In the 90s, the conductor character became incredibly popular both in Ukraine and Russia. Years later, Andrei Danilko was not happy with the constant associations with Verka Serduchka. But what personal problems was he hiding under the guise of a bright heroine?
Andrey Danilko
The success of the “SV-show” could be envied: thanks to it, the little-known artist Andrei Danilko became in demand. Representatives of Russian show business came to the program with pleasure. Verka Serduchka quickly gained the status of a public favorite. The cheerful conductor turned out to be a successful singer and star of corporate events; she was invited to music festivals, concerts and even Eurovision.
But not everything was so rosy: after a composition performed at an international competition, Danilko found himself at the center of a scandal over the lyrics of the song. It cost him enormous strength and nerves to regain his reputation.
26 years have passed since Andrei introduced Verka Serduchka to the audience. Tired of the image, last year the artist announced the singer’s farewell tour. But is Danilko really ready to part with the character? And what did he have to sacrifice for fame?


Andrey Danilko had a difficult childhood

The future artist was born in Poltava into a simple working-class family: his mother worked as a painter, and his father as a driver. My parents lived poorly, there was no bath or shower in the house, so they had to go to the neighbors to wash once a week. Childhood was also difficult because Andrei’s father abused alcohol.
“Dad could knock out windows and start fights. I ran with a stool and called the police. This was in the order of things for us,” Danilko shared on the air of the “Once Upon a Time” program on NTV.
Mom took care of both her son and her husband onto her fragile shoulders. It was especially difficult for the woman when Andrei’s father became seriously ill. He died of cancer when the child was only 10. Despite the difficult relationship with his dad, Danilko Jr. had a hard time with his passing.
“He was a very good person, but when he drank, he wasn’t very good. As a child, I said I would never drink, seeing the consequences. It didn’t come true, but it doesn’t affect me that way, thank God,” noted the artist.

Russian celebrities happily came to Verka Serduchka's show

Mom worked two shifts, and Andrei’s older sister began an independent life, so the boy was often left at home alone. He was sad at school too. There the child met a girl named Anya Serdyuk. An excellent student from an intelligent family won Danilko’s heart, but the social inequality between them was felt too acutely. He did not harbor vain hopes that one day Anya would reciprocate his feelings.
To forget about non-reciprocal love and injustice, the teenager took up amateur activities. Soon not a single performance of the local KVN team was complete without him. And although Andrei and Anya diverged, he promised the girl that he would glorify her name. Whether it’s a beautiful legend or true, in 1993 the artist first introduced a new character to the public - Verka Serduchka. At the Humorina festival, Danilko, with a bright heroine who ridiculed women’s complexes, took second place, and the following year received the Grand Prix. Invitations to radio, television and pop concerts poured in.
In 1997, the “SV-show” was released in Ukraine, where the main role was given to the busty conductor Verka. Danilko’s on-air partners were Inna Belokon, Radmila Shchegoleva and Olga Litskevich. At the same time, Andrei wanted to continue his education as a pop artist, but he was quickly expelled from the circus school: for absenteeism and a difficult character. There really was no time left for lectures, especially when the program was bought on Russian television.
Honorary guests came to Serduchka's program: Lyudmila Gurchenko, Ilya Oleynikov, Philip Kirkorov. Gradually, the character became perhaps the most popular in the country. Musicals, numbers, hit songs - Verka was everywhere. The heroine turned out to be so popular that she even went to Eurovision in 2007, where she took second place. However, many people heard that the conductor from the stage said the phrase “Russia, goodbye,” and not “Lasha tumbay,” which greatly complicated Andrei Danilko’s relationship with Russian fans.
“It was such a cheat, to the point of hatred. They said about me: “He spat in the face of Russia!” “In my life I could not think that such a scandal would arise,” the artist explained in Irina Shikhman’s show “Should I Talk?”
Danilko repeatedly tried to get away from the image of a conductor and acted in the role of a policeman, Cossack and soldier. However, Andrei received the largest fees thanks to Verka Serduchka. So, 10 years ago he was included in the list of the richest Ukrainian artists, and in 2013 he received the award “For special achievements in music” at YUNA.
Of course, over the years, Danilko began to get annoyed that fans perceived him and Serduchka as a single whole. The actor starred in more than 20 films, but each time the character of his characters was copied by Verka. So will the conductor's story end forever?


