As a child, and sometimes even not as a child, we loved to get together in the evening and scare each other with horror stories. The heroes of these horror films were unimaginable characters. But one of the creepiest was the Queen of Spades. And no one will even explain why. But meanwhile everyone was afraid of her. The bravest ones told how they communicated with her personally and what would happen if they brought the Queen of Spades into our world. Based on their feedback, we have compiled short instructions for you on how to do this.

Where did the legend come from?

Surely everyone is wondering where this legend came from and why exactly the card of this suit became a “black” sign.

There are two versions:

  1. According to one of them, it all started with Tarot cards. It was in them that her image first appeared. Here it had two meanings. The first is a symbol of a strong warrior queen who can always solve any problems. The second is a cold, angry and cruel woman. It all depended on who was being told fortunes and for what. If a person was optimistic, then he was given a positive interpretation. If the subject showed complete negativity, he received the corresponding result.
  2. The second legend is even scarier. Once upon a time there lived a lonely lady. She opened a shelter for small orphaned children, but not with the goal of helping the unfortunate, but with the goal of earning money. When she received benefits for their maintenance, she killed the kids. Over time, people found out about what was happening and terribly punished the villain. They beat her severely and buried her in the ground. The black dress she was wearing was torn during the torture. For this she was called the Queen of Spades. She has become very similar to the heroine of the Tarot cards.

There are probably more and more versions.

How to call the Queen of Spades at home?

Some believe that for such a ritual it is necessary to visit a knowledgeable magician or psychic. No, all legends describe home rituals and there is no need to go anywhere else. You just need to know how it's done:

  • Lay a white sheet on the floor and place it in the middle iconic map. Light a candle at her head. Turn around three times and repeat the words 13 times: “ What seems inanimate, let it turn out to be alive. Whoever lives in the black map will come to this light" After the last time, close your eyes and wait. Everyone does it differently, some see it, some don’t. But you can repeat it no earlier than after 7 days.
  • Most often, the dark lady appears in a dream. To let her know that you want this, place a glass of red water under the bed (you can stir the paint) and place a card on it. To protect yourself, leave a light on, a small lamp. If something bad starts happening to you in a dream and you wake up, she will no longer follow you here, the light will scare her.

In this video, esotericist Marat Gavrilov will tell you what can happen if you summon the Queen of Spades using a magical ritual:

What can happen when the lady comes?

Nobody knows exactly what this threatens. But they say everything depends on your intentions and her mood:

  1. If you want to find out some question for yourself, then she can answer it and leave. But if you show doubts about her answers or about her reality in general, she may get angry and curse you;
  2. They say that the black queen even causes physical injuries. For example, she leaves bruises from her hands or bloody streaks on her neck if she doesn’t like something;
  3. Often she starts to scare you, telling you that you or your loved ones will die soon. Thus, people lose their minds and commit suicide;
  4. And some argue that nothing terrible happens when it appears. Main think positive, don't show fear and then there is nothing to be afraid of.

In any case, there are ways to protect yourself. Before you start a communication session, stock up amulets and prayers from evil spirits.

It is also known that the Queen of Spades is afraid of light; as a last resort, just open the curtains or turn on artificial lighting.

How to call a black lady?

Many have already tried to bring the queen of spades into reality. Everyone's motives are different, mostly simple interest . Some people succeeded, according to them. They share their experience, tell how they performed the ceremony. Everything must be done, of course, at night and preferably under a full moon.

This is more efficient:

  • Buy a new deck of cards, like here without it;
  • Place a mirror on the table, draw a peak on it with lipstick at the top;
  • Write your name and date below;
  • Hold the card with her image in your hand;
  • Now say a few words: “ Black peak queen, be kind to me and appear. Prove that you exist, show yourself to me».

Don't expect a living embodiment to appear in front of you. Peer into the mirror. Her silhouette is formed there. When you hear a knock, creaking, rustling, a door might slam somewhere. So she came. You can ask a question. She is very good at predicting the future.

