According to the Ministry of Health, in the near future all patients will be able to use a virtual personal account, and doctors will be able to enter a medical history into an electronic medical record. Thanks to this new direction in the development of outpatient care, both parties will have more free time, by freeing them from unnecessary paperwork. In addition, an electronic medical record greatly simplifies the maintenance of statistics, because as a result it will greatly facilitate and optimize the work of hospital staff. The treatment process will become easier and faster.

How does an electronic patient record work?

To date, almost all medical institutions are equipped with computers with appropriate software. Many hospitals and clinics work with RoboMed software, which offers convenient and fast entry, prompt processing and secure storage of all information.

One of the components of this provision is an electronic medical record. Its interface is quite simple and convenient. In order to access information about a particular patient, a specialist only needs to type his full name in the search bar. If the program simultaneously issues several people with identical personal data, the doctor will be able to navigate by the patient's date of birth or address.

Also in the electronic medical record, if it is completely filled out, a large amount of information relating to a particular patient is stored. Thanks to it, you can easily and quickly view the dynamics of visits to a particular doctor. All previously diagnosed diagnoses, information on drug tolerance and other important data are recorded here.

Since the electronic medical record is part of the RoboMed software, all specialists working in a particular medical institution have access to it. That is, for example, the surgeon, to whom the patient turned, can study the conclusions that were written by other doctors involved in the treatment of this patient. This outpatient card keeps records of an internist, gynecologist, orthopedist or any other specialist. You can get acquainted with them in real time.


For those who use the RoboMed software, and in particular the patient's virtual medical document, the advantages of this innovation become apparent. The advantages that an electronic patient record has over its paper counterpart can be seen already at the first use. The fact is that almost all employees of a medical institution are well aware of how long and tedious the process of finding the necessary copy in the file cabinet can be. In addition, there are cases when it does not lead to the desired result. That is, the necessary card of a particular patient is not in place.

When using the electronic version, such problems will not arise. Another disadvantage of traditional maps is the fact that they are not always able to be supplemented in a timely manner with information about the medical procedures performed and the results of the analyzes. Sometimes this situation can significantly complicate the process of interaction with patients.

In addition, it often happens that the medical record or test results are lost. Thanks to the creation of an electronic outpatient card, both the patient and the doctor do not have to worry about this, since all data is fully stored on cloud servers. You can make entries in the medical card throughout a person's life. This is very important, since the patient himself may forget or not know, for example, that he has an allergic reaction to any medicine. The outpatient's electronic health record will retain all this information, unlike the paper version, which can become frayed or lost over time.

Prospects for the development of electronic cards

All entries in the electronic outpatient card are strictly grouped by topic. Each specialist will be able to easily understand the information recorded earlier by another doctor. To do this, just open the necessary tab. Electronic medical records of patients include the following sections:

  • initial inspection;
  • patient complaints;
  • examination of specialized specialists;
  • hardware and laboratory examinations;
  • preliminary diagnosis, etc.

The likelihood of widespread use of electronic outpatient records increases every day, since this medical document has a number of possibilities. For example, a specialist can:

  • print the information of interest to him;
  • send the card by e-mail to another medical institution or specialist;
  • put an electronic signature.

It is also possible to delete the card with the possibility of its further restoration. At the same time, the statute of limitations for moving a document to the repository does not have strict restrictions. Thanks to all the above advantages, experts argue that the electronic medical record of an outpatient will soon completely replace paper analogues from circulation.

What is the benefit for the patient?

The advantages of an electronic outpatient card are obvious not only to the doctor, but also to the patient. The patient feels how much faster and easier the treatment process has become. There is no more need to waste time standing in lines at the reception in order to get your medical history. Now all information about a particular patient is in the cloud storage of a medical institution.

