Belousova Yana Alexandrovna

This research work is devoted to the semantic analysis of lexemes with the meaning of time in order to create ideas about the author of the text and a partial description of the author’s personality. The language material was the lyrics of Viktor Tsoi’s songs, as well as poems not set to music.



BELOUSOVA Yana Aleksandrovna

MBOUSOSH No. 28, 10 B class


This scientific article is devoted to the study and consideration of the semantic field of time in the texts of Viktor Tsoi. The goal of our work was to restore the author of the text’s ideas about such a concept that is significant for everyone as time, and through this - a partial characterization of the personality of V. Tsoi. In our opinion, it is not possible to give a complete description of the individual within the framework of this topic, because the question of time is important for everyone, but not all-encompassing.We were faced with the following tasks:compile a selection of contexts with words of the semantic field of time from the works of V. Tsoi; group the resulting contexts according to common characteristics; restore the author’s ideas about time; analyze the morphological expression of time; through V. Tsoi’s ideas about such a phenomenon as time, reveal some qualities of his personality. Using methods of continuous sampling, observation, quantitative analysis and semantic analysis, we identified the most frequent words with time semantics in V. Tsoi’s texts, and also identified three groups of words with different shades of meaning. Based on the results of the analysis of words with the semantics of time, a conclusion was made about the author’s ideas about time, about some qualities of the poet, and also that the motif of time occupies a prominent place among the symbols characteristic of the work of this author.

BELOUSOVA Yana Aleksandrovna

Krasnodar region, Temryuk district, Taman village

MBOUSOSH No. 28, 10 B class


Scientific supervisor: Milena Mikhailovna Loginova, teacher of Russian language and literature, Secondary School No. 28


Relevance of the research topicdue to the fact that Viktor Tsoi was an extremely popular performer and an interesting personality. His songs even today make people of all ages find in them something congenial, dear, and interesting. However, despite this, the work of this author has been practically not studied from a linguistic point of view. Speaking about the issue of time, we note that it has always been extremely important for every person, regardless of his age, gender, religious and national affiliation, social status and other things. The value of time is undeniable. In addition, a person’s attitude towards time can say a lot about the qualities of his character: laziness or hard work, haste or slowness, determination or lack of initiative, accuracy or negligence.

The purpose of our work: define the place of the time motif in the work of V. Tsoi, restore his ideas about time, and through them give a partial description of the author’s personality.

In accordance with the goal, we determinednext tasks:

  1. Compile a selection of words of the semantic field of time from the works of V. Tsoi.
  2. Group the selected words according to common characteristics.
  3. Having analyzed the shades of meaning of words with the semantics of time, restore the author’s ideas about this phenomenon.
  4. Consider the partial belonging of words with the meaning of time.
  5. Reveal some qualities of his personality, taking into account his attitude to time.

Object of study: poems and lyrics by Viktor Tsoi.

The subject of the study was:words of the semantic field of time in the works of Viktor Tsoi.

During the work we used the following methods : continuous sampling method, observation method, quantitative analysis method, semantic analysis method.

BELOUSOVA Yana Aleksandrovna

Krasnodar region, Temryuk district, Taman village

MBOUSOSH No. 28, 10 B class


Scientific supervisor: Milena Mikhailovna Loginova, teacher of Russian language and literature, Secondary School No. 28

Main part

In this work we turn to such a scientific direction as semantics.

For clarification, let us turn to the “Dictionary-Reference Book of Linguistic Terms” by D.E. Rosenthal and M.A. Telenkova. The authors of the dictionary interpret the concept of semantics as the semantic side (meaning) of individual linguistic units: morphemes, words, phrases, as well as grammatical forms. The linguistic encyclopedic dictionary provides a broader interpretation of the term semantics : 1) all content, information transmitted by language or any of its units (words, grammatical forms of words, phrases, sentences); 2) a section of linguistics that studies this content and information. A set of words and expressions that form a thematic series and cover a certain area of ​​meaning is usually calledsemantic field. . In modern linguistics, the method of semantic analysis is widely used, the value of which is that it allows not only to reconstruct, that is, restore, the author’s ideas about a particular phenomenon, but also to create a portrait of a person’s personality. In speech, oral or written, these concepts and ideas are involuntarily, subconsciously manifested. The task of semantic analysis is to recognize their verbal expression and, having examined words of a certain semantics, to create a picture of the author’s ideas about this phenomenon.

This work is devoted to the study of the semantic field of time. Time is one of the most important concepts in human life and consciousness. It is reflected in almost all types of art, for example, in oral folk art. We know many proverbs and sayings on this topic: time for business, time for fun; order saves time; An hour is precious not because it is long, but because it is short, etc. Many philosophers, historians, teachers, writers, and poets discussed the issue of time in their time. For example: « Truly great is the man who has managed to master his time” (Hesiod); “In important matters of life one must always hurry as if everything should perish from the loss of one minute” (V.G. Belinsky); “The inability to take care of your own and other people’s time is a real lack of culture” (N.K. Krupskaya). Time has left its mark even in painting: “The Constancy of Time” by S. Dali.

Obviously, time is not only an important component of human life, but also a kind of indicator of many human qualities. Therefore, attitude to time is an important criterion when assessing personality.

We carried out a selection of words with the meaning of time from the poems of V. Tsoi. In total, the author’s texts contain 442 lexical units of interest to us. Such a number of linguistic units gives us the right to assert that the motif of time occupies a special place in the author’s work, especially considering the relatively small number of texts he created.

After sampling, we distributed the words according to their frequency in the author’s texts, which is presented in Table 1.

Table 1












For a long time



Once upon a time







Ten to ten












At eight in the morning


Fourth day

Two thousand years

Ten sharp

Half a century



A week


One day





Fifth year



Before dark


It is noticeable from the table that the author most often uses words that name a certain time of day, and their number in each of the first three groups is almost the same. This indicates the monotony and cyclical nature of the author’s life, moving in a circle. In addition, the word “time” itself, which gave the name to this semantic field and, in fact, is a capital, generalizing word for other words, is far from the first place in frequency in V. Tsoi’s texts. This is probably because the word "time" is quite abstract. And the texts of this author, as we see from the table, are characterized by more specific shades of meaning.

1. Deadline

a) uncertain

b) specific

2. Time of day

a) uncertain

b) specific

3. Time of year

We will visually present the results of our research in the form of tables, commenting on each of them.

table 2

Indefinite term

Specific date







For a long time




Once upon a time









Ninety two days






Fifth year


Fourth day


Two thousand years


Half a century

One day


A week

This table shows the frequency of words in the semantic field of time with a narrower meaning of “term”, which in turn is divided into two groups of words: “indefinite period”, that is, an abstract understanding of time, and “specific term”. As can be seen from the table, the meaning of a specific term prevails in the work of V. Tsoi over the abstract concept of “time”. Judging by this fact, one can judge the author’s definiteness, the clarity of his ideas about time, and, consequently, his awareness of the value of this phenomenon.

Words with a connotation of time of day were distributed in a similar way, as shown in Table 3.

Table 3

Uncertain time

Exact time


Ten to ten


By nine


At eight in the morning




Ten sharp

Before dark


We see exactly the same expression in the text of such opposite concepts as day and night. The day, according to the Dictionary of Symbols and Signs, symbolizes the bright beginning in a person, good aspirations, vigorous activity, and optimism. Night, on the contrary, is associated with the dark sides of the human personality, bad intentions, sleep, and danger. This representation of opposing concepts in V. Tsoi’s texts best illustrates the inconsistency of the author’s personality and ambiguous understanding of time: time flies quickly and it is necessary to keep up with it, or time is a slow flow that does not encourage decisive action.

