If you ask any more or less experienced summer resident what is the most valuable fertilizer for the garden, then rest assured that you will certainly hear a whole ode to compost. This valuable organic fertilizer is characterized by low cost and almost universal use in a summer cottage.

Of course, it also has some disadvantages: the process of preparing compost is long and quite labor-intensive. Compost obtained on the basis does not have these two disadvantages. Therefore, the preparation of EM compost will be discussed in this article.

EM compost is an ideal fertilizer!

By fertilizing the area with such compost, you will saturate the soil with organic matter and introduce beneficial bacteria into it, which will actively work for the future harvest. In addition, the presence of these most effective microorganisms in EM compost greatly increases its nutritional value, and therefore its effectiveness.

Another significant argument in favor of EM compost is the speed of its maturation. If laid correctly, it will be ready for use in 2.5-3 months, that is, hard-working bacteria are able to process composted organic matter in just three summer months.

To prepare EM compost, any available organic matter will be used: weeded weeds, vegetable tops, straw, kitchen waste, peat, birch leaves, and so on. Hard plant stems, cabbage stalks, raspberry bushes, currants, blackberries and other coarse organic matter should be chopped into medium-sized pieces. And the more diverse the composition of the organic residues you use, the more valuable the final product of your efforts will be.

Methods for preparing EM compost

There are two methods for preparing EM compost, which differ from each other in terms of maturation and the quality of the resulting fertilizer. To accelerate the fermentation of organic substrates, aerobic (with air access) and anaerobic (without air access) methods are used.

Aerobic method for preparing EM compost. First, you should choose a shaded, level place in the garden and build drainage for the compost heap.

Any branches, brick fragments, small stones and similar materials will do for this. Next, the prepared organic substrate is placed on top. After 10 days, it will be necessary to shovel the pile, abundantly watering it with a highly concentrated EM solution (1:100).

If you do not want to deal with transferring compost, then emka should be added directly when laying the heap, carefully spilling every 20-25 centimeters of organic matter. The approximate consumption of the working solution is one liter per ton of organic matter. In my experience, with this method, EM compost will be ready in 2-2.5 months.

For successful aerobic composting, it is important to cover the pile with a light-proof film, which will protect it from waterlogging by precipitation, as well as from blowing and drying by winds. It is also important to ensure free access of air to the composted organic matter, so it is not recommended to use metal barrels for this purpose.

Anaerobic method for preparing EM compost. To use this method, you will need a hole of arbitrary size and about half a meter deep. Organic residues should be placed in layers of 25-30 centimeters and each layer should be sprinkled with a few centimeters of garden soil. Having slightly compacted, the same ones are thoroughly spilled every 25-30 centimeters with EM solution (1:100). In addition, it is useful to add lime and kitchen waste there.

When you get to the edge of the hole, you need to sprinkle it with a layer of earth up to 5 centimeters and cover it tightly with black film. EM compost prepared in this way is famous for its maximum usefulness, but it also has its drawback - it takes from 3 to 5 months to mature.

Which method of preparing EM compost is better?

EM compost can also be prepared using a so-called warm bed

On my site, I prepared EM compost using both methods, and at the moment I have settled on the first (aerobic).

If you plan to lay compost anaerobically, then try to better protect the walls of the compost pit with partitions from the roots of perennial weeds.

At one time I cheated, and my compost pit turned out to be completely pierced with roots. Needless to say, all my efforts went down the drain and I had to do this considerable work all over again. For anaerobic composting, it would be optimal to build at least 3 brick composting bins - this is a practical and durable option that allows you to rationally organize your work. So, during the season, one of the compost bins is filled, the compost matures in another, and from the third you take ready-made fertilizer to apply to the soil.

There is no need to rush to add EM compost in the spring months, since for the proper functioning of effective microorganisms it is important that the average daily temperature is at least +15 degrees.

Until the desired requirement is satisfied, the crushed organic matter is stored near the intended composting site, protecting it with a film from being washed out by rain and dried out by the sun. I start preparing EM compost somewhere in the middle - end of May (depending on the weather) and continue to put pulled weeds and tops into the compost bin until the end of August. Although the specific time to start laying EM compost depends on the climate of your region.

