Research the question

Some types of weapons do not require a permit.

These include :

  • Flare pistols
  • Air pistols, rifles, revolvers with muzzle energy less than 3 kJ
  • Revolvers with caliber up to 6 mm
For others, it is necessary to obtain a license to purchase, and then a permit to store and carry weapons. These include hunting rifles, sports pistols, etc.

Have the right to purchase weapons:

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached 21 years of age
Firearms of limited destruction.
  • Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached 18 years of age
Gas weapons, smooth-bore long-barreled self-defense weapons, hunting weapons, sports weapons, signal weapons.

By decision of the legislature, the age at which one can purchase a long-barreled smoothbore hunting firearm can be reduced by two years.

Important: you do not have the right to keep weapons if you do not own them.

The validity period of the permit is 5 years. If necessary, you can extend it.

The city of Moscow does not impose special requirements for obtaining a permit and is guided by federal legislation.

Get a physical examination

To obtain a permit to store weapons, you must obtain.

To do this, make an appointment with the following doctors:

  • Psychiatrist
  • Expert in narcology
  • Therapist
  • Ophthalmologist
Important: according to the new rules, you can only make an appointment with a district narcologist (at place of registration).

To renew the permit, you must undergo a medical examination again.

Pass the exam

“Certificates of completion of a training program for individuals to learn the rules of safe handling of weapons and acquire skills in safe handling of weapons” is issued after completing the appropriate course.

Study the Law on Weapons in advance (included in the list of preparation materials).

After completing the training, you must pass an exam on the material covered.

The price of the course (on average) is 5 - 7 thousand rubles.

Important: you must have all medical certificates and photographs (3x4 cm) with you.

Training is conducted in licensed centers; you can contact your district police department for recommendations.

Collect documents

  • Passport
  • Copy of the passport
  • Application for a license to purchase firearms and ammunition
  • Certificates of completion of a training program for individuals to learn the rules of safe handling of weapons and acquire skills in safe handling of weapons
  • 6 photos 3x4 cm
If you purchase a hunting or smooth-bore weapon:
  • Hunting ticket

Submit your documents

Before submitting your documents, you must purchase a lockable, certified gun safe. These can also be metal cabinets, boxes made of high-strength materials or wooden boxes lined with iron.

To obtain a license, you must personally submit a package of documents to the Department for the Organization of Licensing and Permitting Work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or to the government services website.

Grounds for refusal may include:

  • Failure to provide required information or providing incorrect information
  • Inability to ensure accounting and safety of weapons or failure to ensure these conditions (no safe for storing weapons)
Important: the decision to refuse can be appealed in court.

Pay for the license

Depending on the type of weapon chosen, pay for the license (amount as of 01/01/2016):

  • Obtaining a license to purchase limited-kill firearms and ammunition for them - 100 rubles
  • Obtaining a license to purchase hunting smooth-bore long-barreled weapons and ammunition for them - 100 rubles
  • Obtaining a license to purchase a hunting or sporting firearm with a rifled barrel and ammunition for it - 200 rubles
  • Issuance to a citizen of the Russian Federation of a license to purchase gas pistols, revolvers, signal weapons, bladed weapons intended for wearing with the national costumes of the peoples of the Russian Federation or Cossack uniform upon initial application - 30 rubles
The issuance period is 30 days from the date of registration of the application.

Important: payment for the license is made together with the submission of a package of documents to the Department for the Organization of Licensing and Permitting Work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or on the government services website.

Buy a weapon

The weapon must be purchased within 6 months from the date of obtaining the license. If the period has expired and the purchase has not been made, the license must be surrendered.

Important: one person can purchase no more than 5 weapons.

The license consists of two parts, one of which remains with the seller, and the other is returned to the buyer for subsequent obtaining permission to store and carry weapons.

Get permission

Purchased weapons must be registered with the Department for the Organization of Licensing and Permitting Work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation within two weeks.

To obtain permission you must collect the following documents:

  • Application for a permit to store and carry weapons
  • Part of the license remaining in your hands after purchasing a weapon
  • Passport
  • 2 photographs 3x4 cm
The permit must be issued within 14 days from the date of registration. If refused, you can appeal it in court.

