Nature holds a special place in the soul of every person. Good or evil, stingy or generous - none of us can remain indifferent to its beauty, the phenomena of which it consists.

Any season is amazing in its own way, and their phenomena are endowed with an unusual appearance, which sometimes lead to the right decisions and actions. Each of them inspires with its landscapes.

The long-awaited winter pleases the eye with snow-covered fields, coniferous branches bent under the weight of snow. Forest areas become mysterious, as the absence of greenery and the remaining black and white shades seem to lure you deeper into the thicket under the rare crunch of trees and the fluttering of a bird taking off. Unique frosty patterns on glass attract the eyes of artists and poets, evoking different emotions.

In spring, delicate primroses never cease to amaze. Against the backdrop of snowdrifts, they look as if a person has found himself in a fairy-tale world. The swollen buds of the trees hint at the imminent arrival of the first warm days.

Summer seems like an endless, joyful period because of the lush greenery and colorful flowers in the fields and flower beds. The blue water in the springs energizes, gives a feeling of joy, attracts the eye, and allows you to find activities on the banks of rivers and lakes. And the bright sun sometimes makes it impossible to see the azure skies, scattering its joyful rays in different directions.

Endless leaf fall in windy autumn weather amazes with an extraordinary range of colors. Red, yellow, brown leaves, softly covering the ground, form an inimitable carpet of natural materials.

Each person can become a true connoisseur of the beauty of a natural corner if he is more attentive to its details, has a desire and shows pity. In our usual surroundings, we can find a lot of unusually beautiful components of nature. At night, the starry sky becomes the world that opens your eyes to many things. And an empty autumn field can restore a person, lift his spirits, and provide an opportunity to collect his thoughts. In any case, the beauty of nature at any time of the year or location has an impact on a person. It evokes the brightest thoughts and emotions that can work wonders with a person. It was under its influence that writers, musicians and art lovers created and continue to create masterpieces.

2 essay

What is the beauty of nature? Each person understands this definition differently. After all, for each of us the very concept of beauty is very vague and imprecise.

Perhaps the beauty of nature lies in the internal perception of external factors. The nature of our planet is very diverse and multifaceted, so no two people would answer the same question about the beauty of nature. Only by visiting many countries and seeing different places on earth can you get a complete picture of the beauty of nature.

Some people like the discreet colors and gentle tones of Russian forests and fields, especially in autumn. No wonder Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin confessed his love for autumn nature. Some people like the roar of a storm and bending trees during late autumn storms. You can love winter landscapes, with their purity and light whirling of snowflakes in the air or snow-white caps of snow on tree branches and roofs of houses. Those who love peace and quiet probably love quiet summer evenings, when the dawn fades in the sky and the aromas of flowers and herbs are in the air. In spring, when all living things in nature awaken, it is impossible to breathe in the spring air and you can spend a long time admiring the first blossoming buds and flocks of migratory birds returning to their homeland with joyful cries.

The vegetation of the southern countries is very bright and lush, the exotic nature of the tropics is also beautiful and unique. The bright plumage of birds, huge flowers and amazing plants will not leave anyone indifferent. And the snow-white sandy beaches and magical colors of the seas and oceans remain forever in the memory and heart of people who have visited these distant countries at least once.

Even the sands and dunes of the desert or the ice fields and icebergs of the northern seas have their own special and unique beauty. It is not without reason that connoisseurs of the beautiful and unusual often come to these regions for interesting experiences that allow them to fully enjoy the sights of rare animals or plants.

But of course, all the beauty of nature lies in our hearts. After all, there is nothing more beautiful and sweeter for a person than the nature of his homeland, the place where he was born and raised, where he lives and raises children. Therefore, no matter how beautiful foreign and distant countries are, for each of us, our Russia will forever remain the most beautiful place.

Option 3

The beauty of nature can have a profound effect on our senses, it is the gateway from the outer world to the inner world. The word "nature" means the universe with all its phenomena. Nature includes the general realm of various types of living plants and animals, as well as the processes associated with inanimate objects - the way a certain type of thing exists and changes at will, such as the weather and geology of the Earth, the matter and energy that make up all these things.