Andrey Danilko was a mentor on X-Factor for several seasons

Andrey Danilko tried himself not only as a performer, but also as a mentor. In 2016, he was invited to the jury of the Ukrainian show X-Factor. The artist stayed there for three seasons, and his team, Mountain Breeze, even took third place in the competition. Danilko became a producer for the boy band, rejoicing at the opportunity to realize himself in a different role.
“It’s very difficult to get rid of the image, which is why I’m attracted to behind-the-scenes work. I understand that soon I will no longer be able to show Serdyuchka, because an adult guy won’t put a star on his head. But we came up with the idea of ​​doing a farewell tour, everything is as it should be,” Andrei said last year.
The artist called the conductor’s last performance a concert in Odessa on July 13, 2018, after which he began a grand tour.
“By farewell tour we mean a big tour - a kind of “thank you” to those people who gave me, a boy from Poltava who lived in an extension where wallpaper was wrapped, the opportunity to provide for myself financially, to live on Khreshchatyk and, in principle, not to work,” - the singer emphasized.

In 2018, the image of Verka Serduchka turned 25 years old

Fans were upset by Danilko’s statement. One could only guess whether it was due to a creative crisis, depression, or a desire for novelty. However, Andrei hastened to assure loyal listeners: rumors about the final end of Verka Serduchka’s career are exaggerated.
“Verka Serduchka is a star. She may announce a farewell tour and then return again. It's in the style of the stars. Now we are saying goodbye, but we will meet again,” the artist hinted at a possible outcome.
However, Danilko did not hide the fact that he was tired of the conductor’s solo concerts and intended to take a break from his work. City tours were especially difficult for Andrey. “I felt bad all the time. My face was covered in nervousness. I wanted to hide from people. In such a state you cannot relax, so you constantly had to drink. I don’t remember some years at all, from 1998 to 2010 almost nothing,” the artist complained.

At Eurovision, Andrei Danilko's dressing room neighbor was Madonna

Even if the era of big solo concerts is over, Danilko has not stopped performing at closed parties and corporate events in his usual way. Andrey made an exception for this year’s Eurovision, becoming a guest star of the show along with Madonna.
“We crossed paths literally once, when she arrived,” Andrei Danilko told StarHit. - We had a job at Euroclub, and she asked for our dressing room. They screwed up the blue light bulbs there to make the light softer. The organizers were involved in this matter, and from their appearance it was noticeable that they did not experience much joy from the presence of Madonna, only problems.”


Andrey Danilko was credited with an affair with Radmila Shchegoleva

The bright and brazen Verka Serduchka has little in common with the character of the real Andrei Danilko. Unlike the character, the artist is laconic and calm. But what is known about his personal life?
The artist does not talk about matters of the heart, noting only that he does not find time for relationships due to his workload. One day Danilko mentioned that he had an affair with a girl on the stage, but did not divulge the name of his chosen one. Andrei was repeatedly credited with having love affairs with his colleagues on the “SV-show” - Olga Litskevich, Radmila Shchegoleva and, especially, Inna Belokon. Andrei Danilko considers the performer of the role of Serduchka’s mother to be a close friend: they have known each other since the 80s, attend social events together and go on vacation. All this gave rise to rumors that Inna left her husband for the sake of the actor. However, there was no divorce, and Belokon still lives with her husband and raises her daughter.
“We have a very affectionate relationship. The two of us can stay in the room. But that doesn't mean anything. There were moments when the working relationship grew into something more. So what's wrong with that? You see, this always happens in a drunken shop,” the artist justified himself.
Inna Belokon is a close friend of Andrey Danilko

The actor found himself at the epicenter of scandals not only because of gossip about his relationships with colleagues. In 2013, the Ukrainian media were full of headlines that Andrei has two sons, Vanya and Misha, whom he carefully hides from the public. In addition, information has appeared that by the fall the surrogate mother will give birth to another child for the artist. “Where all this comes from, I don’t know. I don't communicate with anyone at all. I lead a very private lifestyle. There is only a stage. Why do I need children? This is not buying a TV. There must be some kind of relationship,” Danilko was indignant.
Many times Andrei claimed that he felt comfortable being alone, but in the conversation he did not conceal the fact that starting a family is part of his future plans.
"Certainly. But I don’t understand at all how you can take it and create it for yourself. The need for each other is important to me, so that there is friendship, love, and it is comfortable to be nearby in the same living space. “This is not an easy story for me,” the artist admitted. - I want children too. But how will it turn out? I don't do anything special. Either it’s given or it’s not.”

