Diana Alekseevna Shurygina is an ordinary Russian girl from the city of Ulyanovsk. She became famous after the scandalous case of her rape. The girl began to live a media life after participating in the talk show program "Let them talk." Diana Shurygina in the studio spoke about her tragedy that happened at the end of March 2016.

This story caused the widest opinion divided. The rapist of Diana Shurygina was a certain Sergey Semyonov - he looks like a very good guy, not like a person who is capable of rape. Nevertheless, the young man was sentenced to an eight-year prison term in December 2016. This news caused enmity between the supporters of their "truth" Diana Shurygina and Sergei Semenov. Let's dive into the details of this story, and also take a closer look at the biography of Diana Shurygina.

The relevance of the question of whether there was rape or not still exists, although the majority tends to the second opinion. Ultimately, the guy was reduced to three years.

Biographical facts

Diana Shurygina was born on June 12, 1999 in the city of Ulyanovsk. She grew up and was brought up in a low-income family. Dad worked as a simple driver, and mom worked as a seller in a supermarket. In the biography of Diana Shurygina and her family, the fact is known that mother Natalya gave birth to her at the age of fifteen. At that time, the girl's father was only nineteen years old.

When Diana was ten years old, her sister Karina was born. The addition of another child forced the family to move from the hostel to a rented apartment. In her hometown, Diana went to a choreographic circle, and also went in for athletics. After the ninth grade, the girl entered the Ulyanovsk Vocational Pedagogical College.

Diana's Teenage Life

Any rumors are always discussed on the Internet, moreover, they are confirmed there by some facts. All social networks published details of the biography of Diana Shurygina. Users relied on the immorality of the girl, showing leaked photos and videos. They say that during the period of sharp popularity, Shurygina deleted all compromising pictures, but the most savvy managed to save some of these files. For example, nude photos of Diana Shurygina or a well-known video in a car where the girl zealously demonstrates her dissolute behavior were circulating on the Internet. In addition, Diana's personal correspondence with her ex-boyfriends was published, in which the girl, not embarrassed by her young age, acts as the initiator of sexual relations with young people.

What else is known about the Shurygin family?

During the investigation, law enforcement agencies learned the history of the "illness" of the Shurygin family. It is known that at the age of fifteen, Diana ran away from home (May 2015). The mother contacted the police, writing a statement about the missing daughter. Shurygina was found quickly - in the apartment of her eighteen-year-old boyfriend Vlad Troshin. By the way, this poor fellow was given a year of probation under Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - "sexual intercourse and other sexual activities with minors." Doubts about the chastity of a young girl arise after her frank words on federal television: “I tried my first cigarette at fifteen, I also lost my virginity at fifteen. I tried many things. I ran away from home several times.

Popularity: what was on the show "Let them talk"?

Diana Shurygina appeared on the talk show on January 31, 2017. Scandalous fame knocked on the door of Diana Shurygina just after participating in the program in which she was the main character - the victim of violence by Sergei Semenov. Relatives of the convict tried to urge the public and the courts to reconsider the case of Diana Shurygina's rape.

Versions of Shurygina and other witnesses

The story begins with the fact that on April 1, 2016, Diana, along with her friends, comes to a party in a rented country house, which celebrated the 20th anniversary of one guy. There were a large number of people present, many of whom did not know each other. Everyone drank alcohol, smoked cigarettes, and some even dabbled in marijuana.

According to the girl, as a sign of respect for the birthday boy, she drank several plastic cups of vodka. Here, Diana asks to pay attention to the fact that the containers were far from being full, but “on the bottom” (which later became an Internet meme). In general, the girl said that she did not want to drink, because she had some problems with digestion. Having gone over with alcoholic drinks, sixteen-year-old Diana goes in search of her friends, but twenty-one-year-old Sergey Semenov began to pursue her. It turned out that Shurygina and Semyonov were alone in the room.

Diana admits that she did not want an intimate continuation after the assertive kiss from Sergei, but he hit her in the face and threw her on the bed, after which he mercilessly raped her. The victim says that for several minutes she tried to call for help, but could not shout to her friends because of the loud music in the house.

There is a completely different story about that memorable day. Those present at the party say that Diana deliberately drank a large amount of alcohol (vodka), and in the process of drinking she shouted obscene phrases that she had come here for the sake of casual sexual relations. Witnesses also emphasize the fact that during the holiday Shurygina actively flirted with Semyonov, provoking him into temptation in every possible way. After the imaginary rape that happened, Diana was in no hurry to leave home, but returned to the company and continued to drink vodka.

Parents arrived

At the close of the party, Diana's parents drove up to the country cottage, to whom the girl complained that she had been raped. After the words of their daughter, the Shurygins went to the police department to write a statement. At the department, Diana was questioned about what had happened. After that, she was sent to the hospital for examination to reveal the fact of violence.

Some eyewitnesses say that at the meeting, the father hit Diana in the face, after which she had blood on her lips. This fact makes one doubt that Sergei Semyonov hit Diana before raping her.

