We all know that proper nutrition is the key to health and slimness. But despite this, I also want to pamper myself. What foods take first place in calorie content?

The most high-calorie porridge

The calorie content of a product depends on the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Fats are present in every product, and they are the ones that provide us with the most calories and energy. If you completely give up fat, the body will gradually lose all its strength and will not be able to even support internal vital processes. The other side of the coin is that fats are very readily stored in reserve. But there is good news - not all fats are equally harmful to the waist and blood vessels. Vegetable fats are much easier to absorb by the body.

Adherents of a healthy diet advise starting the day with porridge. The most high-calorie cereal is millet, 349 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. The figure is impressive, but do not forget that the calorie content of porridge and cereal varies greatly. If you dilute the cereal with water, which is what we do when cooking, then its weight and calorie content will change. So you can have breakfast with any cereal without fear. However, they should be boiled in water and less butter should be added. But don’t give up oil in porridge for good, because it is what helps ensure that all the vitamins and nutrients reach the cells of your body.

The second place in calorie content is occupied by corn and rice porridge - 338 and 335 kilocalories per 100 grams. But oatmeal, contrary to popular belief, is one of the lowest in calories, only 306 kilocalories. So for those who want to lose weight, this product is almost ideal. In addition, porridges are slow carbohydrates. This means that the energy reserve after such a breakfast will last you until lunch.

The most high-calorie nuts

And for a light snack between breakfast and lunch, you can eat a handful of nuts. But even here it will be useful to know which of them contain a large amount of calories. So, if you need to quickly get enough, choose the most high-calorie nuts - macadamia. It is a record holder in the supply of energy and nutrients. 100 grams of this nut contain 718 kilocalories. It should be noted that macadamia is also the most expensive nut, and quite naturally. It has been noted that it can cure migraines, diseases of the skeletal system and vitamin deficiency. Macadamia oil is used in both medical and cosmetic products. In addition, it promotes weight loss by restoring metabolism in the human body and regulating fat metabolism.

If you can’t find macadamia nuts in your nearest supermarket, you can buy pine nuts, which are only slightly inferior in calorie content to their Australian compatriots. It is advised not to buy shelled pine nuts, as their oil quickly oxidizes in air and loses its beneficial properties. And if stored for a long time, they may become completely unfit for consumption.

The lowest calorie nuts are chestnut and coconut. But the familiar peanuts contain 551 kilocalories, and they are perfect for an afternoon snack, as a relatively dietary product. In addition, it has an optimal content of proteins and carbohydrates, which is also beneficial for the body.

The most high-calorie fruits

You can also choose fruits as a second breakfast. They should be consumed separately from the main meal and should never be eaten after a heavy lunch. This can lead to problems with your intestines and fat deposits around your waist, which you would like to avoid. Getting too carried away with some fruits is also not very healthy - many of them contain various sugars, which can also harm your figure.

Surely each of you will guess that the most high-calorie fruit is a banana. Just not fresh, but dried. During heat treatment, bananas lose a lot of weight, but the beneficial substances remain inside. Dried bananas contain 390 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Almost all dried fruits are an order of magnitude higher in calorie content than their fresh counterparts. But if we talk about fresh fruits, then the nutritious avocado will come first. By eating 100 grams of this product, you will get 245 kilocalories. But don’t be afraid of it, because avocado contains almost no sugar, and besides, you can’t eat too much of it. It is better to add it to various salads and green smoothies. The dish will be light and satisfying.

The top ten high-calorie fruits also include grapes, cherries, mangoes and peaches that we know and love. It must be remembered that the sweeter the pulp, the greater its calorie content. The reason for this is the carbohydrates that sweet fruits are so rich in.

The most calorie drinks

But not only food can be high in calories. Some drinks even surpass baked goods in energy value. And if you allow yourself to combine them together, then get ready for possible consequences in the form of a couple of extra centimeters on your sides. Even simple sweet tea is ready to bring you 30-35 kilocalories from each spoon of sugar.

The calorie content of the liquid depends on the ingredients. First of all, it is, of course, sugar. Many drinks contain very large amounts of it. Cream, chocolate, honey, various syrups - all this only adds nutritional value to drinks. The undisputed champion among them is hot chocolate with cream, as much as 500 kilocalories per 100 grams.

And with alcoholic drinks everything is simple - the higher the degree of the drink, the greater its calorie content. The highest calorie alcohols are cognac and vodka, 100 grams of which contain about 240 kilocalories. A half-liter bottle of beer contains 160 kilocalories. If you take into account that you definitely need to take alcohol as a snack, then the total calorie content of such a meal will be slightly off the charts. In general, with alcohol, as elsewhere, you need to observe moderation.

