Politician Date of birth May 3 (Taurus) 1965 (53) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @md_prokhorov

Businessman and politician Mikhail Prokhorov has been one of the contenders for the presidency of Russia for more than 5 years. According to the results of the 2012 elections, he took 1st place in votes among university students. At the same time, Prokhorov repeatedly put forward many interesting ideas for optimizing public administration. He built his multimillion-dollar business practically from scratch.

Biography of Mikhail Prokhorov

Mikhail Dmitrievich Prokhorov grew up in an intelligent family. My father held a high position in the State Administration for International Relations, my mother worked at the Institute of Chemical Engineering in the Department of Polymers. Mikhail also has an older sister. She works as a television presenter and editor of a literary magazine.

As a child, Mikhail went to school with in-depth study of foreign languages. Having graduated with honors in 1982, the future politician submits documents to the prestigious financial institute of Moscow. But after studying there for only one course, Prokhorov took an academic leave and went to military service.

Immediately after demobilization, Mikhail was reinstated at the university and continued his studies at the Faculty of International Economic Relations. In 1988, Mikhail became a member of the CPSU party, and in 1989 received a diploma with honors.

Thanks to his excellent organizational skills and wealth of knowledge, Mikhail immediately took the position of head of the International Bank for Economic Cooperation. He worked there for 1 year and was transferred to the International Financial Company, where he immediately took up the post of Chairman of the Board.

From 1994 to 2000, Prokhorov became president of ONEXIM Bank, and in the next few years he was entrusted with managing the assets of Rosbank. Also, for about 5 years, the businessman was the general director of Norilsk Nickel and Polyus Gold LLC.

In 2007, the businessman became the founder of a group of companies united in the ONEXIM Group fund. At the same time, he became a member of the board of supervisors of the state company Rusnanotech.

Mikhail supports sports initiatives; in the 2000s he became president of the Russian Biathlon Union. And in 2010, Prokhorov bought a controlling stake in the New Jersey Nets basketball club.

Prokhorov's political career began in 2011. At the congress of the Right Force party, of which he was a member, Mikhail was elected leader of their political movement. However, a quarter later he was removed from office; not everyone agreed with his principles of government.

In October 2012, Prokhorov publicly announced his participation in the elections and registration of his own political force, “Civic Platform”. Mikhail was its leader until March 2015. During the election campaign, the businessman publicly announced his intention to sell all assets and spend most of the funds on charity if he wins. Prokhorov also promoted the ideas of changing the Russian labor code. One of his main ideas was to simplify the system of signing a collective labor agreement for various periods, as well as the opportunity to work at the main enterprise at 1.5 times the rate.

The businessman saw the main directions of political activity as the stabilization of economic and social relations between Russia and European countries. Prokhorov pointed out the need for European integration of the country, as well as the introduction of a visa regime with Asian countries.

The politician’s specific project initiatives included major road repairs, as well as updating the country’s transport base in accordance with European standards. His plans also included the division of Gazprom into several enterprises and the sale of non-core assets.

Prokhorov also announced the need for military reform. According to him, when appointed president of Russia, he will abolish compulsory conscription into the army.

According to the results of the Russian presidential elections, Mikhail Prokhorov took third place. After that, he handed over the post of party leader to Rifat Shaikhutdinov.

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Mikhail Dmitrievich Prokhorov is a world-famous Russian businessman and politician, a dollar billionaire. He is the founder of the political party "Civil Platform" and the former head of the party "Right Cause". He ran for president of the Russian Federation in the 2012 elections.
Despite his wide popularity - all residents of Russia remember his PR for the “e-mobile” and the 2007 scandal in Courchevel - the oligarch’s personal life still remains a mystery to all ordinary people. Prokhorov is in no hurry to answer questions from journalists and has not appeared on television lately.

This article will describe the main stages of his biography (from childhood to the present day) from the most reliable sources.

Biography of Mikhail Prokhorov

Childhood and youth of Mikhail Prokhorov

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Mikhail Dmitrievich Prokhorov was born on May 3, 1965 in the family of a high-ranking Soviet official and senior scientist. Prokhorov’s father, Dmitry Ionovich, was the chief head of the International Relations Department of the State Sports Committee, and his mother, Tamara Kumaritova, headed the department of polymers at the Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering. In general, the family did not live poorly. As Mikhail says, his childhood was absolutely carefree.