Now let’s look at how words with a connotation of season are distributed according to their frequency in V. Tsoi’s texts.

Table 4

As can be seen from the data in Table 4, in the author’s texts, spring predominates among all seasons. According to the Dictionary of Symbols and Signs, spring represents rebirth, the beginning of a new life, a departure from sleep, awakening. This indicates a fair amount of optimism in the author’s character and an active life position. But the next most common season in V. Tsoi’s texts is winter, which, on the contrary, symbolizes death, sleep, slow life. In this group, the same tendency is noticeable as in the previous one: a combination of opposing concepts in the mind of one person. This once again indicates some inconsistency in the author’s character.

It is impossible not to mention the partial belonging of words with the meaning of time presented in the texts of V. Tsoi. The overwhelming number of words we found (330) are nouns. This means that for the author, time is an independent phenomenon that does not depend on a person, sometimes even animate. The next most common are adverbs (93). In these cases, time appears as an important component of a particular situation, an integral part of events, the circumstance under which they occur. The smallest group of words that belong to independent parts of speech (9) are adjectives. The author is least inclined to consider time an attribute, property, sign of objects; for him this is too narrow an understanding of time. An interesting fact is that among the words with the meaning of time there is not a single verb, participle or gerund. After all, time is a dynamic, moving phenomenon, and nouns, adjectives and adverbs reflect permanent, static objects or signs. Of the auxiliary parts of speech, temporary conjunctions are presented in V. Tsoi’s texts (10). This indicates that time for the author is not only an independent phenomenon, but also a connecting link between events and specific time periods.

BELOUSOVA Yana Aleksandrovna

Krasnodar region, Temryuk district, Taman village

MBOUSOSH No. 28, 10 B class


Scientific supervisor: Milena Mikhailovna Loginova, teacher of Russian language and literature, Secondary School No. 28


Summing up the study, we can say that we completed all the assigned tasks. Using the method of semantic analysis of words with the semantics of time, we restored V. Tsoi’s ideas about this phenomenon. The author is characterized by an ambiguous understanding of time. His attitude towards him changes depending on the situation, which indicates the internal contradictions and uncertainty of the author.

The part-speech affiliation of words with the meaning of time suggests that for the author time can be both an independent, independent phenomenon, and a minor participant in what is happening, or even just a connection between individual events. The varied morphological expression of time in V. Tsoi’s texts reflects the author’s understanding of the value and importance of this phenomenon.

In addition, the total number of words with the meaning of time (442 words) showed that the motif of time occupies a special place in the work of V. Tsoi.

The practical value of this work lies in the use of the method of semantic analysis, which can be used in everyday life, when communicating, providing people with a greater understanding of each other’s thoughts and feelings.

We see the prospect for further research in comparing the texts of V. Tsoi with the texts of other songwriters on the subject of the semantic field of time or in a more in-depth study of V. Tsoi’s work, for example, determining the main motives of his work, in addition to the motive of time.

BELOUSOVA Yana Aleksandrovna

Krasnodar region, Temryuk district, Taman village

MBOUSOSH No. 28, 10 B class


Scientific supervisor: Milena Mikhailovna Loginova, teacher of Russian language and literature, Secondary School No. 28

List of used literature

  1. Big book of aphorisms / comp. K. Dushenko. – M., 2003.
  2. Dal V.I. Proverbs of the Russian people. – M., 1957.
  3. Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary / ed. V.N. Yartseva. URL:
  4. Rosenthal D.E., Telenkova M.A. Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. Manual for teachers. Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional M., "Enlightenment", 1976.
  5. Dictionary of symbols and signs / comp. N.N. Rogalevich. – M., 2004.
  6. Tsoi M. Victor Tsoi. Poetry. Documentation. Memories. – M., 1991.

In modern linguistic literature one can find many different definitions of the term “semantic field”. So, for example, the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary gives the following interpretation:

Lexical-semantic field is a term used in linguistics most often to designate a set of linguistic units united by some common (integral) lexical-semantic feature; in other words, having some common non-trivial component of meaning. Initially, the role of such lexical units was considered to be units of the lexical level - words; Later, in linguistic works, descriptions of semantic fields appeared, which also included phrases and sentences.

The Dictionary of Linguistic Terms gives two definitions of a semantic field:

1. A set of phenomena or an area of ​​reality that has a correspondence in language in the form of a thematically unified set of lexical units. Semantic field of time, semantic field of space, semantic field of mental experiences and etc.

2. A set of words and expressions that form a thematic series and cover a certain area of ​​meaning. Semantic time field: year, month, week, day, night, hour etc.; duration, duration etc.; a long time ago, recently, soon etc.

Linguist E.I. Dibrova gives the following definition:

The lexical-semantic field is a hierarchical organization of words, united by one generic meaning and representing a certain semantic sphere in the language [Dibrova 1997,34].

Thus, from the above definitions we can distinguish that a semantic field is a hierarchical structure of a set of lexical units united by a common meaning.

The actual semantic structure of the field consists of the following parts:

· The core of the field is represented by the generic seme (hyperseme). A field hyperseme is a higher-order semantic component that organizes the semantic deployment of the field around itself;

· The center of the field consists of units that have an integral differential value that is common to the core and series-positive units;

· The periphery of the field includes units that are most distant in their meaning from the core; the general generic concept here is relegated to the category of potential or probable semantics. Peripheral units can have contextual meaning if the field is based on a specific text of the work. Typically, peripheral units of a field can come into contact with other semantic fields, forming the lexical-semantic continuity of the language system. [Shmelev 1973, 65]

The semantic field has specific properties, which were most fully identified by I.I. Chumak-Zhun:

· A semantic field is formed by a set of meanings that have at least one common component (common semantic feature). This component is usually expressed by an archilexeme (hyperlexeme), that is, a lexeme with the most general meaning.

· In LSP, microfields are distinguished - semantic associations, the members of which are connected by an integral feature, usually expressed by the dominant of the microfield (nuclear lexeme). The external structure of the microfield consists of a core and several regions, some of which can be located in close proximity to the core (near periphery), and others on the periphery of the microfield (far periphery).

· The internal structure of a field is understood as a set of correlations connecting semantic units.

· The field is characterized by mutual determination of elements, sometimes appearing in the form of interchangeability of these elements.

· LSPs are not isolated from each other. Each word of the language is included in a certain LSP, and, most often, due to its polysemy, not only in one.

· One semantic field can be included in another field at a higher level. [Chumak-Zhun 1996.]

Currently, the term “semantic field” is increasingly being replaced by narrower linguistic terms: lexical field, synonymous series, lexical-semantic field, etc. Each of these terms more clearly defines the type of linguistic units included in the field and the type of connection between them. However, in many works both the expression “semantic field” and more specialized designations are used as terminological synonyms. [Bondarko 1984, 76].



1.1. The question of field structures in the language system.

1. 2. Nuclear-peripheral relations in the LSP “Time”.

1. 3. The space of the extreme periphery of the LSP “Time”.

1. 4. Structural and semantic features of the constituents of the LSP

1.5. Historical and cultural factors that determined the idioethnic originality of the temporal vocabulary and phrasemics of Cossack dialects.

