However, in our society there are frequent cases of violation of labor, production and technological discipline. In the economy, there is still a large loss of working time associated with tardiness, absenteeism, drunkenness and other violations of discipline. To maintain and strengthen labor discipline, methods of persuasion and coercion are combined. Persuasion is the main direction of activity in regulating social relations; it is associated with the widespread use of educational measures and incentives for work. Coercion is a method of influencing violators of labor discipline. Here, public and disciplinary measures are used. Discipline is ensured, first of all, by the conscious attitude of employees to work and encouragement for conscientious work. The following incentive measures are provided: gratitude, issuance of a bonus, awarding a valuable gift, awarding a certificate of honor.

Labor discipline


A special place in strengthening labor discipline is given to the ability to correctly use incentives to work and realize the economic interests of workers. It is impossible to strengthen labor discipline and increase people’s activity without paying attention to their living conditions and personal interests. Material interest is closely related to the social and production activities of people.

It is a stimulus for work activity. A characteristic feature of the modern incentive system is that the remuneration of employees directly depends not only on the results of their individual work, but also on the overall results of the work of all personnel of the enterprise. Conscious discipline arises on the basis of the enterprise's personnel understanding of the unity of goals, which is based on a sense of mutual responsibility of workers for the performance of the work assigned to them.

Ways and methods of strengthening labor discipline


Such an order on labor discipline is general throughout the enterprise and is binding. Methods of strengthening labor discipline. It is possible to understand the state of compliance with labor discipline at an enterprise only by conducting an appropriate analysis: monitoring employees’ performance of work duties, compliance with the daily routine, labor safety rules and instructions for working with equipment, and the like. Based on such an analysis, it is possible to draw conclusions about what the “weak link” of the enterprise is, and only then develop and apply appropriate measures to strengthen labor discipline.

Such activities include, for example: regular training of personnel in order to improve their skills; introduction of additional incentive measures; strict control of lateness (for example, through the introduction of an electronic pass system); hiring personnel only on a competitive basis.

Ways to improve labor discipline

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation lists the following incentive measures:

  • announcement of gratitude;
  • issuing a bonus;
  • rewarding with a valuable gift;
  • awarding a certificate of honor;
  • nomination for the title of best in the profession.

This list is approximate; internal labor regulations, charters and discipline regulations may provide for other incentive measures. For special labor services to society and the state, employees can be nominated for state awards. Disciplinary measures While providing for incentive measures applied to employees who conscientiously perform their job duties, labor legislation also establishes disciplinary measures for violators of labor discipline.

Effective methods of ensuring labor discipline

  • as one of the principles of labor law;
  • an independent institution of labor law (objective property);
  • element of the labor relationship (subjective property);
  • actual behavior.

Labor discipline as a principle of labor law is understood as a guiding principle that permeates all norms of labor law and is associated with the fulfillment of the obligation to observe labor discipline. As an institution of labor law, labor discipline in an objective sense is a set of legal norms regulating the internal labor regulations of an organization, establishing the labor responsibilities of employees and the employer, determining methods for ensuring labor discipline, incentive measures for success in work and responsibility for culpable failure to fulfill these duties.

34 labor discipline: concept and methods of strengthening it

The law also provides guarantees for the employee against the imposition of unauthorized and undeserved measures. Rules of labor discipline. Since labor discipline and its observance are decisive factors in the labor relations of employer and employee, each enterprise must have internal documents that must set out the standards of behavior of each employee of the enterprise, requirements for the work they perform and the working hours, and so on. This requirement is reflected. in the law and is mandatory for every head of the enterprise. The work schedule and labor discipline of the enterprise's employees are prescribed in the internal labor regulations, the draft of which is developed by the enterprise's management and adopted in agreement with the workforce (either with the trade union committee, or with the workers' council, or at a general meeting of workers).

Labor discipline at the enterprise and methods of ensuring it

Only one penalty can be imposed for one offense. Only the dismissal of an employee is recorded in the work book. To the content Incentive measures Incentive measures, as mentioned above, include material (prizes, allowances, valuable gifts) and non-material (certificates of honor, nomination for local and state awards, honorary titles). The procedure for rewarding employees at the enterprise is established by management. Back to content Strengthening labor discipline To determine the state of the implementation of labor discipline at the enterprise, there is a special formula that calculates the coefficient of labor discipline by determining the number of violators from the total number of average employees of the enterprise and by calculating the percentage of lost working time.

Methods for strengthening labor discipline

The leading place is occupied by the method of persuasion as the main way to strengthen labor discipline, since it is the principle of employee behavior in the labor process, the principle of consciousness and self-discipline. The education method is used mainly as an auxiliary means of ensuring labor discipline. Its main purpose is to instill in the employee a sense of conscientiousness and honest attitude towards work.

Methods of persuasion, education, and rewards for conscientious work can be both moral and material in nature and are used by the administration jointly or in agreement with the trade union body of the enterprise. The internal labor regulations of each given work collective are approved by it upon the proposal of the administration and the trade union body.

Legal regulation of labor discipline

The internal labor regulations of an organization are a local regulatory act of an organization that regulates, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws, the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, the basic rights, duties and responsibilities of the parties to an employment contract, working hours, rest periods, incentive measures applied to employees and penalties, as well as other issues of regulation of labor relations in the organization. Strengthening labor discipline Labor discipline in organizations is ensured by the creation of the necessary organizational and economic conditions for normal, highly productive work, a conscious attitude to work, methods of persuasion, education and encouragement. Disciplinary measures are applied to individual dishonest employees when necessary.

Legal means of strengthening labor discipline

  • performance of one's work duties not in full, not in accordance with established quality criteria;
  • disclosure of a commercial secret of an enterprise;
  • violation of labor safety rules that led to an accident or accident;
  • refusal to undergo training or medical examination if this is necessary for the high-quality and qualified performance of work duties;
  • direct disregard of the manager’s orders;
  • insubordination;
  • intentional failure to comply with instructions and orders.
  • rebuke;
  • comment;
  • dismissal.

The imposition of disciplinary sanctions not provided for by federal laws is not permitted.

Employees must not only submit work on time, but report after each completed stage and guarantee the high quality of the project, only then can we talk about the development of the company and increasing profits. Why you need to use systems that work with Big Data now According to IDC, income generated by working with Big Data will increase from 130 billion US dollars (the figure recorded worldwide in 2016... Databases What to do after intimacy: 9 rules You're done having sex. Maybe it was good, maybe it was bad, but that's not the point. The process is over. So what should you do... Sexuality Never do it in church! Unless you're sure about whether it's right Whether you behave in church or not, you are probably still not acting as you should... Here is a list of terrible...

Ways to improve labor discipline

Based on such an analysis, it is possible to draw conclusions about what the “weak link” of the enterprise is, and only then develop and apply appropriate measures to strengthen labor discipline. Such activities include, for example:

  • regular training of personnel in order to improve their skills;
  • introduction of additional incentive measures;
  • strict control of lateness (for example, through the introduction of an electronic pass system);
  • hiring personnel only on a competitive basis.

Performance discipline: concept, management and improvement.


Labor discipline An important institution of labor law is labor discipline (labor discipline). It acts as a necessary condition for any common work. Labor discipline is a set of norms and rules of behavior of workers in the process of collective labor.

Labor discipline in enterprises, institutions and organizations is ensured by the creation of the necessary organizational and economic conditions for normal, highly productive work, a conscious attitude towards work, methods of persuasion, education, as well as encouragement for conscientious work. In relation to individual unscrupulous employees, disciplinary and social measures are applied, if necessary.

Labor discipline at the enterprise and methods of ensuring it


It is held in an informal setting, any criticism of what is expressed is prohibited, and all ideas are written down. A creative atmosphere reigns at such meetings. The main thing is to collect more ideas. Next, these ideas are structured, the most fruitful ones are selected and developed.

As for the RAM, they, of course, should be operational, no more than half an hour. I worked with one government organization where meetings took 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening. Moreover, people did not work between the so-called operatives, but prepared for them.
As a result, the leadership of this organization had to take emergency measures. It strictly regulated the holding of such meetings, limiting their duration to 20 minutes. The meeting at which a management decision must be made has its own rules.

How to increase the discipline of subordinates or colleagues who distract from work

And after conducting such an analysis, draw a conclusion - where are the most frequent violations and non-compliance with the rules. And only then develop a plan of measures to strengthen labor discipline and apply it. Such measures include:

  • Conducting special training sessions or courses that will be aimed at improving the skills of employers;
  • Management has every right to introduce additional rewards/punishments;
  • Introducing control of all those late for work, for example, you can enter electronic tokens or passes, where it will be noted whether you were late or not, as well as the time of arrival at work;
  • Acceptance of a new employee to the company only on a competitive basis.

Labor discipline and financial liability of employees An employee who violates labor regulations, and as a result of this damage is caused to the enterprise, will bear financial liability.

Labor discipline


Internal labor regulations. This internal document of the enterprise, drawn up taking into account the recommendations of the state standard on the requirements for paperwork and on the basis of articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, must spell out labor discipline and disciplinary liability of the enterprise's employees. Internal labor regulations (ILR) cover such issues as the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, the basic rights and obligations of employees and the employer, a full description of working hours and rest periods, incentives and penalties and the procedure for their application, as well as the responsibilities of the parties to the labor relationship. PVTR can be a separate document or annex to the employment contract, can be approved as an independent act, or can be approved by a separate order of the head of the enterprise.

Regulations on labor discipline.

How to increase the level of performance discipline

There are several levels of labor discipline: social, economic, administrative, educational and moral. Labor discipline - goals, rules, methods of ensuring and management Goals of labor discipline Labor discipline is created at the enterprise for:

  • Increasing the efficiency of all work as a whole, and each employee in particular;
  • Increasing the quality of labor productivity;
  • Effective and high-quality use of every minute at the enterprise;
  • Creating comfortable conditions for employees to work productively;
  • Increasing the quality of health and labor protection.

If good labor discipline is created at the enterprise, then the highest work results will be achieved and the number of breakdowns, injuries, and, as a result, complaints will be reduced.

How to improve performance discipline in a company

IWTR (internal labor regulations) will consider: rules for the hiring of employees and their dismissal, the duties of the employee/employer and their rights, a clear and complete description of working time and rest, penalties and rewards, and the responsibilities of the parties. PVTR can be either a separately published document or an annex to an internal employment contract. PVTR can be approved as a separate act, or an order from the head of the enterprise.
(more details: Internal labor regulations) Regulations on labor discipline Some specific categories of workers, such as heads of administration and customs officers, have created separate legal documents.

Labor discipline - goals, rules and methods

Managing performance discipline is precisely this. Every manager must ensure that the employee reports from time to time on the work done. As practice shows, projects that were delivered on the deadline day are much lower in quality than those that were supervised by management throughout the entire development stage.

This can bring huge losses to the company, which will depend on the size of the penalties and the number of missed, profitable offers. Managing performance discipline will help avoid such incidents. Management means the implementation of a control system in the company that will monitor the timing of contracts, improve the quality of projects and ensure teamwork.
But keep in mind that the introduction of the most wonderful new rules in the vast majority of cases causes resistance even among the most loyal employees. Look for allies and like-minded people. Three leaves If you only care about the accuracy of specific simple operations, you can use the three-leaf system. It has been used for a long time. I noticed it when I was on vacation with my family in Egypt in one of the German hotels. To minimize disruptions during staff work, managers placed unique “trefoils” at their workplaces. On the first sheet there was a description of the action in German (the language of the leader), on the second - in the language of the performer (in this case - Arabic), and on the third sheet - pictures depicting the action. Simple and clear. Moreover, the action consisted of no more than four stages, the text was large, and the pictures were schematic.

Strengthening labor discipline in an organization using the example of OJSC Volgocemmash


management discipline labor

In a market economy, the importance of various factors that affect production efficiency increases, since due to reviving competition, performance becomes a decisive prerequisite for the existence and development of enterprises. Among the factors and efficiency, labor discipline occupies a significant place. Thus, even the most modern equipment and high-performance machinery will not give the desired result if their maintenance is poorly organized, and vice versa, if labor discipline is observed, the maximum result can be obtained from the appropriate technical equipment of production.

Discipline is the most important condition for the existence and development of any civilized society. Every society needs discipline for clear organization and successful work. And labor discipline is a necessary condition for any social work, any joint labor. Any joint work needs a certain discipline, a certain order, which are necessary so that everyone working together submits to this discipline, order, that is, so that everyone knows his place and does what he is supposed to do in accordance with the employment contract, internal rules labor regulations and other regulations.

Awareness of the importance and necessity of focusing on strengthening labor discipline is becoming a pressing issue for many enterprises in various industries, regardless of their form of ownership. The human factor is decisive in a complex system of socio-economic interaction, since it is a person who, as a result of intellectual and physical activity, creates technologies, equipment, and capital. Improving the organization of labor and strengthening labor and production discipline, as a manifestation of the human factor, in all links and at all levels, from the employee to the manager of the enterprise, do not require any capital investments and constitute a real and significant reserve for economic recovery. And vice versa - we can say with sufficient confidence that the basis of all disasters in society that are not related to natural disasters is the fault of a person who has violated discipline

Labor discipline is the subject of study in various sciences. Thus, labor discipline is considered by psychologists (from the point of view of motivation and psychological stimulation of workers’ work), sociologists (from the point of view of the influence of labor discipline on relationships in the team), and economists (from the point of view of the influence of labor discipline on labor productivity). It is the point of view of economists on labor discipline that is the thesis of this thesis.

In Russia there was a transition to a free enterprise society, which inevitably entailed a significant change in the content of labor discipline and the motives for strengthening it. Currently, strengthening labor discipline requires strengthening labor motivation. Work motivation is a determining factor in the inclusion of the interests of each individual in productive work, regardless of the form of ownership and field of activity of the organization. Work motivation is influenced by psychological and moral influence on participants in the production process (persuasion method), material and moral and legal incentives, the provision of various benefits and advantages (incentive method), as well as disciplinary measures applied to violators of labor discipline, and property measures. nature in the form of compensation for damage by the parties to the employment contract (coercion method).

Since labor discipline has a direct impact on the economic results of an enterprise, the topic of strengthening labor discipline is very relevant in modern society, when the state exempts citizens from the obligation to work and at the same time prohibits forced labor.

The purpose of the thesis is to develop directions for strengthening labor discipline by searching for the reasons for its decline based on an analysis at OJSC Volgocemmash.

In accordance with the goal of the thesis, the objectives will be:

consideration of theoretical aspects of strengthening labor discipline at the enterprise;

analysis of the economic results of OJSC Volgocemmash and their relationship with the use of labor resources;

analysis of labor discipline at OJSC Volgocemmash and identification of the reasons for its decline;

developing directions for strengthening labor discipline based on improving motivational factors that influence labor discipline;

calculation of the economic efficiency of the proposed directions for improving labor discipline.

