According to shocking new medical reports, the Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton suffers from progressive vascular dementia and has only a year to live.

Federal News Agency presents a translation of the article Jason Taylor (JasonTaylor)“Hillary Clinton only has a year to live. Shocking conclusions about the health of the US presidential candidate" (Hillary Clinton has "ONE year to LIVE" US Presidential candidate in shock new health claim), published on September 10 in the British Express.

68 year old Hillary Clinton, who has repeatedly tried to deny having serious health problems, never recovered after discovering in 2012 that she had a large blood clot that caused serious vascular disease.

The disease is already at the last stage, which is why the psychomotor epilepsy recently seen by everyone occurs, and it is extremely unlikely that Clinton will live another 18 months, says an American professor of medicine.

These controversial findings are rumored to have been made by a woman, an American professor of medicine, who published them anonymously on the Internet.

The ten-minute video, posted on YouTube, uses brain scans, controversial medical evidence and slow motion recordings of Hillary Clinton's movements. A professor who claims to have taught at three medical institutions gives the following rather contradictory explanations:

Hillary Clinton is campaigning knowing she will soon die.

Patients diagnosed with vascular dementia live approximately 5–7 years.

We see that Hillary has trouble walking and speaking, that she is forgetful and weak.

Subcortical vascular dementia is a particularly dangerous form of the disease because it affects the brain stem, which controls many of our body's basic functions.

The explanation continues:

In my career, I have seen many patients with brain diseases.

I can tell you that Hillary's condition is deteriorating and her symptoms are consistent with a disease called progressive vascular dementia.

Very few doctors speak out on this issue because they do not want to get involved in this matter.

Hillary Clinton is sick and probably dying. I am not making things up or exaggerating. Her condition is characteristic of progressive vascular dementia.

It's not fair to keep saying Hillary is fine.

Her perception and thought processes were significantly affected.

Very soon, her condition will not allow her to work and meet the requirements for a candidate for the presidential position.

Vascular dementia is caused by decreased blood supply to the brain due to blocked or damaged blood vessels - and, come to think of it, that's exactly what happened to Hillary Clinton when she suffered a serious concussion four years ago.

The former US Secretary of State suffered from an intestinal infection in December 2012, which caused nausea and dehydration, which led to fainting, falling and hitting her head, resulting in a concussion. A week later, a large blood clot was discovered in her brain, blocking a vein that drains blood from the brain.

The blood clot - the second one found in Hillary Clinton - forced her to stay in the hospital for several days and undergo treatment, and then wear special glasses for several months.

Vascular dementia is a common condition, with more than 135,000 Britons diagnosed in the UK, according to the NHS. It is a degenerative cognitive disorder caused by the gradual death of brain cells. It is practically not common among people under 65 years of age.

Vascular dementia often begins with early warning symptoms, including lethargy, difficulty planning, problems with speech, attention and concentration, and changes in mood and behavior.

There are several recordings where Hillary Clinton shakes violently and seems to lose track of the story. In recent weeks she has also suffered from coughing fits.

The Democratic candidate has repeatedly denied suggestions that she suffers from a degenerative disease, and her doctors have destroyed medical records used to analyze her condition.

Hillary Clinton's personal physician - Lisa Burdak- from Mount Sinai Health System also insisted that the documents in question in the video clip were fakes, saying: “They are not real, they were not written by me, and they are not based on any medical facts.”

The doctor, who has treated Hillary Clinton since 2001, also noted that subsequent medical examinations in 2013 "confirmed full recovery from the concussion."

In an attempt to quell rumors of health problems, Hillary recently appeared on the late-night comedy show Jimmy Kimmel Live!

"Back in October (2015) The National Enquirer said I'd be dead within six months,” she quipped. - Now with every breath I feel as if I was born again.

Rumor has it that Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate, has serious health problems... A new black swan?

Hilary's strange behavior during the election campaign makes us think about the options for the finale of the US presidential race.

“Lately she has had seizures several times, which manifest themselves as seizures on camera.”

“Recall that in January 2013, CNN reported that Secretary of State Clinton was treated with blood thinners in a New York hospital in order to dissolve a blood clot in her head. Then the doctors were confident that her health would be fully restored. Clinton was admitted to a New York hospital on Sunday because of a blood clot that was discovered during testing related to a concussion she suffered earlier, her spokesman Philippe Reines said. The blood clot was located in a vein between the brain and skull behind Clinton's right ear and did not cause any stroke or neurological damage, her doctors said in a statement.