1. 6. Conclusions.


2. 1. Microfield “Specific time”.

2. 1. 1. Daily cycle.

2.1. 1. 1. Expression of daily time using single lexemes.

2. 1. 1.2. Expressing daily time using stable combinations.

2. 1.2. Units of time in terms of week and month.

2. 1.3. Annual circle.

2. 2. Microfield “Abstract time”.

2. 3. Microfield “Age”.

2. 4. Conclusions.



3.1. Ritual time as a form of implementation of the cyclic model.

3. 2. Cossack folk calendar as a form of broadcasting ritual time.

3.3. Basic units of ritual time and their pragmatic properties.

3. 4. Temporal organization of the wedding ceremony.

3. 5. Temporal organization of funeral and memorial rites.

3. 6. Conclusions.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • An emotive fragment of the dialect picture of the world of the Don Cossacks: structural-semantic and ethnolinguocultural aspects 2010, Candidate of Philological Sciences Grigorieva, Natalya Aleksandrovna

  • Lexico-semantic field “Clothing” in the Don Cossack dialect: ethnolinguistic and linguocultural aspects 2008, Candidate of Philological Sciences Kalinina, Margarita Vladimirovna

  • Speech as a basic value in the linguistic consciousness of the Don Cossacks: based on the material of the Don Cossack dialects 2008, candidate of philological sciences Yurchenko, Svetlana Arkadyevna

  • Lexico-semantic field "Fishing" in Don Cossack dialects 2012, Candidate of Philological Sciences Krapivina, Maria Sergeevna

  • Ethnolinguocultural foundations of Don dialect phrasemics 2003, Doctor of Philology Brysina, Evgenia Valentinovna

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Lexico-semantic field “Time” in the Don Cossack dialect: ethnolinguocultural aspect of the study”

In linguistics at the beginning of the 21st century, one of the main issues is the relationship between language and culture. Modern science of language is actively developing directions in which language is considered as a “cultural code of a nation.” Researchers note that language is the main custodian and carrier of ethnocultural information, the exponent of a certain national mentality. Language records the historical past of a nation, way of life, traditions, customs of people, national-cultural identity of character and unique psychology of the people, value priorities and originality of spiritual life (Maslova 2001: 9; Telia 1996: 235).

Based on this understanding of the relationship between language and culture at the end of the 20th century. A new scientific direction has emerged and is actively developing - linguoculturology, the object of which is the interaction of language, which acts as a translator of cultural information, and culture as the historical memory of the people. Ethnolinguistics, the subject of which is language in its relationship with ethnicity, the place and role of language in society, is closely related to linguoculturology.

In the aspect of linguoculturology and ethnolinguistics, the worldview of a people at each synchronous section of its history is not homogeneous: the cultural-national palette is characterized by a multiplicity of attitudes, understanding of similar situations or phenomena from different positions, so that speakers of any language focus on different aspects of situations or different hypostases of the phenomenon. Stereotypes, as a rule, do not belong to the entire people as a whole, but to some of their social and dialect groups. Therefore, modern linguistics studies not only the features of the linguistic reflection of the world by large groups - a nation, people, ethnic group, but also a territorially limited society, and there is already experience in describing and modeling the linguistic picture of the world on lexical dialect material.

Thus, research in regional linguistics has also become the focus of new scientific paradigms. The increased attention of scientists in recent years to the problems of the development and functioning of folk dialects is largely due to the awareness of their importance as guardians of the uniqueness of national linguistic pictures of the world and the significant contribution of dialects to national speech cultures (Goldin 1997: 3).

According to E.V. Brysina, a territorial dialect is a means of communication between the population of a historically established region with specific ethnographic features and serves as a universal form of accumulation and transmission of the ethnocultural originality of the linguistic picture of the world of dialect speakers, which manifests itself, first of all, at its lexical and phraseological level (Brysina 20036: 6).

Each ethnic group differs only in its inherent ways of perceiving the surrounding reality, which are formed on the basis of its own practical exploration of the world, relying on traditions and customs, taking into account cultural attitudes and the specifics of ethnic consciousness. And one of the most important components of ethnic consciousness is the people’s ideas about time. They reflect not only the biological rhythms of the life of an ethnic group, but also the stages of its cultural development, the pace of its evolutionary movement. In the ways of perception and awareness of time, many cultural stereotypes are revealed, reflecting common features in the vision of the world by representatives of one or another ethnic group (Dmitryuk 2000: 208).

According to A.Ya. Gurevich, time, along with such significant concepts as space, reason, being, fate, etc., belongs to the defining categories of human consciousness, which in each individual culture are interconnected and form a “model of the world” - a kind of “coordinate grid” , through which people perceive reality and build an image of the world that exists in their minds. A person is not born with a sense of time; his temporal and spatial concepts are always determined by the culture to which he belongs” (Gurevich 1969: 105). Consequently, we can talk about the ethnic uniqueness of the perception of time by representatives of a particular society.

Temporal semantics is presented in the Russian language as a complex interaction of grammatical and lexical means, and the latter are of particular interest today as a building material that forms a temporal fragment of the linguistic picture of the world. Many aspects associated with linguistic means of expressing temporality have long attracted the attention of linguists. Thus, in a number of works of an etymological nature, the origin of individual temporary lexemes is traced (V.F. Zhitnikov, V.V. Kolesov, M. Vasmer, P.Ya. Chernykh, N.M. Shansky, etc.). From the point of view of the systemic organization of vocabulary, temporary lexemes were considered in the works of M.V. Vsevolodova, D.G. Ishchuk, V.V. Morkovkina, G.S. Shchura and others. Finally, in a number of works, temporal lexemes are considered as significant components of the linguistic picture of the world, the peculiarities of the perception of time by the Russian linguistic consciousness, the functional features of temporal words, etc. are studied. These are the works of J1.P. Akhmerova, A.A. Zaliznyak, J1.H. Mikheeva, N.I. Tolstoy, S.M. Tolstoy, A.D. Shmeleva, E.S. Yakovleva and others.

Dialectal linguistic means of expressing temporality are of interest to dialectologists. Structural and semantic features of dialect lexemes and phrasemes, methods of verbalizing time in a dialect, time models existing in dialects, etc. are considered in the works of S.M. Belyakova, E.V. Brysina, L.I. Ivashko, M.M. Kondratenko, I.A. Podyukova, S.A. Tsapenko and others.

The study of the most significant fragments of the linguistic picture of the world of dialect speakers, in particular that fragment of it that is associated with the perception of time, seems relevant, as it contributes to the comprehension of the ethnocultural specifics of dialect vocabulary and phrasemics, the semantics of which reflects the worldview of the Cossack subethnic group.

In addition to the great interest of linguist scientists in modeling linguistic pictures of the world or individual fragments of these pictures, studying the specifics of a linguistic personality, linguistic consciousness, etc., questions of the systemic organization of language remain relevant. The problem of systematic organization of vocabulary is also significant at the present stage of development of linguistics. The objective existence of the lexical-semantic system of language is recognized by most scientists, however, vocabulary as a fairly integral and organized system in a certain way requires further description. One of the possible ways to study the systemic connections of lexical units, according to researchers, is to isolate semantic fields and determine their semantic structure (Krivchenko 1973: 99). This study makes an attempt to comprehensively describe a temporary fragment of dialect linguistic reality in systemic (namely, field) and ethnolinguocultural aspects.

