Step 4. Prepare the apartment for sale, and ourselves for negotiations with the buyer

If your ad was written correctly, and the price of the apartment was not inflated, then you will soon start receiving calls and viewings of your property.

And even before you invite people to show your apartment, you should prepare a little.

Pre-sale preparation - an integral stage of a successful transaction!

What should you do before showing an apartment to potential clients?

Below we will consider 5 important points immediately before showing the apartment:

1. Clean the entrance and surrounding area. The entrance is the first thing the client sees. If there is a mountain of garbage lying next to him, the door is covered with graffiti, or a dead cat is lying nearby, then the person is unlikely to have positive emotions and the first impression will be spoiled. Even if you have a very nice apartment with a new renovation, then either this type of entrance will completely discourage the desire to buy your property, or the buyer will ask for a big discount, which will be unprofitable for you, because you and I want to sell the apartment at the highest possible price, right? ! Therefore, don’t be lazy and put it in proper shape: wash the windows in the entrance, replace burnt out light bulbs, erase the inscriptions left by vandals, keep the entrance to the entrance clean.

2. Clean up your apartment. Clean the inside of your premises, wash the windows. Remove excess furniture from the apartment if possible. Empty apartments sell best, since the buyer does not feel out of place and, when inspecting the property, often begins to think about what furniture to put and in what place.

3. Cover up all visible imperfections. If you have scratches on the floor or cracked plaster on the wall, then it is best to disguise these “jambs”, because they will not show your apartment from the best side and the buyer will have many more questions. Lay down a rug where your floor is scratched, hang a picture to cover a crack in the wall, and so on. Of course, by hiding the flaws, you will sell your property faster and more expensively, but at the same time, the moral and ethical side of such a disguise remains entirely on your conscience.

4. Give the room an aesthetic appearance. If you have weathered curtains hanging on your windows, yellowed from time to time, or the furniture was purchased during the reign of “Tsar Pea”, it is falling apart or does not look modern, then you will need to get rid of this “antique”! Spend some money to update the curtains, buy cheap but nice paintings for the walls (you can even take them with you after the sale), just to make the room look more modern and aesthetically pleasing. In large cities, where hundreds of real estate transactions are carried out in one day, there are even special services for pre-sale preparation of apartments, where 30-50 thousand rubles even an old ruin will be made into “candy.” For example, selling an apartment in Moscow or St. Petersburg for 5-10 million rubles, you can easily afford to invest in pre-sale preparation of the property up to 100,000 rubles. After all, this amount will speed up the transaction and increase the value of the property.

5. Scent your apartment. Smell is an important component of sales psychology. For example, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee or hot pastries on a subconscious level has a positive effect on making a positive decision about buying an apartment. Now you know this and I recommend that you use this “aromatic” technique.

Buyer questions and objections

Let's look at exactly what questions (objections) a buyer may have and how to handle them correctly.

Question 1. In principle, I like the apartment, but the price bothers me (I only have this amount)

Answer: I can give you a little or leave such and such furniture (household appliances) as bonuses if the payment is made within 3 days.

Question 2. We need to move in literally tomorrow. How quickly can you vacate the apartment?

Answer: As soon as we draw up a deposit agreement, I will immediately begin the process of checking out of the apartment and will transport things, because we are all people and I understand your situation.

Question 3. I am confused by such and such a parameter (small kitchen, area of ​​the city, condition of the house), and therefore I doubt whether I should buy your apartment?

Answer: I understand you, there are no ideal options, and I suggest you buy my apartment, since its other parameters (footprint, cozy yard, developed infrastructure) are much more important for you, because you said it yourself, right?

As you can see, it is worth speaking the client’s language, being attentive to his wishes, but also not immediately agreeing to his terms.

In any case, your task is to receive money in the form of a deposit as quickly as possible by concluding an appropriate agreement. Of course, at a price that suits you.

