One of the most armored tank destroyers at level 10. Previously, the T110E3 could be penetrated into the command hatch of impressive size, located in the center of the turret, which made this tank ineffective in battles, since, unlike its brother T110E4, this anti-tank installation does not have a rotating turret. At the moment, the American tank destroyer has increased its armor to such an extent that, with a hidden NLD, no weapon can penetrate this monster.





View radius390 m

T110E3 Crew Skills

Before upgrading the crew's perks, you need to study the strengths and weaknesses of the tank. Recommended skills that need to be upgraded step by step for the crew:

  • commander - “sixth sense”;
  • gunner - “camouflage”;
  • loader - “camouflage”;
  • loader - “camouflage”;
  • commander - “radio interception”;
  • gunner - “repair”;
  • driver mechanic - “repair”;
  • loader – “repair”;
  • loader - “repair”.
  • commander - “combat brotherhood”;
  • gunner - “combat brotherhood”;
  • driver mechanic - “combat brotherhood”;
  • loader - “combat brotherhood”;
  • loader - “combat brotherhood”.
  • commander - “camouflage”;
  • gunner - “camouflage”;
  • driver mechanic - “disguise”;
  • loader - “camouflage”;
  • loader - “camouflage”.

Tank destroyers can only partially be attributed to this class, since with such thick armor this vehicle usually fights on the 1st or 2nd line. The first step is to improve your viewing radius to avoid being blind in some situations. Next, you need to improve your firepower with the help of the “combat brotherhood”, and with the next perk you can upgrade your camouflage. Naturally, a tank destroyer with such dimensions will not be well camouflaged in the bushes, but in some situations it will still help.


The armor characteristics of this vehicle are among the best in the game.

There is no point in writing about the above armor, since this armor, even at a right angle, cannot be penetrated by any weapon in the game. The weakest area is the lower armor plate with a thickness of 170 mm; in other places the armor thickness exceeds 330 mm.

Equipment T110E3

Taking into account the fact that the T110E3 plays on the 1st line, the first thing you need to do is increase your firepower:

  1. Large caliber rammer. The American's 155 mm gun deals 750 average damage per shot, but pays for it with a long reload. This equipment will speed up gun reloading by 10%
  2. Improved ventilation. All crew characteristics will be improved by 5%, including reload.
  3. Coated optics. This module will still be useful, since in some situations you will have to expose the enemy while remaining alone.

As an alternative, you can replace the coated optics with a toolbox. Since this is a tank destroyer with a wheelhouse, the opponent will always try to shoot down the track, and this equipment will speed up the repair of all modules by 25%.

If you want to use a tank destroyer as a cluster destroyer, you need to install the following equipment:

  1. Camouflage network. If the crew's camouflage skills are upgraded and a camouflage network is installed, the chance of detecting the T110E3 will be reduced. But you should know that when fired, the camouflage will drop significantly.
  2. Stereoscopic telescope. This module will maximize the visibility of the tank destroyer, but it will only work when stationary.
  3. Reinforced aiming drives. The aiming speed of an anti-tank gun is not the most comfortable, so aiming drives will speed up this indicator by 10%.

Undoubtedly, with such armor and a large silhouette, the tank will be difficult to use in the role of fire support on the 3rd line, but with appropriate changes in characteristics with installed equipment and pumped-up crew perks, it is possible to imitate a “cluster” tank destroyer from the T110E3.

How to play on T110E3

In battle, you always need to take into account the weaknesses and strengths of a tank. The advantages, first of all, include the reservation of the frontal part of the American. The vulnerable spot is located in only one area - the lower frontal part. This means that you should always try to cover this area. The tilt angles of the T110E3 are -8 degrees, so it will be most comfortable to take positions on small hillocks.

As for the gun, it deals 750 damage. one-time damage with armor penetration of 295 mm. With such data, this anti-tank weapon will penetrate almost all tanks in the game. But reloading leaves much to be desired, so after the shot you need to retreat. It is most convenient to stick to heavy tanks and fight behind their silhouettes. It is better to conduct positional firefights and make breakthroughs on the 2nd line, otherwise enemy tanks will always shoot down the caterpillar, thereby neutralizing the tank destroyer with a wheelhouse. The main potential of an American is revealed on city maps.

