
This disease greatly complicates life, causing pain and discomfort, especially when it worsens. Medications and folk remedies will help you cope with hemorrhoids. Which of them are the best for the disease, how to use it correctly - this is discussed in the review of antihemorrhoidal drugs for external and internal use during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

What are hemorrhoids

Congestive processes occurring in the veins of the rectum occur in a significant part of the population in adulthood. With hemorrhoids, the walls of the blood vessels dilate, become thinner and become inflamed, forming nodes. During the development of the disease:

  • feces damage the veins, causing the formation of cracks;
  • bleeding occurs;
  • inflamed nodes fall out;
  • when they are pinched, severe pain occurs.

The occurrence of venous stagnation and disruption of proper blood circulation during illness is explained by an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which is provoked by:

  • sedentary work;
  • lifting weights;
  • physical inactivity;
  • long standing;
  • chronic constipation;
  • strength sports;
  • pregnancy;
  • tension during childbirth;
  • strained cough;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • liver diseases;
  • neoplasms;
  • excess weight.

What causes it to worsen?

The disease often occurs in a chronic form, without causing major problems, so patients do not rush to the doctor, aggravating the situation. An acute illness begins suddenly, with an active increase in symptoms. The processes are based on thrombosis of nodes or their infringement, disruption of the blood supply to the cavernous bodies. The attack is caused by:

  • the cone comes out;
  • anal spasm;
  • sharp pinching of a vessel;
  • cessation of blood outflow;
  • development of inflammation;
  • infection caused by anaerobic bacteria;
  • the appearance of clots and thrombi in the nodes.

Provoking factors for the development of the acute form of the disease are:

  • abuse of salty, fried foods, alcohol in the diet - increases blood flow to the organs;
  • Frequent lifting of weights – leads to the loss of cones;
  • lack of physical activity, sedentary, standing work - create stagnation of blood;
  • the occurrence of constipation, diarrhea - provoke infringement of hemorrhoids.

Symptoms and signs

An exacerbation of the disease requires urgent consultation with a doctor, otherwise serious problems will arise. Tissue necrosis, blood poisoning, and anaphylactic shock cannot be ruled out. The specialist will select the best drugs to treat the disease. Symptoms of the acute form are:

  • sharp pain;
  • feeling of fullness, pressure;
  • blood during bowel movements;
  • dense, purple prolapsed nodes;
  • mucous discharge;
  • angioedema in the anal area.

If you do not choose the best remedies for acute hemorrhoids, the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms is possible. Appears:

  • severe pain when sitting, walking, defecating;
  • redness in the anal area;
  • burning;
  • severe itching;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • significant increase in temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • prolonged vomiting;
  • development of infections;
  • blackening, death of nodes;
  • eczematous tissue lesions near the anus;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • dermatitis of the perianal area;
  • trophic ulcers on the legs;
  • hemorrhagic shock;
  • sepsis.

What to do if hemorrhoids worsen

Even considering the delicacy of the problem, the main thing is to immediately go to the doctor. This will help avoid serious complications. The complex of treatment measures includes:

  • proper nutrition with the exception of junk food;
  • giving up alcohol;
  • normalization of intestinal motility;
  • restoration of microflora;
  • maintaining cleanliness of the perineal area - three daily hygiene procedures;
  • performing gymnastics exercises to activate blood circulation and lymph flow.

Only a doctor will select the best treatment. To relieve an attack, the following is prescribed:

  • taking anesthetics to relieve pain;
  • rectal suppositories that relieve inflammation and heal cracks;
  • oil microenemas;
  • antiseptics - in the presence of infection;
  • medications to stop bleeding;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • traditional medicine recipes for external and internal use;
  • surgical intervention in complex cases.

Drug treatment

Conservative therapy implies an integrated approach to the problem. The best treatment for acute hemorrhoids depends on the prevailing symptoms. Proctologists prescribe for treatment:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs - Movalis, Diclofenac, Proctosedyl;
  • for pain relief - Anuzol, Anestezol suppositories, suppositories containing dicaine, anestezin;
  • anticoagulants – Heparin ointment;
  • phlebotropic - venotonics containing natural flavonoids - Troxerutin, Venarus;
  • antiplatelet agents that reduce thrombus formation - Aescusan, Ginkor Forte.

Among the best remedies for acute hemorrhoids are capsules, tablets, suppositories, and dragees that help stop an attack. These include:

  • preparations for cell regeneration - Bezornil, Methyluracil;
  • antispasmodics – suppositories with belladonna extract;
  • immunostimulants – Posterisan;
  • drugs with a hemostatic effect that stop bleeding and maintain hemostasis - Natalsid, Vikasol;
  • accelerating intestinal motility - Bisacodyl;
  • antibacterial drugs – Levomekol, Dioxycin;
  • laxatives – Prelax, Guttalax, Regulax, suppositories with glycerin.

During an exacerbation, you should not self-medicate. It is important that the doctor prescribes the best remedies, taking into account the symptoms and condition of the patient. Medicines can be purchased through a pharmacy chain, ordered and made a purchase in an online pharmacy. There are representative offices in large cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, so you do not need to pay for the delivery of the medicine. Treatment of hemorrhoids during exacerbation is carried out using drugs:

  • vasoconstrictors - suppositories containing tribenoside, phenylephrine;
  • angioprotectors that improve blood flow - Detralex, Troxevasin.

Surgical intervention

When the best remedies for acute hemorrhoids do not produce results, the threat of complications arises, doctors prescribe surgical operations. Modern equipment allows the intervention to be carried out in a minimally invasive way. These methods include:

  • cryodestruction – destruction of nodes with liquid nitrogen;
  • infrared photocoagulation;
  • sclerotherapy - the introduction of special medications that cause veins to stick together;
  • doping of nodes with latex rings;
  • embolization of branches of the rectal artery.

Advanced disease, pinched nodes, severe bleeding, development of necrosis, require radical surgical intervention. In this case use:

  • hemorrhoidectomy – excision of nodes and surrounding tissues followed by laser coagulation;
  • thrombectomy - removal of a blood clot when the lumps are located externally;
  • hemorrhoidopexy - suturing the tissues of the node in the internal form of pathology using special staples.