The word "beauty" conjures up various meanings: "an appearance, feeling, or sound that gives pleasure to the sight or aesthetic pleasure in general."

Beauty in nature has long been a common theme in life and art. Nature is depicted and glorified in many works of art: in photography, in poetry and in other literature. Thus, showing the power with which people associate nature and beauty. Scientists who study nature in more concrete and organized ways share the belief that nature is beautiful; they study nature because they enjoy its beauty. Nature is beautiful; so it’s worth knowing, and therefore living.

The beauty in nature is that perfection is implied through symmetry, equal division and other perfect mathematical forms and concepts. There is so much beauty to see, touch and hear. Nature is so amazing because it does not stand still, but is constantly changing.

Nature is responsible for the sun, clouds, rain and snow. When it's sunny and bright outside, you feel cheerful inside; when it's cloudy and rainy, you often feel gloomy: but on a starry night, moonlight makes you feel light and romantic. Leaves blooming on a tree, a timid flower pushing through the frozen ground, the freshness of spring, singing birds, colorful butterflies, buzzing insects, a welcome sunrise, a gentle breeze, magnificent mountains, the splendor of the seas, twinkling stars and the cold moon at night, the earth renewing its beauty at any time of the year, roaring waterfalls, living plants and animals are all beautiful and amazing and truly reflect the wisdom and beauty of nature. The sky is sometimes very blue, white silvery clouds glide across it almost imperceptibly; clouds are never the same as they constantly change their shape. Sometimes, when the sky turns black with thick, heavy clouds, a distant curtain of falling rain can be seen; it seems as if some invisible hand is pouring water onto the earth to nourish it: a beautiful sight and makes you feel closer to the beauty of nature.

A person can enjoy the beauty of nature when he sees it, hears it and feels it quietly. Beauty is a sign that God has placed before virtue. Every natural action is graceful and magnificent. The beauty of nature is transformed in the mind; and not for fruitless contemplation, but for a new creation. The beauty of nature is so simple and unpretentious that people often cannot perceive it. Modern man is inundated with artificial things that deprive him of his understanding of nature.

God, as a divine artist, created beautiful nature to live and enjoy.


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Probably, people have always and everywhere admired the beauty of nature. But school lessons on admiring beauty are rare. There is such a lesson in Japanese schools. These are regular nature excursions where children are taught to admire nature.

It is no coincidence that such a lesson appeared in Japan. It is known that the Japanese can distinguish 240 shades of colors; the Japanese language has 24 words to denote the seasons. In Japanese culture, there are different types of admiring natural phenomena. Tsukimi - admiring the full moon in autumn, momijigari - admiring the changing colors of maple leaves in autumn, combinations of red, yellow and green foliage, yukimi - admiring the first snow in winter, hanami - admiring flowers, sakuramankai - admiring the cherry blossoms of sakura in early spring, hotarugari - admiring fireflies through the lens camera in the area of ​​Maniwa and Okayama prefectures.

Japanese children do not take exams until grade 4. The main attention is paid to education. Children are taught respect for other people, self-control, respect for nature, playing the flute, and calligraphy. Children also learn to write traditional Japanese haiku poetry. Haiku are three verses that speak lyrically about nature and the author’s attitude towards it. For example, the haiku of the famous 17th century Japanese poet Matsuo Basho “Wildflower”:

Wild flower
In the rays of the sunset I
Captivated me for a moment.

Lessons in admiring the beauty of nature are part of education. Gradually, children learn to see the beauty of various natural phenomena, and then move on to comprehend beauty in art - painting, classical music, literature and other forms of art. The ability to notice, see beauty, hear and feel - this is cultivated, and does not appear on its own.

A similar approach to education was in the “School of Joy” by Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky.

The teacher, who went through the horrors of the bloodiest and cruelest war in history, and who lost his family, taught children to see the beauty of nature, beauty in everything.

