral malleolus.
  • The tibial ligament controls rotational movements. This will be the posterior ligament. But the ankle joint has the same anterior ligament.

Ligaments and tendons of the ankle

The ankle joint is designed according to the block principle. The joint contains the calcaneal tendon. With its help, the joint becomes strong and can withstand a load of more than 300 kg.

Functions of the heel tendon:

  • provides vertical movement of a person;
  • acts as a kind of shock absorber when walking;
  • the foot moves with its help;
  • the presence of the heel tendon allows a person to move quite quickly and jump.

With the development of pathologies, it can become deformed. This is facilitated by injuries, hypothermia, and uncomfortable shoes.

Stories from our readers!
I want to tell my story about how I cured osteochondrosis and hernia. Finally, I was able to overcome this unbearable pain in my lower back. I lead an active lifestyle, live and enjoy every moment! A few months ago I got a cramp at the dacha; a sharp pain in my lower back didn’t allow me to move, I couldn’t even walk. The doctor at the hospital diagnosed osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, herniated discs L3-L4. He prescribed some medications, but they did not help, the pain was unbearable. They called an ambulance, they put a blockade and hinted at an operation, I kept thinking about this, that I would turn out to be a burden for the family... Everything changed when my daughter gave me an article to read on the Internet. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to her for this. This article literally pulled me out of my wheelchair. In recent months I have started to move more; in the spring and summer I go to the dacha every day. Who wants to live a long and energetic life without osteochondrosis,

For normal functioning of the ankle joint, normal blood circulation is necessary.

This is provided by 3 arteries that pass through it:

  • Posterior fibulae.
  • Anterior fibulae.
  • Tibial.

Arteries and vessels

They all branch out into the ankle area and wrap around the ankle joint on all sides. Blood through the veins passes through internal and external vessels, which form connections. These are the saphenous and tibial veins.

Ankle injuries

The ankle joint consists of bones that are connected to each other. It contains ligaments and joint fluid. This whole mechanism will only work if all elements are intact. But injuries often occur; they can cause problems in the musculoskeletal system.

Possible injuries to the ankle joint:

  • bruise and;
  • dislocation;
  • subluxations;

Ankle dislocation

Even an awkward movement may be enough for this to happen, which will lead to injury. If there is an impact on the tissue, the doctor diagnoses a bruise. In this case, swelling and slight pain will appear. The patient can step on his foot, but experiences discomfort.

Dislocations and subluxations are quite common. Very often this also results in an ankle fracture. What happens to the ankle when it sprains? The position of the bones in the joint changes, weak ligaments are damaged, and a rupture may even occur.

When the joint is slightly displaced and the contact points are not broken, subluxation is diagnosed. In this case, pain will be felt and the functions of the joint will be slightly impaired. But all the symptoms are not very pronounced.

Ligament damage usually occurs as a result of a sprained ankle. Ligament ruptures often occur in a child who plays sports or gymnastics.

What characterizes a ligament rupture:

  • the patient twists his leg and at this moment leans on it, he can tear the ligament;
  • ligaments are stretched;
  • hemorrhage occurs on both sides of the joint;
  • swelling appears in this place;
  • severe pain when turning the foot inward;
  • upon examination and touch, the patient will feel quite severe pain;
  • A sprain may be accompanied by a fracture of the foot bones. This is usually the 5th metatarsal;
  • if a fracture occurs, the person will experience very severe pain, especially when touching this place.

Ankle ligament rupture occurs. In this case, there is a feeling of a fracture in the ankle joint. The injury site will turn blue. The pain will be severe and the person will not be able to move independently.

Complex injuries include a fracture of the ankle joint, and the patient will have:

  • Severe and sharp pain, fever.
  • A characteristic swelling appears.
  • The ankle joint is displaced.
  • You can't rely on it.
  • It will differ from the joint on a healthy leg even in appearance.

Types of fractures:

Calcaneal fracture

  • fracture of the outer ankle. It is also called an isolated fibula fracture. In this case, subluxation of the foot usually occurs;
  • fracture of the inner malleolus characterized by damage to the posterior edge inside the tibia and subluxation of the foot;
  • If a person falls from a fairly high height, the talus bone can break. This is a rather complex fracture in which the blood supply to the ankle joint is disrupted.

Any injury to the ankle joint requires medical examination and treatment, since it is impossible to cure a serious injury on your own.