Folk remedies

Treatment of acute hemorrhoids at home is carried out using recipes from traditional healers. It is important to coordinate them with your doctor so as not to cause complications. To relieve symptoms it is recommended:

  • chew dandelion root;
  • make baths with string, oak bark, calendula;
  • drink a decoction of dill seed to relieve constipation;
  • carry out smoke baths with garlic - reduce pain;
  • make lotions with carrot and beet juice - they retract the nodes;
  • drink a decoction of stinging nettle - stops bleeding;
  • use an ointment made from a mixture of petroleum jelly, lanolin, and propolis.

Effective suppositories for exacerbation of hemorrhoids

Rectal suppositories, being absorbed and entering the blood, have a rapid healing effect and relieve inflammation. The best remedies for acute hemorrhoids in the form of suppositories are especially effective for the internal form of the disease. In Moscow you can buy suppositories:

The best products in the form of rectal suppositories:

Relief candles

One of the best remedies for acute hemorrhoids is suppositories with shark oil. Relief suppositories contain the active substance phenylephrine, which, due to its vasoconstrictor effect, eliminates swelling, relieves itching, discomfort, and benzocaine, which reduces pain. Suppositories have:

  • Indications: internal form of the disease with cracks and erosion.
  • Mechanism of action: eliminates pain symptoms, burning, itching.
  • Dosage: 4 times a day after bowel movements.

Rectal suppositories Relief during exacerbation of the disease have:

  • Benefits: antimicrobial effect, softening of mucous membranes, increasing local immunity, wound healing, can be used during pregnancy.
  • Side effects: allergic reactions, contact dermatitis.
  • Contraindications: thromboembolism, granulocytopenia, hypersensitivity to components.


The best medicine for acute hemorrhoids during pregnancy is suppositories, in which the active ingredient is sodium alginate polysaccharide. A substance obtained from brown algae quickly relieves the symptoms of the disease. Natalsid is characterized by:

  • Indications: cracks, bleeding, erosion.
  • Mechanism of action: hemostatic, anti-inflammatory.
  • Dosage: 2 times a day, one suppository.

The drug Natalsid for the treatment of acute forms of the disease is distinguished by:

  • Advantages: natural composition, safe use for pregnant women and nursing mothers during the postpartum period.
  • Disadvantages: the need for administration into a cleansed intestine, which is not always possible in case of illness.
  • Side effects: allergic reactions.
  • Contraindications: age under 14 years.

Gepatrombin G

The drug has several active components - polidocanol, prednisolone, heparin, which improve microcirculation. The use of Gepatrombin G in the form of suppositories helps to reduce hemorrhoids. The medicine has:

  • Indications: internal form of the disease, cracks in the perianal area, the period of preparation for surgery and recovery after it.
  • Mechanism of action: anesthetic, venosclerotic, antithrombotic, decongestant.
  • Dosage: 3 times a day.

Hepatrombin is one of the best remedies for acute hemorrhoids. If it is used in the form of suppositories, the following are noted:

  • Benefits: prevents blood clots, improves blood circulation, relieves swelling, accelerates healing.
  • Disadvantages: in case of overdose, a burn to the intestinal mucosa is possible.
  • Side effects: allergies, redness.
  • Contraindications: tuberculosis, severe bleeding, syphilis, oncology, pregnancy.


For acute hemorrhoidal inflammation, medications containing lidocaine and tribenoside are prescribed. These active components provide a venotonic, hemostatic effect. Proctoglivenol suppositories have:

  • Indications: all types of disease, cracks, erosion.
  • Mechanism of action: constricts blood vessels, relieves pain, increases venous tone.
  • Dosage: 2 times a day until symptoms go away.

The drug penetrates the mucous membranes without damaging biological membranes and eliminates the cause of an acute condition during illness. When using Procto-glivenol the following are observed:

  • Advantages: pain is quickly relieved, vein tone is restored, capillary permeability is reduced.
  • Disadvantages: causes increased peristalsis.
  • Side effects: allergies, anaphylactic reaction of the immune system.
  • Contraindications: pregnancy, renal failure.

The best remedies for acute hemorrhoids are herbal medicines. Suppositories containing bioactive sea buckthorn oil speed up the relief of an attack. When used, healing is activated and cell membranes are strengthened. Sea buckthorn suppositories are distinguished by:

  • Indications: internal form of the disease, complicated by pathologies of the rectal area.
  • Mechanism of action: increases immunity, eliminates inflammation, heals cracks, dries.
  • Dosage: twice a day.

Sea buckthorn suppositories are one of the best and most prescribed remedies for acute hemorrhoidal disease. With the use of suppositories, note:

  • Advantages: can be used in childhood, while expecting a child, during lactation, and is easily tolerated.
  • Disadvantages: burning sensation, allergic manifestations.
  • Side effects: A melted orange candle may stain your laundry.
  • Contraindications: intolerance to sea buckthorn oil, diarrhea.


The best remedies for acute hemorrhoids include suppositories containing cell wall antigens and E. coli metabolites as active substances. Posterisan increases tissue resistance to pathogenic microflora and stops the infectious process. Rectal suppositories are distinguished by:

  • Indications: anal fissures, itching, burning, sphincter irritation, abrasions.
  • Mechanism of action: normalize vascular tone, regenerate damaged tissue, increase local immunity.
  • Dosage: morning, evening, additionally after each bowel movement.

Posterizan suppositories quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of an acute disease, the drug is distinguished by:

  • Advantages: infection of deep tissues is stopped, venous tone is restored.
  • Disadvantages: contains phenol preservative.
  • Side effects: allergy due to sensitivity to the components of the suppositories.
  • Contraindications: fungal, bacterial infection of the anus, intolerance to ingredients.

The best ointments for external use

For local treatment of acute external forms of the disease, gels, creams and ointments are prescribed. Medications significantly alleviate the condition of prolapsed nodes. Proctologists prescribe to patients:

The best products in the form of ointments and gels that relieve symptoms of the disease:

A drug




"VIS Cosmetics", Russia

analgesic antipruritic

Heparin ointment

Nizhpharm, Russia

reduces swelling

stops the formation of blood clots


"Elishel", Israel

relieves pain

relieves swelling

eliminates congestion


For acute external disease, one of the best medicines containing lidocaine, bufexamac, titanium dioxide is Proctosan ointment. The drug has an analgesic and drying effect. The ointment has:

  • Indications: initial stage of the disease, inflammation of the rectum, fissures.
  • Mechanism of action: lidocaine eliminates pain symptoms, bufexamac inhibits the production of prostaglandins, thereby reducing inflammation.
  • Dosage: applied to the surface, administered using a tampon or a special applicator twice a day.