The dynamics are too low but this is not new for an anti-tank weapon with good armor. It is important to use booking from the right perspective. It is also worth noting the small horizontal declination angles of the gun, which forces you to always use the chassis. But the agility is also low. You can improve your chassis turning speed by learning the “virtuoso” skill. Since the maximum speed is low, before the battle you need to study the enemy’s technique in advance and guess its route, since choosing the wrong position will force you to change the location, and with such dynamics it will take a lot of time.

In general, the T110E3 is a full-fledged heavy tank with thick armor, the only disadvantage of which is the absence of a rotating turret.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hello dear tankers! Today we will look at one of the most formidable cars in the game. This is a vehicle whose random armor is very difficult to break through. This is a car that, at the sight of it, many will turn the corner in order to avoid its unpleasant impact. Many people went to this car for a long time and painfully, of course, because they had to go through such complex and fascinating cars as the T28 and T95. Meet the T110E3.

Well, the T110E3 is the crown of one of the US tank destroyer branches. As I said above, you walked towards it slowly and for a long time, or maybe someone upgraded it for free experience, but that’s not the point. Now you've reached the top and are ready for some really serious high-level play. The price of this car is no different from the cost of other level 10 cars and is 6,100,000 credits and 241,000 experience. The amounts are more than significant and it’s not possible to just come and fill them. You had to hammer them slowly but surely - like the T95 destroys enemies =) However, do not forget that when you buy the machine itself, your expenses do not end, but on the contrary, they are just beginning. We can’t play on a completely “naked” machine. We need to install additional equipment, seat a little more than a good crew and apply camouflage. If with additional equipment everything is more or less clear - we removed several modules for 20 - 30 gold and installed them on our newly purchased T110E3, then with the crew everything is much more complicated. Firstly, I have already repeatedly said what role the crew plays in the entire mechanism of the game. For those who just “woke up”, having reached level 10, which is at least strange, I’ll say it again. The higher the level of the vehicle, the more its characteristics are affected by the crew. Therefore, we need to land a good, very good crew. Well, secondly, we have another loader, which was not even on the T28, so it’s unlikely you have a well-pumped (2-3 perk) extra loader. Based on all this, I recommend the following solutions to our problem:

  • The most convenient way is to retrain everyone for gold. The perks for us and our predecessors should match, so you don’t even have to reset them. This will cost you 200 * 5 = 1000 gold + you will need to train a new loader for 200 gold. Total 1,200 gold.
  • An alternative option is retraining for silver up to 100%. Here we will have to sacrifice a small amount of experience, since we will be forced to reset the crew's skills and retrain them. Thus, part of the experience in the “plus” will cover the entire penalty amount, and in addition to this we will be able to choose new perks and skills. It will cost us 40,000 * 5 = 200,000 silver + either a new charger for 200 gold or 20,000 credits, but 75% - which is very, very sad.

Well, okay, we seem to have sorted out the crew, now it’s time for camouflage. I can please you that everything is simpler here, much simpler. Camouflage will add a little to our camouflage, and for the AT (with its increased % of camouflage) it is a significant plus. Therefore, it is extremely, extremely advisable to apply all 3 types of camouflage. It will cost 100,000 * 3 = 300,000 for 30 days. For level 10, not so much.


Finally, you don’t need to pump or open anything. The car always behaves equally well =) Just enjoy the game. Well, since there are no upgradeable modules, I see no point in showing the development branch. However, let’s still look at each module separately in order to know what our advantages are over our enemies and what our disadvantages are.

The chassis has a turning speed of 24 degrees/s. In principle, not a lot, some PTs of other nations have 30 and 32 degrees per second. However, this is quite enough for us, we turn quickly enough, and with our dynamics we will almost never notice a disadvantage, especially in level 10 battles where the dynamics of the battle are not so fast. We won’t catch T 50-2 - it was removed =)

Our engine is quite enough for us. Yes, we don’t particularly shine with dynamics and speed, but for a PT of our size this is quite normal. I will also note that our standard chance of fire is 20%, which means that it is better not to go into battle without a fire extinguisher.

The radio station is enough for our eyes. There is probably nothing more to add.