It is important to complete this work over the summer, since in the fall the main concern is to prepare for the next season in good faith, thereby laying the foundation for the future harvest.

Today I’ll tell you about a wonderful invention that helps prepare the most amazing fertilizer for our garden beds from food waste.

More than 10 years ago, I met the first of the EM drugs, Baikal EM. And from then on, my passion for organic farming began. I purchased a thin brochure on EM technology and, of course, began to try in practice everything that was written there.

I really liked the idea of ​​making EM-Urgasu fertilizer from food waste. It was a pity to just throw so much organic matter into the trash.

I did this: I placed a grate down in a regular plastic bucket. There was no place to take a ready-made lattice, so I asked the men to make a circle out of plastic with holes and legs (so that the lattice would not fall to the bottom).

Then she took a regular garbage bag, made holes in the bottom with scissors and put it in a bucket. I put food waste into this bag in small layers and sprinkled it with an EM preparation (at that time I had “Baikal EM”). Then she twisted the top of the bag, releasing the air.

I placed a weight on top (an inverted plate and a jar filled with water and closed with a lid).

Everything would be fine, but during fermentation of waste, it flows down through the holes EM liquid and it needs to be drained every 2-3 days. And every time, in order to get to the liquid, I had to pull out the waste bag, remove the grate and drain the liquid.

If this liquid is not drained in time, an unpleasant odor will appear, because... liquid also contains effective microorganisms, but spoils very quickly. I will write more about this liquid later.

Of course, I got the fertilizer, but there were some inconveniences.

And last year I saw in the Fertility store EM composter for food waste .

Even without hesitation, I immediately purchased it, because the advantages of using it are obvious compared to the improvised means that I used.

  1. Large volume bucket, 15 l.
  2. The lid closes tightly
  3. There is a faucet for draining liquid
  4. There is an internal EM cover inside. Thanks to EM plastic, it stabilizes fermentation processes
  5. There is also a convenient grill inside, it washes well and is made of better plastic than mine.
  6. The bucket looks aesthetically pleasing even in the kitchen

To go with this bucket I also purchased a small 4L EM bucket with lid. For what? I'll tell you a little later.

Now I will describe the whole process in detail.

I use all organic waste: vegetable peelings, some pieces of bread (for example, that fell on the floor), plant residues from flower trimming, seed husks, remains of porridge cooked in water, maybe non-glossy paper, tea leaves from tea, etc.

By the way, the value of fertilizer will increase from the variety of waste.

I don’t put leftover meat, fish, or anything fatty in the bucket.

And so my waste accumulates throughout the day and first I put it (and I taught everyone at home) to put it in a small 4-liter EM bucket with a lid. Even if they are collected in more than a day, in such a bucket they do not spoil even in the heat.

When such a bucket is full, I place this waste in EM composter.

I do it like this:

I take a garbage bag and make several holes in the bottom with scissors to drain it. EM liquids. I put this bag in a bucket with the bottom on the grill.

Now they need to be processed EM drug. But here you can choose what you have on hand or what is more convenient.

If the waste is wet enough, I simply sprinkle it on, as if I were adding salt with a preparation. "The Shining 3", if the waste is dry, it is better to use a wet preparation "Vostok EM-1" or diluted drug "Shine 1". The concentration can be made 1:100, this is based on 10 ml (1 tbsp per 1 liter).

You can concentrate even more. Often I'm just not divorced EM drug I spray straight from the bottle. Consumption is minimal. As long as the waste is moist and the bacteria have enough moisture.

When I already have EM liquid, which we will drain, I sometimes use it also undiluted. But I combine it with "The Shining 3" in other layers.

As you can see, there are no strict rules here, use what you have and what is convenient. It is impossible to overdose here. But if the concentration is too low, you can smell it.

The correct smell when you open the bucket should not be unpleasant, like leaven or vinegar. By the way, don’t be alarmed if you see a white coating of mold on the surface, this is normal. The main landmark of the correct process is the smell.

If you notice an unpleasant odor, increase the concentration EM drug.

In this way, we lay all the waste from the bucket in layers, pouring or spraying it EM drug layer by layer.