The above factors determine the relevance of the dissertation research.

The object of our research is the Don dialect vocabulary and phrasemics, reflecting the Cossacks’ ideas about time.

The subject of the study is the ethnocultural content and originality of lexical and phraseological means of expressing temporality.

The work is based on the following hypothesis: the linguistic means of expressing the category of temporality in the Cossack dialects of the Don have an ethnocultural originality, which is determined by both linguistic and extralinguistic factors and finds special expression in the Don dialect vocabulary and phrasemics.

Purpose of the work: to identify the ethnolinguocultural features of the lexical-semantic field “Time” in the Don Cossack dialect.

In connection with this goal, the following tasks are solved:

1) develop a field model of the temporal space of Don Cossack dialects;

2) identify nuclear-peripheral relations constituting the lexical-semantic field “Time”;

3) determine the structural and semantic features of the analyzed group of linguistic units;

4) identify the main historical and cultural factors that determined the idioethnic originality of the constituents of the modeled field;

5) identify the ethnocultural uniqueness of Cossack dialect vocabulary and phrasemics associated with the perception of time; pragmatic potential of units of time.

The methodological basis of the study is linguo-philosophical provisions on the interaction of language and culture; the postulate about the relative social determination of language; general linguistic principles of the systemic and structural organization of language and units of the language system. The theoretical basis of the study is represented by fundamental works in the field of linguoculturology (Yu. D. Apresyan, A. D. Arutyunova, A. Vezhbitskaya, V. A. Maslova, Y. S. Stepanova, V. N. Teliya, etc.), ethnolinguistics ( N.I. Tolstoy, S.M. Tolstoy, M.M. Kopylenko and others), linguistic picture of the world (S.M. Belyakova, I.B. Levontina, J.I.H. Mikheeva, N.I. Tolstoy, A.D. Shmeleva, E.S. Yakovleva, etc.), the doctrine of dialect as a territorial variety of a language and the repository of its history, developed in the works of R.I. Avanesova, L.I. Barannikova, V.E. Goldina, L.L. Kasatkina, R.I. Kudryashova, L.M. Orlova and others, ideas of thematic, lexical-semantic, ideographic grouping of vocabulary developed by L.M. Vasiliev, Yu.N. Karaulov, G.S. Shchur and others.

The implementation of the assigned tasks was carried out using the following methods and techniques: a) a descriptive method with techniques of observation, interpretation and classification of the material being studied; b) the method of ethnolinguocultural analysis developed by E.V. Brysina and presupposing a scientific interpretation of linguistic material based on the explication of information on history, culture, and data on the social organization of the corresponding subethnic group; dialectography techniques (collection, processing and linguistic interpretation of dialect material based on research intuition); c) elements of the method of component analysis (comparison of dictionary definitions, isolation of integral and differential semes), with the help of which common semantic components were established between the field name and specific units, and the distribution of nuclear and peripheral constituents of the field was carried out; d) the use of quantitative calculations, which makes it possible to clarify the relationship between different types of lexical dialectisms and types of phraseolex in the composition of set expressions.

The scientific novelty of the work is determined by the fact that it was the first to carry out a comprehensive ethnolinguocultural analysis of the temporal vocabulary and phrasemics of Don Cossack dialects, presented in the form of a lexical-semantic field, and also described the structure and properties of the elements of the “Time” field, identifying its ethnolinguocultural features.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that it makes a certain contribution to the development of the problem of ethnolinguistic description of lexical-semantic fields in general and the lexical-semantic field “Time” in particular. Such an analysis allows us to characterize the vocabulary of any fragment of reality, taking into account both systemic and ethnolinguocultural approaches, and therefore describe it taking into account the entire volume of information.

The practical value of the dissertation lies in the possibility of using the results of the work in the practice of teaching Russian dialectology, courses in linguoculturology and ethnolinguistics, when teaching special courses on the ethnocultural uniqueness of dialect vocabulary and phrasemics, in compiling dialect dictionaries and a dictionary of the spiritual culture of the Don Cossacks.

The research sources are:

Dialect dictionaries: Dictionary of Russian Don dialects (first edition - 1975-1976, second edition (1 volume) - 1991), Large explanatory dictionary of the Don Cossacks (M., 2003), card index of the Dictionary of Don dialects of the Volgograd region ( SDGV), located at the Department of General and Slavic-Russian Linguistics of the Volgograd State Pedagogical University (VSPU);

Works of local writers - A.S. Serafimovich, B.P. Ekimova, E.A. Kulkina, and others, reflecting the history and life of the Don Cossacks.

The material for the analysis was the author's card index, which included 1118 units of temporal vocabulary and phraseemics of Don dialects, collected by continuous sampling from the indicated sources. In the concept of temporal vocabulary and phrasemics, we include words and phrases with a temporal meaning (chrononyms), as well as names associated with age stratification. Due to the fact that one of our tasks is to model the lexical-semantic field “Time”, for the completeness of the study we used dialect units in the semantic structure of which the meaning of temporal reference is expressed by one of the differential or potential semes, i.e. which are not actual symbols of time.

Provisions for defense:

1. Dialectal designations of time can be constructed into a field model - the lexical-semantic field “Time”, which is represented by a set of units interconnected by semantic commonality and structural relationships. According to its structural and semantic organization, the field “Time” claims to be a macrofield and is represented by a number of microfields, or functional-semantic zones, the constituents of which reflect different hypostases of the perception of time. As part of the “Time” field, we consider the following microfields: “Concrete time”, “Abstract time”, “Ritual time”, “Age, or Life time”.

2. Within microfields, nuclear, perinuclear and peripheral elements are distinguished. Nuclear elements include units that are direct designations of time, the semantics of which is not complicated by any additional meanings. The perinuclear space is filled with units, in the semantic structure of which the temporal seme is the nuclear one, but there are also some connotative semes. The zone of the near periphery consists of units that indirectly or indirectly contain an indication of time, expressed explicitly, and a temporal seme as one of the differential ones. The far periphery is formed by units in which the indication of time is represented by one of the differential semes, but is expressed implicitly. In the extreme periphery there are elements that, in their nuclear semantics, belong to other lexical-semantic fields, but contain the seme “time” as a potential or peripheral element.

3. To express temporal semantics in the Don dialects, literary, vernacular and dialect language means are used; Among the latter, a certain part consists of interdialectal vocabulary and phrasemics. Lexical dialectisms are represented by different types. Most dialectisms have a transparent internal form and are structurally and semantically motivated.

The Cossacks' ideas about time were reflected in different forms in the semantics of set expressions. Some set expressions denote time itself; the basis of other stable phrases was the names of everyday objects and phenomena, associatively reflecting concepts of time; a significant number of units containing temporal lexemes serve to express non-temporal concepts.

Ethnocultural information is presented in the semantics of dialect phraseological units both explicitly and implicitly.

4. The idioethnic originality of the Don temporal vocabulary and phrasemics is largely determined by the historical and cultural factors of the formation and functioning of the Cossack subethnic group: the leading role of the military activities of the Cossacks; the interruption of the cultural traditions of the Slavic ancestors, in particular, the secondary importance of agricultural labor in the initial stages of the formation of the Cossack subethnic group; the heterogeneity of Cossack dialects in general, as well as temporal vocabulary and phrasemics in particular.

