In many images, the zodiac sign is represented by two fish looking in different directions. This is how the conflict manifests itself in a person: between soul and body. Horoscope for 2017 Fish will tell you a lot of interesting things about their representatives. Now we will talk about the character of the representatives of the sign.

Hypersensitive Pisces are sensitive to the thoughts and emotional experiences of the people around them. They absorb other people's ideas and ideas on an unconscious level.

These are not strong-willed people; circumstances can make drastic changes in their lives. They must learn to stand confidently on their feet.

Pisces is a sign of duality and indecision. They get tired quickly, which prevents them from doing strenuous work, sports or socially useful work.

If the sign's patience has run out, he will get angry, crushing everything in his path. It is problematic to calm down and achieve peace of mind after such states.

Despite their complex, contradictory character, Pisces are charming and charming, they attract people to them.

Can be accurate, responsible and diligent. The spectrum of mood can change in a matter of minutes from unshakable optimism to black melancholy.

Pisces is not particularly concerned about material well-being. They firmly believe that the search for their own Self will be successful only if physical needs cease to concern them.

Representatives of the sign value their individuality, listen to their inner voice and often live in dreams. If you channel these abilities in the right direction, you can develop decent acting skills. It is not for nothing that there are many musicians, poets and cultural figures among Pisces.

If Pisces have found their calling in life, they will be unselfish, kind, devoted and selfless, their feelings will be tender and sincere, and the shortcomings of their loved ones will not be noticed.

A significant drawback of the representatives of the sign is fatalism. They must learn to understand that they can independently change their destiny and take advantage of opportunities.

Horoscope for 2017 for Pisces

The Fire Rooster promises big changes to Pisces. You will be full of new ideas and plans, pleasant acquaintances will bring unexpected surprises into your life. There will be a real chance to rise a step higher not only spiritually, but also within the framework of self-realization.

Throughout the year, your thoughts will be occupied with exciting and interesting things.

In the summer, be wary of business endeavors; do not take unnecessary risks. You will find solutions to your problems in prophetic dreams. In any situation, rely on your intuition.

By the fall, there will be several opportunities to change your occupation. You will be overcome by doubts. Don't rush into making a decision.

Start planning your summer vacation in May. This will be a time of inspiration, generating new ideas and rethinking everything that happens to you.

Pay more attention to achievements rather than losses, do not get depressed. Remember: the one who does nothing makes no mistakes.

Horoscope for 2017 for Pisces man

If you dream of achieving your goal in 2017, show masculine character traits, be more sharp and confident. For Pisces men who manage to put modesty and self-doubt aside, the stars guarantee career advancement, improved financial condition, and harmony in their personal lives.

By the end of the year, representatives of the stronger half of the sign will be given the opportunity to make interesting acquaintances with ladies and choose a life partner for themselves. The year promises to be very rich in exciting acquaintances and exciting dates. You can use this chance to choose a life partner.

Horoscope for 2017 for Pisces woman

Meet the year of the Fire Rooster in a new way. Don’t be shy about drastic changes, it’s time for blondes to become brunettes and vice versa, long hair can be shortened into a bob, jeans and sweatpants can be replaced with romantic dresses and floor-length skirts.

Such changes will help single representatives of the sign avoid despondency and depression. Love yourself - and soon you will find true feminine happiness.

In 2017, Pisces women will be able to show their qualities by making life better and more prosperous at the expense of others. Know when to stop and don’t engage in fraud, because a deceived person will soon “see through” your intentions.

Love horoscope for the zodiac sign Pisces in 2017

In love, the stars do not foretell bright prospects for Pisces. Throughout the year there will be persistent instability and nervousness. Feverish moods will be observed not only in you, but also in your partner. This is a dangerous situation, the way out of which should be approached with all responsibility. If the halves do not start listening to each other, the relationship may simply end.

Even from such a situation it will be possible to find a way out. Learn to control your emotions and actions. The development of these character traits will help solve not only the current problem, but will also help in various everyday situations.

The second half of the year will give a surge of vitality, making Pisces open, relaxed, and ready for new relationships. At the end of the year there will be a pleasant meeting that can develop into a long romance.

Financial horoscope for the zodiac sign Pisces for 2017

The financial aspect of Pisces' life in 2017 will exude stability. No major expenses are expected, but significant profits are also not expected. In money matters, do not be too careless, otherwise you may be left without pants.