ICD-10 foot injuries are classified under code S93:

  • S93.0 – dislocation of the ankle joint.
  • S93.2 – rupture of foot or ankle ligaments;
  • S93.3 – dislocation of any part of the foot.
  • S93.4 – severe strain and sprain of the ankle joint.
  • S93.5 – sprain and severe tension of the toe ligaments;
  • S93.6 – injury and sprain of ligaments in the joints of the foot.

Upon diagnosis, the doctor will set the strain code and be able to choose the right treatment.

Characteristic signs of ligament rupture

Ligament ruptures have varying degrees and the changes occurring in the ankle joint depend on this:

  • Stretching. In this case, the ligament loses its elasticity, but does not rupture completely. It continues to support the joint.
  • Partial rupture. In this case, the integrity of the ligament will be compromised. The joint will become unstable.
  • Complete break. In this case, the ligament is completely torn. The joint becomes unstable and loose. There will be no fixation of the ankle joint at all.
  • Particular ligament damage. In this case, the ligament stretches a little, but is slightly torn away from the bone. In this case, complex ligament damage is identified and called osteoepiphysiolysis.

Signs of an ankle sprain:

  • Pain does not occur when the ankle joint is at rest. But it becomes sharp when you try to stand on your leg and will be felt precisely at the site of the ligament rupture. The more severe the pain, the more damaged the ligament is.
  • Edema. It begins to appear gradually. At first there will be a slight swelling and only after a few hours the entire ankle will become swollen. It can stay for a month.
  • Bruise or hematoma. They appear when ankle ligaments rupture. If the damage to the ligament is minor, there will be a slightly noticeable blue tint. When cyanosis quickly appears after injury, severe damage usually occurs. The bluer the skin, the more complex the injury will be.
  • The ankle does not function normally. In this case, people begin to limp and feel pain when stepping on their feet. If a ligament ruptures, the pain is felt sharply. When touched, the patient also experiences quite severe pain.

Degrees of stretch


After dysfunction of the ankle joint, it is necessary to go to the hospital for diagnosis. The main type of diagnosis is x-ray.

The patient should be examined by a traumatologist or surgeon:

  • Initial examination. At the same time, he listens to the patient's complaints.
  • Examination of the victim places using palpation.
  • Usually it is impossible to do without an x-ray. But this will be decided by the doctor.
  • If necessary, magnetic resonance imaging is performed.
  • Ultrasonography(Ultrasound) is performed as an additional procedure.

The difficulty of diagnosis lies in the anatomical features of the ankle.

Treatment of ankle injury

Based on the signs, the doctor can determine the complexity of the injury. But it is necessary to conduct a full diagnosis in order to choose the right treatment.

Bandages for sprains

Use a cold compress to reduce swelling and pain. To do this, you can use ice or a towel soaked in cold water. In general, any cold object will do. Such a compress will be effective in the first 12 to 18 hours after the injury.

It is necessary to immobilize or fix the ankle joint:

  • will suit . It is used for sprains, ruptures and restoration;
  • the orthosis functions as a tight bandage and replaces the elastic bandage. Its use is more convenient;
  • a cast or splint is applied in the hospital. It can be left for a month. It all depends on the severity of the injury.

Fixation is needed so that the tissues begin to grow together and recover. If this is not done on time, the treatment will take a long time.

Elastic bandage


Treatment of ligament rupture will not be possible without the use of drug treatment, but they are always of secondary importance:

  • Relieving inflammation.
  • Reducing pain.
  • Getting rid of swelling.

Can be used:

  • Injections, injections- Ketanov, Revmoxicam, Movalis are prescribed for them.
  • Oral medications, tablets— , Larfix, Nimesulide.
  • Local anesthetics,– Fastum gel, Diklak gel, Finalgon, Gepatrombin.

Ketanov in ampoules and tablets Movalis Diclofenac
Ointment for pain relief Finalgon Nimesulide in tablets Fastum gel

The medications are prescribed by the doctor. Analogs can be selected that can improve the therapeutic effect.


Ankle ligament surgery is performed for severe injuries. Especially if the breaks are very complete.

You still cannot do without surgical intervention if there is an open rupture of the ankle ligaments:

  • The operation is carried out no later than 30 days later. If this is done later, complications and a long recovery period will not be avoided.
  • Plastic surgery is required to completely restore the ligament.
  • The tissues of the damaged ligament are sutured.
  • Connective bone tissue and elements of the joint capsule are also sutured.

If there is not enough material, implants can be used for plastic surgery. To do this, they use nearby fabrics that are similar in their properties.