Little Misha Prokhorov was not the only child in the family - he has an older sister named Irina, who was born nine years before him. At the moment, Irina Prokhorova is a popular Russian literary critic, works as the editor-in-chief of the famous magazine “New Literary Review” and the head of the publishing house of the same name, and also hosts television programs on the RBC-TV channel.

Together with his sister and his beloved parents, Mikhail Prokhorov lived in luxurious, especially by Soviet standards, apartments - their area totaled more than 150 richly furnished square meters. The family’s apartment was located on Kibalchicha Street, an area northeast of the center of Moscow. It was clear that Mikhail’s life path - like any other boy from a rich and intelligent family - was predetermined for success. However, it would be wrong to classify him as one of the golden youth of the Soviet Union - his parents were not among the top elite, although later this only played into their hands - they remained on the sidelines of most of the conflicts of the troubled perestroika times.

Prokhorov’s parents passed away at a relatively early age - Dmitry Ionovich died at 59 years old, and Tamara Mikhailovna died a year after her husband’s death, at 58 years old. Both the father and mother of the future oligarch died from ischemic diseases. At the time of their death, Mikhail was only 23 years old. The loss brought him emotionally very close to his older sister, who, in fact, almost replaced his mother.

Education of Mikhail Prokhorov

The future dollar billionaire studied at an elite English specialized school (at the moment it functions as Moscow gymnasium No. 1531). He demonstrated success both in studies (Mikhail Dmitrievich studied only with straight A's) and in sports. He was a sociable boy who had many friends and enjoyed the attention of the opposite sex. In 1982, Mikhail Prokhorov successfully graduated from school.

After receiving the certificate, he easily entered the prestigious metropolitan higher education institution - the Moscow Financial Institute. Seeing the success of his father, he chose the faculty of IEO (international economic relations). After the first year of study, Prokhorov was drafted into the army for military service.

In his Live Journal, Mikhail Prokhorov noted years later that after serving in the army he had a lot of unforgettable impressions, and also admitted that he considers the modern Russian army to be much inferior to the Soviet one - “today everything is much worse.”

After two years of service, Mikhail returned to the institute and successfully graduated with honors. By the way, among other famous people of his stream were Alexander Khloponin (he worked as the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, now becoming the plenipotentiary representative of the president in the North Caucasus District), as well as the late Andrei Kozlov (former deputy chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation).

Career of Mikhail Prokhorov

While a student at the institute, Mikhail Prokhorov worked as a loader for some time. In addition, he was engaged in an activity that was very popular in those days - he bought jeans and boiled them with his own hands, so that he could then sell them for many times more. Soon he even founded an enterprise for this purpose, which he called “Regina”. Together with Prokhorov, his friend Alexander Khloponin, a well-known Russian politician, deputy chairman of the government of the Russian Federation, traded in these products.
After successfully graduating from the institute in 1989, Mikhail Dmitrievich got a job at IBEC (International Bank for Economic Cooperation), and immediately took the place of head of the department, but did not leave his business - jeans still brought him most of his income. With the proceeds, he purchased a Lada car - at that time this unit was considered a real luxury.

An important period in Prokhorov’s activities began in 1992. It was at this time that he made acquaintance with Vladimir Potanin, who in the future would become his long-term business partner. Their working union is considered the longest in Russian business - it lasted more than 15 years, after which, however, there was a long and conflictual procedure for terminating the business relationship.

The partners accumulated initial capital of three hundred million dollars over several months. To this end, Mikhail Prokhorov and Vladimir Potanin sent letters to IBEC clients and offered to transfer funds to a new bank.
In 1993, the partners became the founders of the ONEXIM bank, where Mikhail worked until 2000. He was initially chairman of the board and eventually assumed the position of president. During times of hyperinflation, the bank participated in the conversion of rubles into dollars and back, due to which it received excess profits in the shortest possible time. By the beginning of 1994, the value of ONEXIM's assets was estimated at more than two billion dollars.

During the mass privatization of state property, ONEXIM Bank very profitably acquired stakes in RAO Norilsk Nickel for $170 million. Later, about $300 million was invested in Norilsk Nickel, and shares of minority shareholders were bought for a hundred million dollars. By this time, Norilsk Nickel's debts amounted to two billion dollars, so the new management of the enterprise was forced to reduce its staff by 80 thousand people during its eight years of operation. However, Norilsk Nickel shares soared in price from seven dollars at the beginning of the millennium to a record $200 in 2007. The company's capitalization increased almost 25 times (from $2.5 billion to $60 billion in 2007). Norilsk Nickel has become the undisputed leader in the industry in less than 8 years. In this mining and metallurgical complex, Mikhail Prokhorov held the positions of general director and chairman of the board from 2001 to 2007.
In addition, ONEXIM bought shares in the Sidanco company, the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works, and the North-Western Shipping Company. In the early spring of 1998, the Interros holding company was founded on the basis of these enterprises. In it, Mikhail Prokhorov together with Potanin received 25% with one share on top.