Important: to obtain a license, the local police officer must check the conditions for storing weapons.

Pay for the permit

The permit is paid together with the submission of documents to the Department for the Organization of Licensing and Permitting Work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or on the government services website (amount as of 01/01/2016).

  • Obtaining permission to store and carry hunting pneumatic firearms or weapons of limited destruction and ammunition for them - 10 rubles
  • Obtaining permission to store and carry long-barreled sports firearms, long-barreled hunting firearms used for sports, sports pneumatic weapons with muzzle energy over 7.5 J and cartridges for them - 10 rubles
  • Issuance of a permit to store and carry award-winning weapons and ammunition for them - 50 rubles

Renewal of permit

You must apply for an extension no later than one month before the permit expires. (it is best to do this 3 months in advance).

You can personally contact the Department for the Organization of Licensing and Permitting Work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or fill out an application and submit the necessary documents on the government services website.

To renew, you need to collect almost the same package of documents that you provided to obtain a license.:

  • Passport
  • Permission to store and carry weapons
  • Application for permit renewal
  • Certificate from a drug treatment clinic
  • Certificate from a psychoneurological clinic
  • Medical certificate confirming the absence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their metabolites in the human body
  • 2 photographs measuring 3x4 cm
If you purchased a hunting or smooth-bore weapon:You will also need to provide the weapon for inspection (number, model, caliber, brand, and year of manufacture are verified).

Your permit must be renewed within a month.

Service weapon

Logically, the procedure for obtaining a permit for a service weapon does not differ from that indicated above.

The organization providing security services provides additional documents for obtaining permits.

You may ask why you need to get a license for both types of weapons. There are three reasons for this:
1 - Practicality. Traumatic weapons are the only effective legal means of self-defense, and smooth-bore weapons are for hunting and for protecting your own home;
2 - Saving money. There is no need to first buy a pistol safe for a traumatic gun, and then a gun safe for a shotgun;
3 - Save time. If you obtain both licenses at once, you will be able to combine the exams and not have to take them again.

Let us decipher the points of the above diagram of actions when obtaining licenses for traumatic and smooth-bore weapons.

1. Obtaining a hunting license. This document is not included in the list of mandatory submissions, but its presence is desirable since it subsequently allows the free transportation of firearms. In addition, after 5 years of owning a smooth-bore weapon, you will have the right to purchase a rifled weapon. This document is of unlimited duration and is issued free of charge upon application.

Action plan. We take 2 personal photographs 3x4 - matte, strictly frontal, without headdress. Colored or black and white - it doesn't matter. We make 2 photocopies of the passport: page 2-3 with personal data, and a page with the registration address. We take all this, look for the nearest MFC and go there to write an application for a hunting license of a unified federal standard. Be sure to have your passport with you.

Previously, it was necessary to pass an exam on knowledge of the hunting minimum. Now it is enough to sign the application “I am familiar with the requirements of the hunting minimum.”

Within 5 days after submitting the application, you should receive an SMS message indicating that your hunting license is ready. The application can also be submitted at the local licensing and permitting department or through the State Services portal.

2. Obtaining medical certificates. At this stage, the main goal is to obtain the results of a chemical toxicological test (CTI) in form No. 454/u-06 (drug test results), a medical certificate in form No. 003-O/u (about the absence of drugs in the body), a medical certificate No. 002-O/u (for the right to own weapons). The validity period of certificate No. 002-О/у is 1 year, but it is better not to delay it.

Action plan. Certificate No. 002-О/у is issued on the basis of a medical examination (ophthalmologist and therapist) and previously received certificates from psychoneurological and narcological dispensaries, and the results of chemical testing. All certificates are paid. You can obtain certificate No. 002-O/u at departmental clinics, or at any medical institution that has a license for this type of activity. You can see a narcologist and psychotherapist at the medical center. institution only at the place of residence. Certificate No. 003-O/u is issued on the basis of the HTI conclusion in form No. 454/u-06 - you will need to take a urine test.

4. Weapon safety training courses. Upon initial application to the OLRR, they require a certificate of completion of weapons courses. The purpose of these courses is to familiarize civilians with the rules and acquire skills in safe handling of weapons.

