Today you came to the computer science classroom for the first time. It is very similar to a regular school classroom, but the difference is immediately obvious: there is a computer on the table. From today you will learn to work with him. I would like to believe that the computer will become your good assistant.

For an assistant to be kind and beautiful, you need to treat him carefully. The computer does not tolerate dirt. Dust, which always happens in an uncleaned office, settles on the surface of the machine, penetrates inside and disables precision electromechanical devices and damages electronic circuits.

When heading to computer science class, take a look at your hands: if they are dirty and there is dirt under your nails, then your computer keys will be just as dirty. But both your teacher and your comrades will work at this keyboard. Please wash your hands!

The most important requirement in a computer science classroom is discipline. You cannot press any key without the teacher's permission, even if you know what it does. Of course, if you press a key, there will be no explosion or fire. But if the machine is prepared for a lesson, and you, without notifying the teacher, decide to play around with the keyboard, then most likely the prepared material will be spoiled.

When pressing the keys on the keyboard, do not use much force. The computer will understand you even with the lightest touch. Remember that drumming on your keyboard will quickly damage it. You should also be careful with your mouse and other devices connected to your computer.

Computers operate from an electrical network, the voltage of which is dangerous to life. Be careful! Do not touch the wires that are connected to the computer! Do not disconnect or connect devices while the PC is turned on! Under no circumstances should you turn on your computer if it is not fully equipped.

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Computer Science Room

The computer science office is an educational unit of a secondary general education and vocational school, which is a means of implementing the State program for informatization of the secondary education system, ensuring the preparation of students for life in the global information society and improving the level of education.

The equipment of the computer science classroom includes: a computer science class, educational visual aids, educational equipment, office equipment, furniture with devices for conducting theoretical and practical classroom, extracurricular and elective classes in the course "Informatics" and other general education disciplines using a PC.

Classes in the computer science classroom should serve to: develop students’ modern information picture of the world; developing skills in using information technology as the main component of professional activity in the modern information society; developing knowledge about the structure and functioning of modern computer technology; formation of a creative personality, development of theoretical thinking, memory, imagination in students; education of the younger generation, aimed at developing citizenship, morality and high morality in students.

The computer science classroom provides: computer science classes (basic and specialized courses); classes in basic general education subjects using computer technology; experimental lessons and practical exercises; extracurricular and elective activities; independent work of students in writing programs (presentations, texts, abstracts), as well as on the instructions of the teacher in order to create new software products and documents for the needs of the school.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements The premises of the computer science and information technology room must meet the requirements of the current Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards "Hygienic Requirements for Personal Electronic Computers and Organization of Work" ( approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on May 30, 2003)

Requirements for the premises of the IVT office The educational room with a PC or VDT should not be located in the basement or ground floors, but can be located on any floor of the educational building. The computer science classroom should not border on rooms in which the level of noise and vibration exceeds the permissible level (music class, dining room, ...) The area per workstation in a room with a PC or VDT should be at least 6 m2, the volume - 24 m3 with a height of not less than 4 m. If the height of the classroom is lower, it is recommended to increase the area by one workplace. The floor surface must be smooth, without potholes, non-slip, easy to clean and wet, and have antiseptic properties.

The computer science classroom must have a laboratory area of ​​at least 18 m2 with two entrances: to the classroom and to the landing or recreation area. The laboratory room should be equipped with a work table (130 x 75), a radio installation table with local suction, a cabinet for tools, cabinets (wall-mounted), a shelving unit, and a safe. The laboratory room should have natural light, window curtains or blinds.

Classrooms with PCs or VDTs must have natural and artificial lighting. To paint walls, you should use paints in cool colors: light green, light blue, light gray. It is allowed to paint the walls in light beige, light yellow or ivory. In this case, the surfaces of the walls should be matte.

The number of jobs for students can be 9, 12, 15 depending on the class size. The electrical supply to the tables of students and teachers must be stationary and hidden. The location of the electrical panel and the Residual Current Device should allow the teacher to instantly turn off the power supply system. Recommended placement is to the left or right of the chalkboard. It is necessary to connect a PC and other equipment to the electrical network only through a grounded outlet located in an accessible place.

