From the needs of practice, even at the handwritten stage of producing a document, proofreading arose (from Lat. correctico – correction, improvement, amendment)– the simplest form of editing.

Over time, the very concept of editing has evolved, which includes analyzing the text, checking and clarifying the information presented in it, evaluating and improving the style of presentation.

The term itself “text” (from Latin textus) means connection, literally - "textile" Therefore, when speaking about the text of a manuscript, we mean its “linguistic fabric”, which can easily be damaged by a careless touch. To understand the text, it is not enough to understand the meaning of an isolated phrase: each verbal construction includes (should, in any case) the meaning of the previous one, i.e. The semantically important word of the sentence, which contains a new meaning about the subject of thought, is repeated in the next sentence. Thus, the syntactic structure of reasoning reflects the movement, development, and cohesion of thoughts.

Typical errors found in scientific and educational literature.

Very often, text overload occurs from the use of figures of speech containing unambiguous and therefore unnecessary words, for example: in the month of November, vacancy, direct eyewitness, specific features or often used - “seminar classes” ( although the concept of “seminar” means group practical classes under the guidance of a teacher).

You also need to be careful when choosing prepositions.

For example, the prepositions “for” and “by” are not synonymous. The preposition “by” does not have a target meaning in a sentence either « what is being done For crime prevention" use of preposition "By" would be inappropriate.

But even among the synonymous prepositions in view of, in connection with, due to, because of, because of, expressing causal relationships, you can always choose the one that is preferable in this case, taking into account the semantic shades, for example, it is better to say “in view of the upcoming conference” than “ as a result” and vice versa, it is better – “due to illness” than “due to”.

Note that writing a preposition "in view of" different from spelling "keep in mind" , and the words “ according to", "contrary to", "thanks to" require the dative rather than the genitive case, therefore - according to the order at , but not order A .

When choosing a preposition in combination "for the purpose-with a purpose" It must be taken into account that the combination "with the aim of" used only with verbs ( in order to implement ), and “for the purposes of” – with verbal noun ( for the purpose of implementation). To avoid repeating them in the text, you can use the preposition “for” (for implementation...).

Quite often, words with the same root, similar in meaning, but different in formation: with different prefixes, suffixes, etc., are used incorrectly.

So verb "to impose" in the meaning of “subject to something”, “oblige”, “assign, prescribe something” are used in a limited range of stable combinations, for example: “ impose a fine", "impose a penalty". The imperfect form of this verb is “to impose,” not “to impose.” Therefore the expression will be incorrect "impose a fine" instead of "to impose a fine (collection )».

You must be careful when writing the following expressions:

Right Wrong
To initiate criminal proceedings but not Start a criminal case
Postpone the case but not Postpone the case
Changing the classification of the crime but not Overstating the crime
Strengthen or soften the punishment but not Shorten or lengthen punishment
Record your own readings but not Give your own testimony
Criminal cases are combined and isolated but not Unite and divide
Punishments: basic and additional (there may be a suspended sentence) but not Conditional and unconditional
The punishment is assigned but not Define
Property is seized but not Arrested
The verdict remains unchanged but not In force
The death penalty is an exceptional punishment but not Higher
The court reviews and examines evidence but not Studying
Petitions are filed in court but not excite
The cassation court gives explanations but not Indications
The claim is presented but not They take it out
Specific property is stolen (theft is directed only against property) but not Own
Sentenced to 3 years or sentenced to one and a half years but not Give it three years
Sentenced to imprisonment but not Sentenced to imprisonment

In practice, questions also often arise related to standard spelling (spelling, punctuation), for example.

Every day we read various texts - articles in newspapers and magazines, small notes, textbooks, manuals, books, documents. All this, after being written, is not immediately published or goes into print. Creation, editing - the stages of the appearance of the finished text. What is meant by the last term? What types of editing exist and what is their essence?

Editing concept

"Editing" comes from Latin. There is such a word in it as redactus. Its meaning is “put in order.” In Russian, “editing” refers to multidimensional concepts. It has several meanings:

  1. Editing primarily refers to the correction of written text, the elimination of spelling, punctuation, and stylistic errors. This word also means changing the design of a document (changing the font, indents and other technical parameters of the text, dividing it into columns).
  2. There is another definition. Editing is a type of professional activity. The media employ editors who prepare printed publications for publication.

Types of editing and their definitions

Editing can be divided into 2 types. These are general, also called universal, and special. The first type of editing is understood as a holistic system of the editor’s work on the text. During the correction, the written word is improved, spelling errors and repetitions of words are eliminated.