Then we twist the bag and place the inner EM lid on top. She's made of EM plastics and additionally, by its action, stabilizes waste fermentation processes.

Now close the top lid of the bucket. It closes very tightly and blocks air from entering the bucket.

Leave the bucket in the kitchen or bathroom, wherever is more convenient for you.

Now we collect new waste again in a small EM bucket until the next load. In the meantime, we are watching for the emergence EM liquids. It must be drained every 2-3 days, or more often if the waste is very wet.

It is very convenient to drain liquid in an EM composter; just place a small container and press the tap at the bottom of the bucket.

This liquid spoils very quickly. And if you do have a smell, it may be because it was not drained in time. EM liquids.

This liquid is also an EM preparation, but it quickly deteriorates and therefore, if you do not use it quickly, you can store it in a closed jar in the refrigerator for several days.

Where do I use EM liquid:

  1. I water the flowers by dissolving 1 teaspoon of EM liquid in 1 liter. water
  2. If it’s summer time, I water the plants with 1 tbsp per 10 liters. water
  3. At night I pour undiluted EM liquid into the drain hole of the sink or bathtub. It removes fat plugs and eliminates unpleasant odors.
  4. I add it undiluted to the EM container to ferment the waste.
  5. In summer you can pour it into a compost heap to speed up the decomposition of organic matter. Here you can dilute 0.5-1 glass per bucket of water, because... the pile still needs to be moistened.
  6. You can pour as much undiluted EM liquid directly into your country street toilet as you have, but not less than a glass. This liquid helps remove unpleasant odors.

But of course, this liquid itself should not have an unpleasant odor. If the smell is bad, it is unusable and will not work, it is better to throw it away. And it deteriorates really quickly.

And so I gradually fill the bucket. Once it is full, you need to let it sit in a warm place for another week (more is possible). You can leave it standing in this bucket, or you can transfer the bag of waste to another suitable container so that it stands there, and the bucket can be used again for its intended purpose.

But know that while the liquid is standing, the waste will still come out, albeit a little. If you don't drain it, it can go bad.

Now fermented waste can be introduced into the rows of the beds or around bushes, perennial flowers, and into tree trunks. But not very close to the plants, at a distance, so as not to burn the roots. I like to add them into the strawberry rows. Just flat cutter I draw a groove, put on rubber gloves and lay out the fermented waste, then I definitely sprinkle it with soil.

WARNING: Fermented waste does not look like compost! They look, let's say, like softened minced vegetables, the smell, I repeat, is sour, leavened.

If we make fertilizer in winter, then the fermented waste, after keeping the house warm for a week, can be frozen or taken to the garage. I recommend placing this waste in several strong bags, because... From experience, liquid can still leak out. If it is possible to keep it warm, then this is even better; the fermentation process will continue.

And in the spring, this super-fertilizer will come in handy in our warm beds, and indeed for any crops. You can combine applying fertilizer to the garden bed with spring treatment with an EM preparation.

In this case, we draw on the garden bed flat cutter groove, spread the fertilizer, cover it with soil, spill it with any EM drug(0.5 cups per bucket of water) and cover the bed with a dark covering material or cardboard or any dark mulching material with a thin layer to warm the soil.

This fertilizer, which is absolutely not difficult to prepare, contains not only EOs (effective microorganisms), but also contains organic and mineral components.

In such beds, a huge number of earthworms and other beneficial soil inhabitants are bred, and they, in turn, will continue to improve fertility.

After 2 weeks, you can sow plants or plant seedlings in such a bed.

It's that simple, using EM-compost r and you can prepare two types of excellent fertilizer: EM fermented waste s and EM liquid.

This way you save a lot on the purchase of fertilizers and use what you would otherwise throw away. By the way, you will have to take out the trash can less often))

And your plants will give you an excellent harvest!

Sapronova Zoya Andreevna, Central Health Center "Fertility", Yaroslavl

Recently, organic farming has been very popular, when the land receives nutrients without mineral fertilizers and chemicals. A composter is usually used to produce organic fertilizers.

Description of home composters

A home composter is a device that allows you to recycle waste from the kitchen table, resulting in organic fertilizer useful for the garden - compost. The device will reduce the cost of garbage removal and the purchase of fertilizers.