In addition to the clear benefits for patients, the clinic and its staff also benefit greatly from the acquisition of this state-of-the-art IT system. So, for example, thanks to the use of RoboMed software, the effectiveness of treatment becomes higher due to the standardization and control of each action of the staff. This system has the following advantages:

  • Growth of profitability of a medical institution by 4-6%. This effect is achieved by detecting the inefficiency of personnel actions, optimizing work processes and increasing the average bill.
  • The expansion of the customer base. This process occurs due to the improvement of the quality of treatment and the level of patient satisfaction. A client of a medical institution with great desire and loyalty seeks further help.
  • The level of dependence on staff turnover is reduced. This is due to a decrease in the period of adaptation of new specialists. Thanks to the operation of the RoboMed software, all errors that employees make will be displayed in the system in real time. As a result, they can be fixed and eliminated in time.

It is worth saying that the software was created on the basis of domestic and international experience. This IT system has been successfully tested in many Russian clinics. In the course of its use, it has repeatedly confirmed its effectiveness and stability in real conditions. Therefore, the RoboMed system is already used by many medical institutions in our country.

In almost all developed countries, a mandatory medical examination of adults and children is provided. Such measures are regulated by the Ministry of Health and are aimed at protecting the health of citizens. Forms of certificates can be very diverse and depend on which particular team the person is to be in. In our country, a whole system of documents has been developed for these purposes.

In this article, we will study the issue of registration and obtaining a certificate, without which the child cannot be admitted to kindergarten. Attending preschool educational institutions is an important step in the life of both children and their parents. Therefore, you need to know exactly what is needed in order for the baby to start going to the garden. We will talk about the child's medical record form 026 / y, since parents are interested in what information it should contain and how it is issued.

The child enters kindergarten and school on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. It is recommended to collect medical documents 1-2 months before the date of the first visit to a general education institution.

Consider the medical documents required for placement in a school or kindergarten. These include:

Card of preventive vaccinations F-63;

Medical card F-026u;

Vaccination certificate (blue book);

CHI policy;

Information about the epidemiological environment.

What is a medical card for?

Form 026 / y is required for the child to be accepted into the team of a kindergarten or general education institution. Carrying out the survey provided for obtaining a card is an important point not only to avoid an outbreak of epidemics in a group of preschoolers, but also to monitor the health of children. That is, in fact, it is a preventive measure. It must be remembered that a timely detected pathology gives a high chance of its complete elimination without consequences. What else does a child's medical card give?

If health problems are identified

In addition, if during the examination a child's health problem is diagnosed, he can be sent to a specialized preschool institution, and parents will receive special recommendations on how to proceed. If vision problems are found, then parents are advised to consider the option of a special kindergarten for children with similar pathologies. Such recommendations are not something terrible, on the contrary, they are aimed at ensuring that the child is provided with specialized assistance in restoring vision. Such kindergartens direct their activities to improve the health of children with visual pathologies.

If a student has pathologies that do not allow high-intensity physical activity, the pediatrician can issue a special permit for not attending physical education classes at school. It can be either temporary, until the problem is fixed, or permanent.

Visiting specialists

The main question for all parents is which specific specialists need to be visited to obtain a certificate. The child's medical record involves consultations with a wide range of doctors. For its registration, first of all, you should visit a pediatrician. He will issue the necessary referrals to specialists, including for tests.

List of doctors

As a standard, the list of required specialists includes:

  1. Neurologist.
  2. Oculist.
  3. surgeon.
  4. Orthopedist.
  5. Otolaryngologist.
  6. Dermatologist.
  7. Dentist.

If the child suffers from any diseases in a chronic form, then at the discretion of the pediatrician, referrals to other narrow specialists, such as a speech therapist, gynecologist, psychologist, endocrinologist or andrologist, can be issued. The Ministry of Health recommends going to a gynecologist for girls and an andrologist for boys from the age of 14. This is necessary even without indications, for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and pathologies in the reproductive system. It should be borne in mind that these specialists are not included in the mandatory visit list, and an examination can only be carried out in the presence of the child's parent.