Proctosan ointment has excellent reviews from proctologists and patients in acute illness as one of the best treatments. The drug is distinguished by:

  • Advantages: used for external and internal use.
  • Disadvantages: high cost.
  • Side effects: swelling, blistering, burning.
  • Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, childhood, tuberculosis, syphilis.


When the disease is complicated by a purulent inflammatory process, the best treatment is an ointment containing methyluracil and chloramphenicol. The active components provide anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Levomekol is distinguished by:

  • Indications: inflammatory process with suppuration, tissue necrosis.
  • Mechanism of action: activity against gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms.
  • Dosage: bandages twice a day, drainage of cavities with tampons.
  • Advantages: rapid tissue regeneration occurs, active anti-inflammatory effect is observed. The ointment is effective during complications.
  • Disadvantages: long-term use is not allowed.
  • Side effects: skin rashes.
  • Contraindications: individual intolerance, age under three years.


The active substance of the gel – trackerutin – has an antioxidant and cytoprotective effect. Troxevasin for acute hemorrhoids relieves swelling and severe pain. The remedy is distinguished by:

  • Indications: venous insufficiency, edema, varicose veins.
  • Mechanism of action: reduces capillary permeability, increases vascular tone, prevents congestion.
  • Dosage: apply twice a day.

The best result of treatment is that inflammation is relieved in a short period of time. When using Troxevasin the following is noted:

  • Advantages: the outflow of blood from the nodes increases, their size decreases, the risk of developing thrombosis decreases, burning and itching are quickly eliminated.
  • Disadvantages: Not suitable for treating eczematous wounds.
  • Side effects: allergic reactions, angioedema.
  • Contraindications: high sensitivity to the components.


The ointment is a dietary supplement and contains medicinal plants, shark cartilage, vitamins E and A. Natural ingredients help actively eliminate itching, burning, and heal cracks. When using Proctonis note:

  • Indications: external hemorrhoids, accompanied by severe itching, cracks, prevention of the formation of nodes.
  • Mechanism of action: anti-inflammatory, wound healing, bactericidal.
  • Dosage: 2 times a day externally or inserting a tampon with ointment into the anus.

The use of dietary supplements in the treatment of hemorrhoids is distinguished by:

  • Advantages: reduces bleeding of nodes, quickly relieves itching, has a softening, moisturizing effect, effective during remission.
  • Disadvantages: used for mild forms of the disease.
  • Side effects: redness, itching in the area of ​​application.
  • Contraindications: children under 14 years of age, pregnancy, lactation, intolerance to components in the composition.

Heparin ointment

The drug contains the active substance heparin, which inhibits blood clotting, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots. Heparin ointment is used for uncomplicated hemorrhoids. The drug is characterized by:

  • Indications: external hemorrhoids, rectal vein thrombosis.
  • Mechanism of action: the anticoagulant stops thrombus formation.
  • Dosage: Apply twice daily until symptoms resolve.

If you regularly use Heparin ointment, you can note:

  • Advantages: affordable price, relieves swelling, inflammation, pain relief.
  • Disadvantages: poorly absorbed.
  • Side effects: redness of the skin at the site of application, itching.
  • Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, childhood, low blood clotting, presence of ulcerative-necrotic processes.


The Israeli-made drug contains microelements from the Dead Sea, the active substances nifedipine, lidocaine, which helps eliminate spasms and pain from hemorrhoids. The product in the form of a gel-emulsion is distinguished by:

  • Indications: acute phase of the disease at any stage of development, alternative to surgical intervention.
  • Mechanism of action: relaxes the muscles of the anus, dilates blood vessels, reduces rectal pressure.
  • Dosage: up to 7 times a day, at night - inside the anus, when symptoms weaken - twice.

When using Nifedipine with such a unique composition, you should consider:

  • Advantages: quickly relieves pain, disinfects cracks - kills pathogenic microorganisms, reduces the size of nodes, stops bleeding.
  • Disadvantages: high cost.
  • Side effects: allergic reactions to components.
  • Contraindications: sensitivity to ingredients.

Detralex - the best tablets for acute hemorrhoids

Among drugs for internal use, Detralex is one of the most effective. The product contains the active substances diosimin and hesperidin, which reduce venous stagnation. Detralex is distinguished by:

  • Indications: acute form of hemorrhoidal inflammation, anal fissures, prostate diseases, rectal bleeding.
  • Mechanism of action: reduces capillary permeability, reduces vascular distensibility.
  • Dosage: tablet 2 times a day with meals.

The drug Detralex in the acute form of the disease is characterized by:

  • Benefits: increases venous tone, eliminates vascular blockage.
  • Disadvantages: requires a long course of treatment.
  • Side effects: dizziness, skin rashes, diarrhea, nausea.
  • Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to the main and auxiliary components, pregnancy, lactation.
  • Price: 320 rubles for 30 pieces.

Folk remedies

The use of recipes containing plants and herbs must be agreed with your doctor. Folk remedies complement drug therapy. Healers recommend:

  • for oral administration - tincture of golden mustache - infuse 17 knees in two glasses of vodka, drink a spoon after meals - reduces pain and inflammation;
  • cold water baths – stop bleeding, soothe itching;
  • compress with crushed aspen leaves – relieves pain, relieves inflammation;
  • ice suppositories – stop bleeding;
  • lotions made from the juice of rowan berries - disinfect and have an astringent effect.

Potato suppositories and compresses

The medicinal effect of this vegetable has been known for a long time. Scientists have found that the content of vitamin C and starch in potatoes ensures the tone of blood vessels, increases their elasticity, and heals cracks. For hemorrhoidal inflammation you can:

  • Cut a candle-shaped cylinder from the tuber and insert it into the anus. It is allowed to additionally lubricate it with sea buckthorn oil and honey.
  • Make a compress by grating potatoes and apply to the inflamed nodes.

Cleansing enemas with herbal decoction

Traditional healers suggest doing these procedures to reduce inflammation in hemorrhoids. Enemas are recommended during the period of remission, in the absence of bleeding. The herbs calendula, celandine, and sage help eliminate swelling, heal cracks, and reduce pain. It is necessary to introduce 100 ml of solution. To perform the procedure prepare:

  • infusion of chamomile flowers - pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of dry raw materials, leave for 20 minutes;
  • solution of potassium permanganate - based on boiled water - the composition should be pale pink so as not to cause a burn to the mucous membrane.