Since the fall of 2000, Mikhail Dmitrievich also worked as head of the board of directors and president of Rosbank. In 2001-2007, as mentioned above, Prokhorov worked as the general director and chairman of the board of OJSC GMN Norilsk Nickel. In 2006, Prokhorov took the position of head of the board of directors of the new company Polyus Gold, which was created in order to concentrate Norilsk Nickel's gold mining assets in one place.
On January 9, 2007, Mikhail Prokhorov was detained for four days by French police in connection with charges of creating an international prostitution network. The oligarch visited the ski resort in Courchevel, popular among Russian moneybags, together with an impressive delegation of ladies (along with Mikhail there were fifteen young girls). Prokhorov explained his action only by saying that he “enjoys communicating with beautiful and smart girls.” Two years later, the charges were dropped, and Mikhail Dmitrievich was deeply apologized for the resulting scandal.
In March 2007, Prokhorov announced his decision to resign from his positions as general director and president of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel.
In the fall of 2008, Potanin and Prokhorov divided the fund that managed their assets (the aforementioned KM-Invest CJSC), and Potanin bought Prokhorov’s share.

Political activities of Mikhail Prokhorov

After he succeeded in entrepreneurship, the Russian multi-billionaire decided to try himself in a new field of activity and went into politics. In 2011, he became the head of the Right Cause party. He donated more than a hundred million dollars from his personal funds for its development. However, after just a couple of months of his very active activity, Mikhail Prokhorov had a fight with some of the regional members of the party and left the ranks of its residents. The “Right Cause” scandal that thundered throughout the country forced the entrepreneur to disappear from public politics for a period of several months, where he returned in triumph after a short period of time as a candidate for the post of President of Russia. The idea of ​​nominating himself was suggested to him, by the way, by Vladimir Putin.
Mikhail Prokhorov in his program proposed increasing the amount of the lowest compensation to citizens of the country who died at work due to the fault of the state to forty million rubles. In addition, the oligarch wanted to hold a financial amnesty. Using it, it will be possible to “legalize previously received income and acquired property with the payment of thirteen percent of their value.”

Among the very few specific proposals for improving the economy in the multi-billionaire's program was the construction of transport networks and airports according to European standards of quality, and he also promised to constantly search for foreign investors.
By 2016, Prokhorov planned to build at least ten airports, lay at least five thousand kilometers of new generation railways and fifty thousand kilometers of roads. The presidential candidate also announced his desire to connect the centers of the regions of the Russian Federation with transport networks.
By the end of 2016, Mikhail Prokhorov promised that up to 60% of air transportation in the Russian Federation and at least half of passenger rail transportation will begin to take place without transfers or passing by Moscow.

Specifically, the military-industrial complex and defense tycoon recalls the need to limit spending to spend on health care. Mikhail Prokhorov promised, starting in 2015, to completely abolish urgent conscription for military service. According to his plan, the army will turn into a fully contract army and become truly professional: indicators will improve according to all criteria (mobility, preparedness, etc.).

The main theme of the election program of the newly minted politician Mikhail Prokhorov was the “calculation” of confrontation with the largest contender for the role of President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, as well as fresh ideas for the global fight against domestic corruption. The 2012 presidential elections in the Russian Federation showed that the newly minted politician managed to take third place among the candidates for the post, amassing a good result of eight percent of the votes. Such indicators, according to most experts, are a good prerequisite for obtaining the status of a serious politician.

The defeat in the presidential elections in the Russian Federation could not break the political spirit of Mikhail Prokhorov, and he did not give up work in this area, continuing to try to reach the top ranks of the political elite. In 2012, the entrepreneur decides to open a new party, “Civic Platform,” taking the place of its leader. The main political goal of the billionaire’s new brainchild was to create a confident and professional faction in the State Duma. It was planned that the party would get into the Duma based on the results of the 2016 elections, but in March 2015 Mikhail Prokhorov decided to leave the party.

Family of Mikhail Prokhorov

The oligarch has never been married and has no children. Mikhail Prokhorov himself claims that he is ready to easily enter into an alliance with the one and only woman who will love him first of all, and not the wealth that comes with him. Many women would happily marry Prokhorov, but he is in no hurry to tie the knot and still regularly has fun at parties with models.

