Most people pass into another world quite prosaically - from illness or old age, a few - tragically.

But sometimes the “old woman with a scythe” mercilessly mocks a person, preparing for him a cruel and unusual death. The circumstances of the death of such people seem so incredible that they are difficult to believe. We present a chronological list of the most unusual deaths, ranging from 270 BC to the present day.

In 270 BC, while trying to solve the Liar paradox (this is the so-called liar paradox formulated by Eubulides), the poet Philetas died of insomnia.

In 207 BC. e. The philosopher Chrysippus, who lived in Greece, died of laughter while watching a drunken donkey try to eat figs. This is one of the most ridiculous deaths in history.

In 121 BC. For the murder of the Roman commander Gaius Gracchus, a reward was promised in gold, the weight of which should be equal to the weight of Gaius's head. According to Plutarch, one of the participants in the murder, Septimuleius, beheaded Gracchus, removed the brains from his skull and filled the cavity with molten lead. The head was presented to the Roman Senate and weighed. The murderers received seventeen pounds of gold.

In 260, the Roman emperor Valerian was defeated in battle with the Persians and was captured. The Persian king Shapur used him as a stool, and then, in response to a request for release for a ransom, poured molten gold down his throat. But this was not enough for the king. He skinned Valerian and made a stuffed animal, filling it with straw and dung. And only three and a half centuries later, Valerian’s remains were buried.

In 668, the Roman Emperor of the Byzantine Empire, Constants II, was killed in a bath by a eunuch, Andreas. According to Theophanes the Confessor, the eunuch serving the emperor while washing hit him on the head with a marble soap dish, the stunned Constant fell into the water and choked.

In 1277, Pope John XXI, famous for his learning, was mortally wounded by the collapse of the roof of his own scientific laboratory.

In 1327, Edward II, the first heir to the English throne, suffered one of the cruelest and most unusual deaths. Overthrown from the throne with the help of his own wife Isabella, the king was executed in a sophisticated way - a hot iron was stuck into his anus.

In 1478, the Duke of Clarence, George Plantagenet, was executed in an unusual manner. He was drowned in a barrel of table wine, and according to legend, the Duke chose this death himself. The volume of the barrel in which malvasia was usually stored was 477.3 liters - quite enough to drown.

In 1514, one of the most martyrdoms was suffered by Gyorgy Dozsa, the leader of the peasant uprising in Hungary. He was seated on a white-hot throne, and his associates were forced to eat his meat.

In 1559, the French king Henry II, participating in a knight's duel to celebrate his daughter's wedding, was killed. His visor, which had a soft golden lattice, pierced the enemy’s spear, which hit him right in the eye and struck the brain.

In 1573, in the Kingdom of Croatia, after the defeat of the peasant uprising, its leader Matja Hubek was captured and brutally executed. They put a crown of hot iron on his head and then quartered him.

In 1671, Louis XIV's cook, whose name was François Vatel, committed suicide. He could not bear the shame of not receiving the fish ordered for the king's table on time. The body of the unfortunate cook was discovered when his assistant came to inform him that the order had been delivered. Vatel's name became a symbol of the chef's professional honor.

In 1791 or 1793, composer and guitarist František Kotzvara died of suffocation after having too much sex with a prostitute. It was not only the most unusual death, but also the most unenviable - it is difficult to instill in yourself a respectful attitude towards such a deceased.

In 1834, Scottish botanist David Douglas, who was studying plants, died from an animal. He fell into a pit trap, where the bull pursuing him fell after him. The animal, naturally, attacked the man, and Douglas died from the horns of the bull.

In 1850, the President of the United States of America, Zachary Taylor, died from eating too much ice cream after an Independence Day ceremony on a very hot day. The President fell ill with indigestion and died five days later. The version of poisoning was not confirmed - in 1991, Taylor’s body was exhumed and doctors did not find any poison in it.

In 1884, the famous detective Allan Pinkerton, the prototype of the famous literary hero Nat Pinkerton, the “King of Detectives,” died of gangrene. He bit his tongue when he tripped on the sidewalk while walking. Antiseptics were not known in those days, and a simple wound became the cause of death.

In 1899, the French President of France, Felix Faure, died in his office from a stroke that happened to him while a 30-year-old beauty was giving him a blowjob. Truly, you need to know moderation in everything33;

In 1911, Jack Daniel, the founder of the Jack Daniel whiskey brand, died of blood poisoning. This death was listed as unusual due to the fact that sepsis was caused by an injury six years ago - once Daniel could not remember the code combination for his safe and kicked an iron cabinet in anger.

