Carla Gilberta Bruni Sarkozy Tedeschi is an Italian and French model, singer, author and composer, wife of the 23rd President of the French Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy.

Carla Bruni was born in northern Italy, 20 kilometers from Turin (Torino) on December 23, 1967.


The girl's mother, Marisa Bruni Tedeschi Borini, not only loved music, she lived it, playing the piano excellently. Father Alberto Bruni Tedeschi, an avant-garde opera composer, headed the Teatro Regio in Turin. He waited five years for the opportunity to marry a girl.

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Alberto’s parents owned a company that produced tires and electrical equipment for SEAT, were wealthy people and did not want to see a poor native of Piedmont as their daughter-in-law, even despite her aristocratic pedigree. The grandfather of the future model, Virginio Tedeschi, was born Jewish, but converted to Catholicism in order to get permission to marry a girl from the Bruni family. They loved their son madly, giving him the education of a musician, lawyer and engineer.

But Marisa waited for her happiness and the newlyweds got married. Their home was the 40-room Castagneto Po castle, where their first-born Virginio, who became an artist, was born in 1959 and died of AIDS in 2006. In 1964, daughter Valeria was born, who later became an actress and film director. Carla is the couple's youngest daughter.


The mother gave all her parental love to one child - Virginio. She was rarely at home, spending a lot of time on tour and in the arms of lovers, with whom she was not particularly shy. One of them, 19-year-old guitarist Maurizio Remmert, as it turned out later, is Carla's biological father. He was not embarrassed by the fact that Marisa was 15 years older, and the musician did not want to know his daughter at all.

A beautiful and spectacular woman entrusted the upbringing of her children to nanny Teresa, she came for the whole day, and in the evening she put them to bed and went to her place. Until the age of 6, Karla was afraid to sleep alone and spent the night with a nanny while her secular parents paid tribute to art.

The most precious thing the baby had at that time was the love of a stranger and the notes of Mozart on her mother’s piano.

In the early 70s. father buys an estate with a large beach in France, in Cavalière on Cap Nègre. In 1974, the family decided to move to Paris. In Italy, the gangster group “Red Brigades” is in full swing, earning its living by kidnapping children from wealthy families. Alberto and Marisa, fearing for the life and health of their unattended heirs, take them away from potential danger. Nanny Teresa does not agree to the move, but she always remembers her pupils with tenderness and sadness. So Carla is left without the care of her closest person.


For education, her parents send little Carla Bruni to an elite Swiss boarding school. There the girl studies guitar and piano. She found it boring to study, so she failed to graduate from school with honors. As a teenager, she begins to write poems and songs, but for 10 years she does not dare to present them to the public. The first person to see Carla's work was the guitarist of the Telephone group, Louis Bertignac.

At the same time, the girl is trying to start a career in the modeling world. Her ideal figure perfectly compensates for the imperfections of her face. At the age of 16, Carla posed for free for the photographer Thierry Le Gouès, with whom fate would bring her together many more times.

After school, the girl enters the University of Paris Sorbonne (la Sorbonne) at the Faculty of History of Art and Architecture. Full of ambition and desire to become a celebrity, young Carla goes to the nearest modeling agency, which turns out to be City Models, in the hope of getting a job. There they assessed the girl’s perfect qualities and offered her to sign a contract. Soon, Karla was so captivated by her new job that she quit university, had plastic surgery to correct the shape of her nose, and completely went into the world of fashion.

At the age of 29, the successful model gracefully ends her career on the catwalk to return to her favorite pastime, music.

Model career

In 1988, the agency invited the new model to take part in an advertising campaign for Guess. The shows of the famous fashion house were a resounding success and Karla became a world celebrity overnight. She was offered expensive contracts by many fashion houses in France and Italy.

Carla Bruni's photos appeared on the covers of Spanish, English and Italian Voque, Italian Elle, Marie Claige, Hagregs & Queen and other glossy magazines with large circulations. Moreover, photos of naked Carla Bruni could also sometimes be found in fashion magazines.