The most calorie food in the world

So, we already understand that the most high-calorie food is fatty. Let's find out which foods break all nutritional records. The most high-calorie meats are pork with fat and lamb. You can eat lean meat without fear of gaining weight. The most high-calorie sweets are all sweet pastries with butter filling. A slice of Napoleon cake contains more than 500 kilocalories. You should limit yourself to baked goods if you care about your figure, because the dough itself is a very high-calorie product. The most high-calorie vegetables are potatoes and beets.

The most high-calorie soup is chicken, provided that the chicken is boiled with the skin on and fried in butter.

By eating just 200 grams of lard, you will provide yourself with almost your full daily calorie intake. 100 grams of it contain 902 kilocalories. Butter has a little less - 876. Vegetable oils are also extremely high in calories - 884 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

Whether you want to lose weight or gain weight, prefer a healthy diet or like to eat more heartily, the smartest thing to do is to monitor the ratio of foods in your diet. And, of course, remember that the most high-calorie foods can bring not only kilograms of fat, but also serious health problems. So, the fattest people in the world would not have to see doctors if they initially limited themselves in food.
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We lose weight without stress and harm to health - a table of calorie content of foods and ready-made meals. An effective method with lasting results!

Counting calories is a very effective way to lose weight. The main advantage of this method is the stability and longevity of the result obtained -
By sticking to your recommended personal daily calorie intake, you will not gain weight again.
The advantage is also the opportunity to eat your favorite food, limiting yourself only in quantity, thus maximizing the variety of your diet without driving yourself into stress.

Determine your norm and eat in accordance with this figure, using the table of calorie content of food and ready-made meals.

Formula for calculating the average daily personal norm.

We multiply the result by the individual indicator of physical activity.

  • 1.2 – minimum movements, sitting work, driving a car, no additional physical activity;
  • 1.3 – low physical activity, the need to walk a lot every day or jog, ride a bike, team sports games, light physical labor 1-2 times a week;
  • 1.5 - visiting a fitness club 3-5 times a week, active physical labor;
  • 1.7 - high physical activity, regular hard physical labor or daily long-term sports;
  • 1.9 – very high level of physical activity. Typically, athletes live in this mode before competitions.

If you want to lose weight, subtract 20% from the total, if you want to build muscle mass, add 20%. Your goal is to maintain weight, leave the number unchanged, this will be your daily requirement.

When planning your menu, distribute the bulk of your food at lunchtime, and don’t forget 1-2 snacks between meals.

We add, record, save information.
We calculate everything once, remember it, and then spend a pleasant time at a party or in a restaurant, rather than wasting it on mathematical calculations. You will definitely need a kitchen scale, if the calculations are inaccurate, there is a risk of overeating and then the body will not have time to spend the energy received, will continue to accumulate reserves, or undereat, which is even worse, since, having gotten used to a small amount of food, the body will slow down the metabolic processes and the weight will be gain even faster.

It is important to take into account some nuances.

1. The amount of kcal in frozen foods does not change significantly.

2. When calculating first courses with meat, we take the total of all components, taking into account the broth. If the meat is removed, only the 20% that goes into the broth is taken into account.

3. Boiled meat, poultry, fish, vegetables are considered raw, minus 20% loss for broth. When frying, about 20% of the fat is absorbed.

4. The calorie content of finished pasta, cereals and legumes is the same in dry form. They swell in water, which has no calories, and increase in weight and volume due to its absorption.

Calculation examples.

100 g of dry pasta contains 338 kcal. After boiling, the weight of the pasta increased to 200 g, but the nutritional value decreased by 2 times. Thus, 200 g of ready-made pasta contains the same amount of kcal.

For 100 gr. cereals account for 300 kcal, which means that ready-made porridge weighing 300 g contains a similar amount.

The numbers are approximate, everyone likes porridge in their own way: some are crumbly, others prefer viscous.

Added milk, butter and various sauces increase the nutritional value of the dish.

5. Salted, marinated fish contains 2 times more calories than raw fish. Fruits and vegetables do not lose their nutritional value after pickling.

6. Calories in smoked meat, poultry and fish prepared at home are considered raw according to the table. In factory conditions, “liquid smoke” concentrate is used, so this product is about 40% more nutritious than homemade.

7. Do not eat fruits and berries in compote - consider only 30% of their calorie content. Dried fruit uzvar contains 0 kcal. The calculated final nutritional value of the compote along with fruits and berries is distributed by the weight of the entire liquid.

Calorie content of products table per 100 grams.