5. The ethnocultural originality of temporal vocabulary and phrasemics manifests itself primarily at the semantic level and is reflected in the non-traditional and non-standard images (from the position of a native speaker of the literary language) that formed the basis of names, and the nature of metaphors. Ethnocultural content is possessed by those dialectal temporal units, in the semantics of which the peculiarities of the formation, development and life activity of the Cossack subethnic group are reflected. Culturally marked, first of all, are the actual dialect vocabulary and phraseology, ritual dialect units, and geortonyms.

Approbation of work. The main provisions and results of the study were discussed at regional scientific and practical conferences on local history (Volgograd, February 2005, 2006); at conferences of young researchers at Volgograd State Pedagogical University (VSPU, November 2004, 2005); at the III International Scientific Conference “National-cultural component in text and language” (Minsk, April 2005); at the III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems of studying the living Russian word at the turn of the millennium” (Voronezh, October 2005); at the International Scientific Conference “Language and Society in Synchrony and Diachrony”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of prof. JI. I. Barannikova (Saratov, November

2005); at the interuniversity dialectological readings “Regional vocabulary in the historical and cultural aspect” (Arzamas, November 2006); at the Second International Scientific Conference “Russian Literature in the Context of Modern Integration Processes” (Volgograd, April 2007) and were reflected in 9 articles and abstracts of one report.

Work structure. In accordance with the genre, the dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, a list of dictionaries and text sources, a list of settlements in which information was collected, and an appendix.

Similar dissertations in the specialty "Russian language", 02/10/01 code VAK

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  • Verbalization of spatial relations in Don dialects as a reflection of the ethnocultural consciousness of the Cossacks 2012, Candidate of Philological Sciences Nenkina, Elena Vyacheslavovna

  • The concept of “time” in the Kumyk and Russian language pictures of the world 2009, Candidate of Philological Sciences Sultanova, Lyudmila Yurievna

  • The image of time in the dialect picture of the world: Based on the vocabulary and phraseology of Russian old-timer dialects in the south of the Tyumen region 2005, Doctor of Philology Belyakova, Svetlana Mikhailovna

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Russian language”, Lalaeva, Diana Igorevna

1. The Cossacks’ ideas about time combine its different characteristics, but the most relevant for speakers of dialects, as residents of rural areas, is the cyclical model of time associated with the life of nature and agricultural activities. It is used for weather monitoring and various seasonal work; Moreover, it plays an important role in organizing the annual time. There is a certain isomorphism in the Cossacks’ perception of the daily and annual cycles, which is also due to the fact that ideas of cyclicity occupy a large place in the human mind.

2. A clear expression of the cyclic model is the Cossack agricultural calendar, which generally inherits the traditions of the original Russian folk calendar, but also has its own characteristics caused by the specific conditions of the formation of the Cossack subethnic group. Thus, in the conditions of the breakdown of the agricultural cultural tradition in the Cossack calendar, the days (and, accordingly, their names) that marked the start and end of the main agricultural work were unclaimed.

3. The concept of ritual time includes the following characteristic - it is time that stands out from the everyday flow of time by its marking, special significance for the speaker of the dialect (the time of holidays, fasts and other significant periods of varying duration). Highlighting this aspect of time implies the existence of a potential semantic opposition between ritual and everyday life. The units of ritual time are segments of different durations: these are very small intervals at morning and evening dawn; most often a day coinciding with some holiday; periods of fasting; the period of time from Christmas to Epiphany and the week after Trinity; leap year. All units of ritual time have pragmatic properties, since they set a person a certain type of behavior, which involves the fulfillment of formulaic instructions (beating a willow twig in the Willow Whip), all kinds of restrictions and prohibitions, etc.

The microfield “Ritual Time” considered as part of the LSP “Time” has its own field organization, contains nuclear and peripheral elements represented by the semantics of both the actual units of time and units that are indirectly related to time. The total number of constituents of the microfield “Ritual Time” is 256 units, which amounted to 23% of the total number of units of the LSP “Time”; the core and perinuclear part contain 127 units, and 129 units are located on the periphery.

4. Wedding and funeral rites of the Cossacks have their own clear temporal organization. Lexico-phraseological means that nominate the main moments of a wedding and funeral in time belong to the near periphery of the LSM “Ritual Time” and form within it two independent functional-semantic zones, within which their own field hierarchy is possible. These linguistic units express temporal semantics in different ways. In some of them the significance of temporary attachment is significantly felt; in other words and expressions, the semantics of time is not expressed explicitly, but through specific images; some units serve as designations of ritual actions taking place at one time or another at a wedding or funeral, and therefore contain only a hint of time. Set expressions vary in figurative characteristics, expressive capabilities and degree of semantic unity. Almost all of them are devoid of evaluative meaning and perform a nominative function in the dialect.

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114. Kudryashova, R.I. Semantics of the word weather in Volgograd dialects / R.I. Kudryashova, T.N. Kolokoltseva // Lexical atlas of Russian folk dialects: materials and research 1998. St. Petersburg, 2001. - pp. 174-178.

115. Kuznetsov, A.M. National and cultural originality of the word / A.M. Kuznetsov // Language and culture: collection. reviews. M., 1980. - pp. 53-58.

116. Kuznetsova, E.V. Motivational potential of a dialect word (based on the meteorological vocabulary of Don dialects): dis. . Ph.D. Philol. Sciences / E.V. Kuznetsova. Volgograd, 2005. - 333 p.

117. Kulkova, M.A. The problem of definition and classification of folk signs / M.A. Kulkova // Problems of studying the living Russian word at the turn of the millennium: materials of the III All-Russian. scientific-practical conf. Voronezh: VSPU, 2005.-Ch. II.-S. 146-151.

118. Lebedeva, N.I. Russian peasant clothing of the 19th century. XX century / N.I. Lebedeva, G.S. Maslova // Russians. Historical and ethnographic atlas.-M., 1967.-P. 193-267.

119. Levitsky, V.V. Experimental methods in semasiology /

120. B.V. Levitsky, I.A. Sternin. Voronezh: Voronezh Publishing House, University, 1989. -191, 2. p.

121. Vocabulary and phraseology of Russian dialects of Siberia / rep. ed. A.I. Fedorov. -Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1982. 144 p.

122. Vocabulary of Russian folk dialects: collection. Art. / ed. F.P. Owl. -M.-L., 1966.-223 p.

123. Leontyev, A.N. Image of the world / A.N. Leontyev // Selected psychological works: v2 vol.-M.: Pedagogy, 1983.-T. 2.-S. 251-261.

124. Listopadov, A.M. Ancient Cossack wedding on the Don. Rituals and verbal texts / A.M. Listopadov. Rostov n/d., 1947.

125. Likhachev, D.S. Conceptosphere of the Russian language / D.S. Likhachev // Izv. RAS. Ser. lit. and language M., 1993.-T. 52, No. 1.-S. 3-10.

126. Logical analysis of language. Cultural concepts: collection. Art. / answer ed. N. D. Arutyunova. M., 1991.-204 p.

127. Logical analysis of language: Language and time: collection. Art. / answer ed. N.D. Arutyunova. -M.: Indrik, 1997.-352 p.

128. Maslova, V.A. Linguoculturology: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / V.A. Maslova. M.: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2001. - 208 p.

129. Matheeva, L.B. Religious and ritual vocabulary in the dialects of the Old Believers (Semeisk) of Transbaikalia / L.B. Matheeva // Lexical atlas of Russian folk dialects: materials and research 1999. St. Petersburg, 2002.1. pp. 123-128.