Training takes place in training centers in the form of lectures with practical exercises at the shooting range. For registration you will need: 2 photos 3x4 matte, medical certificate No. 002-О/у, passport and its copy.

The training center must have a valid license to carry out educational activities under training programs for individuals in order to learn the rules and acquire skills in safe handling of weapons. Information about the license can be found on the Rosobrnadzor website; you will need it if you submit an application through the State Services portal.

All training will take only one day, at the end you will need to pass an exam (testing). As a result, you will have in your hands a Certificate of completion of weapons courses and a Certificate of verification of knowledge of the rules and skills of safe handling of weapons for submission to the OLRR. The validity period of these documents is 5 years.

5. Obtaining a license to purchase weapons. At this stage, the main goal is to obtain two documents from the OLRR:
a) licenses for the acquisition of firearms of limited destruction and ammunition for them
b) a license to purchase hunting smooth-bore weapons, as well as ammunition for them

Action plan. The easiest way is to submit applications through the State Services portal; those who are not looking for easy ways can take a walk to the OLRR in your area. When submitting applications through the portal, you will need to fill out two forms and upload scans of the received medical information. certificates License for the purchase of traumatic weapons, for smooth-bore weapons -.

When filling out an application for a license to purchase a hunting smoothbore weapon, you will need to indicate the brand of the weapon. If you haven’t decided yet, write with the general wording “smooth-bore hunting firearm.”

After the applications have been successfully sent, the status of the application changes within 24 hours: “accepted from the applicant” - “sent to the department” - “accepted by the department”. A day after the application is accepted by the department, an OLRR employee should contact you - he will confirm that everything is in order and clarify when to approach for a license. As a rule, the entire procedure takes no more than a month.

After this, you wait for the visit of the local police officer, who must confirm that you do not have any charges for administrative offenses, and check compliance with the conditions for storing weapons - make sure that there is a gun safe and that it is installed correctly. If there are no comments, he signs an Act on compliance with the conditions for ensuring the safety of weapons and ammunition. If the local police officer does not show up, it makes sense to take the initiative and contact him.

If everything is in order, in a month (or even earlier) come back for a “green card” - permission to purchase weapons. Don’t forget to take with you the originals of all collected documents, and your passport, of course.

6. Purchase of weapons. There are plenty of gun stores and the price range is very wide. It makes sense, before going to a gun store, to firmly decide what exactly you need, and then select stores based on the range offered, the cost of goods and the distance from your place of residence.

Action plan. When going to the store, be sure to take with you your passport and licenses for purchasing weapons obtained from the OLRR.

An acquisition license gives the right to purchase one weapon. You can own a maximum of five smoothbore hunting rifles at the same time. Larger quantities require permission for collecting purposes.

7. Registration of weapons and receipt of ROC After the weapon has been purchased, all that remains is to register it with the OLRR and obtain a ROH - permission to store and carry weapons. There is no point in delaying registration - the time allotted by law is only 14 days.

Action plan. You submit applications one by one through the portal or go to the OLRR, you need to have with you - licenses for the purchase of weapons, and the purchased weapon itself. OLRR employees check the numbers on the weapons, keep the purchase licenses, and instead give you a certificate for transporting the weapon home. After 14 days, instead of a purchase permit, you receive a ROC.

That's it, from now on you legally own a weapon - you have exercised your right. The ROC is valid for 5 years, then the permit must be renewed. During these 5 years, to obtain new permits for the purchase of weapons, you will not need to provide either medical certificates or certificates of completion of weapons courses - only an application, a passport of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Arts.




Permit for hunting weapons in 2020 - procedure and registration of a license in Russia

Hunting game is a real man's activity. However, not everyone can obtain permission to purchase a hunting rifle. In this article we will look at how to obtain a license for a weapon for hunting and how a permit for a hunting rifle is issued

Primary requirements

Obtaining a permit for a hunting weapon in 2020 is possible only if the applicant fully meets the following requirements:

  • Reaching the age of majority (18 years old).
  • Availability of permanent registration.
  • Availability of certificates from a narcologist and psychiatrist.
  • No criminal record.
  • Any administrative offense committed over the last year gives the LRR the right to refuse to obtain a permit to the applicant.