For the first 3 days, no physical treatment can be performed. This is simply prohibited.

Then, as prescribed by a doctor, the following can be used:

  • applications made of ozokerite or paraffin;
  • electrophoresis;
  • warming ones made from alcohol or an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • Almag device for home use;
  • phonophoresis and ultra-high frequency therapy;
  • massage.

Physical therapy or exercise therapy plays an important role. They begin to gradually increase the load, and the joint is fully restored and muscles and ligaments are strengthened. It is started no earlier than 3 days of treatment.

The exercise is done at least 3 times and 10 approaches:

  • Exercise No. 1. It is necessary to tense the muscles on the feet of the left and right legs and lower legs.
  • Exercise No. 2. Quickly move your toes, and then move your knee joints. After a week, the exercises become a little more difficult.
  • Exercise No. 3. You need to stand on your feet and rise onto your toes.
  • Exercise No. 4. You need to use your toes to pull any object towards you.
  • Exercise No. 5. Walk for at least 2 hours every day on a flat surface.
  • Exercise No. 6. Stretch the ligaments using an expander or an elastic bandage.

Physical therapy for ankle injuries

After such exercises, blood circulation will be restored and the muscles will return to the desired tone. All exercises must be coordinated with your doctor.

To restore the ankle joint, it is permissible to use taping:

  • To do this, use a special patch - tape., which is made from cotton and lycra. Due to the combination of two materials, it stretches well, allows air to pass through and holds the ankle well.
  • It is impregnated with special glue and secured to the leg. Therefore, it can be used for swimming and physical education.
  • It has been used for quite a long time, allows you to strengthen the muscle frame in the area of ​​injury and immobilize the ligaments.


You should consult your doctor before using any treatment.

Complications and rehabilitation

Quite often, after a sprained ankle, complications can occur. This will happen if you don’t go to the hospital in a timely manner, if there is improper treatment or rehabilitation, or if you have a very complex injury. Ligament injuries take a long time to heal, on average from a month to six months.

Consequences that appear over several years:

  • abscess formation;
  • hemorrhage in the joint;
  • joint dislocation;

If nodules form as the ligaments heal, the patient may experience constant pain.

With the right rehabilitation period, any complications can be avoided; physiotherapy has a restorative effect on the sore joint:

  • relieve pain;
  • restore blood circulation;
  • prevent the development of the inflammatory process;
  • restore metabolism;
  • normalize lymph outflow, which promotes better absorption of medications.

Bruised ankle

Bruises can have varying degrees of severity:

  • In the first case, the skin is almost intact. There may be scratches. It usually goes away in a short period of time.
  • In the second degree, muscle rupture occurs, swelling appears and a hematoma may appear. The pain is sharp and severe.
  • At grade 3, tendon and muscle damage occurs. Sometimes it comes to dislocations.
  • At grade 4 severity of bruises, changes will occur, that will affect the quality of life. The ankle will not be able to perform any functions.

Ankle ligament diseases

Other ligament diseases:

  • inflammation. It can begin to develop with weakened immunity or a sedentary lifestyle;
  • ligament distortion called stretching or tearing. The disease can begin with sudden exertion. This may damage the articular cartilage;
  • calcification of ligaments in the ankle joint occurs when injured and manifests itself in the form of bone shadows;
  • foot tendinitis is a pathological process that promotes damage to ligament tissue and the development of inflammation;
  • with prolonged overstrain of ligaments it is almost impossible to avoid their damage. It can lead to the development of inflammation, chronic pain;
  • with ligamentitis of the ligaments In the ankle, the longest plantar ligament is damaged. Ligamentosis occurs when there is an infection or injury.

Treatment of ankle ligaments at home

If the sprain is not very severe and the ankle has been examined, it can be treated at home with folk remedies:

  • Grated raw potatoes are applied to the sore spot.
  • A compress is made from grated onion and sugar; you can treat with this remedy often.
  • Lard and garlic need to be ground. Add eucalyptus leaves and strain through cheesecloth and rub the resulting liquid into the sore spot.
  • Pour several cloves of garlic with vinegar, preferably apple cider vinegar, and vodka. Leave for 14 days. Then add 20 drops of eucalyptus oil to it and use it as a compress on a sore ankle.
  • Apply fresh elderberry leaf.

Step-by-step instructions for providing first aid to an injured person when injured:

  • Take off your shoes.
  • on the leg so that it fixes the ankle joint.
  • Apply a cold compress to the sore joint.
  • Call an ambulance or accompany the person to the hospital. Especially if a hematoma or severe swelling appears.