He has an older sister with whom he is good friends. Together they are engaged in charity work with the help of the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation, financially supporting cultural, scientific and educational initiatives.

Finances and fortune of Mikhail Prokhorov

In 2007, Prokhorov created his investment fund ONEXIM. The assets under its management currently amount to more than $25 billion, according to rough estimates. Among them, ONEXIM owns the insurance company Soglasie, as well as a controlling stake in the media group Live! (she publishes Snob magazine).
Since 2010, Prokhorov has owned an American basketball club New Jersey Nets.

The oligarch also tried to launch the mass production of a hybrid car in Russia new brand "Yo-mobile". In 2014, the project was considered unsuccessful and was closed.
At the beginning of 2011, Prokhorov owned large blocks of shares in the Polyus Gold enterprises, the investment firm Renaissance Capital, the Russian Aluminum company, and the Soglasie insurance company.
In addition, Mikhail is the owner of media assets, including the RBC TV channel, where his older sister Irina works as a presenter.
Now, according to rough estimates, the oligarch’s fortune is $7.6 billion (according to 2016 data).

He is tall – 204 centimeters. The oligarch's shoe size is 47.
He is a blogger and keeps a diary on livejournal.
His formal place of residence is a tiny village in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. He pays half a million dollars in taxes every year.
Exercise regularly for at least two hours, and on weekends – up to five hours. Prokhorov's working day lasts 10-15 hours, and he sleeps only six hours a day. The oligarch loves surfing and kickboxing.
Prokhorov owns several aircraft worth a total of $76 million (Falcon and Gulfstream G550).
According to rumors, Mikhail Dmitrievich is an excellent singer with a beautiful voice. He often demonstrates this talent among friends and acquaintances.
Prokhorov is a fan of the Russian pop group “Zveri”, he sponsored it.
Mikhail does not drink alcohol, however, loves to eat - he has several personal chefs.
The oligarch loves parties and model-looking women- this often becomes the cause of scandals and the ground for yellow press news.
Owns a luxury yacht Solemar, the length of which is 61.5 meters.
The area of ​​his mansion in Skolkovo (near Moscow) is more than two thousand square meters.
The oligarch holds the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow (2004) and the Order of Friendship (2006) for his significant contribution to the development of the Russian economy.

There is probably not a person in Russia now who does not know who Mikhail Prokhorov is, who ranks Despite the fact that the name of the billionaire is on everyone’s lips, he has always remained a dark horse in business.
Mikhail Dmitrievich Prokhorov was born in 1965 year, May 3. Besides him, the family already had an older sister, Irina, who was 9 years old at the time of her brother’s birth. The family is Soviet-era civil servants. Father Dmitry Ionovich, according to some sources, worked as the head of the international relations department at the State Sports Committee of the USSR, according to others, as the head of a laboratory in the Main Directorate of Vocational Education. Mother Tamara Mikhailovna was the head of the department of polymers at the Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering.

My parents passed away quite early, my father at 59 years old, and my mother just a year later at 58 years old. Both died of heart disease. He was only 23 years old then. The death of his parents brought him very close to his older sister.

Prokhorov's youth.

But that was later, but for now the billionaire lived with his sister and parents in a luxurious 150-meter apartment at that time on Kibalchicha Street in the northeast of the capital. So even then, in many ways, the path of the future oligarch, like any boy from a good family, was predetermined. At the same time, he cannot be fully attributed to the golden youth of that time. His parents did not belong to the Soviet elite, and therefore did not fall into disgrace during the troubled times of perestroika.
He studied at an English special school (currently gymnasium No. 1531), which he graduated with honors in 1982. Having received the certificate, entered a prestigious university– Moscow Financial Institute, Faculty of International Economic Relations (International Economic Relations). After his first year he was drafted into the army. Having served, as expected, two years, continued his studies. His classmates were Alexander Khloponin, the former governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the current presidential envoy to the North Caucasus District, and Andrei Kozlov, the former deputy chairman of the Central Bank of Russia, who was killed in an assassination attempt.

The beginning of the working journey.

Photography in the 90s.

While studying for some time worked as a loader on the railway. And then he started a business that was popular at that time - he bought jeans, boiled them and sold them several times more expensive. Even organized for this company called "Regina". Alexander Khloponin also traded boiled jeans with him.