To drive away the lady, tear the card and cover the mirror with a cloth.

There are other rituals if these suddenly don’t work. Just don’t abuse it, maybe it’s for the best that she didn’t show up today.

Who called the Queen of Spades: reviews

To be more convincing, we will give you examples of reviews left on the Internet by those who have already decided to do this. Here are some of them:

  1. Maria, 17 years old: “Guys, I tried to call the Queen of Spades. It is very interesting. I did the ritual with a sheet on the floor. She closed her eyes, and at that moment something loudly knocked on the balcony. I stood there and didn’t move. Then everything became quiet. Then there was another roar. It's scary, it gives me goosebumps. I felt uneasy, and I turned on the flashlight that I was holding in my hand. I looked onto the balcony, nothing had fallen there, everything was in its place, as it was before. Believe it or not".
  2. Maxim, 20 years old: “All these are lies and teenage lies. Everyone went through this as a child. We called too, but apart from scaring ourselves, we didn’t see anything. But there was something to remember in the morning, and sometimes we still laugh together”;
  3. Anyuta, 18 years old: “We decided to have some fun with our friends too. Nobody believed it, and everyone giggled stupidly as they performed the ritual with the mirror and lipstick. But when the door suddenly opened in the bathroom and the shower fell from its holder with a roar, no one felt funny. One of the friends asked out loud: “Who’s there?” Then the mirror suddenly fell. I grabbed the card and tore it up. I couldn't stand it. Now I no longer laugh at magic or practice it.”

These are the stories users leave on different sites. No one can verify the veracity of this information, but there is no reason not to trust it. Why would people write all this when you can just remain silent.

How to protect yourself?

If you are afraid, but really want to perform the ceremony, just use protective magic. For example:

  • It seems to you that you called her, and she did not go back, throw away the cards that you used, and break the mirror;
  • The King of Spades is the lady's long-time enemy, keep him on hand during the ritual. If anything, put it on top of it. She will disappear;
  • You can open the door and say: “That’s it, leave the house”;
  • Remove all decorations if you think she is still in the house. Put them under the bed. She will take the gifts and disappear;

The best defense is not to disturb any forces, even if you really want to. Maybe you are a big fan of fairy tales, horror films and science fiction, then read books in this genre. This is much more interesting and useful. And most importantly, it’s safe.

So, we told you what will happen if you call the Queen of Spades and behave incorrectly with her. We compiled these probable events based on feedback from people who have already tried this. They differ, some believe in the legend, others don’t. But meanwhile, she has been living for many years and is increasingly attracting attention.

Video: real challenge of the queen of spades

In this video, three young people conducted an experiment and called the Queen of Spades to their home. See for yourself what came of it:

Who is the Queen of Spades? This is an ordinary woman from a deck of cards. Why is everyone afraid of her, and not, say, the king of spades? Some say in this regard that it was once ominously depicted on cards (I wonder when that was?), others believe that the black color of the spades is to blame for everything, supposedly symbolizing something evil.

Be that as it may, the queen from the deck of spades is to this day identified with a witch who brings failure and even... death! Today there are many legends about her. This terrible woman is personified as a spirit that lives in the world of the looking glass, and if summoned, it can strangle it!

Her ominous image was formed from stories and legends about her. It was fueled by unfavorable energy and mystery. And to this day, the mystery of this woman haunts people who are looking for a variety of ways to summon the Queen of Spades, her image excites the minds of many, and experts in paranormal phenomena just shrug their hands... And all because she... exists! No, you, of course, may not believe it and call this statement nonsense, but remember: if you are a skeptic, this does not mean at all that nothing mystical exists! As they say, if you suffer for a long time...

Stage one

Forget about any ladders drawn with lipstick on the mirror. These are "grandmother's" methods. If you really want to experience fear, then we bring to your attention a real way to summon the Queen of Spades.