In addition to visiting and consulting narrow specialists, in order to obtain a child's medical card, it is necessary to pass a series of tests. As a rule, these are standard studies:

  1. Blood and urine for general analysis.
  2. Feces on eggs of worms and other protozoa.

As a rule, the results of the research are provided a few days after the date of delivery. It depends on the workload of the outpatient laboratory. After receiving all the test sheets, a second visit to the pediatrician is required to issue a card. After that, it must be signed by the head physician of the clinic. The document is provided to the kindergarten at the request of the administration of the preschool institution. An example of a child's medical record is provided below.

It is considered optimal to give it a month before the expected start of the child's visit to kindergarten. A certificate to school is given before September 1, otherwise the child may not be allowed to attend classes. Thus, it is necessary to take into account the time for issuing a card in order to provide it in a timely manner at the place of demand.

The child's medical record 026 / y is signed by the head physician of the medical institution only if all the tests have been passed.

How to prepare for analysis?

In order not to have to repeat the analyzes due to the unreliability of the data, it is important to follow certain recommendations when preparing for them. These standard tips include:

  1. Urine must be collected in special sterile disposable containers. Before the fence, you need to carry out hygiene of the genital organs and blot them with a towel, and then collect the middle morning portion.
  2. Blood sampling should take place in the morning on an empty stomach. The analysis is carried out by piercing the finger with a special scarifier. Some parents prefer to purchase this needle on their own in a pharmacy.
  3. Feces are also collected in plastic disposable containers, which are sold in every pharmacy.

Documents for registration

When the passage of the commission for issuing a child's medical card for kindergarten form 026 / y takes place at the clinic at the place of residence, only the child's policy is required. Specialists will be able to find all the necessary information in the child's development card stored in the clinic, including birth data and a vaccination card. If the choice fell on a private clinic, then it will be necessary to provide a package of documents, including:

Data on the map

The form of the child's medical record for the garden is filled out by a nurse or pediatrician. The following data is indicated on the front side of the document:

  1. Surname, name, patronymic of the child.
  2. Date of Birth.
  3. Place of permanent or temporary registration.
  4. Parents' data, including full name, place of work and phone number.
  5. Vaccinations and reactions to them.
  6. Allergy (if any).

Each narrow specialist fills out his own column in the medical record after examination and consultation. When all indicators are normal, a “healthy” mark is placed in a special column. If there are pathologies, the specialist enters data about them into the map and makes a decision on whether the child can attend the kindergarten on general terms.

How much does it cost to issue a child's medical card for kindergarten?

Inspection options and cost

A medical commission is carried out free of charge in the children's clinic at the place of residence. This process is quite lengthy, sometimes it takes more than a week, which is due to the discrepancy between the schedule of district specialists. It also takes quite a lot of time in state clinics to conduct tests. This is due to the poor equipment of laboratories in the clinic and their abnormal workload.

There are cases when schoolchildren are offered the option of passing a medical commission directly at an educational institution. It's also free and obviously convenient for both the child and the parents.

It is possible to issue a child's medical card on a private basis in a non-state clinic. The main advantage of this option is speed. Subject to prior appointment with specialists, the necessary document can be obtained the very next day after applying. With this option, it is possible to pass specialists even within one hour. However, you will have to pay a lot for such a high speed of service, since the cost will include consultations of specialists and laboratory tests.

The average cost of a medical examination is from three thousand rubles. It all depends on the chosen clinic. Private medical institutions offer a comprehensive examination for a certain amount. However, before using such offers, carefully study which specific specialists and examinations are included in the price so that you do not have to pay extra for the necessary consultation in the future. The purpose of passing a medical examination is not only and not so much in the design of a card, but also in the prevention of diseases and pathologies.

We have reviewed the child's medical record form 026/y.

And the treatment given to him. The outpatient medical record is the main medical document of a patient undergoing examination and treatment in an outpatient setting. It is filled in for each patient at the first request for medical care at a health facility. The medical card of an outpatient for citizens entitled to receive a set of social services is marked with the letter "L".