Comedian, artist, TV presenter, singer, who was refused admission to the music academy three times - this is not a complete list of Andrei’s activities. Starting with parody works, over the 20 years of his biography Danilko gained popularity and authority, allowing him to participate in television shows as a mentor.

The biography of the future singer and showman originates in the city of Poltava, which is located in the north-east of Ukraine. He was born on October 2, 1973 in a family of Ukrainian nationality. Andrey's father worked as a driver. However, due to alcohol abuse and lung cancer, he died when the child was 7 years old.

The artist’s mother worked at a local factory as a painter. The family lived quite poorly, all worries fell on the shoulders of the only parent, Danilko. He also has an older sister, born 10 years earlier.

During his school years, Andrei studied at Poltava school No. 27. According to the artist himself, he did not excel in academic performance, but was a very creative child, regularly attended theater clubs, was a frequent guest at various school parties, and performed in the local KVN team.

In 1984, taking into account their son’s inclinations, Andrei’s parents decide to take him to an art school, where he easily enters. After a short period of time, Danilko becomes the captain of the KVN team, and also begins to perform as part of the vocational school team No. 30. Every year he performs on stage at a children's camp. Andrey becomes a student of the Grotesk theater studio, on whose stage the legendary Verka Serduchka will be born in the future.

In 1991, the artist graduated from school. Despite his obvious talent, Andrei fails to enter the Poltava Music School. After failure, the applicant tries to enter a pedagogical institute, but failed to pass the Ukrainian literature test. In the same year, Danilko entered vocational school No. 30 with a degree in cashier-seller of food products.

In 1993, at a celebration in honor of April Fool's Day, Andrei, for the first time in his biography, showed the public his character Verka Serduchka. The jury members appreciated the student’s creativity and awarded him second place, however, returning to this competition the next year, Danilko managed to get first place, and his photos were distributed to local newspapers.

After graduating from college, the singer again tries to enroll in a music school, but is refused. As a result, he graduates from art and design school.

In 1995, Andrei sets off to conquer Kyiv, where he immediately enters the variety and circus school, where he studies the spoken genre. For reasons that the artist does not disclose, after a year and a half he is expelled from the educational institution.

Six months after leaving school, the future showman enters the Institute of Culture and Arts with a specialty in “director of the stage of mass shows” where he successfully studies for 3 years, but in the 4th year he was distracted from receiving an education, and Danilko was expelled due to the fact that he did not passed 2 sessions.

Career path

Andrey’s first serious popularity came in 1997, when the Ukrainian TV channel launched the “SV-show”, inviting Danilko to the main role. The program of a conversational format, where show business stars came to the artist in the image of Verka Serduchka, quickly became one of the highest rated on local television, and its photos and videos went far beyond the borders of Ukraine, after which the program was bought up by Russian media magnates.

At the same time, the actor first met and established contacts with Lyudmila Gurchenko, Ilya Lagutenko, Philip Kirkorov, Boris Moiseev and other personalities well-known in the CIS.

In the same year, under the auspices of music producer Yuri Nikitin and his company Mamamusic, the artist released his song “Simply Vera” for the first time in his biography. On the wave of popularity associated primarily with the TV show, the singer in December 1997 gives his first concert on the territory of the National Palace "Ukraine", known as "Verka Serduchka's Christmas Meetings".

In subsequent years, the artist’s popularity continues to grow, Danilko records his first album “I was born for love”, shoots two videos for the songs “A little bit” and “Controller”.

At the end of spring 1999, Andrei organized 10 show performances in two theaters in Kyiv, which attracted various not only Ukrainian but also foreign media. Having gained enormous popularity, Andrei travels around the CIS countries with concerts, attracts full houses, regularly gives interviews to major publications and television channels and ends up in the news.

Continuing to be active creatively, Danilko records the following albums:

  • 2001 – “Pie”;
  • 2002 – “Unreleased”;
  • 2003 - “Ha-ra-sho!”;
  • 2003 – “Chita Drita”;
  • 2004 – “I wanted a groom. Unreleased";
  • 2006 – “Trali-vali”;
  • 2007 – “Dancing Europe”;
  • 2008 – “Doremi doredo”;
  • 2008 – “The best”.

Also in 2005, he released his only instrumental album, using his real name, called “After You”.

In 2000, he received two personal awards at once: “Black Pearl” - for the best television advertising and received the Arkady Raikin Cup. At the same time, he presented a new program “I am a revolution” and held 5 concerts in the Kiev theater. Becomes the host of the radio program “Come on, get up!”