Thoughtful purchases and financial investments will strengthen your position by the end of the year.

If possible, keep a journal of expenses and save receipts from grocery stores. Analyzing the spending of the last few weeks will identify expenses that can be abandoned or at least reduced. You will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you can save money to realize your old dream.

A profitable area for investment is home appliances. This could be a useful gift for parents, functional kitchen appliances, etc. Take exactly the product you need, and not some juicer that will gather dust in the pantry.

Professional horoscope for the zodiac sign Pisces for 2017

The year of the Fire Rooster will not start very well. Relationships with work colleagues will deteriorate. You will not be able to tolerate a string of gossip behind your back and will defend your honest name with all your might. First, secure the support of management by strengthening your relationship with them through fruitful work.

Otherwise, the career horoscope will be favorable. New profitable projects will appear. The charm and natural magnetism of Pisces will allow them to make acquaintances with people in power and even find a patron. Such relationships will bring you freedom, independence, and raise your self-esteem.

Be realistic about your capabilities. The only obstacle to Pisces' career growth will be the bureaucratic obstacles of the current legislative system. Use your diplomatic skills and charm - any obstacles will disappear like smoke.

Pisces involved in creativity will be fully patronized by the Rooster. You will be able to implement the most incredible projects, and the reward will be recognition and wide popularity.

Health horoscope for the zodiac sign Pisces for 2017

Health problems cannot be avoided. However, Pisces, who think strategically and are accustomed to planning, will readily meet disruptions in the body’s functioning. By plunging headlong into solving a problem, the sign will not only be able to solve it, but also find effective methods of prevention and health promotion.

A sedentary lifestyle and systematic overeating will become especially dangerous for Pisces in the year of the Rooster. The first problem can be solved by purchasing a gym membership, and the second by switching to a properly balanced diet.

To stay in harmony with your soul and body, stop drinking alcohol and psychotropic drugs. Clarity of mind is paramount.

By autumn, problems with the musculoskeletal system may worsen. More precisely, past traumas will remind you of themselves. It would be a good idea to visit a neurologist or chiropractor; therapeutic massage is indicated.

Celebrities born under the sign of Pisces

Kurt Cobain, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Nikolai Rastorguev, Drew Barrymore, George Washington, Victor Yushchenko, Steve Jobs, Victor Hugo, Elizabeth Taylor, Justin Bieber, Mikhail Gorbachev, Daniel Craig, Mikhail Porechenkov, Vyacheslav Zaitsev, Antonio Vivaldi, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Shaquille O'Neill, Valentina Tereshkova.

Date of birth: from 19.02 to 20.03

Horoscope 2017 Pisces woman
Women's zodiac horoscope for Pisces for 2017

Horoscope 2017 Pisces woman

Horoscope 2017 Pisces woman

The aquatic inhabitants of the zodiac in 2017 will radiate a sea of ​​positivity. The owner of the year, the Rooster, will endow them with irrepressible energy, which Pisces will have to share with others. But the most pleasant thing is that fate has prepared many gifts for the ladies of this sign.


A surprise awaits Pisces at work - a patron will appear who will help improve their career in every possible way. And most importantly, the help will be absolutely selfless. The stars do not advise refusing such help. But you yourself should not rely only on patronage. You should not stop developing creatively, acquiring new knowledge and mastering relevant skills.



Last year for many Pisces became a time of breaking up with their partner. Therefore, single ladies can expect a new acquaintance, which will turn out to be successful. A meeting with your future spouse is most likely at the end of March or at the beginning of April. Those who are expecting a proposal from their lover will have to experience a joyful event - marriage. The stars recommend formalizing the relationship in June or September. And those who meet an interesting man in October can expect a long and strong friendship with him, and then a wedding. But the wedding will take place no earlier than mid-2018.


In the year of the Rooster, Pisces will not have any problems with finances. And those who are inclined to hoarding and saving will be able to afford to purchase an apartment, car or country house at the end of the year. New connections acquired this year will prove profitable and bring new sources of income. There is no need to be afraid of deception on the part of your business partners; you will only meet decent people on your way.


Health will not let you down in 2017 either. You will be cheerful and full of energy. The only thing that the heavenly bodies do not recommend is carrying weights. Excessive load on the skeleton can lead to dysfunction of the skeletal system.