“Questions about Hilary’s health have become relevant again, especially after the photo where she had difficulty climbing the stairs.”

“This has led to further speculation regarding the identity of the man, allegedly a Secret Service employee, whom many have already dubbed tamer, a man who is supposedly her personal doctor.”

“Here Mike Cernovich points out: Tamer Hilary before he became a member of the Secret Service in ordinary clothes, while all SS officers wear suits.”

“We saw this “doctor” at Hilary’s last performance when she got “stuck.”

Further, Cernovich points out that this is not an ordinary SS agent - Hilary's tamer, seems to be carrying a pen with Diazepam."

“The device is an auto-injector of Diazepam, used for acute recurrent attacks. Diazepam is one of the medications for patients who suffer from recurrent seizures."

A narcissistic old showman and an evil, depraved old woman are fighting for the presidency of the United States. A cheerful autumn is guaranteed!... Who else needs American stocks?


Diazepam- a drug from the benzodiazepine group, which is widely used in medical practice. The drug has a sedative, hypnotic, anti-anxiety, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant (relaxes muscles) and amnestic effect. Enhances the effect of sleeping pills, narcotics, neuroleptics, analgesics, and alcohol. Taking diazepam for a long time can lead to dependence on the drug.

Diazepam is on the WHO Essential Medicines List, which defines the minimum set of medicines required in the healthcare system. The drug is used, in particular, to treat anxiety, insomnia, epileptic seizures, muscle spasms, and alcohol addiction. In preparation for some medical procedures, such as endoscopy, diazepam is used to sedate the patient or to provide anesthesia.

Since August 1, 2013, diazepam has been included in List III of psychotropic substances, the circulation of which is limited in the Russian Federation and in respect of which certain control measures may be excluded. Previously, it was included in the list of potent substances.

Diazepam is prescribed for various neuropsychic diseases: neuroses, psychopathy, as well as neurosis-like and psychopath-like conditions, schizophrenia, organic brain lesions, including cerebrovascular diseases, somatic diseases accompanied by signs of emotional stress, anxiety, fear, increased irritability, senesto-hypochondriacal, obsessive and phobic disorders, and sleep disorders. It is also used to relieve psychomotor agitation and anxious agitation in these diseases.

In pediatric psychoneurological practice, diazepam is prescribed for neurotic and neurosis-like conditions, accompanied by the phenomena listed above, as well as headaches, enuresis, mood and behavior disorders.

Diazepam is used for epilepsy to treat convulsive paroxysms, mental equivalents, and to relieve status epilepticus. Due to its muscle relaxant effect, the drug is also used for various spastic conditions.

Diazepam is prescribed in combination with other drugs to treat withdrawal symptoms in alcoholism.

In anesthesiological practice it is used for preoperative preparation of patients.

In dermatological practice it is used for itchy dermatoses.

The drug reduces the nocturnal secretion of gastric juice, which can play an important role when prescribing it as a sedative and hypnotic to patients with gastric ulcers

The drug also has an antiarrhythmic effect.

Diazepam is used for premedication and ataralgesia before endoscopy and surgery in combination with analgesics and other neurotropic drugs.

Diazepam is an integral part of the sleeping pill reladorm (see Cyclobarbital).

During a funeral ceremony in honor of the 15th anniversary of the terrorist attacks in New York, US Democratic Party candidate 68-year-old Hillary Clinton suddenly became ill. Eyewitnesses report that her knees buckled and she began to fall, as if fainting. Security helped Clinton stay on her feet. They put her in a car and drove away.

Clinton's location and condition are unknown at this time. As NBC News producer Monica Alba tweeted, aides to the presidential candidate are refusing to talk to the press about this topic.

Before the fainting incident, Clinton managed to give a speech. In it, she shared memories of September 11, 2001, saying that the curtain of black smoke over Manhattan reminded her of the existence of hell.

Rumors about Hillary Clinton’s serious illness have been circulating for a long time, and political opponents, primarily Donald Trump, are trying not only to support them, but also to inflate them. “Deadly disease”, “terminally ill”, “constant attacks” - you just read so much in the press that supports Trump.

In an interview on August 18, Donald Trump spokesman Katrina Pierson suggested that Hillary suffers from a serious brain disease - dysphasia. As Pearson stated, recent observations of Hillary Clinton's behavior and manners provide grounds for this assumption. This diagnosis is also supported by the fact that Hillary Clinton had a fall that caused a concussion.

Dysphasia is a brain disease that affects language perception. A person with dysphasia loses the ability to use or understand language as a result of a brain injury.

