Computer games today are unthinkable without a fast Internet connection. This applies not only to network offers, but to almost any product. So, just regular updates for the system, video card and games require decent bandwidth, otherwise the wait will turn into flour.

A fast Internet connection will help you fulfill the necessary conditions for instant signal transmission. But what if the problems in the apartment are created by the wireless connection itself? This is especially annoying when playing from a laptop. First, we'll show you how to get the most out of your existing Wi-Fi router, as well as how to "upgrade" your router and gaming PC to the new, faster 802.11ac standard on a budget.

However, only a new router can provide maximum Wi-Fi power, additional features and the highest level of security.

What is the minimum speed you need?

The faster the better - this principle also applies to Wi-Fi. However, optimization is not always justified: it is quite possible that lower speed test values ​​are sufficient for your purposes.

Finding out the cause of the brakes

The widespread "n" standard was developed seven years ago, when HD video streams were still a utopia and websites were compact. However, it is teeming with problems: for example, due to the large distance of the computer from the router or the presence of walls between them, the data transfer rate can drop to values ​​\u200b\u200bof several Mbps, which is even lower than DSL speed and below the minimum required for the operation of any modern web service (see chart above).

The reason is that Wi-Fi devices have to switch to more stable, but also slower, data transmission methods when the distance increases or in the presence of interference sources. The easiest way to find out if you have such a problem is to use the pages for .

Simple measurement. If the speed test when connected via Wi-Fi shows a lower value than when connected via a network cable, you need to take action

If the site on a computer installed in the most difficult place for wireless communication shows lower values ​​than when the device is connected with a network cable to the router, something needs to be changed. But even if the cable, after several checks, does not give the specified Internet connection speed, you should first contact your provider. A little more complicated, but at the same time, jPerf works more accurately and regardless of the channel speed.

You can find this utility for measuring data transfer speed between two PCs at. If your router comes from the era of the “n” standard and does not support WPA2 encryption, you need to buy a Wi-Fi adapter at least for security reasons, and best of all, change the router to a more modern one.

Radio channel optimization

If Wi-Fi speed drops periodically, it is recommended to select the correct channel - this can significantly increase throughput. You will find the optimal channel thanks to the Acrylic Wi-Fi Home PC software. It will show how strong the interference on the channel from neighboring networks is. Specify the cleanest channel from interference in the router interface

Run it on the device with the weakest signal. On the tabs "2.4 / 5 GHz Aps Channels" you will see the load on each channel (according to the peaks of the curve). Select the channel from options 1, 5, 9 or 13 where the competition is weaker - in our case it is channel number 5.

We overclock the wireless network

Before using our advice on buying new hardware, first check to see if certain optimizations for your existing devices can help you achieve the desired speed. In particular, the router should be located in the center of the room and, like the end equipment, stand on a hill, not obscured by anything.

In addition, it is worth manually setting up the radio channel, which is negatively affected by even the slightest extraneous sources of interference. If this does not help, you will have to purchase additional components or new equipment.

Using a Signal Amplifier

The easiest way to expand your wireless coverage is to purchase a repeater. A model from the same manufacturer as the router will ensure optimal compatibility and performance. It should be noted that the repeater reduces the bandwidth by half, since it has to simultaneously receive and transmit a signal on the same band.

In a special two-way mode ("Fast Lane" on Netgear devices), the repeater receives a signal on one frequency and transmits it on another, which uses the entire bandwidth. The repeater must support 2.4 and 5 GHz channels (“Dual Band” technology), as well as Crossband / FastLane mode.

Crossband repeater

Sameband relay: All devices operate on the same band. Since the repeater sends and receives a signal at the same time, the communication speed is halved.

Crossband relay: the repeater communicates with the router on the same dia-
path, and with the client - on the other. It provides full speed

On top of that, either the router or the client must also support "Dual Band" technology, and each of them work at least according to the "n" standard. If all the prerequisites are met, the repeater automatically selects the optimal connection type. Netgear devices will need to be configured manually.