Over the 10 years of her modeling career, the girl has worked with such fashion houses as Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, Chanel Cosmetics, D&G, Givenchy, Givenchy, Dior, and MaxMara. She becomes one of the most expensive models in the world, earning seven and a half million dollars for shows.

Stylists, photographers and make-up artists loved working with Carla. She led a healthy lifestyle, swam and ran three kilometers every day, and followed a diet. The girl strictly ensured that her weight always remained at around 55 kilograms with a height of 175 centimeters.

While applying makeup, she read Dostoevsky, while flying from show to show, Karla took out self-instruction books and learned foreign languages.

She could buy many outfits from designer collections, but she always dressed modestly and discreetly. From an early age, the girl trained facial expressions, because wrinkles scared her, and long hours of photo sessions required immobility and endurance. Christian Lacroix and Jean-Paul Gaultier considered her one of the best models, while Carla was free to offer her services to world-famous designers.

In 1997, the model announced her retirement from the world of high fashion. Carla decides to pursue a solo career as a singer.

Actress career

In 1988, Karla starred in episodic roles in the following films:“High Fashion” (“Prêt-à-Porter”, 1994) directed by Robert Altman and “Paparazzi” (“Paparazzi”), directed by Alain Berberian.

In 1995, she had another role in the film Catwalk directed by Richard Leacock.

In total, Bruni has 17 paintings. There is even a fantasy film “Midnight in Paris” (2011) directed by Woody Allen. But the singer’s career attracted Karla more than the actress’s career.

Singer career

Becoming a recognized musician in France is not easy. Karla understood this perfectly and went towards her goal all her life.

She not only played the guitar and composed songs “on the table”, the girl went to vocal lessons twice a week, met musicians, and carefully chose a recording studio.

Carla's favorite singer and composer was Julien Clerc, and at one of the social events, the former top model told him that she had been writing songs for a long time. Julien did not go into details and, in order to answer the girl at least something, advised her to contact her producer.

A few weeks later, Clerk is faxed a text by an unknown author entitled “If I Were Her” (“Si j’étais elle”). The composition turned out to be so elegant, light, fresh and full of feelings that the musician soon released an album under this name, which sold three hundred copies. Carla wrote six songs from the album for him.

In 2003, Carla Bruni's songs in French and English were recorded in her first debut album, “Someone Told Me” (“Quelqu’un m’a dit”). Eight of their eleven compositions are the work of Karla herself.

The album was a stunning success in France and its sales reached eight hundred thousand copies. Worldwide sales have surpassed 1 million copies. The album was produced by one of the singer's lovers, Louis Bertignac. Their romance developed over the course of a year, then faded away and the couple broke up. Carla's blues, rock and folk style of lyrical songs led her to victory in the category "Best Singer of the Year" at the Victoires de la musique competition.

The song “Raphael”, dedicated to the university philosopher and father of her son, Raphael Enthoven, gained fame as a hit even before the album was released. Carla's low voice, without much range, still managed to win the hearts of the French with its frankness.

In 2007, the second album “No Promises” was released in English.

In 2008, the third album “As if nothing had happened” (“Comme si de rien n’etait”) was recorded. Since the singer recorded her last album already bearing the name Carla Bruni Sarkozy, it was a huge success and sold five hundred thousand copies by the end of the year.

Star lovers

From childhood, Carla’s mother inspired her daughter that one day she would be able to become the first lady and contributed in every possible way to this. As a child, the girl often spent summers with the future Prince of Monaco, Albert Grimaldi. The royal family had a villa in France next to the villa of the Bruni family. But the mother’s plans failed to come true.

Carla learned her mother's lessons well and preferred to date only rich and successful lovers.

One of them was the lead singer of the Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger. From the age of 16, the girl dreamed of meeting him and after 4 years the dream began to come true. Carla began an affair with musician Eric Clapton, Mick's close friend, and through him she met the idol of her youth.