  1. Remember one truth: you should call her completely alone! Don't invite any friends over. All the talk about how it’s not so scary together is complete nonsense. Two or more people mean dispersal of energy left and right... It makes no sense... You must be alone so that the energy clot is directed towards the mirrors.
  2. It should be dark in the room and outside the window. Yes, this procedure is performed only at night. You will need all the mirrors (at least three) that you have in the house, and one candle. You will make a corridor through the looking glass - a powerful energy-mental irritant.
  3. We place the largest mirror in the middle of the table, and the rest around it. It turns out to be an endless corridor... Turn off the lights. You are in complete darkness. Light a pre-prepared candle and place it in front of the central mirror so that it illuminates the entire corridor evenly.
  4. We note as a separate point: be sure to close all doors and windows with latches! You'll understand why later. So, you're ready for the challenge.

How to summon the Queen of Spades. Stage two

Don't repeat this!

The right to believe it or not, of course, remains with you. But in any case, we do not advise you to remember how to summon the Queen of Spades, and, moreover, repeat it at home. Of course, no one can vouch for the behavior of this creature, but if she doesn’t strangle the lady, she can definitely drive her crazy, as happened with Herman in the story of the same name by Alexander Pushkin.

The legends about the mysterious Queen of Spades strike fear into more than the first generation of children. Even among friends, not everyone will dare to call on this dark lady. The Queen of Spades' challenge is a kind of test of strength. If you do not follow the ritual exactly, the alien can cause harm. And it is the stories about the possible consequences of the challenge that are so frightening and so attractive. Let us repeat the summoning ritual without fail, so that the Queen of Spades does not leave the mark of her black magic on anyone.

Remember that it is your panic fear that can confuse the order of actions in your head. The calling algorithm is extremely important here: after all, no one wants to fall into the power of a mistress from another world, right? Being very frightened, you may forget all the steps to protect yourself from the Queen of Spades. When this name is mentioned, everyone draws some kind of image within themselves. For some, the Queen of Spades is the person on the playing card. For others - the princess in mourning clothes. And someone sees a creepy creature that only vaguely resembles a woman. Imagine that you pronounce the last word of the call, and the Queen of Spades you are expecting does not appear at all. The fear that entails weakness in defense against an otherworldly creature is inevitable. Therefore, be prepared to see anything, while strictly observing all security measures. Use only those items that are listed below. Pronounce your words clearly and distinctly. But the most important thing in any calling ritual is concentration on every detail of the process. Silently call upon the Queen of Spades. Let all your thoughts strive for one thing: to see the one who terrifies with just her name. Faith in the outcome of the ritual is important. If you call a Lady out of self-indulgence, she will never come.

As a “shield” from the influence of dark forces, use images of runes on clothes, paper, and wooden tablets. You can also place salt nearby, and at the moment the Queen of Spades appears, read prayers to protect your consciousness.

The best time to call is at night from 11 pm to 3 am. The room in which you plan to perform the ritual should be darkened.

In addition to protective items, you will need equipment for the ceremony. This is a mirror, a candle, black or red lipstick, a rag to wipe the lipstick off the mirror. At the appointed time, sit in front of a mirror in a dark room. Place amulets around yourself. Light a candle and place it so that the light highlights the surface of the mirror well. Using lipstick on the mirror surface, draw a door and a staircase leading from it. The path is open for the Queen of Spades. All that remains is to call her with all the strength you can muster.

Close your eyes and repeat three times: “Queen of Spades, come!” Your voice should not tremble, pronounce your words loudly and clearly. Without opening your eyes, imagine a clear picture in your mind of your guest opening the door and going down the steps. As soon as the clear image in your head is ready, open your eyes. You will see the Queen of Spades. Now, if the ritual is performed correctly and you are not overcome by panic at the sight of the Queen of Spades, you can ask her for a wish to be granted. Make your request as direct and short as possible in advance. As soon as you say it, immediately erase all the images from the mirror, including the Queen of Spades.

Completing all the points guarantees you not only a meeting with the famous intimidator, but also the fulfillment of your most cherished desire.