In 1916, Grigory Rasputin, considered a prophet and healer and a friend of the family of Emperor Nicholas II, died. It was truly the most unusual death: Rasputin was poisoned with potassium cyanide, shot point-blank, and then thrown into an ice hole. And although the details of the murder are still controversial, it is believed that he died from suffocation underwater.

In 1927, English racing driver Parry Thomas died while trying to break his own record. He was decapitated by a chain that flew off his own car. Thomas managed to set a new record posthumously - the car with the already dead driver reached a speed of 171 miles per hour.

In 1927, the famous dancer Isadora Duncan suffered a fractured cervical vertebrae and died of suffocation. When she was driving in a car, her scarf accidentally hit the car wheel and spun around it, instantly squeezing the woman’s neck.

In 1928, the Russian doctor Alexander Bogdanov, the organizer and director of the world's first Institute of Blood Transfusion, working with the pathogens of malaria and tuberculosis, died after an experiment performed on himself - he was transfused with contaminated blood. The life and death of the great Russian scientist and thinker is an example of service to science.

In 1941, American writer Sherwood Anderson, while traveling with his wife to South America, accidentally swallowed a toothpick at a party. The developed peritonitis led to death - it was not possible to carry out a complex surgical operation on the ship.

In 1943, the American military bomber Lady be Good went off course and made an emergency landing in the Libyan desert. The crew members died of dehydration, and their mummified remains were found in 1960.

In 1943, critic Alexander Woolcott died of a heart attack while discussing Adolf Hitler too temperamentally.

In 1944, the most unusual death befell the inventor Thomas Midgley - he invented a mechanical bed of a special design, and accidentally strangled himself in this bed. In such cases they say “death is the quintessence of life.”

In 1960, while performing an aria from Verdi's opera, famous singer Leonard Warren died of a stroke on stage. Amazingly, his last words were words from the opera with the title “Force of Destiny”, so symbolic for the singer: “Die? Great honor33;".

In 1981, 25-year-old Renee Hartevelt, studying in Paris, was invited to lunch by fellow Japanese student Issei Sagawa. As it turned out, as a dish, the man killed her and ate her. The killer was sent to Japan, and there he was safely released from custody.

In 1993, Bruce Lee's son Brandon Lee died during the filming of The Crow. In the pistol, from which, according to the plot, the hero was supposed to be shot, there was one live cartridge among the blank cartridges.

In 2003, 21-year-old American Brandon Vedas died of a drug overdose while participating in a virtual marathon organized by fellow drug addicts. The webcam broadcast the process of taking drugs and their effect, and thousands of people also saw the death of the guy live.

In 2003, American zoologist Timothy Treadwell died after living in Alaska for thirteen years alone with bears. One day, for some reason, the friendship between man and wild animals was broken, and Treadwell suffered the most terrible and unusual death - he was eaten alive by one of these predatory animals.

In 2006, Alexander Litvinenko, a KGB officer who was investigating the murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, was poisoned. The poison was an extremely rare radioactive element - polonium-210.

In 2007, 28-year-old Jennifer Strange died from water intoxication. She took part in a competition in which the prize was a Nintendo Wii game console. According to the terms of the competition, you had to drink the most water, but you were not allowed to go to the toilet.

Methods of suicide - is it possible to leave gracefully?

(2nd version of article title)

This material is prepared exclusively for people who want to commit suicide. We strongly do not recommend reading this material to people with increased impressionability, as well as minors, pregnant women, and the sick.

Pathologists do not agree that a person is a single whole.

(Valentin Domil)

Some people may have the idea that suicide can be a beautiful or even heroic act. A person imagines how friends, relatives, and maybe enemies around a beautiful coffin will tear out their hair and sprinkle it with ashes from what they did not protect, did not preserve. And then, perhaps, they will remember him and grieve: “Why did the person die? What is our fault? Oh, what a tragedy!..” And the body itself will smell fragrant, and only a thin stream of blood from the corner of the lips will glamorously flow down the pale, beautiful face.

It's a pity for such people. They truly “don’t know what they are doing.” What actually happens is...