To do this, open the web interface of the repeater on a PC connected to its network through the page (for Netgear). In the advanced settings section, select one of the "FastLane" options to use 5 GHz with its 2.4 GHz extension or its opposite. Measure the speed for each of them and, according to the results, set the faster option.

Looking for the best location

No less effort and patience will also require the choice of the optimal location of the repeater. If you place it too close to the client, it will show a strong Wi-Fi signal. However, the speed itself will be weak due to poor communication between the repeater and the router.

If you install this additional equipment too close to the router, there is a risk that the client will not connect to it: either due to a weak signal from the router, or due to poor communication with the repeater, which is affected by the distance between devices. Try different locations while measuring your internet speed and choose the best one for you.

Calculating the optimal location of the repeater

Test the connection speed with different repeater placements (1-3). This device needs a strong signal from the router and proximity to the client.

You can choose the best device model from our

A photo: manufacturing companies

tags wifi

Although Wi-Fi is undeniably very convenient, but often wireless Internet makes you nervous.

For those who suffer from slow speeds, poor signal quality, and other problems, you should know that there are ways to increase the speed of Wi-Fi in your home. So what needs to be done.

1. Standard N

One of the best ways to make sure your home network is as fast and reliable as possible is to use modern hardware. The main thing to know is that wireless standards A, B and G are old and slow, and only standard N can provide the highest speed. Make sure your wireless router and network card support N.

2. Maximum reach

While routers may look ugly, that doesn't mean they need to be hidden behind your TV. To ensure the best signal, you need to install the router in an open area so that there are no walls or other obstacles between it and a computer or laptop. You also need to install the router as high as possible and direct the antenna perpendicular to the floor. And finally, make sure that the router is installed in the center of the house so that the coverage is as wide as possible.

3. WiFi Analyzer

If neighbors also have routers, then they can cause interference and "clog" the signal of the home router. Wireless routers can operate on several different channels, and it's worth finding the channel with the least amount of interference. To find the ideal channel in your home, you need to use programs such as Wi-Fi Stumbler or Wi-Fi Analyzer.

4. Dual Band Router

Other routers are not the only thing that can cause interference. Cordless phones, microwave ovens, and other devices can also jam the signal. In this case, buying a dual-band router can help. And if you have money for new equipment, then you can always try to move your router away from interfering equipment.

5. WPA password

Even if a password is set on the router, it can be very easily cracked. There is an easy way to find out if someone is stealing Wi-Fi, but it's better to just take care of more security. At a minimum, you must use a WPA password.

6. Application Priority

If other users who regularly use video chats, play online games, download a lot of files or watch streaming video share the same Wi-Fi router, this can reduce bandwidth and significantly slow down the Internet speed for everyone else. Fortunately, you can use things like QoS (a set of methods for managing packet network resources) and prioritize certain applications (like video chat) over others.

7. DD-WRT firmware

Another great way to expand the range of your router is to hack it and install DD-WRT firmware. Not only does this provide a host of great security features, but it also gives you the ability to increase transmission power. It's worth noting that this can be dangerous for the router, but most routers can safely handle up to 70mW.

8. Range Extender

If all the previous tips do not help, you can get a signal range extender for your home Wi-Fi. Although such devices are not super expensive, but if you do not want to pay for additional equipment, then you can turn an old wireless router with the aforementioned DD-WRT firmware into such an expander.

9. Scheduled reboot

If the router has to be rebooted very often (however, like many people), then this is the solution. You can run a few tests to make sure the problem isn't caused by overheating, old firmware, or excessive load, but an easier way to fix this problem is to automatically reboot your router once a day. This can be done with DD-WRT or just a plain old timer. After that, you will not have to restart the router as often.