New are reports and observations of Hillary Clinton's behavior or well as her dysphasia. The fact that she fell, she had a concussion, there are a lot of interesting things there. It's important to note that Hillary Clinton took frequent breaks during the campaign. “She hasn’t given a single press conference this year,” Pearson said.

Earlier during the election race, photographs appeared on the Internet in which the US presidential candidate was struggling to climb several steps up the stairs. Social media users immediately became alarmed: is everything okay with the potential head of the White House?

Then experts said that Hillary Clinton may have venous thrombosis, that is, a violation of the patency of the veins. By the way, her therapist Lisa Bardak spoke about this diagnosis in August 2015. His medical history also included a broken elbow in 2009 and a concussion in 2012.

She received a concussion when she fainted and hit her head on the pavement. Then her subordinates could not restrain her. The official version of the White House doctors about that case is dehydration. But other doctors do not rule out that vein thrombosis could be the real cause of what happened. According to the same publication, in the summer of 2015, Clinton took warfarin, a drug for thrombosis.

This disease can really cause loss of balance and even fainting,” neurologist, candidate of medical sciences Ivan Golovkin told Life. He also added that due to thrombosis, confusion of thoughts, problems with concentration, and impaired coordination of movements may occur.

Thrombosis can lead to a heart attack or stroke if left untreated for a long time, said osteopathic doctor and neurologist Sergei Nikolev.

Doctors also believe that a fall in 2012 could have caused diplopia - double vision. In May 2014, New York ophthalmologist Mark Werner drew attention to the fact that Clinton wore special glasses throughout 2013 to treat this disease.

As ophthalmologist, candidate of medical sciences Marianna Komarova said, this is a serious disease for which glasses are unlikely to help.

This is not a disease, these are symptoms of serious neurological disorders. Usually they indicate problems with the nervous system,” Komarova explained.

Could the fall in 2012 have led to the development of dysphasia? Trump representatives are confident of this.

In addition, Clinton's medical history, which was leaked online, stated that the presidential candidate suffers from dementia.

The patient comes back again, stating that she still has complications from the concussion that occurred in early December 2012. She notes that in the last few months there has been an increase in blackouts/blackouts for short periods of time, uncontrollable seizures and memory loss. The patient had already been diagnosed with complex partial seizures, according to the medical record.

Dementia is a syndrome, usually chronic or progressive, in which cognitive function (that is, the ability to think) deteriorates to a greater extent than expected with normal aging. Degradation of memory, thinking, understanding, speech and the ability to navigate, count, learn and reason are the main signs of the disease.

Dementia is caused by various diseases and injuries that primarily or secondarily cause brain damage, such as Alzheimer's disease or stroke.

Dementia is a disease predominantly of older people. It affects people differently. Typically, the disease goes through three stages. At first, dementia often goes unnoticed as it develops gradually. Common symptoms include forgetfulness, loss of track of time, and disorientation in familiar areas. Middle stage: signs and symptoms become more obvious, namely: forgetfulness of recent events and people's names; disruption of home orientation; increasing difficulties in communication; need for help with self-care; behavioral difficulties, including walking aimlessly and asking the same questions. Late stage: almost complete dependence and passivity. Memory impairment becomes significant, and physical signs and symptoms become more obvious: loss of orientation in time and space, difficulty recognizing relatives and friends; increasing need for help with self-care, difficulty moving.

Doctors interviewed by Life do not rule out that Clinton may well have early stage dementia.

From some photos and videos you can find the symptoms of this disease. But without a thorough examination this cannot be confirmed. I think while the election race is going on, we will not know the truth about Hillary Clinton’s health,” says one of the experts.

In turn, Clinton’s doctor Lisa Bardak has repeatedly reported that the health of the Democratic presidential candidate is in perfect order: “Clinton has excellent health, allowing her to be president of the United States.”

However, they don’t really believe him either, just like Clinton’s words about her health.

So, during a speech to her supporters in Cleveland, she coughed violently and, when they brought her a glass of water and pills, she explained the attack as an allergy to Trump.

Every time I think about Trump, I get allergies,” she joked. But the journalists present did not appreciate the joke, noting in their reports that Clinton spoke with great difficulty.

Clinton's opponents also recall the assistant who was constantly present with an injection of medicine at the ready. Once, in the midst of another meeting with voters, Hillary, while delivering a speech, faltered. Those around her had the impression that she had forgotten not only the words, but also where she was. An assistant brought her out of her trance. Moreover, in his hands they noticed an army syringe for injecting the drug “Diazepam”, which is used for brain damage, severe mental disorders and neuroses.