After graduating from the institute in 1989, the still future oligarch joined IBES(International Bank for Economic Cooperation) immediately to the position of head of department. Jeans still made up the majority of his income. With the money he earned, he bought a Lada car, which at that time not everyone his age could afford.
The turning point in his career began in 1992, when he met Vladimir Potanin, and they together created one of the first private banks in Russia of that period - JSCB International Financial Corporation. Prokhorov becomes its Chairman of the Board.
The partners managed to raise start-up capital of 300 million in a few months. To do this, he and Potanin sent letters to IBEC clients with a proposal to transfer deposits to the bank they opened.
A year later, in 1993, they also created ONEXIM-, in which he took the position of chairman of the governing board. In hyperbank conditions, the bank participated in the conversion of rubles into dollars and back, due to which it quickly enriched itself. So, by 1994, the value of ONEXIM’s assets exceeded 2 billion dollars
At this time, Vladimir Potanin proposed to the state the idea of ​​replenishing the budget through loans-for-shares auctions, when stakes in large companies owned by the state were transferred to the ownership of commercial banks in exchange for money.

Norilsk Nickel.

So ONEXIM became the owner of Norilsk Nickel, and purchased They paid him for ridiculous money - about 170 million dollars. Then they invested $300 million in Norilsk Nickel, and for $100 million they purchased shares of minority shareholders. By that time, the debts of the Norilsk Nickel company amounted to $2 billion. The new management of the company reduced its staff by 80 thousand people over 8 years. But Norilsk Nickel shares rose from $7 at the beginning of the 2000s to almost $200 by 2007. The company's capitalization increased tenfold (from $2.5 billion to $60 billion in 2007). Norilsk Nickel has become an industry leader in just 5-8 years. M. held the positions of General Director and Chairman of the Board at MMC from 2001 to 2007.
Then the relationship between the hero of the article and Vladimir Potanin began to deteriorate. At the same time, in April 2008, Prokhorov sold his stake (25% of shares) in Norilsk Nickel to Oleg Deripaska (RUSAL). It was simply impossible to think of a better moment - at the beginning of autumn 2008, with the onset of the company's shares, they fell by half.

Present tense.

By the end of 2010, he had large stakes in the companies Polyus Gold, Russian Aluminum, the investment company Renaissance Capital, and the insurance company Soglasie. In addition, the billionaire is the owner of media assets such as RBC. Since 2010, he has owned the American basketball team New Jersey Nets, sponsored the development of the Yo-mobile hybrid car, and participated in other innovative projects.
To date fortune is estimated at 17.6 billion dollars(2011 data). And he himself moved to
The owner of two aircraft worth 45 and 28 million dollars (Falcon and Gulfstream G550), as well as the Solemar yacht 61.5 meters long. He also has a mansion in Skolkovo with an area of ​​2000 square meters.
In addition, he and his sister Irina are engaged in charitable activities through the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation they established. They mainly support cultural, scientific and educational initiatives.
Currently - presidential candidate in the 2012 Elections.

Sick of all

10 interesting facts about Mikhail Prokhorov:

1. Height – 2 meters 4 centimeters. Shoe size – 47.
2. He blogs on livejournal, but does this with the help of his assistants; he also reads comments on paper.
3. Official place of residence is a village in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. There he pays taxes of $500 million annually.
4. He plays sports every day for 2 hours, and on weekends he spends 4-5 hours training. He devotes 10-15 hours to work every day, and sleeps only 6 hours a day. Favorite sports: kickboxing, surfing.
5. At the beginning of 2007, he was involved in the so-called “Courchevel scandal”, when the police detained him at a French ski resort in the company of young girls and suspected him of involvement in organizing an international network. All charges were later dropped due to lack of evidence of a crime.
6. According to those around him, he has excellent vocal abilities and a gorgeous voice, so he often sings with friends
7. He is a fan of the group “Beasts”, according to some sources he sponsored it
8. He doesn’t drink, but he loves to eat well – he has 2 chefs working in his mansion.
9. He loves noisy parties and groups of model-looking girls.
10. Not married, no children.

Mikhail Prokhorov is a Russian businessman and politician whose fortune exceeds $9.6 billion (data for 2018). A participant in the 2012 presidential election race, according to the voting results he took 3rd place with 7.98%, losing to Vladimir Putin and Gennady Zyuganov.

Prokhorov is the former general director of Norilsk Nickel and Polyus Gold, started business with Alexander Khloponin, and then with Vladimir Potanin.