In 1944, the very famous thirty-six-year-old Hollywood actress Lupe Velez decided to commit suicide. A person of a creative profession, she wished to die beautifully at the height of her beauty and glory. She thought about it for a long time and decided to execute one beautiful scenario. Surrounding her bed with a sea of ​​fresh flowers, she washed herself for the last time, put on her favorite blue negligee, and then slowly washed down a bunch of pills she had prepared in advance with expensive cognac and lay down on a luxurious bed, awaiting the arrival of death.

But everything didn’t go according to script, as after a few minutes the body’s natural reaction to poisoning occurred and she began vomiting uncontrollably. Very quickly and a beautiful dress, and the floor under her bed was covered in vomit. Jumping from her bed, knocking over flowers, she quickly ran into the bathroom. There she slipped on the contents of her stomach and hit her head on an Egyptian onyx toilet, suffering severe injuries. She managed to kneel down in front of the toilet, but then lost consciousness and ended up choking on her own vomit. They found her all dirty, smelling terrible, and with her head in the toilet. After this, Hollywood finally realized that poisoning as a method of suicide is not at all aesthetic.

This case has a very characteristic picture for poisoning. No one can control the gag reflex, despite any measures to suppress it.

And specialist doctors are not always able to calculate all the nuances of the impact of a certain poison on the unique body of a particular person in order to achieve the desired result. Even a carefully calculated dose can give unpredictable results. So, don't try. Otherwise, like this actress, there is every chance of choking on your own vomit in agony, and, much more likely, you will remain disabled for the rest of your life.

If you are taken to the hospital, they will restrain you with towels after first stripping you naked. The spectacle is reminiscent of footage from the ward of a psychiatric hospital for violent people. The picture will be completed by tubes protruding from the mouth (after intubation of the trachea and insertion of the probe into the intestine), and the neck (after a tracheostomy - cutting the trachea).

The dying process can continue for several long and extremely painful days, during which the person will suffer wildly. He will undergo detoxification and washing, but the poison will continue to be absorbed by the body and perform its destructive effect in it. In this case, the gag reflex will not go away, and the dying person will lie tied up on a dirty bed.

If a suicide does die without waiting for help, then his loved ones will see a corpse with vomit in the hair, in feces, in cadaveric spots, with a characteristic fetid odor and signs of varying degrees of decomposition...

In general, the “beauty” is extraordinary. The dramatic effect that the suicide may have hoped for in his romantic illusions will be clearly blurred. It is naive to think that the person who finds this, will call an ambulance, help put the corpse in a bag, then drag it somewhere, will have some good memories of the suicide.


The hanged men are also far from cute. And death, if it comes, will not be at all what it is imagined to be. After all, first a rather long agony will come, accompanied by convulsions, during which the hanged man will hit nearby objects, leaving bruises, abrasions, fractures, and bruises on the body. Only then will the sphincters of the anus and urethra open, and the entire contents of the intestines and bladder will rush under the hanging corpse, leaving him literally in the shit. Under the corpse there is a puddle, on the corpse itself there are cadaveric spots, especially on the legs where the blood flows, a strangulation groove on the neck, and all this with the smell of an indescribable amber with the main note of shit.

On the corpse, after the blood flows from the head, where it created increased pressure during the agony, severe hematomas, hemorrhages in the subcutaneous tissue, pedicles of the pectoral muscles and neck muscles and, of course, cadaveric spots will most likely be found.

The corpse's neck is deformed due to a fractured vertebra. When examining the oral cavity, you can see the color of the mucous membranes, which has a rather creepy shade. But what scares people even more is the terrible grimace and eyes that often pop out of their sockets. Such a goggle-eyed corpse cannot be called cute.

And of course, the most characteristic detail of this method of suicide, one might say the highlight, is the blue tongue sticking out to the side, which in the morgue will simply be cut off and then stuffed into the stomach. Why in the stomach? Why sew it back? Corpses don't speak - they don't need language.

Jump from the window

After a jump, a person can turn into mincemeat. Although it is very likely that this jump will lead to a wheelchair. And maybe even to a plant existence until the end of days. There are no guarantees here.

Let's consider the first option. The “adventures” will begin while still in flight, when the suicide bomber, during a stepwise fall, will hit balconies, walls, trees, and other obstacles, leaving not only teeth, parts of clothing, but even body parts on them. When landing, the remaining teeth and body fragments may fly in all directions, and the ugly toothless mouth will fill with blood.

The bones that are broken by the blow will come out for others to see, and the brain, as the most saturated part of the body with water (90%), can first fly apart and then spread over a very long distance. The internal organs and their contents will fall out into dust and dirt along with the brains, which, of course, will not add romance to the surrounding landscape.