Baths with celandine, chamomile and oak bark

In the complex treatment of the disease, these procedures occupy an important place. In sitz baths, boiled water and a decoction of medicinal herbs and plants are used. The course of treatment is 10 sessions every other day for 15 minutes. To prepare a bath, you need:

  • take 2 tablespoons of dry plant;
  • pour two glasses of boiling water;
  • strain (leave the pulp for compresses and lotions);
  • add boiled water - 2 liters.

The baths have their effect depending on the temperature. Doctors recommend:

  • cool procedures with celandine, which reduce pain and stop bleeding;
  • hot - with a decoction of chamomile flowers - relieve inflammation, have an antiseptic effect, relieve pain;
  • warm ones - with oak bark - strengthen the walls of blood vessels and regenerate tissue.

Most patients diagnosed with this disease experience exacerbation of hemorrhoids. The condition is accompanied by increased discomfort in the rectum, acute pain during bowel movements, and bleeding. Attempts to eliminate acute hemorrhoids on your own often lead to complications, so when symptoms appear, doctors recommend seeking help from a proctologist.

Acute hemorrhoids - what is it and how does it manifest?

Acute hemorrhoids are a condition in which a sudden exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease occurs. Proctologists consider this phenomenon dangerous and requiring urgent specialized help. The main symptoms by which an exacerbation of hemorrhoids can be identified are as follows:

  • intense throbbing or twitching pain in the anus, which intensifies when sitting on a hard surface, coughing, during and after bowel movements;
  • swelling of hemorrhoids - both internal and external hemorrhoids increase, the nodes fall out of the anus, become dense and become cyanotic;
  • bleeding that occurs after a hemorrhoid ruptures and provides temporary relief from symptoms.

In most cases, the acute form of hemorrhoids is accompanied by inflammation of the nodes. The beginning of this process is indicated by redness of the mucous membrane of the rectum (if hemorrhoids are internal), anal folds and the skin over the external hemorrhoid.

In this case, additional symptoms appear in the form of swelling of the anus, a slight increase in temperature and fever (this occurs very rarely).

If treatment for the acute form of the disease is not started on time, the inflammatory process spreads to the surrounding tissues, including subcutaneous tissue. In this case, there is a high risk of purulent paraproctitis.

When inflammation spreads to the subcutaneous tissue, the pain spreads to the entire perineum. Exudate is released from the anus, which causes additional irritation.

Causes of acute hemorrhoids

Several phenomena lead to exacerbation of the acute form of hemorrhoids, which can also be called the causes of the disease:

  1. Systematic stool disorder. Prolonged diarrhea, like constipation, creates favorable conditions for swelling of hemorrhoids, their loss and inflammation.
  2. Excessive physical activity. Lifting weights causes an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and blood flow to the rectum. As a result, internal and external hemorrhoids swell.
  3. Prolonged standing or sitting position, which leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvis. As a result of this process, the nodes become enlarged and blood clots form in them.
  4. Eating foods that stimulate blood flow to the pelvic organs and can cause bowel problems. These include smoking and pickling, marinades, hot spices, and alcoholic beverages.

In women, exacerbation of hemorrhoids often occurs during pregnancy, since fetal pressure causes stagnation of blood in the rectum. Often the disease appears after childbirth.

In order to choose the right method for treating exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the doctor will have to determine the causes of its occurrence.

Understanding the mechanism of the disorder will help eliminate the main provoking factors and prevent their occurrence in the future.

Treatment methods for acute hemorrhoids

If signs of exacerbation of hemorrhoids appear, treatment should begin as quickly as possible. The list of therapeutic methods is determined based on the type of hemorrhoids, its stage, and existing complications (thrombosis or strangulation). In addition to conservative treatment (medicines, diet, folk remedies), surgical intervention is used.

The choice of treatment method is influenced by factors such as the presence of hemorrhoidal strangulation and the duration of this phenomenon, the presence of thrombosis, and much more.

Drug therapy

For acute hemorrhoids, local medications in the form of ointments, suppositories and gels are used. Oral agents are used when vascular walls are weakened and there is a high risk of blood clots, as well as in the presence of an inflammatory process. Medicines are selected based on the existing symptoms. These can be anti-inflammatory, painkillers, hemostatic agents. For greater effect, complex medications are prescribed for local use:

  • Posterisan Forte;
  • Proctosan;
  • Procto-Glyvenol;
  • Anuzol;
  • Relief Ultra;
  • Gepatrombin and others.

The listed suppositories for acute hemorrhoids are prescribed when the nodes are located inside the rectum.

If bleeding occurs, blood thinning drugs are not prescribed. In such situations, preference should be given to products with an antimicrobial effect in order to prevent infections from entering the wounds.

If external hemorrhoids worsen, proctologists prefer medications in the form of ointments and gels:

  • Heparin ointment;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Proctosedyl;
  • Levomekol;
  • Bezornil;
  • Hepatrombin G;
  • Aurobin and others.

They are applied directly to the external hemorrhoids and on a gauze pad and left overnight.

In case of an acute attack of hemorrhoids, oral medications are also prescribed: Phlebodia, Ginkor Forte, Movalis, Detralex and others. They fight the cause of the disease - varicose veins, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and increase their tone. They can also be used to prevent exacerbations of hemorrhoids.

In extreme cases, when the pain becomes unbearable and the drugs mentioned above do not help eliminate the symptoms and relieve inflammation, suppositories with adrenaline and novocaine blockade are used.


The first thing to do in case of acute hemorrhoids is recommended by all proctologists without exception - to adjust your diet. The patient is recommended to follow a strict diet, the purpose of which is to normalize stool and eliminate constipation and diarrhea. The following products are excluded from the menu:

  • fresh milk;
  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • pickles and marinades;
  • smoked meats;
  • baked goods;
  • fatty fish and meats;
  • spices;
  • any fast food;
  • alcohol, coffee, strong tea, carbonated drinks.

The basis of the diet is cereals, vegetables and fruits. They contain a lot of fiber, which helps normalize stool. Fermented milk products also help restore stool: kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt without additives, cottage cheese. The diet also involves including eggs (no more than 2 per day) and lean meat (poultry breast, beef). It is useful to include laxative foods in the menu.