The subject of the thesis research is the importance of labor discipline in modern society and the reasons for its decline. The object of the study is the state of labor discipline at the modern industrial enterprise OJSC Volgocemmash, Togliatti.

The thesis is structured into an introduction, 3 chapters, a conclusion and appendices.

The first chapter of the thesis presents the necessary characteristics of labor discipline, emphasizes its importance for the economic activity of the enterprise, and also provides a methodology for its analysis.

In the second chapter of the thesis, a comprehensive analysis of the use of labor resources at OJSC Volgocemamash was carried out. Labor discipline is linked to the economic results of the enterprise, and the reasons for its decline are identified. The analysis was confirmed by calculations and surveys by company employees.

In the third chapter of the thesis, two directions for strengthening labor discipline at OJSC Volgocemmash are proposed, which are the most significant for this enterprise and its employees. The proposed directions for strengthening labor discipline are cost-effective, which is confirmed by economic calculations.

In conclusion, conclusions on the thesis are presented.

The practical significance of the thesis lies in the development of a motivating social package that will help strengthen labor discipline at Volgocemmash OJSC, and will also bring additional profit to the company.

When writing the thesis, educational and methodological materials on the research topic were used, publications in economic journals and information data from the Internet were studied, and the financial statements of Volgocemmash OJSC for 2011-2013 were used.

1. Theoretical aspects of managing labor discipline in an enterprise

.1 Essence, significance and methods of labor discipline management

Labor discipline is the procedure established in a given labor organization for conduct in joint work, determined in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (eighth section “Labor Regulations and Labor Discipline”), other laws, collective agreements, agreements, employment contracts, local regulations of the organization, and liability for its violation.

Labor discipline is an objectively necessary form of communication between workers participating in the labor process. Its main requirement is that people participating in a single or different, but interconnected labor processes, submit to a certain order of behavior. The nature of this subordination, on the one hand, is determined by the characteristics of the technology and production technology used, on the other hand, it is derived from the socio-economic relations established in society and in the work collective.

With good work discipline, maximum labor results are achieved and the number of accidents and equipment breakdowns is reduced.

Labor discipline is included in technological and production discipline.

Technological discipline of workers consists in compliance with technical rules in production - this is part of their labor discipline. Violation of technological discipline by an employee is a production omission and gives grounds, along with bringing the culprit to disciplinary action, for full or partial deprivation of his bonus.

Production discipline means order in production. In its content, it covers the labor discipline and goes beyond it. In addition to labor discipline, production discipline includes ensuring the clear and rhythmic work of the organization, providing workers with raw materials, tools, materials, work without downtime, etc. Employees are responsible for observing not all production discipline, but only part of it, which consists in fulfilling their job duties. The employer is responsible for ensuring production discipline in full.

Labor discipline is ensured by the creation of the necessary organizational and economic conditions for normal, highly productive work. Creating normal and safe working conditions is the responsibility of the employer.

The importance of labor discipline is expressed in the following:

allows you to work with full dedication;

ensures highly productive work for each employee and the entire team;

promotes quality work;

promotes order in production and completion of tasks.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes methods for ensuring labor discipline, which include:

creation of the necessary organizational and economic conditions for normal operation;

conscious attitude to work;

persuasion, education and encouragement;

coercion, expressed in the application of disciplinary and social sanctions to violators of labor discipline.

Since compliance with labor discipline is mandatory for all categories of workers, high staff turnover, as well as regular violations, can be an indicator of its low compliance.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer has the right to the following penalties: reprimand; comment; dismissal.

The imposition of disciplinary sanctions not provided for by federal laws is not permitted. Only one penalty can be imposed for one offense. Only the dismissal of an employee is recorded in the work book.

Incentive measures include material (prizes, allowances, valuable gifts) and non-material (certificates of honor, nomination for local and state awards, honorary titles).

The procedure for rewarding employees at the enterprise is established by management.

Since labor discipline and its observance are decisive factors in the labor relations of employer and employee, each enterprise must have internal documents that must set out the norms of behavior of each employee of the enterprise, requirements for the work they perform and the working hours, and so on. This requirement is reflected in the law and is mandatory for every manager of an enterprise.

The labor regulations and labor discipline of the enterprise's employees are prescribed in the Internal Labor Regulations, the draft of which is developed by the enterprise's management and adopted in agreement with the workforce (either with the trade union committee, or with the workers' council, or at a general meeting of workers).

Economic methods make it possible to create an environment in the organization that will enable the employee to satisfy his economic needs and interests and ensure the implementation of the principle of social justice.

The effectiveness of economic management methods is determined by: the form of ownership and business activity, the principles of economic accounting, the system of material rewards, the labor market, market pricing, the tax system, the lending structure, etc.

Psychological methods help to select a team of like-minded people, avoid labor conflicts and successfully solve the tasks assigned to the organization.

Legal methods allow you to know and correctly apply persuasion, encouragement, and coercion, respectively, to conscientious and dishonest workers, while organizing the work of workers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Organization of workers' labor involves the creation of:

working conditions;

labor protection;

organization of the production process.

The main responsibility of the administration is to organize labor in such a way that each employee works in his own specialty and in accordance with his qualifications, because improper use of personnel contradicts the interests of not only production, but also the employee. In a well-organized enterprise, various forms of public relations and relations between participants in the labor process are clearly regulated

management discipline labor

The level and state of labor discipline depend on many factors:

organization of labor and production, systems of material and moral incentives,

planning and management systems,

degree of mechanization and automation of production processes,

level of educational work,

self-awareness of members of the work collective, etc.

The conditions include, for example, improvement of material and moral incentives, other socio-economic, as well as organizational prerequisites. Absenteeism, tardiness, early leaving work, drunkenness and other violations of internal labor regulations are generated, first of all, by such factors as untimely completion of production tasks, lack of materials and tools, disorderly operating hours of structural units, medical and preventive institutions, weak control on the part of managers over the work of subordinate workers, etc.

The main production factors that determine the level of discipline are the organization of work, sanitary conditions and overall job satisfaction. The state of labor discipline is also significantly influenced by the degree of real involvement of workers in the management of the production process, which indicates the need for an integrated and systematic approach to solving these problems based on plans for the economic and social development of teams.

Labor mechanization is of no small importance.

Management of labor discipline and rational use of working time is closely related to the system of measures for the formation of stable work teams, which is due to their interdependence. It has long been noted: the higher the level of discipline, the lower the staff turnover, and vice versa.

Various studies have proven a close connection between the state of labor discipline and an increase in the level of education and qualifications of workers, the organization of mentoring, the level of educational work in workers' dormitories and the organization of leisure, working conditions and sanitary conditions, and overall job satisfaction. In other words, work to strengthen labor discipline and form stable work teams involves the development and implementation of a unified set of measures of a technical, economic, social and educational nature.

I also consider it necessary to highlight the following factors contributing to low discipline in the enterprise:

) Injustice in remuneration and assessment of employee merits;

) Complex production and organizational structure;

) Low quality of job descriptions;

) Unreasonable personnel selection system;

By influencing each of these factors, using the methods described above, you can significantly influence labor discipline at the enterprise.

Managing labor discipline at an enterprise involves analyzing compliance with labor discipline in the structural divisions of the enterprise, recording and monitoring staff working hours, and, if necessary, developing and implementing measures aimed at strengthening labor discipline.

Such activities include, for example:

regular training of personnel in order to improve their skills;

introduction of additional incentive measures;

strict control of lateness (for example, through the introduction of an electronic pass system);

hiring personnel only on a competitive basis.

A special place in strengthening labor discipline is given to the ability to correctly use incentives to work and realize the economic interests of workers. It is impossible to strengthen labor discipline and increase people’s activity without paying attention to their living conditions and personal interests. Material interest is closely related to the social and production activities of people. It is a stimulus for work activity. A characteristic feature of the modern incentive system is that the remuneration of employees directly depends not only on the results of their individual work, but also on the overall results of the work of all personnel of the enterprise.

A general way of influencing an employee is the possibility of providing him with greater trust as the basis for creating a value system in the organization.

An educational role can be played by councils of primary units, councils of foremen, councils of workers of enterprises, institutions, and organizations.

In modern conditions, the main factor in maintaining high labor discipline at an enterprise can be instilling in employees a sense of moral and material responsibility for the success of the work of departments and all personnel as a whole. Where managers of enterprises and their departments show concern for staff, combining this with high demands, supported by measures of moral and material influence on people, good labor results should be expected.

A major role in strengthening labor discipline belongs to the heads of lower-level structural units - foremen and foremen, heads of groups, sectors, departments, etc., who are most closely related to the work and life of workers and directly influence production activities and the condition of workers.

To solve the problems of strengthening labor discipline, a form of social partnership is used, such as a collective agreement, which is a legal act regulating social and labor relations between employees and the employer.

1.3 Methodology for analyzing the state of labor discipline

When studying labor resource indicators, attention is first paid to how the organization is provided with the necessary personnel. For this purpose, the following are considered:

composition and structure of industrial production personnel;

provision of the organization and its divisions with workers, administrative and managerial personnel;

provision of qualified personnel;

labor movement.

The coefficient of dynamics of the number of employed is determined by formula 1.1:

TO d = (H P - H uv) / DC, (1.1)

where H P - number of hired workers, people; H uv - number of employees who quit, people; DC - opening balance, people;

The coefficient of dynamics of the numerical composition is determined by formula 1.2:

TO dchs = DH / Chsr (1.2)

where DF - fluctuations in the average payroll, people.

The turnover ratio for hiring employees is determined by formula 1.3:

TO etc = H prin/h generally (1.3)

where H prin - number of hired personnel, people; H generally - average number of personnel, people.

The turnover ratio for disposal is determined by formula 1.4:

TO V = H uv/h Wed (1.4)

where H uv - number of employees who quit, people.

Very often, the state of labor discipline is judged by indicators of labor productivity and staff turnover.

Labor productivity is determined by the amount of products (volume of work) produced by an employee per unit of time (hour, shift, quarter, year) or the amount of time spent on producing a unit of product (performing a specific job), formula 1.5:

P=TP/Chsr (1.5)

where TP is production volume, rub.; Chsr - average number of personnel, people.

The staff turnover rate is determined by formula 1.6:

TO T = H uvszh / Czech Republic (1.6)

where H uvszh - number of people who quit at their own request and for violation of labor discipline, people.

Based on sociological research, it was revealed that the acceptable limit for the turnover rate should be 5-7%. If the turnover rate at the enterprise is less than 5%, then a negative process of “aging” of personnel is observed, but if it is more than 7%, then there is a decrease in labor productivity.

The staff retention rate is determined by formula 1.7:

TO ps = H g/h Wed (1.7)

where H G - number of employees who worked the whole year, people.

When studying staff turnover, it is of great interest to measure its value not only for the enterprise as a whole, but also for its individual structural divisions and groups of employees. Turnover rates in individual departments or groups of employees are called partial turnover rates.

To assess the degree of influence of any particular turnover coefficient on its general production value, the turnover intensity coefficient (K) is used it ), which shows how many times the turnover of employees in the study group is higher (lower) than for the enterprise as a whole, formula 1.8:

TO it = K tch / CT x 100 (1.8)

where K tch - any partial fluidity coefficient.

The use of this indicator is of great importance for studying social, demographic, professional and other characteristics of turnover.

The staff turnover rate is directly related to the number of unauthorized absences from work, which is characterized by the absenteeism rate (A), formula 1.94:

A = D P / H joint venture x n R or A = T n/t R (1.9)

where D P - the number of working days lost in the analyzed period due to the employee’s absence from the workplace, days; T P - total fund of unworked man-hours, man-hours; T R - total fund of man-hours worked according to the schedule, man-hours.

The state of labor discipline and the frequency of its violations, leading to increased staff turnover, can be assessed using the following indicators:

) labor discipline coefficients:

TO td1 - characterizes the share of employees who did not violate labor discipline in the reporting period in the total number of personnel of the enterprise, formulas 1.10 and 1.11:

TO td1 = H joint venture - H n / H joint venture = F pl - T pv/f pl (1.10)

where H n - number of labor discipline violators, people; F pl - planned working time fund, person-hours; T pv - the amount of intra-shift and full-day losses of working time due to violations of labor discipline, person-hours; KTD 2- characterizes the share of reduction in working time of a unit as a result of full-day and intra-shift losses of working time caused by violations of labor discipline:

TO td2 = (1 - (n d / T cm x H R ) x (1 - (P d /F ef x Chpod ) (1.11)

where p etc. - intra-shift losses of working time by all studied workers as a result of violation of labor discipline, person-hours;

P etc. - full-day loss of working time by all studied workers as a result of violation of labor discipline, person-days;

F ef - effective working time fund of one employee in the analyzed period, days;

) share of labor discipline violators (N etc. ) - characterizes the share of employees who violated labor discipline in the reporting period in the total number of personnel of the enterprise, formula 1.12:

N etc. = H n / H sp x 100 (1.12)

In addition, the characteristics of the violators are also taken into account and the area or part of the production process where the largest number of violations was observed is determined.

Based on the results of such an analysis, the head of the enterprise can issue an order to comply with labor discipline. To analyze lost working time, a working time balance is compiled.

Loss of working time can be either due to the fault of the administration or as a result of a decrease in labor discipline. Such an analysis allows us to determine areas for reducing working time losses. Balance sheet data on the “absenteeism” line allows you to judge the state of labor discipline

To increase the efficiency of an enterprise, it is necessary to improve the structure of the use of working time. A significant reduction in intra-shift and full-day losses of working time can be achieved through organizational measures, increasing labor discipline, compliance with safety regulations, improving working conditions and labor protection measures, which will help reduce losses of working time, and, therefore, savings in manpower can be obtained enterprise personnel.

Possible savings in the number of employees by reducing losses and irrational expenditure of working time due to low labor discipline (“absenteeism”) is determined by formula 1.13:

E h = (T pv + T n ) x K / Ff (1.13)

where T pv - loss of working time, h; T n - irrational expenditure of working time, hours; TO With - coefficient of possible reduction of losses and waste of working time; F f - actual working time fund of one worker, hours.

To identify losses and waste of working time, the total working time fund of workers is analyzed and the influence of various factors on the use of working time is determined.

The amount of lost production as a result of absences and lost working time is determined by formula 1.14:

Q = ?Т x В (1.14)

Where ?O - amount of lost products, rub.; T - absences and losses of working time subject to reduction, h (days); B-production output hourly (daily), rub.

The presence of whole-day losses of working time leads to failure to meet the average annual output, and intra-shift losses of working time lead to failure to meet the average daily output.

To determine headcount savings due to improved use of working time while eliminating absenteeism and downtime due to the fault of the employee, formula 1.15 is used:

Ech = P etc + P CD /Fr (1.15)

where P etc - daily losses due to absenteeism, person-days; P CD - all-day downtime, person-days; F R - potential (planned) time fund of one worker, days.

Reducing lost working time is one of the reserves for increasing production output. To calculate its value, it is necessary to multiply the loss of working time due to the fault of the employee by the planned average hourly output, formula 1.16:

RP =P pv x B h (1.16)

where P ditch - loss of working time for various reasons, h; IN h - planned average hourly output per worker.