To process waste into fertilizer, a composter requires from 24 hours to 2 weeks, while compost from a regular heap at the dacha will be ready for use on the site in a year. Composters create optimal conditions for microorganisms. You can speed up the process by adding a special starter.

Home composter

Application area

A composter for an apartment differs from a similar device for a summer house in volume, design, degree of automation and principle of operation. In an apartment, the resulting product can be used to feed indoor plants or collected before leaving for the dacha. At a summer cottage, a lot of compost is immediately prepared, which is why the size of such devices is much larger. At dachas, compost preparation usually occurs in the summer. If you have a home composter for food waste, the process of converting organic waste into fertilizer can continue in winter.

The main product - compost - and the by-product - EM-liquid - are used mainly for fertilizing beds and applying to fruit trees. But the liquid also has unexpected uses. If there is much more of this liquid than the home greenhouse consumes, it can be poured into the toilet to make it cleaner. This wonderful liquid will also cope with cleaning sewer pipes and will remove the smell in the outdoor toilet.

On a note! EM liquid destroys pathogenic microorganisms, so it can be added to water when washing floors and tiles.

Types of home composters

Different types of home composters are distinguished according to different characteristics.

According to the principle of action, they are distinguished:

  • Box.
  • Thermocomposter - operates on the principle of a thermos.
  • Vermicomposter - in it compost is formed with the help of earthworms. By eating organic waste, they form vermicompost.

Based on their design features, composters of the classical type and automatic drum composters are distinguished. A classic style composter looks like a box, box, barrel or bucket. Plant debris is placed in this container in layers. Classic composters include open and closed designs. In closed ones the process proceeds faster.


In rotating structures, composting occurs faster than in stationary ones, due to the greater air flow provided by mixing the layers as the structure rotates.

Note! The material from which the compost making device is made can also vary. Homemade composters are usually wooden, industrial ones are plastic or metal.

How home composters work

To create compost, four conditions are important:

  • air access;
  • high humidity;
  • presence of microorganisms;
  • warm.

Food waste itself does not turn into fertilizer. They need to be helped by placing microorganisms in the device. Where can I get them? There are special EM liquids that already contain them. Among them are EM drugs called EM1, Baikal, Siyanie and others. A liter volume of liquid is enough for a bucket of water. A liquid diluted in water is poured over each layer of waste when composting begins for the first time. Next times it will not be needed, since the resulting compost will be used for this purpose.

Note! Thanks to microorganisms in the composter, fermentative decomposition of waste occurs, and not rotting, as in a regular container. The resulting fertilizer contains not only EM (effective microorganisms), but also organic and mineral components.

The second way to produce compost is to use vermicomposters. The composting process involves earthworms. Their waste products are an excellent growth stimulant for plants and contain substances that repel insect pests. In this device, several containers are stacked on top of each other, waste and a population of worms are placed in the lower container, the contents of which must be regularly watered. The worms gradually crawl from the lower compartments to the upper ones.

Advantages and disadvantages of home composters

The advantage of all composters is that they allow you to obtain high-quality fertilizer from garbage that is usually thrown away.

But not every composter will meet the owner's expectations. Thus, using a homemade EM bucket in an apartment is almost always accompanied by a not very pleasant smell (in devices manufactured industrially, it is slightly less due to the tightness of the lid).

Bucket composter

In industrial thermocomposters, the temperature necessary for the formation of organic fertilizer is maintained at about 40 degrees.

Vermicomposters produce a higher quality product, but there is a need to maintain special conditions - temperature and humidity, access to oxygen. The waste needs to be finely crushed.

Metal containers retain moisture well, making the compost moist and denser. Plastic composters are resistant to low temperatures and ultraviolet rays.

Ready-made industrial composters have a more aesthetic appearance. Their disadvantage is that they have a fairly high price.