The calorie content of the products in the table per 100 grams is taken from open, verified sources.

Counting calories is not just another diet, but a way of life. This does not mean at all that you can lose weight by continuing to regularly eat fast food and lie on the couch. Choose natural, healthy food. Your menu should be as varied as possible and must include the proper amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber. Rationally distribute the daily amount of food throughout the day, eat in small portions every 2-3 hours, do not overeat at night! Move more, walk in the fresh air.

Convenient complete table of calorie content of foods and ready meals. It's a pity that there is no calculator on the site. I'll print it out. I’ve heard a lot about this technique, they say it’s really effective, I’ll try it :)

In the modern world, more and more people suffer from obesity and diseases associated with it. This is explained to a large extent by the achievements of modern science and technology. People began to move much less and eat much more, and food, most often, contains a lot of calories, fats and carbohydrates. Many people spend all their free time in front of TVs and computers, eating large quantities of high-calorie food. At the same time, all housework is often performed by modern technology, and personal vehicles are used for transportation, so people even walk very little. This lifestyle leads to the development of stress, depression, overweight and obesity, as well as related diseases.

A person can cope with this only by reviewing his regime, lifestyle and diet. Physical activity plays a very important role in this process, but nutrition is of the greatest importance. In order to lose excess weight and maintain it at an acceptable level, a person must remove the most high-calorie foods from his diet.

It is known that the main elements of all products are proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are largely responsible for calorie content. Based on which component predominates in the product, they can all be divided into three large groups:


The most high-calorie protein foods

Proteins are an important nutritional element; they are necessary for the body for normal development and growth, formation of muscles and tissues. Proteins are the main building material for the human body. The daily diet must contain proteins in sufficient quantities, but not exceeding acceptable standards. When excess proteins enter the body, they can settle on the human body in the form of adipose tissue. A large amount of protein is found in fatty fish, pork and sour cream. These products can be dangerous for your figure. Cottage cheese, cheese, milk and kefir have an average protein content and calorie content.

High-calorie fat-containing foods

When breaking down the fats contained in foods, approximately twice as much energy is released as when processing proteins and carbohydrates. Therefore, foods high in fat tend to be very high in calories. For those people who watch their figure and want to lose excess weight, it is better to give them up or reduce their consumption to a minimum. Natural foods containing large amounts of fat include the following:

Vegetable, especially sunflower, oil;

Butter, as well as margarine;

Lard and pork fat;

Most nuts, for example, pine, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts and others;

Fatty meats;

Fatty fish;


Olives and olives and others.

Of the products obtained by processing, a lot of fat is present in:

Sausages, including frankfurters;

Many canned foods;

Pastries, ice cream and cakes;

Many types of cookies;


Chips, crackers, French fries and other “fast” foods.

Too often and excessive consumption of foods that contain a lot of fat can cause the development of obesity and atherosclerosis, which can ultimately lead to strokes and heart attacks. At the same time, scientists have identified a pattern that men are more prone to these diseases than women.

However, you can’t completely give up fats, even though they add high calorie content to foods. After all, only with the help of this element can fat-soluble vitamins be absorbed in the body. In turn, with a lack of such vitamins, premature aging of the skin, faded color and brittle hair, blurred vision and other problems with appearance and health are observed.

Cookies, cakes, pastries, cereals, pasta and candies, in addition to fats, contain large amounts of carbohydrates, which also add calories to the food.

Almost all fast food products, such as pizza, hamburger, sandwich and others, are high in calories. They contain a lot of carbohydrates.

The foods with the highest calorie content include the following (calorie content per 100 grams or per 1 serving is indicated in brackets):

Halva (600 kcal);

Nuts (610 kcal);

Lard (900 kcal);

Whipped cream mixed with raisins (800 kcal);

Margarine (720 kcal);

Omelet with the addition of bacon, mayonnaise or other similar ingredients (up to 750 kcal);

Stuffed bacon (500 kcal);

Hamburger (510 kcal);

Butter (720 kcal);

Chocolate bar (550 kcal);

- “Bird's milk” candy (473 kcal);

Candies “Prunes in chocolate” (610 kcal);

Chocolate covered raisins (510 kcal);

Candy dragees (almost 500 kcal);

Cherry pie (approximately 410 kcal);

Chocolate spread (650 kcal);

Waffle cakes (up to 600 kcal);

Smoked bacon (475 kcal);

Candies “Cherry in chocolate” (446 kcal);

French fries (240 kcal) and others.