Each of you is already familiar with the character from children's horror stories and legends, the Queen of Spades. Usually the first question is related to how to call it, and the question of the consequences of the call fades into the background. In this article I will tell you about the possible harm and consequences of calling the Queen of Spades.

Based on the legend, we understand that the Queen of Spades herself is in the kingdom of the dead. If you disturb her and call her, you should not hope that she will come to you in a good mood. The Queen of Spades can play a cruel joke on you and cause you both moral and physical harm, and if you’re lucky, it can simply scare you. If your challenge is not based on selfish goals of an evil nature and you are in a friendly mood, the Queen of Spades will most likely simply scare you, and may not show up at all.

If you call the Queen of Spades with a grin, without faith in her or her abilities, or are hostile, do not expect anything good from the ritual. If you make her very angry, she can take your soul and leave you with only a physical body. Yes, you will walk the earth in the same way, and outwardly nothing will change in you, but humanity, all wonderful feelings will die in you, only hatred, anger and indifference to everything around you will remain.

During the ritual itself, slight suffocation and clouding of mind are possible. Don’t be scared or surprised if something starts to fall or break during the ritual; you are still summoning a soul from the underworld. Also, immediately after the end of the ritual, there may be a breath of grave cold, and doors or windows may unexpectedly open. The Queen of Spades can cause bodily harm to you, either herself or with the help of objects around you. This could be a chandelier hanging above you, a closet next to your bed, windows, mirrors or other objects.

The Queen of Spades can leave bruises or redness on your body on her own. Also, sometimes she leaves her marks all over the place where you called her, they can be barely noticeable, or they can look like distinct red marks from prehensile hands. The Queen of Spades may begin to talk to you or convey some messages, sometimes not verbally, but rather incomprehensibly, for example, with the help of foreign objects she will try to explain something to you.

You shouldn’t expect good and pleasant words from the Queen of Spades; she will scare you and talk about approaching death, the passing of your loved ones or beloved pets, as well as the impending apocalypse. The most serious consequences can be injuries to the legs, arms, head and internal organs. The summoned lady may not touch you herself, but she is quite capable of getting into your brain and harming herself. The Queen of Spades can even, a lot depends on the time of day and your mood, and the location of the lady herself.

These are just the most basic points of what can happen when calling the Queen of Spades. It is impossible to predict her mood and the possibility of a response from her soul from the other world. But the Lady herself is quite strong, she moves like a soul that cannot be touched or even seen until she herself wants it, and can be unpredictable. You should think carefully about whether to call her, and be sure to think through a defense strategy. Summoning the Queen of Spades is a serious matter that can have serious consequences. I strongly recommend not to call her, who knows what will come to her mind?

From an early age, many people heard legends and stories about the mysterious Queen of Spades, but in reality no one knew about the authenticity of her existence. To test the authenticity of the legends, the bravest among us took risks and dared to meet her. The legend of the Queen of Spades is in many ways similar to the legend of Bloody Mary, and is also its original embodiment.

There are different versions of the origin of the Queen of Spades, but the essence of many of them is that the legend of the Queen of Spades is associated with a card deck that contains her image. Either her ominous image, or the black peaks with their sharp tops served as symbols of something sinister, but since ancient times the Queen of Spades has been compared to a witch who carries dark forces. Thanks to many stories about a lady living through the looking glass, the Queen of Spades began to be considered an object of mysticism, secrets and unfavorable energy. As a result of many legends, people appeared who began to believe in the materiality of the mystical creature. Thus, the mysterious woman on the card became a symbol of an evil spirit.

There are opinions that the Queen of Spades can be summoned using a certain ritual. But what is the essence of this process? Convince yourself of the authenticity of the existence of the Queen of Spades, refute all the legends, or perhaps the desire to fulfill a wish? Everyone chooses for themselves.

At the moment, there are several options for how you can summon the Lady from the Looking Glass, but it is worth remembering that calling a creature from another world is unsafe and carries a bit of risk. It is also worth remembering that the summoned creature may turn out to be a spirit that came into our world to punish the one who disturbed his peace.