At Sukhomlinsky’s “School of Joy,” classes were often held outdoors, in nature. Children learned to see the beauty of the world around them and observe various natural phenomena. Sukhomlinsky believed that it is necessary to cultivate a sense of beauty in children in order to awaken in them good feelings for plants, living beings, and people - this is what prevents the appearance of cruelty and indifference that so worries us in the behavior of some children and adolescents.

It is communication with nature that fosters kindness and mercy, the ability to see beauty, develops observation, awakens creativity and responsibility for the environment.

“Beauty is the joy of your life. Man became Man because he saw the depth of the blue sky, the twinkling of the stars, the pink spill of the evening and morning dawn, the crimson sunset before a windy day, the fluttering haze over the horizon, the boundless distance of the steppes, blue shadows in the snowdrifts of March snow , a school of cranes in the sky blue, the reflection of the sun in transparent drops of morning dew, gray threads of rain on a cloudy autumn day, a purple cloud on a lilac bush, a delicate stem and blue bell of a snowdrop - I saw and was amazed, and walked along the earth, creating new beauty" , noted Sukhomlinsky.

Communication with nature is necessary and important for a child. Such children get sick less, being in nature relieves stress, this scourge of the 21st century. Children develop a caring attitude towards the world around them.

Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky wrote: “To actively influence nature, but at the same time remain her son, to be the crown of her creation and at the same time the owner of her powers, to treat her with filial care - this is the attitude that should be cultivated in students in the process of their interaction with nature.” .

Man has acquired considerable power and the ability to repeatedly destroy all life on Earth. Let's teach children to appreciate and love nature, to see beauty, to create beauty, to direct knowledge and energy to take care of the world around us - our home!

Over the centuries, the ideological culture of Japan has been formed under the influence of two religions - Shintoism and later Buddhism. In both religions, special attention was paid to the interaction of man with nature. Reverence for nature was perceived as a certain moral law.

Shintoism is a national religion and one of the fundamental features of this religion is the animation of nature. The term "Shinto" means the way of the gods. Spirits (“shin” or “kami”) inhabit the entire world around a person, therefore any thing, every pebble on a person’s path can contain a soul - be the abode of a kami spirit.

The origins of Shinto go back to ancient times. And of course, Shinto religious beliefs could not help but be reflected in art, because art is the purest mirror in which all changes in the dynamic world are visible. Probably, in no other country can you observe such a reverent and careful attitude towards nature as in Japan.

This is taught from childhood. There are even special lessons in schools. It is difficult to imagine that our schools would introduce the discipline of admiring nature. But for the Japanese this is par for the course. Centuries-old traditions have taught this nation not to neglect nature, because nature is a temple, and staying in this temple requires a person to have special concentration of mind and purity of spirit.

Where else can people recognize 240 shades of colors and use 24 words to represent seasons? Not to mention the poetic imagery used to represent natural phenomena. There are 120 phrases to describe types of rain alone.

There are also many types of nature admiration, for example, tsukimi- admiring the full moon in autumn, yukimi- admiring the first snow in winter, sakuramankai- admiring the cherry blossoms in early spring, etc. A bewitching procession of majestic images awaits us as we become more familiar with the designations of nature in the Japanese language.

Traditionally the object of autumn admiration ( momijigari) is maple: the Japanese carefully note the gradual change in color of maple leaves and unexpected combinations of red, yellow and green foliage in forests and parks.

Probably only in Japanese art have masters invented techniques that can be used to depict nature in any genre. The richness of the plots is also amazing.

How can you generally characterize the depiction of nature in Japanese art? The first thing that comes to mind is “pure impression”. This is especially noticeable in sumi-e painting. Indeed, Japanese sumi-e masters do not burden themselves with thoughts about the virtuosity of the technique: sometimes the impression of what they see in nature is expressed in a few simple strokes, but this does not make this type of painting less capacious and deep.

The time to complete the work should not exceed the time period in which the impression was born, flared up and faded away. This is the uniqueness of Japanese painting.