Wipe dust, floors, straighten curtains, tulle;

Remove all unnecessary things that clutter the space. Ideally, the rooms should resemble a hotel room before guests arrive;

Ventilate the premises, do not start the hassle of preparing specific-smelling food on the eve of the viewing: hodgepodge of sauerkraut, salads with garlic, fried fish. By the way, if the house smells of vanilla or freshly brewed coffee, then this, on the contrary, can have a positive impact on the opinion of potential buyers;

Take care of lighting- a dark hallway or bathroom with a frail “Ilyich light bulb” will ruin the first impression;

Try to organize your home- it won’t be good if, while watching, a granny peeks from behind the door or a baby with a dog is running around underfoot. Try to sit the old lady in a chair in front of the TV, entice the child with some board game, and, if possible, take the dog for a walk.

The main text must be a logical continuation of the title. Therefore, never end your title with a period. For example, continue the headline “Excellent, bright and warm apartment” as follows: in such and such an area of ​​the city it is sold at a remarkably low price. The main text turns the first impression (the one that arose in the notorious one and a half seconds of reading the headline) into real interest in the advertised property and encourages a person to take a specific action: look at the apartment, clarify information about it, call the seller. The ideal advertising text must answer the basic questions of a potential buyer: What? What exactly is being advertised and sold? Where? The exact address of the advertised property. Why? Why should a buyer buy this particular apartment and not another? How many? Housing price. Who? Who posted this ad, the owner or the realtor. Where? Phone numbers or other contact details of the seller where you can contact him. When? A specific time when you can call or make an appointment. The end of an ad is a call to action. The “correct” final part, in turn, consists of two mini-parts, the first of which calls for action, and the second explains how to perform this action. For example: first part: “Call us without delay...” second part: “... at such and such number.” Thus, you make his task easier for the buyer and explain how he can purchase an apartment, what number to call back to get more specific information, or what address to come to to view and evaluate the property for sale.

Example of a GOOD advertisement for the sale of an apartment

Headline: Cozy 2-room apartment for sale in the city center

Announcement text: Spacious, 55 sq. m., 20 sq. m. hall, 15 sq. m. bedroom. The apartment is equipped with household appliances, a large kitchen - 11 sq. m. m.

The apartment is located on the middle floor (5th floor, 12 storey building), the building has clean entrances and elevators, good neighbors.

Favorable layout (vest), rooms are located to the right and left of the corridor.

Spacious and cozy loggia with new double-glazed windows, heated. It is quite suitable for creating an office or storage room for any things.

The house is in good technical condition, not old, built in 1995.

The apartment has a nice renovation, there is a built-in wardrobe, a kitchen set, the sale of all furniture is discussed separately.

The convenient location in the city center will allow you, as the new owner, to take advantage of all the advantages of the developed infrastructure.

Central stores, clinics, educational institutions, administrative buildings, and public transport stops are within walking distance.

Dear customers, I grew up in this apartment and love it with all my heart, it has very good energy.

He always monitored the condition of the apartment, changed everything in a timely manner, it was even a pity to leave. My apartment is looking for a new caring owner:)

Price:2,300,000 rubles .

Apartment seller:Sergey, tel: 8-999-999-99-99.

Call right now and come to view, we will agree on the price.

A warm, sunny, very bright 2-room apartment is for sale. The apartment is cozy, in good condition, not corner, isolated rooms, PVC windows, glazed balcony, separate bathroom, cold and hot water meters installed, metal entrance door. Tambour for two apartments. Clean, well-kept entrance, good neighbors. Quiet courtyard with a large playground. The house is located in a very good area of ​​the Left Bank. Near the public transport stop “Universum (Dianova St.) and Lukashevich routes, which allow you to go to any area of ​​the city. Within walking distance are schools No. 28 and No. 49, kindergartens No. 198 and No. 183, a post office, a branch of Sberbank of Russia, TC Magistral, TC Leto. Documents are ready, pure sale.

Documents are ready, exchange option. Possible mortgage, military mortgage, mortgage with maternity capital


Headline: A warm, sunny, very bright 2-room apartment for sale in the center of the Left Bank.

The apartment is cozy, in good condition, not corner, isolated rooms, PVC windows, separate bathroom, in good repair, cold and hot water meters installed, new radiators installed in the kitchen and bedroom, metal entrance door.