Jagger liked the girl, he decided to start an affair with her, not expecting that feelings would develop into something more than simple flirting. Their romance lasted 8 years, the musician even wanted to divorce his wife, American actress Jerry Hall, but his mistress did not need it. Jagger, although he was 25 years older than Carla, could not control himself. He endlessly called the girl at the agency, and one day he took a helicopter and flew to her from tour for one night.

  • Mig Jagger wasn't Bruni's only passion. At the age of 25, she began dating French actor Vincent Pérez. But this intrigue did not last long; the girl soon became bored with the relationship.
  • French singer-songwriter Jean-Jacques Goldman joined the list of Carla's lovers between his two marriages. Paparazzi took photos as the couple walked along the beach holding hands.
  • The real President of the United States, multi-billionaire Donald Trump, did not go unnoticed by the passionate Italian. For Bruni, Trump left his beloved American actress Marla Maples.
  • The relationship with the famous lawyer Arno Klarsfeld was widely discussed in the press at one time. Subsequently, Arnaud became a French adviser.
  • The relationship with the French actor Charles Berling is not entirely clear., who planned to record a joint album with Clara in 2008.
  • In the early nineties, Bruni had a short relationship with the world's best guitarist Eric Clapton, but they were not particularly advertised.
  • Another man who was captivated by Bruni was musician Florent Pagny.. Carla became the reason for Pani's separation from his beloved Vanessa Paradis. But the romance did not bear fruit; the musician left for Argentina, where he found himself another wife.

Other famous lovers of Carla Bruni were: French politician Laurent Fabius, American actor and musician Kevin Costner, French film director and actor Guillaume Canet, French actor and film director Leos Carax, French actor Christopher Thompson, former education minister Luce Ferry.

Husbands and children

Despite the fact that the press gave Karla the nickname “Don Juan in a skirt,” the woman wanted to get married and have a child.

In 1999, she dated publisher, critic and writer Jean-Paul Enthoven, who was 19 years older than her. But the man had a son, Rafael (Raffaello), whom Bruni liked even more. Without hesitation, she takes him away from his legal wife Justine Lévy and they begin to live together. In 2001, Carla and Rafael (he turned out to be 10 years younger than his partner) had a son, Aurélien. The couple separates after 6 years.

In October 2007, Karla came to a diplomatic dinner with Jacques Séguéla, where French President Nicolas Sarkozy was also invited.

His wife had just left him, and Karla was able to captivate and interest the influential guest. Everyone who was at this dinner noticed that it was like lightning flashed between them.

From the first day they met to this day, the couple has been together. In 2008, they legalized their relationship at the Elysee Palace (Palais de l’Élysée). Carla still plays music and appears on magazine covers. She was able to survive the only ban - appearing on stage - for the sake of her beloved husband.

Carla Bruni Sarkozy today

After Nicolas lost the second presidential election, Carla was not at all upset. She returned to what she loved and became a face, plays music and gives concerts again.

She has settled down, is raising a daughter, and has established relationships with her husband’s ex-wives – Cecilia Attias and Marie Dominique.

  • During her work as a model, Carla Bruni was the face of the covers of fashion glossy magazines 250 times.
  • Donald Trump, the real President of America, is the only person with whom Carla Bruni officially denies a relationship, although he is considered one of the Italian’s former lovers.
  • Living in France since childhood, Bruni remained an Italian citizen for a long time. She received French citizenship only in 2008.
  • Bruni finally said goodbye to her old life, sold all the antiques of her late billionaire father Alberto, sold the castle for thirteen million pounds and created a medical research fund in her brother's name with this money. She disliked her home because there her father revealed to her the secret of her origin.
  • In 2008, Carla herself visited her biological father in São Paulo, where she met him, his wife and two half-sisters.

  • (Carla still has good relations with all of them), although she does not show her jealousy in public.
  • In 2010, the Sarkozy spouses visit the mausoleum of the Taj Mahal mosque in India., where a woman asks heaven for the birth of a son.
  • For the meeting between Nicolas Sarkozy and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Carla wore a blue jersey outfit, but did not wear a bra underneath. Medvedev did not succumb to the provocation, but this story was discussed for a long time in the press.