Medical documentation- these are documents of the established form, intended for registration of the results of medical, diagnostic, preventive, rehabilitation, sanitary and hygienic and other measures. It allows you to summarize and analyze this information. Medical documentation is accounting and reporting, its holders are medical institutions, therefore, doctors of medical institutions are responsible for the incorrect execution of the relevant documents.

In Russia

The role of the medical record

Proper record keeping is of great educational importance for the doctor, strengthening his sense of responsibility.

In addition, the medical record serves as the basis for a number of legal actions. In particular, when insuring in case of temporary loss of health of the insured, an extract from the child's development card, medical card or medical history issued by a medical institution is required.

Inaccurate completion or loss of medical records may result in valid claims from patients. With an unfair attitude to official duties, in some medical institutions there is a practice of “loss of medical records” (with poor clinical outcomes - to hide medical errors, errors in prescribing (drugs, procedures), prescribing drugs that are incompatible with those already prescribed, etc.).

One means of improving the safety of medical records is the introduction of electronic medical records. On the one hand, in an electronic document, you can track the chronology of its changes. On the other hand, electronic medical records have no legal force.

Outpatient medical record

It is started for each registered in an outpatient clinic. In the clinic (outpatient clinic, consultations), brief information about each visit (for the purpose of treatment, preventive examination, etc.) is entered in the patient's card. The outpatient medical card is filled out in all urban and rural institutions that conduct outpatient appointments, and has a single form established by the Ministry of Health and Social Development (registration form No. 0.25 / y-04). Similar forms are approved for specialized institutions. Form N 025 / y became invalid due to the publication of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR of December 31, 1987 N 1338, which approved the form N 025 / y-87. Shelf life - 5 years. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated December 31, 1987 No. 1334 actually became invalid due to the publication of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 22, 2004 N 255, which approved the form N 025 / y-04 “Medical record of an outpatient patient” and Instructions for filling it out.

The outpatient medical record consists of forms for long-term information and forms for operational information.

  • Forms of long-term information include signal marks, a sheet for recording updated diagnoses, data from preventive examinations, and a sheet for prescribing narcotic drugs. These forms are attached to the cover of the card.
  • Operational information forms contain formalized inserts for recording the patient's first contact with specialists, as well as inserts for a patient with influenza, acute respiratory disease, tonsillitis, for recording a consultation with the head of the department, a milestone epicrisis for a medical advisory commission, and a repeat visit insert. Forms of operational information, filled in as the patient contacts specialists at outpatient appointments and at home, are glued to the spine of the outpatient medical record.

Medical record of an inpatient

It is compiled in the hospital for each incoming person, regardless of the purpose of admission and the length of stay in the hospital. The medical record of an inpatient, formerly called the history of the disease, and its most important modifications - a group of primary medical documentation designed to record observations of the patient's condition during the entire period of stay in a medical institution, ongoing treatment and diagnostic measures, data from objective studies, appointments and treatment results.

The card is issued in a certain sequence on a special unified form (form No. 003 / y), consisting of a title page (cover) and insert sheets.

  • The first section of the map contains passport and statistical data;
  • The second - the patient's complaints, anamnesis of the disease and anamnesis of life, examination data at admission;
  • In the third section (the so-called diary), the attending physician describes (on slip sheets) the development of the disease, the plan and results of further examination, daily observations of the patient, medical prescriptions, and the conclusions of consultants.

These cards allow you to control the correctness of the organization of the medical and diagnostic process, draw up recommendations for further examination and treatment of the patient and dispensary observation of him, obtain the information necessary to establish disability, as well as issue reference material at the request of departmental institutions (court, prosecutor's office, medical and social expertise, etc.).

The medical record of an inpatient is subject to storage in the medical archive for 25 years.

Upon discharge from the hospital, each patient receives a discharge summary or a transfer summary in case of transfer of the patient to another department or medical institution.