Procedure for obtaining permission

The procedure for issuing a permit for a hunting weapon lasts in several stages.

1. First you need to decide on the type of weapon, since there are certain differences between smooth-bore and rifled weapons.

2. It is necessary to have a safe for . The absence of a safe may be grounds for the local police inspector to issue a certificate. Therefore, it is better to purchase a safe right away.

3. Training for a permit for hunting weapons. The training is a one-day course, including a theoretical part and practical shooting. After completion, a certificate is issued, which is submitted to the LRR with. Courses for obtaining a license for hunting weapons are conducted by specially accredited training centers.

4. Now you can contact the police at your place of registration in the OLRR. As a rule, the reception of citizens at the licensing and permitting service is carried out according to a certain schedule; you can check it with the operational duty officer by calling the DC.

5. The next step is to get a hunting license. There is no legal requirement to have a hunting license when obtaining a weapons permit. However, it is better to have it. This document will confirm the legality of your actions, for example, when transporting weapons. Without a hunting license, transported smooth-bore weapons can be confiscated by traffic police officers. Therefore, it is advisable to have a hunting license even when a smooth-bore weapon is purchased for self-defense.

6. Now we submit to the LRR inspector a list of necessary documents (we will list them below).

7. Registration of a license takes a month.

8. Now we purchase the previously considered weapon and go with it to the authority that issued the permit. The license is submitted to the LRR, and on its basis a permit card is prepared, which allows you to legally store hunting weapons. The permit card is issued in about 10 days,

For certain categories of citizens (employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Ministry of Defense), it is additionally necessary to submit a certificate of registration of a service weapon. For employees of private organizations with special statutory tasks (PSAs), you need to provide an RSLA card.

Required documents

The applicant provides the following documents to the LRR:

  • Photos (size 3x4) – 3 pieces.
  • An application completed by the applicant in his own hand. (Download sample).
  • Receipt of payment.

Procedure for renewing a permit

Re-registration () of the permit is carried out every 5 years. The procedure for renewing a permit for a hunting weapon requires the provision of the following documents:

  • Certificate from a narcologist and psychiatrist. Issued at your place of residence.
  • Statement.
  • Two 3x4 photos (black and white).
  • Previously issued license.
  • Report from the local police commissioner from the place of residence on the proper conditions for keeping weapons.

In addition, you will need to present the weapon itself.

Permit for rifled hunting weapons

Let's look at what it involves to obtain a permit for rifled weapons 2020. In order to obtain a license and permit for rifled weapons, the applicant must have been the owner of a smooth-bore weapon for at least 5 years. The procedure for obtaining a license for rifled weapons in 2020 involves first renewing the license for smooth-bore weapons and only then applying for rifled weapons. Documents provided:

1. Passport.

2. Statement indicating information about weapons already available.

3. Medical certificate (046) + from a psychiatrist and narcologist.

4. Photo 3x4 – 3.

5. Hunting license.

6. Passport for smooth-bore weapons.

A license to purchase rifled hunting weapons will be issued within a month.
Pneumatic weapons for hunting.

A license for a pneumatic hunting weapon is not a mandatory permit in all cases. According to the Law on Weapons, pneumatic weapons for hunting without a license can be used if its muzzle energy is less than 7.5 J. In all other cases, pneumatic weapons are registered in the same way as smooth-bore weapons.


To obtain and renew a license and permit to purchase smooth-bore weapons, you must:

  1. 2 photographs (size 3x4 cm)
  2. Application for the purchase of weapons (attach a sample in electronic form)
  3. Report from the district police officer about the presence of a metal safe for storing smooth-bore weapons
  4. Receipt for payment of a license in the amount of 1 minimum wage
  5. Photocopy of passport data
  6. Job details: place of work, position, contact phone number
  7. Availability of a hunting license
  8. Taxpayer INN

To obtain a license and permission to purchase rifled weapons you must:

  1. Certificate from the district permitting system about a registered hunting rifle (at least 5 years of experience)
  2. Petition from the primary organization (hunting group in which it is registered). The petition is signed by the Chairman of the Board of the hunting team.
  3. The documents specified in clause 1,2,7,8 for the purchase of smooth-bore weapons.
  4. Application for the purchase of rifled weapons addressed to the head of the regional police department (attach a sample in electronic form)
  5. An inspection report on the premises and storage location of rifled weapons, signed by a commission consisting of:
    • Weapon owner
    • Permit (senior instructor)
    • District inspector
  6. Receipt for payment of a license in the amount of 2 minimum wages
  7. Receipt for payment of permission to store and carry weapons
  8. Characteristics from the place of work
  9. Taxpayer INN

To obtain a license to purchase gas weapons you must:

  1. Medical certificate form 046-1
  2. 2 photographs (size 3x4 cm)
  3. Application for the purchase of gas weapons (attach a sample in electronic form)
  4. Report from the district police officer about the presence of a metal box for storing gas weapons
  5. Receipt for payment of a license in the amount of 0.3 minimum wage
  6. Photocopy of passport data
  7. Job details:
    • place of work,
    • job title,
    • contact number
  8. Taxpayer INN

List of documents and actions carried out in the order of purchase and sale of weapons

Some clarifications about the procedure for purchasing (purchasing and selling) weapons in gun stores:

Application for a weapons permit Some police departments accept applications on their own forms.

The sale of weapons and ammunition to private individuals in stores can be made on the basis of the following documents:

When purchasing a weapon:
  • Original license.
  • Copy of the passport.
  • Power of attorney certified by a notary. (A sample power of attorney is usually sent along with the invoice)
When purchasing ammunition:
  • Copy of the passport.
  • A photocopy of the permit to carry and store weapons. (Certified by a notary or the police department at the place of issue)
  • Power of attorney certified by a notary. (A sample power of attorney is usually sent along with the invoice)
If you order the purchase of a weapon in a remote store, on the Internet or at a manufacturer, then, as a rule, in this case the following actions can be performed:

If you have received a notification about the availability of goods in the warehouse and an invoice for payment for the specified products:

  • You can make payments from any current account or through any branch of any bank ( Your name must appear on the payment order).
  • Simultaneously with the execution of the transfer, you need to send the following package of documents by registered mail with notification or express mail:
    • Original license (all three spines, do not fill in data, or an open license for self-defense weapons), when sending a license, pay attention to the correctness of the documents:
      • check the correct spelling of your data (full name),
      • the validity period must be 6 months,
      • the address details of the place of registration recorded in the license must match the passport data,
      • the seal must be readable,
      • The field “by whom the license was issued” must be filled in.
    • Photocopy of TIN certificate
    • A letter with a request to send the goods to your address indicating the exact address and your contact numbers (do not forget to indicate the city code)
    • A notarized power of attorney in the name of an employee of the selling organization for him to carry out all actions related to sending goods by special communications.
  • After receiving your documents and money transfer, the goods are processed and shipped.
  • The completed and packaged goods along with your documents are transferred to the special department. connections for transportation.
  • The goods are delivered to the final node of the specialist. communications. Upon receipt of the goods at the final destination, you will be contacted by contact numbers. You must drive up and receive the goods with your identification document. Upon receipt of the goods, be sure to check the integrity of the packaging and seal, as well as open the parcel and check the goods according to the invoice. In case of detection of defects or shortages, be sure to draw up a report. Claims regarding goods received are accepted only if there is a certificate.

Currently, to carry out the tasks of transporting all types of shipments, the FSUE GCSS has a complete infrastructure: trained armed personnel, special transport, proven technology for working with shipments.

The organizational structure of the FSUE GCSS includes:

  • Main center of special communications (Moscow)
  • Regional centers for special communications
  • Regional, regional and republican departments of special communications
  • Branches and special communication points in regional and district centers

The circulation of weapons in our country is seriously controlled, and it can only be purchased for certain purposes. This:

  • self-defense;
  • hunting;
  • shooting sports;
  • collecting.

This instruction will not talk about collecting, but you will learn how to obtain the right to purchase, as well as store and, in some cases, carry cold steel, gas, pneumatic, smooth-bore and rifled weapons, as well as weapons of limited destruction.