So, analyzing these data, we can conclude that most products have a fairly high calorie content. So, should you completely give up such food? In fact, even high-calorie foods will not become enemies if you approach your regimen and diet wisely. Even high-calorie foods can be consumed only in small quantities; in addition, what is important is what they are combined with, in what form and at what time of the day they are eaten.

The most high-calorie fruits

The most high-calorie fruits in the world are the following (the list of fruits is presented in descending order of calorie content):

Tamarind. This fruit contains so little liquid that it resembles dried fruit. Its taste is very sweet. The calorie content of tamarind is quite high - 239 kcal; in this indicator, as well as in its composition, it is also similar to dried fruits.

Avocado. Its main element is fats, which is not typical for fruits. Calorie content is 160 kcal. Many people even mistakenly consider avocado to be a vegetable because of its taste. But this product contains no allergens.

Aki. It also contains quite a lot of fat - as much as 15 g, however, according to this indicator, ackee is still inferior to avocado.

Durian. It is very loved by many people for its special taste. The calorie content of this fruit is 147 kcal. The main elements of durian are carbohydrates and fats. Compared to avocado, durian gives a person more energy and has a more pleasant taste.

Kanistel, or egg fruit. It has a dense texture, and when eaten it gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time. Kanistel contains practically no fat, and its calorie content is 139 kcal.

Zapote. The fruit has a bright, exotic appearance and a pleasant sweet taste. Its calorie content is 134 kcal.

Marang. It is considered one of the most satisfying fruits. It has no fat component at all. This contains 125 kcal.

Sugar apple. This fruit got its name for a reason; it contains a lot of sugars, which give it a sweet taste. Its calorie content is 101 kcal.

Chempedak. The calorie content of this fruit is 98 kcal. It is closely related to jackfruit and marang. Chempedak leaves you feeling full for a long time, has a dense structure and is distinguished by its juiciness.

Jackfruit. It contains no fat at all, and the calorie content is 92 kcal. The fruit has a pleasant, rich fruit and grows in the tropics. It is interesting that when growing, the jackfruit fruit can reach large sizes up to 8 - 15 kg, and sometimes there are specimens whose weight reaches 40 - 50 kg.

Other fruits that are very high in calories are soursop, bananas and chikoo, or sapodilla.

The most high-calorie vegetable

The most high-calorie product among vegetables is considered to be ordinary potatoes, however, they also have many beneficial properties. Potatoes are able to normalize metabolic processes occurring in the human body. Eating potatoes and products based on them helps remove excess water and salts.

There is quite a lot of information about the vegetable itself, its beneficial and harmful qualities, but not everyone knows about the healing properties of juice from raw tubers. It must be remembered that if there are signs of greenery on the potatoes, you cannot eat them raw or prepare juice from them. Such tubers contain a lot of solanine, which is dangerous and can cause poisoning. Solanine is formed in large quantities in potatoes when exposed to light.

Properly selected raw potatoes have many beneficial qualities. It is able to cope with swelling and spasms, has choleretic, wound healing, analgesic and restorative effects. Drugs based on it are used for peptic ulcers and cardiac arrhythmia. Raw potato juice improves the functioning of human internal organs: kidneys, liver, digestive organs, and also normalizes intestinal microflora. This product helps eliminate cholesterol and heavy metal salts, including mercury, and also neutralizes and removes many other dangerous substances from the body.

How to make juice from raw potatoes? To do this, you will need several young potatoes, which should be washed well with clean boiled water and then grated without peeling. It is easy to extract juice from the resulting mass using gauze.

Raw potato juice is used for various diseases:

When treating internal burns, especially chemical ones, you can drink from a quarter to a whole glass three times a day;

To relieve pain and discomfort in the stomach, as well as reduce the manifestations of heartburn, take half a glass of juice orally 20 to 30 minutes before meals;

This juice has the ability to lower blood sugar, which is useful for diabetes. When treating such a disease, this remedy should be taken in a course, starting with a quarter glass diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, gradually increasing the single dose to a whole glass of juice. However, if you have diabetes, any treatment must first be agreed with your doctor;

Fresh potato juice will help get rid of oral inflammation. To do this, it is used as a rinse in the morning and evening.

The most high-calorie porridge

Porridge is one of the most familiar dishes for Russian people. There are several types of porridges, in addition, they are often prepared with various additives and fillers. The cereals from which this dish is prepared contain many useful substances. Ready-made porridge gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time.

What porridges have the most calories?

The three most high-calorie cereals are millet, rice and oatmeal.

Oatmeal contains approximately 345 kcal per 100 g of product. This type of porridge is considered one of the best types of breakfast. Oatmeal, when consumed, gives a person a huge boost of energy. That is why in some countries of the world morning oatmeal has become almost a tradition.