Children can see all this, and the sight of a corpse, blood, individual organs and entrails with their contents can cause irreparable harm to the psyche of children.

As usual, a crowd of people will gather at the corpse to discuss and judge. No one will admire your “feat”. And they will not be imbued with sympathy for the dead. The skull deformations will especially impress onlookers. I hit my head and I couldn’t tell where my nose was, where my eyes were, where my ears were.

In the morgue, it will be very difficult to give a believable outline to such a body. Reconstructing the human body so that it can be looked at without horror is a very expensive undertaking. So, if the relatives do not have a large amount of money, or the morgue does not have a professional of the appropriate level who has a great desire to reconstruct all this, then it is preferable to put the corpse in a bag, and the bag itself in a closed coffin, so as not to injure those present at the funeral.

Vein cutting

If someone suddenly thinks that he can romantically die by cutting his veins, then he must clearly understand that even if he manages to lose consciousness, agony will begin, convulsions will cramp his face, snot and drool will flow uncontrollably, and terrible sensations The suicidal person will be tormented for a long time. If this happened in the bath, then those who find this slobbering body will see an absolutely white corpse covered in blood, and due to the relaxation of the anal sphincters, also in their feces.

Naturally, if the act of suicide occurs in a warm room and in the summer season, then the picture will be “decorated” by numerous flies, as well as gigantism of the corpse, maceration and other changes that are characteristic of drowned people, if the corpse lies in the water for a sufficient time for the manifestation of these signs.

For those who come in, the sight is so shocking that all other methods of suicide simply pale in comparison to this picture! Pale abomination, stench, red water with floating clots of blood and feces...

It’s good that it’s not easy to kill yourself this way.


The sight of a suicide who still managed to drown himself is terrible. The corpse usually floats to the surface after some time, which is due to rotting processes releasing gases, such as hydrogen sulfide. The surfaced body is usually much larger in volume (a giant corpse) and does not at all resemble a person during life. To say that the corpse of a drowned man looks terrifying is to say nothing. A huge corpse with altered proportions of face and body, often also swollen with gases, gnawed by fish and crayfish, covered in leeches, mud and algae, certainly looks terrible.

On it you can usually see cadaveric spots of a dark purple color, persistent white or light pink finely bubbled foam around the openings of the mouth and nose, maceration, that is, swelling, wrinkling and subsequent rejection of the skin from the body (“bath skin”, “washerwoman’s skin”, “glove of death”, “groomed hand”). The timing of the manifestation and development of maceration depends on the water temperature. For example, at a temperature of 14-16 °C it begins after 8 hours. That is, first from the fingers, then from the hands, and then from the rest of the body, pieces of skin begin to flake off and separate. And after 10-20 days, hair begins to fall out. So, if a dead body “manages” to swim so much, then it has a chance of going completely bald.

When in water, the corpse also becomes overgrown with algae. This is a cyclical process: the algae on the corpse is completely renewed every 3-4 weeks. It should also be said that after drowning, the body of a drowned person may be subject to further traumatization. The reasons leading to the occurrence of post-mortem injuries in water are very diverse: impacts on the ground, random objects and parts of water structures located in a reservoir, impacts from propellers, hydrofoils and other parts of ships, as well as injury from hooks and various improvised means used during searches. and removing the body from the water. But the greatest damage is usually caused by representatives of aquatic fauna: fish, crayfish, aquatic insects, leeches, etc.

In addition, forensic experts often find particles of silt, algae, and in the respiratory tract. And the venous system is filled with liquid blood with plankton in it (protozoa, some coelenterates, mollusks, crustaceans, eggs and larvae of fish, larvae of various invertebrate animals), which penetrate almost all tissues and organs. Plankton is also found in other internal organs (kidneys, spinal cord, etc.). It is the types of unicellular organisms, crustaceans and other representatives of the rich aquatic fauna found inside the body and their relative quantitative content that will indicate not only the fact of drowning, but also the specific body of water in which it occurred.

Pulling out and decorating such a corpse on the spot may please and even bring pleasure only to necrophiliacs.

And, of course, loading and taking away such a body, which often does not fit on a stretcher, is not a pleasant task for normal people, just like simply contemplating such a corpse. And even more so for those who will bury.