Zodiac horoscope for women for 2017

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Your impressiveness and sparkle of confidence in your eyes will allow you to achieve more from people than you planned! You are struck by a new idea and are thinking about it. You consider all the pros and cons, calculate costs and revenue, choose a woman. In general, you are looking for something deeper. And you're doing it right! This tactic was suggested to you by instinct, and you have had it turned on to the maximum from the very beginning of the year. In the horoscope for 2017, Pisces men will find many unexpected turns and deep-sea stones. You are at the top of the opportunities you have been looking for for a long time, but do not be gullible in all your desires.

Love and flirtation are in your power, and under the vigilant supervision of your mind, you choose your spouse, your new lover, your friend. Shhh, don’t you want to look back and take a closer look at those who are already nearby? Having lost those with whom you already have some kind of relationship, you will not be happy with new ones. Well, maybe they will amuse you for a while, but they will soon get boring. Your impulses are connected with the fact that the Rooster requires something new and fresh from you. The Rooster wants to see new blood, ideas and solutions in you, but not in this field. If you still can’t wait to meet “this brunette,” try it, since you really can’t, but try not to tell anyone about her, and especially not to leave your previous relationship.

Finance requires new investments. Decide on a new business. It doesn’t matter what direction, but it must be desired by you, interesting to you and planned for many years. The time has come to realize your passion for your business. And it doesn’t matter how old you are - take it and do it - the Rooster will support you. By autumn you will already be on horseback. And by the end of the year you will be able to make full money from your hobby. This is exactly what you were going for!

Health and sports have always been inextricably linked for you, but it’s still worth seeing a doctor. Sports will not solve the problem of lack of vitamins and possible hormonal imbalance. Take the necessary tests and begin treatment. The procedures will become effective if you do them before the summer. In winter, do not avoid vitamins and healthy foods.

Rest and diet are something that you absolutely cannot combine: a barbecue at the dacha with a huge amount of alcohol, the hubbub of friends, morning beer - forget about it until the fall. The horoscope for Pisces men for 2017 opens up their opportunities for research and discovery. You can fully rely on your gut feeling. You need proper rest, with moments when you can think about decisions in silence or just pick up a book. You will discover a spring within yourself that will help answer many questions, but you need silence. For trips, choose the forest and mountains, the beach and the sea. Passive relaxation will add to your feeling of happiness and relaxation.

Make a conscious decision to live this period happily, and kind Neptune will support you. A slightly noticeable haze of mystery and mystery covers your life. Half-manifested possibilities, barely noticeable clues of fate... Turn on yours and you won’t go wrong.

Forecast for Pisces by time of year


Mars is in your sign. It encourages action, but also warns of possible injuries and quarrels. Direct your energy in the right direction and do what you have long wanted.


Save up your strength and start making plans. Let your thoughts be directed to the future. In business, focus on the current moment and do not look too far ahead. Don't forget that there is a time for everything.


Relationships are the most important theme of the season. Every now and then you will have to return to unfinished business and conversations. At the beginning of summer there is instability; in July and August, Venus promises you its protection.


You will have to forget about love and immerse yourself in work. Previous achievements will finally bear fruit. In mid-autumn, new prospects and offers will appear. Reap a generous harvest and be proud of your successes.

Kaleidoscope of happy days

While Neptune is in your sign, use its strengths - romance and insight,
listen to the clues of fate.

✓ Love: long-awaited happiness

The problem of happiness in personal life is becoming more acute and relevant. Personal relationships may involve loved ones and family members. Already in the spring you will have to do what should have been done long ago. Before you take the big step, talk to a friend you trust. Perhaps from the outside the situation looks a little different.

In the summer, try to do less business and more with your personal life. Plan your dates yourself, weed out unnecessary fans.

Until September, take an active and then wait-and-see attitude. Watch where the wind is blowing. In October, Jupiter will enter the friendly sign of Scorpio, and this will give you a chance to settle the issues that have been bothering you. At the end of the year, you will finally get what you have been striving for. Your heart will calm down and you will be happy. Some will hear the long-awaited declaration of love, others will meet the person they have been looking for all their lives.

✓ Family: business time

This is one of the most important topics of the year. The family, especially older relatives, now require a lot of attention. Try to be around more often, primarily providing moral support.