130. Makhracheva, T.V. Lexico-semantic aspect of the folk calendar of the Tambov region (on the example of the Easter holiday) / T.V. Makhracheva //

131. Problems of studying the living Russian word at the turn of the millennium: materials of the III All-Russian. scientific-practical conf. Voronezh: VSPU, 2005. -Ch. III.-S. 86-100.

132. Meshcheryakova, Yu.V. Language and culture, the essence of interrelation and mutual influence / Yu.V. Meshcheryakova // Language personality: problems of cognition and communication: collection. scientific tr. / ed. ON THE. Krasavsky. -Volgograd: College, 2001. - P. 165-171.

133. M. Mirtov, A.V. Cossack dialects / A.V. Mirtov. Rostov n/d.: “Sevkavkniga”, 1926. - 32 p.

134. Mikhail, 3. Ethnolinguistic methods in the study of folk spiritual culture / 3. Mikhail // Slavic and Balkan folklore. M.: Nauka, 1989.-P. 174-192.

135. Mikheeva, L.N. Time in the Russian language picture of the world: linguocultural aspect: dis. Dr. Philol. Sciences / L.N. Mikheeva. -M., 2004.-29 p.

136. Mokienko, V.M. Slavic phraseology: textbook. manual for philol. specialist. un-tov / V.M. Mokienko. M.: Higher. school, 1980. - 207 p.

137. Mokienko, V.M. Images of Russian speech. Historical and etymological essays on phraseology / V.M. Mokienko. St. Petersburg: Folio-Press, 1999. - 459 p.

138. Morkovkin, V.V. Experience of ideographic description of vocabulary (Analysis of words with the meaning of time in the Russian language) / V.V. Morkovkin; edited by A.A. Novikova. M.: Publishing house Mosk. University, 1977. - 168 p.

139. Nikitina, T.G. Problems of studying the ethnocultural specifics of phraseology / T.G. Nikitina. Pskov, 1998. - 205 p.

140. Ritual poetry: calendar folklore. M.: Rus. book, 1997. -576 p.

141. Orlov, J.I.M. Russian dialects of the Volgograd region / JI.M. Orlov. -Volgograd, 1984. 93 p.150.0ssovetsky, I.A. Vocabulary of modern Russian folk dialects / I.A. Ossovetsky. -M.: Nauka, 1982. 198 p.

142. Podyukov, I.A. Folk phraseology in the mirror of folk culture: textbook. allowance / I.A. Podyukov. Perm, 1991. - 125 p.

143. Field structures in the language system / scientific. ed. Z.D. Popova. Voronezh, 1989.- 198 p.

144. Popova, Z.D. Lexical system of language: textbook. allowance / Z.D. Popova, I.A. Sternin. Voronezh: Voronezh Publishing House, University, 1984. - 148 p.

145. Postovalova, V.I. Linguoculturology in the light of the anthropological paradigm (to the problem of the foundations and boundaries of modern phraseology) / V.I. Postoval ova // Phraseology in the context of culture. M.: Yaz. rus. culture, 1999. - pp. 25-33.

146. Potaenko, N.A. Time in language (experience of a complex description) / N.A. Potaenko // Logical analysis of language: Language and time: collection. Art. / answer ed. N. D. Arutyunova. -M., 1997.-P.113-121.

147. Pronshtein, A.P. The nature and features of the settlement of the Don region in the 18th century. / A.P. Pronshtein // Scientific reports of higher education. Historical sciences. 1960. -№1. - P. 92-93.

148. Propp, V.Ya. Russian agrarian holidays (experience of historical and ethnographic research) / V.Ya. Propp. L., 1963.

149. Protsenko, B.N. History of spiritual culture of the Don region / B.N. Protsenko. Rostov n/d.: Publishing house Rost, university, 1993.

150. Protsenko, B.N. Conspiracies, amulets, traditional medicine, beliefs, omens. Spiritual culture of the Don Cossacks / B.N. Protsenko. Rostov n/d.: Publishing house Rost, university, 1998.-322 p.

151. Protsenko, B.N. Wedding ceremony of the Don Cossacks in time and space / B.N. Protsenko // Traditional culture: scientific. almanac. -2004.-No.4.-S. 26-34.

152. Radzievskaya, T.V. About some words of time in the Ukrainian language / T.V. Radzievskaya // Logical analysis of language: Language and time: collection. Art. / answer ed. N.D. Arutyunova. M., 1997. - P. 36^13.

153. Radchenko, O.A., Zakutkina N.A. Dialectal picture of the world as an idioethnic phenomenon / O.A. Radchenko, N.A. Zakutkina // Issue. linguistics. 2004. - No. 6. - P. 25-47.

154. The role of the human factor in language: Language and the picture of the world: collection. Art. / answer ed. B.A. Serebrennikov. -M.: Nauka, 1988.-215 p.

155. Runaev, Yu.V., Nabokov, V.N. Military-patriotic traditions in the spiritual world of the Cossacks. Volgograd: KVVAUL, 1997. - 188 p.

156. Russian grammar: in 2 volumes / chapter. ed. N.Yu. Shvedova. M.: Nauka, 1980 -T.I: - 784 e.; T.P: -710 s.

157. Russian dialectology / ed. prof. ON THE. Meshchersky. M.: Higher. school, 1972.-303 p.

158. Russian dialectology: a textbook for students. Philol. fak. higher textbook establishments / S.V. Bromley, L.N. Bulatova, O.G. Getsova and others; edited by L.L. Kasatkina. M.: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2005. - 288 p.

159. Russian people, their customs, rituals, legends, superstitions and poetry / collection. M. Zabylin. Reprint, reproduction ed. 1880 - M.: Book: Printshop, 1990 - 616 p.

160. Ryabov, S.I. History of the native land XVI-XIX: Book. for the teacher / S.I. Ryabov. -Volgograd: Nizh.-Volzh. book publishing house, 1988. 144 p.

161. Ryabtseva, N.K. Axiological models of time / N.K. Ryabtseva // Logical analysis of language: Language and time: collection. Art. / answer ed. N.D. Arutyunova. M., 1997. -S. 78-95.

162. Savchuk, G.V. Reflection in Russian phraseology of the spatial model of the world: abstract. dis. . Ph.D. Philol. Sciences / G.V. Savchuk. Orel, 1995.-23 p.

163. Sapozhnikova, L.M. Cultural component of the lexical meaning of proper names and their adjectival derivatives / L.M. Sapozhnikova // Lexicon and culture. M., 1990. - pp. 86-91.

164. Sergeev, F.P. On the nature of interaction between dialects of Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​in conditions of mixed settlement / F.P. Sergeev // Questions of Russian dialectology. Kuibyshev, 1965. - P. 49-71.

165. Sergeev, F.P. Fundamentals of linguistic research / F.P. Sergeev. -Volgograd: Peremena, 1997. 163 p.

166. Sorokin, Yu.A. Language, consciousness, culture / Yu.A. Sorokin, E.F. Tarasov, N.V. Ufimtseva // Collection of scientific works. M., 1991. - Issue. 326.

167. Methods of nomination in modern Russian / resp. ed. D.N. Shmelev. M.: Nauka, 1982. - 296 p.

168. Stepanov, Yu.S. Time / Yu.S. Stepanov // Constants: Dictionary of Russian Culture / Yu.S. Stepanov. Ed. 3rd, rev. and additional - M.: Academician. Project, 2004. - pp. 228-248.