Childhood and adolescence

Mikhail spent his childhood in an ordinary high-rise building in the north-east of Moscow, where his parents and older sister Irina lived. Father, Dmitry Ionovich, was a major sports official and headed the Department of External Relations of the State Sports Committee. Mom, Tamara Mikhailovna, headed one of the departments of the Institute of Chemical Engineering.

Despite the fact that the Prokhorov family was quite wealthy, Mikhail cannot be called a textbook representative of the “golden youth”. He was seriously involved in sports, graduated with honors from school with in-depth study of foreign languages, and stood out among his peers except for his tall height, for which he was teased as a “Giraffe.” Having received a certificate, the young man became a student at the Faculty of International Economics of the IFI, from where a year later he left to serve in the army.

Having been demobilized, he returned to the institute and in 1989 received a honors diploma. By this time, she and her sister had lost both parents, who died of heart disease within one year of each other.

Mikhail became the main breadwinner in the family and, thanks to his innate entrepreneurial spirit, coped well with this function. After briefly working as a loader, he put together a small start-up capital and, with his classmate Alexander Khloponin, organized an enterprise for the production and sale of “boiled” jeans. The business brought in a stable income, and soon he was already driving around the capital in a 13th model Zhiguli.

Business career

After graduating from university, Prokhorov got a job as a manager at the International Bank for Economic Cooperation, where he worked for three years, combining this employment with promoting his own business. In 1992, fate brought him together with Vladimir Potanin, who became his faithful colleague and business partner for many years. A year later, they founded the ONEXIM bank, to which they lured former clients and transferred part of the state assets.

During privatization, the bank profitably bought shares of Norilsk Nickel, Novolipetsk Combine and other large state-owned companies, thereby multiplying its capital many times over. In 2006, Prokhorov acquired shares in a large gold mining company and organized Polyus Gold OJSC, which he himself headed.

Soon after this, Prokhorov and Potanin parted ways, Mikhail sold his share to his former partner and survived the financial crisis of 2008 with dignity, without losing a cent of his capital. With the proceeds, he acquired several media companies, including RBC, where his sister Irina now works, bought the New Jersey Nets basketball club and invested a lot of money in the creation of the E-mobile, the car of the future.

In 2011, Prokhorov decided to enter politics and founded the Right Cause party, but soon left it due to internal disagreements. A few months later, the billionaire decided to run for president and eventually became third in the election race, gaining almost 8 percent of the vote. After that, he created the Civic Platform party and was going to go to the Duma with it, but in 2015 he changed his mind and quit politics.

Business secrets: Mikhail Prokhorov

In 2017, Prokhorov sold the RBC media holding to Grigory Berezkin.


More than once, Mikhail Prokhorov became the hero of scandalous news, the loudest of which relates to a party in Courchevel in 2007. Local police arrested the billionaire for several days on charges of organizing sex services in France. The guards of order were embarrassed by the huge escort of young girls accompanying the oligarch on vacation. Only two years later, Mikhail managed to fully justify himself and drop all charges.

In 2008, a protracted trial began between Prokhorov and his former business partner Vladimir Potanin. Potanin accused Mikhail of non-compliance with the agreements in the deal with Norilsk Nickel. According to Potanin, Prokhorov promised him and another oligarch Usmanov to sell Norilsk and acquire Polyus, but did not keep his word. In response, Prokhorov filed a lawsuit against Potanin demanding a refutation. Mikhail's claim was granted.

Mikhail Dmitrievich Prokhorov- Russian entrepreneur and manager, billionaire, president of the private investment fund Group " ONEXIM", President of the Russian Biathlon Union, former leader of the All-Russian political party "Right Cause".

Mikhail Dmitrievich Prokhorov was born on May 3, 1965 in Moscow. Born into the family of the head of the International Relations Department of the USSR State Sports Committee and the head of the department of polymers at the Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering. His sister is literary critic Irina Prokhorova, editor and publisher of the New Literary Review magazine. Mikhail Prokhorov's paternal ancestors are impoverished kulaks. Maternal grandmother, Anna Belkina, was a microbiologist and remained during the Great Patriotic War in Moscow, where she was engaged in the production of vaccines, while her daughter Tatyana was evacuated. Prokhorov’s father worked as the head of the laboratory of the Glavprofobra, his mother headed the department of polymers at the Moscow Institute of Chemical Materials, so Prokhorov had no problems preparing for the entrance exams to the prestigious Moscow Financial Institute for the Faculty of International Economic Relations (IER). Moreover, in addition to a certificate with honors from an English special school Prokhorov was able to obtain recommendations from the Komsomol district committee. Despite his eventful youth, Mikhail managed to serve in the army (1983-1985).