In the middle of the year, minor repairs and some transformations in the house are possible. Changes. Do not delay the resolution of even small matters, otherwise they will drag on for a long time. If you've been planning to live separately for a long time, now is the time to act - plan your move for the beginning of winter.

✓ Friendship: from past to present

You will become closer again to the person with whom you began to formally communicate several years ago. In general, this year there will be more warm, friendly communication.

In the spring, new acquaintances may appear, and in the summer a pleasant company will form (in which, by the way, you will become an informal leader). In the fall, you should pay attention to yourself: harsh remarks can push a good person away from you. During this period, you tend to act assertively and prove that you are right. Become a little softer, more accommodating. Try to avoid making evaluative statements about anyone. If you continue in the same spirit, you will risk it very soon.

At the end of December, old acquaintances become active. Most likely, you will celebrate the next New Year with them.

✓ Health: course for recovery

You intuitively want to get away from the noisy city, escape from the bustle. Follow your inner impulse and try to travel outside the city as often as possible. At the beginning of the year, chronic diseases may worsen. If you begin to spare yourself and limit your food intake, you will quickly recover.

In summer, do not become particularly active. Slow walking is the best exercise for you. But in the fall it is worth increasing physical activity. You can sign up for a gym, or even better, a swimming pool. This is the time of accumulation of internal energy. The strength you stock up on now will nourish you until next spring.

Towards the end of the year, you may feel tired and depressed. Don’t get stuck in this state, urgently restore peace of mind. It is better to celebrate the New Year holidays not at home, but visiting close friends.

✓ Finance/Career: priority area

You may receive an inheritance, a subsidy, or a big win. Attitudes towards money in general will change, you will want to experiment (for example, invest money somewhere). Remember that it must be spent wisely.

You will feel more confident at work. And although Saturn will at times pose quite difficult tasks, you will find ways to solve them on your own. This is the time when your energy should be focused on yourself. In the fall, there will be fewer responsibilities, but conflicts with colleagues may arise. The obligations you have taken on may not be possible.

October-November are suitable for planning. At this time, new ideas will appear. Choose one, maximum two priority areas and develop them. If they offer you a new position, take it. It won't be easy at first, but then you will get into the groove and earn the respect and admiration of your colleagues.

Prognosis for women

The Pisces woman uses charm and charm to achieve her goals, thanks to which she will achieve incredible success.

How nice it is to see admiring glances and hear compliments addressed to you! Enjoy the effect produced and continue to act in the same spirit. From the first days of January, a thirst for activity will awaken in you.

In March, a scent for new, promising things will appear. This is the year to use your charm to the fullest. Even in the business sphere, you can use little feminine tricks.

Love and career will develop harmoniously, without harming each other. It’s just that business issues will be resolved faster in the first half of the year, and personal issues in the second. Take the advice of a good friend and change what she advises you.

At the very end of the year, you will be able to transform what seemed unchanged to you. And you will get great pleasure from it.

Born from February 20 to 28

At the beginning of the year, the mood is unlikely to be rosy. But the clouds on your horizon will not linger for long. The family troubles that have been bothering you will subside, and a new incentive to achieve career heights will appear. In the summer, regression in your personal life is likely. You, if you allow your partner to be more independent.

Born from March 1 to March 10

A goldfish will swim into your quiet, cozy backwater. Catch her and make wishes. Everything is going according to plan, no need to worry or rush things. Only in personal life
Difficulties are likely, but they will also be temporary. In the fall everything will become clear and understandable, you will breathe a sigh of relief
and you can do what you love.

Born from March 11 to March 20

It doesn’t happen day by day, sometimes it will be difficult. A period of calm continues in your personal life, but this will not upset you. There are more important and more interesting things to do.
In the middle of summer, you will receive an unusual offer from those whom you considered competitors. Now you can get involved in an adventure and try your hand at a new business.

Forecast for men

The Pisces man will withstand any blow, show diplomacy and realize his long-standing grandiose plan.

At the beginning of the year, passions will heat up. You are belligerent
but at the same time you feel unsure of your abilities. It’s better not to start any transformations, limit yourself to small corrections and improvements to current tasks.

At the very beginning of March, maximum concentration and endurance will be required from you. The situation will reveal your weaknesses; people from your inner circle may behave incorrectly. During this period, it is important not to succumb to provocations. Do what you can, don't think about the possible consequences.