Factory-made composter

DIY EM composter bucket

A composter bucket is usually installed in an apartment. With its help, a family of 3-4 people can receive about 500 kg of organic fertilizer per year. You can make such a bucket yourself.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Take an ordinary plastic bucket and place a low lattice stand made of any material on its bottom.
  2. A garbage bag, in which the bottom is previously pierced, is placed on top, and put on the bucket in the usual way.
  3. The waste is laid in layers, each layer is watered with EM liquid.
  4. The waste is pressed down with a weight, the bucket is covered with a lid and left closed for 5-7 days.

Once the kitchen waste has turned into compost (about a week), it is dried to a powdery state. Next time, instead of a purchased EM drug, the powder obtained the first time is used.

Important! People who have experience using an EM composter bucket note that during the process of processing waste into fertilizer, liquid is formed. It needs to be drained. If this is not done, an unpleasant odor will appear.

Which composter should you choose for your home or apartment?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which composter is better; it all depends on a person’s priorities. The choice of a device for converting waste into fertilizers for the home usually goes between home-made models and their industrial versions. Those summer residents who monitor the design of their site and are not very limited in funds give preference to industrial models. Among them you can find interesting shapes in the form of a decorative stone or mound, which can even decorate your garden plot. If only the functionality of the composter is important, then it is quite possible to make it yourself. And if speed is a priority, then it is logical to choose a rotating EM composter; with its help, ready-made organic fertilizer will appear in just 2 weeks.

Advice! When choosing a composter for a summer residence, take into account the size of the plot and select the volume of the structure accordingly.

A compact homemade kitchen composter or a factory-made eco-bucket is installed in the apartment. The second is preferable, since it provides for draining the resulting liquid, which is not the case in a regular bucket. The smell accompanying the fermentation process is almost not felt in a factory composter, which cannot be said about a homemade device.

Home composters do not take up much space in the apartment, industrial models are practically odorless. These are ideal devices for those who do not want to throw table scraps into the trash, but want organic fertilizer for their home or garden plants.

An EM container is a mini-factory for the production of EM compost, an excellent fertilizer from kitchen waste, and an EM preparation in liquid form.

A family of 3-4 people per year can use this container to receive about 500 kg of fertilizer, which is 40 times more effective than rotted manure! In the container, thanks to the work of Effective Microorganisms, there is not putrefactive, but enzymatic decomposition of kitchen (organic) waste with the formation of nutrients necessary for normal plant growth. After only 7-10 days, organic waste on which EMs have settled can be introduced into the row spaces.

There are millions of EM containers in use around the world, and in the United States there has even been a movement to use EM containers to recycle food waste in schools and catering establishments.

As food (organic) waste is formed, it is placed on the lattice bottom in a layer of 2-3 cm and abundantly moistened with a solution of the EM1 preparation at a concentration of 1:100. For a liter of non-chlorinated (or settled tap) water, take 10 ml of EM1. An inner lid made of EM plastic is placed on top of the moistened layer. The lid works as an information stabilizer for the fermentation process. It is also used to compact compostable waste and only partially cuts off air. Then an outer lid is put on the container, completely blocking the access of air to the container. As necessary, new portions of waste are stacked in layers and moistened with a solution of the EM1 preparation. It is advisable to place waste once a day to limit the access of air inside the container. The appearance of a white coating on the surface of the waste is acceptable. Once every three days, it is necessary to drain the EM liquid that accumulates at the bottom of the container. When filled with kitchen waste, the container is emptied.

Waste fermented for 7-10 days can be immediately used as fertilizer, mixed with 20 - 40 parts of soil. This waste will be processed in the ground in 30 - 60 days. You can feed fruit trees with fresh EM compost, burying it along the border of the tree crown. EM liquid can be used: for fermenting kitchen waste, diluting it 50 times, i.e. after establishing the fermentation regime, you can use the EM liquid, and use the EM preparation 1-2 times a month;

for processing organic waste (leaves, grass, manure). Layer-by-layer storage of 15 -25 cm of waste and watering with a solution of EM-liquid with a concentration of 1:100 is used; in summer conditions, EM-compost is processed into humus within 2 months;

for draining into sinks, bathtubs and toilets, which will lead to the destruction of fat plugs and the removal of urinary stones;

to eliminate odors and convert feces from outdoor toilets into fertilizer. 250 ml is poured into one corner of a cesspool with a capacity of 2.5 cubic meters. The smell disappears after a week, after 3 months the resulting fertilizer does not contain not only pathogenic, but even conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Those. Feces make excellent environmentally friendly fertilizer.

add to water when wet cleaning floors and tiles (concentration 1:100);

water indoor plants once or twice a week with a solution of concentration 1:2000 - 1:1000 (teaspoon - tablespoon per bucket of non-chlorinated water) and widely use in the countryside.