Basic principles of maintaining a medical record of an outpatient

  • description of the patient's condition, treatment and diagnostic measures, treatment outcomes and other necessary information;
  • observance of the chronology of events influencing the adoption of clinical and organizational decisions;
  • reflection in medical records of social, physical, physiological and other factors that may affect the patient and the course of the pathological process;
  • understanding and compliance by the attending physician with the legal aspects of their activities, duties and significance of medical records;
  • recommendations to the patient at the end of the examination and the end of treatment.

Requirements for issuing a medical card for an outpatient

  • fill in the title page of the medical record in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated November 22, 2004 No. 255;
  • reflect the patient's complaints, medical history, results of an objective examination, clinical (verified) diagnosis, prescribed diagnostic and therapeutic measures, necessary consultations, as well as all information on the observation of the patient at the prehospital stage (preventive medical examinations, results of dispensary observation, appeals to the ambulance station assistance, etc.);
  • identify and fix risk factors that can aggravate the severity of the disease and affect its outcome;
  • present objective, substantiated information to ensure that medical personnel are “protected” from the possibility of a complaint or legal action;
  • fix the date of each entry;
  • each entry must be signed by a doctor (with full name decoding).
  • stipulate any changes, additions indicating the date of the changes and the signature of the doctor;
  • not allow records that are not related to the provision of medical care to this patient;
  • records in the outpatient card should be consistent, logical and thoughtful;
  • timely refer the patient to a meeting of the medical commission and medical and social examination;
  • pay special attention to records in the provision of emergency medical care and in complex diagnostic cases;
  • justify the prescribed treatment for the privileged category of patients;
  • provide for preferential categories of patients to issue prescriptions in 3 copies (one is pasted into the outpatient card). The outpatient medical record consists of long-term information sheets (pasted at the beginning of the card) and operational information sheets.

Primary medical card

The primary medical card is a document issued based on the results of medical triage at the first stage of medical evacuation. It starts on the victims who need further evacuation, and it does not start on people who do not need evacuation, and people who do not need medical assistance already at the first stage of medical evacuation. A completed medical card acquires legal significance, since it confirms the fact of the defeat of the victim and gives him the right to be evacuated to the rear.



  • "Medical card. Basic requirements for registration” Magazine “Deputy Chief Physician”
  • "Dossier on himself" Children's doctor E. O. Komarovsky, 1999
  • Academic Health Center of the University of Minnesota
  • US to spend $1.2 billion on electronic health records, August 21, 2009

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Medicine in Ethiopia
  • Medicine on postage stamps

See what the "Medical card" is in other dictionaries:

    medical card- mournful leaf, case history Dictionary of Russian synonyms. medical record n., number of synonyms: 2 medical history (3) ... Synonym dictionary

    medical card- see Individual card of an outpatient ... Big Medical Dictionary

    Map- Map: A deck of cards: Playing cards Tarot cards Card game Collectible card game Map of space (terrain): Geographic map Landscape map Nautical navigation map Topographic map Sports map Digital map ... ... Wikipedia

    Map- I f. A kind of drawing of the surface of the Earth, any celestial body or starry sky. II well. Each of the dense sheets that make up the playing deck with figures or points of four suits depicted on them. III. Form to fill out with… Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

In domestic medicine, electronic technologies continue to be introduced, in particular, this is an automated workplace for a doctor (arm polyclinic), as well as electronic medical records (EMC). I must say that this process is quite long in time, as it encounters numerous obstacles on its way, namely:

  • the need to spend on the purchase of the necessary equipment, the development of the necessary software,
  • training doctors to work with information technology. In fact, this training goes like this: here is a program for you, study 😉
  • the need to store medical records for a long time.
  • protection of documentation from hacker attacks.

There must be a sufficient number of computers.

You can get acquainted with the detailed research of the site on the topic of the legality of using electronic medical records, the pitfalls that these innovations are fraught with.