First aid for sprains

Sick leave for sprained ankle

Depending on the severity of the injury, the patient may receive sick leave. It is required to be given when performing surgery and diagnosing a ligament rupture. The duration of treatment depends on the outpatient condition of the patient and the opinion of the attending physician.

If your back, neck or lower back hurts, do not delay treatment unless you want to end up in a wheelchair! Chronic aching pain in the back, neck or lower back is the main sign of osteochondrosis, hernia or other serious disease. Treatment must begin right now...

The purpose of the ankle joint is to support the human skeleton. It has to withstand up to 90 percent of the total weight; the remaining 10 percent of the load is distributed between the ligamentous and muscular systems of the body.

But this happens ideally - subject to absolute stability with a combination of shape, structure of bone joints and powerful tendons of the foot. In non-ideal conditions, an injury occurs with a malfunction in the entire body.

How does injury occur?

An ankle injury is the result of the joint being too twisted beyond its normal state.

If the stability of the ankle is disrupted, for example, as a result of an awkward movement or twisting, then damage to the ligamentous apparatus occurs - a fairly common injury.

Despite the fact that the ligamentous apparatus of any healthy person is quite powerful, with a sudden jerk, ruptures occur - single or multiple. They range from microdamage to individual fibers to partial and complete ligament ruptures.

The stability of the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle may not be impaired if individual parts of the ligament are damaged. And that’s why this injury is also called a sprain.

The most common ankle injuries occur:

  • from exhausting physical work;
  • while walking in high heels;
  • from unsuccessful foot placement during movement;
  • while playing sports;
  • from an unsuccessful landing;
  • as a result of movement over rough terrain;
  • from a direct blow.

According to statistics, the main risk group by age are young people aged 15 to 24 years.


To understand the consequences of ankle injuries, you need to start with its structure. If we consider the ankle joint from the point of view of anatomy, we can discover its complex structure, which is expressed in the articulation of the bones of the foot and lower leg, due to which a person is provided with the ability to walk upright.

The sections of the foot skeleton include:

  1. Tarsal, which consists of bones: talus; heel; scaphoid; cuboid; three wedge-shaped.
  2. Metatarsal. The body of each of the five metatarsal bones resembles the shape of a tubular triangular prism.
  3. The bones of the fingers, each of which consists of 3 phalanges, except for the first fingers, where there are 2 phalanges.

All parts of the skeleton are connected through a ligamentous apparatus, which gives the necessary mobility to the lower limbs.

All active functions occur thanks to the joints:

  • ankle;
  • subtalar;
  • talocaleonavicular;
  • tarsometatarsal;
  • interphalangeal-metatarsophalangeal.

All joints are connected to the main skeletal system by ligamentous fibers, which are often subject to injury.

The muscle block of the ankle wraps around the bone joints on all sides and is involved in all functional processes of the foot. Thanks to the powerful muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the ankle, the lower part of the leg has such remarkable mobility, but on the other hand, in the event of a rupture or sprain, this conglomerate is disrupted, and then the person experiences not only pain and torment, but also functional helplessness. The lower section of the fascia of the leg has peculiar muscle strengtheners - ligaments, which have another function - to hold the flexor and extensor tendons.

Due to excessive loads on the ligaments and tendons, damage occurs due to the excess of the performance reserve of the entire muscular-ligamentous complex.


The main types of ankle injuries include bruises, dislocations, fractures, sprains, ligament and tendon ruptures and are determined by the type of injured tissue.

There are different degrees of ankle damage:

  1. Grade 1, which is characterized by rupture of isolated fibers without loss of stability and is considered a minor injury.
  2. Grade 2, which is characterized by partial rupture of the ligament without loss of complete stability of the joint.
  3. Grade 3, which is characterized by complete rupture of the ligament with loss of joint stability.

Damage to the ligaments of the ankle joint is accompanied by inflammatory processes, swelling, hemorrhages with pain when attempting to move.

As a result of lateral deformation of the foot, a dislocation of the ankle may occur, in which partial rupture of the ligament fibers occurs, and the symptoms are similar to a dislocation, which is clarified during diagnosis.

If the ligament is completely torn, the consequences can be extremely serious, and this injury requires surgical treatment and long-term rehabilitation.