Thus, increasing labor discipline is one of the important conditions for high organization of labor and general economic recovery. Conversely, an insufficiently high level of discipline leads to losses, additional costs, and disorganizes production.

For production efficiency in general, it is necessary to possess methods for analyzing the reasons for the decline in labor discipline and, on their basis, developing measures to strengthen it.

Conclusions for chapter 1.

2. Analysis of the use of labor resources and labor discipline at OJSC Volgocemmash

.1 Technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise

OJSC Volgocemmash is an enterprise producing equipment for the cement industry. Since 1994, it has been a structural division of the Togliattiazot corporation. Located at: 445621, Samara region, Togliatti, st. Maxim Gorky, 96. Full name “Volga Production Association “Volgocemmash”.

The Volga production association "Volgocemmash" was founded in 1956 and a year later it already produced its first products. In 1960, production of technological equipment, crushing and grinding equipment, and roasting furnaces was mastered. In 1961, the metallurgical complex was launched. Over the past 50 years, the plant has produced the main technological equipment, providing 80% of cement production in Russia and the CIS countries.

Today, JSC Volgocemmash includes three production facilities: metallurgical, mechanical assembly and welding.

Today, the Volgocemmash plant produces on average up to 300 thousand items of parts, assemblies, and machines with a production cycle from 1 hour to a year.

OJSC "Volgocemmash" in its activities is guided by the Company's Charter, legislative acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents.

The management system of OJSC Volgocemmash includes two subsystems: control and controlled. The management system includes the general director of OJSC Volgocemmash, chief engineer, commercial director, and technical director. The managed system is the following divisions of the enterprise: production shops, finished product quality control laboratory, mechanical repair shop, construction shop, transport shop, supply department, sales department, accounting department, human resources department, etc.

The society in question is characterized by a linear-functional organizational management system, when functional services or individual specialists, depending on the functions performed, develop work programs for production units, which are coordinated and approved by the line manager. This combination makes it quite effective. With a clear system of relationships and full responsibility, line managers are freed from solving issues that are unusual for them.

The General Director of OJSC Volgocemmash determines the policy and strategy of enterprise management, carries out planning functions, coordinates the actions of secondary management, and resolves general organizational issues.

The production structure of OJSC "Volgocemmash" is subject-technological, as it takes into account both the nature and types of products and services, as well as the technology of their production, the scale of production, the principles of specialization and cooperation of divisions. This makes it possible to minimize intra-production transport routes and time spent on preparatory and procurement work and on the promotion of labor items and finished products.

The metallurgical production complex includes 3 workshops focused on the repair and production of certain types of equipment, as well as 6 technical departments. 10% of all workers at the plant are involved in the design and manufacture of equipment in metallurgical production. Production operates in 2-3 shifts. The task of the technological departments of metallurgical production is the preparation of equipment, not only during the period of establishing production of a new car model, but also during the ongoing support of existing production.

Welding production is focused on the production of large-sized structures: support systems, crossbars, frames for equipment, etc. It includes a production and technological department. 30% of all workers at the plant are involved in production. Production operates in 2 shifts.

Mechanical assembly production is represented by mechanical processing shops equipped with modern machining equipment, as well as support services: design and technological department, technological department, and claims department. 50% of all workers at the plant are involved in production. Production operates in 2 shifts.

The laboratory for control of raw materials and finished products controls the quality of incoming raw materials and incoming products.

To analyze the main economic indicators of OJSC Volgocemmash, we use data from the enterprise’s financial statements for 2010-2012. (Appendix 1-4). The dynamics of the main economic indicators of OJSC Volgocemmash are presented in table. 2.1.

Table 2.1. Dynamics of the main economic indicators of the economic activity of OJSC Volgocemmash for 2011-2013 gg.

IndicatorsAbsolute indicatorsChange 2012/2011 (+.-)Change 2013/2012 (+.-)2011 2012 2013 thousand rub.%thousand rub.%1. Revenue from the sale of works (services), thousand rubles 28660023231169290805236516712.74 minus 323117 minus 10.002. Number of employees, total, people. including 67896773528942.62 minus 232 minus 3.99 - engineers, employees, people 19519720321.0363.05 - main workers, people 48377053228759.42 minus 238-30.93. The wage fund of employees, thousand rubles 1303562106291512408027361.58 minus 89389 minus 29.184. Average salary of workers, rub. incl. 160221815117147212913.29 minus-1004 minus 5.53- engineers, employees, rub. 151021801118724290919.267133.96 - main workers, rub. 1639318187165451794210.94 minus 1642 minus 9.035. Output per 1 worker, thousand rubles 4227.143341.443956.33 minus -885.7 minus 20.95615.0918.46. Cost of production, thousand rubles 27033483074959277106337161113.74 minus 303896 minus 9.887. Costs per 1 rub. sales, rub. 0.940.920.94-002 minus - Gross profit (loss), thousand rubles 162654156210136989 minus 6444 minus 3.96 minus 19221 minus 12.39. Profitability of products (works), %6,025,084.94minus -0.94minus 15.61minus 0.14minus 2.76

According to the data in Table 2.2, the production volume of Volgocemmash OJSC for 2011-2012. increased by 12.74% or 365,167 thousand rubles in 2012-2013. decreased by 10% or 323,117 thousand rubles. This happened due to a decrease in the volume of work performed due to the exit of the component production division from the enterprise in 2013.

The number of personnel in 2011 was 678 people, including 483 main workers, in 2012 967 people, incl. main workers 770 people, and in 2013 735 people, including main workers 532 people.

For the analyzed period 2011-2013. the number of personnel increased by 57 people, of which the increase in technical and technical personnel amounted to 8 people, main workers - 49 people. The increase in personnel occurred as a result of an increase in the volume of work performed and the need to expand the staff. The increase in workers in 2012 compared to 2011 was 42.62%, in 2013 compared to 2012 there was a decrease in workers by 23.99%. The increase in engineers and employees in 2012 compared to 2011 was 1.03%, in 2013 compared to 2012 - 3.05%.

The average salary in 2011 was 15,102 rubles, in 2012 18,151 rubles, in 2013 17,147 rubles. The increase in average wages in 2012 was 13.29%, in 2013 there was a decrease in wages by 28.2%.

In 2011, the average salary of engineers and office workers was 17,300 rubles, in 2012 18,011 rubles, in 2013 18,724 rubles. The increase in the average salary of engineers and employees in 2012 was 19.26%, in 2013 - 3.96%.

In 2011, the average salary of main workers was 16,393 rubles, in 2012, 18,187 rubles, in 2013, 16,545 rubles. The increase in the average wage of main workers in 2012 was 10.94%; in 2013, the average wage decreased by 9.03%. The decrease in wages is associated with a decrease in the volume of work performed.

The output of workers in 2012 compared to 2011 decreased by 20.95%, and in 2013 compared to 2012 it increased by 18.4%. The decrease in output in 2012 was due to an increase in the number of personnel and inefficiency.

The cost of work performed in 2011 amounted to 2,703,348 thousand rubles, in 2012 3,074,969 thousand rubles, in 2013 2,771,063 thousand rubles. The increase in cost in 2012 compared to 2011 amounted to 13.74%. The reduction in cost in 2013 compared to 2012 was 9.88%.

Gross profit in 2011 amounted to 162,654 thousand rubles, in 2012 156,210 thousand rubles, in 2013 136,989 thousand rubles. In 2012 to 2011 the decrease was 3.96%, in 2013 to 2012 it decreased by 12.3%.

.2 Analysis of the use of labor resources

As of January 1, 2013, the number of personnel of OJSC Volgocemmash was 735 people. The share of workers is 72.4%. The average age of workers is 42 years. Women 64%, men 36%.

Let's consider the main data and indicators characterizing the personnel of OJSC Volgocemmash. We will analyze the labor supply based on data from reports on the number of personnel submitted by the enterprise’s personnel department (see Table 2.2).

Table 2.2. Analysis of labor supply in 2011-2013.

Indicator 2011 2012 2013 Deviation (+/-) Growth rate, % 2012/ 2011 2013/ 2012 2012/ 2011 2013/ 2012 Average number of employees, people, including: 678967735289 minus -23242.23 -24.0 Workers 483770532287 minus 23859.42-30.9 Engineers and employees, people, of which 195197203261.033.05 Managers, people 1315152015.380 Employees, people 1821821880603.29

As can be seen from the data in Table 2.2, in 2011-2013. There is a decrease in the number of employees of the enterprise. Thus, in 2012, the number of employees increased by 289 people or 42.23% compared to 2011. In 2013, compared to 2012, the number of personnel decreased by 232 people or by 24%. The number of workers in 2012 compared to 2011 increased by 287 people or 59.42%, and in 2013 compared to 2012 the number of workers decreased by 238 people or 30.9%.

The number of engineers and employees increased in 2013 compared to 2012 by 2 people or by 1.03%. In 2013, the number of engineers and employees increased by 6 people or 3.05% compared to 2012. At the same time, the number of managers for the period 2011-2013. increased by 8 people, and the number of employees increased over the same period by 6 people.

The decrease in the number of personnel in 2013 occurred due to the exit of the component production division from the enterprise, as well as a decrease in the number of workers due to a decrease in orders. Despite the decrease in the total number of personnel in 2013, the number of engineers and employees, on the contrary, is increasing.

Let us analyze the personnel structure of OJSC Volgocemmash in 2011-2013, and present the results in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3. Personnel structure of OJSC Volgocemmash in 2011-2013.

Categories 2011 2012 2013 number of people share, % number, people share, % number, person share, % Average number of employees, people including 678100967100735100 Workers 48371, 2477079, 6353272,38 Engineers and employees, of which: 19528, 7619720, 3720327,62 Managers 131, 92151, 55152,04 Employees 18224, 8418218, 8218825.58

From the data in Table 2.3 it is clear that the share of workers at the enterprise in 2012 was higher than its value in 2011 by 8.39%, in 2013 it was lower than in 2012 by 7.25%.

The share of engineers and employees decreased by 8.39% in 2012 and increased by 7.25% in 2013 compared to 2012. The share of managers in 2012 was 0.37% less than in 2011, and in 2013 compared to 2012 by 0.49%. The share of employees in 2012 compared to 2011 decreased by 6.02%, and in 2013 compared to 2012 increased by 6.76%.

The labor potential of an enterprise characterizes the level of education of workers. Let's consider the labor potential of Volgocemmash OJSC in terms of education (Table 2.4).

Table 2.4. Composition of personnel of OJSC Volgocemmash by education for 2010-2012.

Indicator 2011 2012 2013 Deviation (+/-) Growth rate, % 2012/ 2011 2013/ 2012 2012/ 2011 2013/ 2012 Total employees, incl. having:678967735289minus 23542.63minus 24.0higher education9312613733minus 1135.488.73specialized secondary education125235142110minus 9388.0minus 39.57vocational education310430300120minus 1303 8.71minus -30.23general secondary education15017615626minus 2017.33minus 11.36 Based on Table 2.4, which characterizes the labor potential of the enterprise, it is clear that in 2012 at OJSC Volgocemmash the number of employees with higher education increased by 33 people, and in 2013 it decreased by 11 people; with secondary specialized education there were 110 more people working in 2012 than in 2011, and in 2013 there were 93 fewer people. In 2012, there were 120 more workers with completed vocational education than in 2011, and in 2013 there were 130 fewer workers than in 2012. In 2012, there were 26 people more than in 2011, and in 2013 20 people less than in 2012.

Despite the withdrawal of the component production division from the enterprise, the number of employees with higher education increased in 2013 compared to 2012 by 8.73%, which indicates an increase in the labor potential of the enterprise. Moreover, while the number of engineers and employees in 2013 was 197 people, and the number of personnel with higher and secondary specialized education was 279 people, which is 82 people more than the vacancies of engineers and employees at the enterprise, i.e. 82 people with higher and secondary specialized education work as workers.

Thus, the professional and qualification level of the enterprise’s employees is quite high, allowing it to solve the tasks assigned to the enterprise.

Let us analyze the dynamics of the movement of the number of employees of OJSC Volgocemmash using the data in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5. Labor movement at OJSC Volgocemmash in 2011-2013.

Indicator 2011 2012 2013 Average number of employees (HR) 678967735 Hired at the enterprise 3111336 Left the enterprise, 2224539 including: for study, Armed forces, pension 4125 At the end of the contract 796 at their own request 521319 for violation of labor discipline 6119

Let's analyze staff turnover.

Let us determine the coefficient of dynamics of the number of employees using formula 1.1:

TO d2011 = 311-22/678 = 0.42

TO d2012 = 13-245/967 = -0.24

TO d2013 = 36-39/735 = -0.004

Let us determine the coefficient of dynamics of the numerical strength using formula 1.2:

TO dchs2012 = (967-678)/967 = 0.29

TO dchs2013 = (735-967)/735 = -0.31

The coefficient of dynamics of the numerical composition shows an increase in the numerical composition in 2012 compared to 2011 by 29%, in 2013 compared to 2012 a decrease of 31%.

Let's analyze the movement of labor.

Let's determine the turnover ratio for hiring employees using formula 1.3:

TO pr2011 = 311/678 = 0.46

TO pr2012 = 13/967 = 0.01

TO pr2013 = 39/735 = 0.05

The turnover ratio for hiring workers shows a decrease in newly hired workers in 2012 by 45% compared to 2011, and an increase in 2013 by 4% compared to 2012.

Let's determine the turnover ratio for disposal using formula 1.4:

Q2011 = 22/678 = 0,03

Q2012 = 245/967 = 0,25

Q2013 =14/735= 0,02

The attrition turnover ratio shows an increase in staff dismissals in 2012 by 22% compared to 2011, and a decrease in dismissals in 2013 by 23% compared to 2012.

Let's determine the staff turnover rate using formula 1.6:

TO t2011 = (5 + 6)/678 = 0.016

TO t2012 = (213 + 11) /967 = 0.23

TO t2013 = (23 + 5) /735 = 0.038

The staff turnover rate in 2011 was 0.016, in 2012 0.23, in 2013 0.038. In 2012, staff turnover increased by 21.4%, in 2013 it decreased by 19.2%.

Let's determine the coefficient of staff persistence using formula 1.7:

TO ps2011 = (678 + 311 - 7 - 5 - 6)/678 = 971/678 = 1,43

TO ps2012 = (967 + 13- 9 - 213 - 11)/967= 747/967= 0,77

TO ps2013 = (735 + 36 - 6 - 23 - 5)/735= 737/735= 1,0

The staff retention rate shows that in 2012, compared to 2011, turnover increased by 66% (due to the withdrawal of the kvass and drinks production workshop), in 2013, compared to 2012, turnover decreased by 23 %.

General dynamics of labor productivity in 2011-2013. presented in table 2.6 and fig. 2.5.

Table 2.6. Dynamics of productivity of workers at OJSC Volgocemmash for 2011-2013.