This porridge, entering the stomach, gently envelops its walls, due to which it is especially useful when they are damaged, for example, with peptic ulcers, gastritis and other similar diseases.

The next porridge is millet; it is only slightly inferior in calorie content to oatmeal. For her, this figure is 334 kcal. Like most other types of porridges, millet gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time and adds energy. In addition, this porridge helps eliminate excess salt and fats accumulated in the body. It contains a lot of vitamin A, which is necessary to maintain the skin in good condition, retain moisture and regenerate it. Among the trace elements millet contains, magnesium and calcium are present; these substances ensure the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

True, today in stores offering a huge range of products, it is quite difficult to choose the “right”, that is, truly healthy cereal. You should know that it should have a rich, bright yellow color. The shelf life of such cereals is not too long. By the end of it, it becomes pale, this indicates the loss of most of the beneficial substances contained in the cereal.

Rice porridge is also one of the highest calorie foods, with 330 kcal per 100 g of dry cereal. This cereal contains proteins and starch. Due to this, such porridge is easily and quickly digested, which is why rice is included in many diets.

What other types of high-calorie cereals are there?

Another popular and favorite porridge is buckwheat. Its calorie content is almost the same as that of rice - 329 kcal. Buckwheat porridge is often consumed by people watching their weight and dreaming of losing weight. This product contains many useful elements: calcium, iron, easily digestible proteins, B vitamins and others.

Doctors say that this product, when consumed regularly, helps prevent many cardiovascular pathologies.

Buckwheat porridge effectively fights hypertension, edema and liver dysfunction. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs of the digestive system. All these actions are due to the content of a special substance in buckwheat - quercetin, which, among other things, is effective in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Eating semolina porridge, whose calorie content is 326 kcal per 100 g of cereal, also benefits the body. It contains a lot of vegetable protein (gluten), due to which porridge is especially useful for pathologies of the digestive tract. However, this substance is an allergen and may cause a reaction in susceptible people. In addition, gluten can remove calcium from the body.

Corn porridge is especially popular among the peoples of the North Caucasus. 100 g of this cereal contains 325 kcal. This porridge is especially rich in minerals and vitamins, for example, it contains silicon, which is necessary to maintain good dental health. Corn porridge is a fairly low-calorie dish, so it is often eaten when losing weight, because it is also capable of removing fat from the body.

It is recommended to eat barley if you are overweight and anemic. Its calorie content is only 324 kcal per 100 g. This product contains many different microelements, most of the vitamins belonging to the B group. Barley is recommended to be consumed by those who have a severe allergic reaction to other foods.

1. Fried dishes should be present on the table extremely rarely; you can completely abandon them, replacing them with boiled, stewed and baked dishes. These cooking methods do not involve the use of large amounts of additional fat, and also help to retain most of the beneficial elements.
2. You should eat more salads, herbs and fresh vegetables, preparing salads from them. They should be seasoned with soybean, olive or corn oil, but it is better to avoid dressings such as full-fat sour cream and mayonnaise.
3. It is better to eat sweets and baked goods only on holidays or special days, and even then in small quantities; they should not have a place in the daily diet.
4. The lightest, low-calorie and healthy foods are fresh fruits and vegetables, for example, cabbage, carrots, cucumber, tangerines, pears, melon, watermelon, radishes and others.
5. Don’t snack on the run or buy food in fast food stores.
6. Chocolate lovers do not have to completely give up this sweetness. Just replace other varieties with high-quality dark chocolate without any fillers.

What foods must be included in the diet?

A proper human diet includes:

Boiled fish and meat of lean varieties. These products can be combined with sauerkraut, vegetables or herbs;

It is better to replace products made from white flour with grain breads;

Apples and other natural low-calorie fruits;

Natural yoghurts, curdled milk and low-fat kefir will be an excellent substitute for mayonnaise and sour cream;

You should not eat seeds and nuts in large quantities, as they contain quite a lot of fat;

Honey and dried fruits are good to eat with tea instead of cakes, sweets and pastries.

The healthiest fats are fish oil, soybean oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil and corn oil. It is advisable to consume 1-2 large spoons of them every day.

Calories are the energy that the body receives from food and then spends on any activity. A person eats foods, and the body uses them to produce energy, which it then supplies to vital organs. Energy is needed for all vital processes: mental work, breathing, heat exchange, heartbeat, and even for movement. Each product has a special chemical composition, but they all consist of the same substances, but in different proportions. So, the components are:

  • carbohydrates;
  • microelements;
  • proteins;
  • water;
  • vitamins;
  • fats.

