To rush from one extreme to another. Express Losing a sober, correct perception of reality. It’s unlikely that one should rush from one extreme to another, either exaggerating the merits of the covens or exaggerating their evilness(D. Novoplyansky. Cat Vaska-84).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “To rush from one extreme to another” is in other dictionaries:

    rush up- verb., nsv., used. compare often Morphology: I rush, you rush, he/she/it rushes, we rush, you rush, they rush, rush, rush, rushed, rushed, rushed, rushed, rushed, rushed, rushed; St.... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    rush up- I’m wondering, I’m wondering; nsv. 1. to Rush. 2. = To rush (but denotes a repeated action, performed at different times, in different directions). B. from one extreme to another. Why are you throwing yourself at everyone? (swear, reproach). 3. than. Throw at someone... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    rush up- I see throw; a/yes; suffering II a/yus, a/yus; nsv. 1) to rush 2) = to rush (but denotes a repeated action, performed at different times, in different directions) To rush from one extreme to another... Dictionary of many expressions

    EXTREME- EXTREME, and, female. 1. Extreme degree of something, excessive manifestation of something. To rush from one extreme to another, to move (about obvious inconsistency in decisions, actions; ind.). The character combines two extremes. Extremes meet... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    FC Tom in the 2008 season- Contents 1 Chronicle 2 Preparation for the 2008 season 2 ... Wikipedia

    "Tom" in the 2008 season- Contents 1 Chronicle 2 Preparation for the 2008 season 2.1 ... Wikipedia

    FC Tom in the 2008 season- Contents 1 Chronicle 2 Preparation for the 2008 season 2.1 Training camps ... Wikipedia

    change your mind- ▲ change a decision (about what) change your mind. think about it. think it over (colloquial). reconsider. revise(#decision). replay (colloquial). give up the thought [intention]. cancel. give up. colloquial: to hang up. to back down [to back down]. give [give]… … Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Russia. Russian language and Russian literature: History of Russian literature- The history of Russian literature, for the convenience of viewing the main phenomena of its development, can be divided into three periods: I from the first monuments to the Tatar yoke; II until the end of the 17th century; III to our time. In reality, these periods are not sharply... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

To rush from one extreme to another.

Is it good or bad?

And why is this typical for so many people?

A mother and child come to a consultation and state the problem: “My daughter is very uncommunicative. Shy and reserved. I can’t understand where we got it from. I myself am a very sociable person. I have a lot of connections and friends.”

During the consultation process, we conducted a diagnostic examination of mother and daughter. And to the surprise of the mother (and for the psychologist it was just a statement of fact) they found out that she also had communication problems. And in the process of raising her and living together, she passed on this experience to her daughter. Only it manifested itself in the completely opposite pole!

How? She is surprised! Do I have communication complexes?!

Yes, and you compensate for them in a special way: you attract a large circle of people to yourself, you talk a lot - thereby you work out your problems and try to prove the opposite, without even realizing it yourself.

More than once in psychological practice we have met people who were very withdrawn in childhood, and in adulthood showed excessive talkativeness. They still had the problem, but it went to the other extreme.

And when you see an overly aggressive person, what do you think about him? - He is super confident, since he is able to walk over people’s heads and allows himself to do this!

In fact, such people have very big problems with confidence. Inside them sits a small rabbit, which releases a large boa constrictor to protect itself from others. The task is to attack first, since he simply will not survive insults from the outside!

Why is high self-esteem, according to others, better than low?
And according to psychologists, what is low and what is high is problematic!

Low and high are two opposites that, under special circumstances, can flow into one another and prevent one from taking actions in relation to the reality of situations. Adequate self-esteem is necessary!

Have you met?

  • Either he is a very responsible person, or suddenly he is completely careless.
  • One minute he is completely sloppy - and then suddenly he hones his appearance to the point of meticulousness, undergoes plastic surgery, and spends days in the gym.
  • Sometimes sociable, sometimes he went into his cave.
  • Either he was a slacker or he plunged headlong into an ill-considered project.
  • She ate too much - and then “stitched up her stomach.”
  • He was a street child in childhood - and now he does not take his eyes off his children and does not give them the right to personal space.
  • He drank godlessly - and then suddenly he even stopped swearing... but after a while his family lost him in the bottle again!

Throwing from one extreme to another is the lot of people with immature emotions, with deeply unresolved problems.

Turns out! Not only a child under a certain age, but also a sufficient number of adults can not control their emotions.

Test yourself:

  • Do you lash out at your loved ones after a hard day at work?
  • Is depression your friend?
  • Do you show emotional impatience with other people's "shortcomings"?
  • Can you restrain an incredible strong impulse of delight?
  • Are you often aggressive, whiny, impatient, irritable, touchy?

Do you want to be a truly adult, mature person?
Whatever happens, learn to control your emotions, be resistant to stress and develop emotional intelligence!

Surprise those around you with your ability not to lose yourself in any situation!

Solve your internal complexes and problematic attitudes.
You will make not only yourself happy, but also your loved ones!

Believe in yourself and you will succeed!