Meals should be regular: the number of meals reaches 5-6 per day, the portion size is average. It is advisable to drink plenty of water between meals. The minimum volume of liquid is 2-2.5 liters. These can be compotes, juices, herbal teas or plain water.

If, if you are prone to constipation, the diet does not help improve bowel movements, proctologists recommend using mild laxatives, for example, Regulax, Duphalac, Fitomucil or Mucofalk.

Video with a specialist’s opinion on nutrition for hemorrhoids:


Surgical intervention for hemorrhoids is prescribed after overcoming the exacerbation, however, in case of severe bleeding, pinched nodes and thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins, it can be performed urgently.

The choice of how to treat hemorrhoids with surgical methods depends on the stage of development of the disease:

  1. In the early stages, minimally invasive interventions are used - ligation with latex rings, photocoagulation or laser therapy, cryodestruction, disarterization and sclerosis.

  1. At stages 2, 3 and subsequent, when the nodes have reached a large size and began to fall out of the rectum, a Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy or Longo operation is performed.

  1. In the presence of thrombosis of hemorrhoids, thrombectomy is used.

Before surgery, it is necessary to undergo a course of conservative therapy. The use of topical and oral agents continues after surgery.

Folk remedies

In case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, treatment at home is more preferable; only in case of pinched nodes and thrombosis, hospitalization is necessary. Left without the constant supervision of a specialist, most patients use additional means to eliminate the symptoms of hemorrhoids:

  • sitz baths with herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula);
  • lotions and compresses with oils (sea buckthorn, butter, etc.) and garlic;
  • microenemas with herbal decoctions (chamomile, oak bark, calendula);
  • self-made rectal suppositories (from potatoes, ice, sea buckthorn oil, propolis);
  • homemade ointments with sea buckthorn with oil and propolis, potato juice.

The effectiveness of most folk remedies used for treatment at home is questionable. They are recommended to be used only in combination with medications. Relying only on home remedies is dangerous, since they poorly relieve symptoms and have virtually no positive effect on blood vessels and do not prevent the further progression of hemorrhoids.

Important! Before using folk remedies, you should consult your doctor. Some home remedies have serious contraindications.

What are the dangers of acute hemorrhoids - complications

In the absence of timely treatment, exacerbation of hemorrhoids is fraught with serious complications:

  • thrombosis of hemorrhoidal plexuses;
  • inflammation and infection of the subcutaneous tissue with the formation of a purulent cavity (purulent paraproctitis);
  • rupture of the vascular wall and heavy bleeding;
  • necrosis of the mucous membrane of the rectum and blood vessels with prolonged strangulation of the hemorrhoid.

Each of these conditions cannot be eliminated by conservative methods, so the patient is prescribed surgical intervention.

Prevention of exacerbations of hemorrhoids

Exacerbations of hemorrhoids can be prevented by a set of preventive measures, which include:

  • following a diet aimed at stabilizing stool;
  • physical activity - if the work is sedentary, you should get up every hour and do a warm-up;
  • avoiding excessive physical activity, avoiding heavy lifting;
  • perineal hygiene after defecation with cool water.

Those who regularly perform a set of special exercises, which are demonstrated in the following video clip, can also avoid exacerbations.

It is very important for prevention and competent treatment of chronic hemorrhoids, aimed at restoring blood vessels. If an exacerbation does occur, you should not try to cope with it yourself. It is better to consult a proctologist with this problem.

Acute hemorrhoids is a disease that is characterized by the formation of hemorrhoids due to varicose veins of the anal passage. The disease occurs regardless of gender and age category of a person, which is why it can be diagnosed in women during pregnancy and in children. This condition has its own meaning in the International Classification of Diseases - ICD-10 code - I84.

Several factors can cause the onset of the disease, including a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, or the body’s tendency to have stool disorders.

The pathology has several characteristic external manifestations - itching and burning in the anal area, intense pain during bowel movements, discharge of mucus and blood along with feces.

Establishing a correct diagnosis is based on a physical examination and instrumental examinations of the patient. Treatment of acute hemorrhoids directly depends on the form and severity of its course, which is why it can be carried out conservatively and surgically.


The pathogenesis of the formation of the disease lies in the disturbance of blood circulation in hemorrhoidal venous accumulations, which lead to the appearance of dystrophic changes in those structures that secure the nodes of the anal canal.

The following factors may contribute to this process:

  • sedentary lifestyle or sedentary working conditions. Often this pathology appears in drivers, pilots or office workers;
  • long work in a standing position;
  • intense physical activity or strenuous sports performed by an untrained person;
  • the body's susceptibility to chronic constipation;
  • abdominal obesity, which means the accumulation of fat in the upper half of the body and abdomen;
  • increased venous pressure in the portal vein;
  • indiscriminate use of certain medications, in particular laxative tablets;
  • frequent use of enemas;
  • too intensive hygiene procedures in the anus;
  • anal infection;
  • non-traditional sexual preferences, namely anal sex;
  • Poor nutrition – a person’s consumption of large amounts of fatty, spicy and salty foods, as well as constant overeating. It is because of this factor that gentle nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of the disease in acute hemorrhoids;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • hormonal imbalance with constant use of oral contraceptives;
  • liver cirrhosis and cystitis;
  • prostatitis and damage to the bladder by any disease;
  • the presence of neoplasms in the intestines;
  • prolonged exposure to stress;
  • pregnancy and labor - in such cases, the onset of the disease occurs against the background of a colossal increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

The main risk group is middle-aged males from twenty to fifty years old. Acute hemorrhoids in a child often occur during potty training, causing the child to experience severe stress.

In addition, there is a theory about a hereditary predisposition to the occurrence of such a disease. The risk of acute hemorrhoids increases when this disorder is diagnosed in close relatives.


There are several types of the disease, depending on the nature of the hemorrhoids and the stage of the disease. Thus, acute hemorrhoids come in several forms:

  • internal - characterized by the formation of hemorrhoids under the mucous layer of the rectum. They may fall out, after which they can be adjusted independently or with the help of digital intervention. Develops in half of all registered cases;
  • external - nodes form under the skin around the anus. This type of illness leads to a more pronounced expression of discomfort and pain. Diagnosed in approximately 10% of cases;
  • combined – characterized by the presence of signs of the two above forms of the disease. Found in 40% of patients.