In addition to the article.
Recent political games in England (Brexit) and state elections are an excellent example of matrix productions that create a strong feeling that the puppeteers have already decided to drive people to madness, testing their nerves and barometers of falsehood, which still cannot begin to work normally.

Original taken from visualhistory in Besnovataya
What do you think is going on with Hillary here?

When a person is under the influence of an entity, or is connected to an egregorial channel (and in politics there is nothing without this, alone), this channel “broadcasts” through him, as through a transmitter, and there are usually several channels, each responsible for its own layer of information and tuned to a specific recipient.

If the transmitter's attention is divided into several beams (for example, when journalists ask different questions at the same time), the channels begin to malfunction (they mix and create a kind of mental noise, as when switching radio stations), which manifests itself as awkward shaking of the head and eyes, a suspicious cough , spontaneous feigned laughter, antics, outbursts of anger, memory lapses, pathological lies and other manic tendencies. About the same thing happens when under the influence of alcohol and drugs, but this hardly concerns Hilary. Although...)

The strange ulcer on the tongue looks more like an implant that controls speech - a kind of red button when the transmitter needs to be turned off for one reason or another (talks too much or has gone off the right channel), hence the cough. We also do not exclude banal body glitches, because biorobots are unstable and tend to collapse quite quickly.

In addition, being not just a former first lady, but a fairly influential and active politician, Hillary has indirect signs, and this is a direct connection with, and others.

Even if we take into account the version voiced by the authors of the clip about the blockage of brain vessels and the influence of auxiliary chemistry of medications, the character is clearly mentally unstable. Which one is the president? Is it possible in a normal society to allow such a person to touch the nuclear button?

As the catchphrase states, they choose the lesser of two evils (also, by the way, outright falsehood, and not “folk wisdom”). But how can you choose between an outright black-haired witch, for whom war is only a method of achieving her ambitions, and is it even a choice? When will people realize that there is no trace of democracy, but only its illusion?

In fact, the so-called elections now are the biggest thing reality show ever produced in the world.

History repeats itself (we are dealing with the same one in its local manifestation, global déjà vu):

Having Trump in the election now is like having McCain in a 2008 production. Let's remember:

On the one hand, old sick grandfather McCain is striving to become commander in chief, as presidents are called in the United States, although everyone understands that he is unlikely to last long in his right mind, let alone be able to carry the whole country through for several years. ..? For the sake of prejudice, the absurdity of the situation was then deliberately emphasized by the participation of the narrow-minded Sarah Palin - essentially a walking joke. At least, this is exactly the role she was destined for in the Theater of the Absurd in 2008, although it is unlikely that she herself was aware of it.

On the other hand, Obama is young and full of energy. The choice is obvious in principle, but there was still a high percentage of votes for the sweet couple “veteran and hockey mom” (53% for Obama to 46% for McCain)

In other words, the president has long been chosen, and the second “candidate” is given only to divert attention and drain negative emotions. Even if this president doesn’t actually decide anything himself. The main thing is that he is manageable, and judging by the video above, there may be problems with this, and then replacement with a more “adequate” candidate is inevitable (remember the Yeltsin-Putin castling).

So what's going on?

On one of the floors of matrix management, as in the situation with the Ukrainian events, there is a multi-level testing of the consciousness of the population, a kind of IQ test for adequacy, and so far the results are simply disastrous. This testing is directly related not only to the obvious mass zombification, but also to new methods of using the fear virus.

Impact of the virus:

It makes a person’s consciousness sleepy and controllable, turning him into a biorobot, arousing unreasonable and often uncontrollable aggression, emphasizing the division into “friend or foe” (hello to nationalists and other fanatics), reluctance to interact with others creatively and peacefully, to accept someone else’s point of view, selfishness grows and pettiness (hence trolling). The entropy of consciousness explodes, thoughts are confused, self-confidence and life guidelines are lost, communication with higher aspects is blocked, spirituality is lost and materialism, unbridled consumption, thirst for power and profit increases. In some cases, the personality is erased, responsibility for one’s actions completely disappears, belonging (connection) to egregors becomes the norm, and through connection the influence increases significantly, through the egregor itself, and not directly on the individual. As a consequence of the combination of all these factors, they begin, but this is only part of the effects, personal and general lessons that have not been completed before, which we will consider in detail, all in order.

The events taking place today on Earth, in particular in Ukraine, are echoes of ancient universal wars and a consequence of the activation of the fear virus, as well as attempts to determine at what stage of infection humanity is. The only difference is that in most parts of the universe the virus has long been under control, but we have not been able to curb it.