It is recommended to equip the computer science classroom with: a set of training programs for studying the computer science course and individual sections of academic subjects; tasks for implementing an individual approach to learning, organizing independent work and exercises on a PC; a set of educational, methodological, popular science and reference literature; a log of introductory and periodic safety briefings for students; a log of the use of KUVT at each workplace; log of machine failures and repairs; educational and information stands for displaying demonstration tables and student works; first aid kit; fire extinguishing means; an inventory book for recording the educational equipment available in the classroom, plans for additional equipment of the computer science classroom, approved by the school director.

Instructing students in occupational health and safety Instruction and training in labor protection are carried out with all students during an introductory lesson in the office, and then before practical work on a PC. Initial briefing at the workplace must contain clear and specific instructions on labor safety and, if necessary, be accompanied by a demonstration of the correct and safe methods of performing work. All information on instructing students is recorded in the class journal, and when conducting extracurricular activities - in a special journal.

The poster material for the classroom must contain: State educational standard in computer science (minimum required content of education and requirements for the level of compulsory training); recommendations for students on designing their educational activities (preparation for testing, exams, workshops, etc.); safety rules for work and behavior in the office; materials used in the educational process.

Fire safety of the computer science classroom To ensure fire safety, the MVT classroom must be equipped with 2 carbon dioxide fire extinguishers (type OU-2). The batteries must have a non-conductive fence (wooden)

Structure of an educational office passport Full name of the educational institution Office passport No. _____ Academic year: Full name teachers responsible for the classroom: Assessment of the state of the classroom September January June

Inventory sheet for technical teaching aids in the classroom No.... No. Name of technical teaching aid Brand Year of acquisition Inventory number

Office occupancy schedule No. ... for the first (second) half of the 200_/0_ academic year Lesson Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Class/teacher Class/teacher Class/teacher Class/teacher Class/teacher Class/teacher 1 ... Office occupancy after school time Monday Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Analysis of the work of the office in the last academic year For which classes the office and the materials in it were used What was done in design and repair Replenishment of the educational and methodological support of the office (purchased and developed) What problems were there... Tasks for the new school year Tasks (updating the material , for which classes) Planned design, acquisition and development of educational and methodological materials Notes...

Job responsibilities of the head of the office Submits in his work to the school administration. Must strictly observe production and labor discipline. Improve professional training and qualifications. Organizes independent work for students outside of class hours. Takes direct part in and manages the development of long-term work plans for the office. Together with all teachers, establishes and controls the order, sequence, and timing of any type of educational activity in the classroom.

Job responsibilities of the head of the office Provides external communication in the work of the computer science room and computer science rooms in other schools. Prepares reports and other documentation based on the results of the work of the CIVT. Takes part in the development and acquisition of software, prepares educational and methodological material, forms a library of journals and studies literature. Takes measures to ensure the material and technical base of KIVT, determines the need for software products, disks, equipment, prepares applications, organizes control over the maintenance and correct technological operation of equipment, organizes their timely repair, decommissioning and transfer, ensures compliance with safety rules and regulations, produces sanitary and fire safety. Supervises the work of the CI laboratory assistant.

Correct working posture when working at a computer

The time of continuous work with a computer for 1st grade students is 10 minutes; 2-5th grades – 15 minutes; 6-7th grades – 20 minutes; 8-9th grades – 25 minutes; 10-11th grades - 30 minutes in the first hour of classes, in the second - 20 minutes.