Prokhorov is an excellent student: he graduated from an English special school with a gold medal, and from the Moscow Financial Institute (department of international economic relations) with honors in 1989. At the institute he studied with the current Deputy Prime Minister, Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the North Caucasus Federal District Alexander Khloponin and the current governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Lev Kuznetsov.
According to Prokhorov, he earned his first ruble while still at the institute, in 1985, when he returned from the army (he served two years after his first year). Together with fellow student athletes, Prokhorov worked part-time at night unloading freight cars, and the earnings of his associates could exceed 500 rubles per person. In 1987, the same “international athletes” bought a ready-made cooperative “Regina” from a friend, which first began producing “boiled” jeans, and then fabric. According to Prokhorov, it was “a fully-fledged self-sufficient business“However, after graduating from the institute in 1989 (at 24 years old), he chose a career as a banker, entering the International Bank for Economic Cooperation (IBEC) of the CMEA countries.

At the bank, Prokhorov almost immediately received the position of head of department. He worked in this post until 1992. It is believed that during these years he met his future business partner Vladimir Potanin ym. The labor alliance between Prokhorov and Potanin lasted more than 15 years - the longest in Russian business, after which a protracted and sometimes conflictual “divorce” began.
In 1993, Prokhorov and Potanin established the bank ONEXIM", where Prokhorov worked until 2000, first as chairman of the board and then as president. During the privatization of state property, ONEXIM Bank profitably acquired stakes in RAO Norilsk Nickel", oil company "Sidanko", Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works, North-Western Shipping Company. In April 1998 On the basis of the companies Interros, Sidanko and Norilsk Nickel, the holding company Interros was created, in which M. Prokhorov, together with V. Potanin, received 25% plus 1 share. Since November 2000, Mikhail Prokhorov served as chairman of the board of directors and president of Rosbank. Previously in " Rosbank This position did not exist. In 2001-2007, Prokhorov worked as the general director and chairman of the board of OJSC GMN Norilsk Nickel (restructured RAO Norilsk Nickel). In 2006, Prokhorov became head of the board of directors of the newly created company " Polyus Gold", which united the gold mining assets of Norilsk Nickel.

The police's suspicions were based on the fact that Prokhorov had brought an impressive troop of ladies to the ski resort in Courchevel, to which Prokhorov stated that he “just likes the company of beautiful and smart women.” Two years later, the case was closed for lack of evidence of a crime, and Prokhorov was apologized for the scandal. On March 15, 2007, Mikhail announced his decision to leave his positions as general director and president of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel.

By the fall of 2008, former partners Potanin and Prokhorov agreed on the division of the fund that managed their assets (KM-Invest CJSC): Potanin bought Prokhorov’s share in it. Prokhorov announced the creation of his own investment fund, ONEXIM, back in 2007. The assets under its management are currently valued at more than $25 billion. In particular, the ONEXIM group owns the insurance company Soglasie, a controlling stake in the media group Zhivi!, which publishes the magazine Snob" Since 2010, Prokhorov has been the owner of the American basketball club. In addition, Prokhorov launched production of a hybrid car in Russia " Yo-mobile b". The first 10,000 hybrid Yo-mobiles costing about $10,000 (a joint project with the Yarovit company) are planned to be released in the fourth quarter of 2012. From June 25, 2011 to September 15, 2011 - was the leader of the party " Just cause».

Of course, success in life Mikhail Prokhorov cannot be attributed solely to his ability to make the necessary acquaintances, such as friendship with Potanin. Everything that Prokhorov has today, as he himself says, he “owes to fate, parents and God.” People who know him also add assertiveness and ability to work to the list of his benefactors.
Mikhail Prokhorov is the winner of numerous Russian and international competitions, an award winner and a nominee in various polls. He is an order bearer. In 2006, Mikhail Prokhorov received the Order of Friendship from the hands of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin for his invaluable contribution to the development of progressive economic relations in Russia. And in 2011 - Knight of the Legion of Honor, awarded for expanding cultural ties between Russia and France.