Special editing is work on a text from some special aspect, for the assessment and analysis of which there is not enough general knowledge. This work can be performed by editors who are deep specialists in a certain field of knowledge to which the text or document being corrected relates. Special editing has a classification. It is divided into:

  • literary;
  • scientific;
  • artistic and technical.

Literary editing

Literary editing is a process in which the literary form of the text or work being reviewed is analyzed, evaluated, and improved. The editor carries out the following work:

  • corrects lexical errors;
  • brings the text style to perfection;
  • eliminates logical errors, improves the form of the text (breaks it into paragraphs, chapters or combines fragments);
  • shortens the text while maintaining the semantic content;
  • checks factual material (dates, names, quotations, statistical values).

Scientific editing

A huge number of books and articles have been written on certain scientific topics (for example, medical ones). Often the authors are not specialists. Reputable publishing houses use the services of scientific editors. These people check the text scientifically, eliminate any inaccuracies, and remove irrelevant and false information.

It is worth noting that the names of scientific editors in books and journals are indicated on the title page in accordance with the requirements of publishing standards. A note that a scientific editor was involved in the project serves as a guarantee of the high quality of the text and the veracity of the information presented.

Artistic and technical editing

Art editing in reputable publishing houses is performed by art editors. They design the cover and the entire magazine, newspaper or book, selecting images and color schemes. Thus, artistic editing is a process in which the design of a publication is developed, sketches, layouts, and illustrations are created, analyzed and evaluated from artistic and printing points of view.

There is also such a thing as technical editing. During it, the technical parameters of text typing and its layout are adjusted, fonts, their sizes, indents, line spacing are changed if necessary, numbered ones are added for ease of perception of information.

Modern editing capabilities

Almost all modern people can no longer imagine their lives without computers. This technology is available in housing, educational institutions, and various organizations and companies. With the help of computers, a variety of texts are created: articles, abstracts, dissertations and documents. A huge number of programs have been developed that have opened up wide possibilities for editing.

One of the famous computer programs is Microsoft Word. Using it, you can not only type text, but also edit files and format them properly:

  • remove spelling and (in the text they are by default underlined with red and green wavy lines);
  • change the size of the margins, select the appropriate page settings (portrait or landscape orientation);
  • add various underlines, highlight text in the right places with different colors, quickly insert bullets and numbering;
  • divide the text into columns, insert tables, charts, graphs, images, add footnotes, hyperlinks.

Quite often in the process of work, users are faced with the need to edit. This format is common and popular. Special programs have been created to edit such files. They allow users to delete unnecessary pages, highlight important points with bright colors, and move text and graphic blocks. Editing "PDF" using programs is very easy, because their interface is intuitive. All the necessary tools are displayed in the programs on the panels.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that editing is an important process of preparing texts. It can be carried out using various computer programs. They provide users with ample opportunities. With their help, ordinary text without design can be turned into a business report, properly formatted, or into a bright advertisement that attracts a resume.

3.4.1. Editor's work with text

Editing is an integral part of the publishing process, the creative work of the editor together with the author on the manuscript of a work in order to improve its content and form, prepare for printing reproduction and publication.

Editing is a creative process and largely depends on the type of publication. Each new manuscript requires new approaches, new solutions, and new ideas from the editor.

Changes in the economic environment and the introduction of new editorial and publishing technologies based on the use of electronic computing technology have made significant adjustments to the work of the editor, but the essence, goals and objectives of editing have not changed.

Working on the text of the manuscript, analyzing it, the editor evaluates the validity of the author's thoughts, the reliability of the facts presented in the manuscript, the accuracy of definitions and formulations, the well-reasoned conclusions, the sequence of presentation of the material, its structural organization and other features of the text.

A significant part of the editing process is occupied by editorial correction of the author's original. Based on the degree and nature of changes made to the text, several types of editorial changes are distinguished:

· proofreading - correction of technical errors when preparing reprints without revision, as well as official and documentary materials;

· abbreviation - corrections in order to limit the text to a certain volume;

· processing - ideological and semantic corrections, factual, compositional, logical, stylistic, but without radical transformation of the text;

As a rule, when working on a text, the editor uses all of the listed types of editing in various combinations.

The editorial editing methodology presupposes the presence of a number of rules, the appropriateness of which is confirmed by experience. These rules include the following:

· do not start editing without getting acquainted with the text as a whole, without identifying its general features, advantages and disadvantages, without defining the main editorial tasks;

· edit only after the cause of dissatisfaction with the text has been established and precisely defined and a way to eliminate it has been thought out;

· do not go beyond the limits of acceptable editorial intervention in the text, i.e., balance the edits with the author’s intent;

· limit yourself to a minimum of amendments as much as possible, without moving away from the author’s text and using the author’s speech means for editing;

· be critical of every edit made, comparing it with the original text, preserving the author’s meaning of the corrected phrase or fragment;

It is advisable to begin editorial editing with compositional changes, and abbreviations should precede text editing.