An approximate set of exercises for the eyes: Close your eyes, strongly straining your eye muscles, on a count of 1-4, then open your eyes, relax your eye muscles, look into the distance on a count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times. Look at the bridge of your nose and hold your gaze for the count of 1-4. Don't let your eyes get tired. Then open your eyes, look into the distance at the score 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times. Without turning your head, look to the right and fix your gaze on the count of 1-4. Then look into the distance straight at the score 1-6. The exercises are carried out similarly, but with the gaze fixed to the left, up, down. Repeat 3-4 times. Turn your gaze quickly diagonally: up to the right - down to the left, then straight into the distance on a count of 1-6; then left up - right down and look into the distance at the score 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

In the teaching methodology, teaching staff is understood in two senses: a package of applied programs for use in the process of teaching various subjects (the object of study in JIVT lessons). didactic means designed to achieve educational goals (for example, introducing or reinforcing a concept, repetition and generalization, final control, ...).

Classification of teaching staff Demonstration programs Monitoring programs Training programs Professional programs Computer learning environments and microworlds Computer simulators in laboratory processes Expert systems for educational purposes Multimedia system Game programs Leisure programs

The main reasons for the popularity of teaching staff The possibility of educational modeling, i.e. representation of phenomena in their internal development Possibility of implementing suggestion techniques. The learning process can be individualized.

Disadvantages of teaching staff: Most training programs are simply a rewritten textbook, at best with hypertext links; training comes down to reading text from a monitor. Not all teaching staff take into account the individual differences of students. Most freely distributed teaching staff do not have a description of how to work with them, as well as system requirements. Some teaching staff do not take into account the psychological characteristics of students (small font, blue letters on a white background)

General requirements for all groups of software License purity (use of software is permissible only within the framework of the license agreement). Possibility of consultation and other forms of support. Compliance with the characteristics, configuration, class and type of computers, as well as the architecture of the computer technology used. Reliability and performance in any of the provided operating modes, at least in a Russian-speaking language environment.

General requirements for all software groups Availability of an interface that supports work using the Russian language. For system and instrumental software, it is acceptable to have an interface in English. Availability of documentation necessary for practical application and development of the software in Russian. Ability to use fonts that support Cyrillic. The presence of a specification that specifies all the requirements for hardware and software necessary for the operation of this software.

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General safety requirements 1. Students who have undergone occupational safety training and have no contraindications due to health conditions are allowed to work in the computer science classroom. 2. Students must follow the rules of behavior in the computer science classroom.

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3.When working in a computer science classroom, a person may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful factors: - from the monitor: ultraviolet, infrared, electromagnetic and x-ray radiation; static electricity, glare and screen flickering; - electric shock when working without grounding, with the back cover of the system unit removed.

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4.In the computer science room there should be a first aid kit with the necessary medications. 5. Students must follow fire safety rules, know the location of fire extinguishers and be able to use them.

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6. Report every accident to the teacher immediately. 7.If the equipment malfunctions, immediately stop working and report it to the teacher.

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8.Do not work on faulty equipment. 9.Keep the workplace clean and observe personal hygiene rules. 10. Students who fail to comply with or violate labor safety instructions will be held accountable.

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Safety requirements before starting work 1. Thoroughly ventilate the office. The air temperature should be 21...25°C, relative humidity 40...60%. 2. Make sure that all computers are working properly and that there are no malfunctions. 3.Check the brightness level of monitor screens. Norm - 35 cd/m3

Slide 8

Safety requirements during operation 1. Do not turn on computers without the permission of the teacher. 2.Lessons at the computer should be carried out by one person at a time.

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3. The distance from the eyes to the monitor screen should be 0.6...0.7 m, the eye level should be at the center of the screen or at 2/3 of its height. 4. The notebook should be well lit and located at a distance of 55...65 cm from the eyes.

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5. The image on monitor screens must be stable, clear and extremely clear, without flickering of characters and background, and there should be no glare on the screens from reflections of lamps, windows and surrounding objects. 6.Perform special exercises that relieve visual fatigue.

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Safety requirements in emergency situations 1. In the event of a malfunction in the computer, you must turn it off and notify the teacher. 2. If you feel unwell, have a headache, dizziness, etc., stop working and inform the teacher about it.

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3.In case of electric shock, immediately turn off the computer and notify the teacher. 4.If a fire occurs, immediately turn off the computer and notify the teacher.