All types of ankle injuries depend on severity and are caused by almost the same symptoms:

  • sudden sharp pain;
  • swelling;
  • inability to support the injured limb;
  • bruising;
  • hemarthrosis;
  • joint instability;
  • weakness;
  • the occurrence of extra-articular sporadic pain.

Symptoms depending on the specific damage:

  • During a sprain, it hurts to step on your foot, but you can walk. With a tear, this possibility is excluded due to acute pain.
  • A sprain gives the symptom of a “stiff” ankle, but on the contrary makes it soft with an unnatural angle of rotation.
  • A complete rupture is characterized by severe swelling with hemarthrosis and hematomas involving the dorsum and plantar part of the foot.
  • Due to the rupture of the lateral ligaments, the lateral mobility of the foot increases.
  • In acute sprains, the victim feels warmth spreading over the ankle and an asthenic state of the joint.
  • Signs of fractures and sprains of the ligamentous apparatus can be easily confused, so an ankle injury is diagnosed exclusively in a medical institution.

First aid

Immediately after an injury to the injured limb, first aid is required, which consists of:

  • her complete peace;
  • applying cold to reduce pain and slow down the spread of swelling;
  • fixing the injured ankle with an elastic bandage, but not overstressing it;
  • elevating the injured limb above the level of the heart to reduce swelling and pain;
  • taking pain medications.

Before sending the victim to a medical facility, it is important to follow these rules and not put stress on the sore spot.


Upon the victim’s arrival at the clinic, the specialist will begin to ask questions to compile an anamnesis and assess the severity of the injury using:

  • inspection;
  • palpation;
  • radiography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging.

As traumatologists note, the evidence of such an injury cannot always be diagnosed 100% even with a full examination due to its anatomical features, which consist in the tight articulation of the skeletal system.

But most often the diagnosis is established already at the stage of radiographic examination.

Sometimes a stress test is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis of a suspected fracture. This examination using fluoroscopy with pressure on the joint is carried out to determine the type of treatment - surgical or conservative.

Treatment and rehabilitation of fractures

For an ankle fracture, treatment may be prescribed:

  • through surgery, which is used for joint instability.
  • non-surgically using an immobilization brace that works like a cast.

Surgically, with the help of plates and screws, parts of the injured ankle are stabilized, holding them in place using protective devices, which are removed after about a month and a half, when the restoration of the joint is completely completed.

To alleviate suffering and speed up healing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications are used, as well as vitamin complexes and folk remedies.

After removing the bandage, the rehabilitation period begins, which includes a whole range of procedures aimed at restoring normal motor functions. These are courses in physical therapy, massage, and physiotherapy.

The recovery period can last several months.

Treatment and rehabilitation of ligament and tendon injuries

Sprains of ligaments and tendons are classified according to severity and are divided into:

  • light
  • average;
  • heavy.

Surgical treatment is used exclusively for severe cases, when all methods have been tried.

Mild sprains are treated according to the following scheme:

  • complete peace;
  • applying ice;
  • fixation with elastic bandaging;
  • raising the injured limb upward;
  • use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

When the swelling goes away, the pain decreases, the treatment ends.

The therapy period can last a week, followed by two weeks of restorative rehabilitation, including a course of physical therapy to return normal motor activity.

For moderate sprains, the same scheme is used, only for a longer time, after which the doctor prescribes special exercises to restore the range of motion, strengthen all damaged parts of the ankle, and return them to their former mobility.

Severe sprains include complete and partial ruptures, which require a more serious approach to treatment and a longer recovery period. If immobilization and drug therapy do not help, then surgical intervention is used, as a result of which the joint is brought into its proper form and fixed for a long time.

Improving nutrition and oxygen supply to the joint is achieved by simple motor exercises used from the first days with the fingers, lower leg muscles, and knee joint.

After the final healing of an injury of any severity, the doctor prescribes exercise therapy for an ankle joint injury, the duration of which depends on several factors:

  • severity of injury;
  • patient's age;
  • associated complications;
  • general condition of the victim;
  • presence of chronic diseases.

Physiotherapy exercises are indicated for everyone, without exception, recovering from an injury, together with:

  • massage courses;
  • warm therapeutic baths;
  • paraffin wraps;
  • courses of physiotherapeutic treatment.

Complete restoration of damaged tendons and ligaments can take more than one year, but if the course is favorable, rehabilitation ends in three to four months.

Avoiding Injury

To reduce the risk of injury to the ankle joint, traumatologists advise:

  • during illness or fatigue, avoid physical work or sports exercises;
  • maintain muscle tone of the body;
  • eat properly and balanced;
  • maintain normal weight;
  • choose the right shoes;
  • warm up muscles before training;
  • don't fall;
  • do not climb to heights.