  • During one of her meetings with Michelle Obama, Carla shared with her the details of her intimate life with her husband. Michelle was so shocked by Carla's words that she did not hold the dinner that Sarkozy's wife had hoped for, canceling it 2 hours before the scheduled start.


And, I must admit, they reciprocate his feelings. And it's not even about Donald's huge amount of money. Some young ladies claim that he is simply a “good and sweet person.”

With his first wife Ivana Zelnichkova /

Ivana Zelnichkova (first wife)

Slavic Ivana Zelnichkova was born in Czechoslovakia. In the seventies, she moved to Canada, and from there to America, where she made a dizzying career, first as a top model, and then as Trump’s wife, the main socialite in New York. She was not just Donald’s other half, but also practically the second person in his business empire, being responsible for the interior design of the buildings that Trump erected. She was married to Trump for 15 years (from 1977 to 1992). She gave birth to his daughter Ivanka and sons Eric and Donald Jr. After the divorce, Zelnichkova grabbed millions in compensation on the condition that she would not tell reporters anything about her ex-husband.

Marla Maples (second wife)

Rumor has it that it was because of Marla that the marriage of Donald and Ivana cracked. Some time after his divorce from his first wife, Trump had a magnificent wedding with Marla. The wedding ceremony took place in the presence of thousands of guests in the best hotel in New York. But as in his previous marriage, Trump could not get along with a strong personality. Their marriage lasted six years - from 1993 to 1999. Marla gave birth to a daughter, Tiffany, from Trump. After the divorce, Maples did not like to talk about her former husband, only repeating meaningfully: “All that glitters is not gold.”

Marla Maples /

Melania Knavs (third wife)

Yugoslavian Melania met Donald when she was 26 and he was 50. They got married in 2005, and a year later Melania gave birth to a boy, Barron, from Donald. “Behind Donald is like behind a stone wall!” says Melania. “I admire him because I know how much he wants to do for America. He loves the American people and wants to help them.” It must be admitted that Melania was the luckiest of all: she managed to become the president’s wife.

Melania Knavs /

Ingrid Senhave (friend)

Trump dated model Ingrid Senhave only a few times while he was battling with Marla. Neither Senhave nor the billionaire himself intended to turn one-time meetings into something more, preferring to remain close friends.

Kara Young (friend)

In the early 90s, the long-legged Californian shone on the front pages of glamor magazines. Trump spotted her there. As usual, the courtship turned out to be stormy, and the relationship afterwards was fleeting. “He is generous and kind, but sometimes funny and narrow-minded,” Kara recalled. However, the girl was not lost without Trump. She launched her own perfume line, and in 2005 she married billionaire Peter Georgiopoulos.

Salma Hayek / Instagram

Salma Hayek (secret fantasy)

Born on December 23, 1967 in Turin, Italy Carla Bruni. Years later, she is known as a top model, a favorite of Versace, an actress, and a performer of her own songs. But she became world famous thanks to her marriage to a former French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Carla Bruni in 1993. Photo:

Bruni once said that she found monogamous relationships boring. Life, they say, is one... Among her lovers were some of the most famous men on the planet: musicians Mick Jagger And Eric Clapton, actors Kevin Costner And Vincent Perez. Someone even talked about its connection with the future US President Donald Trump...

But at the age of 33, Carla Bruni gave birth to her first child neither from a star nor from a politician. The father of her son Aurelien was 23-year-old student Raphael Enthoven. At that time, Bruni lived with the guy's father: the famous writer Jean-Paul Enthoven. When Jean-Paul found out about his lover's relationship with his own son, he was shocked and broke up with Carla. After living with Enthoven Jr. for some time, Carla left her young lover. This happened in 2007.

First person

Karla met French President Nicolas Sarkozy at the same time. A few months later, Sarkozy officially confirmed the relationship. They got married in February 2008 at the Elysee Palace. This was the first time in the history of the French Republic that a president married while in office. “Since I married Nicolas, I have experienced human cruelty more than once or twice. But I always understood that it was not aimed at me or my husband, but at our images,” the former model said in an interview.

