• In first person, it is no longer possible to raise the camera used by players and spectators higher than the head position in third person. This change will prevent the possibility of gaining additional visibility while the head remains hidden.
  • If the first person view has been slightly changed, then the shooting will also be changed on the server and client to adjust the location of the fire source and the trajectory of the bullets.
  • If for any reason, when lowering the player's head in third person, the player's head is lower than the camera position in first person, then the player's camera position in first person will be lowered slightly to be at the same level or slightly higher head position in third person view. This means that in first-person view, all movements in third-person view are now displayed more accurately and correctly.
  • Third person landing animation now depends on altitude and time spent in the air. Now the animation will play more smoothly and accurately during small jumps and falls from low heights.
  • The system that prevents the crouch ability from being used multiple times has been changed to be based on speed reduction rather than the number of times the crouch button is pressed. As before, the more often a player uses crouch, the slower they will get up, but now the new system should prevent bugs where players could instantly stand up or avoid punishment from the system with minor use of the move button. Now, the more often players use crouch, the more often they will be unable to do so again and will end up in a standing position.
  • Movement speed settings for crouching in first and third person are now more closely linked. In third person, the player crouches a little faster so that the animation in first person matches what the player sees.
  • The player's crouch landing animation now plays smoother and more accurately, making upward head movement less noticeable in third-person view.
  • Flames from a Molotov cocktail can no longer be extinguished by a smoke grenade that is located significantly below the flash point - for example, on different floors, as on the Mirage map.
  • Molotov cocktails can also no longer be extinguished by a smoke grenade placed above the point of fire.
  • Fire from Molotov cocktails no longer spreads through closed doors.
  • Smoke grenades no longer get stuck on players when putting out fires after bouncing off a wall.


  • Improved quality and reduced distortion of firing sounds for weapons such as AWP, SSG 08, G3SG1 and SCAR-20.
  • Added new reload sounds for weapons such as the SSG 08, G3SG1 and SCAR-20.
  • The sound signature from an AWP, SSG 08, G3SG1 or SCAR-20 shot no longer remains only at the location of the shot, but instead spreads out in different directions around.


  • Minor bug fixes on the latest version of the Cache map.


  • The system that compensates for lags and freezes now more accurately restores the player’s pose parameters.
  • Fixed a bug related to the rotation of the player model when processing lags and freezes.

The question often arises on forums: how to enable 3rd person view in cs go? Perhaps some players are satisfied with the standard position of the game, but for those who want to try 3rd Person, we will describe a detailed method.

  1. First, we call the console on the screen, after which we write sv_cheats 1 to apply the commands we need.
  2. It's the thirdperson team's turn to open the character model from the side. We set cam_idealyaw 0, after which we look at the model from behind.
  3. At the very end, you also need to enter cam_idealpitch 0, cam_idealyaw 0.
  4. Optional command cam_idealdist. You can experiment with it too. Its standard value is “100”; increasing or decreasing this indicator affects the distance.

If the settings are incorrect, it will be inconvenient to play. For example, the sight hangs on the player, making it difficult to shoot accurately.

How to disable 3rd person view in CS GO?

It is enough to enter just one firstperson command into the console, after which the settings will return to the standard state.

Probably every CS:GO player dreamed of expensive skins for knives, gloves, AVP and other types of skins for weapons. There is no desire to buy in-game items at a very high price at all, but I really want to play with AWP Dragon Lore. Fortunately, there is a method with which you can change any skin.

Installing skins on cs go is very simple. There are several ways to change the look of your weapon. But there is one big minus. When you change the type of cs go skin, you will see models Only you. Other players will not be able to find out about the appearance of your skins. If you don’t care whether others see your trinkets or not, then this article is just for you.

First method (obsolete)

Using this method, you can easily change skins in cs go without downloading any files or additional applications. You can do this yourself on your computer by changing the required file in the cs go game itself. To do this, you need to change the settings in the game file itself. Watch the video instructions for changing skins in cs go:
This method for 2018 is outdated and does not work well.

Second method (current)

In this method, we will need to download a special program that allows you to change skins and weapons.

Instructions for using CS:GO Changer:

  1. Download the program for changing skins from the official website of the cs-changer program
  2. Install the software on your computer and go to the main menu (picture below)
  3. You need to wait until the list of skins is updated, and then launch the cs go game
  4. After starting the game, click on the button to work with CS:GO Changer
  5. Press the Home key to get a list of skins, as well as settings in the game

It is impossible to get banned for using this software. For a detailed overview of the program, you can follow the link How to use SkinChanger. If you encounter an error while working with the program, then below is a list of articles on all errors in this program.