Well, here it is, this terrible weapon. Any prudent opponent will think a couple of times about whether to climb out to meet the projectile or not. We'll have enough armor penetration with ordinary shells, but with gold we can hit almost anyone anywhere. The accuracy is quite high, mixing is also quite comfortable.

Advantages and disadvantages of the machine:


  • Good booking
  • Good one-time damage and high penetration with basic projectiles
  • Good review


  • Tall silhouette
  • Poor gun aiming angles (vertical)

Balance weight

The T110E3 is a level 10 vehicle, so we can take part in level 10 - 12 battles. Finally, those who always wanted to be at the top will get it =) Rejoice, now there is no one higher than you. I think it’s not worth talking about the comfort of the game, etc., because with our penetration and damage, complaining that you have too many level 10 opponents in battle is nonsense.


It is not strange, but we will be able to farm a little, but this is only due to our damage. Naturally, with PA, without PA it is possible that with a very good game you will be able to break even. All this without the use of gold shells and consumables, with them - I think the situation is already clear...


Well, I don’t know, teaching you to play at level 10 is too much. I will only draw your attention to the fact that the car has good armor and visibility. Therefore, you can safely tank and take damage. We also have a fairly high penetration rate for high-explosive shells, and in some situations this can seriously change the situation. Now, unlike the T95, you have speed, so you can change flanks and return to base when we need it. Playing with a platoon of 2 - 3 E3 or E4 brings out everything, naturally with competent play. The main thing is to think about what you are doing and playing on this machine will turn into pure pleasure.

Optional equipment

  • Rammer
  • Drives
  • Lining/fan

It depends on your playing style.


Everything is standard

  • Repair kit
  • First aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher

Crew Perks


  1. Repair
  2. Sixth Sense
  3. Brotherhood of Battle/Eagle Eye


  1. Repair
  2. Disguise
  3. Brotherhood/Sniper

Driver mechanic

  1. Repair
  2. Virtuoso
  3. Combat Brotherhood/King of the Off-Road


  1. Repair
  2. Disguise
  3. Brotherhood/Desperado


  1. Repair
  2. Disguise
  3. Brotherhood of Battle/Intuition

Vulnerabilities of the machine

Orange- commander, gunner, loader
Red- engine, tanks, transmission
Green- easily penetrated zones
White- ammunition rack
Blue- driver mechanic.

And finally, a few video reviews:

The American tank destroyer T110E3, level 10, features excellent frontal armor that allows it to withstand even the most formidable opponents.

In order to learn T110E3 you will have to spend quite a few battles on a level 9 T95 self-propelled gun. The style of play on these combat vehicles is similar, they have the common strong features of strong frontal armor, but the level 10 self-propelled gun is more mobile and this is a huge plus.

Characteristics of T110E3

Compared to other Tier 10 tank destroyers, the T110E3 has, best frontal armor. In addition, the E3 deals a high one-time damage of 750 units with a fairly good rate of fire. Unlike the T95, the T110E3 is somewhat less well protected from the side, so you shouldn’t expose the sides to your opponents, it’s better to go head to head with them.


The main advantage is its excellent frontal armor, which allows it to confidently resist opposing tanks when meeting head-on. But in the protection of this anti-tank self-propelled gun there are weaknesses in the lower armor plate, armoring of the stern and sides. Therefore, it is better to hide weakly protected places behind hills or obstacles.


The T110E3 in WoT is armed with a 155mm AT Gun T7E2 cannon, which fully meets the requirements for a level 10 tank gun. Average one-time damage is 750 units, and rate of fire 3.53 rounds per minute. These parameters are well balanced, there is no bias towards the rate of fire or huge alpha. The 155mm AT Gun T7E2 will not allow enemies to feel safe after your shot, because reloading does not take that long. On the other hand, high damage will quickly cool the ardor of annoying medium tanks.

Weapon accuracy indicator 0.36. this is not enough to target hatches or weak points of tanks at a long distance. And here we are faced with a dilemma: on the one hand, frontal defense works well in long-distance battles; enemies will not be able to hit vulnerable points; on the other hand, the accuracy of the gun does not allow it to play the role of a sniper.

Mixing time 2.5 seconds is not critical, since the T110e3 is not the most mobile vehicle in World of tanks, and most often you have to shoot after stopping from cover. The armor penetration of the basic projectile is 295 mm, which is quite enough to withstand most opponents. Of course, a few sabot shells in the kit never hurt.