Carla never hid that she did not understand politics and, being the first lady of France, did not even pretend that she was interested in it. “Representing France is a great honor for me, but fortunately I have no influence,” Bruni said in an interview. “I couldn’t use it wisely: I have no preparation.” I only went into my office at the Elysee Palace to pick up my mail.”

The beauty established a charitable foundation to help the poor. “But, in general, as the first lady, I did not interfere in anything particularly. Power is not a blessing, but one of the most serious problems we have had to face. Power is not pleasure. It makes a person vulnerable,” Bruni said.

She knows firsthand about vulnerability. When she married Sarkozy, only the lazy did not discuss this union, predicting a short life for it. Almost every newspaper in the world published early photos of the nude model and asked the question: “How can ‘such’ a woman become First Lady?” Bruni was not spared even during pregnancy. In 2011, when she was expecting a daughter with Sarkozy, the press did not let up. “They wrote that I was fat. The articles were simply disgusting. As it turned out, for some people there are no boundaries of decency at all,” Bruni said bitterly.

Carla Bruni, Nicolas Sarkozy and Karl Lagerfeld. Photo:

Daughter and Deliverance

When daughter Julia was born, in October 2011, the presidential race was just underway. “It was a difficult period,” says Bruni. “I’m tall, and I have rather big shoulders, so eighteen kilograms of excess weight made me not just fat, but truly ugly.”

It must be said that the model's hardening made itself felt: quickly enough, Karla began to look like she did before pregnancy. She did this not even for herself personally, but to appease her husband’s critics who claim that Sarkozy began to go out with a “cow.” The tabloid press around the world published photos of Carla in wrinkled trousers and a loose blouse. In fact, these things, according to Bruni, were the only ones she got into after giving birth.

Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy after the presidential race. Photo:

“It’s very difficult to follow a diet when your nerves are on edge. And all this against the background of her husband’s difficult election campaign! I almost died. At night, I breastfed the baby every two hours, and during the day I accompanied Nicolas to protocol events. I would give a lot not to have my photograph taken. It felt like bullying. Because of fatigue and depression, I didn’t have enough energy to do my hair and makeup. I wanted only one thing: to go home and sleep.”

When Sarkozy lost the election, the entire world press said that now Bruni, who was used to relationships with successful men, would leave this “loser.” However, even years later, Bruni lives with Sarkozy in Paris: in a house that the model bought before her marriage to Nicolas. Two children live with them: her son Aurélien and her daughter Julia, shared with Sarkozy.

Carla Bruni. Photo:

Sarkozy lectures at the university, and Bruni continues her musical career, her latest album even took second place in the French music charts. Karla says that she considers this period of her life with Nicolas the happiest: the world no longer suspects her of self-interest and does not persecute her for wrinkled trousers... And she also realized that monogamy is not boring at all. You just had to meet that same man...

First of all, the outfit must be appropriate, appropriate for the place and time. It is better to choose classic versions of suits, one tone. These can be different versions of simple cut sets: jacket, blouse, trousers or skirt. It’s better to choose dresses that suit your figure, without provocative cuts,” explained Yulia Tyureva. – The length will depend on the event itself, the time of publication. During the day it should be just below the knee. If we are talking about an evening reception, then the dress can be floor-length.

The decorations deserve special attention. They should not be massive or weigh down the image. They must be selected carefully, with extreme caution. The main thing in this case is not to overdo it. This could be a string of pearls, a light bracelet, or earrings. Accessories also need to be selected very carefully. Gloves, sunglasses, clutch, scarf, brooch - everything should be in place,” Yulia Tyureva clarified.

The first lady's shoes are a separate matter.

“Sandals, flip-flops and other beach shoes are immediately discarded,” Tyureva notes. – For official visits, you need to choose low-heeled shoes, for example, classic pumps, without bright rhinestones, sequins, rivets, or flashy colors.

If the occasion allows, then you can experiment by choosing a bright, “juicy” set. But again, everything must be appropriate and balanced.