Why do you need to count calories?

Without following a diet, a person tends to exceed his daily caloric intake, even if he does not eat too much, because the calorie content of all foods is different. Snacks that are not considered a full meal are swallowed and forgotten. In addition, calories are divided into “harmful” and “useful”. By consuming unlimited amounts of them, women have a desire to lose weight with the help of diets, the essence of which is the same - reducing daily caloric intake.

All diets have a common significant drawback - a limited list of products. Even if you have followed a strict diet to lose weight and achieved the desired result, you still have not abandoned your previous eating habits, so they will quickly “ruin” your slimness. Calculating the energy value of foods and the amount of food consumed should not become a temporary diet for you, but a way of life - only constant monitoring and a table will help you always have a beautiful figure and be healthy.

How to count

Having decided to switch to PP and use a calorie counting table for weight loss in everyday life, purchase a diary in which you will record your achievements. When following your daily calorie intake, write down every food you eat during the day, and also set aside a place where you will keep track of your physical activity. The third column of the table will show your weight changes - you should record your morning weight in your weight loss journal.

By comparing your weight loss results, you can adjust your diet. At the same time, focus on the minimum required by the body, and keep in mind that in order to lose weight, it must burn more calories than it received. The required amount is calculated individually for each person, because the condition of the body, the age of the person losing weight, and his physical activity are taken into account. For example, a woman who moves little can eat 2200 kcal per day; for men whose activities are not related to physical activity, the number increases to 2800 kcal/day.

To lose weight, you need to do the calculation a little differently, reducing the permissible daily caloric intake:

  • women who do not engage in sports need 1000-1200 kcal/day to lose weight, men 500-600 kcal more;
  • women involved in training should consume 2000-2200 kcal per day, men need to add 500 kcal to this number.

How to correctly count calories to lose weight - table

Once you decide to reduce your body weight, you need to control your intake of high-calorie foods. The table of calorie content of weight loss products will become your faithful assistant in creating a menu, but you need to take into account other points:

  1. Water, tea and coffee have zero calories, but that doesn't include sugar, honey, milk or any other extra ingredients you choose to add to your drink.
  2. When preparing a complex dish, keep in mind that in order to calculate its energy value, you need the energy value of the products included in the composition.
  3. When frying, add the calorie content of the product to the calorie content of the oil in which it is fried.

Food calorie table

Knowing your allowable daily calorie intake for weight loss, you can adjust your menu and plan your diet correctly. A calorie counting table for weight loss will help you with this - thanks to it you will find out the composition of dietary fat and the calorie content of food products that are considered the most popular and accessible to everyone. In the table, data on calorie content and composition are displayed per 100 g of product.

Product name

Calories (kcal)


Berries, fruits









Greens, vegetables


Green peas

White cabbage


Brussels sprouts


Red cabbage


Boiled potatoes


Fried potato

Bulb onions

Green onion

Red onion

Pickled cucumber

Fresh cucumber


Sweet pepper


Red beans

White beans


Pine nut


Ostrich egg

Quail egg

Chicken egg

Dried mushrooms

White mushroom

Fried mushrooms




Dried foods


Dried apples

Cheeses, dairy products

Cow cheese

Yogurt 1.5%

Whole milk

Milk 3.2%

Ryazhenka 6%

Curdled milk

Cream 20%

Cream 10%

Sour cream 20%

Sour cream 10%


Dutch cheese

Lambert cheese

Russian cheese

Processed cheese

Sausage cheese

Curd cheese

Cottage cheese 18%

Low-fat cottage cheese

Bakery products

Rye flatbread

Butter pastries

Wheat bread

Bread Darnitsky

Rye bread

Cereals, legumes, flour

Green peas (canned)

Green peas (fresh)

Dried green peas

Rye flour

Wheat flour

Pearl barley

Wheat groats

Barley grits





Barley flakes


Chum salmon caviar

Granular caviar

Pollock caviar

Fried carp

Canned fish in its own juice

Canned fish in oil


Smoked salmon

Fried salmon

Sea kale

Atlantic herring

Sprats in oil

Meat products


Fried beef

Beef stew

Smoked sausage

Boiled sausage

Rabbit meat

Boiled chicken

Fried chicken

Beef liver

Pork chop

Pork stew



Fats, sauces

Rendered fat

Creamy mayonnaise

Sandwich margarine

Margarine for baking

Creamy margarine

Mayonnaise light


Corn oil

Sunflower oil


Soybean oil

Olive oil


A calorie chart helps, but many people find it tedious to use. For this reason, those who are losing weight should take a closer look at a reference book indicating the calorie content of ready-made meals, or popular online calculators. Electronic counters can be used not only to count calories, but also dietary supplements, vitamins and minerals in a certain dish. The online program helps calculate how many beneficial components meat, vegetables, fish or fruits lose during cooking.