Classification of acute hemorrhoids depending on the severity of the course:

  • initial - hemorrhoids can protrude into the lumen of the posterior opening, but do not fall out of it. During the process of defecation, the presence of blood is noted, but does not necessarily accompany it;
  • moderate - during emptying, the nodes fall out, but are reset on their own;
  • severe - the nodes can fall out even with slight physical stress, they cannot be adjusted on their own;
  • complicated - hemorrhoids cannot be reduced, often accompanied by heavy blood loss.


In addition to the formation and prolapse of hemorrhoids, symptoms of the disease are:

  • discomfort and the sensation of a foreign object in the anus are the first signs of such an ailment;
  • the appearance of blood and mucus in the stool. A characteristic feature of this manifestation is that blood or mucus does not mix with feces, but is located on top of them. Impurities can range from a few inclusions to trickles;
  • severe pain syndrome. At the beginning of the disease, pain is noted only during bowel movements, but as it develops, pain bothers the person for some time after going to the toilet, as well as with a strong cough or while sneezing. Often this manifestation indicates inflammation in the hemorrhoids, their strangulation or the formation of an anal fissure;
  • itching and burning in the anus, especially when walking or sitting;
  • stool disorder, which results in constipation;
  • swelling and redness of the anus;
  • prolapse of nodes, which can be detected during hygiene measures.


A proctologist knows what to do in case of acute hemorrhoids and how to diagnose them. Despite the expression of characteristic signs of the disease, establishing a final diagnosis requires a careful approach and the implementation of several measures.

The primary diagnosis of such a disease consists of:

  • detailed questioning of the patient regarding the presence and intensity of symptoms;
  • familiarizing the specialist with the medical history and life history;
  • carrying out a physical examination, which consists of external and digital examination of the anus, checking the anal reflex.

Such procedures will help the clinician not only identify some etiological factors and establish the type of disease, but also obtain a complete picture of the course of the disease and determine its stage of progression.

Laboratory studies of blood and urine tests do not have much diagnostic value, but may indicate the development of complications of acute hemorrhoids.

The basis of diagnosis is instrumental examinations, which include:

  • Colonoscopy is a procedure aimed at examining and assessing the condition of the inner layer of the colon using a special instrument. This will make it possible to determine the location and size of hemorrhoids;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • irrigoscopy, which involves performing radiography using a contrast agent;
  • gastroscopy - to exclude hemorrhages;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs - to confirm or refute the presence of concomitant gastrointestinal ailments.

Often, during such diagnostic procedures it is possible to diagnose diseases of the anus and large intestine, as well as the oncological process in the rectum.


The disease can be cured in several ways - using conservative methods at home or through surgery.

Drug treatment consists of using:

  • medicines to prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • homeostatic remedies - to eliminate blood circulation;
  • wound healing and antipruritic drugs;
  • anti-inflammatory substances;
  • painkillers that look like suppositories or ointments;
  • vitamin complex tablets;
  • phlebotropic agents - to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Suppositories for acute hemorrhoids can be purchased in pharmacies and used at home. As for pregnant women who have been diagnosed with this disease, it is best for them to use suppositories based on herbal ingredients, such as propolis or sea buckthorn oil. However, before using them, you must consult with your doctor and obstetrician-gynecologist.

Hirudotherapy or physiotherapeutic procedures can supplement the treatment of acute hemorrhoids with medications and tablets.

Good results can be achieved by following a gentle diet. The diet for acute hemorrhoids has several features. These include:

  • complete rejection of spicy, salty and fatty foods, which lead to vasodilation and disruption of local blood flow;
  • decrease in daily fluid intake - ingestion of large amounts of water leads to an increase in the total volume of blood, which, in turn, leads to an increase in tone in the venous system;
  • enriching the diet with foods high in fiber and coarse fibers - they prevent constipation. These ingredients include black breads, raw vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, especially prunes, as well as oatmeal, buckwheat and barley.

Surgical methods for treating acute hemorrhoids involve performing the following operations:

  • electrocoagulation or sclerotherapy - often used in the first or second stages of the disease;
  • applying ligatures, involves seam alloying or alloying with latex rings - applicable at the second or third stage of the flow;
  • hemorrhoidectomy according to Longo - effective at the third stage of the disease;
  • Surgical removal of hemorrhoids is carried out in the most severe cases of the disease.

In addition, there is another method for relieving acute hemorrhoids at home - using traditional medicine recipes, which include:

  • nettle and raspberry leaves;
  • rowan both flowers and berries;
  • drupes and yarrow;
  • carrot tops;
  • buckthorn bark;
  • chestnut seeds;
  • hazel leaves;
  • dogwood and rosehip berries.

It is worth considering that their use should not be the only method of treating such pathology.


Ignoring symptoms or non-compliance with recommendations on how to treat acute hemorrhoids, there is a possibility of developing the following complications:

  • anemia - the disease develops with prolonged bleeding;
  • addition of inflammatory processes;
  • anal fissure of varying degrees;
  • anal sphincter insufficiency;
  • thrombosis


To prevent the occurrence of such a disease it is necessary:

  • lead a healthy and active lifestyle;
  • take medications only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • promptly treat disorders that can lead to the development of the disease;
  • Follow all dietary recommendations.

The prognosis of the disease is favorable in most cases.

10,000 people experience signs of hemorrhoids every 300 seconds! The disease is unique to humans. The reason is the ability to live in an upright position of the body.

The disease occurs when dilated hemorrhoidal veins (cavities) become inflamed and form nodes around the rectum. Blood circulation is disrupted, blood stagnates in the pelvis. Cavernous corpuscles filled with blood enlarge and become deformed - they knit hemorrhoids. There is discomfort in the anus - burning, itching, constipation. Acute hemorrhoids are a serious problem for patients.


  • Infringement of a node on a small leg in the anal canal by a muscle formation. The protruding knot enlarges and cannot be returned to its place due to severe pain. Typical for .
  • Thrombosis occurs when a blood clot forms and presses on the node. With an increase in blood flow to the cavernous vessels with a concomitant slowdown in outflow, the cavernous bodies instantly expand, and the blood stagnates. Characteristic for the external and internal location of nodes.

Consequence of side diseases:

  • Constipation: with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure during straining, they fall out of the anus.
  • Severe diarrhea provokes the appearance of nodes.