Indicator 2011 2012 2013 Growth rate for 2012-2013, % Growth rate for 2013-2012, % Sales volume, thousand rubles. (TP) 286600232311692908052112.7489.99 Average annual number of employees (Chr) 678967735142.6376.0 Average annual output per 1 employee, thousand rubles. (Vr)4227.143341.443956.3379.04118.4

Table 2.6 shows an increase in labor productivity in 2013 compared to 2012 by 18.4% (Table 2.6).

Let's analyze labor productivity using the data in Table 2.1 and Table 2.6.

Let us determine the influence of factors: commercial output (TP) and the number of personnel (H) on changes in labor productivity (LP) using the method of chain substitution, using data for the last two years:

PT 2012=TP 2012/H 2012= 2641254/967 = 2731.39 thousand rubles/person.

PT conv =TP 2013/H 2012= 2866002/967 = 2963.81 thousand rubles/person.

PT 2013fact =TP 2013fact /H 2013fact = 2866002/735 = 3899.32 thousand rubles/person.

PT 2013plan =TP 2013plan /H 2013plan = 3000908/745 = 4028.06 thousand rubles/person.

Changes in labor productivity for 2012-2011 actual:

?PT 2013fact = PT 2013fact - PT 2012= 3899.32 - 2731.39 = 1167.93. rub./person

including due to:

increasing production output:

?PT TP = PT conv - PT 2012= 2963.81 - 2731.39 = 232.42 thousand rubles/person.

staff reduction:

?PT H = PT 2013fact - PT conv = 3899.32 - 2963.81 = 935.51 thousand rubles. /person

The change in actual productivity from planned in 2013 was:

?PT 2013fact = PT 2013plan - PT 2013fact = 4028.06-3899.32 = 128.74 thousand rubles/person.

The total increase in labor productivity in 2013 compared to 2012 amounted to 1167.93 thousand rubles per person, due to an increase in product output by 232.42 thousand rubles per person, and due to a decrease in the number of personnel by 935.51 thousand rubles/person.

Actual labor productivity indicators in 2013 turned out to be higher than planned by 128.74 thousand rubles per person.

Analysis of the level of labor productivity must be considered in close connection with wages. With the growth of labor productivity, real prerequisites are created for increasing the level of labor remuneration. At the same time, funds for wages must be used in such a way that the growth rate of labor productivity outstrips the growth rate of wages. Only under such conditions are opportunities created for increasing the rate of expanded reproduction.

Let us analyze the relationship between the growth rate of labor productivity and the growth rate of wages, and place the calculation data in Table 2.7. In this case, the data from table is used. 2.1.

Table 2.7. The ratio of the growth rate of labor productivity and the growth rate of wages at OJSC Volgocemmash

Indicator 2011 2012 2013 Growth rate 2012 to 2011 Growth rate 2013 to 2012 Volume of production, thousand rubles 2413761264125428660021.0941.085 Average annual number of employees 6789677351.4260, 76Average annual output per 1 worker, thousand rubles. 3560.122731.394035.380.7671.477 Payroll fund, thousand rubles 1303562106291512401.6150.718 Leading coefficient (production growth coefficient - wage growth coefficient) - 0.8480.759

Table 2.7 shows that the actual increase in labor productivity in 2013 compared to 2012 amounted to 1303.99 thousand rubles per person. or 47.7%. At the same time, there was a decrease in wages in 2013 compared to 2012 by 28.2%. In 2012, the growth of average annual output was lower than the growth of wages by 15.2%. In 2013, average annual output was 75.9% higher than wage growth.

The analysis of the use of labor resources and labor productivity in 2013 showed the ineffective use of workers' working time as a result of downtime due to the fault of the enterprise, absenteeism and the provision of additional leaves to employees while simultaneously reducing the actual number of personnel. At the same time, the decrease in wages was 28.2%, and the increase in labor productivity was 47.7%.

These indicators indicate an increase in the workload on staff, despite downtime due to the fault of the enterprise with a simultaneous reduction in wages. If in 2012 the average salary was 18,151 rubles, then in 2013 it was 17,147 rubles, which is 1,004 rubles more. less. This decrease also occurs against the backdrop of an increase in overtime work. Such indicators will undoubtedly cause dissatisfaction among staff.

Let's analyze the use of working time.

The complete use of labor resources can be assessed by the number of days and hours worked by one employee during the analyzed period of time, as well as by the degree of use of the working time fund. Such an analysis is carried out for each category of workers, for each production division and for the enterprise as a whole (Table 2.8).

Table 2.8. Use of labor resources of JSC Volgocemmash

Indicator 2012 2013 Deviation fact (+,-) plan fact from 2012 from plan Number of employees, people 967745735202 minus 10 Worked per year by one worker: days hours 220 1884224 1920215 1864.2 minus 5 minus 19.9 minus 9 minus 55.8 Average duration working day , h7.8587.8 minus 0.05 minus -0.2 Total working time, h 182182814304001370187 minus 451641 minus 60213 Including overtime worked by 1 worker, h 9.7-7.6 minus 2.17.6 Total number of overtime hours worked by workers, h 9088.9- 5586minus 3502.95586

At JSC Volgocemmash, the actual working time fund is 60,213 hours less than planned. The influence of factors on its change can be established by chain substitution using formulas 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3

?FW chr = (CR f - CR pl ) x D pl x p pl, (2.1)

Where, ?FW chr - change in the working time fund depending on the number of workers; CR f and CR pl - actual and planned number of workers, respectively, D pl and D f - the number of days worked by one worker on average per year, planned and actual, respectively; P pl and P f -average working day planned and actual, respectively; ?FW d - change in the working time fund depending on the number of hours worked by workers on average per year,

?FW d = (D f - D pl ) x CR f x Ppl (2.2)

Where ?FW P - change in working hours depending on the average working day,

?FW P = (P f - P pl ) x D f x CR f (2.3

?FW chr = (735 - 745) x 224 x 8 = -17920 h;

?FW d = (215 - 224) x 735 x 8 = -52920 h;

?FW P =(7.8 - 8) x 215 x 735 = -31605 h;

As a result of a decrease in the number of workers by 10 people in comparison with planned indicators, there was a decrease in the working time fund by 17,920 hours. A decrease in the number of days worked by 9 days for each worker led to a decrease in the actual time fund in comparison with the planned one by 52,920 hours. As a result of a decrease in the average length of the day by 0.2 hours in comparison with planned indicators, there was a decrease in the working time fund by 31,605 hours.

As can be seen from the above data, the available labor resources of OJSC Volgocemmash are not used fully enough. On average, one worker worked 215 days instead of 224, and therefore the excess daily loss of working time amounted to 9 days or 72 hours for one worker, and 6615 days or 52920 hours for all workers.

In reality, they are even higher due to the fact that the actual time worked includes overtime hours worked. If they are excluded, then the total working time will be 1311681 hours (1370187-52920 - 5586), which is 1784.6 hours. annual background time per 1 worker instead of the actual 1864.2 hours, which is equal to 10 days of lost working time per 1 worker. Thus, the actual loss of working time amounted to 19 days per year or 152 hours per worker, or 13,965 days or 111,720 hours for all workers.

The actual loss of working time due to overtime worked will be 31,605 hours ((7.6 - 7.8) x 215 x 735), and the total loss of working time in comparison with planned indicators will be 63,210 hours. ((7.6 - 8) x 215 x 735).

Reducing the loss of working time for reasons depending on the workforce is a reserve for increasing labor productivity, which does not require additional capital investments and allows you to quickly get a return.

To identify the causes of all-day and intra-shift losses of working time, data from the actual and planned balance of working time are compared (see Table 2.9). They can be caused by various objective and subjective circumstances not provided for by the plan: additional leaves with the permission of the administration, illnesses of workers with temporary loss of ability to work, absenteeism, downtime due to malfunction of equipment, machinery, mechanisms, due to lack of work, raw materials, materials, electricity, fuel, etc. Each type of loss is analyzed in more detail, especially those that depend on the enterprise.

Table 2.9. Analysis of the use of working time fund in 2013

Indicator Per one worker Deviation from plan, hour Plan fact per 1 worker for all workers Calendar number of days, including 365,365 - holidays 99 - weekends 5,252 - weekends Saturdays 5,050 - Nominal working time, days 254,254 - Absence from work, total, hour. including annual leave 1616 - study leave 12 + 1 + 75 maternity leave 32 - 1 - 75 additional leave with the permission of the administration 57 + 2 + 150 illness 57.8 + 2.8 + 210 absenteeism - 0.2 + 0.2 + 15 idle time -4+4+300 Availability of working time, days 224215-9-675 Working time budget, hour 19311906.2-24.8-1860 Pre-holiday shortened days 99--Preferential time for teenagers, hours 22.4+0.4+30 Intra-shift downtime, hour. -30.6+30.6+2295Useful working time fund, hour 19201864.2-55.8-4140Average duration of work shift, hour87.8-0.2-15Overtime hours worked, hour-7.6+7.6+ 570Unproductive costs of working time - 8.3+8.3+622.5

Table 2.9 shows that most of the losses ((150 +15+ 300) = 465 hours) are caused by subjective factors: additional leaves with the permission of the administration, absenteeism, downtime, which can be considered unused reserves for increasing the working time fund. Preventing them is equivalent to releasing 0.25 employees (465/1864.2).

The working time budget was underfulfilled by 60,213 hours, which, given the current sales volume in 2013, was 2,866,002 thousand rubles. equivalent to a shortfall of 125,946.7 thousand rubles. (2866002 x 60213/1370187).

Having studied the loss of working time, it is necessary to establish unproductive labor costs, which consist of the cost of working time as a result of poor-quality services and their correction (defects), as well as in connection with deviations from the technological process. To determine their value, we use data on losses from marriage (magazine order No. 10). Let's calculate the unproductive costs of working time. The initial data is summarized in Table 2.10.

Table 2.10. Data for calculating non-productive working hours in 2013

Indicator Amount, thousand rubles Cost price 2771063 Payroll fund 151240 Material costs 1718059 Cost of rejected products (services) 5007 Costs of correcting defects 123

According to Table 2.10 we determine:

1. The share of wages of workers in the cost price:

x 100/ 2771063= 5.46%

The amount of wages in the cost of the final marriage:

x 5.46/100 = 273.27 thousand rubles.

The share of wages of workers in the cost of services minus raw materials, semi-finished products and components:

/(2771063-1718059) x 100 = 14.36%

Salaries of marriage correction workers:

x 14.36/100 = 17.66 thousand rubles.

Wages of workers in final marriage and for its correction:

27 + 17.66 = 290.93 thousand rubles.

Average hourly salary of workers:

/(735x1864.2)= 0.11 thousand rubles.

Working time spent on making defects and correcting them:

93 /0.11 = 2644.82 hours

Thus, the loss of working time due to the production of low-quality products amounted to 2644.82 hours.

To determine the level of output per worker, we will draw up an analytical table 2.11.

Table 2.11. Output indicators per employee at OJSC Volgocemmash in 2013

Indicator Plan Fact Deviation from plan absolute% to plan Sales volume, thousand rubles 3042958 2908053 minus 13490695.5 Average number of workers, people 745735 minus 198.68 Average annual output per worker, thousand rubles 4084.53956.53 minus 127.9696.8 F on working time, hour 14304001370187 minus 6021395.79 Average hourly output per worker, thousand rubles 2.1272.092 minus 0.03598.35

According to Table 2.11, it can be seen that the average annual output per worker actually decreased by 127.96 thousand rubles. Average daily hourly output per worker actually decreased by 35 rubles.

This deviation is caused by the influence of the following factors:

reduction in the number of personnel compared to the plan;

loss of working time;

presence of marriage;

unproductive waste of working time.

Reducing lost working time is one of the reserves for increasing production output. It is within the power of the enterprise to reduce the loss of working time caused by the fault of the enterprise. To calculate it, it is necessary to multiply the loss of working time (LOW) due to the fault of the enterprise (downtime and unproductive costs of working time, table 2.9) by the planned average hourly output (AHPL) (table 2.11):

D VP = PRV ´ ChVpl (2.4)

D VP1 slave = (4 + 30.6+ 8.3) ´ 2.127= 91.24 thousand rubles.

?D VP = 91.24 x 735 = 67061.4 thousand rubles.

Thus, the reserve for increasing production output is 67061.4 thousand rubles.

2.3 Analysis of labor discipline

Let's determine the coefficient of labor discipline using formula 1.10:

TO td12011 = 678 - 6 / 678 ​​= 0.991

TO td12012 = 967 - 11 / 967 = 0.988

TO td12013 = 735-9 / 735 = 0.997

Labor discipline in 2012 compared to 2011 improved by 0.3%. In 2013, compared to 2012, labor discipline worsened by 0.1%.

Let us determine the proportion of labor discipline violators using formula 1.12:

N td12011 = 6 / 678 ​​x 100 = 0.884%

N td12012 = 11 / 967 x 100 = 1.137%

N td12013 = 9 / 735 x 100 = 1.22%

Data indicate that in 2013, labor discipline worsened by 0.06% compared to 2012.

According to the data presented by the HR department, a table has been compiled on the reasons for violation of labor discipline. 2.12.

Table 2.12. Reasons for violation of labor discipline in 2011-2013.

Type of violation of labor discipline 2011 2012 2013 people % people % people % Systematic lateness to work 233.3218.18-- Showing up at work while intoxicated 233.319.09111.11 Failure to comply with management orders 116.7327.27333.33 Inappropriate performance of one's duties leading to a deterioration in quality 116.7545.45555.56 Total 6100111009100

According to Table 2.12, it can be seen that the main reasons for violation of labor discipline are failure to comply with management orders and improper performance of one’s job duties, leading to deterioration in product quality.

According to table. Table 2.12 shows that in 2012 compared to 2011, the increase in violations due to failure to comply with management orders was 3 people compared to 1 person in the previous period, which is 10.57% more in proportion. In 2013, 3 people also committed violations under this article, but the share of these violations increased by 6.06%.

Inappropriate performance of their duties, which led to a deterioration in quality, was committed by 5 people in 2012 compared to 1 person in 2011, which is 28.75% more in the proportion of all violations. In 2013, 5 people also committed violations under this article, but the share of these violations increased by 10.11%.

A positive factor is the absence in 2013 of violations of labor discipline due to lateness to work.

Violations of labor discipline are associated with a deterioration in the quality of products and an increase in the level of defects. Therefore, a survey of plant workers was conducted on job satisfaction, and the labor potential of workers was investigated.

Key assessment parameters were selected that reflect the state of the workshop’s labor potential: education, work experience, job satisfaction. Indicators by level of education are presented in Table 2.4. In 2013, the number of employees with higher education was 137 people, the number of employees with secondary specialized education was 142 people. Thus, the number of employees with higher and secondary specialized education was 37% (137+142/735 x 100).