When blood and brains flow down the wall or stick to the wall, and parts of the skull, fatty tissues and other pieces that used to make up the head are scattered around, then seeing this picture, and even more so a disfigured corpse, which may have missing teeth, and the incoming hole is significantly less than a huge one coming out, extremely unpleasant. This species traumatizes everyone, with the possible exception of forensic experts. It happens that pets (dogs, cats, etc.) cannot recognize the owner in such a disfigured form, and begin to taste him. A cat's mouth smeared with blood after tasting its owner's brains is also not a sight for the faint of heart. For example, one of the authors of the article saw a cat that tasted the contents of the skull of its owner, who ended his life with a shot in the head. Naturally, insects (cockroaches) and rodents (rats, mice) also do not refuse such a gift from a suicide.

A gunshot wound in the head area leads to almost complete disfigurement of the face, especially the orbital areas, due to the action of powder gases, practically tearing the head from the inside.

After being shot in the head, it is rarely possible to bury the body without causing confusion and horror to those present at the ceremony. If the skull was not damaged (which happens extremely rarely; more often the head generally flies apart), then you need to pay a very substantial sum to the pathologist so that he can give what remains after the shot a more or less similar appearance to the head. But, of course, even after this, the person lying in the coffin is not very charming.

The person who shoots at himself, in addition, creates a lot of problems for other people who will suffer undeservedly. Collecting parts of the head piece by piece in a plastic bag, and then removing and washing away the blood, mucus, and lymph will not be pleasant for them. In any case, there will be a serious investigation into where the weapons came from, and there will be no peace for the survivors.

There is one more feature. Firstly, people don't know where to shoot. Secondly, the skull is a pretty strong thing, and the bullet can change its direction. There is a high probability that the person will remain deeply disabled.

The reaction of others to the corpse

A separate conversation is about how others react to the spectacle of violent death. As we have already said, except for those who like to look at corpses, for everyone else the sight of the dead body of a suicide does not evoke pleasant sensations, but evokes the opposite, the mildest of which is disgust. The psyche of many people, especially children, who saw such terrible things, will be irreparably traumatized. Such pictures do not evoke sympathy for the suicide even among their loved ones.

Almost every presentation of such an incident is not complete without gossip, condemnation, moralizing from neighbors and random people.

So, if during your life you suffered from, as it seemed to you, unfair treatment towards yourself, from the fact that, in your opinion, you were not recognized or understood, then after such a terrible death it is unlikely that you will be treated better. Most likely, just the opposite, they will find confirmation of the validity of the attitude that existed.

The presentation of the incident also does not happen the same way as in the movies. To establish the time of death, a thermometer is inserted into the rectum of the corpse right at the scene. It is necessary to measure the temperature at least 2-3 times with an interval of 1 hour. All this time, the corpse lies on public display without underwear with a thermometer in the anus. At the same time, other places are also exposed, describing the damage on the suicide. Yes, some abnormal onlookers enjoy this, but this cannot be said about witnesses, other normal people, and especially about relatives of the suicide victim.

It is especially unpleasant for them that they are forced to clean up the consequences of suicide, make repairs, and wash damaged things. And cleaning up vomit, urine and feces, then collecting pieces of the body, washing away blood and mucus can fall out not only to relatives, but also, for example, to janitors...

The stretcher on which the corpse is placed always has dirty stains and dried blood on the tarpaulin. It seems like they are never clean.

Even professional orderlies will not carefully and with a mournful look carry and transport on a gurney what was previously the body of a person who himself gave up life. They will not shed tears, but will treat him as the waste tissue that previously consisted of the person who provided them with extra, extremely unpleasant work.

Agree that this will be quite fair. If you yourself treated your own body with such disdain while the soul was still in it, then why should the people whom you loaded with this difficult work treat it with more respect?

 ( 841 voice : 3.52 out of 5)

Previous conversation

Mass suicides have always been perceived as cruel and terrible events. Unfortunately, they have happened more than once in human history and continue to happen today. They are committed by a group of people who decide to die together at the same time in the same place or in different parts of the world, but at the same time. When it comes to mass suicides, it mainly concerns religious communities or cults, but there are cases when people decide to do this in order not to fall into the hands of their enemies.

10. Masada Fortress, Israel

In 73 AD members of the Sicarii society decided to die so as not to fall to their enemies. They were surrounded by the Romans in the fortress of Masada and were unable to escape. The men killed their wives and children first, and then themselves. The survivors set fire to the walls of the fortress and burned along with everyone else. Scientists do not know for sure whether this event took place in history or not, but this mass suicide is still amazing.