A highly educated, cultured and athletic person, Mikhail Prokhorov provides assistance to many educational and research institutions, cultural institutions and many sports organizations. He is an honorary member of the highest body of the Sports Russia"and finances many domestic sports clubs. Mikhail is an excellent athlete and keeps in shape by practicing aquabike, kickboxing, alpine skiing, and windsurfing. Trains for at least two hours every day. Prokhorov sings very well and has a wonderful voice. Therefore, very often he sings for his own pleasure among friends with a guitar or just like that, without accompaniment.
Among “adult” toys, he prefers the Solemar yacht (2003, length - 61.5 m, speed - 17 knots) and the Gulfstream G550 airplane.
Prokhorov has never been married and remains single to this day; his height is 2 meters 4 cm.


2004 - Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, II degree (ROC).
2006 - Order of Friendship for contribution to the development of the economic potential of Russia.
2011 - Knight of the Legion of Honor, awarded for expanding cultural ties between Russia and France.

Prokhorov the politician

On June 25, 2011, at an extraordinary congress of the Right Cause party, Prokhorov joined the party and was elected its leader for a term of four years. In July 2011, Prokhorov invited Yevgeny Roizman, a well-known fighter against drug trafficking and founder of the City Without Drugs Foundation, to join the party. Prokhorov suggested that he go to the State Duma elections on the federal party list so that, if successful, he would have the opportunity to formulate state anti-drug and anti-alcohol policies and legislation. In August 2011, the famous Russian journalist, author of the TV program “Vzglyad” Alexander Lyubimov also joined the party.

At the beginning of September 2011, shortly before the start of the “Right Cause” congress (scheduled for September 14-15), information appeared in the press about the dissatisfaction of some regional branches of the party with Prokhorov’s activities as leader. On September 14, on the first day of the congress, held at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Prokhorov’s opponents received the majority of seats on the credentials committee. At an urgently convened briefing on the evening of September 14, Prokhorov announced the termination of the powers of the head of the executive committee, Andrei Dunaev, and the entire executive committee. Prokhorov also expelled Andrei Bogdanov and the Ryavkin brothers from the party, with the wording “for causing political damage to the party,” and accused Radiy Khabirov of attempting a “raider takeover of the party.”

On the morning of September 15, on the air of the Ekho Moskvy radio station, Prokhorov called on his supporters to leave the party and announced his intention to create a new party. On September 15, Prokhorov’s opponents gathered at the World Trade Center (WTC) on Krasnaya Presnya, where they raised the issue of Prokhorov’s resignation. Andrei Dunaev, whom Prokhorov removed from the post of head of the executive committee on September 14, announced at the congress at the WTC: “Information has been received through the media that Prokhorov is creating his own party. I propose to vote immediately for Prokhorov’s removal from the post of party leader.” The congress participants supported Dunaev and removed Prokhorov from the post of leader. Andrei Dunaev himself was elected acting head of the party. The formal reason for Prokhorov’s removal was a conflict with some regional branches of Right Cause, as well as Prokhorov’s decision to include on the election list the anti-drug activist Yevgeny Roizman, who had a criminal record and was therefore undesirable to the Kremlin administration. Prokhorov himself was not present at this congress, but took part in a parallel congress of his supporters at the Russian Academy of Sciences, where it was announced “the actual takeover of the party” and alleged falsifications in the credentials commission, which, according to Prokhorov, “were planned and carried out by workers Presidential Administration, Surkov’s subordinates.” Prokhorov said that he could no longer be associated with the party, which is led by “Kremlin puppeteers,” and called on his supporters to leave it. Prokhorov declared V. Surkov to be the main culprit of the “raider takeover” of the party. Journalist Alexander Lyubimov and Alla Pugacheva spoke in support of Prokhorov at the meeting.

After the scandal with Right Cause, Prokhorov disappeared from public politics for three months.

On December 12, 2011, Prokhorov announced his desire to run for president of Russia. Prokhorov called this decision “perhaps the most serious decision of his life.” Prokhorov considers his electorate to be “the middle class in the broadest sense of the word.” Prokhorov told reporters that he would still think about the candidacy of the prime minister: “I have a large selection of candidates, let them defend their place.” Prokhorov also announced his intention to create a new party “for the long term,” which he wants to start “building from the very bottom.”

According to the law, Prokhorov needed to collect 2 million signatures to nominate his candidacy in the elections. On January 18, Prokhorov submitted 2 million 100 thousand signatures to the Central Election Commission and was registered as a presidential candidate.

On March 4, 2012, Mikhail Prokhorov took third place in the fight for the post of President of the Russian Federation, gaining about 8% of the votes. In Moscow, Prokhorov took second place (after Putin) according to the voting results.

At the end of March 2012, Mikhail Dmitrievich begins to create a political party of a new formation, which still does not exist in the world.