The black list should include items with leopard print, fishnet tights, miniskirts, ripped jeans, T-shirts and tops. In any, even the hottest weather, the first lady should wear tights. Although today this rule is sometimes neglected, the expert added.

Separately, you should pay attention to hairstyle and makeup. Hair should be neatly styled and, if necessary, fixed with hairspray. So that the hairstyle, if the meeting takes place outside, is not spoiled by a strong wind. Makeup should be discreet. It is better to avoid bright shadows and blush. Lipstick can be bright. It is generally better to avoid harsh perfumes when going out.

– To create a wardrobe, it is enough to have basic things. They can be combined and transferred from one set to another,” said the stylist. – It is quite a common story for politicians to go out in the same clothes. We're talking about classic suits in subdued tones. You can choose different accessories for them each time. For first ladies, I think the dress code is stricter. Each publication is evaluated and discussed. And first of all, this concerns appearance, as well as behavior.

It is best to trust specialists who will help you assemble your wardrobe. I can recommend looking at photos of first ladies who are recognized as style icons. Among them: Jacqueline Kennedy, Princess Diana, Grace Kelly, Carla Bruni and Michelle Obama.

0 17 June 2017, 19:45

The 49-year-old, in a long interview with one of the Western media, spoke about the new music album French Touch, which included 11 songs in her own performance, ranging from Jimmy Jazz by The Clash to Audrey Hepburn’s Moon River; rumors of an affair with Donald Trump and, of course, scandalous photos taken in his youth.

The music album of the former first lady of France will be released only in October, but the singer has already released her own. The story of the album began in 2014, when she was approached by music producer David Foster (known primarily for his collaborations with Whitney Houston and Celine Dion). Bruni then wrote songs in her native language, but tried it in English and, according to the producer, she “worked great.”

I would really like the songs to be very personal. Foster is used to big projects, but I wanted a little more intimacy. We agreed on a "golden mean"

- Bruni said.

One of the most promising songs from the record is a cover of the famous Miss You by The Rolling Stone. Here's what Bruni had to say about this song:

Perhaps some of the group's other songs would have suited my voice better, but we found an option to remake it for me. We changed the beat, it was very disco. No matter how much I admire The Rolling Stone, and no matter how much I feel about Mick Jaeger, and he's an old friend, we still decided to redo the song because it sounded cool.

But the conversation in the interview was not only about music, but also about politics. In particular, about Donald Trump, with whom Bruni was credited with having an affair more than 25 years ago. The fact is that in 1991, when Marla Maples was next, one day their photograph appeared on the cover of the New York Post with the headline “It’s Over.” Journalists claimed that Trump abandoned Maples for Bruni.

Trump is obviously crazy. This is not true and I am deeply disappointed by these rumors. We met only once at a charity party in New York, and since then we haven't met again,

- Bruni commented on the gossip that same year.

Now her opinion about the 45th President of the United States is approximately the following:

I was surprised by the ridiculous rumor and the fact that it found its way into the press at all. What can I say about Donald now? Well, I believe that democracy is better than dictatorship. Democracy is elections. So we respect democracy.

She also shared what kind of men she always liked:

I have always been attracted to men who have feminine traits in their character. The fact is that I consider machismo to be false, and real, sincere men, even if endowed with some femininity, will still be the most courageous for me.

After this, Bruni spoke about the infamous photograph of a naked former first lady of France, which flew around the world in 2008:

I am a model and I am not ashamed of this photo. You know that I was born in Italy, but was raised in France. It was made when I was 20 years old, and I thought: “How good I am!” Besides, I was never a Playboy sex bomb, I was always skinny. Such photographs are real paintings made by great photographers!

Morality is about whether you are a good or bad person, not whether you are naked or clothed. Therefore, there can be no talk of any immorality when it comes to nude photographs. Lies and meanness - that’s what true immorality is.

At the end of the long conversation, Bruni spoke about her time as First Lady of France:

It was fun! Great experience, great honor, it was a great time! But now I feel relieved. I am a free person, I like to walk, shop and generally do whatever I want, alone, and not surrounded by police,

— she admitted sincerely.

Source Daily Beast