9. Pilenai Fortress, Lithuania

Pilenai Fortress became famous as a result of a mass suicide in 1336. The army of the knights of the Teutonic Order has almost won a victory over the defenders of the fortress, who realized that they could no longer hold back the attacks of their enemies. Instead of surrendering, they decide to burn the fortress to the ground along with all their acquired goods and commit suicide. According to chronicles, about 4,000 people lived in the fortress at that time. All the defenders and their families were burned to death.

8. Denpasar city, Bali

In 1906, a terrible mass suicide occurred in the city of Denpasar during the Dutch invasion. During the attack on the royal palace, the Dutch could hear the sound of drums coming from inside and see smoke rising from the palace. Suddenly they saw a procession led by the rajah and priests, which left the palace in complete silence. When the procession stopped, the Raja gave a signal and one of the priests killed him with a knife, and others began to do the same. The Dutch were so amazed by what they saw that they opened fire on the procession. More than a thousand people died then.

7. City of Demmin, Germany

In 1945, as a result of panic caused by the approach of the Soviet army, a mass suicide occurred in the city of Demmin, Germany. Residents of the city were afraid of torture, rape and executions. Refugees who sought refuge in the city, entire families, decided to commit suicide. They hanged themselves, cut their wrists, drowned in the river and committed self-immolation. In total, 700-1000 people died in this way. After this incident, the East German Communist Party legally prohibited suicide. The bodies of all the dead were buried in a common grave, which was subsequently left uncared for.

6. Heaven's Gate Religious Movement, California

The Heaven's Gate cult community is an American religious movement whose members believed that planet Earth must be reborn. In 1997, a group of people with the belief that somewhere in space an alien ship was flying towards Earth and that in order to get on it you had to die, decided to commit suicide. 39 people committed suicide by drinking a mixture of vodka and phenobarbital in a large white house that they had rented in advance. All the bodies were dressed identically and identical amounts of money were found in their pockets. The victims had bags with things under their heads. The murders took place over three days, so the survivors cleaned up after the dead and then committed suicide themselves. Within a week, 39 people committed suicide - all this so that their souls could get onto an alien spaceship.

In 1984, Luc Jaure and Joseph di Mambo founded the “Temple of the Sun” cult and began to teach their followers that life is an illusion, and adherents of the cult could be reborn and live on a planet in the constellation Canis. Dr. Jauret and his followers believed that in a past life he was a Knight of the Templar Order and the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. In 1994, mass suicides began. First, in two villages in Switzerland, adherents of the cult poisoned themselves en masse, shot themselves and strangled each other. In 1995, 16 bodies that lay in the shape of a star were found in France. In 1997, there was a fire in a house in Quebec, after which police discovered five charred bodies. Fortunately, the children survived, but were under the influence of drugs. A total of 74 adherents of the Temple of the Sun cult committed suicide.

In June 1944, American soldiers landed on the island of Saipan after a month-long siege by the island's inhabitants and its defenders. Out of fear of being captured, the inhabitants of the island, by order of the emperor, decided to die rather than fall to the enemy. Through loudspeakers, American soldiers reassured the Japanese, offering them food and free exit from the island, but they were so scared that they decided to jump into the sea from a cliff. Today this rock is called “suicide rock.” It is not known exactly how many people died then, but it is believed that about 10,000.

This religious movement was founded in the 1980s in Uganda by three people who said that the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to them and told them they should go and preach. Followers of the movement believed that the end of the world would happen on March 17, 2000. On this day, more than 500 people came to the church, they prayed, sang songs and ate roasted bull meat. After some time, the church building exploded and everyone died. Later, the corpses of several more followers of the movement were found in their homes. Today there is debate about whether it was a mass suicide or a murder.

A siege by US federal forces on a ranch owned by the Branch Davidian cult left 76 people dead. American police wanted to check the ranch for illegal weapons, but as a result of the shootout, four agents and six cult followers were killed. After this, the FBI intervened in the situation. The siege lasted 51 days. Soon, FBI agents decided to organize a gas attack. During it, a fire started in the house and 76 people were burned. It is still unknown who initiated the fire, but official bodies are inclined to believe that the adherents themselves initiated the fire, and therefore their own death.