Natural motifs are found not only in the subjects of highly artistic works of art, but also on all household items: on clothing, furniture, cutlery, vases and serve as a special symbolic reminder of the Japanese people’s belonging to the powerful world of nature.

The embodiment of the attitude towards nature in Japan is also the legendary Japanese gardens, which European residents can only dream of and which today are becoming a real trend in the interior and design of suburban areas.

We will tell you more about Japanese gardens in the next article. We should learn from the Japanese how to relate to nature, because the nature of our country can no less become an object for admiring and understanding our inner world and our path.

Nature fascinates with its fantastic landscapes, delights the human eye, and brings a lot of positive emotions. The beauty of nature is unique at any time of the year.

A snowy winter paints extraordinary pictures that even the most talented artist cannot replicate. Amazing snowflakes circle above the earth and each of them is unique and special. The patterns on the glass simply amaze the human mind. The winter mountains are stunning in their magnificence. Paths covered with crisp snow, trees and shrubs dressed in beautiful white clothes, icicles of unprecedented size - all this is the beauty of winter nature.

Spring awakens the desire to live and love. The buds are blooming, the first flowers are emerging from under the snow, and the trees are gradually putting on green clothes. Birdsong can be heard everywhere, and aromas can be heard from flowering trees. All this lifts your spirits, gives inspiration, brings new ideas, and fills life with meaning.

Summer is the most desirable time, the time of vacations and summer holidays, picnics and incredible trips. Summer nature is simply divine, the soul rejoices from the incredible bright colors and endless rainbow fields. The warm sun warms with its rays. The breath of life is felt everywhere. Seascapes, clean air, murmuring streams do not leave any human body indifferent. Sunsets and sunrises are amazing with their unimaginable colors and unspeakable beauty. Fresh fruits, vegetables and berries saturate the body with vitamins.

Autumn, not everyone loves this time, but for artists, poets and photographers it is of great value. Fallen leaves lie on the ground in a beautiful carpet, the brightness and variety of colors of which is amazing. The coolness, the smell of rain and mushrooms, thunderclouds, and the alarming cries of birds excite the human consciousness.
Nature is picturesque, sometimes its beauty simply cannot be described in words. Every corner of nature is fraught with a magical and mysterious feeling. Take care of nature, take care of it, it delights souls and makes people happy.

The beauty of nature has no boundaries, it gives people bright, unforgettable moments, makes them enjoy every minute, every new day.

Essay Beauty of Nature

From an early age we love to be outdoors. In the park, the sea, in the forest, it is interesting to observe nature and animals. For a person, the natural environment is, first of all, something new, unknown, something that causes a strong impression. We love to touch each new flower, smell it, and pick it if possible. Contact with the beauty of nature is a great source of inspiration for humans.

Over time, we stop noticing the beauty of nature in the area where we live. And only trips to the sea or to other distant lands make you pay attention to the beauty of nature in a particular area. A similar situation occurs with those who come to you. What you no longer pay attention to can make a big impression on people from another area.

Even depending on where a person lives, be it in a city or in a rural area, his communication with nature is very different. People living in the city have limited contact with nature. Therefore, having got out, even a few kilometers from the city, he begins to see the beauty of nature and appreciate it.
We are all very sensitive to the beauty of nature. However, the most important thing is that the beauty of nature stimulates the imagination, becomes material for fantasy and imagination.

The beauty of nature lies not only in beautiful landscapes and the surface of the sea. Everything that happens on earth is all the work of nature, (even skyscrapers and asphalt roads), because man is part of nature and everything he does is actually all from nature.

But the beauty of nature is not only what is done on earth; atmospheric variations are also often greeted with great enthusiasm by people, just like diversity in life. They love falling rain, snow that creates snowdrifts. People like to look at the stars and the moon.

The beauty of nature provides a person’s imagination with new elements taken from reality and stimulates him to creative activity.

Essay on the beauty of nature

Nature is so diverse in its manifestations. At every time of year and day, she never ceases to surprise and delight people with her beauty. And, she is good in any form.