Diam Aim

Dear ladies and gentlemen who are practically absent here! Let me introduce myself: I am Diam Aim, and I will share with you the most interesting and most effective of different types psychology, learned by me during 12 years of studying the “science of the soul.”

Why don't they teach?

I often wonder why people are taught different sciences from childhood: about numbers, about nature, about physical phenomena, but they don’t teach the science of oneself: about psychology. It is not surprising that with such an omission there are many unhappy and not very happy people who cannot understand themselves.

Is psychology empty talk?

So much has been written and said about different types of psychology that it is easy to get lost in the jungle of theories and it is easy to think that psychology is just empty words with very little practical application. This is far from true, psychologists have accumulated a large number of techniques that work and help, which everyone can apply independently.

From words to deeds: let's stick to the golden mean.

Let's learn one of these techniques.

It happens that we swings from one extreme to another: either we are too calm, or too tense, or sometimes we talk too much, and when we need to say, we remain silent and cannot squeeze out the words, or we see too many insignificant details, and sometimes we don’t even notice important details.

Let's choose.

Choose a couple of your opposites, which bother you, and you would like to avoid both sides, staying in the middle.

Do it right now, choose what comes to mind first. Have you chosen? Then say these two extreme states to yourself. Name them for yourself.

Now, leaving your left hand relaxed, Slowly squeeze your right hand And think about the first one from these states. Clench your fist and remember how you behave in this state, what you feel, what you hear and see when you are in this state. One minute is enough for these thoughts, clenching your fist until it stops. Now relax your hands.

Think about the second state, leave your right hand relaxed, clench your left fist. Remember when you are in the second state of your sensations, emotions and thoughts, and at the same time clench your left fist. A minute is enough. Relax your hands.


Now take a deep breath And as you exhale, clench both fists, continue inhaling to the limit with clenched fists. Hold your breath a little and continue to keep your fists tense. Inhale calmly and smoothly and relax your hands.

As it was.

Remember what did you feel at the moment of clenching two fists. Many compare this to the passage of electric current through the body; to some, it seems similar to the flow of heat through the body; to others, involuntary trembling occurs. Some hear a faint hum or something similar to a melody. Some people feel that the room has become a little brighter.

It will definitely work.

If you thought “nothing at all,” then give yourself five free minutes, get comfortable and do the exercise slowly again. There will be an effect.

Can we talk.

After such exercises, it is customary to do a “talk”, talk about impressions and ask questions. There are comments for this: tell and ask.

Everything in our lives should be in balance, balance, harmony. If there is a clear advantage in one direction, then the harmony is immediately disrupted and not the most pleasant things begin to happen. Any throwing from one extreme to another is destructive; only the golden mean is creative.

Judge for yourself, do you like sunny weather? When your soul is as warm as it is outside, you want to bask in the sun, sunbathe and enjoy life? But imagine that the sun will shine constantly, never going behind the clouds. What then? Sunburn, fainting, drought. All living things will die. This is one extreme. The only salvation can be rain. But what if it rains all the time, without stopping? The water will flood the land, and the entire future harvest will rot, without giving people food. This is the other extreme. In the first case, all living things will die of thirst, and in the second case, of hunger. Only a balance of sunny and rainy weather can ensure life on our planet.

The same rule applies to absolutely everything in our lives. Even to good and evil. It would seem that everything is obvious here and there is no need to maintain a balance. But if a person is 100% kind, he can do harm rather than help with a good deed, he will not be able to refuse anyone, thereby he will ignore his needs and ruin his life. If he is completely ruled by evil, then the person will sow only violence and aggression around him. And only by maintaining a balance can you do good deeds, but at the same time have your own principles and defend your rights, be able to refuse people without feeling guilty.

Maintaining balance also applies to relationships with the opposite sex. Women very often go from one extreme to another, thereby setting the wrong course for relationships.

In general, the relationship between a man and a woman can be compared to a journey on a ship. A man stands at the helm and steers the ship. And the woman gently and unobtrusively leads the man to where this ship needs to be taken and near which harbor to moor it. If she starts misbehaving with the captain, then the ship is unlikely to sail in the direction she wants. If she starts to take the helm from a man by force, she will most likely end up overboard (divorced), where hungry sharks await her (trouble). And then she will have to swim in the cold ocean herself and wait for another ship on which she can be saved. And it is not at all a fact that the captain of another ship will give this woman the helm. It is generally unknown what kind of person he will turn out to be, maybe even a pirate.

Jokes aside, but in order to attract a worthy man into your life and build deep and harmonious relationships with him, create a strong family, a woman needs to learn to maintain balance and not go to extremes, because of which she could easily end up overboard or overboard. just swim in the direction opposite to your dream.

In fact, there are only two most common extremes into which the majority fall.

  • I do not need anything(woman with low self-esteem) → I only need the best(selfishness and pride);
  • I'll do everything myself(strong woman) → I can't do anything on my own(weak woman);

Each extreme destroys not only the relationship with a man, but also the feminine nature received from birth. That is, if a woman behaves as in the examples given, then she not only destroys family happiness with her own hands, but also wastes the time allotted to her, not wanting to work off karma, solve life lessons, in other words, do what she decided for to be born a woman.