169. Sternin, I.A. Lexical meaning of a word in speech / I.A. Sternin. -Voronezh, 1985.- 170 p.

170. Suprun, V.I. Features of the application of the field approach to the analysis of onomastic space / V.I. Suprun // Field theory in modern linguistics: materials of scientific theory. seminar. Part V. -Ufa: Bashk. state Univ., 1999. pp. 134-139.

171. Suprun, V.I. Onomastic field of the Russian language and its artistic and aesthetic potential: monograph / V.I. Suprun. Volgograd: Peremena, 2000. - 172 p.

172. Tan Aoshuang About the model of time in the Chinese language picture of the world / Tan Aoshuang // Logical analysis of language: Language and time: collection. Art. / answer ed. N.D. Arutyunova. M., 1997. - pp. 96-106.

173. Telia, V.N. Metaphorization and its role in creating a linguistic picture of the world / V.N. Telia // The role of the human factor in language. Language and picture of the world. -M, 1988.-S. 173-203.

174. Telia, V.N. Russian phraseology: semantic, pragmatic and linguocultural aspects / V.N. Telia. M.: Yaz. rus. culture, 1996.-286 p.

175. Field theory in modern linguistics: materials of scientific theory. seminar. -Ufa: Bashk. state University, 1999. Part V. - 204 p.

176. Tikhonov, A.N. Parts of speech lexical and grammatical categories of words / A.N. Tikhonov // Questions of the theory of parts of speech. Based on the material of languages ​​of various types.-L.: Nauka, 1968.-P. 156-167.

177. Tokarev, G.V. Concept as an object of linguoculturology (based on the representations of the concept “Labor” in the Russian language) / G.V. Tokarev. -Volgograd, 2003. -230 p.

178. Tolstaya, S.M. On the pragmatic interpretation of ritual and ritual folklore / S.M. Tolstaya // Image of the world in word and ritual. Balkan Readings-l.-M., 1992.-P. 215-229.

179. Tolstaya, S.M. Time / S.M. Tolstaya // Slavic antiquities: ethnolinguistic dictionary: in 5 volumes / under general. ed. N.I. Tolstoy. M.: International. relations, 1995. -T. 1: A - G. - P. 448-452.

180. Tolstaya, S.M. Time as a tool of magic: compression and stretching of time in the Slavic folk tradition / S.M. Tolstaya // Logical analysis of language: Language and time: collection. Art. / answer ed. N.D. Arutyunova. M., 1997.-S. 28-35.

181. Tolstaya, S.M. Mythology and axiology of time in Slavic folk culture / S.M. Tolstaya // Culture and history. Slavic world. M., 1997.-S. 62-79.

182. Thick flock, S.M. People's calendar / S.M. Tolstaya // Slavic mythology: encyclical. dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: International. relations, 2002. - pp. 212-214.

183. Tolstoy, N.I. From experiments in typological research of Slavic vocabulary / N.I. Tolstoy // Question. linguistics. 1963. - No. 1. -S. 29^5.

184. Tolstoy, N.I. On the subject of ethnolinguistics and its role in the study of language and ethnicity / N.I. Tolstoy // Areal studies in the linguistics of ethnography. Language and ethnicity: collection. scientific tr. -M., 1983. S. 180-190.

185. Tolstoy, N.I. Language and folk culture: Essays on Slavic mythology and ethnolinguistics / N.I. Tolstoy. M.: Indrik, 1995. - 512 p.

186. Tolstoy, N.I. Time’s magic circle (according to the ideas of the Slavs) / N.I. Tolstoy // Logical analysis of language: Language and time: collection. Art. / answer ed. N.D. Arutyunova. M., 1997. - pp. 17-27.

187. Tolstoy, N.I. Language and culture / N.I. Tolstoy // Language of folklore: educational method. allowance. Tomsk: Publishing house. TSU, 2005. - pp. 47-58.

188. Toporov, V.N. Space / V.N. Toporov // Myths of the peoples of the world: encycl.: in 2 volumes / ed. S.A. Tokarev. M.: Bolshaya Ross. Encycl., 2003. - T. 2: K-Ya. - pp. 340-342.

189. Trubetskoy, N.S. Story. Culture. Language / N.S. Trubetskoy. M., 1995. - 798 p.

190. Ufimtseva, A.A. Theories of the “semantic field” and the possibility of their application in the study of the vocabulary of a language / A.A. Ufimtseva // Questions of the theory of language in modern foreign linguistics. M., 1961.-S. 42.

191. Ufimtseva, A.A. The role of vocabulary in a person’s knowledge of reality and the formation of a linguistic picture of the world / A.A. Ufimtseva // The role of the human factor in language. Language and picture of the world. M., 1988. -P.108-140.

192. Ufimtseva, N.V. Russians: another experience of self-knowledge / N.V. Ufimtseva // Ethnocultural specificity of linguistic consciousness. M., 1996.-S. 139-162.

193. Ufimtseva, N.V. Ethnic character, self-image and linguistic consciousness of Russians / N.V. Ufimtseva // Language consciousness: formation and functioning.-M., 2000.-P. 135-171.

194. Fedosov, Yu.V. Description of the structure of the semantic field “temperature” / Yu.V. Fedosov // Field theory in modern linguistics: materials of scientific theory. seminar. Ufa: Bashk. state University, 1999. - Part V. - pp. 155-157.

195. Filatova, V.F. Ritual vocabulary of time and space (based on the dialects of the eastern part of the Voronezh region) / V.F. Filatova // Lexical atlas of Russian folk dialects: materials and research 1992.-SPb., 1994a.-S. 105-111.

196. Filatova, V.F. Semantics of subject ritual vocabulary / V.F. Filatova // Lexical atlas of Russian folk dialects: materials and research 1993.-SPb., 19946.-S. 81-91.

197. Filatova, V.F. Ritual and ritual vocabulary in the ethnolinguistic semiotic aspect (based on the dialects of the eastern part of the Voronezh region): abstract. dis. Ph.D. Philol. Sciences / V.F. Filatova. Voronezh, 1995. - 228 p.

198. Filatova, V.F. On the semiosphere of traditional folk spiritual culture / V.F. Filatova // Lexical atlas of Russian folk dialects: materials and research 1994. St. Petersburg, 1996. - pp. 76-80.

199. Phraseology in the context of culture / resp. ed. V. N. Telia. M., 1999. - 333 p.

200. L'Frumkina, P.M. Constants of culture continuation of the topic / P.M. Frumkina // Language and culture: Facts and values: To the 70th anniversary of Yuri Sergeevich Stepanov / resp. ed. E. S. Kubryakova, T. E. Yanko. - M.: Yaz. Slavs, culture, 2001. - pp. 167-177.

201. Heidegger, M. Being and time / M. Heidegger; lane with him. V.V. Bibikhina. -2nd ed., rev. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2002. - 451 p.

202. Tsapenko, S.A. Features of the conceptualization of the daily circle in the Russian language picture of the world: abstract of thesis. dis. . Ph.D. Philol. Sciences / S.A. Tsapenko. Arkhangelsk, 2005. - 26 p.