Data on the length of service of employees is presented by the personnel service of the enterprise. The number of employees with more than 2 years of experience at the enterprise is 68%. Table 2.13 shows the values ​​of indices reflecting the state of the labor potential of OJSC Volgocemmash.

Name of the resource index Reference value, points Actual value, points 1. Employee education index522. Employee length of service index643. Job satisfaction index5174. Integral index1623

Thus, labor potential according to the methodology of L. Ismagilova-T. Gileva of the employees of OJSC Volgocemmash. is average.

Let us analyze staff satisfaction with work using the methodology of V.A. Rozanova. (see table 2.14). 30 people took part in the survey. Taking the answers “completely satisfied” and “satisfied” as the general wording of “satisfied”, and the answers “not completely satisfied”, “not satisfied” and “extremely dissatisfied” as the general wording of “not satisfied”, we will draw up a diagram of the answers (see Fig. 2.7 ).

Table 2.14. Results of the survey using the Rozanova method V.A.

Completely satisfiedNot completely satisfiedNot satisfiedExtremely dissatisfiedYour satisfaction with the organization where you work714342Your satisfaction with the physical conditions (heat, cold, noise, etc.)5101131Your job satisfaction118740Your satisfaction with the coherence of employees89643Your satisfaction with the leadership style of your boss612543Your satisfaction with the professional competence of your boss108705Your and satisfaction with salary (in the sense its compliance with labor costs)128145Your satisfaction with your salary in comparison with how much they pay for the same work in other organizations328125Your satisfaction with career (professional) promotion381063Your satisfaction with possible promotions381153Your satisfaction with the extent to which you can use your experience and abilities in your work711732Your satisfaction with the work requirements for intelligence515343Your satisfaction length of the working day1610400To what extent would your job satisfaction influence your decision if you were looking for a job561072Total score791041006735

Based on Table 2.14, we can conclude that the greatest dissatisfaction among staff is the existing wages; the current situation regarding employee promotion.

8 people are not completely satisfied with the existing remuneration system, 14 people are not satisfied, 5 people out of 30 respondents are extremely dissatisfied, i.e. 27 people out of 30 respondents, or 90% of the staff, are not satisfied with their wages.

10 people are not completely satisfied with the existing system of professional promotion, 6 people are not satisfied, 3 people out of 30 respondents are extremely dissatisfied, i.e. 19 people out of 30 respondents or 63.3% of the surveyed personnel are not satisfied with the system of professional training and promotion.

Thus, the greatest dissatisfaction of the staff is caused by the level of wages and the system of professional promotion and training at OJSC Volgocemmash. Personnel dissatisfaction with these factors causes deterioration in labor discipline. Consequently, improving labor discipline at the enterprise will be facilitated by improving the motivation of workers through an increase in wages, as well as increasing the qualification level of workers.

We will conduct an assessment of social programs at the enterprise. A study of the enterprise's social package showed that every year an order from the director is prepared on the social guarantees provided to employees.

In addition to paying for sick leave from the federal social insurance fund, employees have the following social guarantees in 2013:

Child birth benefit in the amount of 8,000 rubles.

Funeral benefit for an employee of the enterprise in the amount of 10,000 rubles.

Retirement benefit in the amount of the employee's monthly salary.

Allowance for 55th and 60th anniversary dates in the amount of 3,000 rubles.

The company does not have agreements with kindergartens and clinics to provide services to employees and children of employees, and does not reimburse payments for kindergartens to employees. And since the workers are not employees of OJSC Volgocemmash and are not classified as budget employees, parents have to pay 100% for the maintenance of their children.

The company does not have 13 wages and vacation compensation. Workers are reluctant to take vacations because vacation pay is very low. Many employees have accumulated unused vacations over several years, and OJSC Volgocemmash does not provide compensation for unused vacations.

In 2013, all employees underwent a medical examination under the presidential program. As a result, 50% of workers have chronic diseases. The lack of compensation for operations practiced in many enterprises, financial assistance, and compensation for sanatorium treatment forces workers to look for better working conditions.

From Fig. 2.11 shows that the largest share is occupied by such programs as compulsory medical insurance and paid days of temporary disability - 22% each, the smallest - paid holidays (there is no double payment on weekends and holidays) - 4%.

For the purpose of a detailed assessment of the social satisfaction of personnel at the enterprise, a survey of employees was conducted with a five-point assessment of existing social programs. The survey results are presented in Table 2.15.

Table 2.15. Survey of social satisfaction of personnel of OJSC Volgocemmash

Question? Average score Total respondents, people. TOTAL points 123451. Paid holidays+38382. Paid holidays+1903. Paid days of temporary disability + 1904. Paid rest break time05. Paid lunches06. Compulsory medical insurance at the enterprise +1907. Additional pension insurance at the enterprise08. Accident and long-term disability insurance09. Providing free parking010. Financial assistance +7611. Providing recreation and entertainment facilities for employees to use+7612. Medical care at the enterprise013. Compensation for spa treatment014. Delivery of personnel by company transport, compensation for transport015. Providing kindergartens and camps for children of employees016. Encouraging celebrants+114TOTAL:874

According to the social survey, Table 2.11 shows that state social programs at the enterprise are implemented 100% (payment of sick leave, compulsory health insurance,...).

Thus, based on an assessment of the social programs of OJSC Volgocemmash, a number of social problems have been identified that require measures to overcome them.

A summary table of existing problems at OJSC Volgocemmash is presented in table. 2.16.

Table 2.16. Summary table of existing social problems at OJSC Volgocemmash

Factor (cause) influencing the occurrence of problems Problem Activities Lack of a social program Lack of medical care at the enterprise Concluding an agreement for medical care for personnel Lack of a social program Lack of compensation payments for sanatorium and resort treatment Organization of sanatorium and resort treatment for enterprise employees and their families Lack of a social program Partial provision of recreation and entertainment facilities Stimulating the work of employees by providing a subscription for visiting the swimming poolLow wagesStaff turnoverAdditional paymentsotherotherother

.1 Justification of the problems of reducing labor discipline

An objective analysis of the qualitative composition of the personnel of OJSC Volgocemmash indicates that, despite the fact that the enterprise finished 2013 with good results, all this was achieved due to an increase in the workload on personnel due to a decrease in the number, which causes dissatisfaction among the staff, i.e. To. the increased workload by 18.4% does not correspond to the increase in wages (its decrease was 28.2%). Increased workload on staff and dissatisfaction with existing wages leads to a decrease in labor discipline.

Lack of training and mentoring causes an increase in defects in the enterprise. Lost working time due to the production of low-quality products amounted to 2607 hours. - the reserve for increasing production output is 66153.08 thousand rubles.

Urgent measures are required to create programs for training, retraining and advanced training of workers. Mentoring is not developed at the enterprise - young workers immediately get to work after instruction.

Of great importance for strengthening the workforce of workers and employees of OJSC "Volgocemmash" are the regulatory consolidation and use in practice of moral and material incentives, motivational mechanisms, especially in terms of remuneration, encouraging employees to work conscientiously, continuous self-education and professional improvement, strict adherence to moral standards. ethical standards.

It is necessary to develop a motivating social package in order to reduce staff turnover, especially highly qualified ones.

In order to improve the quality of products, as well as improve the quality of labor, it is proposed to introduce the following program for training, retraining and advanced training of workers of OJSC Volgocemmash:

The organization and planning of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel is carried out by the personnel department based on the enterprise's needs for specialists of various qualifications in relevant professions, based on quality management, taking into account the long-term development of production, according to requests from department heads.

Develop annual long-term plans for personnel training based on requests from department heads, coordinate with the chief engineer and chief accountant, and approve by the general director of OJSC Volgocemmash.

Create the Council of OJSC Volgocemmash for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel as an advisory body to consider the most important and promising issues in vocational training. This council should also be an examination certification commission headed by the chief engineer. The council should include heads of services and departments of the plant.

The management of vocational and technical training is entrusted to the chief engineer.

The head of the personnel department, engineers, qualified workers must be responsible for the full implementation of training programs and for the quality of professional training of workers.

) Training of workers.



Introduce a system of certification of workers, for which purpose, once every three years, create a certification commission from the managers of the enterprise: certification of workers is carried out on the recommendation of foremen on the basis of professiograms.

These measures will be enshrined in the collective agreement of OJSC Volgocemmash.

The worker training program includes:

) All newly hired workers who do not have a profession (specialty) must undergo vocational training to the extent of the requirements of the qualification characteristics of the initial level of qualification in the profession and according to the approved program.

) The HR and labor safety department must send new workers to study in educational institutions in Tolyatti after registration for work in accordance with current labor legislation.

The process of professional advancement should be built on the following stages.

When applying for a job, young specialists undergo safety training conducted by a foreman.

Instruction is an explanation and demonstration of work techniques directly at the workplace and is carried out by the foreman during the initial entry into the position of a worker.

During the briefing, workers are informed about the operating mode of the enterprise. The worker’s place of work is shown and information is provided about safety precautions at the workplace and throughout the enterprise. The worker signs in the Introductory Briefing Log, the Initial Briefing Log, and the Fire Safety Rules Briefing Log.

In addition, the foreman provides instructions on the quality requirements of the products.

Then a mentor is assigned to the young specialist for a period of 3 to 12 months. For the work of a mentor, a monthly bonus of 10% of the salary is provided.

Mentoring is formalized by order, fixing the mentor’s responsibility for training the worker, the duration of the training and the level of additional payments for training to the mentor. After the young specialist’s training period established for each specialty has passed, the worker is certified, assigned a rank and wages are increased. In case of successful certification of the worker, a one-time incentive is given to the mentor in the amount of 50% of the salary.

The benefits of mentoring are obvious because learning occurs on the job and is characterized by direct interaction with regular work in a normal work situation. The defining characteristic here is that the training is organized and conducted for a specific person in a specific profession, taking into account the specifics of production. Mentoring is preferred for developing the skills required to perform a specific job.

Mentoring is divided into three periods:

a period of exercises when typical techniques and operations are demonstrated, mastered and reinforced;

the period of performing training and production tasks, when, with the help of mastered typical techniques and operations, a number of gradually more complex tasks and their combinations are performed;

the period of independent work, when the trainee performs work at the workplace that he will occupy after training, and becomes accustomed to independent work.

The third period ends with a qualifying test.

The task of mentors:

to instill professional skills in students;

teach the most rational working techniques based on the mentor’s experience;

master production standards, achieve quality indicators.

The process of self-education of workers is given great importance, since it is connected with the individual characteristics of a person in acquiring knowledge. The task of mentors and instructors is to teach workers to use primary sources.

At JSC Volgocemmash, a survey of 30 workers was conducted regarding their attitude towards self-training. 9 people responded that they had some difficulty studying specialized literature. Almost a third of the students surveyed said that they had difficulty finding the most important ideas on a training topic in the sources recommended for self-study. 11 people noted incomplete knowledge of the scientific content of the concepts and categories used. 2 people stated that they did not know how to summarize the ideas presented by the author; 4 people refer to the inability to apply the studied material directly in the production process. Only 4 people out of 30 respondents do not experience any of the above difficulties.

Thus, it is clear that the workers of Volgocemmash OJSC are experiencing difficulties with self-training.

It is necessary to train workers to use primary sources. It is necessary to organize a seminar for workers in order to overcome difficulties in studying primary sources. You can orientate in different ways. For example, simply indicate which ideas are located on which pages of the original source. Give similar examples of applying knowledge from the primary source, etc.

The in-plant system of advanced training should be carried out in the following areas: advanced training; work quality training; safety training.

An analysis of the provision of workers with a social package revealed that at OJSC Volgocemmash there are extremely few social programs, which affects labor discipline, since it reduces the commitment of workers to the enterprise.

It is proposed to include the following activities in the motivating social package:

.Conclude an agreement for medical care for company employees.

The proposed social programs will help to reduce staff turnover and improve employee health and labor discipline.

3.2 Development of a plan for improving the professional competence of employees and calculation of the economic efficiency of the project

In order to improve labor discipline, it is necessary to increase the interest of personnel in high-quality and productive work. To achieve this, it is proposed to improve the personnel training system in order to improve their skills. To do this, it is necessary to draw up a training schedule for workers in the following areas: practical training in specialties; practical tasks; seminars on the study of advanced production experience, advanced techniques and work methods. Include in the order the persons responsible for conducting training (foremen, foremen, skilled workers).

The purpose of practical classes is to consolidate theoretical knowledge and apply this knowledge in practice, developing independent thinking. Training is carried out in the form of an interview. As a rule, an interview ends the study of the topic of full involvement of class participants in the active process of collective discussion and comprehension of the topic, which allows us to identify the knowledge and opinions of students on complex issues.

Starting the interview, the instructor defines in the introduction the direction of the collective discussion, recalls the content of the topic, sets the main task, and identifies the main questions. The introduction lasts up to 10-15 minutes. Next, the instructor invites students to speak. When preparing for an interview, the instructor needs to think through questions in advance that will correspond to the activation of listeners, the development of discussion, and polemics.

The most effective method of conducting practical classes is the method of practical tasks. The purpose of this method is to instill in students the skills of analysis and assessment of certain facts, phenomena, situations; learn to make generalizations and conclusions, develop recommendations and participate in their implementation. Listeners' performances with thematic conversations help them develop the ability to clearly formulate and freely express their thoughts and defend their beliefs.

Advantages of the practice method:

allows workers to get acquainted with the experience of other organizations;

promotes the development of practical skills in making group decisions and effective discussion;

specifies the studied theoretical approaches.

Despite the many positive aspects of this method of conducting classes, the instructor must remember that practical tasks are not an end in themselves, but a means to help students creatively master knowledge and apply this knowledge in practice.

During practical assignments, practical classes are conducted to master the methods of working on complex equipment under the guidance of a mentor and masters using the copying method, i.e. automatic repetition of work techniques on complex equipment.

Training in quality and work safety is carried out in the form of monthly seminars with the participation of a safety engineer and a specialist from the head of the laboratory for quality control of raw materials and finished products (“Quality School”).

At the seminars, practical situations, safety violations that occurred during work are analyzed; the main reasons for product defects are described; workers are trained under special programs aimed at studying the ISO 9000 quality system; facts of best practices at similar enterprises, both domestic and foreign, are provided. Workers are informed of penalties for producing low-quality products, incentives for quality work and prevention of violations of safety regulations.

The seminar is structured according to the principle: first listen to the instructor's report, then discuss.

To improve the skills of workers at the expense of the enterprise, the following measures are recommended:

) Training of qualified workers at the university with the aim of securing them in production and transferring them to engineering and technical personnel.

) Foreman courses are created in order to form a reserve of foreman from among the most advanced workers. Their goal is: increasing the level of knowledge in such areas as production and management, improving the quality of products, labor legislation, and labor protection;

) Advanced training courses in specialties approved by the General Director. So, for example, for automatic line adjusters, professional training must be provided once every 3 years to confirm their qualifications;

) Targeted courses for studying new equipment and technology, issues of improving product quality, labor protection, etc.