The federal channel "Channel One" devoted 5 airs to the release of the show "Let them talk" to the victim of a sexual scandal - Diana Shurygina.

Did the raped girl prove her case?

In September 2017, the infamous Diana Shurygina took part in Dmitry Shepelev's program "Actually". The peculiarity of the TV show is that all the main guests who came answer the control questions on the polygraph. On the lie detector, Diana Shurygina passed a specially prepared test with questions of interest to the public about her rape. As in the show "Let them talk", several episodes of the program were dedicated to the heroine. The last broadcast was the most emotional and exciting - here Diana met face to face with the mother of Sergei Semenov - Olga. The woman claimed that her son was not a rapist, and their sexual incident happened by mutual agreement with Diana Shurygina.

On the lie detector, Diana answered that she was still the victim of sexual violence by Sergei Semenov. All answers of the girl were confirmed by the inscription "true". To the last and main question “Did Semyonov rape you?” bursting into tears, Diana answered "Yes", which was also identified as true.

Federal TV channels continue to "hype" with Shurygina?

According to many, a lie detector with Diana Shurygina is a staged program, for the sake of ratings and earnings. They continue to position her as an injured poor girl, but Dina Shurygina is already a media project that even has its own producer. You have to be a naive person to believe in the words of this girl. Of course, there is no solid evidence that Diana is lying, but her mannerisms, words, behavior and similar characterizing things draw a true sketch of the picture and its plot.

In the final frames of TV programs (“Let them talk” and “Actually”), Diana Shurygina, whose biography has become of interest to a huge number of Internet users, cannot even hide her smile, in which lies and slander are read to the naked eye. After the broadcast on YouTube, they began to upload evidence of a staged program. Professional profilers also joined the case, who took apart in detail every gesture and facial expression of Diana Shurygina, accusing her of lying.

Diana Shurygina is getting married!

For a long time, rumors spread on the Internet that Diana Shurygina was dating the operator of Channel One, who was 11 years older than her. It was said that the couple is preparing for the wedding. So is it true? Diana Shurygina is getting married?

On October 5, 2017, all the rumors were confirmed, because on this day the “victim of hard rape” is getting married. Diana Shurygina and Andrey Shelyagin held a wedding ceremony, as befits real Hollywood stars - a long chic dress, a multi-tiered cake from a skilled confectioner, a concert of musicians from the Na-Na group and an abundance of various journalists.

It is reported that the wedding of Diana Shurygina and Andrei Shelyagin ended in a massacre. The famous scandalous video blogger Dmitry Torin, who had previously often pursued Diana in order to take a selfie with her, entered the restaurant. After waiting for the moment when the groom went to the restroom, Torin ran up to Shurygina and whirled her in a dance, after which he handed her a huge bouquet of carnations as a gift. At the request of the bride, the uninvited video blogger was pushed out of the hall by the guards, and at the very door he was met by the groom Andrei Shelyagin (Diana Shurygina shouted after him “Don’t, Andrei!”), Who began to beat the insolent.

Not leaving the screens all last year, received a continuation in the new, 2018 year. The reason was the release on December 10 on parole of 22-year-old Sergei Semenov, accused of raping a girl. Almost immediately, Semenov became the hero of "Live" on the channel "Russia 1", and Shurygina and her mother appeared on Channel One in "Let them talk". Not a single issue of the talk show was held without mentioning the name Alexandra Rukhlina - a young man who, according to the Shurygin family, also raped Diana, but managed to escape punishment. For the first time, Alexander Rukhlin will appear on television in the show "Actually" and answer all questions, meeting face to face with Diana Shurygina. Moreover, both Alexander and Diana will be tested on a lie detector.

Alexander Rukhlin met with Diana Shurygina for the first time in the studio of the show "Actually"

Host Dmitry Shepelev and program experts will try to find out if the young man really raped Diana. However, the recording of the release of "Actually" with the participation of Rukhlin and Shurygina did not pass quietly. Diana's husband, who was standing backstage, broke into the studio and attacked the offender of his young wife. Andrei Shlyagin wanted to knock Rukhlin out of his fists so that he would apologize to Shurygina.

Husband of Diana Shurygina had a fight in the show "Actually" with the second suspect in the rape of a girl

By the way, during the broadcast, experts caught Diana in a lie. So, for example, when asked if Shurygina remembers that she kissed Rukhlin that fateful evening, she answered no. The lie detector showed that the girl was lying. But Alexander did not try to hide that he had the intention to have sex with Diana, because she was not even against it, so everything happened by mutual agreement. Already traditionally, Shurygina behaved emotionally and shouted insults in the face of a young man, calling for conscience. In response, Rukhlin asked her to tell the truth.

Diana Shuryginafirst met with Alexander Rukhlin in the show "Actually"

Recall that on January 15, Diana in the talk show “Let them talk” said that she had moved away from this whole story and would like to forget everything. However, at some point, Shurygina lost her temper and ran away from the studio. The editors of the talk show managed to persuade the girl to return with her husband. At the end of the issue, Shurygina congratulated Sergei Semyonov on his release and wished him to realize what he had done. True, in the end she called him a “goat” and joked that, probably, now he will go to the priesthood.