He was awarded the Golden Gramophone award four times for the songs “I Didn’t Understand”, “I Wanted a Groom”, “Knock-Knock-Knock” and “Dolce Gabbana”. The album “Ha-ra-sho!”, according to the decision of the Muz-TV channel, becomes the best album of 2004, after which Andrey regularly finds himself in the news.

He appears in various films as Verka Serduchka.

For several years, Andrei unsuccessfully tried to get to Eurovision. Many Ukrainians considered him unworthy to perform on the international stage and in 2006 even forced him to withdraw his candidacy.

Despite the attempts of ill-wishers to stop the singer, in 2007 Ukraine sent Danilko to the largest European competition with the song Dancing Lasha Tumbai. This composition was a mixture of Russian, Ukrainian and English, which, in combination with the bright and memorable image of the artist, was very popular with the audience and judges.

Despite the fact that the Ukrainian singer lost first place to an artist from Serbia, his performance received a huge number of awards, including “Best song that did not win at Eurovision” and “Brightest song in the entire history of Eurovision”, and photos and videos of his performance became most viewed.

After returning to Ukraine, the artist, at the peak of his popularity, tours the CIS countries. However, by the end of 2010, Andrei pays less and less attention to his alter ego - Verka Serduchka. Danilko makes attempts to achieve success in other roles, but fails.

According to Andrei himself, immediately after Eurovision in 2007 he was offered to go into politics as part of the “Against Everyone” party. Despite the fact that the offer was financially attractive, the singer refused.

In 2014, an assassination attempt was planned on the artist’s life by his friend Igor Klinkov, but thanks to the fact that Andrei’s inner circle learned about the planned murder in time, Danilko managed to leave for Europe on time and stay there permanently for the next few years.

In 2016, Danilko appears on television to announce the Eurovision results; in the same year, the singer begins to participate in the filming of the X Factor show as a judge.

In the summer of 2017, the artist holds a big concert in honor of the return of Verka Serduchka to the CIS stage.

In the spring of 2019, she attends Eurovision as a guest star, performing the song of the last winner Netta – Toy.

Personal life of Andrey Danilko

Andrei's real personality is strikingly different from his alter ego Verka Serduchka. The singer is quite lonely and hides his personal life, but it is known that, despite his advanced age, he still has not acquired a wife or children.

According to Danilko himself, until recently he wanted to start a family and get married, but at the moment he is already comfortable alone. He is indifferent to various parties, expensive things, telephones and other attributes of wealth. He believes that it is best to spend the money he earns on charitable purposes without advertising it. He regrets that money cannot buy the joy of life.

He does not rule out the possibility of meeting his future companion on stage; his past relationships began in the same way. The artist’s fans would like to see him on the show “The Bachelor,” but it is unknown whether this will come true.

Where does Andrei Danilko live now?

The singer tries not to disclose details of his personal life, but his place of residence remains known.

According to available information, Andrey now lives in Kyiv at Khreshchatyk, building 25. This elite thirteen-story high-rise building is an architectural monument and is protected by law. The artist purchased two apartments there and then combined them into one large one. Danilko’s home has as many as 12 rooms, 3 kitchens, 3 bathrooms and 6 bathrooms.

In addition to the apartment in the capital, Andrei also has a country house located 30 km from Kyiv, where the artist lives in the summer. Here the actor bought a four-story house from the previous owner, made high-quality repairs and installed a high fence. According to expert estimates, the total value of the artist’s famous real estate can reach $2 million.

Andrey Danilko today

Now the artist is gradually regaining his popularity after a long break. In 2018, Andrei participated in the filming of the film “Sex and Nothing Personal” as a police officer, and a year ago he visited the set of the series “Servant of the People” playing a cameo.

At the same time, the singer continues to participate in various television shows, remains a judge and mentor of The X Factor, and also gives concerts in the role of Verka Serduchka.

Performing as Verka Serduchka, he suffered a heart block during the filming of the New Year's show. According to eyewitnesses, the artist turned pale, lost the ability to speak and began to sweat profusely.

Popular Ukrainian artist Andrei Danilko, known as Verka Serduchka, became ill while filming a New Year's light. Eyewitnesses reported that the performer looked pale an hour before going on stage, but still did not refuse to perform.