For self-defense, Russian citizens, after receiving a license, can purchase smooth-bore and gas weapons, as well as weapons of limited destruction. For hunting you can buy smooth-bore, pneumatic, throwing small arms and edged weapons. You can also purchase rifled guns, but only after five years of trouble-free ownership of smooth-bore weapons.

Those interested in shooting sports can purchase pneumatic and smooth-bore weapons. And after receiving the official sports title (Master of Sports, Master of Sports of International Class), you can obtain a license to purchase, and then permission to store and carry long-barreled rifled weapons. In addition, having received a sports title, you will be able to purchase short-barreled rifled weapons (pistols), but you will be required to store them in a shooting club.

In any case, gun owners need to remember General safety rules:

  • always remember that weapons are a source of increased danger;
  • Always handle the weapon as if it were loaded;
  • never point a weapon where you do not want to shoot;
  • never touch the trigger of a loaded weapon unless you intend to fire;
  • never shoot if the shot may pose a danger to others;
  • Before shooting, check what is in front of and behind the target.
">basic safety precautions, Carrying weapons by citizens of the Russian Federation is permitted during hunting, sporting events, training and shooting exercises, as well as for self-defense purposes.

When carrying a weapon, a citizen is required to have documents proving their identity (passport or service ID, military or hunting ID, etc.), as well as a license or permit issued by the internal affairs authorities to store and carry their weapons.

Long-barreled firearms are carried in an uncovered state, with a loaded magazine or drum set on the safety catch (if available), and short-barreled firearms are carried in a holster in a similar form.

Reloading a cartridge into the chamber is permitted only when it is necessary to use a weapon or to protect life, health and property in a state of necessary defense or emergency. During hunting or sporting events, loading of weapons is carried out in the manner determined by the relevant rules.

Carrying and using copies (replicas) of weapons, as well as carrying weapons of cultural value, is permitted only with historical costumes during the participation of citizens in historical, cultural or other events held by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, museums, state or public cultural and educational organizations and associations, subject to coordination of the said events with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Persons who have the right to keep, store and carry weapons are required to comply with the established rules for the safe handling of them.

">rules for carrying weapons
, Citizens of the Russian Federation transport weapons across the territory of the Russian Federation in quantities of no more than five units and cartridges of no more than 1000 pieces on the basis of permits from internal affairs bodies for storage, storage and carrying, storage and use, for import into the Russian Federation of the relevant types, types and models weapons or licenses to acquire them, collect or exhibit weapons.

Transportation of weapons and ammunition in quantities exceeding the specified norms is carried out by citizens of the Russian Federation in the manner prescribed for legal entities.

Transportation of weapons belonging to citizens is carried out in cases, holsters or special cases, as well as in special packaging from the weapons manufacturer.

(Based on materials from Decree of the Government of Russia dated July 21, 1998 No. 814 “On measures to regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation”)

"> rules for transporting weapons
And To ensure safety during hunting, it is prohibited:
  • carry out the extraction of game animals using hunting firearms and (or) pneumatic weapons closer than 200 meters from housing;
  • shoot “at the noise”, “at the rustling”, at a vaguely visible target;
  • shoot at game birds sitting on wires and supports (poles) of power lines;
  • shoot along the line of shooters (when the projectile can pass closer than 15 meters from the adjacent shooter);
  • organize a corral of game animals, in which the hunters move inside the pen, surrounding the animals caught in the pen;
  • shoot at information signs, including road signs, traffic signs, boundary signs, advertising structures (stands, billboards), as well as special information signs (full houses) and other information signs and their supports, residential and non-residential premises.