So what methods can you use to summon the Queen of Spades?

Method No. 1

The essence of the first method is to draw a staircase on the mirror at midnight with red lipstick, turn off the light and light a candle. Next, say the words three times:

Queen of Spades, come

If after the above words any sounds are heard, for example, the clicking of heels, laughter, steps, or a moving silhouette is visible in the mirror, the ladder drawn in lipstick should be erased immediately. True, there are also stories that the Queen of Spades moves at such a speed that you may not even notice how she ends up next to you.

Method No. 2

For the second method, we only need perfume. Having perfumed yourself, you need to go outside and stand in front of a multi-story building. Looking through the unlit windows of the third floor, say the words three times:

Queen of Spades come / show up / appear...

Method No. 3

Third way. At midnight, sitting or standing in front of a mirror, tear up the Queen of Spades card. Next, the Queen of Spades will appear in the mirror, coming towards you from afar. Looking in the mirror, you will see how she begins to choke you. At this time, you need to turn on the light or break the mirror, otherwise she will strangle you.

Method No. 4

The fourth method requires a dark room. The best place is the bathroom. After smearing the mirror with soap, light the candle and place it so that the candle is reflected in the mirror. Next, take the Queen of Spades card and place it face down to the mirror. It is worth remembering that when using this method, your hair must be gathered under a scarf, otherwise the Queen of Spades will grab you by the hair, begin to drag you and hit you against the walls. When all preparations are made, you need to sit down and peer into the mirror. At midnight you will notice figures in the mirror. These can be either white triangles or shapes of a different color. White triangles symbolize the kind Queen of Spades and the wish you make can come true. Figures of a different color are a symbol of the bad Queen of Spades, which can bring misfortune and misfortune.

Method No. 5

Fifth way. Fill the glass first with cold water and then with warm water and cover it with a mirror. When condensation appears on the mirror, i.e. droplets, at midnight say: “Queen of Spades, come out!” At the moment when the Queen of Spades appears, it is necessary to say: “Queen of Spades, perish!” There is also a possibility that when you meet the Queen of Spades, you will be scared and will not be able to do anything. In this case, you should just run away.

Method No. 6

To implement the sixth method, you need to tie a black thread on your hand at 11 o’clock at night. After this, say 10 times:

Queen of Spades, come!

When the Queen of Spades appears, cut the thread and say:

Unclean one, get out!

Method No. 7

For the seventh method, during the call there should not be any red objects in the room. You need to take a glass and put 15 kopecks in it with the tails. At the same time repeat “Queen of Spades, come!” At this moment, the coins in the glass will begin to rise from the bottom. When the Queen of Spades appears, she will point at someone present. The person she chooses will be happy.

Method No. 8

Eighth method. Stretch a white thread from the table to the bed and hang the candy on it. At midnight, write a wish on a piece of paper. If the temptation to see the Queen of Spades awakens in you, then this should be done carefully, so that she does not notice it. For example, through slightly open eyes. If the Queen of Spades notices that you are peeking, there will be grief.

Method number 9

For the ninth method, you need to stick a needle into the wall. At midnight the Queen of Spades will appear to you, who will either fulfill your desire or strangle you. At the same time, you cannot turn on the light, otherwise it will disappear. If suddenly the Queen of Spades wants to strangle you, then you need to scream:

Tari, tari, tari, her,

Make my wish come true!

Method No. 10

For the tenth method, take red woolen threads, which are tied to the legs of a chair or some other furniture. Then, taking a card with the queen of clubs, they place it face down and leave the room, closing the door behind them. After some time, entering the room, you can see crosses that look like birds on the floor in different places. It is also possible that the chairs in the room will be overturned and the bed thrown off. If you hurry and enter the room before the Queen of Spades has time to hide in her card, she can strangle you. To avoid this, you should wait 10 minutes before entering the room.

How to call the Queen of Spades video