As for the editing technique, it is simple:

· edit directly in the text, crossing out words and letters with a thin line and writing new words and letters above them between the lines;

· enter the text legibly;

· write large inserts in the margins or on a separate page glued to the main one;

· when crossing out text, connect with an arrow the last word before the crossing out and the first after it;

· when editing, use the signs used in proofreading.

Often manuscripts are edited outside the publishing house. The nature of the publications being prepared may require the involvement of specialists that the publishing house does not have at its disposal. In addition, several editors are often involved in the preparation of a publication, especially when it comes to complex and important projects. Scientific, specialist, title or literary editing may be necessary. In each specific case, the issue of hiring freelance specialists to edit the author's original is decided individually.

| Planning lessons for the school year | Editing automation

Lesson 25
Editing automation

After studying this topic, you will learn:

What is the difference between editing and formatting a document?
- what tools for automated text document processing does the Word environment offer;
- capabilities of the Word environment to automate document editing operations.

Editing and formatting a document

All actions that the user performs on a document can be divided into two large groups: editing and formatting.

Editing is changing the content of a document.

Editing operations include the following:

♦ typing;
♦ correction of typos;
♦ copying, rearranging, deleting parts of text;
♦ insertion of figures, tables and other information objects.

Formatting is changing the appearance of a document and its individual parts in order to improve their readability.

Formatting operations include various ways to highlight text, namely:

♦ changing symbol properties;
♦ changing paragraph properties;
♦ design of headings and subheadings;
♦ converting text into a list;
♦ converting text into tabular form;
♦ insertion of headers and footers, page numbers, etc.

When working on a text document, the user has to do a lot of work manually. Perhaps the most time-consuming manual task when editing a document is typing. The author does not always like the content of the text the first time. The text must be re-read many times, both in order to correct words and sentences, and in order to identify any typos that have crept in. Thus, the quality of the content of a document depends entirely on its creator - the user of the text editor.

When formatting a document, the user first decides which parts of the text and how he will highlight it, and then re-reads the text again, but in order to format it. It often happens that the user does not like the formatting performed. For example, the values ​​for the parameters of a character or paragraph are chosen incorrectly, the list marker does not fit the text in meaning, etc. Then the formatting process has to be completely or partially repeated. Many users perform formatting manually, using the basic formatting technique of “select an object and set new parameter values ​​for it.” This takes a lot of time, especially if the document is large and has a lot of formatting. And here the human factor plays a big role.

However, the Word environment is a powerful automated system that provides tools for automating document processing that can save time and improve the quality of document preparation. In particular, many formatting tasks that can be done manually have corresponding automation tools.

Some automation capabilities just need to be enabled in the environment, and then they will work automatically without user intervention.

Other tools are used by the user only when he deems necessary.

According to the two types of work on documents, automation tools can be divided into editing automation tools and formatting automation tools (Fig. 3.1).

Rice. 3.1. Text Processing Automation Tools


One of the important qualities of the text is the absence of grammatical errors. Grammatical errors in the text can arise, firstly, due to a person’s ignorance, and secondly, as a result of a typo when typing the text. To eliminate grammatical errors, Word has a built-in automated spell checker. The basis of this system is a database - spelling variants of Russian and English words, and a knowledge base - grammar rules. This system checks each written word against a database, and also analyzes the correct spelling of phrases and sentences (consistency of cases, placement of commas, etc.). When errors are detected, the system provides a hint and, in some cases, options for correcting errors. This system is an example of an artificial intelligence system.

By default, Microsoft Word checks your spelling and grammar automatically as you type, highlighting possible spelling errors with a red wavy line and possible grammatical errors with a green wavy line. The spell checker is always enabled by default.

You can correct errors as you enter text, or you can check all the text at once after entering.

To correct an error as you type, right-click the text underlined with a wavy green or red line, and then choose a suggestion or command from the context menu.

When correcting a spelling error, the context menu often suggests words that are similar in spelling (Fig. 3.2).

But it’s better to check the spelling of the entire text at once after you’ve finished typing. This will save a lot of time.

Rice. 3.2. Error correction options

It should be noted that the word underlined in red is not always written incorrectly. It is quite possible that this is some special term that is not in the dictionary. Very often proper names are emphasized, as well as compound words (for example, “autotext”, “autocorrect”, etc.), which are also not in the application database.