Compared to the T95, the T110E3 in WoT has much better speed characteristics. But the American level 10 self-propelled gun cannot be called a fast and mobile vehicle. The T110E3 has other strengths, including its gun and armor, which are very important for a tank destroyer.

Playing on an American tank destroyer you will not be able to break away from the team at the beginning of the battle, and this is not so bad, especially for impatient fighters.

At the same time, the correct choice of attack direction is very important. As with the T95, you need to plan your actions in advance and constantly follow the minimap to start moving in the right direction in advance.

How to play on T110E3

As with any other vehicle in World of tanks, the T110E3 needs to make the most of its strong qualities. This tank destroyer performs well in battles on hilly terrain, where the NLD can be hidden. It is better to act at medium and long distances, without engaging in close combat, where they can drive around you from the side.

The 27 rounds in the ammunition load are not that many, but as a rule they are enough for a battle. Most opponents can be penetrated with a basic projectile. But to fight heavyweights such as Mouse or E-100, it is worth arming yourself with at least five sub-caliber shells.

Having experience playing the T95, you should know that on slow self-propelled guns you need to carefully choose the direction to attack and plan your actions in advance.

You need to watch the mini map, make sure that your opponents don’t come at you from the side. It is better to act as part of a group so that your allies can protect you from fast tanks that can spin your self-propelled gun.

On the T110E3, you can tank with your forehead if necessary. This does not mean that in the first minutes of the battle you need to rush into your opponents and pretend to be a heavy tank. But if you are surrounded by poorly protected vehicles, and an opponent has broken through to you, then you can very well play the role of a heavy tank and expose your armor to enemy shells.

Video guide review T110E3 World of Tanks

Review of video guide for tank destroyer T110E3 World of Tanks. T110E3 is a good continuation. From its predecessor, it inherited thick frontal armor of 305mm, and its hit points increased to 2100. The T110E3 WOT has less weight than the T95, so our PT is better in dynamics, and the maximum speed reaches 25 km/h. This tank destroyer is made on the basis of the T110E5 heavy tank and the problem with these vehicles is the weak lower armor plate, so try to use the uneven terrain to hide this penetration zone.

Advantages and disadvantagesT110E3.


  1. High damage and high armor penetration of the gun;
  2. Good shooting accuracy;
  3. Excellent forehead armor;
  4. Not bad dynamics;
  5. Small dimensions
  6. Low profile, which gives us good camouflage;
  7. Excellent vertical aiming angles.


  • Ammunition rack is often criticized;
  • Weak armor on the sides and stern;
  • Poor horizontal aiming angles;
  • No screens.

When installing additional modules, it is best to use:

  1. Gun rammer;
  2. Improved ventilation;
  3. Reinforced aiming drives.

Tactics of playing on T110E3

The tactics of playing T110E3 in World of Tanks depends on whether you will rush with the team or defend the base. Personally, I think it’s better to go with a team and push the flank, since another top gun during an attack will not be superfluous. But before taking any actions, we need to think through many points: where should we go, what position to take, and where the artillery will not be able to reach us. Having a strong forehead and a speed of 25 km/h, I don’t see any point in staying at the base, but if you still choose a defensive tactic, then try to take a position so that the stern and sides are covered as much as possible. The T110E3 does not have a turret, so never get into a clinch with enemy tanks. If you get into a clinch with someone, you will find yourself practically motionless and it will not be difficult for your enemies to run into your side or backside and kill you. The vehicle itself is distinguished by almost impenetrable frontal armor, so the tank is capable of holding several fairly strong opponents, preventing them from getting closer, but for this it is important to take the right position. Thanks to good vertical aiming angles, we get an advantage on maps with mountainous terrain and we need to use it to the maximum - we drove up a hill, hung from it and gave the enemy a shell on his defenseless roof.

First of all, it is worth noting that it was the Korean War that prompted the creation of new tanks in the United States. Yes, of course, the T43 tank (better known as the M103) completely suited the American command, but, as they say, “nothing is perfect.” Therefore, special conferences were organized in the United States on the further development of tank building in the United States. At one of these conferences, a project for the TS-31 tank was proposed (see photo below) - a prototype of the T110E3.