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Safety requirements at the end of work 1. With the permission of the teacher, turn off the computer and tidy up the workplace. 2.Ventilate the office thoroughly.

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Based on safety requirements, students must comply with the following rules of conduct in the computer science classroom. You should: Follow safety rules, order and discipline. Enter the classroom with the permission of the teacher.

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Move around the classroom calmly, without fuss or sudden movements. Wash your hands before working at the computer. Shoes and clothes must be clean. Position yourself at a distance of at least 50 cm from the monitor screen.

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Work at the computer for no more than 30 minutes at a time. Strictly follow the teacher's instructions. Afterwards, close all open programs. If the equipment malfunctions, inform the teacher.

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Prohibited: Wearing outerwear. Use profanity. Eat food at the computer. Touch the computer screen with your hands.

Before starting training, each student must

listen to the safety briefing,

master the requirements stated there and sign

in the briefing log. Briefing should

be held at least twice per academic year.

In case of violation of safety regulations

students, they must be suspended from classes and

undergo repeated training.

Installed in the computer science classroom

the following equipment:

  • computers consisting of a system unit,

monitor, keyboard, printer and mouse;

Electronics network for each workplace;

Other equipment for the teacher (TSO).

Damaging factors

per person have:

Power supply - electric shock

voltage 220 volts;

Computer system units - defeat

electrical voltage of 220 volts;

Monitors – electric shock

voltage of several thousand volts and

high frequency electromagnetic radiation;

Printers - electrical shock

voltage 220 volts;

Possibility of destruction:

Electric shock from any device;

Loss of vision due to incorrect use of the monitor;

  • neuropsychiatric disorders in violation

operating mode behind the monitor;

  • changing the blood formula in case of violation of the regime

working behind a monitor;

  • change in intraocular pressure when

operating mode behind the monitor;

  • development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

neck, spine and arms if the regimen is incorrect

work and rest.

Preventing Electric Shock:

without the teacher's permission.

2. When working with the computer turned on

Do not touch the back walls

system unit, monitor and

printer (try to make do with the keyboard and

remove any plugs from sockets

and insert them back (even if the computer is turned off).

turn off air conditioners and technical equipment


Saving vision:

which is fuzzy or shaky.

on the screen of which there is solar or other glare

(windows must be curtained).

less than 50 centimeters.

which is poorly lit.

rest (during breaks you need to do eye exercises).

Saving from damaging effects

electromagnetic radiation:

computer technology exceeds sanitary standards

(6 square meters of total area and 24 cubic

meters of volume per computer).

less than 50 centimeters from the monitor.

for students 7-9 years old, once a week for no more than 10 minutes.

for students 10-13 years old, once a week for no more than 20 minutes.

for students 13-15 years old, once a week for no more than 25 minutes.

for students aged 16-17 years old, once a week for no more than 50 minutes.

(for two times: 1st lesson 30 min., break, 2nd lesson 20 min.)

Saving from musculoskeletal diseases


During the break between classes, you must

do special exercises for the neck,

spine and hands.

Before starting classes, the student must:

  • Inspect your workplace and make sure

no visible damage.

If there are any, please report them immediately.


2. Make sure you are feeling well. If

I'm not feeling well, need it immediately

inform the teacher;

3. Have a notebook, pen and, if necessary, glasses.

It all needs to be placed correctly

on the desktop.

During classes, the student must:

1. Know and comply with safety requirements;

2. Accurately follow the teacher’s instructions during the process

identify any faults immediately

notify the teacher;

4. If there is a smell of smoke or burnt

isolation, immediately inform the teacher:

5. Work in the office in clean clothes and shoes;

6. Do not bring any personal information into the office

electronic equipment;

7. Move around the office calmly, without making sudden


8. Work with glasses if he has poor eyesight;

9. Tell the teacher about your bad behavior

well-being before starting classes or during the process

10. Do not get up from your workplace if

visitors enter the office;

11. Take care of the safety of your computer

and treat it with care.

After completing classes, the student must:

Properly turn off your computer and put away