One of the worst mass suicides took place in Jonestown - 913 adherents of a local cult took poison. Adherents of the cult, organized by Jim Jones, initially gathered with a noble goal - to help those in need, but gradually the members of this cult began to be psychologically processed and held by force. After the assassination of a congressman by cult followers, the leaders instilled fear in the movement's members and encouraged them to commit suicide. 913 people, including 276 children, took poison. Jones died from a gunshot to the head. It is still unknown whether this was a mass suicide or murder.

Photos from open sources

Death acts in a very mysterious way, choosing people who will leave this sinful world, despite any circumstances and obstacles. (website)

Someone survives dozens of assassination attempts during his life and dies old in a warm bed, while someone is late for a plane that is destined to crash, and half an hour later he gives up the ghost, choking on chicken in an airport restaurant. Perhaps this is the most unpredictable thing in life, and the tricks she sometimes pulls make one doubt that the bony one has no sense of humor.

"Successful" suicide

So, in the spring of 1994, a young resident of the United States, Ronald Opus, was fatally unlucky. Because the young man wanted to commit suicide, and in the end he succeeded “brilliantly.”

Photos from open sources

The American left a suicide note in the morning, in which he said that his life was ruined by his parents, who literally forced their son to do a job he didn’t like, to get a specialty that was completely uninteresting to him, without paying attention to the desires and true talents of his son. Because of this, Ronald constantly suffered from financial difficulties and severe depression.

Having written this incriminating message, Opus climbed onto the windowsill and jumped from the tenth floor. It is unlikely that he would have acted this way if he had known that just below the seventh the safety net was stretched. This was done by window washers who intended to start working on this apartment building that day. Thus, the young man must have flown three floors and fallen safely into the elastic net, extremely frightened, but still remaining alive and possibly unharmed.

But then an incredible, simply fantastic incident intervened in the plans of the suicide.

When the American flew past the ninth floor, a shot rang out from the apartment that was under his apartment, and a charge of shot flew out the window, which hit Ronald right in the head, literally blowing off half of his skull. For this reason, the latter fell onto the safety net already dead.

Who killed the suicide?

When law enforcement officers removed the corpse from the net and began to determine the identity of the deceased, detectives began to reconstruct the course of events. Apparently Opus was shot and the shooter should be charged with manslaughter. There would have been no shot, and the young man, of course, would have remained alive.

Photos from open sources

Further investigation allowed the police to discover new facts. It turned out that an elderly man who lived on the ninth floor was pointing the gun not at the window, but at his wife, and only the shooter’s myopia saved his wife’s life. It turns out, the detectives thought, attempted murder should also be added to unintentional murder.

It turned out that during quarrels with his wife, the elderly man constantly took a gun from the wall, aimed at his wife and pulled the trigger. He did this with one sole purpose - to intimidate the woman. At the same time, both spouses knew perfectly well that the weapon was not loaded and was last fired three decades ago. This had already become a kind of family ritual for the couple, and there could be no talk of any desire to harm the other.

But where did the cartridges, and those designed for large game, end up in the gun? It turns out that someone had quietly placed them there, and now the charge of Ronald's manslaughter lay with this mysterious intruder.

Photos from open sources

The shooter told police that the only person who could have done this was his son, who had the keys to the old people's apartment and was well aware of the existence of the gun. This means that law enforcement officers should now find the son of this married couple and charge him with unintentional murder of a suicide.

Amazing joke of fate

“Where does your son live? How can we find him? - the police asked the spouses.

“You don’t have to go far,” the old men answered. “He lives right in the apartment above us.”

So that's it! Contacting Ronald's friends, detectives quickly learned that the now deceased young man knew about his father's ritual with a gun and therefore secretly loaded the firearm so that his parent would send his wife to her forefathers at the first scandal. Opus's father, according to his son's plans, would then be imprisoned, and revenge on the hated parents would be carried out.

Nevertheless, the couple lived quite peacefully until the fateful moment, and then their son got tired of waiting (and why wait, after all, he was not destined for a rich inheritance anyway?), after which he decided to commit suicide. He probably would have been saved if he had not touched the gun, but in the end he was killed by a shot charge, which he himself bought at a hunting store. The suicide actually happened, but not at all in the way the suicide expected.

Photos from open sources

This is such an amazing irony of fate. You might think that this is a fictional story, but no - we are talking about a real case recorded by American police.

By the way, no charges were brought against anyone. The case was closed by the investigator as a suicide. Opus Sr., however, had his gun confiscated, since it is impossible to point a weapon, even an unloaded one, at another person, much less pull the trigger. It’s not for nothing that people say that even a stick shoots once a year...