Watch the release of the talk show "Actually" with the participation of Diana Shurygina and Alexander Rukhlin on Wednesday, January 17, at 18:45 on Channel One.

Yes, this is, as usual, her next PR move, she no longer knows how to attract her attention, and begins to invent with her old and proven method. Navernika again wants to get on the "First Channel" in the program "Let them talk."

And it turns out that Dianochka outran even many well-trained image makers and PR agents. Although she did not build abstruse scenarios and did not pay crazy money to makeup artists and the media.

She just made her pussy her face ... And apparently now for her she has become a kind of trademark, a brand under which she can push any crap into the Network, and she will be quoted by the viewer.

And about the fact that her husband raped her - also a blizzard. But after all, this is SHE again - the long-suffering p..I of Diana Shurygina, which means that this is highly discussed!

Thirty years ago, such a “girl” could only shoot herself in shame. And today there is also a star!

E-mine! Where is it all heading to..?! (

The theme of rape stuck very strongly to Diana Shurygina. And again, some information appeared on the network, as if now Diana was raped by her husband, and she wrote a statement to the police against him.

There is no reliable information about this, this is another duck.

At the moment, there is no such accurate information on the Internet. So far, this looks like a newspaper "duck" from the yellow press, but it is possible that this is true. But if I were her husband, I would be very careful.

And most likely this is another PR on her part, the same as the story with her appearance on television. Not everyone would dare to put such a story on public display.

It is true that Diana Shurygina was raped by her husband: she wrote a statement when the new issue of “Let They Speak” comes out

If Diana Shurygina was raped by her own husband, then this means that a person has such karma. Or just another PR stunt.

I think the second one is more correct. At least, if this were actually the case, then Dianochka would not remain silent, and would immediately write about it on social networks (and she would post a photo). But if there is no reliable evidence of this news (and there really is none), then therefore, this is another publicity stunt so that everyone remembers Diana Shurygina and what she became famous for.

But who invented this PR move, Diana herself, her family or their "fans" is difficult to predict. After all, no one knows why all this is invented, for good or for evil?

I did not find this information on the Internet. And I don't believe it's true. After all, a husband is a husband. This is the so-called "duck". For what? Why lie? Yes money guys. Money. How many programs and programs have already been filmed about her! They don't even know what to do, so they can come up with it.

I've looked all over the internet, but I haven't been able to find anything about this. I dare to assume this is another "duck". After all, Shurygina is a well-known brawler and thereby attracts attention. And in general, how can a husband rape, if there are marital duties, no one has canceled them. Once you get married, you have to fulfill them.

Information that Diana Shurygina was raped by her own husband, I did not find on the Internet. And therefore, this is another lie, thrown by someone interested in continuing to popularize the infamous girl. And this is done so that the glory of Shurygina does not subside and interest in her ambiguous person continues to exist.

Let me remind you that Diana Shurygina is married to Channel One operator Shlyagin.

And I thought how it is that they don’t say anything about Shurygin after the wedding, has everyone forgotten about her? As it turned out, no. Another fake information that Shurygin was raped by her husband. We just need news and another sensation, and that's all for everyone to remember Diana. So it's all "duck".

Diana Shurygina everything turns out to be raped, if you believe everything that they write

There have already been so many “news” about her that you are not surprised at this. You are amazed at only one thing: “Why is it so interesting to people?”

In fact, this news that Shurygin was raped by her husband is another duck.

At least there is no official, confirmed information about this.

Ilya Sagliani is sure that the marriage of the twice-raped Diana Shurygina and the cameraman of Channel One Andrei Shlyanin will not last long. The specialist explained that the difference in characters is too big.


“In their relationship, everything is calm and there is a balance. Diana is the main one and her character is strong. Her husband is weaker, and he is more like a support that restrains her. He knows how to control his emotions. I don’t predict scandals in this pair in the near future. But Diana is unstable, so interest can change dramatically, and she will initiate the breakup," StarHit quotes Sagliani.

The expert expressed the opinion that Shurygina has an unlimited emotional background, that is, she first does and then thinks. Sagliani concluded that Diana could not control herself. Ilya also noted that the girl is the main one in relations with her husband.

“He is calm and can often slow her down. But at the same time, he will never be the main one in a relationship, since Diana’s egocenter is higher than the Ostankino tower. These relationships will still be like a powder keg. And Andrei is weaker in energy than she is. Despite the fact that while everything is fine with Diana and her husband, anyway, this couple is not suitable for each other. One fine day, he will bother her, and Diana will initiate the separation, "concluded Ilya Sagliani.

Recall that on October 5, 2017, Diana Shurygina married the operator of Channel One Andrei Shlyanin. The 18-year-old star of the program "Let them talk", on which Diana's rape was discussed in detail over several episodes, shone in a classic white wedding dress with a train. The event was held in one of the capital's restaurants.