Calculation of daily calorie intake for weight loss

How many calories you can consume per day can be easily calculated. You just need to multiply the value of your weight in kg by 24 - the resulting number will be the rate of calorie consumption for the body at rest (due to this amount of energy, it will ensure the functioning of the processes necessary for human life). Even when calculating the daily calorie intake for weight loss, you need to take into account the recommended dose of BJU: the daily menu should consist of 20% fat, 40% carbohydrates and 40% protein.

Physical activity rate

The amount of daily calories depends on how active a person is. In this case, the number of acceptable norms must be multiplied by a coefficient expressing motor physical activity. This indicator has an average value:

  • 1.2 – for people who are very overweight or lead a completely inactive lifestyle;
  • 1.4 – for those who play sports at least 3 times/week;
  • 1.6 – for people working in an office and those who rarely do physical labor;
  • 1.5 – for those who train daily and do physical labor.

Basal metabolic rate

A calorie counting table will help you lose weight, but to calculate your daily calorie intake, you need to take other values ​​into account. So, to maintain weight, your basal metabolic rate needs to be multiplied by your activity ratio. To lose weight, the daily norm needs to be reduced: for women to 1200 kcal, for men - to 1800 kcal. To lose weight, you need to either reduce your calorie intake by eating less or increase your physical activity. It is worth noting that before increasing the load when losing weight, you need to calculate how many calories you can eat before training.

Calorie diet

For those who have problems with weight, nutritionists have developed a special system - calculating the calorie content of consumed foods according to a table. While on this diet, you don’t need to give up your favorite delicious foods, because the system’s design is as simple as possible - you just need to reduce the number of servings and their volume. Reviews of this diet suggest that you can easily lose 4 kg of excess weight in a month (depending on your initial weight). The diet is absolutely safe for health, provided that you do not reduce your daily caloric intake below the minimum threshold of 1200 kcal.

A calorie-counting diet won't make you hungry. You can see this by looking at its sample menu:

  • breakfast - 200 g of salad (fresh cabbage and carrots), seasoned with 0.5 tsp. vegetable oil, a piece of boiled sausage (50 g) or chicken cutlet, bread and unsweetened tea;
  • snack – 100 g of citrus jelly, a glass of lemon jelly;
  • lunch – 150 g of bean soup, 150 g of vegetable roast with pork, a cup of rowan tea, 100 g of potato cookies;
  • afternoon snack – a glass of kvass made from the extract, 2 loaves of bread covered with a thin layer of apricot jam;
  • dinner – 100 g of buckwheat, 100 g of boiled chicken fillet, a cup of tea with an apple;
  • at night - a glass of low-fat kefir.

How to choose calorie-rich diet recipes

A calorie table for weight loss may not help you achieve your goal if you systematically break the rules. So, when you are planning to count calories, you should:

  1. Limit your fat intake. Animal fat has twice the calorie content of carbohydrates. If the menu contains no more than 30% fat, then the body does not require an increase in the dose of carbohydrates and protein, due to this the calorie content of the diet becomes 10% less.
  2. Minimize your sugar intake. Any type of sugar or its substitute increases appetite, which causes a person to overeat, which is unacceptable when losing weight. A healthy menu should contain no more than 20 g of sugar/day.
  3. Increase your consumption of fiber (found in cereals, fruits, vegetables) and pectins. This kind of food is the best for weight loss - it is digested more slowly and fills you up faster.


There is probably no person now who has not heard the word “calorie”. But not everyone understands what exactly it means. The term was first introduced by Swedish physicists back in the 18th century and was used to determine the heat of combustion of fuel. Now the concept of “calorie” is used in utilities and energy, as well as to indicate the value of products. The word gained the greatest popularity in the latter meaning. Calories in foods are the amount of energy entering the body during their digestion and complete absorption. A person spends it on maintaining the functioning of his body, on daily activities, and spends it constantly, even in his sleep. This energy is usually defined in kilocalories (abbreviated as kcal). It is also possible to calculate in kilojoules (kJ), which are similar units of measurement.

Calories in foods

The energy contained in food products is of greatest interest. In production, their exact value is measured in a special device, a calorimeter, by burning it in a sealed chamber. The amount of heat released during this process is the energy value. This is how the manufacturer determines how many calories are in the food. To inform buyers, this value is applied to the packaging in which the product will be sold. The number of calories in foods is usually indicated per 100 grams of weight.