Many people's favorite time of year is summer. Of course, during this period everything grows and blooms, full of colors. This is a time of wild life for nature. Flowering meadows, forests - all this is beautiful.

But then autumn comes. Everything begins to fade and prepare for winter dormancy. And here nature does not lose its attractiveness. And at this time she looks delightful and solemn. A little sad, but everything looks beautiful and proud. There is a special and unique beauty in the leaden hue of the skies, in flying trees, and in gray rainy days. And what feeling can be caused when, walking through the forest, you meet a late flower among a heap of leaves? He stands alone in this pile of natural gold. When you see him, you will feel both sad and warm feelings will stir in your soul.

Winter is coming. And again you never cease to be amazed at the beauty. First snow. A little later - there are already huge silvery snowdrifts in place of the recent green carpets. Clear frosty sky. Snowfalls. All this is amazingly beautiful.

Spring. She always gives me a feeling of excitement. Especially when its imminent arrival is already beginning to be felt. The air is filled with some special aroma, inherent only in nature. No perfumer could replicate it.

You can endlessly admire and admire nature. And what power does she have that is capable of inspiring servants of art to great creations? After all, nature is a muse for both artists and poets. Even any prose work will become more alive, only it is worth mentioning its beauties in it.

How is she able to fascinate, inspire and delight so much? Maybe because she is always varied, she manages to do this. One picture is constantly replaced by another. And each of them is so saturated with natural colors that any artist will inevitably note that his brush will never be able to create anything like this. But, wanting to convey at least a piece of this splendor, he will select colors and shades again and again. It turns out that nature is not only an inspirer, but also a teacher.

And it’s not at all necessary to have any talents. You can simply contemplate it endlessly. But, involuntarily, still, observing these natural wonders, lines come to mind, or images arise even in people far from art. Let it not even be poetry, but just kind words that you want to say to a loved one. Here is another amazing property of nature. She pushes people to kind and bright thoughts.

beauty of nature hidden in everything that surrounds us - both in the sunny day and the gentle sea that splashes under our feet. In the lush greenery in which the gardens are buried in the summer. But winter is just as beautiful - with its endless blizzards and frost. How much perfection and subtle beauty there is in one single snowflake! What about autumn? Caressed by the sun and washed by the rains, now sad, now grumpy, now tender, now gloomy... Love for nature , the ability to enjoy her gifts, caring for her and endless gratitude for everything she created - this is the main moral quality of a real person.

M. Twain (American writer)

In the traditions of Russian literature to love nature and admire her beauty. Only in unity with nature is the meaning of human existence seen. And without this careful attitude towards the world around us, a person is weak, stupid and insignificant.

-classics are amazingly beautiful. They colorfully describe this sad, but at the same time charming time of year.
“Love for one’s native nature is one of the most important signs of love for one’s country...” These are the words of the writer K. G. Paustovsky, an unsurpassed master of describing the Russian landscape, a writer whose heart was filled with tenderness and love for his native nature.

Russian poets are also partial to this last month of summer and their poems about August breathe a subtle sadness about the end of summer.

Cherry (sakura) in poems by famous Japanese poets

In the garden of the late poet Sengin
So many memories
You awakened in my soul,
O cherries of the old garden!

Mikhail Isakovsky
On a clear afternoon, at the end of summer,
An old man walked along the road in the field;
I dug up a young cherry tree somewhere
And, satisfied, he carried her home.

Autumn is not always just cold and slush. It also has a unique charm. This is a period of colorful leaf fall, hot tea and light romance. In addition, autumn is generous with impressive shots.
Bright Side has collected for you 10 magnificent autumn photos from different parts of the world, in which real magic has frozen.

Winter time in verse is graceful and kind to sleeping nature. Poems about winter in creativity Russian poets admire the severity of the Russian winter, convey the comfort of the folk life of a Russian hut and the life of a peasant in a long frosty time. The poems tell tales created by the very charm of winter nature.