In 1954, Chrysler was tasked with bringing this concept to fruition and the project was called the “T110 tank with a 120 mm gun.”

The very first T110 project was rejected due to its too huge size (the tank simply did not pass through a standard tunnel), another reason was the commander’s cupola, or rather its location - it was on the left, which did not suit the Detroit tank arsenal. There was also a problem with the location of the driver due to the installation of the transmission in the front of the self-propelled gun. Because of this arrangement of units, it would be necessary to specifically select short people for the role of driver.

After this, Chrysler created a second project of the T110 self-propelled gun, which was already called T110E1. They corrected some mistakes, namely, they moved the commander's cupola to the middle, slightly reduced the size, and most importantly, to solve the problem with the driver's seat, Chrysler moved it to the fighting compartment. And guess what? This is exactly what DTA* did not like and they rejected the project (tank drawing below).

After two failures, Chrysler does not despair and is developing another project under the designation T110E2. It was decided to move the transmission back and thereby return the driver to its usual place. A new air-cooled engine was also installed, but it turned out to be larger than the previous one and in order to get into the tank, it was necessary to roll the engine on special rails through the aft hatch, then the crew had to climb in and roll the engine back. There was no talk of any “emergency” exit from the tank. Also, due to such “innovations,” the hull armor was reduced (tank drawing below).

There is information that at some point it was even decided to abandon the commander's cupola in favor of smaller dimensions.

Finally we got to our T110E3, which had very big differences from its earlier versions. The commander's cupola was equipped with a T53 Optar rangefinder. The peculiarity of this rangefinder was that to determine the distance to the target it sent pulses of light, but it was not perfect and the difficulty was that it caught glare from the sun and because of this the readings were often incorrect.

Once again the driver's landing site was affected; now he occupied a place near the gun, to the left of it. This placement of the crew forced the abandonment of large angles of inclination in the frontal armor plate and thereby forced an increase in the thickness of the frontal armor plates, which of course affected speed and maneuverability.

The design of the machine was also redone. Now it has become a self-propelled artillery unit with a classic layout. But, unfortunately, Chrysler was refused to build a prototype due to the lack of a turret, with such a mass (the exact mass is not known). You can verify all this from the drawing.

Armament of PT-Sau T110E3

  • Gun – 120 mm.
  • Horizontal tilt angles - -: -15°…+15°.
  • Vertical tilt angles - -: -10°…+20°.
  • Initial flight speed of an armor-piercing projectile: 1067 m/s
  • Initial flight speed of a cumulative projectile: 1143 m/s
  • Initial flight speed of a high-explosive fragmentation projectile: 762 m/s
  • Armor penetration of homogeneous armor at 900 meters:
  • Armor-piercing, mm/degree: 221/30°
  • Cumulative, mm/deg.: 330/30°
  • Additional weapons:
  • 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun. Another 12.7 mm machine gun was installed in the commander's cupola.

Tactical and Technical Characteristics of PT-Sau T110E3


It is very difficult to talk about the characteristics of a self-propelled gun when not even a prototype was built and there were only drawings, without armor schemes, but it is known for sure that the armor of the front of the wheelhouse is mm/deg. - 127 mm/60°, and the gun mantlet - 203 mm.

From the armoring of the front of the wheelhouse, it can be assumed that the armoring of the sides of the wheelhouse is approximately the same, mm/deg. — 120mm-140mm/20°-40°

The armoring of the stern of the cabin is presumably the following, mm/deg. — 51mm/15°

Housing T110E3

It is very difficult to talk about the thickness of the front of the hull, even approximately, because it has changed several times, and has led to thickening of the armor and a decrease in slope, but we can say with confidence that it is more than 200mm.

Since the hull is visually similar to the hull of the M103 tank, we can tell the approximate thickness of the hull.

  • Hull side (top), mm/deg. — 51/40°
  • Hull side (bottom), mm/deg. — 44/30°
  • Hull stern (top), mm/deg. — 38/30°
  • Hull rear (bottom), mm/deg. — 25/60°
  • Bottom, mm - 32-38
  • Housing roof, mm - 25


  • Engine - 700hp
  • Approximate maximum speed on the chassis, km/h - 20-30
  • Approximate specific power, hp/t - 10-14