Food and weight

Having found out that calories in foods are energy entering the body, it is not so difficult to understand that its excess can lead to excess body weight gain. But nutritional value is also important, that is, the amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. These concepts are interconnected. It is not without reason that it is believed that excessive consumption of fatty and sweet (high-carbohydrate) foods leads to excess weight gain. Just look at the calories in foods. The 100 gram chart for carbohydrates, fats and proteins is given below.

That is why the labels indicate not only the energy value, but also the nutritional value of the products. Knowing how many calories are in foods, the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, it is easy to lose or increase body weight. It is enough just to determine your correct weight and the dose of energy and nutrients necessary for the body.

Calories in foods, table per 100 grams

Monitoring your nutrition and the energy value of your diet is a good habit for a person who leads a healthy lifestyle and watches their figure. Counting calories in foods is easy, and you don't have to memorize the information on each product's label. It is enough to use the knowledge already accumulated. They can easily answer the question of how many calories are in foods. A table of basic food products with average values ​​is given below. The number of calories per 100 g of product is given in the second column, proteins in the third, fats in the fourth, carbohydrates in the fifth.

Unsweetened baked goods

Simple loaf

Bran loaf

Unsweetened bun

Borodino bread

Whole grain bread

White wheat bread

Bran bread

Rye bread

Confectionery and baked goods

Sugar dragee (“Sea pebbles”, etc.)

Zephyr white

Caramel (lollipops)

Caramel (with filling)

Fudge candies

Chocolate candies


Cookies with glaze

Cookies with nuts

Butter cookies

Chocolate cookies

Puff pastry

Sponge cake


Yeast baked goods (buns)


Flour products and sweets, especially those with filling or soaked in fatty cream, have the highest energy value. Avoiding them is enough to maintain normal weight. Sweet carbonated drinks and juices are in second place in the ranking of harmfulness. Calories in foods, table per 100 grams with the list continued below.

Natural juices and carbonated drinks

Apricot juice

Pineapple juice

Orange juice

Grape juice (with apple)

Cherry juice

Pomegranate juice

Grapefruit juice

Pear juice

Peach juice

Beetroot juice

Plum juice

Tomato juice

Apple juice

Coca-Cola and Pepsi

Gas water with sugar

At first glance, the numbers seem small, but since the calories in foods are given per 100 grams, and the consumption of drinks occurs in much larger volumes, it’s worth thinking about.

Next come butter products and sausage products. Their energy value is also alarming.

Mayonnaise, oils, fats

Cooking fat

Mayonnaise "Provencal"

Low-calorie mayonnaise 20% fat


Peanut butter

Sunflower oil

Olive oil

Sweet butter

Prepared meat products

Smoked bacon

Natural ham

Ham sausage

Chicken sausage

Doctor's sausage

Boiled-smoked sausage

Raw smoked sausage

Sausage "Milk"


Milk sausages

Sausages with cheese

Creamy sausages

In general, all sausages are rich in fat, and, as a rule, its amount prevails over protein. When choosing products from meat processing plants, you should pay special attention to this. The healthiest choices would be chicken and beef sausage. The carbohydrate group, cereals and pasta are quite useful, as they guarantee long-term saturation. It is important to cook them correctly, without excess fat, taking into account the calories in the products (the table per 100 grams for cereals and pasta is presented below). The weight of raw products is taken into account.

Cereals, pasta


Corn (groats)

Pasta made from durum wheat

Pearl barley

Natural meat, fish and milk are the healthiest foods in the human body. They are rich in protein, which means they fill you up for a long time, promote muscle development, and strengthen bones and tissues.

Vegetables and fruits are also beneficial. Their calorie content is low, and their taste is attractive. By making these types the main products in your daily menu, you can maintain your health for many years and forget about excess weight.

The number of calories in the products of the listed categories is given below.


Milk 0.5%

Milk 1.5%

Milk 2.5%

Milk 3.2%

Sour cream 15%

Sour cream 20%




Beef liver

Chicken liver

Pork is fatty

Lean pork


Beef tongue


Goose carcass

Turkey carcass

Chicken liver

Chicken heart

Chicken stomach

Duck carcass

Chicken thigh

Chicken drumstick

Chicken breast

Chicken carcass

Egg, white

Egg, yolk

Chicken egg (1 piece)


Lean herring


Horse mackerel

Sea trout



White cabbage

Ripe potatoes


Green onion


Bulgarian pepper

Radish red

Celery root

Green beans






Now you know more about the energy value of foods. Choose the right foods for your diet and be healthy!