(From the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2010 No. 512)

">hunting safety rules

2. What weapons are prohibited for circulation in Russia?

According to the Law “On Weapons”, on the territory of the Russian Federation, in particular, the circulation of the following as civilian and service weapons is prohibited:

  • long-barreled firearms with a magazine (drum) capacity of more than 10 rounds, with the exception of some types of sporting weapons;
  • firearms that have a shape that imitates other objects;
  • smooth-bore firearms manufactured for cartridges for firearms with a rifled barrel;
  • flails, brass knuckles, shurikens, boomerangs and similar items;
  • cartridges with armor-piercing, incendiary, explosive or tracer bullets, as well as cartridges with shot shells for gas pistols and revolvers;
  • gas weapons equipped with nerve agents, poisons, and other substances not permitted for use;
  • electroshock devices and spark gaps manufactured abroad or manufactured in Russia, but having output parameters exceeding the values ​​​​established by the state standard of the Russian Federation;
  • cold bladed weapons and knives, the blades and blades of which are either automatically removed from the handle when a button or lever is pressed and fixed by them, or extended due to gravity or accelerated movement and automatically fixed, with a blade and blade length of more than 90 millimeters;
  • civilian firearms of limited destruction with a muzzle energy of over 91 joules and service firearms of limited destruction with a muzzle energy of over 150 joules.

3. What are the fees for issuing licenses and permits?

In 2017, fees for issuing, renewing, and re-issuing licenses to purchase and permits to store and carry weapons were replaced by state fees.

Currently, the fee for issuing a license to purchase weapons (except gas) is 2,000 rubles.

The fee for issuing and extending the validity period of a permit to store and carry weapons is 500 rubles.

The fee for issuing and extending the validity period of a license to purchase gas weapons is 500 rubles.

The fee for re-issuing any weapons license for the acquisition, as well as any permit to store and carry weapons, is 250 rubles.

4. Who can't buy a gun?

A license to purchase weapons is not issued to citizens of the Russian Federation who:

  • have not reached the age of 18 years (21 years in case of obtaining a license for a weapon of limited destruction (in common parlance - “trauma”);
  • cannot provide a medical certificate and a medical report, which indicates that doctors found either contraindications to owning a weapon or drugs in the body;
  • have an outstanding conviction for an intentional crime or have an expunged conviction for a grave or especially grave crime committed with the use of a weapon;
  • are serving a sentence for a crime;
  • twice in a year were brought to administrative responsibility for violating public order, for violating hunting rules, for violating the rules for the circulation of narcotic or psychotropic substances;
  • do not have a permanent place of residence;
  • did not submit the required documents;
  • deprived by a court decision of the right to purchase weapons;
  • are registered with health care institutions for mental illness, alcoholism or drug addiction;
  • subjected to administrative punishment for the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances (the ban on obtaining a license is valid until the end of the sentence).

5. How to purchase gas weapons?

Gas weapons in Russia are sold for self-defense. Every citizen who has the right to purchase weapons has the right to own no more than five gas pistols or revolvers. You can purchase them either individually or in several units at once.

In order to acquire one, you will need to obtain a license to purchase gas weapons, which in fact is also a permit to store and carry gas weapons. This right to own and carry gas weapons is somewhat easier to obtain than other types of weapons. Indeed, in the case of pneumatic, smooth-bore and rifled weapons, as well as weapons of limited destruction, these are two different documents that are drawn up sequentially.

6. How to purchase weapons of limited destruction?

Weapons of limited destruction (better known as traumatic weapons) in Russia are sold for self-defense. Every citizen who has the right to purchase weapons has the right to own no more than two firearms of limited destruction (traumatic weapons). You can purchase them either individually or both at once.

It is important to know that when obtaining a license for a smooth-bore weapon for self-defense, you will not be able to obtain permission to carry such a weapon - only for storage, because it is understood that you will use it to protect your home. But hunters and athletes can purchase weapons and then receive the right not only to store them, but also to carry them - after all, it is assumed that the former will use the weapon while hunting, and the latter - in training and competitions.

Everyone who has the right to purchase a weapon can own no more than five smooth-bore weapons and an unlimited number of air guns.

Edged weapons can be purchased if you have two documents: a hunting license and a permit to store and carry hunting weapons - smooth-bore, rifled or pneumatic. No other documents are required for purchase. Now edged hunting weapons are not registered in any way, but carrying them is allowed only when hunting.

To be able to purchase rifled weapons, athletes must have a sports title in shooting (master of sports, master of sports of international class). But if long-barreled weapons can be stored at home, then a pistol or revolver will have to be stored in a sports club.

Every citizen who has the right to purchase weapons has the right to own no more than five units of long-barreled rifled weapons. You can purchase them either individually or in several units at once.