10. Foil, beer can or reinforced antenna...

If you are not satisfied with the range of the router, you can expand it using improvised means. For example, the easiest way would be to use plain foil or an empty beer can. The results will not necessarily be stunning, but the range of the Wi-Fi signal will increase. However, watch the video...

After applying the above tricks, Wi-Fi will work faster, more reliably and more securely.

You have been using the Internet for a long time or just connected it, you should probably already be familiar with what Wi-Fi and a router are. Thanks to this device, you get wireless Internet throughout the entire area of ​​​​the apartment, office, or you can even use this blessing of civilization in certain public places. If the signal is bad, then the speed is low, and when the speed is not enough, then sometimes some pages may take a very long time to load or not open at all. In a public place, you can’t do anything about it, except to get closer to the source, but if the router is in your home, it’s a completely different question. Today we will look at how to increase the speed of Wi-Fi.

What are the reasons for poor speed

In fact, there may be more than enough reasons. Now we will try to list in more detail what the Wi-Fi speed depends on and what can "eat" this speed on your device:

How to solve a problem

We will carry out a step-by-step diagnostic of the system and the router, simultaneously checking all possible causes and explaining how to fix them or what to do.

Anyway, the first thing we need to start with range. It is worth mentioning that the transmitter must be placed somewhere in the center of the apartment - then Wi-Fi will stop cutting speed. Although if you have a device with only one antenna, then you will have to sacrifice something: either rearrange the router, or change it to another, otherwise the signal is unlikely to pass through the whole house. The thickness of the walls must also be taken into account.

If you have a powerful router, you have already moved it closer and you have a good data plan, then it's time to check the integrity of the antennas. It will be easiest to check the router, and the computer is best left to professionals.

Another interesting variant of the problem is that usually routers operate at the same frequency and block each other's signal in high-rise buildings.

In order to switch your router to a different frequency, find instructions on the Internet on how to go to the settings of your equipment, since each manufacturer has this set individually.

If everything is in order, then you should turn off the router and disconnect all the wires, and then connect everything again and check again: if the picture is the same, then go to the computer.

Ways to increase WI-FI speed: Video

Laptop/PC problems

Now we need to check what is taking your speed away and figure out how to increase Wi-Fi speed on a laptop. Press the key combination ++ - you will see the task manager in front of you. We look at the performance tab - if you see that you are not using the Internet now, but the network is busy, then you can go to background processes and look there.

The main criterion is the number of simultaneously operating programs. To remove some of the autoload and clean up the section, use it, which will do almost everything for you, and what it doesn’t do can be corrected manually in the “Autostart programs” section.

If after that you still have problems, then you should download one of the free antiviruses and check the system: if it finds something, then there is a 70% chance that everything will work much faster after that. You can use CureIt! or Avast.

If after that Wi-Fi on the laptop is slow, then the last thing you can advise is to update the drivers. Moreover, in the usual way - through the system - as a rule, nothing will work, so it's best to use proven driver packs, such as .

One of the reasons for speed problems can be considered incorrect routing settings. Resetting them is done quite quickly and will not harm the general state of the operating system. To do this, go to the "Start" menu and find "Command Prompt" in it, then click on its icon and select "Run as administrator" - a small "Run" window will open.

Now we enter cmd there and click "OK" - another small window with a black background will appear, which is called the command line. All that is left for you is to enter route -f and press , after which the Internet will disappear.

After that, without closing the line, enter ipconfig /renew without a space and click on again. If this option did not work, then the netsh winsock reset catalog command would be an alternative.

An extreme case is reinstalling the system, which, unless you have certain skills, is better not to do. Usually after that everything can return to normal, but only if there is no damage inside the laptop itself.

A word of advice: in order for your Wi-Fi to give maximum speed, it would be best if, if possible, you still get a more powerful antenna for it; of course, on the Internet you will find an abundance of various methods with reflectors and homemade antennas, but they either will not work or can lead to equipment failure.