At the end of summer, suddenly everything will change, and you will have trump cards in your hands. Take your time to open up, continue to play a careful game.

At the beginning of winter you will get closer to your goal, and here you can act openly. The envy of your competitors and the admiration of those who love and appreciate you.

Born from February 20 to 28

Sometimes restrictions can be very useful. Too much communication can take a lot of energy out of you. Intentionally protect yourself from unnecessary contacts. In summer and early autumn, personal life becomes more active. Exciting adventures await you. And at the end of the year, be sure to find time for a family vacation.

Born from March 1 to March 10

Doors to a world of new opportunities are opening before you. Don’t be lazy, move forward confidently, gain new knowledge. Now you can start a joint creative project, open your own business. In the future, this will bring good income, but for now it’s worth rolling up your sleeves and working for the future.

Born from March 11 to March 20

Decide for yourself once and for all which path you are taking, and don’t return to this issue again. You don’t need any additional worries right now; you don’t have much time anyway. You need to have time to redo a lot of things, at the same time look after your family and not lose sight of your personal life. You will have to act at an accelerated pace all year, and you will only be able to relax at the end of the year.

Forecast for Pisces born in the year...

A positive thought gives energy and strength. Think positive thoughts and create an aura of light around yourself.


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Learn from past events and rely only on your own experience. You will be most interested in career issues. You have just started climbing the mountain. Be patient and then you will reach the top.


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

You will feel more confident and will be able to act freely. You will become a participant in a large-scale project, and this will bring you fame. Businesses started this year will soon bring good profits.


1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Fate will mix all the cards, and you will have to act on a whim. What was built before may be destroyed. But something new will appear. And it will make your heart beat faster, freezing with anticipation of happiness.

A rabbit

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

It's worth taking a risk and trying to make a bold dream come true. This year you don’t have to be particularly careful. Now the most important thing is courage. , be bolder. But be prepared for unexpected turns and sharp turns.


1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Be frugal with your internal resources, otherwise you may burn out. Not everyone can live at your pace. Slow down and learn to enjoy the present moment. This year there will be many pleasant surprises.


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

You will be very comfortable. Everywhere you are a welcome guest, everywhere you are interested. Expand your horizons, go on a journey. Impressions are the main value this year will give you.


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

You will have to act based on your own feelings. There will be no time for calculations. In your personal life you will have to slow down a little. Even if you don’t want to, you have to take full responsibility on yourself.


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

It will be difficult for you to hide, your whole life is now in plain sight. Expand your contacts, be open to any suggestions. Not all prospects will pan out, but that's not a bad thing. Only those things that will bring you real satisfaction are implemented.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

There is no need to go against the circumstances, the current will take you in the right direction. Personal life may become public knowledge. If you want to keep your affair a secret, don't tell anyone about it.


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

A year of increased tension. It may turn out that there is no one to rely on. You will be visible all the time, but you cannot let your guard down. Be sure to use this time to introduce yourself. Now your image is being created.


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

A year of financial stability. You will be able to earn good money without straining yourself. A new hobby will appear that requires financial investment. But you don’t mind spending money on it, because pleasure cannot be measured in money.


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

Cunning plus optimism is the formula for your success. You should not tell the whole truth, let others remain in the dark about your plans. Then no one and nothing threatens you, you can enjoy peace of mind.

Children's horoscope

Moral support
Don't bother your child with your care. At the beginning of March, your baby is susceptible to colds, so be vigilant. In May, you can go on a short trip together. It is advisable for him to spend June with his family. Talk more and spend time together.

This year, your patron Neptune will be in your constellation and this is a good sign, because you will feel at ease, and it will be easier for you to be honest with yourself. Of course, you will be inclined to daydream a little, fly in the clouds, fantasize a little, but you need to seriously work on staying grounded. From the beginning of the year, Mars will also be in your constellation, which will give you strength and energy to fight difficulties, start something of your own and enter a new era of life, which will last the next two years. In February 2017, a solar eclipse is expected in your constellation, which will give you even more strength, and you will be able to maintain the passion and courage that you had at the very beginning of your journey.

In the first half of April 2017, retrograde Venus will enter your constellation, which will make you too lazy, stubborn and you will not notice the surrounding reality, and therefore you should not strain yourself too much during this period. You just need to rest a little.