Advantageous layout, spacious, 53 sq. m. m., 19 sq. m. hall, 14 sq. m. bedroom. The apartment is equipped with household appliances and built-in furniture. Cozy glazed balcony, pleasant view from the window.

The apartment is in good repair, there are built-in wardrobes in the hallway, a kitchen unit with a built-in dishwasher and a built-in hob.

The apartment is located on the middle floor (7th floor, 9 storey building). Tambour for two apartments. Clean, well-kept entrance, kind neighbors. Quiet courtyard with a large and beautiful playground.

The apartment is located in a landscaped area. The convenient location will allow you, as the new owner, to take advantage of all the advantages of the developed infrastructure.

Within walking distance are Lyceum No. 74, Lyceum 149 with a preschool department, Gymnasium 139, two kindergartens, clinics, Magnit, Holiday stores, the Obi construction hypermarket, the Mayak entertainment center, the recently opened Lenta hypermarket, the Omsk Arena entertainment complex, a bus station, two public transport stops transport. Nearby is Zarechny Boulevard, where you can stroll along the alley with your children.

Price:2,500,000 rubles .

Apartment seller: Ksenia, tel: 8-999-999-99-99.

Call now and come see it.

Related information.

How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment? In general, in order to conduct a transaction with residential real estate, it is better to use the services of a real estate company that has a good reputation coupled with many years of experience. The specialists of this company will advertise your offer, and will also check the transaction for legal purity: they will establish the presence or absence of claims of third parties on the property being sold and will find a responsible and solvent buyer.

When contacting a real estate agency, it is important to know that an agency employee may be present during the settlement of the contract, he assists the client in selecting buyers and advertising the apartment, advises on all kinds of legal issues, that is, he acts as an intermediary, but is not a party.

But you can also submit your own advertisements. It is important to compose them correctly from the point of view of attracting potential buyers, especially if your offer is not the most profitable in comparison with others. Let's consider the features of composing “sales” advertisements, taking into account the psychology of the buyer and his needs.

How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment: a sample of a successful and unsuccessful advertisement

First, let's look at two examples of ads.

  1. “I’m selling a 2-room apartment with a separate room, a bathroom section, and a balcony.”
  2. “I’m selling a clean, bright apartment in a green area. After cosmetic repairs, new pipes, new plumbing, view of the river from the window, spacious glazed loggia, separate rooms and bathroom, quiet area, good neighbors, close to a bus stop, shops, school and kindergarten. Clean sale, all documents are in order, bargaining is possible.”

Both apartments are approximately the same in cost and characteristics. But which ad do you think will attract more attention from a potential buyer? The answer is obvious.

Hence the conclusions:

  • give the most complete description of the apartment in the description (later we will look in detail at what must be included in the ad);
  • try to attract the buyer with the advantages of your apartment (they must correspond to reality) - a good view from the window, recently completed renovations, developed infrastructure and other advantages;
  • indicate the possibility of bargaining or try to attract with some kind of bonus: for example, promise to leave a built-in kitchen (it usually always remains and is included in the price of the apartment, but the buyer does not need to know about this) - in general, promise additional benefits.

In general, show all your imagination, find all sorts of benefits from buying your apartment and offer them to the buyer.

How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment for posting?

One of the advertising options used to sell apartments is posting advertisements. It makes no sense if your apartment already stands out favorably among other offers: the price is reasonable, the condition is not bad, the documents are in order and there are no encumbrances or bureaucratic obstacles.

If a home is sold without the involvement of agencies and private realtors, it is necessary to find buyers. The easiest way to do this is through an ad.

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But how to write an effective advertisement for the sale of an apartment in 2019? A properly written advertisement for the sale of real estate is not a guarantee of success, but it can significantly increase the chances.

What you need to know

What should be an effective advertisement for the sale of an apartment? This question often becomes the main one for real estate sellers.

Some people think that it is enough to describe only the most basic parameters such as number of floors and number of rooms. Like, an interested buyer will contact you and then you can tell/show him the details.

Others take ad writing more seriously. They describe literally everything down to the smallest detail, right down to listing the names of all nearby objects.