) Training in related professions. For example, an equipment repairman is trained to become an automatic line operator; the confectionery mixture preparer is trained as a product quality controller;

Training is carried out in training centers in Tolyatti. In the professions of automatic line adjuster, repairman, inspector, as well as in the areas of quality and labor protection, enter into a training agreement with the Training Center of JSC AVTOVAZ.

Introduce a system of certification of workers, for which purpose, once every three years, create a certification commission from the managers of the enterprise: certification of workers is carried out on the recommendation of foremen on the basis of professiograms. The HR department will develop professiograms of work processes by rank and specialty. An example of a professiogram is given in Appendix 6. In the case of workers being trained in third-party educational organizations, they are certified by commissions of educational institutions with the issuance of certificates of assignment or advanced training (grade).

Thus, strengthening labor discipline is built on the basis of achieving interest in training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, which ultimately leads to the production of high-quality products and increased wages. These activities are achieved as a result of advanced training, consisting of:

introducing mentoring;

on-the-job training;

training at courses, seminars, universities;

introduction of a certification system.

The professional training plan for workers of OJSC Volgocemmash is presented in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1. Professional training plan for personnel of OJSC Volgocemmash for 2014.

No. pp Planned activities Responsible person Quantity of staff training covered Training period 1. Briefing upon hiring foreman Newly hired workers once 2. Attaching a mentor foreman Newly hired workers January-December 3. Training in self-study methods master Everyone 1 time per year 4. Practical training master, mentors, qualified workers Newly hired, everyone 1 time per month 5. Practical assignmentsmaster, mentors, skilled workers Newly hired, everyone 1 time per month 6. Seminars on advanced production methods master 3 groups by work profile: machine operators, production technology, controllers 1 time per quarter 3 classes on the profile 7. Quality school chief engineer All workers 2 times a year 8. Instruction on safety precautions safety engineer All workers in accordance with the legislation 9. Training at the university Head of the HR department 2 people in absentia 10. Training in training centers Head of the HR department 46 people as the groups are completed

The cost estimate for the proposed vocational training system for workers for 2014 is presented in Table 3.2. Table 3.2

Costs for vocational education

Types of vocational educationNumber of studentsTuition costsTraining costs, rub.1. Training at a university240 00080 0002. Courses for foremen at the VAZ Training Center610 00060 0003. Advanced training at the VAZ Training Center: repairmen; - automatic line adjusters; - controllers 10 10 6 6 000 6 000 4 500 60 000 60 000 27 0004. Targeted courses at the VAZ Training Center: - quality improvement courses; - occupational safety courses; - courses for mastering new technology 4 6 6 5 000 5 000 8 000 20 000 30 000 48 0005. Training in related professions at the VAZ Training Center 2010 000 200 0006. Additional payment for mentoring * 30-1657 500 TOTAL: 982 242 500

Financing of training, retraining and advanced training should be carried out from the profit of the enterprise. The enterprise's gross profit for 2014 is planned to be at least the level of 2013, i.e. 136989 thousand rubles.

Thus, 100% of the personnel will be covered by professional training in terms of in-plant training; 100% of newly hired employees receive mentoring and 18.42% attend advanced training courses at Training Centers and Universities.

Responsibility for the implementation of the personnel training program should be entrusted to the personnel department, which ensures the timely execution and safety of the protocols of the factory examination commission, as well as for filling out personal cards of employees on the assignment of ranks.

The occupational health and safety engineer must be responsible for timely training and testing of workers' knowledge of safe working conditions.

Department heads must be responsible for the timely training and development of personnel and the timely submission of applications for professional training.

Applications must be submitted to the HR and Occupational Safety and Health department one calendar month before the start of the next year and adjustments must be made to the proposed training program as necessary.

As a result of the implementation of the workforce training system, 18.42% of Volgocemmash OJSC workers will receive promotions.

The introduction of a vocational training system will increase promotion within the enterprise and motivation, improve the qualifications of workers, and limit the intake of “expensive” qualified personnel from outside.

Increased qualifications allow an employee to perform more complex work and spend less time on manufacturing products.

The most important condition for advanced training is higher quality work, which reduces the amount of defects and time to correct them.

Thus, the educational system at an enterprise can act as the most important factor in the motivational mechanism precisely because the learning process is impossible without the desire of the students themselves: you cannot force them to learn. Therefore, if there is a desire to learn, there will be results.

To calculate economic efficiency, we will use the calculation of savings in the number of employees due to the implementation of the proposed measures.

As a result, it is expected to obtain the following indicators of strengthening labor discipline:

Reduce the number of defects, because the teams do not have a large percentage of new people on whom time is spent on training, and the costs of correcting defective products have also decreased; due to the rationalization and cooperation of labor operations, there has been a reduction in the number of workers. Savings in numbers due to reduction in scrap is calculated using formula 3.1:

E ch1 = (Bbases- Bpl) xChrab.base . (3.1)

where E h - conditional release of the number of employees, people; B bases , B pl. - losses from defects as a percentage of the cost of production,%. The percentage of defects is the sum of the cost of rejected products, 5007 thousand rubles. and amounts to 18.07% of the cost of production; H work base worker base = 532 people

E ch1 = (18,07 - 8) x 532 = 53.57 people.

2. There should be a reduction in losses from intra-shift downtime, which is calculated using formula 3.2:

E ch2 = (tcmp.base-tcmp.factl) x Hcalc.x Hslave. (3.2)

Frv x K vn

where t cm p.base , t cm p. fact - loss of working time due to intra-shift downtime in the base and reporting periods, hours; H calculation - estimated number of personnel, people. H calculation =735 people; H slave - share of workers in the total number of industrial production personnel, h slave = 532/735 = 0.72; F ditch - working time fund for one worker, hour. F ditch =7.8 hours; TO vn - coefficient of fulfillment of production standards, K vn=0.98 (standard).

E ch2 = (0,5 - 0,4) x 735 x 0.72= 6.93 people

3. Combining professions and functions will significantly increase the employment time of workers who, due to production conditions, cannot be fully employed in their main profession. In this case, the savings in numbers are made according to formula 3.3:

E ch3 = (H - HWith) x (tz.s.-tz.n) . (3.3)


where H is the number of workers who, due to production conditions, cannot be fully employed in their main profession, people. H = 332 people. (HR department data); H With - number of workers combining professions and functions, people. H With = 112 people (HR department data); t z.c - average time of employment of a worker in his main and combined profession, hour; t z.n - average time of employment of a worker who does not combine professions, hour; t cm -duration of work shift, hour.

E ch3 = (332 - 112) x (7.9 - 7.7)= 5.5 people

4. Labor savings due to advanced training are calculated using formulas 3.4 and 3.5:

E ch4 = Hvnx?NV (3.4)

N V = ?Nat 2- ?Nin 1 (3.5)


where? V increase in the level of fulfillment of labor standards,%; ?N in 1 ; ?N at 2 - levels of fulfillment of labor standards before and after advanced training, %; H vn - number of workers who increased the level of compliance with standards as a result of advanced training (certification), people. Chvn =532 people

N V = 98 - 96,5 = 1,55%

E ch4 = 532 x 1.5= 7.98 people

5. Savings in numbers by increasing the working capacity of workers, expressed in reducing the daily loss of working time due to temporary disability caused by occupational illness or industrial injuries (compliance with safety regulations, improvement of working conditions) is determined by formula 3.6:

E ch5 = (1 - Tbur sweat) x H slave. bases (3.6)

T fact sweat

where T bur sweat , T fact sweat - normalized and actual loss time due to temporary disability, hours;

H work base - number of workers in the base period, people. H worker base = 532 people

E ch5 = (1 - 0,1 ) x 532 = 48.36 people.

6. Labor savings due to increased labor activity (with the introduction of incentives and measures to increase the motivation of labor activity) are calculated using formula 3.7:

E ch6 = (1 - New base) x Chrab.base (3.7)

where N v.base , N . - fulfillment of production standards in the base and planned periods, %.

E ch6 = (1 - 96,5 ) x 532 = 2.74 people.

7. Savings in numbers due to employee discipline (loss of working time) is calculated using formula 3.8:

E ch6 = tsee n (3.8)


where t see n - intra-shift losses, people/hour, t see n =30.6 people/hour; F vr - working time fund, hour.

E ch7 = 30,6 x 532 = 3.83 people.

8. The increase in labor productivity as a whole due to savings in numbers is calculated using formula 3.9:

P T = ?Ehx 100 (3.9)

H work base - ?E h

where? h - headcount savings due to the implementation of proposed measures, people.

E h = E ch1 + E ch2 + E ch3 + E ch4 + E ch5 + E ch6 + E ch7 = 53.57 + 6.93 + 5.5 + 7.98 + 48.36 + 2.74 + 3.83 = 130.91 people.

P T = 130.91 x 100 = 32,63%

Savings on wages (payroll fund) are calculated using formula 3.10:

E f.zpl = ?E h x Z Wed x Isocial report . (3.10)

where is Zsr. - average salary after implementation of measures, rub.; I social report . - index of social contributions from the wage fund, it is equal to 1.3

E f.zpl = 130.91 x 16.545 x 1.3 = 2815.68 thousand rubles.

Savings in semi-fixed costs due to an increase in production volume are calculated using formula 3.11:

E unitary enterprise = Zunitary enterprisex?P T (3.11)

where Z unitary enterprise - conditionally constant income in the planned year, thousand rubles. Z unitary enterprise = 2242.5 thousand rubles;

E unitary enterprise = 2242.5 x 32.63= 731.73 thousand rubles.

11. The payback period for investments in personnel training is calculated using formula 3.12:

T = Zunitary enterprise (3.12)

E f.zpl +E unitary enterprise

T = 2242,5 = 0.63 years

2815,68 + 731,73

The payback period for investments in training will be 0.63 years or 7.6 months, which meets the conditions for payback of cash investments in a market economy of no more than 3 years.

Economic calculations showed that the cost of implementing the proposed measures to improve the training and retraining of workers at OJSC Volgocemmash will amount to 2242.5 thousand rubles, and the cost savings as a result of implementation will amount to 3547.41 thousand rubles, which is 1304.91 thousand roubles. more costs.

3.3 Development of a motivational social package and calculation of the economic efficiency of the project

The event of concluding an agreement for medical care for employees will help maintain and improve the health of employees and members of their families. This area includes a number of measures aimed at maintaining the health of workers at a level that ensures their successful and reliable professional activities, and at creating favorable conditions for promoting health.

It is necessary to conclude a contract for employee services with a therapist and dentist. Responsibility for the development and implementation of this event is assigned to the HR manager by order of the director.

An enterprise lawyer was hired to conclude two contracts: for medical care by a therapist and dental services.

An economist was hired to assess and analyze the costs and economic efficiency of the proposed measure.

The procedure for concluding contracts will not bring economic costs to the enterprise.

The monthly cost of a therapist’s services will be 6,000 rubles.

The staff of OJSC Volgocemmash and their family members will be able to visit the dentist twice a week at certain hours, according to the issued coupons.

It is planned to issue 16 coupons to the enterprise every month. The HR manager will be responsible for the distribution of vouchers for dental services. The monthly cost of dental services will be 8,000 rubles. Thus, the current costs of paying for services to medical workers will be: (6000 + 8000) x 12 = 168,000 rubles. in year.

The introduction of measures to conclude contracts for medical care will reduce staff turnover, which in turn will lead to an increase in labor productivity and, according to forecast data, the average annual output of 1 worker will increase by approximately 10%, therefore the volume of services provided will be 3198854.5 (3956.53x1.1x735 ) thousand roubles.

According to a survey of Volgocemmash OJSC personnel, 94.74% of employees expressed their approval for the implementation of measures to conclude an agreement for medical care for personnel. 5.26% (that's 2 people) refrained from commenting. Table 3.3 presents the initial data necessary to calculate the proposed activity.

Table 3.3. Initial data used in calculating measures for concluding a contract for medical care for personnel

Indicator name Quantity Annual volume of work and services provided before the event, thousand rubles 2,908,052 Annual volume of work and services provided after the event, thousand rubles 3,198,854 Average annual output per employee, thousand rubles 3,956.53 Average number of personnel before the event, people 735 Average number of personnel after events, people 735 Payroll fund, thousand rubles 151,240 Contributions for social needs, % 32 Conditionally fixed expenses (cost), thousand rubles 2,771,063 Costs for implementing the event, thousand rubles 168

Using the data in Table 3.3, we will determine the economic effect of the event and place the calculation data in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4. Calculation of the economic efficiency of the event for concluding a contract for medical care of personnel

IndicatorUnit measurement. Calculation method Calculation Increase in production volume% P = (O2 - O1) / O1 x 100, where O1, O2 are the annual production volume before and after the implementation of the measure P = (3198854-2908052) / 3198854 x 100% = 9.09 Relative savings number of people Ech = Ch1 x (1 + P/100) - Ch2, where Ch1, Ch2 are the number of employees before and after the implementation of the Ech measure. = 735 x (1 + 9.09 / 100) - 735 = 66 Increase in labor productivity as a result of an increase in output per worker%? PT = (B2 - B1) / B1 x 100, where B1, B2 - output per worker before and after the implementation of the eventB1 = 3956.53; B2 = 3956.53 x 1.0909 = 4316.17?PT = (4316.17-3956.53) / 3956.53 x 100 = 9.09 Salary savings due to headcount savingsthousands. rub.Es/s salary = year x Ech, where year is the average annual salary of one workerEs/s salary = 151240/735 x 66 = 13580.73 Savings on social contributions, thousand. rub.Es/s according to report. = Es/s salary x 0.3 Es/s according to report. = 13580.73 x 0.3 = 4074.22 Savings of semi-fixed costs per unit of production thousand. rub., where Y - semi-fixed expenses; VB and IDP - annual volume of production before and after the implementation of the event

E s/su-p = (2771063 / 2908052) - (2771063 / 3198854) x3198854 = 277103.22 Conditional annual savings for the event, thousand. rub.E y/y = E s/s salary + E s/s according to report. + E s/s u-p E y/y = 13580.73 + 4074.22 + 277103.22 = 294758.17 Annual economic effect from the implementation of the event, thousand. rub.E uh = E y/y - Z implemented, where Z implemented uh = 294758,17 - 168 = 294590,17Thus, as a result of the implementation of measures for concluding a contract for medical care, according to the calculated data in Table 3.4, the increase in labor productivity will be 9.09%, salary savings will be 13580.73 thousand rubles, savings on social payments will be equal to 4074.22 thousand rubles, and the annual economic effect from the proposed event is 294,590.17 thousand rubles. Based on this social indicator, it is not difficult to calculate that it is profitable for an enterprise to keep a dentist on staff.

The next stage of improving social programs at the enterprise is proposed to introduce measures to organize sanatorium and resort treatment with compensation for treatment in the amount of 50% for employees of the enterprise and 10% for their family members.