In mid-October 2017, Jupiter will ascend into the constellation Scorpio and then over the next 12 months you will be full of optimism and the ability to see everything only from the positive side. You will seek new experiences and explore the world and, of course, you will do everything to expand your own capabilities. You can start traveling, go to study and spend time with new people.

In mid-December 2017, Saturn will enter the constellation Capricorn and in the next two to three years you will be able to turn all your dreams into reality. You can easily understand what it really takes to bring it to life, and only those dreams that seem worthy to you will be allowed to come true. You will think more carefully about long-term plans and will strive to combine incompatible things. Also, on your life path you will be able to meet those with whom you were destined to part. You can also leave the environment in which you have been communicating for a long time, but this is only for your own good. Instead, it is better to pay attention to those friends who you care about and who have a fairly noticeable and positive impact on your life.

Horoscope for 2017 for Pisces about love

Until mid-October 2017, Jupiter will be in your Intimacy sector and, therefore, this year will be excellent for solving all problems related to this area and making your relationships with others even stronger. You would like to better understand those around you, and you will know exactly how to do this. If you are just looking for a soul mate, then you should focus on strong and long-lasting relationships and, accordingly, select a partner only according to these criteria. At the end of October 2017 and throughout November, Mars will be in this sector, so for the whole year, pay attention to problems related to intimacy and urgently eliminate the reasons due to which your relationship with your partner may suffer.

In the period from June 2017 to mid-July 2017, Mars will be in your sector of Love and just at this time you will become very romantic and will gravitate towards getting into society. You will so want to give your love to everyone around you. If you are still searching, then you will meet a lot of interesting people on your way and will be able to find your soulmate. If you have a partner, then it’s time to think about how to renew the spark of the relationship and this time should be devoted only to yourself.

In the second half of August, retrograde Mercury will appear in the sector of your Relationships (that is, it will move in the opposite direction) and then it will be time for old problems to surface. Perhaps even some old acquaintances will return to your life. In any case, you should work on how you communicate with others or try to improve those relationships in which you are still experiencing difficulties. Starting from September 2017 and until mid-October 2017, Mars will appear in this sector and at this time you should finally patch up all the holes and establish interaction with your partner. This is the only way you can get a normal healthy relationship and a good experience that will be useful to both of you, and you will not leave each other a single step.

Horoscope for 2017 for Pisces about money and career

Until the very middle of December 2017, Saturn will be in your sector of Professional growth and life path and, thus, you will reap the fruits of your hard work, and also prepare the ground for future endeavors that will lead to success in a few years. Try to complete as many tasks as possible. If you do everything correctly with a great deal of sincerity, then things will go uphill and while there is time, try to do as much as possible. Indeed, for a couple of days at the very beginning of the year and in December 2017, retrograde Mercury will look into this sector and therefore at this time it is worth devoting yourself to old affairs and projects that have already been abandoned, as well as reconsidering your plans for the future.

In February 2017, a lunar eclipse will occur in your Work sector and, thus, the time will come to solve all the difficulties of this area. Finish everything you have already started and the reward will not be long in coming. If you are tired of your job, then it's time to quit. In August 2017, there will be two events in this sector at once - the presence of Mars and a solar eclipse, and therefore you have an excellent chance to find a new job or start something of your own. Immerse yourself in a new project, establish professional contacts, and without a doubt you will be inspired. In the first week of September 2017, retrograde Mercury will ascend into this sector and difficulties, stagnation, periodic delays and overdue deadlines may arise, and you will urgently need to review, study and correct everything.

Throughout the year, Uranus will be in your Money sector, and in February 2017, Mars will also be there, and therefore during this period you should pay attention to your pocket and try to grab any opportunity that entails profit. By the way, you yourself are able to create such opportunities! It is also worth managing your budget better and making the right decisions. However, you shouldn't be too impulsive when doing this.

In March, retrograde Venus will visit this sector and therefore stagnation awaits you in terms of finances and prospects. At this time, perhaps your attitude towards money will be too dismissive, and you can easily throw away those things that, in your opinion, are no longer needed. Just in case, prepare a small rainy day nest egg to help you cope with any unexpected expenses and continue to control your budget.