As a result, the ad turns out to be so huge that rarely does a buyer read it to the end.

The most important thing when composing an advertisement is to indicate the main characteristics and advantages without unnecessary details.

Too much information is just as bad as too little information. But if an ad is being written for the first time, it is difficult to understand what is considered important.


When coming up with a title for your ad, you need to take a non-standard approach, but being too creative will only scare off buyers.

It is best to highlight the main advantage of the object and use it in the title. For example, an apartment... “for a large family”, “for those who like comfort”, “convenient for an office”, etc.

You should not try to stand out through appeals like “Inexpensive”, “Urgent”. Such phrases usually convey the idea that the property has some defects and therefore the owner is trying to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

As a result, the buyer will strive to reduce the price as much as possible. The main part of the advertisement contains the description and characteristics of the apartment.

There is more room for imagination here. Using non-standard epithets can attract buyers. But you shouldn’t be overzealous either.

For example, the phrases “convenient layout”, “spacious and sunny apartment”, “picturesque view from the window” should be supported by objective characteristics.

Any advertisement for the sale of an apartment must indicate the following basic parameters:

  • location;
  • number of storeys of houses and apartments;
  • number of rooms;
  • common and living space (preferably by room);
  • characteristics of the bathroom (combined/separate);
  • the presence of a balcony or loggia;
  • transport accessibility (distance to the metro or public transport stop);
  • price;
  • contacts of the seller (indicating the representative - owner or agency).

Additionally, you can specify the features of a particular apartment. Here you need to proceed from what might really interest the buyer - where the windows face, is there parking, what is the infrastructure around.

The conclusion requires the indication of contact information. It is advisable not only to write a phone number for contact, but also to write down the hours when you can be guaranteed to answer.

If it is not possible to answer during business hours on weekdays, and clients call several times at this time (most often), then most of the buyers will automatically be eliminated.

But in addition to the necessary characteristics, there is information that, in principle, it is not advisable to mention in the sales announcement.

What data is better not to indicate?

The main mistake in advertisements is the abundance of abbreviations. Often, sellers, wanting to save space and provide more data, reduce literally everything.

For example, “m/m” means a parking space, “2/12P” is an apartment on the second floor of a 12-story panel building,” and “SU separate” means a separate bathroom.

It is unlikely that a person far from the real estate market will understand what the ad says. There are also some safe words that are extremely undesirable for advertisements for the sale of an apartment.

Thus, the phrases “negotiable” and “urgent due to departure” are not only too formulaic, but also instill in buyers suspicions about the reasons for the cheapness and urgency.

Negative descriptions should also be avoided. Although you shouldn’t mask your flaws either. If the buyer suspects the seller of dishonesty, the transaction will not take place.

At the same time, some phrases, despite being honest, can scare off buyers.

Thus, “windows on the school yard” indicate noise in the morning, and “an actively developing area” indicates living in the coming years on a construction site, “next to the highway” indicates constant air pollution.

It is best to avoid vague and ambiguous language. A good ad is a list of the most important parameters, supplemented with interesting facts.

Legal grounds

Ownership of real estate is governed by regulations. In particular, the second section of the Code is devoted to this.

When composing an advertisement, the basic rules are as follows:

  • use only Russian without Latin alphabet;
  • The product name, content and photo must be the same;
  • you can indicate a physical address in the description, but you cannot indicate contact information (they are indicated in the profile);
  • you cannot place appeals, price differences, contacts on the photo (photos should not, in principle, be further processed);
  • The price is indicated in rubles as an integer.

The full list of Avito requirements for real estate advertisements can be viewed in a special section.

For pasting on paper

When composing a paper advertisement, you need to attract the attention of buyers. The basic recommendations are the same - detailed information “without water” indicating the benefits.

But additional “lures” can include words such as “directly from the owner”, “no commission”, “registration at the expense of the seller” and the like.

Particularly significant points can be highlighted in bold or capital letters. It is advisable to include some significant advantage in the title.

For example, “A fully furnished 2-room apartment is for sale directly from the owner.” For a paper ad, it is important to have the right call to action.

about selling an apartment to stand out among so many offers? We share advice from experienced realtors.