If a word is spelled correctly but is underlined with a red line, you can add it to the user dictionary and it will no longer be underlined.

If a typo results in a word that is in the dictionary, the spell checker will not mark it, for example, if the word “who” is written instead of the word “cat” or the word “couple” is written instead of the word “desk”. To eliminate such situations, you should carefully re-read the text yourself or, even better, ask another person to do it.

Test questions and assignments

1. Describe how to ensure that there is a space in every place after the closing parenthesis in a document.

2. List the most common errors when entering text. What is the most effective way to fix them?

3. Is it possible to perform the two search and replace conditions in task 3.3 in a different order?

4. In the document, in each paragraph, instead of indenting the first line, five space characters are entered. Describe how to remove these characters.

In world publishing practice, the concept of “editing” has taken root both as a scientific term and as the name of a subject taught at the relevant university departments. “Literary editing” was traditionally taught at special faculties of Soviet universities. For some reason, this name of the item has been preserved to this day.

Domestic researchers of the theory and practice of publishing have started talking about the types of editing quite recently. Although there is no doubt that literary editing is only a component of universal editing.

A number of types of editing are now being considered in the scientific literature. These are, in particular, general, literary, scientific, special, title. There are also linguistic, logical, compositional, psycholinguistic, computer, publishing, and printing.

Let's highlight the main types of editing.

It is advisable to consider two main blocks of editing types:

general (universal);


Let's consider the content of each of these blocks.

General (universal) editing

This type of editing provides for a holistic system of the editor’s work on the original, which ensures its perfection in meaning, form and ease of use by the reader (consumer).

The main components of this type of editing are:

1. Elimination of logical errors.

Typical logical errors:

a) mixing the order of presentation (It was raining and two students. One in the morning, and the other at the university),

b) incorrect justification of the motivation for the action (At the All-Ukrainian meeting of book publishers, the main issue was providing the city with new trolleybuses);

c) the presence in the sentence of concepts that are mutually exclusive (the outsider of the competition received the gold medal).

2. Elimination of factual errors.

a) historical nature (The First World War began in 1924);

b) geographical nature (in the southern regions of Ukraine - Odessa, Kherson and Sumy regions - the collection of early grain crops began);

c) of a printed nature (the population of Ukraine today is about 48,000,000 million people);

d) “digital in nature” (Of the 3,000 copies of books published, 2,500 were donated to libraries, 1,500 were donated to higher education institutions).

e) “visual” inconsistency (photo of Alla Pugacheva with the caption “Kristina Orbakaite”).

This block of editing also includes problems of theme, composition, author’s position, and placement of political accents.

Special editing

This block can be divided into the following editing subtypes:


artistic and technical.

Literary editing.

The main purpose of this type of editing is to analyze, evaluate and correct mainly the literary part of the work. We are talking, first of all, about improving the language and style of the original, eliminating grammatical, syntactic and stylistic errors.

What criteria should an editor follow when choosing improvements to a work?

Criteria for choosing linguistic-stylistic means:

Accessibility of the language to the relevant group of readers;

Expressiveness, clarity of presentation;

Correspondence of the lexical series to the thoughts of the hero of the work or the author;

Compliance of the style of presentation with the genre of a particular work.

Example. Recently, publications by authors who were previously banned have appeared on the book market. For the most part these are works that were written in the twenties and thirties. In the case of reprinting such works, the editor faces a difficult question: which spelling system should he adhere to? Most publishers bring such texts into line with modern spelling, preserving the lexical, morphological and phonetic features of the author’s language. While adjusting the punctuation of books to modern standards, the editors, however, strive to preserve the basic character of the author's syntax.

4 Scientific editing

In some cases, given the complexity or importance of the publication being prepared for publication, it becomes necessary to invite a leading specialist in one or another field of science. In this case, such a specialist carries out scientific editing of the original. Its main task is to analyze, evaluate the work and correct inaccuracies from the scientific side.

The same thing is meant when some publications talk about title editing. The name of such an editor is affixed to the title page, which serves as a guarantee for the reader of the high quality and reliability of the publication.

In accordance with the requirements of publishing standards, the name of the scientific editor is indicated on the title or on the back of the title page.

5 Artistic and technical editing

Refers to a type of special editing. It is carried out by publishing workers. An art editor in the publishing subsection, as a rule, is a specialist with a higher art and printing education.

The process of artistic editing includes: ordering the artistic design of a publication, evaluating sketches, test prints and elements of artistic design of the cover and content of the publication from the artistic and printing side.

Technical editing involves the detailed implementation of the artistic and graphic design of the publication in the material: technical parameters of typesetting and layout, typesetting palette, font size, indents, impositions, etc.