Horoscope for 2017 for Pisces about home and family

In the period from the end of April 2017 to the end of May, Mars will rule the roost in your sector of Home and Family, and at this time it is worth devoting yourself to home comfort and family life. You can easily try to change the decor in your home, update something, do minor repairs, change the design and even think about moving. You can solve real estate issues or turn your home into a real fortress. You should spend more time with your family, be closer to them and schedule a general meeting or go for an outing. You should take care to create a strong union in order to calmly accept all the blows of fate. By union we mean not only specific family members, but also those whom you consider them to be.

Horoscope for 2017 for Pisces about the state of mind

In August 2017, a lunar eclipse will occur in the sector of the horoscope, which is responsible for managing your subconscious, and at this time it is worth seriously thinking about your past, about the problems that are gnawing at you from the inside and about the motives of your behavior. You need to understand what you should get rid of in order to understand others better. You can spend time with yourself more often to achieve results and understand further actions. You need to get rid of this internal baggage in order to move on.

Brief monthly horoscope for Pisces for 2017

Pisces horoscope for January 2017

The future seems very vague, and you are not sure that your plans for the next year will lead to success. However, you have a lot of strength and energy and soon you will be able to devote yourself to the ideas and plans that you have decided to implement. By the way, thanks to such endeavors, your strength will only grow.

Pisces horoscope for February 2017

You are capable of a lot and will work fruitfully, and then you will be immersed in those projects that you have been thinking about all month. Even if you abandon half of the old ideas, they will immediately be replaced by new ones and you can easily decide on the most interesting ones and will certainly start working on them.

Pisces horoscope for March 2017

During this period, you will be too distant from reality and it will be difficult for you to do much. Try to get some rest. If you fail, you will have to make a lot of effort to gain self-control. And as a result of these efforts, you will be very gloomy and therefore you just need to cheer up well.

Pisces horoscope for April 2017

It will be very difficult for you to find mutual understanding with others during this period. The reason is that you will not see boundaries and try to communicate with everyone on short terms. The sense of tact will be alien to you, but by and large it does not matter. Try to weigh every word and evaluate the consequences of what is said to avoid trouble.

Pisces horoscope for May 2017, 2017

This will be a very good time for new beginnings, especially from scratch. And you will be able to devote yourself to this fully. Moreover, you will be working on this project for the next year and, possibly, longer. You understand in 2017 that the new activity will be profitable and you will do everything to prepare the ground for this.

Pisces horoscope for June 2017

At this time, you will be in a very playful mood and you will devote all your free time to various hobbies and people with whom communication brings you only pleasure. The more you try to feel those around you with all your heart, the better you understand yourself. At the same time, only by being creative during this period can you enjoy life.

Pisces horoscope for July 2017

This period is characterized by the fact that from the very beginning you will devote yourself only to the most interesting activities that bring you pleasure, but not benefit. Over time, you will gradually begin to pay attention to what is actually worth doing. At the same time, even the smallest details will not be left without your attention. This way, by the end of the month, you will do everything to work hard and be truly useful.

Pisces horoscope for August 2017

You will try to let go of everything that pulled you to the bottom, and work in this sense is no exception. You will easily find a new job that you will truly love. At the same time, you will find a compromise between working time and rest time. Therefore, you will strive both to communicate with others and to new beginnings in your professional activities.

Pisces horoscope for September 2017

During this period, you have an excellent opportunity to sort out relationships, make new acquaintances, reach compromises, and take on new obligations. Believe me, you will succeed in everything. You will find those areas of life that have been ignored for a long time and it is time to breathe new life into them.

Pisces horoscope for October 2017

It's time to stop taking everything too seriously. For the past year this is all you have been doing. It's time to highlight your optimism and see only the good in all situations. This is the only way you can see the prospects around you, which will give you new opportunities. Otherwise, you will never receive anything.

Pisces horoscope for November 2017

It's time to change your life for the better. At the same time, you can change both yourself and any area of ​​your life. It is quite possible that you have been thinking about this for a long time, but will only be able to bring it to life now. And believe me - you can do it!

Pisces horoscope for December 2017

You will be very skeptical about all your plans and it will seem to you that they are hopeless and useless. You will also question the path that you have chosen in this life because you will not have confidence that it will make it possible for your dreams to come true. Try to gather the right thoughts and enter 2018 with your head up.