Behavioral reasons

An acute condition follows a chronic one. Provoking moments:

  1. Excessive eating and alcohol-containing drinks. Consumption of pickles and smoked foods, spicy, fatty foods in unacceptable doses irritates the mucous membrane and increases blood flow.
  2. Heaviness. Physical overloads injure the ligamentous apparatus of the rectum and pelvis. Characteristic of men.
  3. Sitting on soft surfaces for a long time initiates a slowdown in the movement of blood around the pelvis. A characteristic warming compress appears in the perineal area, blood vessels dilate, and blood stagnates. Subsequently, the veins expand. Truck drivers are diagnosed with acute hemorrhoids - an occupational disease.
  4. Ignoring physical education.
  5. Excessive external trauma to the mucous membrane - intensive hygiene, frequent enemas, laxatives, anal sex.
  6. Strong cooling of the body.

Symptoms of the disease

Acute hemorrhoids are a severe phase. The disease progresses over a long period of time and smoothly. The acute form occurs suddenly - with obvious manifestations and deterioration in well-being.

  • Pain is the primary symptom. Acute, worse with movement, coughing or sneezing. The attack continues for several minutes. It is impossible to walk or sit. Attempts to relieve the pain are unsuccessful.
  • The pain during defecation becomes unbearable and you have to hold back.
  • Swelling of the anal area.
  • Appearance, hard to the touch, bluish in color.
  • The presence of a dense formation in the rectum - an internal thrombosed node. It is not noticeable to the eye; touching it causes sharp pain.
  • When the strangulated node ruptures, bleeding begins. The pain goes away, health is restored.
  • Redness of the perineum and anus.
  • Itching and burning due to the release of inflammatory fluid.
  • The temperature increases due to intoxication - a purulent-inflammatory process of the rectum.

Diagnosis and treatment

Symptoms of acute hemorrhoids force the patient to remember the doctor. The doctor diagnoses and prescribes treatment. Establishing a true diagnosis is not difficult. The proctologist selects therapy. Acute external hemorrhoids with visible nodes are more common.

Non-drug treatment

The early stage of the disease requires treatment at home. These are behavioral changes in life, nutrition, and increased physical activity.

Drug effects

Used for acute onset of illness. Aimed at pacifying pain, stopping bleeding and inflammation of hemorrhoids. Non-narcotic painkillers and local anesthetics are used here.

Rectal suppositories and ointments containing hormonal components help relieve pain immediately and eliminate inflammation. They have pronounced anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects. Anticoagulants are needed to prevent the formation of blood clots in the bloodstream. Ointments are prescribed - Heparin and Troxevasin.

The basis of therapy for hemorrhoids are considered to be venotonic agents, which bring blood flow back to normal and increase the tone of the veins. But in acute cases of the disease, medications provide a positive effect for a short period of time. Refusal to diet, constipation, and excessive physical effort provoke an exacerbation of the disease, requiring repeat therapy.

In case of insufficient effectiveness of the use of drugs, treatment is supplemented with minimally invasive (less traumatic) and surgical methods.

Minimally invasive treatment methods

Ligation and sclerotherapy. Hospitalization and pain relief are not provided.

Cryotherapy is a method of freezing a hemorrhoid for a couple of minutes. The cone dies.

Electrocoagulation - the effect of electric current on a node

The surgical method is an operation to remove hemorrhoids. If the patient has missed the chance to use minimally invasive treatment and has reached the “highest ranks” of hemorrhoids, he will have to be treated surgically. Previously, the method was painful. With modern methods, the operation is quick, safe and painless.

Types of surgical intervention

The operation is performed using cutting instruments: an electric scalpel, radio wave, ultrasound devices, and a surgical laser.

When cutting out polyps, condylomas, rectal fistulas, and hemorrhoids, general anesthesia is used. Spinal anesthesia is most often used.

  • Classic hemorrhoidectomy is a radical but effective way to remove hemorrhoids. When the nodes are removed, the vascular pedicles are sutured. The mucous membrane of the anal canal is restored. Used at all stages of the disease.
  • TGD (transanal hemorrhoidal dearterilization) is a method that involves suturing the hemorrhoidal arteries to empty the venous tissue using an ultrasound probe.
  • Operation Longo. A circular endostapler excises the area of ​​the mucosa above the nodules and is sutured in a circular manner. The vessels that drive blood to the hemorrhoids are sutured. The nodes, having tightened, return to their original position.

Treatment at home

Doesn't bring the desired results. Home practices have not learned how to quickly relieve symptoms of the disease during the acute phase of the disease. Home therapy is allowed as a component of complex treatment.

Medicines work more effectively.

A proctologist will help you avoid serious complications of the disease. Treatment of acute hemorrhoids will be complex and targeted.

Consequences of ignoring therapy

  1. Fever. The temperature of the rectal mucosa will rise. The malaise rapidly spreads throughout the circulatory and digestive systems.
  2. Purulent-inflammatory process of subcutaneous tissue. The development of microflora pathology will begin. The skin and mucous membrane of the anus are tense, bluish and painful. Pustules and boils may appear, and liquid will begin to ooze from small blood vessels.
  3. Sepsis. Blood poisoning is a dangerous complication. The protective forces of the rectum do not resist the wounded microflora. Violation of the integrity of inflamed veins creates conditions for the penetration of microbes. Microbes will fill the circulatory system, posing a threat to the patient’s life.
  4. Thromboembolism. The blood clot from the hemorrhoidal vein will break away from the wall. There is a risk of getting into any organ, causing functional failure, in the brain - a stroke.


When hemorrhoids worsen, the pain is unbearable - the patient is unable to move or sit. Relieving pain is not easy. More attention needs to be paid to disease prevention.

  • If you have a history of anal fissures and hemorrhoids, replace laxatives with products that have a laxative effect.
  • Add substances that stimulate regeneration and counteract infection to suppositories and ointments.
  • Include prunes and dried apricots in your diet. Will help avoid unnecessary constipation.
  • Avoid alcohol, tea, coffee, flour products - pathogens of the digestive system that cause spasms of blood vessels.
  • Add fiber to your food, which is necessary for the development of intestinal microflora.
  • Train your abdominal muscles without allowing pathologies of the circulatory system to develop.
  • Drink plenty of water, distributing it evenly throughout the day. With a lack of fluid, some thickening of the blood in the hemorrhoidal veins and intestines is possible.
  • Avoid stress. Nervous explosions provoke spasms of the muscle structure. Use mild sedatives. Drink soothing herbal teas.