Maintaining and strengthening the health of workers and members of their families includes a number of measures aimed at maintaining the health of workers at a level that ensures their successful and reliable professional activities, creating favorable conditions for promoting health and organizing good rest for workers and members of their families, namely :

Carrying out therapeutic and preventive, sanitary and hygienic, anti-epidemiological work aimed at preventing occupational and infectious diseases on the basis of the medical unit.

The enterprise provides first aid, occupational and sudden illnesses, preventive vaccinations, vaccinations against various diseases, etc.

Carrying out sanitary-preventive and rehabilitation treatment on the basis of the enterprise’s sanatorium-preventorium, as well as on the basis of the Nadezhda sanatorium in Tolyatti.

Providing sanatorium-resort treatment and recreation for enterprise employees and their family members in sanatoriums and boarding houses on the Black Sea coast, Caucasian Mineral Waters, Moscow region and Penza region.

Health improvement and summer recreation for children of enterprise employees in sanatoriums and children's health camps.

The enterprise staff independently selects a sanatorium for spa treatment, negotiates payment for this treatment and provides the enterprise’s accounting department with photocopies of payment receipts, copies of documents of their family members, and other documentation necessary for accounting.

The economist makes changes to the enterprise budget under the social security line, in accordance with the order to reimburse part of the cost of sanatorium treatment. However, the amount for compensation for sanatorium treatment is planned at the beginning of the year and can only be changed with the consent of the director. In 2014, it is planned to spend the funds remaining with the enterprise for the next period - retained earnings - to compensate for sanatorium-resort treatment. Retained earnings in 2013 were 166,690 thousand rubles. (Appendices 1-3).

In order not to disrupt the process of generating cash at the enterprise, we plan that the enterprise will spend 10% of retained earnings in 2013, which will be: 16669 (166690 x 0.1) thousand rubles. in year.

The volume of work performed, according to forecast data, will increase by 5% due to a reduction in staff turnover and interest in the result of work and will amount to 3,053,452 (3,956.53 x 1.05 x 735) thousand rubles.

Table 3.5 presents the initial data necessary to calculate the measures for organizing sanatorium and resort treatment for enterprise employees and their families.

Table 3.5. Initial data used in calculating measures for organizing sanatorium and resort treatment for enterprise employees and members of their families

Indicator name Quantity Annual volume of work and services provided before the event, thousand rubles 2,908,052 Annual volume of work and services provided after the event, thousand rubles 3,053,452 Average annual output per employee, thousand rubles 3,956.53 Average number of personnel before the event, people 735 Average number of personnel after events, people 735 Salary fund, thousand rubles 151,240 Contributions for social needs, % 32 Conditionally fixed expenses, thousand rubles 2,771,063 Costs for implementing the event, thousand rubles 16,669

Using the data from Table 3.5, we will determine the economic effect of the event and place the calculation data in Table 3.6.

Table 3.6. Calculation of the economic efficiency of measures for organizing sanatorium-resort treatment of enterprise employees and members of their families

IndicatorUnit measurement. Calculation method Calculation Increase in production volume% P = (O2 - O1) / O1 x 100, where O1, O2 are the annual production volume before and after the implementation of the measure P = (3053452-2908052) / 3053452 x 100% = 4.76 Relative savings number of people Ech = Ch1 x (1 + P/100) - Ch2, where Ch1, Ch2 are the number of employees before and after the implementation of the Ech measure. = 735 x (1 + 4.76 / 100) - 735 = 35 Increase in labor productivity%?PT = (B2 - B1) / B1 x 100, where B1, B2 - output per worker before and after the implementation of the measure B1 = 3956.53 ; B2 = 3956.53 x 1.05 = 4154.36?PT = (4154.36-3956.53) / 3956.53 x100 = 5 Salary savings due to headcount savingsthousands. rub.Es/s salary = year x Ech,

where year is the average annual salary of one workerEs/s salary = 151240/735 x 35 = 7201.9 Savings on social contributionsthousands. rub.Es/s according to report. = Es/s salary x0.3 Es/s according to deductions. = 7201.9 x 0.3 = 2160.57 Savings of semi-fixed costs per unit of production thousand. rub., where Y - semi-fixed expenses; VB and IDP - annual volume of production before and after the implementation of the eventEs/su-p = (2771063 / 2908052) - (2771063 / 3053452) x 3053452 = 138550.6

Conditional annual savings for the event, thousand. rub.Eu/g = Es/s salary + Es/s according to report + Es/s u-p E y/y = 7201.9+ 2160.57+ 138550.6= 147913.07 Annual economic effect from the implementation of the event, thousand. rub.E uh = E y/y - Z implemented , where Z implemented - costs of implementing the measure uh = 147913,07 - 16669 = 131244,07

Thus, as a result of the implementation of measures to organize sanatorium-resort treatment of enterprise employees and members of their families, according to the calculated data in Table 3.6, the increase in labor productivity will be 5%, salary savings will be 7201.9 thousand rubles, savings on social payments will be equal to 2160.57 thousand rubles, and the annual economic effect from the proposed event is 147675.07 thousand rubles.

Swimming is practically not contraindicated for anyone, therefore the social program of Volgocemmash OJSC should include the provision of subscriptions to the company’s employees to visit the pool.

The average cost of a subscription for a two-time visit to the Olympus Sports Complex, located at the address: Tolyatti, Primorsky Boulevard, 49, is 500 rubles. per month, according to the price list.

It is planned to issue each employee a subscription to the pool for 2 months per year. One-time costs for stimulating the work of employees by providing a subscription to visit the pool will amount to 735,000 (735 x 1000) rubles.

The volume of work performed, according to forecast data, will increase by approximately 2% due to a decrease in the time workers spend on sick leave and will amount to 2,966,210 (3,956.53 x 1.02 x 735) thousand rubles.

Table 3.7 presents the initial data necessary to calculate measures to stimulate the work of workers by providing a subscription to visit the pool

Table 3.7. Initial data used in calculating measures to stimulate the work of workers by providing a subscription to visit the pool

Indicator name Quantity Annual volume of work and services provided before the event, thousand rubles 2908052 Annual volume of work and services provided after the event, thousand rubles 2966210 Average annual output per employee, thousand rubles 3956.53 Average number of personnel before the event, people 735 Average number of personnel after events, people 735 Payroll fund, thousand rubles 151,240 Contributions for social needs, % 32 Conditionally fixed expenses, thousand rubles 2,771,063 Costs for implementing the event, thousand rubles 735

Using the data in Table 3.7, we will determine the economic effect of the event and place the calculation data in Table 3.8.

Table 3.8. Calculation of the economic efficiency of measures to stimulate the work of workers by providing a subscription to visit the pool

IndicatorUnit measurement. Calculation method Calculation Increase in production volume% P = (O2 - O1) / O1 x 100, where O1, O2 are the annual production volume before and after the implementation of the measure P = (2966210-2908052) / 2966210 x 100% = 1.96 Relative savings in number of people. Ech = Ch1 x (1 + P/100) - Ch2, where Ch1, Ch2 are the number of employees before and after the implementation of the Ech event. = 735 x (1 + 1.96 / 100) - 735 = 14 Increase in labor productivity as a result of an increase in output per worker%? PT = (B2 - B1) / B1 x 100, where B1, B2 are output per worker before and after the implementation of the eventB1 = 3956.53; B2 = 3956.53 x 1.0196 = 4034.07?PT = (4034.07-3956.53) / 3956.53*100 = 1.96 Salary savings due to headcount savingsthousands. rub.Es/s salary = year x Ech, where year is the average annual salary of one workerEs/s salary = 151240/735 x14 = 2880.76 Savings on social contributions, thousand. rub.Es/s according to report. = Es/s salary x 0.3 Es/s according to report. = 2880.76 x 0.3 = 864.23 Savings of semi-fixed costs per unit of production thousand. rub. where U - semi-fixed expenses; VB and IDP - annual volume of production before and after the implementation of the event

S/s u-p = (2771063 / 2908052) - (2771063 / 2966210) x 2966210 = 55418.34 Conditional annual savings for the event, thousand. rub.E y/y = E s/s salary + E s/s according to report. + E s/s u-p E y/y = 2880.76+864.23+ 55418.34= 59163.33 Annual economic effect from the implementation of the event, thousand. rub.E uh = E y/y - Z implemented , where Z implemented - costs of implementing the measure e = 59163.33 - 735 = 58428.33

Thus, as a result of the implementation of measures to stimulate the work of workers, by providing a subscription to visit the pool, according to the calculated data in Table 3.8, the increase in labor productivity will be 1.96%, salary savings will be 2880.76 thousand rubles, savings on social payments will be equal to 864.23 thousand rubles, and the annual economic effect from the proposed event will be 58428.33 thousand rubles.

3.4 Summary economic indicators from the proposed activities

Let's present the result of the proposed measures in the form of a summary table of economic efficiency indicators (Table 3.9)

Table 3.9. Summary table of economic efficiency indicators of the proposed measures at OJSC Volgocemmash

EventIncrease in production volume (%) Annual economic effect from the implementation of the event (thousand rubles) One-time costs for the implementation of the event (thousand rubles) Increasing the professional competence of employees Organization of personnel training 32.633547.472242.5 Development of a motivating social package Conclusion of a contract for medical care 9.09294590 ,17168Organization of sanatorium-resort treatment 4.76131244.0716669Providing a subscription to a swimming pool 1.9658428.3373548.44487810.0419814.5

The overall increase in production volume after the implementation of measures will be 48.44%. OJSC Volgocemmash will spend 19,814.5 thousand rubles on the implementation of the proposed measures, while the turnover of specialists and engineers will decrease and labor discipline will be strengthened. The annual economic effect from the proposed measures will be 487,810.04 thousand rubles. Thus, we can conclude that the proposed measures to strengthen labor discipline are cost-effective and are recommended for use.


High labor discipline is one of the factors for increasing labor productivity, and often a reserve for increasing labor productivity. Economic losses due to low labor discipline are expressed in the following:

) loss of working time due to the employee’s absence from the workplace for unexcused reasons, such as absenteeism, tardiness, unauthorized absences, etc.;

) a decrease in collective labor results, especially in those work groups where the interchangeability of workers is low;

) loss of working time associated with the dismissal of workers for absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline; in addition, a newly hired employee needs time to adapt to new conditions, during which he only adapts to the new workplace and team;

) equipment breakdowns and downtime, defects, decreased product quality and other violations associated with non-compliance with production technology.

In addition, low labor discipline and its frequent violations set a bad example for highly disciplined employees, disrupt their work, and form a negative attitude towards the enterprise, the workforce and management, i.e. do not contribute to increased job satisfaction. Often disciplined workers begin to violate discipline under such negative influence.

Labor discipline has both an objective basis and subjective features. Often a person, regardless of the established internal labor regulations, is highly disciplined, and there is no need to convince or force him to comply with the established rules. In this regard, methods of strengthening labor discipline, such as persuasion, coercion and encouragement, are highlighted.

The ways and methods of strengthening labor discipline are as follows:

Reward for work (announcement of gratitude; issuance of a bonus; awarding a valuable gift, diploma, etc.). Today, the most effective method is material incentives, so the employer rewards employees who conscientiously perform their job duties.

Disciplinary and social measures.

Conviction is associated with the widespread use of educational measures and incentives for work, and the use of the power of example.

When considering methods of strengthening labor discipline, the emphasis is on how to ensure its compliance by employees. There is some contradiction here: in the employment agreement (contract), the employee undertakes to comply with the internal labor regulations. Therefore, rewarding for “responsibilities” is not entirely logical. It should not be borne in mind that despite the obligations assumed, hired workers still violate labor, technological and production discipline at the enterprise.

In the second chapter of the thesis, an analysis of the state of labor discipline of Volgocemmash OJSC was carried out. OJSC Volgocemmash is a well-known enterprise in Togliatti that produces equipment for the cement industry.

As of January 1, 2013, the number of personnel was 735 people. The share of workers is 72.4%. The average age of workers is 42 years. Women 64%, men 36%. Personnel structure in 2013: engineers and employees - 27.6%, workers - 72.4%.

In 2011-2013 There is a decrease in the number of employees of the enterprise. Thus, in 2012, the number of employees increased by 289 people or 42.23% compared to 2011. In 2013, compared to 2012, the number of personnel decreased by 232 people or by 24%. The number of workers in 2012 compared to 2011 increased by 287 people or 59.42%, and in 2013 compared to 2012 the number of workers decreased by 238 people or 30.9%.

The number of engineers and employees increased in 2013 compared to 2012 by 2 people or by 1.03%. In 2013, the number of engineers and employees increased by 6 people or 3.05% compared to 2012. At the same time, the number of managers for the period 2011-2013 increased by 8 people, and the number of employees increased over the same period by 6 people.

The level of education of workers remains high - in 2013, the number of workers with higher education was 37%.

The analysis of the use of labor resources and labor productivity in 2013 showed the ineffective use of workers' working time as a result of downtime due to the fault of the enterprise, absenteeism and the provision of additional leaves to employees while simultaneously reducing the actual number of personnel. At the same time, the decrease in wages was 28.2%, and the increase in labor productivity was 47.7%.

These indicators indicate an increase in the workload on staff, despite downtime due to the fault of the enterprise with a simultaneous reduction in wages. If in 2012 the average salary was 18,151 rubles, then in 2013 it was 17,147 rubles. which is 1004 rubles. less. This decrease also occurs against the backdrop of an increase in overtime work. Such indicators will undoubtedly cause dissatisfaction among staff.

An analysis of labor discipline showed that the main reasons for violation of labor discipline are failure to comply with management orders and improper performance of one’s job duties, leading to deterioration in product quality. Linking the deterioration in quality with the deterioration of labor discipline, a survey was conducted on the level of satisfaction of workers with working conditions and labor potential.

The analysis of staff satisfaction using the method of Rozanova V.A. showed that the main reason for staff dissatisfaction is the existing level of wages and the current provision for training and promotion of employees.

The analysis of labor potential using the method of L. Ismagilova - T. Gileva showed that the enterprise has an average level of labor potential.

Measures are needed to increase wages for workers, as well as to improve the professional competence of workers, which will lead to strengthening labor discipline.

An analysis of the social package at the enterprise was also carried out, which showed that there is no medical care, the enterprise does not have departmental kindergartens, employees do not receive preferential health resort benefits, and other social problems.

It is necessary to develop measures to strengthen labor discipline.

In order to strengthen labor discipline based on identified shortcomings, the third chapter of the thesis proposes 2 directions: increasing the professional competence of employees and developing a motivating social package.

A system of professional training for the promotion of workers at OJSC Volgocemmash has been proposed, taking into account the specifics of the work of the personnel - the main ones being automatic line adjusters, repairmen, automatic line adjusters, and controllers. It consists of the following steps:

) Planning the professional advancement of workers.

) Creation of a coordinating body for professional promotion.

) Training of workers.

) Introduction of a certification system for trained workers.

All workers of Volgocemmash OJSC must be trained. Professional training in the system of advanced training and retraining must be continuous and carried out throughout the entire working life of employees. The following types of training are provided for workers:



independent learning (self-education);

in-plant system for improving the qualifications of workers;

professional training in advanced training courses.