The strangest deaths that have happened to people:

1A woman died of a heart attack caused by shock after she woke up at her own funeral.

Fagilya Mukhametzyanova, from Kazan, Russia, was incorrectly declared dead by doctors in June 2012. The 49-year-old woman began screaming in horror when she realized she was about to be buried. She was rushed back to the hospital, where doctors pronounced her dead from a heart attack. Now her husband is suing the hospital. “I am very angry and someone needs to answer for this. She wasn't dead when they said she was and they could have saved her," he said. It probably wasn't the most pleasant experience of his life...

2The Bride Who Drowned During Her Marriage Photo Shoot

The bride-to-be fell to her death from a cliff while being photographed for her wedding album in late August 2012. She fell from a cliff into a waterfall while she was still wearing her wedding dress. Her body was discovered four hours after she slipped and fell from a cliff into Dorwin Falls in Rawdon, north of Montreal. She chose this location herself for the background of her wedding photos. The woman was supposed to get married in a few days. Two witnesses were hospitalized and received medical treatment for shock.

3. A man was killed by a sheriff's deputy right next to his burial site.

David Pendleton, 77, whose wife had recently died, was in the family burial plot, just two feet from his own headstone, which was engraved with his name and date of birth. When the officer found him, he was out of it and immediately pointed a loaded gun at the deputy. The officer tried to convince him to lower his gun, but he was still aiming, so he was mortally wounded. Investigators still have not yet determined when the marker on Pendleton's grave was placed.

4. This item was removed at the request of ROSKOMNADZOR.

5. The man who died of spontaneous combustion

Danny Vanzandt is a 65-year-old man whose family found his charred body in their home in February 2013. He died in a manner that suggests that he spontaneously combusted. “Even a person doused with gasoline will not burn that badly,” says the witness. Vanzandt drank alcohol and smoked cigarettes, but these factors could not cause a fire strong enough to char the entire body. The floor underneath the 65-year-old man was undamaged and there was no indication that any accelerant was used to start the fire. The autopsy did not provide any clue as to how the fire started. What a secret!

6The Woman Who Died After She Was Accidentally Injected with Soup

Ilda Vitor Maciel from Rio de Janeiro died in September 2012 at the age of 88. The nurse mistakenly inserted soup into the IV tube attached to the woman's right arm instead of her feeding tube. Maciel's daughter was with her during the injection and said her mother began to convulse and stick out her tongue after the soup was injected into her vein. She said she had not seen her mother in such poor physical condition since she was admitted to the hospital. Maciel died just 12 hours after receiving the injection. The hospital director admitted the mistake, but did not admit that it led to the patient's death. The medical examiner's office is still investigating the cause of death.

7The “Snake Pastor” Who Died From a Snake Bite

Mac Wolford, a Pentecostal man from West Virginia who had just turned 44, was bitten on the thigh in May 2012 when he sat next to a rattlesnake during an outdoor service at a state park. He was taken to the house of one of his relatives to recover, but was later rushed to hospital where doctors pronounced him dead. Wolford believed that according to the Bible, Christians should pick up poisonous snakes in their hands to prove their faith in God, and also remain firmly confident that the snakes will not bite them, and if they do, the bites will go away due to faith in God. Blessed is he who believes, hallelujah!

Source 8The Man Who Died During A Threesome He Had On The Side, Losing His Family Three Million Dollars

William Martinez died in March 2009 while having sex with a woman who was not his wife and a male friend. In June 2012, a court awarded Martinez's family three million dollars in damages because his cardiologist failed to warn him about the dangers of overexertion. They initially asked for five million, but the court decided that Martinez was 40% to blame for his death. This is certainly not a cheap death!

9The Man Who Shot Himself During a Gun Safety Training

In March 2013, Brian J Parry shot himself in the head with a pistol during a marksmanship course held at a local shooting range. More than a dozen people, including children, witnessed his death. One witness said the man who shot himself appeared lonely and "lost" during the indoor portion of the course - he did not speak to anyone, raise his hand or ask questions. Before he shot himself, almost no one noticed him. Just creepy!

10. The Swede who was killed by his own lawnmower

A man in his thirties died while mowing his lawn in southern Sweden. Apparently he was cutting grass on a fairly steep slope. A man who fell from his car was hit by a lawnmower and was horribly injured by its blades. His death ranks well on the list of strange deaths.