A diagnosis of acute hemorrhoids and inflammation of the nodes requires fighting. Contact your doctor at the first call and methodically follow medical instructions for the treatment of acute hemorrhoids.

When a person eats wisely, pays attention to physical activity, and controls his well-being, acute hemorrhoids go far and long.

– this is a real problem of the 21st century. Everyone who suffers from this disease has seen from personal experience the seriousness of the acute form. What to do if an acute attack of hemorrhoids begins? The very first goal is to understand the causes of exacerbation and successfully eliminate them. After this, the treatment promises to exhibit a high level of effectiveness.

Reasons for the development of an acute attack of hemorrhoids

What factors most often lead to exacerbation of the disease? What could serve as the basis for further unpleasant symptoms?

  • inclusion of hot, spicy or salty foods in the diet. Such dishes increase blood flow to the pelvic organs, after which there is a risk of developing hemorrhoids;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages, which it is advisable to abstain completely;
  • regular constipation and diarrhea. Such manifestations of the disease contribute to strangulation and further prolapse of hemorrhoids;
  • regularly lifting heavy objects. The risk group includes builders and loaders;
  • A sedentary lifestyle, which leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs. Physical activity is recommended, as otherwise hemorrhoids can appear regularly. It is not surprising that the risk group includes sales consultants, cashiers, and office workers.

It would seem that hemorrhoids are a classic problem. However, having experienced an attack of hemorrhoids, you can become convinced that the disease is dangerous and undesirable. Acute manifestations carry serious and imminent risks for most patients.

How does an attack of hemorrhoids develop?

  • The formation of blood clots occurs without inflammatory processes. Prolapsed nodular formations hurt upon palpation, but do not cause any other discomfort. In addition, hemorrhoids retain their original shape, since the swelling is mild. In the area of ​​the anus, vague hyperemia appears. Signs of hemorrhoids include itching and burning, which can intensify with bowel movements.
  • The beginning of the inflammatory process. This leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms: severe pain in the anus when moving and in a sitting position. At this stage, the following manifestations appear: pronounced swelling, regular spasms of the anus. Severe pain prevents you from touching the hemorrhoids.
  • The development of the inflammatory process continues. At the same time, the focus of inflammation becomes wider, so it occupies the entire area near the anus. The anus acquires a pronounced form of swelling. The increased size of rectal hemorrhoids persists on an ongoing basis. During an attack, a person cannot lead his previous lifestyle.
  • Symptoms include fever, fever, and intoxication of the whole body. The attack prevents you from touching the external nodes. Moreover, hemorrhoids protruding from the anus become blue-purple in color. The bumps are covered with necrotic ulcers, which are immediately visible to a person upon visual inspection of the anal passage.

To prevent serious complications, during an attack of hemorrhoids, it is important to consult an experienced proctologist. Treatment must be started in a timely manner, as otherwise there are serious risks, including death.

If acute hemorrhoids develop into an advanced form, mandatory hospitalization is required. The proctologist must conduct a full examination, after which he must establish an accurate diagnosis and determine the optimal course of treatment during an attack of hemorrhoids.

It should be remembered: purulent discharge is a bad sign. They can be fatal.

The greatest risks are characteristic of the third and fourth stages of hemorrhoids. What symptoms appear in this case?

  • extensive bleeding that is difficult to stop;
  • active development of bacterial infection - risk of paraproctitis;
  • necrosis. In this case, it is dangerous, since otherwise there is an increased risk of blood poisoning.

If treatment is started on time, you can expect to prevent unwanted consequences and guarantee the preservation of life.

Medicines are the basis of treatment when an attack occurs

How to relieve an attack of hemorrhoids? In most cases, drug treatment of the inflammatory process is required. Doctors most often prescribe tablets (Detralex, Phlebodia), ointments, suppositories.

What medications are required for treatment?

  • analgesics to relieve pain. The ideal remedy is Novocaine, which allows you to blockade sensitive receptors. In addition, Bufexamac, a representative of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, is often prescribed. Both medications can reduce the area and severity of inflammation and reduce pain. Steroids, such as hydrocortisone, can have an anti-inflammatory effect. The correct choice of drug is a guarantee of eliminating the inflammatory process and pain. To reduce the appearance of spasms, antispasmodic drugs are recommended, including belladonna to relax the rectum and relieve pain. Candles are also used: candles with sea buckthorn oil.
  • required to stop bleeding from the colon. The action is based on vasoconstriction and impact on the affected area. It is assumed that it is possible to quickly reduce the amount of blood flow. In most cases, hemostatic drugs are focused on local action, an astringent effect, but at the same time they guarantee improved well-being in case of hemorrhoids. The most commonly used are Adroxon.
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (steroidal and non-steroidal drugs). The main task is to reduce swelling. Antiseptics eliminate the negative effects of bacteria, which often cause inflammation. Will fit well.

Many modern ointments and suppositories are combined products. In this case, a broad and active effect on the area of ​​inflammation is assumed. At the same time, it is possible to count on relieving the inflammatory process, pain, and stopping bleeding.

If medications do not help with an acute attack of hemorrhoids, a more thorough approach is required. The doctor prescribes a novocaine blockade in the sacral area. This remedy has a high level of effectiveness even with the most severe attack.

Placing a novocaine blockade can eliminate pain, but the procedure requires interaction with a doctor.

Novocaine blockade is used only under strict medical supervision, since monitoring the patient’s condition is required.

Should you use traditional medicine when an attack occurs?

Hemorrhoids allow you to use not only classical methods of treatment, but also folk remedies. How to relieve an acute attack of hemorrhoids using traditional medicine recipes?

More than one generation has known about this recipe. To prepare garlic candles, it is recommended to grate the garlic cloves on a fine grater until they become mushy, then mix with fresh butter. The resulting mass should be cooled and used to prepare candles with a diameter of about 1.5 centimeters and a length of 3 - 5 centimeters. Manifestations of hemorrhoids will be eliminated through the use of cold. It is best to use frozen garlic candles.

To quickly overcome pain, they are recommended. Two tablespoons of dry chamomile are poured into 200 milliliters of boiling water and heated for about fifteen minutes. Then the broth cools to room temperature and is injected into the rectum. For inflammation, mini-enemas of up to 50 milliliters are recommended.