How to measure Wi-Fi connection speed: Video

I work as a private computer technician. I have been professionally repairing computers for over 12 years, as an amateur since the 90s.
For two years he worked as the head of a service center specializing in connecting subscribers to the Internet and computer assistance.

If you use wireless Internet, then the words Wi-Fi and a router must not be an empty phrase for you (see also). Using this technology, you can, without connecting any wires, connect to the network from a smartphone, tablet or laptop in an office, apartment, or even outdoors if a hot spot is installed nearby.

If the connection speed is rather slow, you may experience connection problems: web pages will take an incredibly long time to open, and the download time will increase significantly. If you need to speed up your network connection in a public place, all you can do is move closer to the hotspot. If you need to optimize communications at home, here you have direct access to the router, and the situation can be much more interesting. Today in my article I will tell you how to increase the speed of Wi-Fi reception on a laptop or any other mobile or portable device.

Reasons for low speed

As for the reasons for the low connection speed, there can be quite a few of them:

  • First of all, it is the quality of the equipment used. If your router belongs to the “low-cost” category or it has one antenna, you can not even hope for a high connection speed. It is only a little bit away from the reception point, as you will immediately feel it.
  • Short signal range. Range has the same relation to the quality of the apparatus as the first point. The higher the price of the router, the greater the distance between the device for distribution and the signal receiver can be. Study the technical characteristics of the device in detail.
  • Tariff plan. As you know, the speed of an “air” connection is much lower than that of a wired connection, so if you have the cheapest tariff, then you will not achieve a high quality connection, respectively.
  • Too high system load and the presence of viruses. If the speed of your connection on a laptop or phone is too low, this can also be explained by the penetration of a virus into the drive of your device. Moreover, too many programs can be installed in the operating system that overload the system, which causes a shortage of system resources. As a result, the power to process the Wi-Fi signal may simply not be enough. In this case, you should also use antiviruses (fortunately, there are a dime a dozen of them on the Internet). see also
  • Equipment damage. If you accidentally dropped the router, the transmitting antenna may be damaged in it. In this case, you should immediately contact a workshop for the repair of such equipment or a service center.
  • Firmware. It's probably worth it. To do this, you need to download the new firmware version from the official website of the manufacturer and replace it on the router.

How to achieve high connection speed?

The first thing to start with is range. An important tip: the router itself should be installed right in the center of the apartment, otherwise the signal will not spread to all rooms. You also need to consider the number of distributing antennas on the device. If there is only one antenna, you may not achieve an acceptable connection speed, as a result of which you will have to purchase a new router. Moreover, it is worth taking into account the thickness of the walls.

Another important point is that, as a rule, routers operate on the same frequency and in multi-storey apartments interrupt each other's signal. In this case, the identification of an explicit physical transmission channel, based on the network load, will help. By default, all routers are set to “Auto”.

If you have already configured everything, try to turn off the power of the device and pull out all the wires, then reconnect everything again and check the signal status again: if nothing has changed, go to the next step.

Notebook/PC Settings

If the analysis of the router did not lead to anything, we will try to carefully understand the settings of the computer itself, from which the network is accessed. Use the key combination Ctrl-Alt-Del and run . Go to the second tab "Performance". If you find that the network is overloaded, and you are not using the Internet at the moment, you can go to the processes that are running in the background and disable unnecessary ones.

We also recommend removing unnecessary unclaimed applications from startup. To do this, launch the "Run" mini-form using the Win + R key combination, and enter the "msconfig" command in the window. Here there will be a list of programs that have settled in autoload.

If even after such testing the situation does not improve, check the operating system for viruses. If the antivirus finds something, it is likely that after cleaning everything will go smoothly. You can use Avast or CureIt to check.

If the operation is unsuccessful, I can advise you to update the drivers to the latest version. You can find the package we need on the official website of your laptop manufacturer. It is better to do without installing driver packs, analogues of DriverPackSolution.