“On stage, the artist was pale and could barely speak. After each number, he returned to the dressing room and changed clothes, since Danilko’s costume was completely wet. After the part with Danilko was filmed, the star locked herself in the dressing room and did not come out for several hours,” a source told the site

The artist’s colleagues were worried about his health and called an ambulance to the filming site. According to Danilko’s representative, the singer suffered a so-called heart block, which changes the functioning of the muscle tissue responsible for conducting electrical impulses. As a result of these metamorphoses of the body, a sharp reduction in heart rate occurs.

“To normalize Danilko’s condition, he was completely injected with drugs, after which the celebrity felt a little better,” the publication said.

Previously, the 46-year-old artist had already experienced health problems, to avoid which he tries to maintain a daily routine and lead a healthy lifestyle. Last year, Danilko announced that due to physical fatigue he would no longer perform as Serduchka, and announced the last tour of the outrageous performer.

“By farewell tour we mean a big tour - a kind of “thank you” to those people who gave me, a boy from Poltava who lived in an extension where wallpaper was wrapped, the opportunity to provide for myself financially, to live on Khreshchatyk and, in principle, not to work,” - Danilko said.

In July of this year, he explained his desire to leave the big stage with an overly busy schedule, noting that there was no talk of leaving Ukrainian show business.

“There is no strength, and therefore no special desire either. As soon as you have the strength, the desire will appear. Everything will be fine. You just need to get bored a little and come to your senses,” Danilko told the Ukrainian publication The Lime.

Nevertheless, the performer does not stop being creative and is preparing new material, which he will present to the public when he sees fit.

During the year, the artist did not disappear from show business: he was a member of the jury of the national selection for Eurovision 2019, and was also a judge in the Ukrainian version of the X Factor show. In February of this year, against the backdrop of mass refusals of Ukrainian artists to participate in Eurovision, he announced his readiness to go to the competition again.

“If everyone refuses, maybe I’ll take out my old armor, polish the star and go to the rescue!” - said Danilko.

As a result, the artist, forgetting about his statements about ending his career, performed in the image of Serduchka at a music competition in Tel Aviv outside the competition program. In the interval between performances, he performed the composition “Toy” by last year’s winner of the competition, Netta Barzilai. Later, in an interview with the website, Danilko critically assessed the organization of the song competition.

“Everyone is busy, we are not competitors, but guests, but still everything can be structured clearly - so that a person is responsible for his specific question. All! So that we don’t ask anyone, don’t bother us, that the car should arrive, so that we don’t be late for any events,” the performer was indignant.

However, this is not his only violation of promises: in May, the showman performed again in his old image. This time he was invited to their wedding by musicians Potap and Nastya Kamenskikh.

“Verka’s appearance was Nastya’s wish. And this is more of a tradition: at a normal party, Serduchka should sing - not some kind of double,” - this is how Danilko explained his decision to go on stage to StarHit.

It recently became known that the artist is working on creating a new image for Verka Serduchka. In July, he posted a photo on Instagram showing Serduchka in a blonde wig and a bright red dress.

Andrei Danilko, known as Verka Serduchka, upset fans last year with the news of the end of his concert activities. And the other day he showed up again: he performed in front of the public at Eurovision. What is happening in the artist’s life and where does “Verka Serduchka,” beloved by millions, live today?

Moved to Germany?

In 2014, the media wrote that Andrei Danilko decided to suspend his performances due to events in Ukraine. The political situation in the country convinced the artist that the people were not in the mood for jokes. And his own health had deteriorated.

Verka Serduchka decided to change the situation and get medical treatment in Germany. It was there that Danilko temporarily went. But there is no talk of a final move yet. Andrey Danilko still lives in Kyiv, but at the same time he travels a lot.

Apartment in Kyiv

The luxurious apartment of Andrey Danilko is located in the center of the Ukrainian capital. Serduchka's house is located in the famous 14-story Stalinist high-rise building with a spire on Khreshchatyk. The building is an architectural monument and is protected by the state.

Danilko's apartment is three-level, with 12 rooms. 3 bathrooms and kitchens, 6 bathrooms and a truly royal interior.

Danilko first bought one apartment, and then looked at the one below it and combined it into one. They say that buying real estate cost the artist a million dollars, but such a sum turned out to be affordable for him.

Andrei never hid the fact that he made good money from the image of Verka Serduchka. He not only provided housing for himself, but also bought apartments for his parents, sister and nephews from Poltava.