203. Chavchavadze, N.Z. Culture and values ​​/ N.Z. Chavchavadze. Tbilisi: Metsniereba, 1984.- 171 p.

204. Chan Van Ko Time and Eastern astrology / Chan Van Ko // Logical analysis of language: Language and time: collection. Art. / answer ed. N.D. Arutyunova. -M., 1997.-S. 107-112.

205. Human factor in language: Linguistic mechanisms of expressiveness / resp. ed. V.N. Telia. -M.: Nauka, 1991. -214 p.

206. Chepasova, A.M. Reflection of spiritual culture in phraseological units / A.M. Chepasova // Russian as a state language: materials of the International. conf. Chelyabinsk: Chelyab Publishing House. state ped. Institute, 1988. - P. 17-32.

207. Shchur, G.S. Field theories in linguistics / G.S. Shchur. M.: Nauka, 1974. - 256 p.

208. Yavorskaya, G.M. “Time” and “Case”: a fragment of the semantic field of time in Slavic languages ​​/ G.M. Yavorskaya // Logical analysis of language: Language and time: collection. Art. / answer ed. N.D. Arutyunova. M., 1997. -S. 44-50.

209. Language. Culture. Ethnos. M.: Nauka, 1994. - 233 p.

210. Yakovleva, E.S. Fragment of the Russian language picture of time / E.S. Yakovleva // Issue. linguistics. 1994a. - No. 5. - P. 73-89.

211. Yakovleva, E.S. Fragments of the Russian language picture of the world (models of space, time and perception) / E.S. Yakovleva. M.: Gnosis, 19946.-344 p.

212. Yakovleva, E.S. To the description of time in the picture of the world of a native Russian speaker / E.S. Yakovleva // Semantics of linguistic units: report. V International conf. M, 1996. - T. II. - pp. 242-245.

213. Yakovleva, E.S. Hour in the system of Russian names of time / E.S. Yakovleva // Logical analysis of language: Language and time: collection. Art. / answer ed. N.D. Arutyunova. M., 1997.-S. 267-281.

214. Cultural models in language and thought / Ed. By Hjlland D., Quinn N. Cambridge, 1987. XII.1. LIST OF DICTIONARIES

215. Large explanatory dictionary of the Don Cossacks. M.: Rus. Dictionaries: Astrel: ACT, 2003. - 608 p.

216. Glukhov, V.M. Dictionary of Don dialect and colloquial phraseology (based on the dialects of the Ilovlinsky district of the Volgograd region): manuscript / V.M. Glukhov. 200 s.

217. Dahl, V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language: in 4 volumes / V.I. Dahl M.: Rus. lang., 2002.

218. V.I. Dal -M.: Rus. lang., 2002.

219. Don Historical and Ethnographic Dictionary. Program. M., 1998. - 132 p.

220. Zemtsov, S.N. Dictionary of words and expressions that existed among the Don Cossacks: manuscript / S.N. Zemtsov. 1991. - 132 p.

221. Isaev, M.I. Dictionary of ethnolinguistic concepts and terms / M.I. Isaev. 3rd ed. - M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2003. - 200 p.

222. Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary / ch. ed. V.N. Yartseva. -M.: Bolshaya Ross. encycl., 2002. 709 e.: ill.

223. Maslov, V.G. Dictionary of the Dobrinka dialect (based on the material of the Dobrinka dialect of the Uryupinsky district of the Volgograd region) / V.G. Maslov. Shuya, 1993.- 177 p.

224. Mirtov, A.V. Don Dictionary. Materials for studying the vocabulary of the Don Cossacks / A.V. Mirtov. Rostov n/d., 1929.

225. Myths of the peoples of the world: encyclical: in 2 volumes / ed. S.A. Tokarev. M.: Bolshaya Ross. Encycl., 2003. - T.l: A-K. - 671 units; T. 2: K-Ya. - 719 p.

226. Ozhegov, S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. -M.: Azbukovnik, 1999. 944 p.

227. Slavic mythology: encyclic. dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: International. relations, 2002. - 512 p.

228. Dictionary of dialects of the Moscow region. M., 1969. - 598 p.

229. Dictionary of Russian Don dialects: in 3 volumes. Rostov n/d.: Publishing house Rost, university, 1975-1976.

230. Dictionary of Russian Don dialects. T. 1.-Rostov n/D., 1991.

231. Dictionary of Russian folk dialects / ch. ed. F.P. Owl. L.: Nauka, 1968. - Issue. 3. - 360 e.; 1969. - Issue. 4. - 356 units; 1979. - Issue. 15. - 400 e.; 1981.-Issue. 17.-384 p.

232. Dictionary of Russian folk dialects / ch. ed. F.P. Sorokoletov. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2002. - Issue. 36. - 344 p.

233. Dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 volumes / USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of Russian. language; edited by A.P. Evgenieva. 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Rus. lang., 1985. - T.l: A - I. -696 e.; 1986. - T.2: K - O. - 736 e.; 1987. - T. 3.: P - R. - 750 e.; 1988. -T. 4: S-Ya.-800 s.

234. Dictionary of modern Russian folk dialect (village of Deulino, Ryazan district, Ryazan region) / ed. I.A. Osovetsky. M.: Nauka, 1969.-612 p.

235. Stepanov, Yu.S. Constants: Dictionary of Russian Culture / Yu.S. Stepanov. -Ed. 3rd, rev. and additional M.: Academician. Project, 2004. - 992 p.

236. Vasmer, M. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 volumes / M. Vasmer; lane with him. and additional HE. Trubachev. 2nd ed., erased. - M.: Progress, 1987.

237. Philosophy: encyclical. dictionary / ed. A.A. Ivina. M.: Gardariki, 2004.-1072 p.

238. Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language: in 2 volumes / comp. A.I. Fedorov. Novosibirsk: Nauka, Sibirsk. ed. RAS company, 1995.

239. Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language / ed. A. I. Molotkova. -M.: Rus. lang., 1986.

240. Chernykh, P.Ya. Historical and etymological dictionary of the modern Russian language: in 2 volumes / P.Ya. Black. 7th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. lang.: Media, 2006.

241. Yaroslavl regional dictionary: textbook. manual: in 10 issue. Yaroslavl: YAGPI im. K.D. Ushinsky, 1981-1991.


243. Danilov, I.P. Don Chebor: miniatures / I.P. Danilov. Volgograd: Nizh.-Volzh. book publishing house, 1988. - 192 p.

244. Ekimov, B.P. Stories: Private investigation: a story / B.P. Ekimov; preface V. Vasilyeva. M.: Artist. lit., 1991.-415 p.

245. Ekimov, B.P. Works: in 3 volumes / B.P. Ekimov. Volgograd: State. institution "Publisher", 2000. - T. 1. - 608 e.; T.2. - 624 units; T. 3. - 624 p.

246. Kogitin, V.V. Fairy tales-retellings / V.V. Kogitin. Volgograd: Stanitsa, 1996.-240 p.

247. Kulkin, E.A. The Forgiven Age: Trilogy: Crash: a novel / E.A. Kulkin. -Volgograd: State. institution "Publisher", 2000. 752 p.

248. Serafimovich, A.S. Collected works: in Utah. / A.S. Serafimovich. -M.: GIHL, 1947-1948.

250. Sukhov, N.V. Cossack woman: a novel / N.V. Sukhov. Volgograd: N.-Volzh. book ed., 1970.-576 p.

251. Turgenev, I.S. Novels and stories / I.S. Turgenev. M.: Artist. lit., 1965.-200 p.

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