Finally, the last reason why the network connection speed can be slow is a misconfigured routing. Resetting these settings is quick and easy. Besides, it will not do any harm to the overall status of the OS. To reset the parameters, start the mode. This can be done by right-clicking on the "Start" button, and selecting the item we need from the list. After all the described steps, a console mode prompt will appear on the screen. On the command line, enter the query " route -f", causing the connection to the network to temporarily disappear.

Next, in the next line, enter the command " ipconfig /renew" and press the Enter button again. If none of the above helped, instead of the last command, set the query "netsh winsock reset catalog".

One of the most radical methods is a complete reinstallation of the system, but if you have not done this yet, then it is better to ask someone you know to reinstall the operating system so as not to mess up with the settings. This measure, in theory, should certainly have the desired effect.

Although Wi-Fi is undeniably very convenient, but often wireless Internet makes you nervous. For those who suffer from slow speeds, poor signal quality, and other problems, you should know that there are ways to increase the speed of Wi-Fi in your home. So what needs to be done.

1. Standard N

One of the best ways to make sure your home network is as fast and reliable as possible is to use modern hardware. The main thing to know is that wireless standards A, B and G are old and slow, and only standard N can provide the highest speed. Make sure your wireless router and network card support N.

2. Maximum reach

While routers may look ugly, that doesn't mean they need to be hidden behind your TV. To ensure the best signal, you need to install the router in an open area so that there are no walls or other obstacles between it and a computer or laptop. You also need to install the router as high as possible and direct the antenna perpendicular to the floor. And finally, make sure that the router is installed in the center of the house so that the coverage is as wide as possible.

3. WiFi Analyzer

If neighbors also have routers, then they can cause interference and "clog" the signal of the home router. Wireless routers can operate on several different channels, and it's worth finding the channel with the least amount of interference. To find the ideal channel in your home, you need to use programs such as Wi-Fi Stumbler or Wi-Fi Analyzer.

4. Dual Band Router

Other routers are not the only thing that can cause interference. Cordless phones, microwave ovens, and other devices can also jam the signal. In this case, buying a dual-band router can help. And if you have money for new equipment, then you can always try to move your router away from interfering equipment.

5. WPA password

Even if a password is set on the router, it can be very easily cracked. There is an easy way to find out if someone is stealing Wi-Fi, but it's better to just take care of more security. At a minimum, you must use a WPA password.

6. Application Priority

If other users who regularly use video chats, play online games, download a lot of files or watch streaming video share the same Wi-Fi router, this can reduce bandwidth and significantly slow down the Internet speed for everyone else. Fortunately, you can use things like QoS (a set of methods for managing packet network resources) and prioritize certain applications (like video chat) over others.

7. DD-WRT firmware

Another great way to expand the range of your router is to hack it and install DD-WRT firmware. Not only does this provide a host of great security features, but it also gives you the ability to increase transmission power. It's worth noting that this can be dangerous for the router, but most routers can safely handle up to 70mW.

8. Range Extender

If all the previous tips do not help, you can get a signal range extender for your home Wi-Fi. Although such devices are not super expensive, but if you do not want to pay for additional equipment, then you can turn an old wireless router with the aforementioned DD-WRT firmware into such an expander.

9. Scheduled reboot

If the router has to be rebooted very often (however, like many people), then this is the solution. You can run a few tests to make sure the problem isn't caused by overheating, old firmware, or excessive load, but an easier way to fix this problem is to automatically reboot your router once a day. This can be done with DD-WRT or just a plain old timer. After that, you will not have to restart the router as often.

10. Foil, beer can or reinforced antenna...

If you are not satisfied with the range of the router, you can expand it using improvised means. For example, the easiest way would be to use plain foil or an empty beer can. The results will not necessarily be stunning, but the range of the Wi-Fi signal will increase. However, watch the video...

After applying the above tricks, Wi-Fi will work faster, more reliably and more securely.

And for those who work at a computer, and for those who sit down to have fun at it, knowledge about it will be useful.