Program for maintaining an electronic medical record

To date, EHR is conducted in a multifunctional program designed to collect statistical data - "Automated doctor's place", it is also called "". You can see her work at the link. In the AWP polyclinic, visits of patients are recorded, coupons are issued, diagnoses are recorded in encrypted form, and the services provided by the doctor are filled in. The ARM Polyclinic program stores personal data of patients. It is also possible to maintain an electronic medical record.

How to maintain an electronic medical record

Using the example of the Doctor Workstation program, I will show you how to fill out an electronic medical record, how to create templates and use them, how to print documentation.

In the "Patient Reception" section, click on any patient's full name and the following window will open:

This window can be schematically divided into 3 sections - the upper one, where complaints, anamnesis, objective status data are entered, and the performed techniques are automatically displayed by the program. Opposite this section there is a button "Templates". By clicking on it, you can create templates for complaints, anamnesis, objective status, and also use them.

The middle section is for established diagnoses. Diagnoses are displayed automatically by the program after their introduction by the ICD-10 code. However, you can supplement them, clarify the side of the lesion, the number of the tooth in accordance with the two-digit classification (see article). Opposite the middle section there is also a "Templates" button for using diagnosis templates.

The bottom section is for prescriptions, treatments, and recommendations. You can fill it in manually, for which you first need to click on the “+” icon or use the appropriate templates (opposite the treatment window).

How to set up EMR templates

I will show how you can set up templates for an electronic medical record using the example of templates for the treatment of dental diseases.

  1. Previously, you can create treatment templates in notepad and save in *txt format. This step will make it easier for you to install templates on several different computers. If you have one working computer or if you are not embarrassed by the monotonous work, then you can skip this step.
    Below you will be offered template options for dental diseases. If you work in another branch of medicine, then you can read them to get an idea of ​​how to create templates.
  2. Click on the "Templates" button in the lower section of the window designed to fill in the electronic medical record of the "ARM Polyclinic" program.

  3. Adding a new template. First, expand the menu by clicking on the double arrow in the upper right corner of the window, then click on the "Add New" button

  4. Fill in the name of the template (name it for your convenience, it will be available only to you) and write the text of the template below.

    If you created a txt file with template text, then you can load it into the program. To do this, use the "From file" button and select a template from the folder on your computer. Save the changes (the "Save" button).
  5. How to use the created templates. In the Recommendation Templates window, after you have created your templates, you see a list of clichés. Click on any so that the arrow is highlighted in red. In the lower field you will see the text of the template. Click on the "Insert All" button, and the text of your template will be embedded in the desired EHR field. All you have to do is make the necessary adjustments.
  6. Printing a completed case for a paper card. At the bottom of the same window, you will see a "Print" button. click on it, then on "Conclusion"

Examples of treatment patterns and objective status of dental patients at a therapeutic appointment

You can view and download the templates

In 2018, Russians are waiting for another novelty - electronic medical records will appear instead of the usual ones. In modern life, everything has suddenly become "electronic": e-government, e-services, e-books and libraries. What is a fashion trend? Undoubtedly!

But, on the other hand, our life is rapidly changing, “electronicizing” in many areas: almost completely moved to the Internet ticket office, non-digital photography has remained the lot of aesthetes, and paper books are clearly losing ground.

Recently, it has become noticeable that in the Moscow metro there are clearly more electronic books and all kinds of tablets in the hands of people than ordinary books and magazines.

Information technologies are being actively introduced into the field of medicine: “electronic registries” are already operating, with the help of which you can make an appointment with a doctor without leaving your home, and in In 2018, every Russian will have virtual medical cards.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this software product, on what scale will it be implemented, we will talk about this further.