The human ankle joint bears a significant portion of a person's weight. That is why it is surrounded by numerous muscles and tendons, which give it stability and reliability. However, torn ankle ligaments are the most common musculoskeletal injury. Why?


Causes of injury

  • Sedentary lifestyle. The consequence of a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle is the destruction, decrepitude and atrophy of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Elderly age. It increases the risk of injury several times, because... Over time, the body's muscles become less elastic, bones become more fragile, and ligaments become weaker.

ankle joint with ligament rupture

Also, rupture of the ankle ligaments can be caused by engaging in traumatic sports, careless walking with twisting of the foot, jumping from a height, etc.

Types and symptoms of injury

Depending on the number of torn fibers, ankle ligament rupture can have several degrees:

  • In a mild injury, called a sprain, a small portion of the fibers in the ankle are torn, i.e. microscopic ruptures occurred. This degree is accompanied by minor pain during movement and, possibly, slight redness of the skin around the joint.
  • Second degree injury - partial ligament rupture indicates damage to most of the fibers in the joint. In this case, the patient may experience great difficulty walking or may not be able to walk at all.
  • In extreme cases of injury, a complete rupture of the ankle ligaments occurs, which leads to disruption of the motor function of the joint and the patient cannot move independently. The joint increases in size due to large swelling on the outside of the ankle and foot. Bruises and hematomas appear in the ankle area.

Treating injury correctly

The effectiveness of trauma treatment depends on the degree of damage, which is determined by the doctor in the trauma room.

You can also diagnose ankle ligament rupture using:

  • X-rays that reveal a dislocated ankle or a fractured joint;
  • MRI - helps in assessing the extent of injury, because provides a layer-by-layer image of all ligaments, tendons and injured joints.

treatment of mild ankle ligament ruptures

Treatment of mild ankle ligament rupture comes down to tight bandaging of the joint and the use of agents that have a targeted effect on the connective tissue of the ligaments.

Comprehensive treatment of injury also involves following a diet. During the rehabilitation period, the body needs an increased amount of protein, which is rich in, for example, meat and dairy dishes.

With a mild degree of ligament rupture, from the very first day after the onset of injury, doctors recommend that patients use careful active movements of the fingers and the knee joint, as well as perform static tension on the muscles of the foot and lower leg. This promotes the rapid restoration of muscle mass in the joint, as well as maintaining elasticity and muscle tone.

Restoring joint function in this case takes about 7-10 days.

In case of partial rupture of the ankle ligaments, the use of pharmacological agents is important.

Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme: protecting the joint from stress - drug treatment - rest - using a pressure bandage or splint - physical therapy - rehabilitation.

The use of cryotherapy (cold treatment) in the first hours after injury reduces swelling and pain.

For excessively severe pain, injections of a solution of novocaine, lidocaine and hydrocortisone are used.

Drug treatment of partial rupture of ankle ligaments is carried out using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: ibuprofen, ketorolac, nimesulide, etc.

A puncture procedure with evacuation of excess blood is indicated if significant hemorrhage is detected in the cavity of the ankle joint.

It is recommended to wear a protective figure-of-eight bandage or splint for partial rupture of the ankle ligaments for 2-3 weeks until swelling and pain completely disappear.

Complex treatment of ankle injuries also involves the use of physiotherapeutic methods such as diadynamic currents, paraffin baths, UHF therapy, etc.

Treatment of complete rupture of the ankle ligaments, as well as massive hemorrhage into the periarticular tissues and open injury with rupture of the ligaments, requires surgical intervention.

The surgical procedure is carried out five or six weeks after the injury occurs, because earlier surgical intervention can serve as an impetus for the development of contractures. Later surgical intervention leads to complications during the patient’s rehabilitation process.

During surgery, damaged ligaments are sutured or the ends of the ligaments are sutured to the bone, the joint cavity is inspected and damaged tissue is resectioned (removed).


A correctly diagnosed degree of injury, a competent approach to treatment, and careful compliance by the patient with the doctor’s recommendations lead to a rapid recovery of the ankle ligaments and minimize the consequences after the injury.

The effectiveness of treating a ruptured ankle joint also lies in conducting exercise therapy, physiotherapy, massage and taking warm baths at the rehabilitation stage. An individual approach to a set of exercises and early physical activity guarantee a quick recovery of the joint.

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