Where to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment?

“Cian”, “Avito”, “Yandex.Real Estate”, “Yula” - an experienced realtor will name at least a dozen sites with advertisements. Among them there are both specialized resources where only real estate is sold, and universal bulletin boards where you can buy anything - from a kitten to a cottage.

What to write in an ad?

So, how to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment? To begin, indicate basic data (number and area of ​​rooms, floor and number of floors of the house, type of layout, etc.). We will not continue the list - all the parameters are in a special form for filling out. Don't leave fields blank: Real estate websites have a tag search system that allows buyers to find what they need. There are not many of these fields on message boards, but they require the most basic information.

Ad form on Avito

Specialized sites have more informative forms to fill out.

Form to fill out on Yandex.real estate

Most sites and boards have a field in which you can describe the object in more detail and colorfully. Description is a powerful tool, it is important to learn how to use it!

An example of filling out a free field from

3 nuances to consider when creating advertisements

Not all data is needed.You should not write in your ad about a happy childhood spent in an apartment, or talk in detail about the reasons for moving. If the buyer is interested in this information, he will ask himself during the meeting.

Not all formulations are clear.Everyone imagines a spacious kitchen in Provence style differently. “Kitchen 12 sq.m. with parquet floors, beige wallpaper and a light green built-in set” sounds much more specific.

Not all abbreviations are clear. It’s better to write longer, but more clearly: not everyone will understand that you meant “apartment in the 2nd entrance of 6” in the strange code “2PD/6”.

How to stand out?

1. Write beautifully

The description should not be dry, like an excerpt from a technical passport. Use emotional epithets “cozy”, “bright”, etc. If you have a beautiful view from the windows, then write about it. Friendly neighbors? New renovation? Write everything! This will make the ad more attractive.

Example of a successful ad

Alexander Ivanov, private realtor, Moscow:
- There is no clue to sell it faster. The realtor himself must be creative. Make each ad stand out so that it is read to the end. Avoid standard phrases and describe the object very colorfully.

2. Highlight with CAPS

Want to attract attention? Use CapsLock. For example, to highlight the advantages, distinctive features of an apartment (rare layout, located in a new building) or favorable conditions for the buyer (from the owner, without intermediaries). But just don't overdo it.

An example of a successful ad with caps

3. Talk about what the client cares about

Imagine yourself as a buyer: what would you ask first? Some people care about the condition of the pipes and quiet neighbors, while others are concerned about the issue of documents. However, it will be a big plus for everyone if you indicate the basis for obtaining the apartment (purchase and sale, will, gift), the number of owners, and the number of years in ownership. This will tell the buyer how safe the transaction is.

Is there a secret that will definitely help sell an apartment? Unfortunately no. All apartments are different, and there cannot be a universal recipe.

Maxim Karkachechev, realtor from the Etazh real estate agency:
- If the apartment is on the ground floor, clients are interested in whether the windows are located high above ground level. And when on the last one - the presence of a technical floor on top. The apartment is on the second floor - then many are interested in whether the windows overlook the entrance canopy, or whether there is a store below. If the house is located along the road, then they ask which side the windows face and whether road noise can be heard.

4. Take normal photos

In order for a potential buyer to respond to an ad, it is important to make a good impression. And photographs play a big role in this, so they must be of good quality.

  1. Photos should be informative show all rooms from different angles. Plus the front of the house and the yard. Do you have a nice view from the windows? Take a photo of him too.
  2. The apartment needs to be put in order. Hide personal items, remove all unnecessary items from tables and bedside tables. Turn off the TV and computer - the screen should be black.
  3. Take photos in cloudy weather but if you take pictures on a sunny day, then do not stand in front of the window - the frames will turn out to be overexposed. You can shoot in the evening with the lights on, but then the rooms will seem smaller.
  4. Don't block the horizon. For the photo to look neat, its edges should be parallel to the baseboard or jamb.
  5. Choose good angles. Photos taken from an angle with a wide-angle lens look good. Such frames look more voluminous, and the room in them is more spacious.

Compare for yourself: which of the two apartments seems better?

Examples of apartment photos