See also:

CASCO price increase 2018: how much will car insurance cost, latest news

Key facts about the electronic medical record in 2018: advantages and disadvantages

  1. In private clinics, virtual filing cabinets began to appear in 2015;
  2. The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Communications plan to implement the project by 40% in 2018;
  3. The introduction of the software product will be financed from the federal budget, for which 160 billion rubles have been allocated;
  4. Simultaneously with the introduction of electronic registries, the government plans to solve the problem of connecting rural hospitals to the global computer network;
  5. Moscow is the leader in the implementation of information technologies: today almost 10% of city residents and 30% of doctors use them;
  6. Each owner of a virtual medical card will be able to get acquainted with it at any convenient time on the public services portal in the patient's personal account, created in the spring of 2017.

Electronic medical record (EMR) - a set of electronic personal medical records relating to one person, collected, stored and used within one medical organization

See also:

Clinical examination 2018: what years of birth fall under the procedure

Personal electronic medical record (PEMK) - an analogue of a paper medical record

This is an analogue of a paper card, which only the doctor and the patient have access to.. It contains personal data, information about vaccinations, blood type, Rh, previous diseases, which specialists the patient is registered with, the results of tests, ultrasound, x-rays.

Video: every Russian will have an electronic medical record by 2019

In the future, it is planned to create a single database across the country, which will include all medical institutions, both commercial and public. It will be enough for a doctor from any hospital, from any city to enter the patient's data in an electronic card file in order to get acquainted with his anamnesis, prescribe a competent treatment, and consult.

Advantages of electronic patient records over the paper version

  • Simplifies the work of the registry: the medical staff does not need to waste time searching for a medical card, its loss or damage is excluded;
  • The laboratory records the results of the analyzes in the PEMK. This will save the medical institution from the cost of delivering laboratory tests, reduce the likelihood of their loss;
  • Optimizes the work of the doctor with the patient. An electronic medical record is filled out according to templates, which simplifies the entry of information. This will allow the specialist to devote more time to examining the patient, and not to engage in paper writing;
  • Information about each patient will always be at the disposal of the doctor. Various specialists can familiarize themselves with its content, which will allow them to make the correct diagnosis, prescribe competent treatment;
  • A citizen of Russia can familiarize himself with the contents of his own medical card in his personal account on the public services portal, with the recommendations of a doctor if a prescription has been lost;
  • There have long been jokes about the handwriting of Russian doctors. With the introduction of PEMK, people will forever forget about the problem of deciphering the diagnosis, the prescribed treatment;
  • A person who has an electronic card can be sure that information about his diseases will not be in the hands of strangers. After all, only a doctor has access to the electronic catalog.

Video: EHR in medical institutions of the republic

Disadvantages of PEMK: training of specialists, the cost of equipping the doctor's workplace, system failures during a power outage

  • It takes time to train specialists to work with the electronic catalog. The older generation of doctors has a biased attitude towards modern information technologies, and therefore is wary of innovations. The doctor must learn how to quickly and correctly enter data about the patient, because the appointment is given 10-15 minutes;
  • Significant expenses for the equipment of the doctor's workplace: there must be a computer connected to the Internet and a printer. It is planned to introduce the position of a programmer responsible for the operation of a single electronic database, which entails additional funding from the regional or federal budget;
  • The news reports daily about computer hacks in the banking system of state institutions. It is highly likely that this will happen with the electronic catalog. On the Internet, for a fee, you can access the database of numbers of a mobile operator or the traffic police, what if PEMKs are freely available?
  • Commercial clinics have been testing electronic medical records for the past two years. The main problem they face is system failures associated with internet or electricity outages. To date, there is no solution on how to receive patients if the medical facility is out of power for a long time;
  • The issue of creating backup copies of PEMK in case of a system failure has not been resolved;
  • The human factor plays an important role. Elderly people have a negative attitude towards modern technologies and half may refuse to use the software product. The clinic will have to continue to use paper medical records;
  • The issue of transferring existing information to a virtual directory is relevant. This is a time-consuming exercise: it will take hours and days to digitize one patient record. The work is performed by a qualified specialist, the remuneration of which requires additional costs. Today, doctors use two types of medical records at the same time: paper and electronic.