Professional training will cover 100% of the personnel in terms of in-plant training; 100% of newly hired employees received mentoring and 18.42% of personnel took training courses for workers in training centers and universities.

Costs for vocational training in 2014 will amount to 2242.5 thousand rubles, and cost savings as a result of implementation will amount to 3547.41 thousand rubles, which is 1304.91 thousand rubles. more costs. As a result of worker training, labor productivity growth will increase by 32.63%. The profit of OJSC Volgocemmash after the introduction of a professional promotion system in 2014 will amount to 138,293.91 thousand rubles. against 136989 thousand rubles. in the base year 2013.

The proposed system of social motivation of personnel is designed to both improve the health of personnel and increase the commitment of personnel to the enterprise. The following directions are proposed:

Conclude an agreement for medical care for company employees.

Introduce measures to organize sanatorium-resort treatment with compensation for treatment in the amount of 50% for employees of the enterprise and 10% for their family members.

Provide employees with swimming pool passes.

As a result of the implementation of measures to conclude a contract for medical care, the increase in labor productivity will be 9.09%, salary savings will be 13580.73 thousand rubles, savings on social benefits will be equal to 4074.22 thousand rubles, and the annual economic effect from the proposed event 294590.17 thousand rubles.

As a result of the implementation of measures to organize sanatorium-resort treatment for enterprise employees and members of their families, the increase in labor productivity will be 5%, salary savings will be 7201.9 thousand rubles, savings on social payments will be equal to 2160.57 thousand rubles, and the annual economic effect from the proposed event is 147,675.07 thousand rubles.

As a result of the implementation of measures to stimulate the work of workers, by providing a subscription to visit the pool, the increase in labor productivity will be 1.96%, salary savings will be 2880.76 thousand rubles, savings on social benefits will be equal to 864.23 thousand rubles. , and the annual economic effect from the proposed event is 58,428.33 thousand rubles.

The practical significance of the thesis lies in the fact that the proposed personnel training system and the development of a motivating social package will help strengthen labor discipline at Volgocemmash OJSC, will not only be unprofitable, but will also bring additional profit to the enterprise in the amount of 487,810.04 thousand rubles.


1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (parts one, two and three) (as amended and supplemented on December 30, 2004).

Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (as amended and supplemented on July 24, 25, 2002, June 30, 2003, April 27, 2004).

Law of the Russian Federation of March 11, 1992 No. 2490-I “On collective agreements and agreements” (as amended and supplemented on November 24, 1995, May 1, 1999, December 30, 2001, June 29, 2004 )

Regulations on the personnel service of CJSC “Confectionery Factory “Slasti”.

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A special place in strengthening labor discipline is given to the ability to correctly use incentives to work and realize the economic interests of workers. It is impossible to strengthen labor discipline and increase people’s activity without paying attention to their living conditions and personal interests. Material interest is closely related to the social and production activities of people. It is a stimulus for work activity. A characteristic feature of the modern incentive system is that the remuneration of employees directly depends not only on the results of their individual work, but also on the overall results of the work of all personnel of the enterprise.

Conscious discipline arises on the basis of the enterprise's personnel understanding of the unity of goals, which is based on a sense of mutual responsibility of workers for the performance of the work assigned to them. However, in our society there are frequent cases of violation of labor, production and technological discipline. In the economy, there is still a large loss of working time associated with tardiness, absenteeism, drunkenness and other violations of discipline.

To maintain and strengthen labor discipline, methods of persuasion and coercion are combined. Persuasion is the main direction of activity in regulating social relations; it is associated with the widespread use of educational measures and incentives for work. Coercion is a method of influencing violators of labor discipline. Here, public and disciplinary measures are used. Discipline is ensured, first of all, by the conscious attitude of employees to work and encouragement for conscientious work.

The following incentive measures are provided: gratitude, issuance of a bonus, awarding a valuable gift, awarding a certificate of honor. Other incentives may be provided, which are applied by the administration jointly or in agreement with the trade union committee of the enterprise, institution, or organization. .

The legislation provides for the possibility and necessity of applying disciplinary and social measures to unscrupulous, undisciplined employees.

An educational role can be played by councils of primary units, councils of foremen, councils of workers of enterprises, institutions, and organizations.

In production teams working in a uniform manner along with payment based on the final result, an atmosphere of intolerance towards violators of labor discipline is objectively created. In the teams of these teams, the mutual demands of workers on each other, combined with mutual assistance and support, are increasing. The creation of a favorable psychological atmosphere at the enterprise and in the department, the confidence of everyone that their opinion is valued by the manager and staff, results in the desire of employees to participate in production management, in the growth of consciousness and discipline, in increasing self-discipline. If measures of persuasion do not have the desired effect on an employee, coercive and disciplinary measures may be used against him: bringing him to administrative and financial liability on the basis of current legal norms, as well as the application of economic sanctions for violation of labor discipline. The administration of an enterprise, institution, or organization may apply disciplinary sanctions: reprimand, reprimand, severe reprimand. The charters of enterprises and regulations on divisions may also provide for other disciplinary sanctions for certain categories of workers and employees.

When imposing a disciplinary sanction, it is necessary to take into account the severity of the offense committed and the circumstances under which it was committed. It is also recommended to take into account the employee’s behavior in the period preceding the violation of discipline. .

In modern conditions, the main factor in maintaining high labor discipline at an enterprise can be instilling in employees a sense of moral and material responsibility for the success of the work of departments and all personnel as a whole. Where managers of enterprises and their departments show concern for staff, combining this with high demands, supported by measures of moral and material influence on people, good labor results should be expected.

A major role in strengthening labor discipline belongs to the managers of lower-level structural units - foremen and foremen, heads of groups, sectors, departments, etc., who are most closely related to the work and life of workers and directly influence production activities and the condition of workers.

To solve the problems of strengthening labor discipline, a form of social partnership is used, such as a collective agreement, which is a legal act regulating social and labor relations between employees and the employer. The content of a collective agreement may include mutual obligations of the employer and employees on issues of wages, monetary rewards, benefits, compensation, conditions and labor protection, benefits for on-the-job training of employees, taking into account the fulfillment of the indicators specified in the agreement. Non-compliance and non-compliance with such indicators should naturally affect the material conditions of discipline violators.

Daily work to maintain and strengthen labor discipline is a constant concern of the administration. The entire environment at the enterprise should contribute to the observance of labor discipline and thereby contribute to the successful solution of the tasks facing it.

Many organizations neglect basic safety requirements, do not comply with technological production standards, put up with low labor and performance discipline, and lose sight of the fact that strengthening discipline and law and order is the most important basis for ensuring public safety, accelerating the country’s socio-economic development, and improving people’s lives. Having analyzed the literature, I believe that such a fragmentation of the discipline is important for the organization of work in each specific case. From an economic and legal point of view, such a division (and enshrinement in the code) of discipline into labor and production (and especially technological) is impractical and illogical. Firstly, all types of production discipline are enshrined in local regulations that determine the work schedule of workers, that is, the implementation of production discipline is subject to the established work schedule. And, secondly, neither in the Labor Code nor in other regulations there is a separate type of liability for violation of production discipline. That is, production discipline is included in the content of the concept of labor discipline.

In legal terms, labor discipline at an enterprise is a set of organizational and legal measures that ensure the order of work activities and reflect the measures of demands on each employee.

Labor discipline can also be outside the organization, for example, a senior railway employee, while in and out of his office, must observe certain forms of behavior; this also applies to employees of the prosecutor’s office and other law enforcement officials. Any joint work requires organization, and this requires the establishment of rules, and therefore it is clear that without labor discipline, the labor process of a large number of workers is impossible. It consists not only in timely attendance/departure from work, but it is necessary to observe technological discipline, technical rules and certain organizational rules, all this together adds up to a certain order that must be observed by all participants in the work. The issue of labor discipline in our country has always been one of the most difficult to resolve. Despite the fact that under the USSR there were quite strict measures, when there was a period that criminal liability was provided for being 20 minutes late.

Analyzing the current situation in the republic as a whole regarding the deterioration of labor discipline, I believe that the main reason for this situation must be recognized as irresponsibility, negligence, drunkenness, self-interest, individualism, and maximizing the consumption of material goods.

In order to strengthen public safety and discipline, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, republican and local government bodies and other government bodies and organizations need to:

  • 1.1. conduct a widespread inspection of social, domestic and cultural facilities, regardless of the form of ownership, and make the necessary decisions on the implementation of repair work and the operation of buildings that are in disrepair and dilapidated condition;
  • 1.2. organize training in all teams and at the place of residence of citizens to act in emergency situations;
  • 1.3. include in the list of criteria for assessing the work of management personnel at all levels indicators of the state of labor and performance discipline, ensuring safe work in the industries, regions, cities, districts and organizations they head;
  • 1.4. Ensure unconditional and immediate termination of contracts with employees for violations of health and safety regulations resulting in injury or death. For causing property damage to the state, legal entities or individuals, drinking alcoholic beverages during working hours or at the place of work, and with managers - for failure to ensure proper labor discipline of subordinates, concealment of facts of violation of labor and performance discipline, or for failure to hold the perpetrators accountable established by law;
  • 1.5. regularly analyze the practice of responding to citizens’ requests. Upon identifying facts of bureaucracy and red tape, violations of the procedure for considering applications determined by law, immediately take material and administrative measures against the guilty persons;
  • 1.6. make the necessary decisions:

on increasing the personal responsibility of managers for the production and sale of products that do not meet the requirements of standards, failure to implement measures to comply with production discipline;

on strengthening control over the quality of developed design and estimate documentation, construction, repair and reconstruction of industrial and social facilities;

on compensation for material damage caused as a result of violation of the law, failure to take appropriate measures to protect the life and health of people.

Ministries of information, print and electronic media should

systematically cover organizational and educational work to improve labor and performance discipline, restore public order, and prevent drunkenness and alcoholism, including among road users;

exclude the promotion of cruelty, violence and other immoral manifestations. production equipment working time

I also consider it necessary to highlight the following factors contributing to low discipline in the enterprise:

Inequity in remuneration and assessment of employee merits;

Complex production and organizational structure;

Low quality of job descriptions;

Unreasonable personnel selection system;

By influencing each of these factors, using the methods described in the last chapter, you can significantly influence labor discipline at the enterprise.

Low labor discipline is greatly facilitated by the atmosphere of alienation, which has intensified in Belarusian enterprises in recent years, as well as the often unjustified gap in income between the top stratum of managers and the bulk of the staff.

All of the above factors that influence the level of labor discipline, in their totality, reflect the current situation with labor discipline. In Belarus, this has already led to a decrease in investment, income and living standards.

The socio-economic development of the country, increasing the rate of economic growth due to the intensification of the production process, accelerating scientific and technological progress requires a decisive increase in organization and order in production,

taking effective measures to strengthen labor discipline, conscientious attitude to work, and reducing lost working time.

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Strengthening labor discipline is one of the tasks of the socialist society built in our country, which is organically connected with further economic and social progress and is a real reserve of the economy. The validity of this position is confirmed by the fact that recent steps taken to strengthen discipline and order have provided significant results in a relatively short time without special material costs.

Strengthening labor discipline is one of the most important tasks of economic and social planning. Plans for the social development of production teams that are being developed everywhere include as an integral part plans for strengthening labor discipline.

Strengthening labor discipline, the requirement for unconditional compliance with laws and rules adopted in a socialist society, not only does not contradict the democratic foundations of the Soviet system, but, on the contrary, determines the development and expansion of Soviet socialist democracy.

Strengthening labor discipline helps to increase labor productivity, improve product quality, strengthen socialist property, and, consequently, meet the growing needs of the people. Strengthening labor discipline has a huge educational impact, because it develops the internal need to work voluntarily and according to one’s inclinations for the public good. That is why the Main Directions for the Development of the National Economy of the USSR for 1976 - 1980 provide for increased labor and production discipline; ensuring a more complete and rational use of working time, eliminating downtime and unproductive labor costs.

Strengthening labor discipline based on the correct use of disciplinary measures against persons who violate rules and regulations of labor protection, instilling in workers a sense of high responsibility for their compliance should be carried out constantly and purposefully according to a clearly thought-out system. In this matter, measures of public education of personal and collective responsibility for the safety and health of each employee are of great importance.

Strengthening labor discipline and improving the use of labor resources largely depends on the successful solution of a number of social problems. It is necessary to achieve strict implementation of plans for the social development of teams, improvement of working and living conditions. The involvement of women in production should be a subject of special concern. To do this, it is necessary to ensure the implementation of planned targets for the construction of preschool institutions, improving the work of extended-day schools, as well as canteens, home kitchens, laundries and other consumer services enterprises.

The strengthening of labor discipline is supported by a change in the procedure for granting vacations. The length of service for the provision of the specified leave is accrued starting from January 1, 1980. In case of violation of labor discipline by workers and employees (absenteeism without good reason, showing up at work while drunk), additional leave for continuous work experience may not be provided partially or completely.

To strengthen labor discipline, measures are being developed to enhance the effectiveness of administrative and social influence on discipline violators. The plan also includes measures to improve the psychological climate, relationships, mood and public opinion, and the development of business relationships among team members.

The task of strengthening labor discipline as an important means of developing socialist production is achieved through the joint efforts of party, trade union, Komsomol organizations and enterprise administrations. Fulfillment of this task is inseparable from increasing the militancy of primary party organizations, strengthening control of party organizations over the activities of the administration, increasing the role of trade union organizations in protecting the rights of workers and employees, and the activity of the Komsomol in the education of young workers.

The task of strengthening labor discipline, as an important means of developing socialist production, is achieved through the joint efforts of party, trade union, Komsomol organizations and enterprise administrations.

Maintaining and strengthening labor discipline in our country is carried out not only through the method of persuasion and education, but also through the method of moral and material incentives. Measures of moral and material incentives, which are in organic unity, are aimed at ensuring high labor discipline, strengthening order and organization in each organization.

An important factor in strengthening labor discipline is the development and improvement of socialist competition, the movement for a communist attitude towards work. It is NOT and the development of socialist competition that puts everyone in conditions that require timely and high-quality performance of their duties.

Measures to strengthen labor discipline should be twofold: they should include both the fight against violators and the elimination of the causes of the violation. The latter should be preventive in nature and is a more effective form.

A successful struggle to strengthen labor discipline is possible only with the conscious participation of all workers. This is evidenced by the entire experience of socialist construction in our country. The influence of the community that surrounds a person every day can do more than any administrative punishment.

The well-organized work of the labor dispute commission is important for strengthening labor discipline at the enterprise. Along with local trade union committees and people's courts, it is called upon to consider and resolve labor disputes between workers (employees) and management. Labor dispute commissions are formed from an equal number of permanent representatives of the local trade union committee and the administration for the term of office of the local committee. Technical services of the commission (paperwork, storage of files, issuance of extracts from minutes of meetings, etc.) are carried out by the enterprise.