For example, Ukrainian (and in general all global) events can be clearly divided into several levels of influence:

Showdown between local oligarchs and politicians
- showdowns between global governments and clans, development of the latest political technologies
- disassembly of thin-material clans supervising human puppets - greys, reptiles, insectoids and many others. These showdowns include testing new mass control technologies previously unknown to us.
- testing the level of zombification of the population and infection with the fear virus and demonic entities, carried out by the super-civilizations supervising the Earth, in order to assess the true state of affairs and work out possible options for exiting such situations on platforms similar to ours.
Read the entire post:

In American society, there has long been an interesting postulate/dogma: neither a woman, nor a black person, nor a Jew will ever become president. What do we see today? Breaking stereotypes and cognitive dissonance.

In addition, there are motley ones.
True, they appeared publicly after Obama’s election, so another stuffing here is guaranteed, despite the big names. But if this stuff is properly fueled, the reality branch can be realized. Time will show...

UPD: IMHO: there will be no elections, one of the candidates will be removed anyway. due to health or other reasons...

UPD 06/10: It looks like they started using 3D graphics with Madame:

She is not reflected on phone cameras (like the flags behind her), Hilary herself disappears, but not the flag behind her, she waves her pen to the same flag (no one is alive behind her, there is no one to wave)

Hillary's Glitch In the Matrix While Allegedly In North Carolina

Hillary GREEN SCREEN Fake Crowd? Clinton Seizure Fix (Reno NV Speech)?

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For them, this may become a “doctor’s matter.” Not voters. As it turns out, it’s not enough to elect Hillary Clinton as president; she still needs to be cured. The media, interrupting each other, replicate data from the ex-Secretary of State’s medical record. And they grab their heads. Her head. There's dementia there. Acquired dementia, decreased cognitive activity with loss of previously acquired knowledge and skills. “The patient comes back again, stating complications after a concussion that occurred in early December 2012. She has increased memory loss, uncontrollable convulsions, and blackouts. The patient has already been diagnosed with complex partial seizures,” Fox News channel quotes an excerpt from supposedly Clinton's medical history.

And even though the recording was made two years ago, even now it seems to many that everything fits according to the signs. Yes, with such a background, you need to go not to the White House, but to the “yellow” house, opponents of the democratic candidate are proud of their foresight. They immediately pointed out her sore spot. The machinations of competitors can also be seen in this leak. If only because this is not the original medical book, but a fragment not certified by anyone. Besides, he somehow confirms the rumors too suspiciously. However, it is a well-known fact that in 2012, Hillary, after severe poisoning, lost consciousness and hit her head when falling.

This did not necessarily lead to complications. But you can’t fool the symptoms. Memory impairment. In the spring, she said that the United States had not lost a single person in Libya. Although it was only a militant attack on the consulate that killed four. Violation of criticism and inability to make realistic plans. Well, here, at least every day, record the deterioration. From the latter - a promise to open three times more jobs than Trump. Violation of constructive activity. This, however, was discovered by her back in the State Department. But, judging by her inclinations, everything remained with her. Personal changes. She once admitted that she doesn’t sweat because she is a robot assembled in a garage. No one even smiled at the joke.

At the same time, she was caught more than once for very strange manifestations. She barked, as it seemed to her, very cleverly copying the Republicans. It seemed appropriate, but much longer than was appropriate. Sometimes she went into convulsions. Also in order to impress with their ability to respond to the challenges of our time. However, from the outside it looked like an extremely painful reaction. Especially, without sound, in the “no comments” section. In general, “he either cried, or laughed, or bristled like a hedgehog.” On top of that, there is also a terrible cough at meetings with voters. Seizures almost disrupt the event. And during one of her speeches, Clinton seemed to be seized with panic; she could not start for a long time until her bodyguards came to the rescue. A week ago, the media circulated a photo in which she, with difficulty and with the help of several men, climbs the stairs.

All this can probably be attributed to nerves, fatigue, stress. But the most important symptom cannot be hidden. She already thinks that the President of the United States. And this cannot be cured. Be that as it may, the participation of such a candidate is actually a new story for the States. It’s just possible that it’s a medical history. Clinton herself is still silent. Probably, her headquarters have not yet decided how to involve Putin in such a delicate matter. Maybe blame him for bringing him to this state. Although in the pre-election sense it is very promising. Hillary links Trump's success to the fact that he is supposedly crazy. Now there are suspicions that he is far from her in this too.