Fermented waste - EM compost can be stored on a separate site in layers alternating layers of EM compost 10-15 cm thick and 2-3 cm layers of earth. In summer conditions, in 1.5 - 2 months it is completely processed into humus.

In winter conditions, fermented waste and EM liquid can be frozen. When it gets warm, use it in the country. If you use four-liter EM buckets with a sealed lid, then you can store EM liquid in them for up to 7-14 days at room temperature. Kitchen organic residues can be accumulated in an EM bucket for the same period before they are load into an EM container. The resulting EM-compost, after being removed from the EM-container, can also be stored in an EM-bucket for up to two weeks at room temperature. Khabarovsk summer resident Galina Petrovna Bobrikova has been using an EM-container since 2006 to produce EM-compost as food for worms, which give humus, enhanced by waste products of the EM1 preparation and populated by effective microorganisms. The use of EM-liquid is similar to the use of the EM1 preparation itself. With one caveat. EM liquid must be used within two to three days

Note: organic waste suitable for recycling means waste from peeling vegetables and fruits, various waste from cutting meat and fish, with the exception of bones and scales, remains of bakery products, flour, cereals and cereals, bran, soaked paper and cardboard, sawdust. tree species (coniferous sawdust requires a higher concentration and should be mixed with other organic matter for better processing). It is advisable to chop kitchen waste with a knife. Egg shells are not fermented, but can be added as fertilizer. Russian version of using an EM container. From the design of the container it is clear that it can be successfully used for pickling tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, and sauerkraut. When using an EM container in this way, the outer cover is removed, the inner cover is turned over and a load is placed on it. This design is convenient in that as you remove the pickles from the bucket, you can drain the brine.

The bucket can also be used as a container for storing water. The presence of a tap allows you to conveniently pour water.

The EM container consists of a cylindrical 15 liter container, the bottom of which is raised to a height of 9 cm to make it convenient to drain the EM liquid. There is a cutout in the wall at the base on one side, above which there is access to a tap screwed into the bottom. Inside, above the bottom there is a grate. There are inner and outer covers.

Household food waste is often sent to the trash bin and then to a public landfill. But they can be used much better and more correctly. WLabs, a spinout from the home appliance company Whirlpool Corp., has developed the Zera Food Recycler, a useful home device for turning food scraps into compost. The invented invention solves several problems at once - it reduces the cost of garbage disposal and reduces the cost of purchasing fertilizers for plants if you have your own personal plot. Someone will object and say that a compost heap at the dacha is enough for him, but the time it takes for food waste to turn into useful humus can be on average one year, and in winter not everyone has direct access to the site and the treasured place. Zera is always at hand, and it only takes 24 hours to process food into nutritious fertilizer.

After the waste enters the apparatus, the initial grinding of the residues is turned on, then they enter the next tank to form nutritious compost. It uses oxygen, moisture, heat, a stirrer to speed up the breakdown of food waste, and a plant-based additive ($12 coconut shell pellets). The latter is provided by the manufacturer in order to saturate the fertilizer with useful elements and properties necessary for the raw material, which may not initially be present in the rotten product. But the user, at his own discretion, may not purchase the supplement. Zera holds up to 8 kilograms of waste - about the amount the average family puts in the trash bin.

Zera is designed to process more than 400 kilograms of waste per year. Externally, the device looks very stylish and will fit into many kitchen interiors. Control is carried out using a touch panel or a proprietary application installed on the user’s mobile device. The WLabs product can be a valuable find for those who practice organic farming and use only natural fertilizers for their plants. But the price will definitely disappoint. The declared cost of Zera Food Recycler is $1,199, but early next year the manufacturer plans to launch a campaign to raise the funds necessary to start production on the Indiegogo service. Those interested will be able to purchase the device for $699.