And when last year the artist announced the end of his musical career, he also said that thanks to the money he earned during his performances, he can now rest as much as he wants.

Many people are wondering: how does the 45-year-old artist live, why hasn’t he started a family yet? Andrey likes to spend time in his apartment completely alone.

He likes to watch interviews with Soviet actors and Soviet films. And secretly dreams of great love. But he treats this philosophically: what will happen cannot be avoided. If he is not destined to be happy in love, nothing can be done about it.

It is enough for the artist that he, a simple guy from Poltava, has achieved recognition and lives without denying himself anything.

By the way, you can follow the life of Verka Serduchka on her official Instagram, where fresh photos and videos often appear.

Ukrainian actor Andrey Danilko really “a little over thirty” - this year he will celebrate his 45th anniversary. And he spent about half his life in the form Verka Serduchka- an impudent conductor with a terrible accent. He came up with this image while still in school, and Verka earned popularity in the 90s, touring the countries of the former USSR with concerts and somehow combining this difficult process with his studies. This image disappeared from the TV screen to the people - when Danilko began hosting the humorous talk show “SV-show” on the “1+1” channel. Then he also started singing - in general, now Serduchka is an indispensable part of the Ukrainian cultural landscape, which can single-handedly literally pull out the very boring Eurovision, which was held in Kyiv in 2017.

And here is Andrei Danilko with the stage image that the audience loved. He announced this on the eve of the concert, which will take place on July 13 in Odessa. There will probably be other performances, but on the artist’s website there is currently only one inscription: “Vacation.”

“This will be a grandiose performance by an artist who misses her audience,” the portal quotes Danilko as saying. — A brilliant show worthy of Verka Serduchka. She is already a holiday in herself! By the way, in addition to well-known songs, Verka has prepared several new compositions, the premiere of which will take place in Odessa.”

The farewell tour itself will not begin soon - in about a year. The exact dates have not yet been announced, as well as the cities in which Serduchka will perform. Nor does Danilko name the reasons that forced him to break up with his conductor Verka.

Don't leave when you leave

Artists quite often mislead their fans with words about ending their careers. A typical example is the group Scorpions, who traveled around the former Union (and not only) for several years, saying goodbye to all her fans. Alla Pugacheva in 2009 she traveled to many cities with the farewell tour “Dreams of Love”, but later appeared again with new songs on stage and on television.

Verka Serduchka’s biography also had similar episodes: Danilko announced the end of his alter ego’s career back in 2006. True, he quickly clarified that we are not talking about a complete cessation of performances, but only about solo concerts - they say that there are too many “fake Serdyuchkas”, so we need to somehow fight them. The method of struggle chosen was not the most ordinary - the artist simply complicated his shows.

Then his biography included almost winning Eurovision 2007, where Serduchka became second with the song “Dancing Lasha Tumbai”. After this triumph, Danilko almost stopped performing in Russia - many thought that in one of the choruses he sang “Russia Goodbye” instead of “Lasha Tumbai”. And since it was soon after the first Maidan, Russian concert venues vying with each other refused to cooperate with him. The artist accused the producers of the Serebro group, which represented Russia at that Eurovision Song Contest and took third place, of the boycott.

As for the current announcement about the completion of the Verka Serduchka project, Danilko first spoke about it a year ago.

“This will be 2018, and we want to cover Germany and Israel, and end in Ukraine,” this is how he described the future farewell tour, meaning by this tour “some kind of thank you” to the people who gave the boy from Poltava the opportunity to provide for himself financially, to live on Khreshchatyk and, in principle, do not work.

At the same time, in the same interview with, Danilko almost directly said that he will continue to perform on stage - at some “new level”, which he was given to show on the stage of Eurovision 2017.

“I have already accumulated a lot of material that we deliberately do not show. “To then show everyone how to do it, how to make money from songs correctly, and so that no one steals all this,” said the artist.

So it is unlikely that it will be possible to part with Verka Serduchka completely - most likely, even after the farewell tour, she will return to the stage. Well, there is no doubt that along with new songs she will also sing well-known hits.

This was indirectly confirmed by Danilko’s representative.

“Most likely, it [the tour] will be a farewell tour, but we have not made any statements about this yet,” the artist’s representative told REN TV. He clarified that there were no official statements about his retirement, and added that we can only talk about Serduchka, and not about Danilko himself.

“Andrey has a lot of thoughts, a lot of ideas and new songs,” he said and reminded that Serduchka will perform in many places in the near future.